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Jewish Action SPECIAL P A SSOVER E DITION Jewish Action All in Good Measure— Shiurim of Passover OU Consumer Guide to Passover Immersing Ourselves in Tevilat Keilim Kashering Microwaves GUIDE TO and Dishwashers OU 5771 for Passover The Question Passover2011 of Quinoa Passover 5771| t”gaT XSP A Special Issue of Jewish Action, the family magazine of the Orthodox Union ORTHODOX UNION Executive Vice President RABBI STEVEN WEIL Executive Vice President, Emeritus RABBI DR. TZVI HERSH WEINREB Managing Director RABBI STEVEN BURG Chief Operating Officer DAVID FRANKEL G Chief Financial Officer SHLOMO SCHWARTZ Senior Communications Officer OU Guide DAVID OLIVESTONE President G DR. SIMCHA KATZ to Chairman of the Board STEPHEN J. SAVITSKY Passover KASHRUT DIVISION Chairman, Joint Kashrut Commission HARVEY BLITZ Chairman, Rabbinic Kashrut Commission RABBI KENNETH AUMAN Chairman, Rabbinic Kashrut Commission Emeritus RABBI EMANUEL HOLZER Rabbinic Administrator/CEO RABBI MENACHEM GENACK Executive Rabbinic Coordinator/COO RABBI MOSHE ELEFANT Executive Rabbinic Coordinator RABBI YAAKOV LUBAN Director of Operations RABBI MOSHE ZYWICA Senior Rabbinic Coordinator RABBI NACHUM RABINOWITZ Vice President Communications and Marketing RABBI DR. ELIYAHU SAFRAN Halachic Consultants RABBI YISROEL BELSKY • RABBI HERSHEL SCHACHTER Rabbinic Coordinators RABBI MENACHEM ADLER • RABBI DAVID ARFA • RABBI YISROEL BENDELSTEIN • RABBI DAVID BISTRICER • RABBI AHARON BRUN-KESTLER • RABBI GAD BUCHBINDER • RABBI MOTTI COHEN • RABBI MICHAEL COLEMAN • RABBI CHAIM CRUPAR • RABBI ELI ELEFF • RABBI DONNEAL EPSTEIN • RABBI ELIYAHU FERRELL • RABBI ELI GERSTEN • RABBI SAUL GOLD RABBI CHAIM GOLDBERG • RABBI YOSEF GOLDBERG • RABBI NOSSON GOLDBERG • RABBI ZVI GOODMAN • RABBI AVROHOM GORDIMER • RABBI DAVID GORELIK • RABBI JOSEPH GROSSMAN • RABBI YITZCHOK GUTTERMAN • RABBI CHANANEL HERBSMAN • RABBI YERMIA INDICH • RABBI DOVID JENKINS • RABBI AVROHOM JURAVEL • RABBI MOSHE KLARBERG • RABBI CHAIM LOIKE • RABBI SETH MANDEL RABBI JACOB MENDELSON • RABBI MORDECHAI MERZEL RABBI YITZCHOK MINCER • RABBI MICHAEL MORRIS • RABBI YERACHMIEL MORRISON • RABBI NOSSON NEUBERGER RABBI DANIEL NOSENCHUK • RABBI ISRAEL PARETZKY • RABBI GAVRIEL PRICE • RABBI DOVID ROCKOVE • RABBI ISRAEL ROTHENBERG • RABBI KALMAN SCHEINER • RABBI YOEL SCHONFELD • RABBI DOV SCHREIER • RABBI SHMUEL SINGER RABBI LEONARD STEINBERG Business Management/ Trademark Compliance RABBI HOWARD KATZENSTEIN • RABBI HERBERT FRISCH The OU Guide to Passover is published by the Joint Kashruth Commission RABBI DAVID HIRSCH • RABBI MOSHE ROSENBAUM of the Orthodox Union, Eleven Broadway, New York, NY 10004. OU PRESS 212.563.4000. RABBI SIMON POSNER • RABBI GIL STUDENT OU GUIDE TO PASSOVER The Orthodox Union Kashruth Program is operated in conjunction with Director, Passover Supervision its halachic authority, the Rabbinical Council of America. RABBI DR. SHMUEL SINGER Editorial Committee RABBI NACHUM RABINOWITZ, Chair In case of any questions, please visit or call the RABBI AHARON BRUN-KESTLER • RABBI ELI ELEFF • RABBI YOSEF GROSSMAN • AVIGAIL KLEIN • DAVID OLIVESTONE • Orthodox Union at 212.613.8241. RABBI DAVID POLSKY • RABBI GAVRIEL PRICE Advertising © Copyright 2011 by the Orthodox Union. Printed in Canada. CARRIE BEYLUS Jewish Action ISSN No. 0447-7049 is published by the Orthodox Union, Eleven Broadway, New York, Art Directors NY 10004. 