ST ANTONY's SERIES General Editor: Alex Pravda, Fellow of SI Antony's College, Oxford

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ST ANTONY's SERIES General Editor: Alex Pravda, Fellow of SI Antony's College, Oxford ST ANTONY'S SERIES General Editor: Alex Pravda, Fellow of SI Antony's College, Oxford Recent lilies include: Mark D, Alleyne INTERNATIONAL POWER AND INTERNATIONAL COMMUNICATION Daniel A. Bell, David Brown, Kanishka Jayasuriya and David Martin Jones TOWARDS ILLIBERAL DEMOCRACY IN PACIFIC ASIA Judith M. Brown and Rosemary Foot (edi/ors) MIGRATION: The Asian Experience Sir Ale<: Cairncross MANAGING THE BRITISH ECONOMY IN THE 1960s: A Treasury Perspective Alex Danchev and Thomas Halverson (editors) INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVES ON THE YUGOSLAV CONFLICT Anne Deighton (edilor) BUILDING POSTWAR EUROPE: N:llional Decision-Makers and European Institutions, 1948--{)) Simon Duke THE NEW EUROPEAN SECURITY DISORDER Y Habn Erdem SLAVERY IN THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE AND ITS DEMISE, 1800-1909 Christoph Gassenschmidt JEWISH LIBERAL POLITICS IN TSARIST RUSSIA , 1900--14: The Modernization or Russian Jewry Amitzur Han THE ORIGIN OF THE ARAB-ISRAELI ARMS RACE: Arms, Embargo, Military Power and Decision in the 1948 Palestine War Hiroshi Ishida SOCIAL MOBILITY IN CONTEMPORARY JAPAN Austen Ivereigh CATHOLICISM AND POLITICS IN ARGENTINA, 1910-60 Leroy Jin MONETARY POLICY AND THE DESIGN OF FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS IN CHINA, 1978- 90 Matthew Jones BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES AND THE MEDITERRANEAN WAR, 1942-44 Anthony Kirk-Greene and Daniel Bach (editors) STATE AND SOCIETY IN FRANCOPHONE AFRICA SINCE INDEPENDENCE Jaroslav Krejci and Pavel Machonin CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1919--92: A Laboratory for Social Change Rosalind Marsh HISTORY AND LITERATURE IN CONTEMPORARY RUSSIA Leslie McLoughlin IBN SAUD: Founder ofa Kingdom David Nicholls THE PLURALIST STATE: The Political Ideas of J. N. Figgis and his Contemporaries 1. L. Porket UNEMPLOYMENT IN CAPITALIST, COMMUNIST AND POST­ COMMUNIST ECONOMIES Charles Powell JUAN CARLOS OF SPAIN: Self-Made Monarch Neil Renwick JAPAN'S ALLIANCE POLITICS AND DEFENCE PRODUCTION William J. Tompson KHRUSHCHEV: A Political Life Christopher Tremewan THE POLITICAL ECONOMY OF SOCIAL CONTROL IN SINGAPORE Stephen Welch THE CONCEPT OF POLITICAL CULTURE Jennifer M. Welsh EDMUND BURKE AND INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS: The Commonwealth of Europe and the Crusade against the French Revolution The German Question and Other German Questions David Schoenbaum and Elizabeth Pond ~ in association with ~ Palgrave Macmillan (0 D:lv id Schocnb:lum and Elizabeth Po nd 1996 soncover reprint ofthi:: hardcover I st edition 1996978-0-333-64793-6 All rig hts reserved . No reproductio n. copy o r transmission of th is publ it: ation may be made without wrinen pemlission. Nu paragra ph of th is publi catio n may be reproduced. copi ed or transmitt ed save with written permission or in ccoa rdance wit h thc p rovis ions of the Copyright. Designs and Patents Ac t 1988. or unuer the ert ms o f:my Ikencc pe rmiU ing limited copy ing issued b y het Copyrig ht Li censing Agency. 90 Toltenham Coun Roau. London WIP 9HE. Any pe rson who unes any unau thorised ac t in re lat ion to th is publ ic ation ma y be liable 10 crim inal proscrution anu civil clai ms for uamages. First publi sheu 1996 by MACMILLAN PRESS LTD Hounu mi ll s, Basingstokc, H:lmpshire RG21 6XS ;.IOd London Compan ies anu representativ es th ro ughout the wotlu ISBN 978-0-333-65776-8 ISBN 978-0-230-37516-1 (eBook) DOI 10.1057/9780230375161 A l'ata[ og uc re("Ord for th is book is avai lable from the British Libr.ary. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 I ()S 04 0 3 02 O[ 00 99 98 97 96 Copy-edited :lOd ty peset by POlly -Edmondson Okehampton and Rochdale, En gland Pu b[ isheu in the U nited Stil tc s o f Ameri ca [996 by ST. MARTI N'S PRESS. INC. Scholarly and Refcrent'e Di vision 17:'i Fifth Ave nu e. Ne w York. N. Y. 100 [0 [SBN 978.0·3[2_16048_7 To Fritz Rene Allemann the 70,000 Leipzig demonstrators of9 October 1989 and in memory of Walter Henkels, Ursula Henkels-Schafer and Wellington Long who all taught the authors some important things about Germany Contents Acknowledgements i. The Once and Future Kingdom 2 Old Germans and Young Turks 43 3 From Industrial Park to Theme Park? 87 4 Revolution, East German-Style 146 5 European and Foreign Policy 174 6 Whither Germany? 230 Bibliography 237 Index 243 vii Acknowledgemen ts In 1991, the editors of Past and Present invited onc orlhe authors to help think about 'Boundaries and Border- Crossings' at a conference in Oxford the following June. This book is an indirect fcsuh of that salutary kick, plus the welcome interest of Mr Alex Pravda, editor of the SI Antony's College series. But above all, it renects. the current state of a conversation between the authors th ai began in 1979, and shows no sign of ending. The common denominator is Germany, and why it matters fifty years after the Second World War and five years after unification. Both the 'whence?' and the 'whither?' dimension have caused us to think some new thoughts and ask ourselves some new questions. Ir our book causes readers to do the same, we believe it will have served a useful purpose. As only aUlhors can appreciate, acknowledging how much they owe to others is one of the nicest parts of writing books. We are therefore grateful for an opportun ity to thank: • Klaus Becher, J. D. Bindenagel, Peter Katzenstein, Maria Kovacs, Gerhard Loewenberg, Michael Mertes, Ursula Muller, Franz Urban Pappi, Ernst-Jorg von Studnitz, Angelika Volie, and Elisabeth Wendt for unblinking editorial ri gor whe n confronted with draft chapters; • The libraries of the German Society for Foreign Affairs, the University of Iowa, the Bologna Center of the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies of The Johns Hopkins University, and the Library of Congress, and especially Gisela Gottwald, John Williams and Gail Martin, as well as Mitchell Ash, Fran~oise Globa, Gabriella Poggi, for bibliographical support above and beyond the call; • Michael Schoenbaum, Gesine Gerhard, for resea rch assistance where and when it mattered; • Robert Cooper, R,llf Dahrendorf, Warnfried Dettling, Gisela Erler, Franz Eschbach, Andreas Falke, Eva Gerigk, Elisabeth Hirtc. William Horsley, Karl Kaiser. Angelika Legde-Jaskolla, Ulrich x A cknow/edgemenls Littmann, Hans Meyer, Klaus Richter, Hermann Rudolph, Erwin Schcuch, Roland Ullrich, Angclika Volle. Stephanie Wahl, for collegiality, patience, expertise and bright ideas; • Eduard Ackermann; Manfred Ackermann; Rudolf Adam; Bernd Albani; Hans Ambos; Joachim von Arnim; Alexander Arnot; Robert Beecroft; Kurt Bicdcnkopf; Dieter Bingen; Joachim Bitter­ lich; ]Jva Boden; Hans-OUo Brautigam; Birgit Breue!; Nigel Broom­ field; Fraser Cameron; Dominique Chassard; JUrgen Chrobog; John A. Cloud; Klaus J. Citron; Alexander Dijckmccstcr; Burkhard Dohiey; Michel Duclos; Claus J. Duisberg; Willem van Eekelen; Heinz Eggert; Frank Elbc; Thomas Enders; Hans-Joachim Falenski; Beatrice Fromm; Karl Furmaniak; Jens Fischer; Charles Gati; Helmut Geiger; Hans-Dietrich Genscher; Bronislaw Geremek; Wolf­ gang Gibowski; Sir David Gillmore; Carl Ernst Grummt; Artur Hajnicz; Daniel Hamilton~ Wojciech Hann; Martin Hanz; Peter Hartmann; Martin van Heuven; Richard Holbrooke; Jerzy Holzer; Karl-Heinz Hornhucs; Berthold Huber; Robert Hunter; Erich HIgen; Wolfgang Ischingcr; Gerhard Jahn; Marlies Jansen; Robert John­ son; Reinhard Junker; Uwc Kastner; Dieter Kaslrup; Catherine Kelleher; Reinhard Keller; Rober( Kimmitt; Klaus Kinkel; Michael Koch; Valentine Kosch; Eberhard Kuhrt; Adam Krzeminski; Die­ trich von Kyaw; Michael Koch; Helmut Kohl; John Kornblum; Gerd Langguth; Sir Christopher Mal1aby; Hubert Marquitan; Tho­ mas Matussck; Markus Meckel; Thomas Meyer; Andreas Meyer­ Landrut; Gerd Mielke; Jcrzy