Several High School Courses, Teachers Eliminated, As Board
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— HOW TO GET THE LEADER Just Fill in the Form On Page 16 And Return It to Us! Serving the Town Since 1890 — OUR 106th ¥£ inn an* Thursday, March 23,1995 Em? Ttwnfe; 232-4407 FIFTY CENTS BUDGET IS $800.000 UNDER STATE CAP Several High School Courses, Teachers Eliminated, as Board Tries to Meet General N eeds Revision of Elementary School Enrollment Estimates Shows About the Same Level as Earlier Guess By ELLEN RAD1N ing class size at the high school and of thedislinguishing features i if W<i maun ft,, ?»r Wnfwld L,M,r eliminating some department heads field High School ami allowed stu The proposed budget now being in the middle schools and high school. dents to take additional courses in ail. .considered by the Westfield Board of These measures were announced music, drama and advanced loieij!" CONTROVERSIAL DECISION...The WestfUM Town Council will decide ^^S^to^T^i^Mk Education is $800,000 under Ihe state by Superintendent of Schools, Dr. languages. changing the zoning, in mid-stream, for the proposed ShopRlte on the site of the Weslfleld Lumber and Home Center on cap but requires the diminution of Mark C. Smith, and high school Prin- The position ol head of the inici North Avenue. 'Die ShopKlte hearings have been before the Planning Board for two years. The applkation has been one several courses and eight teaching cipal Dr. Robert G. Petix, at a regular mediate school science dc|>;ittmc!ih of the most controversial proposals before the board In years. positions at the high school, increas- meeting of the Westfieid Board of will be eliininaleil; Iliis measure i<> Education on March 21. inuides with the • Slunk) The high school courses that will Daitch, who will not he replaced Town Council to Discuss Liability of Changing not be offered in the 1995-1996 aca- Rather, thehipli school Science be demic year include Architectural will al-oliead tin- Drawing, Graphics, Public Speak- intermediate, school departments. ing, Spanish Conversation, Spanish This is in addition In his ies|'.nnsil>il Zoning for Proposed Site for ShopRite Monday Travel, Introduction to Print Media ity to teach two classes. and Journalism.Advanced Placement Otherdepaitment chairmen, whose Garwood Border Would Be Changed From Commercial to Light Industrial and Office Use Psychology, Conslilutional Law, In- administrative duties :nc nut tKinj! troduction to Natural Science and increased, will instead be teadiiii}.' By PAUL J. PEYTON Cooperative Business Education. three rather than two classes. Sprtlally W,m,n/,n Tht W,,tfi,td Uodri will discuss with the council the li- for office buildings and light indus- Third Ward Councilman Gary G. Advanced Placement Physics and The position of cliainiKiri of the The Westfield Town Council will ability the Town Council might face trial businesses. Retail establishments Jenkins said the introduction of the Advanced Placement Chemistry will high school Physical Education I Jo decide Monday night whether to by adopting the ordinance Five mem- such as ShopRite would no longer be zoning ordinance was, in eliecl, the be offered only in alternate years. partmenttill Iv eliminated. change the zoning on land on the bers of the council announced their an accepted use in the zone. The store implementationof the MaslerPlan of Dr. Petix acknowledged that, be- support of introducing the ordinance These measures would he in ad<li Garwood border proposed for a has been proposed for the Westfield development which was adopted in cause the two advanced placement tion to increased class si/e at the ShopRite supermarket in mid-stream. with achange on the lumberyard prop- Lumber and Home Center lot on 1990 and amended in 1992.Thecoun- science courses have prerequisites in erty. Two councilmen were opposed, elementary and intermediate schools While ihe change is part of the town's North Avenue on the Garwood bor- cilman questioned whether holding calculus as well as science, il will be and the elimination of an ;nui music zoning ordinance which is being com- with a few others not giving a clear der. up the ordinance due to ShopRite's impossible for some students to take indication of how they might vote. rooms in Ihe elementary schonK I )i pletely redrafted to coincide more Frank Sauro, the General Counsel application could beconslrued as giv- both courses during their high school Smith has previously stated (he liujjei wilhactual development in Westfield, Under the new ordinance, the for Village Supermarkets, the appli- ing them "preferential treatment." careers. class sizes and lots of the special somecouncil members arc concerned town's two commercial zones, lo- cant for the proposed store, who was "Our duly, I feel, is to implement