212.563.4000. Printed Quarterly — Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall plus Special Passover Issue. YOCHEVED LEFKOVITS • RENÉE R. ROSENFELD • TOVA BELSH Subscription: $16 per year; Canadian $20; Overseas $60. Periodicals postage paid at New York, NY and Circulation Coordinators additional offices. MALKA BRAUN • ROBERTA LEVINE POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Jewish Action, Eleven Broadway, New York, NY 10004. * Because of an early printing deadline, some of the information included in this directory was obtained before Passover productions actually occurred, and may not be completely up to date. 1 Learn Orthodox Union’s SHNSHNAAAYIMYIM Learn Nach YoYomi Nac with the Orthodoxox Union DADAF F Yo m with the More NEW SERIES ÊÊÊ ÊÊ ÊÊÊÊÊÊ ÊÊ ÊÊ ÊÊ ÊÊÊÊÊ Ê ÊÊÊ with the Orthodoxox Union Yo mi MIKRMIKRAA ÊÊÊ DA ÊÊÊÊÊ Orthodox Union’s SHN SHN DAFDA F Yo mi MIKRAN OU ONLINE ÊÊ MIKR OU ONLINE ÊÊ SHNASHNAYIMAYIM More Ê AN OU ONLINE PARSHA PROJECT PARSHA ÊÊ Ê MIKRAMIKRA ÊÊ Ê Ê ÊÊ ÊÊÊÊ Ê ÊÊ Ê ÊÊ DMore A I LY ÊÊÊÊ ÊÊ Ê Ê ÊÊ SHIURIM ÊÊÊÊ Ê ÊÊ Ê ÊÊ Ê ÊÊ ÊÊ Ê ÊÊÊÊ ÊÊ Ê ÊÊ Ê Ê ÊÊ Ê ÊÊ Ê ÊÊ Ê Orthodox Union’s ÊÊ mi x Union DADAF F Yo Learn Orthodox Union’s SHNSHNAA Nach YoYomi AN OU ONLINE PARS DAFDA F Yo mi MIKR FIND OUT AT WWW.OUTORAH.ORG more Passover 5771| t”gaT XSP Inside G 5 About the Information in thisGuide 6 Engaging Your Rabbi 7 Halachic Times for Passover 10 About OU Kosher 12 All in Good Measure:Shiurim of Passover 16 The Question of Quinoa 18 Immersing Ourselves inTevilat Keilim 22 A Kashering Primer 26 Dishwashers and Microwaves for Passover 28 Observing the Passover Holiday Passover FAQ’s Preparing for Passover Brief Guide to the Passover Seder 39 Your Guide to Romaine 40 Passover Recipe Substitutes 47 About OU Press 49 CONSUMER GUIDE TO PASSOVER 2011 50 Index of Food Listings 53 Products that Do Not Require Special Passover Certification (Gray Pages) 68 Products that Do Require Special Passover Certification (White Pages) 101 Guidelines for Medicines 103 Infant Formulas and Nutritional Supplements 105 Non Food Items 107 Food Round-Up 111 G Sefirat HaOmerChart 3 lives is not a cold and imper- heavy duty koshering. Similarly, what constitutes sonal process. a large monetary outlay or loss (a legitimate ha- cr lk vag Part of the OU’s mandate is lachic consideration) differs greatly among com- to serve the broad Jewish munities and individuals within communities. Engaging community. Therefore, we This is even more true when it comes cannot give blanket answers to different minhagim. The OU can declare that a to questions that may have product is made from corn or other kitniyot. We your Rabbi many answers. What the OU cannot, however, decide your individual or com- can do—and hopefully munal attitude towards kitniyot. This depends on achieves in this Guide—is where your family comes from and other com- Oftentimes this OU Guide to Passover urges indi- share our expertise with consumers. As the munal norms, and falls squarely into the domain viduals to engage their Rabbis before making world’s largest and most comprehensive kosher of a communal or personal Rav (Rabbi). Likewise, kashrut-related decisions. Why? Why don’t we agency, we can offer first-hand information about whether newly-commercialized products like simply offer our recommendations? Because that what happens in food manufacturing. quinoa (see article on page 16) are or are not kit- is not how halacha always works—especially not Many issues are clear cut and have uni- niyot, or whether you should or should not use on Passover where individual communities have versally accepted answers. In such cases, we do peanut oil, is outside of our mandate to make a widely varying standards and customs. In part, not hesitate to offer our recommendations. In broad pronouncement. Passover is a celebration of the diversity that exists other cases, such as if or how one can kasher a We strongly urge individuals to famil- and flourishes in Torah observant life—differing dishwasher (see article on page 26), the end de- iarize themselves with their