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. 2 1973

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Vol. L Madison College , Harrisonburg , Va. , Friday , November 2 ,1973 No. 16 Priorities Set The Madison College Board The new building would be of Visitors agreed Saturday to located adjacent to the An- establish the renovation of thony-Seeger Campus School Maury Hall and the construc- and would serve as a clinical tion of a new School of Edu- education buUdlng, Dr. Car- cation building as the college's rier said. The building would top priorities in capital out- Include Madison's Child Dev- lay requests. elopment Center," a Speech and The requests wlU go before Hearing Center, a Diagnostic the Virginia General Assem- Reading Center, a Special bly when lt convenes early Education Instructional Ma- next year. terials Center and an Educa- Madison President Ronald E. tional Media Center. These Carrier told the board that centers are now housed In a Maury "Is in dire need of number of different buildings. repairs." Maury Hall Is the New plans for the School of oldest building on the Madison Education buUdlng call for a campus, he said, and is un- capital outlay of around $2.1 suitable for academic pur- million, Dr. Carrier said. poses in its present condition. This Is around half the ori- Maury Hall would be used as ginal estimated cost, he added. the headquarters for Madi- The appointment of two new son's School of Education, Dr. deans at the coUege was ap- Carrier said, and would in- proved by the board of visi- clude the departments of ele- tors: Dr. John Swelgart, for- mentary education and secon- merly head of the department dary education. The renova- of philosophy and religion, was tion would cost around named dean of the School of Lt. Governor Henry Howell, who claims to In the Harrisonburg area at the VFW Post $900,000. Arts and Sciences; Dr. Eli- be the people's candidate for Governor. He 632 Wednesday night. Anew building Is needed for zabeth M. Flnlayson, formerly spoke to a rally of the Howell supporters the School of Education since director of orientation and various departments of the academic counseling, was school are now scattered In named dean of the summer nine buildings at Madison, Dr. school. Howell Visits Harrisonburg Carrier said. JOHN HULVER Incident Reports "Across the nation the people George Mason, Mr. Howell de- family the hardest. Mr. are waiting to see what Virgi- clared that all power is vested HoweU stated that 75 per cent nia is going to do in Tuesday's In the hands of the people and of the people of Virginia want election," stated Lt. Governor that's Just where he Intends this tax on food and drugs Protect Students Henry HoweU during a rally to return it. He went on to repealed. ved. If a student files an In- speech at the Harrisonburg state that with all the uncer- Mr. Howell further cited that By KARTN KNOWLES cident report it goes directly According to Mike Webb, VFW Post 632 held on Wednes- tainty and labeling of people Mr. Godwin has never suppor- to the Office of Student Life Associate Director of Student day night. that It's time that the state ted the Virginia people against as opposed to going first to Life, student Incident report The independent candidate government begins to human- the high rates charged by Student Affairs as those sent " forms are designed to protect for Governor is on his last ize Virginia again. VEPCO for electric power. In by residence hall staff do. students' rights rather than to swing through the Valley be- Mr. Howell spoke to the ral- Virginians pay some of the A plain incident report is only Injure them. There are basic- fore Tuesday's off-year elec- ly through their hewrts and highest rates In this region of the basis for an Investigation. ally two groups of persons who tions. Local residents and their pocketbooks. Saying that the country, also several It is only after an Investiga- may write up incident reports: college students ventured if elected he would work to VEPCO officials have contri- tion has taken place and a a) residence hall staff and b) through the rain to pack Local make sure that the owners of buted almost $12,000 to the violation of a rule has been es- students, faculty, and secur- Post 632 from waU-to-waU in large holdings of bank stock Godwin campaign treasury. tablished that the matter Is order to give Mr. Howell a pay the same rate of Income Another $6,000 has come from ity. brought before a Judicial hea- Incident reports sent In by resounding welcome. tax that the little man has to the Continental Telephone ring. The end result Is then residence hall staff Involve, Before Mr. HoweU came to pay. His opponent, Mills God- of Virginia, who also charge recorded In the student's fol- for the roost part, accidents the platform, former Republi- win has contlnuely sided with very