Milewski; Bowman Miller; Hans Misselwitz; Gebhard von Moltke; Hubertus von Morr; Klaus Murmann; Klaus Naumann; Klaus Neubert; Pauline Neville-Jones; Henning von Ondarza; Janusz Onyszkiewicz; Mark Palmer; Hein­ rich Pfeifler; Ulrich Pfeiffer; Friedbcrt Pflueger; Hans-Friedrich von Ploetz; Gerd Poppe; Konrad Porzner; Hans-Joachim Queisser; Peter Radunski; Charles E. Redman; Rolf Reissig; Janusz Reiter; Josef Rembscr; Ed7.ard Reutcr; Hermann Rudolph; Volker Ruhe; Jacek Saryusz-Wolski; Gunter Schabowski; Wolfgang Schiiuble; Fritz Scharpf; Cornelia Schmalz-Jacobsen; Barthel Schoelgens; Franz Schoser; Richard Schroder; Jorg Schonbohm; Wilhelm Schonfelder; Volker Schroer; Horst Schulmann; Eberhard Schulz; Franz-Joseph Schulze; Berndt Seite; Konrad Seitz; Jamie Shca; Horst Siedschlag; Thomas Simons; Helmut Sonnenfeld; Uwe Stehr; Gerrit Stein; Manfred Stolpe; Jerzy Sulek; Henryk Szlajfer; Jerzy Szmajdzinski; Karol Szyndzielorz; Jan G. van derTas; Horst Tcltschik; Wolfgang Acknowledgements Thierse; Mieczyslav Tomala; Wolfgang Ullmann; Edward Unger; Hans·Joachim Veen; Alexander Vershbow; Dietrich Vogel; Heinrich Vogel; Wolrdietrich Vogel; Wolfgang Vogel; Karsten Voigt; Ru­ precht Vondran; Jenonne Walker; Norbert Walter; Vernon Wallers; Henning Wegener; Werner Weidenrcld; Hans·Heinrich Weise; Hans Georg Wieck; Michael Weller; Thomas Weston; Inge Wettig·Da­ nielmeier; Pcter Wild; Anna Wolff·Pawcska; Vera Wollenbcrger; Roland Wotzel; and others, ror answering questions with authority, good humor and candor. • Christopher N. and Bonnie E. Moon, and the Graduate College of the University of Iowa, each in their rcspectivc way. for help with the index. • Tamara Schocnbaum·Holterrnann, because shc's thcrc. • Thanks go also to the Wall Sireet Journal Europe for permission to reprint excerpts from an article by Elizabeth Pond rrom October \994, and to McKinsey and Company, Inc., for permission to quote rrom McKinsey Global Institutc's 1993 study or ' Manuracturing Productivity'. Iowa City DAVID ScIlOENBAUM Bonn EUZ .... BETH POND November 1995 .
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    Kalendarium KRONIKA STOSUNKÓW REPUBLIKI FEDERALNEJ NIEMIEC Z EUROPEJSKIMI KRAJAMI SOCJALISTYCZNYMI maj-lipiec 1988 dzić RFN w niewielką ilość potrzeb­ nych pieniędzy. m aj 4 V — W Bonn doszło do wymiany not między RFN a ZSRR. Minister Hans- I V — Sekretarz generalny Związku -Dietrich Genscher przekaeał ambasado­ Wypędzonych Hartmut Koschyk zaape­ rowi Jurijowi Kwicińskiemu notę, w lował do rządu federalnego, by tylko której rząd radziecki został oficjalnie wtedy przyznać Polsce kredyty, gdy „po­ poinformowany o nowych zachodnionie­ nad milion Niemców żyjących na obsza­ mieckich ustaleniach prawnych umożli­ rze polskiego panowania otrzyma pra­ wiających radzieckim inspektorom nad­ wa mniejszości. (...) Można będzie mó­ zorowanie likwidacji amerykańskich ra­ wić o dobrych stosunkach z Warszawą kiet na terytorium RFN, z wykorzysta­ dopiero wówczas, gdy przestanie się niem immunitetu dyplomatycznego. Obie przerzucać odpowiedzialność za kryzys strony podkreśliły przy okazji swą wolę zadłużeniowy, jaki zaistniał w Polsce, „dobrej i pogłębionej współpracy”. na Republikę Federalną. W tym wzglę­ 4 V — Minister gospodarki Martin Ban- dzie sama Warszawa musi przyznać się gemann (FDP) oznajmił, iż dla RFN do winy”. handel ze Wschodem jest ważny bar­ 2 V — Według monachijskiego dzienni­ dziej ze względów politycznych, aniżeli ka „Suddeutsche Zeitung’’ został już ekonomicznych. Mimo że udział tego ustalony termin wizyty kanclerza Kohla handlu w ogólnych obrotach handlo­ W Moskwie. Wizyta ta nastąpi w końcu wych RFN z zagranicą stale w ostat­ Października lub na początku listopada nich latach malał, to Bonn jest „w sumie tego roku. Jednocześnie Urząd Kancler­ zadowolone ze stanu tych stosunków”. ski nie przewiduje już podróży Kohla Bangemann przyznał też, że wobec złej do Warszawy, planowanej początkowo sytuacji gospodarczej Polski, Republika na jesień.
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