The Palmetto Patriot Quarterly Newsmagazine Winter 2016 South Carolina Society Sons of the American Revolution Organized April 18, 1889
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The Palmetto Patriot Quarterly Newsmagazine Winter 2016 South Carolina Society Sons of the American Revolution Organized April 18, 1889 Col.South Isaac Carolina Hayne Martyr Executed by British 2 Winter 2016 The Palmetto Patriot Wayne From the President’s Desk Cousar Do you show pride for the SAR? This experience made me wonder hat does your SAR membership I was wearing. We had a great time about the pride that we should show mean to you? talking and I gave him my SAR card. W when we are asked about the Sons of Do you wear the lapel pin or ro- Some months later he called the American. Does your expression sette as a source of pride for your to ask me if I would come to Fay- of pride in your Patriot ancestors and Patriot ancestors or as a way to in- etteville, North the SAR show? Think about it! vite others to ask what it is? I had the Carolina, and in- latter experience one Sunday morn- duct him and his ing at church. The person who asked brother into the The PalmeTTo knew of the DAR, but knew little of Marquis de La- the SAR. Needless to say I was glad to fayette Chapter. PaTrioT tell him about our organization. That After clearing this same person has made it possible for with NCSSAR Quarterly publication the Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter to President Gary SCSSAR enter one of the schools in Beaufort Green and Chap- to promote the Poster Contest for el- ter President Bob ementary students. That school has Ervin, I inducted The Palmetto Patriot is published four had two state winners!! five members into the SAR that night. times a year by the South Carolina Society Sons of the American Revolution © 2016. I had a similar experience at a One of the gentlemen being in- Website church homecoming in the small vil- ducted was a member of the Lum- lage where I grew up. A gentleman bee Indian Tribe of Robeson County, Subscriptions are sent automatically to and his wife I had never met sat at North Carolina. He brought more members of the SCSSAR. the table with us. I knew his family than 20 Tribe members with him and name, but none of his relatives were introduced every one of them. They President: Wayne Cousar represented in the community today. had all come to see this man induct- Senior Vice President: Bill Vartorella In the course of our conversation he ed into the SAR. The pride of these Low Country Vice President: Ken Stock said that he was looking for graves people for their fellow Tribe member Midlands Vice President: Howard Knapp of his deceased family members. He was shown on their faces. It was a joy Piedmont Vice President: Ted Morton Pee Dee Vice President: Greg Ohanesian also asked about the SAR rosette that to behold!! Upstate Vice President: Robert H. Krause Vice President for Chapter Formation and Development: Redding I. Corbett Vice President for Chapter Renewal and Revitalization: Douglas B. Doster Print out The Palmetto Patriot Secretary: Daniel K. Woodruff Treasurer: Greg Ohanesian Registrar: William E. “Edd” Richburg for compatriots in your chap- Genealogist: John Ingle Historian: Donny C. Carson ter who do not use e-mail. Chancellor: Sanford Graves Chaplain: Lawrence Peebles National Trustee: Daniel K. Woodruff Alternate National Trustee: Redding I. Corbett The 128th SCSSAR Annual Meeting is Friday noon, April 21, through Satur- day afternoon, April 22, in Beaufort Palmetto Patriot Come early (Thursday) or stay late (Sunday) and take advantage of the his- Editor tory and sites in and around Beaufort. Thomas C. Hanson Sr. Available for you to arrange on your own: l Horse drawn carriage tours Website: l The U.S. Marine Corps at Parris Island Museum is a great museum of the Webmaster history of the entire area Eric Lilling l Historic and sightseeing boat tours of the waters around Beaufort Send articles and photos for The Pal- metto Patriot to tom.hanson@Hanson, or mail to Hanson Com- The deadline for the Spring Edition munications, 2004 Old Parker Rd., Greenville, of The Palmetto Patriot is Feb. 20 SC 29609-1237, phone 864-704-3453. The Palmetto Patriot Winter 2016 3 Col. Isaac Hayne Colleton Regiment of Militia Patriot Grave Marking Service fearing that Williamson would be By Jody Henson hanged as a traitor, sent a column to Past President intercept the raiding party. The inter- Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter ception was successful. A skirmish Public Relations JACKSONBORO — The setting resulted in the release of Williams was the Hayne Hall Family Cemetery and the capture of Hayne after his on Veterans Day, Nov. 11, near Jack- horse fell and broke a leg. sonboro, South Carolina. Hayne, although a prisoner of