John Moultrie, Junior, M.D., 1729-1798*
JOHN MOULTRIE, JUNIOR, M.D., 1729-1798* ROYAL LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR OF EAST FLORIDA By ELEANOR WINTHROP TOWNSEND, M.D. CHARLESTON, S. C. OLONIAL history in Amer John Cranston,3 upon whom was con ica abounds in the names of ferred the first medical degree in Amer physicians who played im ica, by act of the Assembly of the Col portant parts in the political ony of Rhode Island and Providence Caffairs of their country. Many werePlantations men convening in 1663-64, of rare ability and versatility. Some served his colony not only as its lead continued through life the practice of ing physician and surgeon, but also as medicine, whether interrupted or ac attorney-general, as commander-in- companied by their activities as col chief of militia, and in other official onizers, governors, or military men, positions before becoming governor. while others became in the true sense To John Brooks,4 physician, colonel “medical truants” and forsook medi in the continental army, and later gov cine for other chosen Helds of interest ernor of Massachusetts, James Thacher, and service. It is not strange that these better known for his “American Med men should have been called upon to ical Biography,” dedicated his work en share largely in guiding the destinies of titled “A Military Journal during the the country in those rigorous times, in American Revolutionary War, from view of the self-discipline and the men 1775 to °f which President tal stimulus which education for their Adams wrote, “It is the most natural, profession must necessarily have simple, and faithful narrative of facts brought to them.
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