
Bangladesh Bishops WATERPROOFED CELIAR WAUS Paul Attends Mdet with Pontiff WE GUARANTEE a dry caiUr Fm Estimates vitican City - (RNS) - 6*ntni M«on Wort fnd Rtp«Ir* 6*AIM TILE INSTALLED Two Bangladesh prelates — A. J. ARIENO 235-4371 Cardinal Tisserant, Funeral Arc! bishop Theotonlius Amal tlimn M, Mm H Mm 3ti

Vatican — (RNS) — Pope Ganguly of Dacca and Bishop Paul set a precedent for Michael Rozario of Dinajpur— in modern history when he Get A New .. . wen received in private audi­ broke the cloistered atmos­ WATER HEATER! phere of a traditional Lenten Vatican ence by Pope Paul VI on Feb. spiritual retreat to attend the 20. for funeral of Cardinal Eugene $54.25 Tisserant last Thursday. i » A Vatican communique gave no details on the 30-minute ' J^ r "*4 6l«i Un«d It also is reportedly the first with helping to lay the ground time since 1969 that a pontiff work for the ecumenical spirit meeting, but it is assumed that wmsi 458-5000 has attended the funeral of a the I churchmen discussed the House of Water Heaters that blossomed during Vatican questions of status of the cardinal. On that occasion, Pope II- A Depl of Metiqer L Broyar Co. Chuj-ch in Bangladesh and the SINCE lltS Paul attended the funeral of In 1947, Princeton University Cardinal Josef Beran, Czech question of assistance to the who died in exile in gave him an honorary doctorate FOR PERFECT. . of laws as "a distinguished refugees and victims of the re­ r _ i scliolar and eminent ehurcn- cent war. DIAPER SERVICE Cardinal '^Tisserant, the 87- man, interpreter of early Chris­ This view was seemingly con- year-old dean of the College of tian documents, expert in the firned by the fact that the Cardinals and long-time head liturgical arts of the Eastern of the , Vatican and Rites, world authority on the Bfln'ladeflh prelates met earlier &£OAA, archives, died at Albano, 20 Oriental languages, master of witr, Cardinal Jean Villot, Vati­ miles from Rome. ." can secretary of the state, and BABY WASH The bearded French prelate That same year, during his extended visit to the U.S. and with Sergio Pigne- had been confined to the hos­ pital for many months and was Canada he was accorded simi­ doli of the Congregation for 381-7340 visited last Summer by the lar honors by two in­ the Evangelization oif Peoples, stitutions: Fordham and Du- Pope when the pontiff was stay­ ywwyyyyywvwwywv quesne. ing at his nearby Summer re­ CARDINAL TISSERANT treat at Castel Gandolfo. Cardinal Tisserant's 1947 The of the Catholic riod in history — after the visit to the 'U.S. was one of Church and a special papal death of Pius XII — that Car­ several such visits. In 1927, he blessing were bestowed on the dinal Tisserant literally held was invited to the U.S. by the dying cardinal Feb. 21 by Car­ the reigns of world Catholicism. Carnegie Foundation and visit­ dinal Jean Villot, Vatican sec­ ed some 40 in the U.S. This period occurred in the retary of state. »and Canada to prepare himself interim between the death of for the technical reorganization Pius XII and the election of At the time it was believed of the Vatican Library. by most top Vatican officials John as his successor. Cardinal that had Pope Paul not been Tisserant was temporal ruler In 1933, he attended the In­ in spiritual retreat, he would ternational Congress of Librar­ THE HOLY FATHER'S MISSION AID TO THE ORIENTAL CHURCH of the Universal Church then ians at Chicago and later lec­ have gone to the bedside of the because Pius had never named tured in several American col­ dying cardinal to administer a chamberlain. With the season of Lent, comes the question, leges, including Michigan. Yale, "How can I best keep Lent?" The answer is we the rites and blessing person­ Cardinal Tisserant, a patri­ and Columbia Universities. In ally. must make sacrifices on our own and nothing is archal figure with a long, gray- 1950, he came to New York as GOOD a sacrifice unless it hurts. What will be your It surprised no one in Vati­ flecked beard, was a man of featured speaker at ceremonies WHEN saicrifice? . . . Just think of the missionaries in can circles when it was an- vast erudition and one of the formally opening a new Insti­ IT nounced that the Pope would world's leading Orientalists. As tute of Contemporary Russian our 18 emerging countries who keep Lent all Studies at Fordham University. HURTS set the precedent and attend a young scholar, he published year long. Sacrifice something big this year. numerous linguistic studies Wlhen helping others hurts a bit, you know the funeral. In 1964, he was given an and editions of ancient texts you've made a sacrifice. Although the two men had that are still regarded as honorary doctor of laws degree at times disagreed on policy and classics. by the "University of Notre other matters over the years, Dame, and, later, visited the Pope Paul and the French prel­ A master linguist, it was his ate remained close personal custom for years to recite the World's Fair in New York. D In India, our priests and Sisters subsist on friends to the end. dally in a different one of the 11 languages he spoke: Cardinal Cody ounces of rice each day so they can share what "I expected nothing less of thiay have with lepers and orphans. $10 will feed Italian, French, English, Ger­ FEED the Holy Father than to do man, Persian, Hebrew, , a family for several weeks at least. $50 will- feed what he is doing," said one In Vatican Post THE Syrian, Assyrian, and Ethiop­ five