high rates to the aver- der in the Student Life office can Delegate to the General the large corporations and the age customer. that occur in the dormitories, In the form of what, If any, Assembly Don Erman announ- large stockholder. Mr. God- To wrap up the rally Mr. violations of rules In resid- disciplinary action was taken. ence halls, and a variety of ced that the Republicans of win was In office at the time HoweU said, "the people still This folder with Its' lnforma- other incidents such as false Rockingham County plan to that state sales tax went Into have control of their govern- ion Is the private property fire alarms. When an Incident turn this Valley around for Mr. effect and he has never tried ment in Virginia and let us of Madison CoUege and is not report is fUed by a residence Howell next Tuesday. to take the tax off the food and make sure that It stays that released to anyone under any hall staff member, it goes fi- Quoting from the writings of drugs which hits the individual way this Tuesday." condition. When a student tr- rst to the Office of Student ansfers or graduates, the fol- Affairs where lt Is reviewed. der Is destroyed. 'Breeze' Conducts Election Poll If it involves a violation it is At the moment about 80% sent to Mr. Webb in Student of the incident reports filed By ANDY FIELDS The first question, perhaps, bernatorial candidates. The Life, who talks to all Involved concern open-house, alcohol, According to a telephone brought forth': the most dlsa- results for this office were persons and then decides whe- and noise violations. Mr. survey, Madison students fa- , pointing results as 48% of as follows: ther or not a Judicial hearing Webb states that If students vor Republican gubernatorial those polled expressed no in- Godwin 42.1% Is called for. would submit their complaints candidate by a tention of voting In the elec- HoweU 30.4% Mr. Webb says that many In the form of incident repor- tion. . on Tuesday. Another Undecided 23.4% 12% margin over his Indepen- students do not know that they ts instead of leaving it up to dent opponent Lieutenant Gov- dlsapointlng result was the Other 4.1% can and have the light to file large percentage of students Republican John Dalton re- residence hall staff members, ernor Henry HoweU. The sur- an Incident report against an- they would probably see much unfamiliar with the candidates ceived a majority over his other student if they feel that vey, conducted by THE faster and better results. St- for Lieutenant Governor and Democratic opponent Harry BREEZE, consisted of stu- their rights are being Infrin- udent awareness of what they Attorney General. Michael. However, over half dents selected randomly and ged upon. He also expressed can do about disagreeable cl- was composed of four Most respondents , however, polled were as yet undecided. the feeling that many students questions. were familiar with the gu- Just do not want to get Invol- page 2 , THE BREEZE , Friday , November 2 ,1973 Editorial and Opinion Page 1 Po9«i 2,3 •<••••••'••••*•• Male Put-Down

Dear Editor: R.W. Emerson once wrote: ment on basic assumptions •If malice and vanity wear the there's no room for a plau- coat of phllanthrophy, shall sable understanding. If one be- that pass? If an angry Argot lieves, only in an ill-defined assumes this bountiful cause cause without the primer of of abolition, and comes to me reason, than how are we to why should I not say to him, know whether their inclina- Go love thy infant; love they tions are actually real inspi- wcodchopper; be good natured red toward sweeping social and modest; have that grace; reform or are.,prompted by and never varnish your hard, egocentric reasons? Dr. Daly uncharitable ambition with truly despises men. But then, this incredible tenderness.• Its always been natural for It's sad now-days to see an people to despise those that ultra-educated fool traveling make them feel inferior. about in great despair, mak- A verbose, female chauvinist ing a mockery of their assu- sow comes to Madison to tell med lntelligency by dispensing me I'm a male chauvinist pig, its dictates with malice and and is heralded by the Philo- vanity. sophy Department, core of As Dr. Mary Daly, Womens* Madison's intelligence, from Libber, began her speech, one whom (along with all other ma- could not help but admire her les In the room), she would poise, her air of confidence, not even take questions. This her vocabulary, and her lack exclusive response to cross- of timidity in expression. She examination is partial to two What A Price To Play was no fading Violet. But Mary things: a mind ill at ease with is on a witch-hunt. She's fly- Itself, and and untenable argu- Dear Editor, racket and I was told that I full operating capacity, the ing around the East Coast this ment that might otherwise qui- I am writing this letter In could no longer check out any deposit and I.D. would be re- fall wreaking fire and brim- ckly collapse. This exclusivity protest of a new regualtlon because they too were being turned. If, on the other hand, stone on the male species. Dr. is bigotry, is prejudice, is that just recently was put Into broken and nobody was replac- the equipment Is damaged to Daly either does not approve wrong. Why, it's not even lady- effect. This regulation con- ing them either. This leaves where It is no longer usable, of, or disbelieves in, everything like. cerns the issuing of recreat- me with one ball, that I had to then the student would be for- from God and Socrates to Don- An educated heretic with a ional equipment in Godwin Hall buy myself, and no racket. I ced to pay the balance. If the ald Duck and President Nixon, large vocabulary comes to regarding handballs and rack- was then told again to go down- student does not happen to have respectively. She gives no Madison in the name of sister- ets. Last year, handballs as town and buy one, which lnci- the balance with him, a bill creedence to the Bible, the Ko- hood, and captures the imagin- well as rackets were being is- dently . cost anywhere from would be issued that the stu- ran, religion at large, or even ation of the blind. Is It not sad sued for free in exchange for $8.95 to $12.95. I uttered a dent would have to pay to re- History. to see a cause led by someone your I.D. After using the equ- few choice words and hurried ceive his grades at the end of ' Well, we don't care what you with great zeal, sincere or ot- ipment, you returned it and got to the 'Breeze' to write this the semester. don't believe, Dr. Daly, tell us napoleanic fervor that knows your I.D. back. article. If the big problem Is The solution seems so easy, what you do believe. Let us no reason and is without foun- Earlier this year, upon requ- the breaking of the equipment that I'm surprised the great share even some remote point dation. I suppose Dr. Daly th- esting a handball, I was told that is not being replaced, as minds of our administration of view by which we may at inks of herself in equal but that I could no longer check we are told, and if this school have not thought of it but If they least approach the subject. Continued on Page 3 one out. The reason given was does not have enough leftover by chance have, then what the Without some mutual agree- that too many balls were being from the Astroturf to buy a heU are you waiting for? broken and neither the school few rackets and balls, then I With this proposal there would or players were replacing th- suggest the following alterna- be plenty of equipment and it W$ Imz* em. I had to go downtown and tive. would be taken care of bet- buy one from a sporting goods When a student comes to ch- ter. store and then come back to eck out equipment, he or she Personally, If this gets any Published by the Student Body of Modiion College, Harroonburg, Vo. school and play, wasting about would submit their I.D. and a worse, I can foresee calling up REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY 25 minutes of the hour that I one dollar deposit. Upon re- to reserve a court, and being was planning to play. turn of the equipment, if no told to go downtown and buy National Educational Advertising Services, Inc Today, to my extreme sur- substantial damage has occu- onell prise, I went to check out a rred and the equipment is In Pete Belenky EXECUTIVE PUBLISHER Andy Fields TUESDAY FRIDAY EDITOR-IN-CHIEF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Tactless Campaign Tactics? John Hulver Kevin Coyle STAFF Dear Editor, me the most Is that the "God- mind. MANAGING EDITOR Linda Shaut MANAGING EDITOR They're doing it again! Every win people" are trying to get Mills Godwin, on the other Carol Lempe Marcia Slacum Mari Rechin year at about the same time across the idea that Henry is hand, upon completing his Don Snead the Republicans unleash their just for Henry and not for Vir- term as Governor in 1968, FEATURE EDITOR Elaine Adams ADVERTISING campaign of desperation. ginia. Bumper stickers read- went completely out of public Greg Byrne Marilyn Buckner Jo Ann Testa They did it to elect Scott in ing "This is the year for Vir- service. Except that he came Wayne Reed Dan Downey '72 and they did it to re-elect ginia, not for Henry" typify back to head up Virginia's EDITORIAL STAFF Debra Carter Carole Christopher Nixon in '72. Now it seems this approach. It bothers me committee to re-elect the Sharon Brill Ron Kinzer Richard W. Frey that they are using the same because Henry Howell has al- President (CREEP) In 1972. Tom Mulhearn Ned Leonard TYPISTS technique to get Godwin elec- ways been for Virginians and During those years out of pub- Cathy Voltmer Diane Lilly Cindy Carney ted. Their technique used In Virginia. He has always fought lic service, he "sold" his Scott McGehee Pat Hapanowicz this sort of campaign is sim- for the consumer. He has name to six large corpora- PHOTOGRAPHY Laurie Pater Barb Levister ple - to spread gross Inac- fought to keep utility rates tions, becoming a member of Jeanne Weber curacies about the opposing down, and if It weren't for Hen- the board of directors of these Bobby Morgan Debbie Wetzel SPORTS candidate throughout the land ry , we would be paying 2 $*&* was planned and begun. WMRA A Paid Political Advertisement the Enemy List. formed some Impressions on As a staff assistant Higgins the men who testified Defore owz one also had some access to the the committee. According to Order Yow Jr. Ring Da«e Formal* Froi statements of the men testi- Higgins, Ehrlichman was "in- fying before the Senate Sel- solent"; wAereas Haldeman ect Committee on the Presi- was "more cooperative." The Tuxedo Room dential Campaign. According Higgins was more Impressed to Higgins, the press was wil- with John Dean whom he said am ling to pay for news leaks on was "a man who knew what he wanted." The Brides' House Of the Senators serving on ON SALE the Watergate Committee, Hi- ggins said that the Senator Phone THIS WEEK that he respected most was Senator Ervln. Higgins des- cribed his boss as an "im- Tuxedo Room: pressive man." 434-1444 20% Off Men's Shoes! House of Beauty Brides House: Hairstyling and 434 - 8053 DRESS e. Merle Norman ft Cosmetics OPEN THURS. NITES CASUAL STYLES One Stop For Until 9 p.m. Complete Beauty Care

765 E. Market Street Carole Christopher and Dan Downey Modeling JCPenney Harrisonburg, Va. for THE BRIDES' HOUSE and THE TUXEDO ROOM Phone 434-4892 39 E. Market ST. 51 South Court Sq. Near Cloverleaf f The Last Day To Order Your Tux is Monday, Nov. 12 ) Harrisonburg, Va. Shopping Center Harrisonburg Va. and Rolling Hills « BMC MX 3CK ->OC one one XKZ Shopping Center - V THE BREEZE , Friday, November 2 , W73 , Page 5 Cast Selected By KARIN KNOWLES with the honor that they have The cast for the Stratford been taught Is so important Players' fall production of to being a lady. In "Summer Tennessee Williams' "Sum- and Smoke" Miss Alma exper- mer and Smoke" was selected iences a struggle within her- last Wednesday by director self of the spiritual vs. the Allen Lyndrup who commen- physical. Her physical desires ted, "You will not believe how overcome the spiritual ones, difficult these choices were but only after she has rejected for me. Pm sure I could ea- a relationship with John. By sily have cast this show twice then John will not take her with the talent I had show up back and her only recourse, at auditions.* now that she has rebuilt her Christina Davis, who will character, is to become a play the part of Miss Alma, prostitute. is a freshman at Madison and Allen Lyndrup, the director currently a French major. of the play, designed sets for Dennis Dewey, chosen to play plays at the University of the role of John, Is a senior Virginia and was at one time this year and vice-president In a production of "Summer of Stratford Players. In the and Smoke" In which he pla- past he has played such roles yed the part of John. In his as Felix In "The Owl and the first year here at Madison, Pussycat* and Brick In "Cat Mr. Lyndrup teaches speech on a Hot Tin Roof" among lab., stage make-up, and te- The Madison College CommunltyOrchestra orchestra has concerts scheduled within the others. chnical theater classes. As- In performance on Tuesday night. The near future. According to Mr. Lyndrup, sistant director of the play Is Williams' plays are centered Molly McCarron. "Summer around southern women who and Smoke" will be presented live In what he calls a Freud- November 29 and 30 and Dec- Bell To Hold Concert ember 1, 6, and 8. . Ian world In which they fight of students. To be assured of emendously exciting and emo- by JEANNE WEBER getting a place at the workshop tion charged musician." Any- Classical concert guitarist, one interested in guitar is ur- Debate Team Wins Stephen Bell, is to appear at call Mrs. Gordon Speck at 434- 6983 for advanced reserva- ged to take advantage of an Madison College's Novice the basis of lacking enough in- Anthony Seeger Campus Sch- opportunity to learn some cla- ool Wednesday, November 7. tions. debaters continued to win as dividual speaker points to qu- At 8:30 Wednesday night St- ssical style and hear Mr. Bell two teams compiled Impress- alify. During the six round e- An article which appeared in play. Monday's 'Dally News Record' ephen Bell will perform In ive records at the 24th Annual vent, Jones and Van Lear de- concert at the Anthony Seeger Wake Forest University tour- feated Samford, the University quoted Carlos Montoya as na- ming Bell "the most sensitive Auditorium. Admission for nament held In Winston-Salem of North Carolina, and two te- students Is $1.50 and $3.00 Coffeehouse North CarolinaaonOct 26-28. classical guitarist I have ever ams from William and Mary. general admission. For con- CPB will feature Pennlngton Renee Wenger and H.T. Vau- heard." The Wake Forest Tourna- cert reservations call Mrs. Gap in Coffeehouse on Novem- ght, Jr. won four of six pre- Performing under the Vir- ment, traditionally a very la- Philip Klncheloe at 434-2462. ber 5-10. Shows at 8:00 and liminary rounds and this per- ginia Museum Theatre Arts rge and prestlgeous novice Dr. Thomas of Madison's Ph- 10:00 p.m. will be held in ■ formance qualified them for event, this year hosted 62 de- System and sponsored by the Rockingham Chapter of the ilosophy and Religion Depart- WCC Ballroom. the octo-flnal elimination ro- bate teams from 34 colleges ment described Bell as a "tr- und. Although they lost that and universities representing Virginia Museum of Fine Arts round to Samford (Alabama) 14 states and the District of Mr. Bell will head a free University, Wenger and Vau- Columbia. This weekend, Ma- workshop in guitar music at ght did receive a plaque for dison debaters will travel to 4:00 p.m. Wednesday in the their efforts. tournaments at Appalachian Anthony Seeger Campus Sch- Freshmen Linda Jones of State and St. Vincent's Col- ool Auditorium. The workshop OPEN Harrisonburg and Arthur Van lege. open to five area schools, can Lear of Staunton also finished accept only a limited number the competition with a 4-2 re- cord. However, they barely TONITE missed the octo-flnal round on JENSEN 6x9 TIL 9 20 oz Speaker Kits

THE BODY SHOP ung4 $25.00 pr. and Old w/grilles t i + REOPENED after REMODELING!! THE Whitesel Music OPEN BOOK, LTD. Ill S. Main St. ■ "Even Our Price Sounds Better" Harmonburq, V«. 22101 4144014 THE PURPLE BUILDING 77 E. Market St. Daily cH 4|»•' Q9 E 434-1376 10 til 5 Market St. Sat. til 5:30 s \ / Page 6 , THE BREEZE , Friday , November 2 , 1973 1—JIM. anc : we one oac Th^ Grandstander By Van Jenkins

Saturday night Coach McMlllln and his Dukes travel to Staunton; Military Academy to engage in their seventh gridiron contest of the season. Madison Is playing .500 ball thus far with a 3-3 record. After this weekend the Dukes h4 ve two games remaining on slate; one with Fork Union Military Academy, and the other with Gallaudet College, i Last weekend local fans were disappointed when the Dukes last their home final, 17-6 to Massanutten Mi- idemy. Ices have showed; a great deal of improvement over their performance of last season. Next jlson will have to show quite a'bit of improve- ment over this year in order to compete with their all- varsity schedule for 1974. A couple of weeks ago, the Dukes battled Salisbury State and were smeared 42-7. Next season, most of the teams they play will be In Salisbury's caliber. Madison's remaining three games should be a-good indication of just how ready the team will be for next year's tough schedule. With six games behind them, Madison should have obtained a fairly sharp edge. One of the brightest spots for the Dukes this season has been the running of Bernard Slayton. Slay ton has been av- eraging around 100 yards rushing per game and has pro- vided Madison with most of Its ground game. If McMlllin's recruiting program works out this year as well as it did last year perhaps Madison will be ready for their first season of varsity competition. They will have an experienced unit that is used to working toget- her. McMlllln drills his team throughout the off-season. Next August, the Dukes should be able to begin pract- icing with a sound team and any additions will be a bonus Instead of a necessity. XX *x ■W «C 2t*C DOC MK 30C The ball seems to be up for grabs in the game between Logan 2B and Weaver A. Photo by Morgan

The Intramural Scene By Chuck Lockard OX Will Face Shorts 2 Rain forced postponement of In League B, Hanson AB and ver A did likewise. Of course, several soccer games this Logan 13 remained undefeated the condition of the playing fie- week, but other key games as they downed Weaver A and lds did nothing to help the of- were played Sunday and Wed- Ashby B respectively. Hanson fensive punch of either team. nesday. AB slipped by previously un- The Match-of-the-Week In On Sunday In League A N-9 defeated Weaver A 2-1 while League A materializes when held on to Its unbeaten status Logan 13 did it the easy way GX takes on Shorts 2. Even by downing Sheldon 2-1 In a ti- by securing a forfeit from As- though OX Is 0-3 because they ght contest. Ashby A won its hby B. In other matches AXP had to forfeit two games, they 30C 3W HX Xt<=XlC first game in three tries by rolled over Logan 2B 3-1 and still have a very good team. slipping past winlessSPE 2-1. EP nipped TKE 2-1. And Shorts 2 will have to try Open Mom-Sat. 181 Eaat Mark«l Phone: 9-5 Rolling Hills Shorts 3 also gained their fir- Only two games were played and rebound from a tough loss 9-9 Ttaura. & Frt. Shopping Center 434-2325 st win by stunning Shorts 2, Wednesday on the muddy, ram to Shorts 3. 2-1. And Off Campus scoreda soaked soccer fields, and no in League B, EP fresh from mild upset by shutting out OX one won as Ashby A and Shel- a 2-1 victory over TKE will 1-0. don battled to 1-1 over time try to find a way to beat unde- ties whiletille Logan 2B and Wea- feated Logan 13, who also dow- ned TKE by a 2-1 score. Virginia REALLY needs HenryHenrv Howell Schedule League A VOTE HENRY HOWELL Friday, Nov. 2 (make-up) 4:00 OX vs. Shorts 2 Monday, Nov. 5 FOR 4:00 SPE vs. Logan 2A

■| Smtrttst Fnhiois k»i Hiirstyliig GOVERNOR League B Friday, Nov. 2 (make-up) 1 Ftr Hi Ctfcft Girl 4:00 EP vs. Logan 13 NOVEMBER 6,1973 Monday, Nov. 5 *V*tj e 4:00 AXP vs. Weaver B „ 3&f A Paid Political Advertisement J*~**- B****i

*— •■ • K FOOSBALL CENTER *a. 47 E. Market St. 3° CO**** • ■** jo We Also Do WERNER'S MARKET, INC Open 3-11 p.m. Our Hairstylists Men's Halrstyling Tubs and Pumps Furnished Mon. — Fri Old Milwaukee A Schlirz Kegs • Sat.; Sun. 12 - 12a.m. Cold Beer A Cold Win* Our Hair Cuts are Beautiful TOP VALUE STAMPS NEXT TO 915 South High Street Dail 434-6895 : BACK ALLEY BIKES GOOD LUCK MADISON DUKES 'Behind Martin's Garage Zoe

y THE BREEZE . Friday , November 2 ,1973 , Page 7 Soccer Play-offs Near By J. ATKINSON Madison's soccer team en- whenever needed. The stre- son. ded their regular season play ngth of the Duke's bench has Looking ahead to post-season yesterday when they matched led to a new team scoring play, the Western Division their skills against Wash- record, with 21 different pl- champions In the VISA and ington and Lee. Unfortunately ayers scoring goals. VCAA will host this year's the 'Breeze's' deadline pre- Defensively, the team has state championship. A defeat vented the outcome from be- been stingy In giving opponents over W4L yesterday would ing printed until next Tues- an opportunity to score. Five give Madison the advantage day's edition. shutouts have been posted so of playing on home turf. One A victory over Washington far this season and no oppo- of the factors in the team's and Lee would have given the sing team in the state has success this season has been Dukes their second straight scored more than one goal ag- the large fan support accord- VISA and VCAA Divisional ainst Madison. Goalies Al ing to the players. titles. The win would also Mayer and Roger Shabe sha- Madison once again holds mean two seasons in a row red most of the responsi- the number eight spot In the without a defeat In state com- bility for protecting Madison's South this week. The team sha- petition. goal. Mayer's ability has ear- res the position with Duke Throughout the season Coach ned him A11-American honors University. Clemson still re- Vanderwarker has been able the past two years and he Is a mains the number one team In to turn to a strong bench candidate once again this sea- the ratings. Harriers Third In UCAA Meet By WADE STARLING tenth place Bill Mahone, with Madison College's Cross Madison had an excellent ch- ance of winning the meet until a time of 31:50. Rounding out Country Team finished their the scoring were eighteenth season Monday by placing th- Pete Wright was disqualified for missing a turn in the final place J.O. Phillips, who ran ird In the Virginia College At- 32:28, and twenty first place hletic Association Meet at Ch- mile. Wright was In seventh place at the time, and had he Bill Fletcher, who ran 32:36. ristopher Newport College in Dave Rinker, although not fi- Newport News. The Dukes finished seventh, eighth, or ninth, Madison would have won guring in the scoring, placed scored 58 points, finishing be- 26th with a time of 32:57. hind Bridgewater, with 51 it Chris McDonald, Just coming Madison finished out their BOD mi takes the bail away from an E.M.C. opponent. points, and Roanoke, with 57 season with an outstanding re- points. off an Injury, led Madison's Photo by Morgan runners, as he has done all cord of 10-1. season. He finished fourth ov- erall with a time of 30:53. Di- rectly behind him in fifth pl- ace was Chip Jean, who ran the The 14th Annual 10,000 meter five and a half mile course in track-cross country meet will 31:03. Next for Madison was 9) be run on De. 1. The meet will be run from Lexington to Buena Vista. It will begin at BIKES 3:00 p.m. There will be two Burger Chef \ divisions: an Open Division, ni 5. WAIN ST. for people of all ages, and a 305 N. Mason SL Masters Divisions. The Mast- HARRISONBURG- ers Division will Include three A Meal for Everyone age groups: 30-39, 40-49, and *3H -5855 50 and above. The meet Is open to anyone who would like to run. Anyone interested should contact: Norm Lord, Washing- ton & Lee University, Lexing- ton, Va. 24450. ^LLUE RIDGE MUSIC EMPORIUM Open 7 12 433-2000 15&WausauSt. Harrisonburg,Virginia 22801 Guitars • Banjos • Mandolins #12ARAGE Books • Record Thurs. "Razzmataz" 703 Halloween Party 1+34-57571 Fri. "Galaxies" Sat. "Church" Guitar & Banjo Classes Now Forming Va. Beach Thurs. & FrL - Ladles Free Saturday - Couples Only Harrlsonburg, Va. TYPING Call Mrs. Price 10 yr. Experience ^ Jl!/ Mll^O 828-6941

