Pdf 5 Živjeti Neretvu - K EU Standardima U Slivu Neretve, Faza III, Procjena Ekološki Prihvatljivog Protoka Za Rijeke Trebižat I Vrbanja, June 2009

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Pdf 5 Živjeti Neretvu - K EU Standardima U Slivu Neretve, Faza III, Procjena Ekološki Prihvatljivog Protoka Za Rijeke Trebižat I Vrbanja, June 2009 Izdavači Speleološko društvo “Bosansko-hercegovački krš”, Sarajevo Centar za krš i speleologiju, Sarajevo Branilaca Sarajeva 30, 71000 Sarajevo Redakcija – Editorial board Mirnes Hasanspahić, Simone Milanolo, Jasminko Mulaomerović, Ferid Skopljak, Amila Zukanović Urednik Jasminko Mulaomerović Prevodi na engleski jezik – Translated in English Saba Risaluddin i autori Korice – Cover Pećina Prosječenica, Podvelež (Foto: J. Mulaomerović) DTP & print TDP d.o.o. Sarajevo Bilten Naš krš upisan je u evidenciju javnih glasila pod brojem 132 od 10. 3. 1991. godine. 3 SADRŽAJ *Andrej Kranjc SOME DESCRIPTIONS OF DINARIC KARST IN PUBLICATIONS FROM 16TH-18TH CENTURY PRIMER OPISOV DINARSKEGA KRASA OD 16.-18. STOLETJA ...................... 5 *Ivo Lučić IMA LI KARSTOLOGIJE U NJEZINU ZAVIČAJU IS THERE KARSTOLOGY IN ITS HOMELAND NOW? .............................. 15 *Admir Ćerić, Nijaz Zerem UTJECAJ VJEŠTAČKOG ODVODNJAVANJA NA REŽIM PODZEMNIH VODA U TRESETIŠTU ŽDRALOVAC THE IMPACT OF ARTIFICIAL DRAINAGE TO THE GROUNDWATER REGIME IN THE ŽDRALOVAC PEATLAND .............................................. 24 *Stanislav Frančišković-Bilinski and Halka Bilinski LEAD-RICH SEDIMENTS FOUND IN SOME SPRINGS OF THE DINARIC KARST OF CROATIA OLOVOM BOGATI SEDIMENTI NAĐENI U NEKIM IZVORIMA DINARSKOG KRŠA HRVATSKE . 36 *Rosana Cerkvenik, Bogdan Opara, Črtomir Pečar, Tomaž Smerdelj RENOVATION OF THE TOURISM INFRASTRUCTURE IN ŠKOCJANSKE JAME OBNOVA TURISTIČKE INFRASTRUKTURE ŠKOCJANSKIH JAMA . 45 Milorad Kličković STOPIĆA PEĆINA – NOVA TURISTIČKA PEĆINA SRBIJE STOPIĆA CAVE - NEW SHOW CAVE OF SERBIA . 64 *Miroslav Doderović, Zlatko Bulić, Dragica Mijanović TURISTIČKA VALORIZACIJA SPEOLOŠKOG POTENCIJALA CETINJSKE SUBREGIJE TOURIST VALORIZATION OF CAVING IN CETINJE . 77 *Miroslav Doderović, Zlatko Bulić TURISTIČKA VALORIZACIJA SPEOLOŠKOG POTENCIJALA NACIONALNOG PARKA DURMITOR TOURIST VALORIZATION OF CAVING IN DURMITOR NATIONAL PARK . 92 *Jernej Jež ROOFOFROCK – LIMESTONE AS THE COMMON DENOMINATOR OF NATURAL AND CULTURAL HERITAGE ALONG THE KARSTIFIED PART OF THE ADRIATIC COAST . 106 *Mirnes Hasanspahić EKSPLOTACIJA SNIJEGA I LEDA IZ SPELEOLOŠKIH OBJEKATA KAO TRADICIONALNI NAČIN KORIŠTENJA VODE EXPLOITATION OF SNOW AND ICE FROM CAVES AS A TRADITIONAL WATER USES . 112 4 *Serena Magagnoli, Francesco Grazioli, Simone Milanolo PRELIMINARY RESULTS ON THE PRESENCE OF BATS IN THE GOVJEŠTICA CAVE (PRAČA RIVER CANYON – BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA) AND IN THE SURROUNDING AREA . 127 *Jasmin Pašić, Primož Presetnik, Jasminko Mulaomerović ZAŠTITA ŠIŠMIŠA SLIVA DONJEG TOKA RIJEKE NERETVE PROTECTION OF BATS IN THE NERETVA RIVER CATCHMENT AREA . 133 B. P. M. Ćurčić, T. Rađa, S. B. Ćurčić, Nina B. Ćurčić CAVE-DWELLING PSEUDOSCORPIONS (PSEUDOSCORPIONES) OF THE DINARIDES IN CROATIA . 137 *Dražen Kotrošan, Nermina Sarajlić ORNITOFAUNA HUTOVOG BLATA – STANJE I PERSPEKTIVE BIRD FAUNA OF HUTOVO BLATO – STATUS AND PERSPECTIVES .................. 