Going the Pub and Being the Library A Microparameter in North-West English Preposi>onal Phrases Boston University Linguis>cs Faculty Spotlight Thursday, Oct 2nd Neil Myler (
[email protected]) The United Kingdom 2 England 3 England The North West of England 4 Bit of the North West we’re dealing with 5 Bit of the North West we’re dealing with Scouse 6 Bit of the North West we’re dealing with Woolyback Scouse 7 Scousers, Plas>c Scousers (Placcies) and Woolybacks St Helens, Widnes etc are wools. Huyton, Kirkby, Bootle etc. are borderline. Birkenhead are the biggest wools. Wools want to be Scousers, Scousers don’t want to be wools. Stevie Dunn I AM proud to be classed as a Scouser and here are my defini>ons. Scouser: An individual born within eyesight of the Liver Building or adopted by the en>re city. Must have a Liverpudlian accent and be proud that we sound Australian to all Americans. Plas>c Scousers: Those born in eyesight of the Liver Building, but have to cross water, or those born and living within the city, but wish to speak differently and live elsewhere. Woolybacks: Those who sound like they live near sheep – areas like Manchester, Warrington and Widnes. Lulla h[p://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/news/liverpool-news/scousers-plas>c-scousers-woolybacks--3366630 h[p://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/news/nostalgia/what-plas>c-scouser-paddy-shennan-3370855 8 Definite Woolybacks The Lancashire Hotpots • Comedy folk band from St Helens • Named aer “Lancashire Hotpot”, a tradi>onal stew. • Note flatcaps, waistcoats etc.