St. Fagans Community Council

Minutes of the Council Meeting held on Monday 5th December 2016 at 7.00pm in the Village Hall

Present: Councillors C. Price (Chairman) S. Chedzoy, B. Critcher, J. Griffiths, J. Hughes, F. Lewis & T. Pallier.

In Attendance: Police PCSO H. Arkontopoulos Clerk D. Barnard

Apologies: Councillor M. Parry County Councillor G. Thomas

The Chairman opened the meeting and welcomed everyone present.

307.12.01 – Declaration of Interests

No interests were declared.

307.12.02 – Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 7th November 2016

Members approved the Minutes and the Chairman signed them accordingly.

307.12.03 – Matters arising from the Minutes

No matters were raised.

307.12.04 – Police Reports & Neighbourhood Watch a) General

PCSO Arkontopoulos circulated a brief report summarising three reported thefts and one burglary during the past month. Members questioned whether there had been another theft from a person’s handbag, and it was also reported that a car had been abandoned at Parc Rhydlafar. A brief discussion ensued in relation to the burglary at the new Spar store.

PCSO Arkontopoulos then reported on the speed watch conducted in the Village. 132 vehicles had passed during the one-hour exercise at an average speed of 26.5mph. Only five vehicles had been classed as speeding and they had all been issued with warning letters. A further speed watch is to be arranged. b) Off-road bike nuisance

PCSO Arkonotopoulos reported that there had only been one call about off-road bikes during the past month. Cllr. Pallier reported that, while the situation had improved for a time, bikes have returned and of more concern some riders appear to be targeting people and dogs. Furthermore, they are riding around at night which can be very dangerous. He added that on a recent walk through the woods he had seen at least 20 burnt-out cars and in excess of 30 burnt-out bikes. One issue is that the Council’s gate to


the park is no longer locked making access easy, and the gaps on Michaelston Road have still not been blocked. Cllr. Pallier also reported seeing people with guns walking around that area. The Clerk confirmed that Chris Hyde was aware of the abandoned vehicles and has instructed a firm to remove them. He hoped it would be done soon. Mr Hyde also said that when work begins on felling trees elsewhere in the Village, it is intended to use the trunks of several of the trees as barriers at various points on the estates used by trespassers.

A discussion ensued as to the way forward. Members referred to the lack of recent recorded complaints but questioned whether the 101 service is fit for purpose. Calls to that number don’t seem to get answered but people are reluctant to phone 999. Cllr. Hughes reported that the police helicopter had been in the area on three occasions during the past week but the reason was not known. The Chairman proposed and it was agreed that the Clerk should write to Sgt. J. Davies, with a copy to Insp. Eve Davis, expressing Members’ concerns about the issues referred to above and requesting that the police take action. A proposal to arrange a walking party around the area was also agreed.

No other matters were raised. The Chairman thanked PCSO Arkontopoulos for his attendance at which point he left the meeting.

307.12.05 – Community projects

Members commented on the various projects:  Village Hall doors – work completed. Cllr. Lewis submitted a claim for reimbursement of the cost of spare keys in the sum of £80 – approved. The bill for the doors was awaited.  Village Hall – internal fire door. This has been deferred until the new year.  Village Hall. Cllr. Critcher raised two additional project suggestions. One for a picket fence near the entrance to prevent possible falls; the other is to install kick-boards along the west side path to stop the ground from dropping off. Members agreed that he should obtain quotes.  Parc Rhydlafar – proposed plaque. No progress yet on the draft artwork.  Christmas lights. Following discussions with Centregreat, the Chairman, Cllr. Lewis and Cllr. Chedzoy had agreed not to proceed with a Christmas Tree but to have lights put up in an existing tree at Parc Rhydlafar. Agreement had been reached to connect to the electricity supply and the lights were now in place. Several residents had commented favourably on the display.  Parc Rhydlafar – Church Road safety issue. The Clerk reported that Council had agreed to cut back the overgrown hedgerows. With regards to the proposal for some speed restriction options on the approach to the roundabout, Cardiff has agreed to add it to their programme of schemes for investigation.  Parc Rhydlafar – Roundabout, etc. The Clerk reported that four residents had replied to his email, expressing a willingness to assist with works to improve the roundabout. Cllr. Lewis reported that she had spoken to Matt Wakelam () who said he was willing to try and assist with getting the roundabout improved and addressing the other issues raised by residents. