Record Mirror, August 30, '1980 37 Smak. atraioht leg leans, Band, Hello, John Rossall (RMI, Armstrong, Newcas. £12.50 + S1` pop State to Paul RADIO CAROLINE and Grealis, 13 Robin - le NE4 BOP. full radio RAINBOW FANZINE first Peckett 7 Corsair, waist size and minimum dale Avenue, news, inter- edition Castle Donnington FelisIde bark, Wickham, leg length. L. A.'MRls, Earley, WORK EUROPE. Jobs im- views, PllusiciansWanted - 7 Reading, Berks. Also mediately available In all l Comment, 1980 available to Non- Newcastle NE16 5YA. B 3 souvenlre, all wdsey Close. Good luck with new single countries. Send com- In Bulletin members 70p members OLIVIA NEWTON -JOHN RECORD COMPANY Stevenage, Herts. for No 10, Send 50p or Garyl Keep Glittering. Prehenslve Ilst of annual 50p. 10 x 8 coloured photo appreciation society. Looking for artists. All GENESIS GOLD Current subscription - albums dbs, opportunities work- I £2.50 to Ritchie 70p non-members. Detalls 061 998 1196. replies answered and In- (real gold framed ng holidays, Caroline Movement, 50p members free SHADOWS FANS. WRITE terviews in West London replicas), tour Situations Vacant etc. Price £1 BCMBRFM (Plus Jackets, from Work London SW1. Ritchie poster). Send 12in TO BRIAN. 69 STATION will be arranged. Send SAE for details - Europe, 477 PRESLEY'S - send to - RE- Cleelham Hill DEAD but x 91n SAE to Rainbow Fan ROAD, PORTSLADE, complete information Genesis information, HOMEWORKERS Road, Man- MARK - PO QUIRED throughout the, chester M8 7LR. LIVES o n Club, PO Box 7, Prescott, SUSSEX. Box No. 2802. Box 107, London, N6 5RU, UK. SAE for details. Home Wednesdays at 4.45 Merseyside. ATHLETICO SPIZZ '80 T- celebrate Employment Agency, 3 Situations summer with the OFFICIAL PIRANHAS fan Tuition shirts, SML, Pr0- Wanted King. 0.50, - Tanyardt Swannington, club SAE Sue Horne, 24 Recording ' I PROFESSIONAL molaPflnt, 53 Howard Lelcs, , Sept 20th Road, BROAD - FEMALE VOCALIST Dyke Brighton. CASTER will you Street, , DISC JOCKEYS: We are wishes to loin is the night to "Behave assist In (Equipment SHAM '69 logo and Her - group. - Foolishly club. realising your full polen- eeking Disc-jockeys Box No 2561. In Public" at the SAE for details to: sham boys T-shirts, SML, next Rod - Send bal. Remember, for radio hroughout UK to Ire- PROFESSIONAL Squad party. - The Who Club, PO Box MULTI-TRACK 0.50 - Promotaprint, 53 sent our ass'ciation. One CLUB SAE, Mick, 9 Warwick opportunities, the best DEEJAY with 107A. London N6 5RU. audition tapes l Recording Equipment Howard Street Sheffield. three come from Oi1e,,,,, ,, DJ per County is required - years' Road. Edmonton, London with all T- SAMSON FAN Club, SAE Med Air r,c.e,s: FREE PATCHES I mmedlately to represent, - 1313" ve reatlle, NIB. - Broadcast rrvnraohnnes. aocemsonn her orders from Pro- seeks alternative for details. Box 82, Studios. Henley. Tel: aho shirt - ecruit, promote and co- residen- "RADIO BRIEF" - fl video cmcnnreni cy in Bristol Guildford, Surrey GU2 04912 6885. { motaprint adveras. 