families. $100, ten families . . . Only $975 Vatican source. "After all, Car­ HUNGRY ian. Washington, D.C. (RNS) — gives a priest a two-acre 'model farm' to raise dinal Tisserant is the Dean of Cardinal John J. Cody of Chi­ his own food and teach his parishioners how to the and he As perfect of the Vatican's cago was named a member of was, even though the two did Congregation for the Oriental the Vatican Prefecture for Eco­ raise more food. Archbishop Mar Gregorios will have some disagreements, a Churches from 1937 to 1959, nomic Affairs, which supervises write to thank you. close and trusted and beloved Cardinal Tisserant supervised the over-all financial operation friend of Pope Paul." the affairs of some 8 million of the Church. TRAIN • Enable a girl to become a Sister. For 41c a As dean of the college-, it Eastern Rite Catholics through­ The prefecture supervises all A day ($12.50 a month, $150 a year, $300 al- out the world. together) you can pay in full for her two-year fell to Cardinal Tisserant to economic affairs of the Vatican, SISTER During this period, he and its responsibilities include traiining, have a Sister 'of your own.' set up the secret conclaves at traveled widely and came into whtfh Popes John XXIII and reviewing of budgets, coordina­ official and scholarly contact D For only $14 a month ($168 a year) you can Paul VI were elected. tion of investments, and the HELP with non-Catholic Eastern make sure that an abandoned child has food, examination and development A There even was a brief pe- Churches, and was credited of new work projects. CHILD clothing, a blanket and love . . . We'll send you a photo of the boy or girl you 'adopt'.

MASSES D Our priests will offer promptly the Masses New Conversion Rites Instituted FOR you request Do you wish to remember a loved — (RNS) — A experimentally in various mis­ tice period will correspond to LENT one this Lent? Your Mass offerings are usually new rite of "Christian initia­ sion countries and in certain the different stages of the thei only Income our priests overseas receive. tion" of adults into the Roman other selected areas. catechumen's spiritual growth was published G Enrojl yourself, your family and friends in A Vatican spokesman said and development: here Feb. 17. JOIN this Association. You will be helping Pope Paul the idea of receiving converts After an initial instruction The new procedure makes a into the Church by slow de­ in the Catholic faith, the Can­ THIS in ono of his most ambitious and baartfait ASSOCIATION works, while sharing in the blessings of thou- return to trie early days of the grees would permit them to didate for will be wel- Church when persons wishing maKe up their minds "without corned into the Christian com- sanids of Masses, (Trie offering for one year ii to embrace the Catholic faith pressure and thereby deepen munity in a ceremony in $2 |per person. $10 for a family; perpetual mem- were required to pass through their faith." which he becomes,/formally. a benthip is $25 per person, f iQO for I family,) a prolonged period of Initiation catechumen, "marked with the before being accepted into the For many years there have sign of the 'cross of Christ." Church. been complaints in some Cath­ 1 olic circles that the ritual and Then, over a period of time Dili INIGLflieB SLtASC NNfi $. In effect, the new rite re- that in instances may be years, Monslgnor Nolan: Stores the ancient institution form leading up to "conver­ sion" to the Roman Catholic the catechumen will receive "a FOIR of the "catochumenate," a pe- Church has been too lenient kind of apprenticeship to the Please fowuE riod of apprenticeship of vary- Christian Life," through basic |«twm Q9«pon This leniency has been with your STREET. ing lengths of time during blamed for manj^men and religious and spiritual forms* offering which the "catechumen" — the women adopting the Church tion. During this time, the .HATE. non-baptized adult desirous of before marriage, only to De- oiinr_ -ZIP C0DI becoming a Catholic — will re­ come lukewarm Catholics, at catechumen will participate in ceive necessary instruction in "blessings and prayers," ser- CATHQUC MSAH SA»T WELFARE AII0CIATI0N the faith and undergo a spirit­ best, or even to leave the ual formation preparatory to Church, soon after marriage. vices designed to support him in his progress. his receiving the "sacraments Many Vatican officials are of initiation" — Baptism, Con­ Then, usually at the begin­ NEAR EAST convinced that the new proce­ firmation and the Eucharist. ning of Lent, at his or her own dures will help much to elim­ request, the catechumen will MISSIONS inate this problem, something The new rite allows for adap­ CARDINAL COOKE, President the Pope and the predominant­ be called by the bishop or his tation to contemporary needs MSGR. JOHN G. NOLAN, National Secretary ly French commission who delegate to receive, within a and to different situations Write: CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WELFARE ASSOC. which arise frojrojjj a, vavarieti y of drew up the new regulations short time, the sacraments of 330 Madison Avenue*New York, N.Y. 10017 traditions and expect to accomplish. baptism. Confirmation and the Telephone: 212/YUkon 6-5840 Eucharist; and thus be received Under preparSSPrfoar^PPto r seven Different ceremonies during years, the rite has been used the "catechumenate" or appren- fully into the Church. PI09S4 Courier-Journal Wednesday, March 1,1972