146 *Stanković Mihajlo PRILOG POZNAVANJU HERPETOFAUNE KRAŠKIH TERENA I VISOKIH PLANINA U BOSNI I HERCEGOVINI CONTRIBUTION TO KNOWLEDGE OF THE HERPETOFAUNA OF KARST TERRAIN AND HIGH MOUNTAINS IN BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA . 170 Stjepan Mekinić, Nediljko Ževrnja, Dalibor Vladović, Josip Boban HERPETOFAUNA PLANINE OMIŠKE DINARE, HRVATSKA HERPETOFAUNA OF MOUNTAIN OMIŠKA DINARA, CROATIA . 189 *Admir Aladžuz, Vildana Goković ISTRAŽIVANJE BILJNIH ZAJEDNICA NA PROSTORU ŠTITAR PLANINE PLANT COMMUNITIES RESEARCH IN THE ŠTITAR MOUNTAIN . 200 *Dalibor Vladović, Božena Mitić, Nediljko Ževrnja ANALIZA ORD . ACANTHACEEN, ERICINEEN, PRIMULACEEN I VACCINIEEN IZ HERBARIJA C . STUDNICZKE ANALIZA ORD. ACANTHACEEN, ERICINEEN, PRIMULACEEN I VACCINIEEN IZ HERBARIJA C. STUDNICZKE . 210 Jasminko Mulaomerović DVA KRIVA ODREĐENJA NAŠIH PEĆINA U PRETNEROVIM RADOVIMA PRIPOMBE H KATALOGU V LANEYRIEJEVI NOVI KLASIFIKACIJI... I CATALOGUS FAUNAE JUGOSLAVIA TWO WRONG DETERMINATION OF OUR CAVES IN PRETERN’S WORKS COMMENTS ON THE CATALOGUE THE NEW CLASSIFICATION LAYER ... I CATALOGUS FAUNAE JUGOSLAVIA . 222 Radovi koji imaju zvjezdicu (*) su prezentirani na Simpoziju “Čovjek i krš 2013”, Čitluk, 13.-16. 10. 2013. SOME DESCRIPTIONS OF DINARIC KARST IN PUBLICATIONS FROM 16TH-18TH CENTURY PRIMER OPISOV DINARSKEGA KRASA OD 16.-18. STOLETJA Andrej Kranjc1 Abstract From relatively scarce descriptions of Dinaric Karst the author has chosen three examples: the diary of B. Kuripečič, the interpreter of the Austrian emperor diplomatic mission to the Turkish Sultan in Istanbul; the diary of Turkish traveller, diplomat, and soldier Evliya Çelebi; and the travel report of a researcher from the Enlighten period, B. Hacquet. In 1531 the first one published his diary where just two karst phenomena are mentioned. Evliya Çelebi wrote his diary during the great part of the 17th century and it contains numerous mentions and shorter descriptions of karst phenomena, mainly in terms of traveller’s and soldier’s point of view. B. Hacquet who considered himself as a chemists or “geologist” (in modern sense of the word) wrote the most about Dinaric Karst in his travel book on the “Physical-political Travel from Dinaric through Julian … to Noric Alps” (1785) and in the description of Carniola, “Oryctographia carniolica...” (1778-1789). He is one of the first known to use the term Dinaric Alps. At the end of the 18th and the beginning of the 19th century there were more and more descriptions of this part of the Balkan Peninsula, let me mention only the well known A. Fortis’ work (1774). Key words: history of karstology, Dinaric Karst, Hacquet B., Kuripečič B., Evliya Çelebi. Izvleček Avtor je izmed sicer redkih opisov Dinarskega krasa iz teh časov izbral tri primere: dnevnik B. Kuripečiča, tolmača diplomatskega poslanstva avstrijskega cesarja k turškemu sultanu v Carigrad, dnevnik turškega popotnika, diplomata in vojaka Evlije Čelebija in potopis razisko- valca iz časa razsvetljenstva, B. Hacqueta. Prvi je objavil svoj dnevnik 1531 in mimogrede omenja le dvoje kraških pojavov. Evlija Čelebija je pisal svoj dnevnik tekom večjega dela 17. stol. in vsebuje številne omembe in krajše opise kraških pojavov, predvsem z vidika popotnika in vojaka. B. Hacquet se je štel prvenstveno za kemika in »geologa« (v današnjem smislu besede) in o Dinarskem krasu piše največ v potopisu »Fizikalno-politično potovanje od Dinarskih, Julijskih ... do Norijskih Alp« (1785) in v opisu Kranjske z naslovom »Oryctographia carni- olica...