Show at 7:00"4 »:00 ATTENTION! ATTENTION! JIFFY-PRINT QUICK PRINTING Due to popular demand SERVICE Books Of All Kinds Held Over 2nd Week PHONE: 434-9957 the original... :~ 1M S. Mason Street Harrisonburg, Va. 870 N. LIBERTY ST. Phone 433-2136 ■ MASH HAHRISONBURG, VA. 22801 THE REVOLUTIONARY AMERICAN EAGLE Renovations, Tfy-vm/Rmus Continued from Page 1 Dr. William E. Callahan was named to succeed Dr. Swelgart as head of the department of philosophy and religion. tit GONNA BB The board also voted to fATCITYFf&M change the name of the col- &9{ONl lege's Reed Infirmary to the Madison College Health Cen- ter. A renovation project is now under way at the health center and is expected to be finished early nest year. Also at Its Saturday meeting, the board: —Approved a fee schedule for use of the college's Child Development Center, Reading Center and Speech and Hear- ing center. Nudity Arouses Action —Approved the establish- (CPS)—Vermont State Asse- blouses are a difficult pro- on sexual attack, he pointed carry such blankets in their ment of a bachelor's degree mblyman Robert Emonds (R- blem, an argumentative area,' out that almost all rape vic- cruisers now, he pointed out. program In distributive edu- Brattleboro) plans to intro- said Emonds; "the legislature tims are found with their clo- A great deal of publicity has cation and a master's degree duce legislation this year to could spend a great deal of thes ripped off. But, he said, been generated by his blanket program in hearing disorders. strengthen Vermont's statute time on something like that.* the dangers Involved notwith- legislation, according to —Authorized Dr. Carrier to forbidding public nudity. Asked whether he had recei- standing, "It's up to the in- Emonds. National magazines make a study of possible uses Emonds said he's received ved any complaints, or if he dividual* whether to swim, and the wire services have of college land across Inter- complaints from citizens thr- had himself found it disturbing walk, or breast-feed nude, picked up the story, he said, state 81 from the main oughout the state outraged at that a great many animals are •as long as It's done pri- and one unexpected result of campus. the sight of all that flesh su- to be seen wandering around vately...» all this widespread promo has n . Continued ddenly flapping around splas- nude, and that cows and hor- The problem of how to ar- been the arrival of large num- It('pOrtS, from Page 1 hlly on Vermont's public bea- ses often perform copulatory rest offending skinny-dippers bers of tourists with binocu- rcumstances Is what Student ches and waterways, and, wor- acts in full view of public has until now been "somewhat lars In the areas Emonds has Life Is pushing for. "A campus se yet, on Brattleboro's own roadways. Emonds admitted slippery." Emonds, however, cited as particularly "offen- is a community, and we want Main Street. (As the Chamber that animals can do "some pr- has wrestled with the dilemma sive." everyone's rights protected," of Commerce has said all al- etty embarassing things' but and come up with what he con- At Harriman Reservoir, kn- remarked Mr. Webb. ong, "Downtown Brattleboro anticipated no future legisla- siders an effective solution. own as Lake Whltlnghamalso, Has Everything.*) tion to clothe or to ban them Emonds suggested the use of voyeurs were lining up forty IhkJVML Emonds claimed that young from public view. "We've got "horse blankets", the kind New deep to catch the scene, wh- ■.:.-.--.F.\T»-;ii:-n[.inin?:-iR:n mothers who nurse in public to take care of the people York police once used In the ich comes complete with nude Now Showing are a common sight In down- first," Emonds emphasized, legendary (If infrequent) raids water-skiers, as Emonds told at 7:00 & 9:00 town Brattleboro, and that "and keep them from showing on the city's bordellos. «You it. Several businessmen in the even women without infants to things to others they might can't bring them In nude," he Lake Whltlngham area, Em- Roar once again succor occasionally expose Il- not really want to see." acknowledges, and allowing onds said, have congratulated with the original legal portions of their breasts To support his contention them to dress would give of- him on his overwhelming suc- movie cast.. to passersby for the sheer that nudity can be dangerously fenders the chance to plead not cess in promoting local tour- Joy of It "These peek-a-boo provocative and' even bring guilty. State police routinely ism.