family traditions and established and rooted customs and traditions all cision depends on a plethora of individual cir- communal norms. More than anything, we urge reflecting Hashem’s word and intent. The Torah is cumstances. For example, the psak (halachic you to aseh l’cha Rav, develop a relationship with made up of the written law (Torah she-bi-ktav) and decision) for individuals in small home kitchens a Rabbi familiar with your situation, your com- our oral tradition (Torah she-be’al peh). Symbolized with non-commercial equipment may be different munity’s expectations and with the halacha in in that concept is the flexibility and receptiveness from a commercial kitchen cooking for hundreds general. to understand individual circumstances and com- of people with equipment built to withstand munal norms. The application of halacha in our A service of THREE CONVENIENT WAYS TO OBTAIN PASSOVER INFORMATION: 212-613-8241 (M-Th 9-5, F 9-1) Passover 5771| t”gaT XSP HALACHIC TIMES FOR PASSOVER EREV PESACH5771 Where two sets of times are listed, the first column is based on the opin- ion of Magen Avraham, and the second on that of the Vilna Gaon (Gra). MONDAY, APRIL 18, 2011 If your city is not listed here, be sure to consult your local Orthodox Rabbi for the times in your area. CANDLE CANDLE LATEST TIME LATEST TIME LIGHTING LIGHTING FOR EATING FOR ANNULLING FIRST NIGHT SHABBAT CHAMETZ CHAMETZ YOM TOV CHOL HAMOED Magen Avraham Gra Magen Avraham Gra Atlanta 11:01 11:25 12:19 12:31 7:52 7:55 Baltimore 10:28 10:52 11:47 11:59 7:29 7:33 Boston 10:05 10:29 11:24 11:36 6:10 7:15 Chicago 10:11 10:35 11:31 11:43 6:16 7:20 Cincinnati 11:00 11:24 12:28 12:30 7:59 8:03 Cleveland 10:47 11:11 12:18 12:19 7:51 7:56 Columbus 10:53 11:17 12:07 12:24 7:54 7:58 Dallas 10:51 11:15 12:09 12:21 7:41 7:44 Denver 10:21 10:45 11:40 11:52 7:22 7:26 Halifax 10:33 10:57 11:53 12:05 7:44 7:49 Hartford 10:11 10:35 11:31 11:43 7:16 7:20 Houston 10:47 11:11 12:04 12:16 7:32 7:35 Los Angeles 10:17 10:41 11:35 11:47 7:08 7:12 Memphis 10:23 10:47 11:41 11:53 7:16 7:19 Miami Beach
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    1 YESHIVA UNIVERSITY • YOM HA’ATZMAUT TO-GO • IYAR 5770 Iyar 5770 Dear Friends, may serve to enhance your ספר It is my sincere hope that the Torah found in this virtual .(study) לימוד holiday) and your) יום טוב We have designed this project not only for the individual, studying alone, but perhaps even a pair studying together) that wish to work through the study matter) חברותא more for a together, or a group engaged in facilitated study. להגדיל תורה ,With this material, we invite you to join our Beit Midrash, wherever you may be to enjoy the splendor of Torah) and to engage in discussing issues that touch on a) ולהאדירה most contemporary matter, and are rooted in the timeless arguments of our great sages from throughout the generations. Bivracha, Rabbi Kenneth Brander Dean, Yeshiva University Center for the Jewish Future RICHARD M JOEL, President, Yeshiva University RABBI KENNETH BRANDER, David Mitzner Dean, Center for the Jewish Future RABBI ROBERT SHUR, General Editor RABBI MICHAEL DUBITSKY, Editor Copyright © 2010 All rights reserved by Yeshiva University Yeshiva University Center for the Jewish Future 500 West 185th Street, Suite 413, New York, NY 10033 • 212.960.5400 x 5313 2 YESHIVA UNIVERSITY • YOM HA’ATZMAUT TO-GO • IYAR 5770 Table of Contents Yom Haatzmaut 2010/5770 Our Dependence Upon Israel's Independence Rabbi Norman Lamm. Page 4 The Religious Significance of Israel Rabbi Yosef Blau . Page 9 Maintaining a Connection to the Land of Israel from the Diaspora Rabbi Joshua Flug . Page 12 Establishing Yom Haatzmaut as a Yom Tov Rabbi Eli Ozarowski .
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