« (1778-1789). Hacquet je tudi eden prvih, ki je uporabljal ime Dinarske Alpe. Konec 18. in v začetku 19. stol. so se pričeli množiti opisi tega dela Balkanskega polotoka, če posebej omenim le znano Fortisovo delo (1774). Ključne besede: zgodovina krasoslovja, Dinarski kras, Hacquet B., Kuripečič B., Evlija Čelebi. 1 Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Novi trg 3, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia, [email protected] 6 Andrej Kranjc Between the 16th and 18th centuries the Dinaric Karst, this is a limestone mountain chain in the western Balkans, was a part of different political units. There were two empires, one on the western side and another one on the eastern side, which are Habsburg’s lands, later Austria, and Ottoman Empire. Between them was narrow Croatia, most of the time belonging to the Hungarian Kingdom, later transformed into Military Zone. Habsburgs had access to the sea at Trieste Bay, Hungary/Croatia between Bay of Kvarner and Northern Dalmatia, while Ottoman Empire had no ac- cess. The greatest part of the coast made part of Venetian Republic and Dubrovnik (Ragusa) Republic on the South. Relations between Austria and Turkey were mostly hostile; the second one acquired more and more territories towards west and north. On the other side Venetian and Dubrovnik’s Republics had relatively good relations with Turks, especially commercial, and often not so good with Austria. This geo- political situation was very important regarding the travelling across the Balkans and across Dinaric Karst especially. The traverse of karst mountains was difficult and dangerous to travel through. Although relations of Venice and Dubrovnik with Turks were relatively good, at least from the high diplomacy point of view, along the border the everyday events often proved just the opposite. This is clearly evident in the diary of Turkish traveller Evliya Çelebi. According to western sources, the first printed descriptions of Dinaric Karst deal mostly with its north westernmost part, this is Carniola (Kranjska). In 1573 G. Leonberger from Regensburg (Shaw, 1994) wrote the poem about the polje Cerkniško jezero (Lake of Cerknica). In 1551 G. Wernher from Vienna included the descrip- tion of polje into his book “Marvellous waters of Hungary”. It seems reasonable to believe that the real author of this description was the famous Austrian diplomat from Carniola, Sigismund Herberstein (Simoniti, 2010). On the other side of Dinaric Karst a philosopher from Dubrovnik, Nicola Gučetić discussed Aristotle’s views on underground winds and on speleothems using the examples of the cave Vjetrenica and of the cave Šipun near Cavtat (Gozze, 1584). In J. W. Valvasor’s “Glory of the Duchy of Carniola” (1689) there are not only descriptions of karst and karst phe- nomena in Carniola in proper sense, but also of Istria and Military Zone, including the Adriatic coast with the town of Senj at the foot of Velebit Mountain (Božić, 1995). Detailed description of Dalmatia, karst phenomena included, was composed by A. Fortis in 1774 (Fortis, 2004) and two years later comments on Fortis’s book have been published by G. Lovrich (1776). For this study I have
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