0 rdinate with our Head- or surroun- Magazine 18, Caroline, Keenest once, ewe,' adote T-SHIRTS ding areas. All 6PF. CATCH 22 In jobs, yes, but Credit arranged SCORPIONS q uarters to all DJs in their enquiries Veronica, Nova, etc. 513p. and 0272 827428 OFFICIAL UK Subs Fan how logo group design, area. Their duties will In- 8 SkardutRoad,London about showing you're DJ SEEKS - Club. SAE to: PO Box a trainee they SML, £3.50 - Pro- v olve: (1) Arranging mon- work abroad, NW2. - shouldn't KJ 914 VIZ anywhere 12, Guildford Surrey, miss. £1 w, Lonoon ee , Ruvdon, motaprint, 53 Howard hiy meetings and submit- considered RADIO CAROLINE "Fool Send for the Sheffield. Massive coadshow GENESIS OFFICIAL Fan words and the action- Sunev Tel 01 6136 1143 Street, ing reports to our HO, (21 if you think It's over" - available. Phone Club. Send SAE for details AC Sciences, 32 Smoke WHITESNAKE T-SHIRTS. Recruiting new members - 0639 micro stickers, 20 for £3.50. Pro- 842680, 6p to - Genesis Information Lane, Reigate, Surrey SML, - hrough plus SAE. 11 persona( contact - SRC, Telly PO Box 107, London N6t motaprint, 53 Howard with help from our promo- Terrace, Newcastle - NEW POSTER Street Sheffield, Special'Notic 5RU. For Hire Lions department, (3) Ap- Emtyn, DyfedS'A389EA. At last 5 ROCK sew -on patches, THE SHADOWS. point official record PA + SAE. "New Gandy Dancer" DISCO EQUIPMENT. * GUIDE £1.50 - Pro- GLENN T I L B R , retailers, equipment O O -K In light I y sound motaprint. 53 Howard Happy Penfriends magazine, pail Shadows systems, manufacturers in their Birthday; Thank al units, reasonable rates. Sheet, Sheffield. You for 'the special issue only 80p - areas so that our members music P ENFR including postage, (£7.25 Newham Audio Services in Rock T- can receive JD370. IENDS discounts, (4) WORLDWIDE alt 01-5344064. 1 ' shirts, SML, £3 50. Pro- BRAND ages overseas). - Davy - Assist all members with NEW deleted ((welcome. - Stamp to; motaprint, 53 Howard obtaining new business LPsl45s, all types of music IIaw Street, Sheffield. IEllesmere Road, Benwell, and liaising with our HQ guaranteed. Want lists ',NE4 BLACK SABBATH as« j Heaven with members queries and 'wanted, 12, HARLEQUIN Hell Gladstone Ter- BTS. and T-shirts, SML, questions, (5) Be DJAGB's race, 50. Sunniside, GARY NUMAN penpals re - 68 St Petergate, Stockport f3 - Promotaprint, 53 man 'voice' in BP I your area. Auckland, Co. Ronnie, 13 in Howard Street, Sheffield. Excellent remuneration, Durham. Clquired, Low IPOnge braelenl ARMBANDS P.L.1., (Green, Ackworth, West - commission basis. Full DAVID SOUL, Happy Bir- Yorks. BOOKS Swastika, Slouxsie, UK assistance with his lhday, thanks for the Hull Subs. Crass, Upstarts, Re- rlr David hole II H 11 Po1 111P pr.. The Y9 Ulf Is111 business. Apply now wlht concerts. We'll never give 11,1.1, UAL t..... o. fan ECM jects, Anarchy, £1 each Fan Clubs (15r1 I91r1 + lull curriculum vitae and upon you, Blue E es 0.e1.1 ..i, n..1. Prryra... N. c.,r.n. Lf.SO (IMO) SAE Promotaprint, 53 1.41I., .eat L1.151100 b,41.ryI..1-1,1 TIM 161n - recent photograph to Disc FRANCES - I LOVE YOU fans join 0.111 blob MI, Priest* ua Phh1, c..., In6 '( h0 1.1.61 Howard Street, Sheffield. Jockeys Association Tony xxxxxxx - Illi of to 1 124.15 74 1200 LARGE ROCK patches, - Grapevine for up date MP/ Great Britain. 