Charleston County South Carolina PHOTOGRAPHS WRITTEN
Snee l"a.rm Ncar 'liOW1t Pleasant HiiBS !l0. Se-87 Charleston County South Carolina \"~ /\ E; ~;: L ., ..... ~',.-. • i 0' . ['i.>l(>. Ii ,\ PHOTOGRAPHS WRITTEN HISTORIC AND DESCRIPTIVE DATA • District of South Carolina Historic American Buildings Survey Prepared at Washington Office for Southeast Unit HJ..Bf No .. S::;EF~ FARi,,; Ner<.r :,~ount Pleasant, Chp<rlestC!l County I South Ca.rolina Ouic or ercctlon: c. 1750 Present co'~dition: Excellent frDJ:O construction; rectanc),lo..r plan; marble mantel, Adam de- sign .. A,lditc.onal data, One-ti:r.e horne of Colone 1 Charles Pinckney. ,'!as in Pinckney fami ly for sevent:! years • Othe~ e~~stinG !,ccords: .~ •• Cr,.arleston l:useu.T.1 Prepared by Junior Architect James L .. Burnett, Jr .. , " Approved :' Ii \,}.. J 4/! -;c. " Addendum To: SNEE FARM HABS NO. SC-87 1240 Long Point Road • Charleston Coun~y South Carolina PHOTOGRAPHS AND WRITTEN HISTORICAL AND DESCRIPTIVE DATA • REDUCED COPIES OF IfEASURED DRAHINGS • Historic American Buildings Survey National Park Service Department of the Interior • Washington, D.C. 20013-7127 ~A6S 5(. , \O-(i\ouf)v HISTORIC AMERICAN BUILDINGS SURVEY j ~) - SNEE FARM • HABS NO. SC-87 Location: 1240 Long Point Road, Mt. Pleasant, Charleston County, South Carolina 4.6 miles NE of Mt. Pleasant on US Hwy 17; turn left on County Road 97 (Long Point Road); continue 0.7 mile and turn left on dirt road; house is 0.1 mile down dirt road on left. UTM: 17.609960.3634640 Present Owner: National Park Service Present Use: Vacant Significance: The Charles Pinckney Historic Site, known traditionally as "Snee Farm," is the ancestral country seat of Charles pinckney III, the American patriot and statesman.
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