St. Fagans Community Council

Minutes of the Council Meeting held on Monday 8th January 2018 at 7.00pm in the Village Hall

Present: Councillors J. Hughes (Chairman) C. Edwards, J. Griffiths, F. Lewis, C. Price, T. Pallier & R. Williams.

In Attendance: County Councillor G. Thomas Police PCSO. L. Shaw Residents A. Gaughan & W. Gaughan Clerk D. Barnard

Apologies: (None).

The Chairman opened the meeting and welcomed everyone present. For the benefit of the two residents, everyone introduced themselves.

18.01.01 – Declaration of Interests

Cllr. Pallier declared an interest in Agenda Item 6 – Community Projects, in respect of the proposed. ‘Welcome’ sign for Westfield Park, as the owners of one company that submitted a quotation are personal friends.

Cllr. Lewis declared an interest in Agenda Item 12 a) – Request for financial support from the Llangollen International Eisteddfod, as she is a member of the Friends of Llangollen International Eisteddfod.

18.01.02 – Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 4th December 2017

Members approved the Minutes and the Chairman signed them accordingly.

18.01.03 – Matters arising from the Minutes i) Minute No. 320.12.03 – Cllr. Lewis referred to the conifer tree in Drive. It was found to be a bigger job than anticipated, the tree itself being potentially dangerous. She had, in consultation with the Chairman, arranged for the tree to be taken down and removed at a cost of £500. The actions of Cllr. Lewis were approved. She added that it would be advisable to arrange for the area to be sprayed in due course and eventually consider planting new trees. ii) Minute No. 320.12.03 – The Clerk advised that he was still waiting to hear whether the application to Welsh Hearts for a free defibrillator had been accepted. He agreed to provide Cllr. Edwards with the details of the application. iii) Minute No. 320.12.06 – The Chairman referred to the alarm system at the Village Hall and advised that confirmation had been received that the system is now working satisfactorily. Members still expressed concern that the Village Hall Association did not appear to have taken up the issue of the deficiencies in the system with Waverley, the original installer. The Clerk confirmed that no response had been received to that question. 1

18.01.04 – Co-options to fill vacancies

The Chairman expressed the hope that Abbie Gaughan, attending this meeting, would give serious consideration to joining the Council. Cllr. Edwards advised that a resident of Parc Rhydlafar, Byron Jenkins, had expressed an interest and might attend the next meeting.

The Chairman referred to a review by the Welsh Government of what councils are doing to fill vacant seats and confirmed that a response had been sent by the Clerk.

18.01.05 – Police Matters & Neighbourhood Watch

PCSO Shaw reported on the on-going off-road bike problem. Three more bikes have been seized and overall the number of reported incidents has been down significantly. General crime is also down with only two reported crimes north of the railway, plus one incidence of anti-social behaviour and one case of fly-tipping. To the south of the railway there were 16 calls, of which just 6 were classed as crimes.

Cllr. Edwards reported that there had been a number of cars broken into on Parc Rhydlafar. She added that since the closure of the shop, the area around it is becoming a problem with anti-social behaviour including it being used as a dumping ground. She advised that a nursery may open there.

PCSO Shaw reported that there have been some parking issues on Crofft-Y-Genau Road, particularly with builders at Clive House causing problems.

The Chairman referred to Members’ willingness to distribute leaflets on behalf of the police. Some that had been mentioned prior to Christmas had not been received. Cllr. Lewis added that she would be happy to deliver more Red Mana leaflets. PCSO Shaw said he would provide a supply.

Cllr. Williams raised the subject of speed checks and Cllr. Lewis questioned whether the camera van could be used. PCSO Shaw confirmed that speed checks would continue and would make enquiries about using the van.

The Chairman thanked PCSO Shaw for his attendance, at which point he left the meeting.

18.01.06 – Community projects

Reports on the progress of the various projects were as follows: a) Parc Rhydlafar. The Chairman reported that some Members had met Mark Cummings from Council and walked around the area.  The roundabout will now be cleared, a plastic membrane put down, on top of which will be slates and then the planting of suitable shrubs. Clearing of the footpaths has taken place.  A new waste bin to be sited near the picnic tables is awaited. Cllr. Edwards questioned whether a footpath leading to the picnic tables could be provided. She also expressed the need for dog fouling signs around the park area. Clerk to request.  Information plaque – A Welsh translation of the proposed wording was passed to the Clerk. Members suggested that a photo of the former hospital should be incorporated into the plaque and the Clerk agreed to look into that. b) the Village:


 Repainting the white lines has been completed and installation of the speed awareness signs is awaited. County Cllr. Thomas agreed to speak to Matt Wakelam about the speed awareness signs and also the proposed ‘Welcome’ signs.  Cllr. Williams confirmed that the potholes opposite Quarry Cottages have been done but there is now a drainage issue – the two drains at Rose Cottage are ineffective. Furthermore, the road is now encroaching onto the lay-by – a white line is needed to mark the road edge. Two other potholes were reported – at Castle Hill, and on Crofft-Y-Genau Road at the road narrowing by the cricket club.  Cllr. Williams reported that four trees had been cut down on Crofft-Y-Genau Road and one resident had complained. Work had also been carried out on the shrubs by the old garages and that area is looking better.  New ‘Welcome’ signs at the entrances to the Village – No progress reported.  Cllr. Lewis reported that about 6 street signs around the Village need to be replaced. She also commented on the condition of the white posts around the green, and a broken litter bin on Crofft-Y-Genau Road needs to be replaced. c) Westfield Park:  Welcome sign – Cllr. Pallier declared a personal interest in one of the quotes submitted. He explained his proposal and commented on the difficulty in actually getting quotes, but took no part in the decision of whether or not to proceed. A discussion took place regarding the design and proposed location, following which Cllr. Price proposed that, as an exception to standing orders, the two quotes be accepted. Cllr. Lewis seconded the proposal and it was agreed unanimously. County Cllr. Thomas questioned whether planning permission was required, and the Clerk agreed to enquire accordingly.  Dog fouling – penalty signs have been put up around the entrance area, but are considered too small. The Clerk agreed to ask for larger signs and to follow-up the request for dog waste bins.  Planters – the name plates have been ordered.  Fly-tipping – Cllr. Edwards reported that the land between the end of Yarrow Close and Snowden Road is becoming a dumping ground. Cllr. Pallier advised that he had reported it previously and arranged for to clear it. The Clerk agreed to report it again.  Kissing gates at the entrances to the recreation area. Waiting for a response from Cardiff Council. The Chairman referred to S106 monies from the development at Great House Farm, which specifically referred to improvements / maintenance at Westfield Park. d) Other:  Defibrillator – (see Minute No. 18.01.03 ii) above).  Michaelston Road – boulders: no report.  Tennis Club – No further news.

18.01.07 – Planning a) Cardiff LDP / North West Cardiff Group

Cllr. Lewis advised that there was not much to report. A letter has been sent to Natural Resources and the Welsh Government about the Brofiscin Quarry issue, with a copy to Caro Wild. b) Redrow / Plasdwr planning application

With regard to the reply from Paul Orders in response to Members’ concerns about traffic congestion in north-west Cardiff, it had been agreed that a response should be sent and copied to Colin Jones and Caro Wild. Cllr. Lewis agreed to prepare a draft.


Cllr. Williams referred to a recent report on Pentrebane Farm. It is a listed building and Cllr. Williams thought it was a good report. He added that Pentrebane Road is becoming a nightmare in terms of traffic following the commencement of work on the new housing site. c) Other Planning Applications

The Clerk gave details of the following planning applications:

New: 17/02896/MJR – Land south of Pentrebane Road: Non-material amendments to 17/00414/MJR re garage types, roof types, etc. 17/02920/MJR – Land south of Pentrebane Road: Discharge of various Conditions in relation to 17/00414/MJR. 17/02844/MJR – Goitre Fach Farm: Reserved matters re 16/00106/MJR for 18 residential units, including the re-plan of 15 units and 3 additional units. 17/02949/DCH – 31, Nant Y Drope: Single-storey extension to replace existing conservatory. 17/03092/MNR – Land to the north of M4 J33: D of C 18 (Junction 33 built form and townscape document) of 14/00852/DCO.

Decided: 17/02345/MNR – National History Museum: Free-standing high ropes course. Permission granted. 17/02294/MJR – Land north of M4 J33: D of C 34 (Soils) of 14/00852/DCO. Full discharge. 17/02305/MJR – Land north of M4 J33: D of C 23 (Surface water drainage) of 14/00852/DCO. Full discharge. 17/02526/DCH – 22, Denison Way: 1st floor extension above garage. Permission granted. 17/02328/MJR – Sewage disposal works, Road: Access road, etc. Permission granted. 17/02896/MJR – Land south of Pentrebane Road: Amendments to garage types, roof types & finished floor levels of 17/00414/MJR. Permission granted. 17/02586/MNR – Plot 62, Mulberry Grove: Alterations to include rear conservatory. Permission granted. 17/02745/MJR – Land N/S of Llantrisant Road: D of C 18 (soil) and 32 (archaeology) of 14/02157/MJR. Full discharge.

No issues or comments were raised.

18.01.08 – Environmental Matters a) Highways / Lighting / Traffic Concerns

A number of issues were raised including: Street lamp No. 5 on Castle Hill is not working again; a lamp on Crofft-Y-Genau between Clive Cottage and Woodside is obscured by a tree; vegetation at the bottom of St Fagans Drive is overgrown (Cllr Lewis to speak to the resident); the footpath next to the stream by the entrance to The Rock on Crofft-Y-Genau Road needs attention and is potentially dangerous. The Clerk to report these matters to Cardiff Council.