61 Regent 'BOLAN'S BACK! Vinyl llinformation. - SAE PO D,ea Pawl. r4.1. r.9,i.. 11.73 TT: nn4, - f.i.n.l..I6.e6 0.91 Motorhead, Saxon, Iron Street. Tel. Dreams proudly present a ONO Cambridge. 'Box 55, Colchester C04 f.leP11.11 rae .1 001 Maiden, AC/DC, Rainbow, (0223) 354118. 'special display of Marc o..a Irmo try..... Plow, 11aI.11. 11o9'. undaf 3XJ [1.O11or1 ' atl rOOra Del Leppard, Sabbath. Bolan I T. Rex records to 0011111 run f0. nr Mel L, '.. i1 r . u4,n.. [1,75 ¡efe) LONDODN AREA home I TOM JONES official inter- 11/ fill Deep Purple, Whitesnake, coincide with Ihé Birm- 041 1b aM, eN 1.1n, LI.fS lb. ley t.ded Ar a.6e., OM MO board offered, young national fan club. SAE 0....Tael Mee. Scorpions, 75p each + itngham Bop this - 1e5r1 II.H(f.11t1011 teenage guy, exchange Saturday to 52 Whymark Avenue, Itj 5..a h.b We 'And T.. u.Is eery re1.1 Lren,. M,.11.55165,1 large SAE. - Pro- 30th August gam-6pm. N22. Wet Lend. - 1 I... MO 114 0.91 help with disco roadshow. London 0091 motaprint, 53 Howard You're welcome al Vinyl 0ae 1 I 1. - Dhrry d e Photo / to: Box SAXON MILITIA Guard. l.. _ Sem11...0.191ao,1 LLO Street. Sheffield. - details Dreams, Oasis, - ce.n.u neo P5r1 No 2523. Corpora- SAE to 33 Osbert Drive, o.,a Ia7n - I. Mi. 0 aee. hr.., sushi - L1.,y Icy, 00.10 S/PRESS TROUSERS, tion Street, Thurcrofl, S Yorks S66 21.93 Mel Isfrl ALTERNATIVE I.P. - IT IrNallryl [3.95110e1 Pd1,.1. i.e.' (MO 11.15115,1 £7 99 + 50p, pep. Sky EMPLOY- +City Centre. 1 9ÁF,. Ist. h.l6ianar6i 13I IL1r1 1.., 01 hee,nN.15.70161,) blue. black, tan, white, MENT opportunities with {1rr04 -Toses 91101 IIaNb disorder/ I1, l. 1 111,15 eN Be [1.75 N.7 record I slate waist. - Cheque/PO companies, radio ef11 1,d,1 to J. Gosgrove, 10 stations, music magazines bob riql . wheel 01v.eng LS.H ra.1 hIra,li The lbsbn) Gurton Ilsrl L1.50 000 Road, etc. Full - time, part - time. 1«1 Coggeshall, Essex. 1n1 - Weds enl nstvr., Vol l[ I./S 6.14nhb rd I r 1 1..11 Experience unnecessary. L5r1 [s.s51a5r1 11.04 "Music Industry Employ- lb. 6,In 1 [rll.,.r1 Nnl. Cn4I,e ,Records -For Sale TO ADVERTISE 11a1.11.0,91 Mel nef IIOrI ment . Guide", £1. "Radio Paul Snnl - MIII p 111a11lr LI.SO try.. - e I.,.,M Mew lxe Sorrel "HITSU-MISSED", Employment Guide", £J., 110r1 (l.,11.0,1 CM MIN M. au 1e rub, [7.13 I1.. - Th. lar bin II. '60 '80, "British Music Index" n. p.;. 1,nblN. -7/r1.10 Collecters singles, - islet [0.95 TM/ SAE. 60a, Leslie Park (includes 450+ record IN THIS SECTION' Road, Croydon. company addresses), '£1. PATCHES MEATLOAF 121n Bat Out All three £2.40. - Dept 12, Sew On Parche, 50p each a e. No In brackets indicates dlt'erenl available 01 Hell single in blood red Hamilton House Produc- designs . vinyl, JUDAS PRIEST 12in tions, Staverton, Totnes, PHONE 01-836 1122 1.11f4,r r4 Devon. i4.. u51 wJ.11091. (11 'Evening Star' in clear . e.,4. 111 010" ROM vinyl, £10 each PIP 50p per LYRIC WRITERS required 40 1.990901 k11r, lit 12 oar by recording company. Poi MONTHLY record: Quantities limited. 