Dr. Petix stated many factors de- rooms woulJ be necessary lo iieeoin over the posslbi |ily of a possible law- cated at the end of Rahway Avenue in attendance Tuesday, told The the Master Plan," he said. termined which courses would notbc module the expected incitrasvii en suit such an action may bring. uiulon the Garwood border, wouldbe WestfieU Leader the decision by the Councilman Gruba said lie did not offered. These factors included the rollme.nt. Town Attorney Charles H. Brandt eliminated and replaced with zoning council to change the zoning comes want to see the decision reached on need torn aintainthedcpih and breadth Dr. Smith, along with Dr. Ruheii at the "nine-tenths hour" of the hear- whether lo introduce the proposed of the high school curriculum, to C. Racier, Assistant Superiiilcmlc-nl ings which began two years ago. zoning changes as a whole in a"hasty" spread the cuts over the various aca- for Business Administration ami Mr. Sauro said the council should manner. He saidhe would likea "fair" demic departments, to spread the cuts Board Secretary, also prcsenied up Zoning Board Grants wait until the Planning Board has had discussion on the issue involving the among courses aimed at students of dated enrollment projections. an opportunity to make ils decision ShopRite property. different abilities and inleresls and to The new projection.dated Miinh ' before moving ahead with its plan to Second Ward Council woman, Mrs. eliminate courses that enroll the few- is for an increase less- than the in change the zoning. Margaret C. Sur, agreed, stating she est students, he said. crease projected tin June I lor the Sign for Paine Webber He said the council may have been wanted more time to determine the Dr. Smith and Dr. Petix both stated academic years 199 UNm to IWK misled through the many inaccura- ramifications of such a decision. they desired to maintain the nine- 1999. Firm Located on Second Floor of John Franks Building cies being generated by residents in Mr. Brandt said, if the ordinance is class-period day at the high school. Beginning with ihe .tcadf mie yeai the area. C0NT1HUED0HPAGE » The longer day, they staled, was one CONnNUEDV. By JEANNE WIIITNKV applicant, the investment firm of Mr. Sauro said the council has not Spnhltf Wnumfr T»r Wnlfir 1,1 itaJn PaineWebber occupies theentire sec- benefited from the 5,000 pages of The Westfield Board of Adjust- ond floor above what is presently a transcript taken during the hearings. ment voted unanimously Monday fur salon and a toy store. In addition to the zoning issue, the Firemen Responded to 1,371 Calls; night lo give the go ahead lo John The sign, Mr. Flynn said, will fea- Transportation, Parking and Traffic Franks Realty for a variance that ture black Icltcrs 18.5 inches high Committee will meet this week to would allow its tenant, PaineWebber, and one-inch thick which will be ap- discuss a report from the state De- to put a 12-foot long sign on Ihe plied directly lo the brick facade. partment of Transportation concern- Total Property Loss Was $272,000 second story in front of its building at ing the North Avenue intersection Mr. Flynn dismissed the possibil- with South Chestnut Street. 221 East Broad Street. ity of putting a sign in a narrower Annual Document Reveals Steep Decline in False Alarms According to James A. Flynn. a space above the door at sidewalk While several council members at Westfield attorney representing ihe level. Atownordinance requires signs Tuesday's conference meeting fa- By KURT C. BAUKR The least amount of calls was 92 in By comparison, there uete mi to be above the entrance to the busi- vored introducing the ordinance at Sptciallt WWilrnJfar 7»r WuftrlJ Ualrr September and 91 in February. false alarms in I'M With I |2<ilthem Red Cross Sets ness witha maximum sizeof30inches the Tuesday, March 28 meeting, sev- The Westfield Fire Departmenl re- One major improvement in this resulting from alarm SJJIHIIS und i I high by 20 feet wide. eralothercouncil members expressed sponded to 1,371 alarms last year, an year's report was the number of false from false report * weie culloil Drive for Blood The board stipulated that the vari- concerns with regard to the possibil- increaseof242ovcr(hc total in 1993, alarms. In 1994 the departmenl only into Ihe department. ance for Ihe sign is only for ity of legal action from Village Su- with insurance losses incurred by fires responded to 20 false alarms with Insurance losses for d.images h» For Next Monday PaineWebber. If the tenant leaves, permarkets. The company has had its set at $272,000. just four of them received over the buildings was JI2',',7M1. Loss ol The Westfield- Mountainside Chap- the sign would have to come down, application for a 58,000-square-fool Based on the depanmenl's 1994 telephone.