The Chairman reported that flooding had occurred at the bottom of Michaelston Road after heavy rain. Cardiff Council had dealt with the problem and intend to arrange a full clearance of that area. b) Street Cleansing / Litter

Cllr, Griffiths reported that he had witnessed and had video evidence of someone throwing litter from a car. He had given the details to Cardiff Council and chased it up three times. He described their lack of response as pathetic. 4

c) Council’s land at the railway line

Arrangements to be made to take down the Armistice Day flag and put back the Welsh National flag. d) Other environmental issues

Cllr. Pallier reported on two issues: firstly, Welsh Water have been looking for a water leak at the bottom of the field north of Westfield Park; secondly, there is a sewage leak in the field just north of the recreation area. It was reported to Welsh Water two weeks before Christmas. He considered it to be an environmental issue and action needs to be taken urgently. The Clerk was asked to chase Welsh Water, report the matter to Environmental Health and advise Chris Hyde as a matter of urgency.

18.01.09 – Wales National History Museum / St Fagans Castle

No matters were raised.

18.01.10 – One Voice Wales

The Chairman referred again to the review of town and community councils in Wales by the Independent Review Panel, which is seeking responses to four questions. He had attended one of the seven regional meetings and OVW will circulate a consensus of the views from those meetings in due course. He expressed the view that this is a serious time for some of smaller councils, that really need to look at themselves. Clustering of some councils may be an option.

The Clerk had circulated the December news bulletin and details of the latest training programme.

18.01.11 – Correspondence and other communications

The Clerk reported on the following: 14/12/17 – Law Commission: Planning Law in Wales consultation paper. Closing date 1st March 2018. 15/12/17 – OVW / Age Cymru: EnvisAGE – A spotlight on tackling loneliness and social isolation among older people. 19/12/17 – Welsh Government: Reminder about the Review of Town & Community Councils. 19/12/17 – OVW / South Wales RET – latest newsletter. 20/12/17 – Welsh Government: Enquiry about vacant seats and the co-option process. Response requested by 08/01/18. (Response submitted.) 21/12/17 – Tidal Lagoon Cardiff: Newsletter update. The Chairman commented that this scheme is moving quickly. It’s a big project and other countries are putting money in. 04/01/18 – Peggy Jackson: January Church newsletter. 04/01/18 – Bridgend coalition of Disabled People: petition to Welsh Assembly. 05/01/18 – Planning Aid Wales: The New Planning Code. Tuesday 6th Feb. 4-6pm. (Chairman to attend.)

18.01.12 – Finance a) Requests for Financial Assistance.

The Clerk reported on two requests – one from the Llangollen International Eisteddfod 2018 and one from the Urdd National Eisteddfod 2019. Cllr. Lewis declared an interest in the request from the Llangollen Eisteddfod. It was agreed that she could express her views but would take no part in any decision regarding a donation. The Chairman expressed the view that, although this Council has not supported these events in the past, it should consider doing so. The Llangollen Eisteddfod is a national 5

event that draws visitors to Wales from all over the world, and the Urdd Eisteddfod in 2019 is being held in Cardiff. Cllr. Lewis commented that the Llangollen Eisteddfod receives donations from all over Wales and she agreed to circulate details. It was agreed to defer a decision on the Llangollen Eisteddfod to the meeting in February and a decision on the Urdd Eisteddfod until the next financial year. b) Monthly Report / Payment Approvals

The Clerk had circulated the monthly finance report (as annexed hereto), which was approved by the Council. The Clerk advised that the following items were now due for payment:

D. Barnard Salary 4th ¼ & expenses 3rd ¼ 1,439.50 J. Hughes Expenses December 41.55 F. Lewis (C. Hudson) Tree felling & removal 500.00

Members approved these payments and signed the cheques accordingly. c) Budget monitoring 3rd quarter and bank reconciliation

The Clerk had circulated a report for information. Noted. The Chairman verified the bank reconciliation with the bank statement and signed it accordingly. d) Budget and precept for 2018/19

The Clerk had circulated a revised draft and reported that the council tax base had increased from 1295 to 1311. Members discussed a wide range of issues and potential projects. Contributions could be considered to the Church towards renewing the footpath, and for the proposal to re-open the tennis club. The provision for the Village Hall needs to reflect the ongoing broadband costs. Xmas lights have been well received and could be extended, with a separate budget. A footpath is needed at Parc Rhydlafar to access the picnic benches. There is likely to be a need for a new traffic survey and a bigger provision should be made to improve / increase communications with residents.

Members expressed the view that the precept should not be increased and accepted that meeting these demands will lead to a reduction in the Council’s reserves. It was agreed to defer the details to the next meeting. Cllr. Lewis proposed that the precept for 2018/19 be maintained at £18,000. This was seconded by Cllr. Price and agreed unanimously. The precept request to Cardiff Council was signed accordingly. e) Statistics

The schedule of Members’ attendance and web site statistics was noted.

18.01.13 – Date & Time of Next Meeting

The Clerk advised that, due to personal circumstances, he would be unavailable on the first Monday in February. Members agreed to meet again on Monday 12th February 2018.


The Chair thanked everyone for their attendance. The meeting closed at 9.00pm.


Confirmed as a correct record…...……………………..Chairman …...………….Date