111 001001 r051í, RJ Records. Octave Details SAE: 30 Sneyd Hall Ironst.1Y1..n171 (I.211Ac9 House, Atchester Road, Road, Bloxwich, Stafford- VIDEO_ROCK CONCERT 0 0.0131 Chesterton, Oxon. shire. n inn Dl WILDLIFE. A guide to lobs New sensational ode, - pre."cords' video cassettes Abbe wa 131 FOR SALE: The Police mimica..4, and Canadian musicshow 039.99. Blondle Ell to In, Bial tai. Block Sabbath Lire badge shaped picture disc In the US 575.50 Thin Lin yLive 06.50. Awn Live 926.50. Donna Summer Live H. in mint condition, the 4ln Park, forest and wildlife 939.99. Boney M Live 939.99. Flllmora Rock Festival (Santana. service, for those who G Weld Dead etc' 09.99. B Rats Live 976.50. Amanda Lear In con. CARDS 8f - Squeeze 'Another In 976.50. 15 years of single natural beauty of earl 576 50. Suyremes Live London flirts eon. Nail In My Heart' (picture love the Bens 939.99. Elvis Hawaii Concert 933.50. Beetles USO Concerts who I sleeve) also In mint condi- the countryside and 933.50. r.,,n POSTERS like to be employed Available on VHF/Belema,. AN prides Inc. Recorded del..- OOP rr tion. Blondie Heart of would home lee 22 MOOR STREET or oversees add 97 pap pá1 video. P/O. Cheques to: a 12in in preserving it in the USA Glass French single Wholesale enquiries welcome, of BIRMINGHAM Canada. Send SAE for fur- R.S. PROMOTIONS (Dept SE ley,Hoese, North Street, Milrenon, UR o..neas picture sleeve, mint condi- ADD 45p post/packing for 1/2 ther details of guide to: - Somerset. Send sop for lit and samples - tion also Blondle's 'Sun- P , Se cacti extol ose day Gin' lis Dutch version Lispo Enterprise, 182 , in picture sleeve. All of- fers for any of the above records should be made to Paul Beresiord at. 23. SMALLS Richardson Terrace, Con- - order form cord, Washington, Tyne and Wear. Please enclose SAE (T. Rex rantles ac- Refes Conditions PLEASE PUBLISH my advertisement under the heading for cepted as offers.) t BEATLES, FOR SALE, Get Effective from October 1979 insertionls) commencing issue dated - - Back book, Lennon Roots, English Wedding Album, I enclose a cheque/postal order for to cover the cost made payableto RECORD Beatles plate postcards Under the Headrngs MIRROR many record rarities in- FAN CLUBS. PEN FRIENDS, SITUATIONS cluding Swan Apple Ot- VACANT, RECORDS FOR SALE. FOR SALE.' ALL SMALL ADS MUST BE STRICTLY PRE -PAID BY CHEQUE OR POSTAL ORDER: CASH WILL NOT BE ters, List RECORDS WANTED. INSTRUMENTS FOR SALE, Enquiries. TUITION, SPECIAL NOTICE. RECORDS WANTED, ACCEPTED available, Watkins, 10 Lawrence SITUATIONS WANTED, Avenue. Chad- and any otl7en private/trade announcements 1Op pet desden, Derby. word PICTURE SLEEVED PUNK Alter first two SINGLES, COLOURED MI words in BOLD type Sp pat word SW" VINYLS. 40p/60p. SAE LIST 120. AURIEL BOX NUMBERS , AVENUE, DAGENHAM. Aloes two words plus 50o service fee ESSEX. OLDIES - HUNDREDS to SEMI DISPLAY edverfrag choose from. For lists rtB 12 per single column inch per singia column centimetre send SAE to A. Knight 147 025 Dagnam Park Drive, Harold Hill, Romford, SERIES DISCOUNTS Essex. 5% for 6 meeet10v. 7% lo, 13 ireserhons 10% tor 26 insertorO Name becords Wanted 12% for 52 .naenlpra GARY GLITTER / Paul Send Completed form with Raven live tapes, Cteedue/Ponta) Order tot Address records, Small Ads Dept. Record Mirror, 40 Long Acre. posters, pictures, scrap- London WC7E SJT, paid for books, anything on Glitter Name and address when included in advert must be