war, The Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter was sentenced to death by hanging performed a Bronze Patriot Grave by the British, because in the opinion Marking Service for South Carolina of the British court martial, he had martyr Col. Isaac Hayne. Three South broken his earlier parole not to take Carolina SAR chapters were repre- up arms against the Crown. On Aug. sented along with three DAR chap- 4, 1781, his sentence was carried out, President Claude Dinkins of the Gov. Paul and he became a martyr to many ters, the Sons of the Revolution and Hamilton Chapter prepares grave of Col. Colonial Dames XVII Century. Eight South Carolinians as one of the most Isaac Hayne for grave-marking service. prominent Americans to be executed wreaths were placed at the grave with [Photo by Dan Bell] more than 40 attendees watching the by the British during the American service, including three descendants British began to decline, he, with all War of Independence. of Hayne. the others who were paroled on the Nov. 11 was a perfect day to hon- At the beginning of the War of In- same terms, were required to join the or one of our earliest veterans who dependence, Isaac Hayne joined the Royal Army or be subjected to close gave his full measure for the cause of rebellion, and was commissioned a confinement. Hayne would gladly American liberty. Following the call captain of artillery, and at the same have accepted imprisonment, but for posting of colors by compatriot time a state senator. In 1780, on the his wife and several of his children Frank Wood, acting Chaplain Maj. invasion of the state by the British, lay at the point of death from small John Simpson (USMC ret.) gave the he served in a cavalry regiment dur- pox. Hayne went to Charleston, and, invocation and SC Society President ing the final siege of Charleston, and being so assured by the deputy Brit- Wayne Cousar made a presentation being included in the capitulation of ish Commandant, Patterson, that he of the personal history of Hayne and that place, was paroled on condition would not be required to bear arms laid the State Society wreath. that he would not serve against the against his former compatriots, took Joining in were President Claude British while they held possession of the oath of allegiance. Dinkins of the Gov. Paul Hamilton the city. After the successes of Gen. Na- Chapter and 10 other chapter mem- When in 1781 the fortunes of the thanael Greene had left the British bers including Ivan Bennett, Presi- nothing but Charleston, Hayne was See Isaac Hayne, page 4 summoned to join the Royal Army immediately. This being in violation of the agreement that had been made, he considered that this released him from all his obligations to the British. He went to the American camp, and was commissioned colonel of a mili- tia company. Hayne then commanded an American rebel raid that captured Brigadier Gen. Andrew Williamson, SC Society President Wayne Cousar pres- ents the story of Col. Isaac Hayne with Gov. an American Loyalist. Col. Nisbet Color Guard (from left) Charles Bridges, Paul Hamilton Chapter President Claude Balfour, the British Commander in Tom Wilson, Jack Jackson, Frank Wood Dinkins at right. [Photo by Jody Henson] Charleston during the 1781 siege, and Dana Cheney. [Photo by Hazen Culley] Join us on Facebook 4 Winter 2016 The Palmetto Patriot Col. Isaac Hayne grave-marking service (Continued from page 3) color guardsman Charles Bridges, Dana Chaney and Jack Jackson, each dent of the South Carolina Society appearing in militia or military uni- Sons of the Revolution, bearing a form. The Gov. Paul Hamilton Chap- wreath. Edd Richburg and Ken Stock ter owes deep gratitude to Dan Bell represented the Maj. Gen. William and Eugene Moore of the South Caro- Moultrie Chapter wreath, while Dave lina Department of Parks, Recreation DuBose presented the Hezekiah Ma- and Tourism for their assistance and ham Chapter wreath, and Tom Wil- support of this program. son presented the Gov. Paul Hamil- ton Chapter wreath. Mrs. Lille “Greg” Layden, fifth great-granddaughter and direct de- Multiple volley cannon salute for Col. scendant of Hayne, of the Columbia Hayne. [Photo by Jody Henson] DAR Chapter, and Barbara Wood of Beaufort’s Thomas Heyward Jr. DAR Chapter both laid wreaths, while Jo Anne Boone of Walterboro’s Col. Jo- seph Glover DAR Chapter attended. Additionally Anita Henson presented the Dr. Henry Woodward Chapter Co- lonial Dames XVII Century wreath. In attendance were two other fifth Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter Compatriots Dana Cheney (left) and Jack Jackson (right) great-granddaughters of Hayne, Su- with Col. Isaac Hayne descendant Lille san Sexton and Elizabeth Simpson. “Greg” Layden. [Photo by Ivan Bennett] The event was highlighted in the end by Joe Harden of the Gov.