TWIRP Season’s Here; Dance to Climax Activities The gals have gone all out on buying hunting licenses this week, and the Vol. XL VII CHICO STATE COLLEGE. CHICO. CALIF. — FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 1952 \deer they're hunting are the two-legged variety. Open season on males has No. been declared and the few who haven't been bagged are on the Iota Sigma list just waiting for the huntress to appear. This is one time when hunt- \ ing without a license is perfectly legal, but without one no gal can climax the annual TWIRP dance this evening. Science Conference Opens Today -9 The girl-drag-boy dance is the j high point in the Iota Sigma fra ter- j nity year, and one of the first events I the frosh learned about when they With Dr. Geo. Beadle As Speaker I entered our halls in September. Royne McGinne’s band will make the trek from Oroville to open the Chico Stale’s now science build­ ! dance at 10:00 p. m., and the strains ing will be officially opened f th j of the last tune at 1:00 a. m. will Cast Calls for week-end when the Northern Cal­ j mead the end of another week of ifornia Science Conference is held I Birthday Party I Daisy Mae activities. there as an "open house" for all Hunting licenses are a must, too, Pioneer Day high school teachers in the area. For New Eligible for the gals who have set out to win Conference meetings will be open j the prize for the most points earned Show Continue to students and the public. Dr. for helping the fellas. The prize Vesta Holt, director of the Division Voters Thursday j this year is bigger and better, as of Natural Sciences, will chairman 1 have been the entire week’s activi- You don’t have to be a profes­ the week-end event. Chico Staters who have reached ! ties. At last year’s dance. Lois sional actor, singer or dancer to take Following the theme, “The Influ­ | their 21st birthday and have not yet j I Strong won a compact with the fra- part in the Pioneer Day Musical. If ence of Science in the M odem. registered to vote will be the _guests i ! ternity emblem when her points you can ham it, hoof it or carry a World and Its Contributions to the of the League of Women Voters at numbered in the thousands. Good tune, YOU are needed in this show. Welfare of Human Beings,” many “Your 21st Birthday Party,” to be deeds for the male clan are earned Tryouts and auditions will be held college professors from all over this | be'd Thursday evening, April 3, at I when the gals buy cokes, open doors, on the stage of the auditorium next ___state _____will present___________ their ____ views_____ on I A F m e r J. Hamilton Elementary take their catches to dinner, bake Tuesday and Wednesday nights at J such subjects that cover biology, school. them those cakes we’ve been hear­ 7:3°- | botany, chemistry, geology, physics The program will be given for the I ing about, and scrub their cars till benefit of the students who have they shine. No more than 25 points The show, “Fifty Million Fresh- ' and Physical science, mathematics may be awarded at one time for a men,” is about college life in gen- iand photography, reached voting age and have as yet | not registered. The deadline for j deed of kindness to the weaker sex. eral and contains campus scenes as ! Many experts on their subjects registering has been set for April 10. Leap year and TWIRP Week have well as other bits of college in trig u e' will present their topics this week- Pro-America, the Chico M inister­ not been combined before at Chico such as “The Park," “Dorm Life” ! end. The main address is to be ial society, and the American Asso- State, and the combination has been and so on. If you have a song you j given by Dr. George W. Beadle, di­ a good one, making a double oppor­ can sing, bring the music. If you ' rector of the Kerckoff Laboratories I » tunity for the fair maidens on cam­ wot* icauread uucalines uior waltz,waiu, beuc there!were: aA i! vtof uiuiug/Biology at vttiuuiuiaCalifornia .uisuiuveInstitute uio f ____K .. ^ birthday event__. • A. pro-___¡«r pus. Dates will gather at the Me­ complete rundown of the.show w ill | Technology. Dr. Beadle, because of j morial Hall in casual dress for an be given so you can see what parts ■ his vast knowledge and research, is j ¡ , hi h evening of dancing with the females you would like to fry out for. This an authority in the field of heredity. • Clals’ whlch Mayor Ted Merlam reveling in their domineering state. is all informal and will be a lot of | His years have been well spent on I j? °*: * voting p ro ­ The fella who