Juogeii in Very Wednesday Next for an Advance in Age, Will Be the Is to Develop the Gave a Reception at Services of Physicians
rtvtrmtjrjrir U.S. WEATHER BU- I SUGAR-- 96 Test REAU, May HLast24 MflVtfl Centrifugals, 3.90d J hours' rainfall, trace. 111 III III III IIS 5 Per Ton, $78. 83 s mWir J H Tcmpcraturc.max.80; 5 h Y t Analysis Beets, 10s, n min. 71. Weather, 0 fair. maa so. n K j C MAY Kntered Jn. 19. 108, tt HcmoUW. II tti. S VOL. V., NO. 227. HONOLULU, HAWAII TERRITORY, SUNDAY, 12, 1307 FOURTEEN PAGES. riKM Milter. I'ndrr Art of Cobctm of Mrrk I. iTt. u IS GOV. GILLETT -- J SHOOT WILL GIVES FINAL BE II 01 WAKING I NOTICE, Hawaii National Guard Farming Possibilities to in Will Send Team to Be Exploited Will Gall Out Mililia District. Contest. if Peace Is Hot Koolau is to have an industrial Pieseiwd, the clanging of the - awakening and . progress be heard in the nation can command re-- tools of will k "No practically dead for spect do work in the world land that has been and its which, thanks ready to defend itself these many years but unless it is brought to life. (Associated Press Cablegram.) unjust aggression. Tor to J B. Castle, will be against Com Kaneohe Ranch ernor that we depend chiefly on a citi-- The lands of the SAN FRANCISCO, May pany, which he now controls, are to be soldiery, to he organized when haa zen agriculture and diversified Oillett had conference with the occasion requires, rather than the home of are to have an inning. What Mayor Schmitz, Cornellua and Culhoun, on a military citizenship.
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