Dear Gall, Recitals Set Happy Burfday on Nov. 2, Classified Ads and welcome to the Richard McPherson, Assis- Over - the - Hill - Gang Salty tant Professor of Music, will Signed, Kellerman FOR SALE: Yamaha XS2 650 AS WHIPS Hair cut, trimmed, thinned present a faculty organ re- Captain Miller, and styled. A good Job done 1972, 7000 miles perfect con- cital on Sunday, November 11, Blue Ridge Rangers dition, Just been tuned, new for a low price. Call Sue 5315. 3 P.M., at Asbury United chain 2 back tures, Engine Methodist Church, 205 South FOR SALE: Water Bed, Brand is clean, does not leak. Sl- Main St. in Harrisonburg. DONG'S STUDIO New. Call Ron 4171 ightly customized, double Z Mr. McPherson received his of handle bars, Highway pegs, Bachelor of Music from the HELP WANTED: Need, part or sissy bar, shorty megaphones KOREAN KARATE fulltime; waitresses (prefer- University of Michigan, Mas- Donald Elliott for great sound, and outside ter of Music from Wichita Self-Defense ably over 21) Cashier host- Self-Confidence Sutherland Gould cover for bike. 35-40 miles to State University, and, this AS HAWUVE AS TRAPPER JOHN esses, dishwashers, etc. Call a gallon, $1000 Call 433-5010 Self-Discipline or apply In person to the Li- fall, completed requirements for sale; girl's bike, 3- for the Doctor of Musical Weight Control brary Restaurant 68 Carlton Sport MASH St. (Beside Pizza Hut) 434- speed, excellent condition. Arts degree at the University Friday & Saturday $50.00 Call 5254 of Michigan where he was a LOCATED ACROSS FROM 5717 Anytime during day, 234- CITY TIRE SERVICE 7:00 & 9:35 8319 at night. Ask for Eddie student of Marilyn Mason. Mon. & Tues. at 7:30 The recital, which is free Taught by 5th Master Degree A., Freeman both #'s. GRAHAM'S Black Belt— Seung Dong FOR RENT: In Elkton. 3 room to the public, will include wo- ▼Masterpiece rks by Lidow, Pachelbel, J.A. 434-1114, 111 N. Liberty apartment w/private entrance SHOE SERVICE Bach, Franck, Alain, and Harrisonburg 298-3561 of Film-Makiiiii 111 North Liberty Street Liszt. WANTED: A home for two loveable kittens. Free for the Heels while you wait asking. Call Barry- 433-5892 wanted; current magazines Free Parking . to be used in the wards of the STORE OPEN i sii.ii" ijjg* State Mental Hospitals. Deli- 8-5 Mon.-Sat. veries can be made at any time 8-8 Thurs. to Keezell 210 (Dr. Swlnk's SA-IOOC I0-W«H SfwM AiwpHWw MaxvonSydow office). 434-IO*« Matching TAMO© AM/CM Star** tmm LivUllmann Two Solo-! Widt-ttponi, 1lc5ar Boofcth.H SoooUf. Held Over 2nd Week UNUSUAL MERCHANDISE -•o/iiric "41" Awfomotk rimtaM* It's Harrisonburg's Most Unusual Stores Show Times 7:00 & 9:00 GLEN'S FAIR PRICE GLEN'S GIFT i> STORE CENTER SOU, 187 N. Main St 95 S. Main St. / IS A 8 Track Stereo Tapes Gifts of Distinction Radio /haek MUST." $2.99 each g A TANDY CORPORATION COMPANY " V I H Home Owned Stores With At Cloverleaf Shopping- Center . JftmOnllm / MATTEL Production* FRIENDLY PEOPLE TO SERVE Open 10a.m. to 9p.m. YOU AND SOLVE YOUR NEEDS •SOUNDER'