asks for a dance will good fun. the staffs of Cornell. H arvarTstan- P^sented by the League of j the staffs of Cornell, Harvard, Stan Women Voters, and a discussion of be shunned; it’s the girl’s move and Barney Ide and Stan Keyawa I ford and now, the California Insti-1political activity, by S. E. Shapiro from all signs she plans to take ad­ wrote “Fifty Million Freshmen” in tute of Technology. and Robert Laughlin. - vantage of this opportunity. Added to this program will be a The evening will end with an in­ The men will sport corsages made £ sags* «issa1 « formal social hour at which tim e by their dates, and anything goes present writing for "The SSports------- l| esteda ]uncheon in meetin« is p la cDr’ e d BeadW-for Saturday. Also I new"¡"J, voters will meet withw cityu offi-j. Elementary School here. Fresh g a rd e n vegetables, men,” who are featured on Jack ; rp^ „»in i I cials and will also have a chance to Comm* Concert marshmallows, gumdrops, cigarettes, Benny’s Sunday afternoon and eve The science building will be filled | Y toys, and what have you will be fea­ • I withL/iih manvmany ayhihiteexhibits, illustratingillnctratincr thn!the | y * . A „ a 5f pr^7,' ning radio program. TTBST[various subjects beingbeing discussed.1 ent______ Birthday, cakes_ andt coffee will Administrators Meet tured, but remember, girls, to leave The first cast call was held Wed- j Among them will be an entertaining “if “ ^ed, carrying out the theme of To Feature I the garlic at home. It’s your nose nesday evening and could boast only | set of modem art paintings, by G. W. j “^evening, On Chico Campus j that will be rubbing in your crea- a small turnout However, cast calls \ Prescott professor of Botany at1 Young*oung votersvo1 who attend w ill be j tion most of the evening. The Annual Spring Conference of Leo Foley and Franz Sanden are this week will probably bring in th e ' Michigan "state, describing many 11IiiTcidJlced , ^ eir Public and p a rty Pianist Monday | the Sigs who've taken charge of the needed— j -j -----number1— of —participants u-i— -- a— n •* d i , phases■ ^ of• - that- field.¿1- - J ■ officials and the mechanics of vot- the Northern Section of the Califor­ the rehearsal schedule will be post- j | ing will be explained. It is the pur- nia Elementary School Administra­ affair. Tickets are still available ' pose of the meeting to centralize tors' Association was held in Chico from any fraternity member. A date ed soon. CAR WASH Well over 100 students took p art j attention on more active participa-! on March 21-22, with events taking im^rovlsation^nd humorous rarira! I bureau was set UP Wednesday and tion in politics and to develop a last- ! place at the Hotel Oaks and Chico! tures on the niano will make his I tbe unlucky ones who hadn’t yet Varifty Thisi Junior Class Car Wash year s musical comedy will be given ; Donate to the Pause ing interest in the affairs of govern-; State college. j ^ ^ c T t o ^ W Jo S S S ffity dra8fied“? ment and in the men and women re- On Saturday morning, March 22, j Concert goers Monday, March 31 i heads“ * swamswamped theP Sigs to sign only twice since last year’s Friday JUNIOR PROM sponsible for government ' their names on the dotted line. Then aftern°on’s programs T h u ^ y , April 3 _ Between the activities took place in the new audi- i His name is Mario Braggiotti netted together as much as Saturday Men.s and Women.s DormS| bom torium at Chico State. Dr. Harlen I He is internationally known. He i ®aisH?00*t ov5T made evening. 10:00 a m to 5;00 p m M. Adams, executive dean, greeted' was the partner in m usic w ith! prSI ?, the group with the timely topic, i Jacques Fray as they formed the ,. ^«Boons w ill be the theme of “Fifty Million Freshmen” will be j 75c per Student Benjamin Orames, “What the Community Expects of j two piano team. Playing solo now, S?e decora**°^' 33 planned by th presented Friday and Saturday j $1.00 per City Residents other than the School.” Mrs. Edward T. Walk-' Braggiotti is winning new success I . *rom nights only. students Of Salvation Army, er, state president of the California; for the novelty, informality and cor-1 * e suspect the majority of the col- Congress of Parents and Teachers, i diality of his program, as well as his *efe J®* turn out to see the gals To Speak Here rallied with the topic, “What the! artistic qualities rule the evening as the topsy-turvy Schools Expect of the Community ” j He is the fourth child in a family j wee* comes to a nappy end.
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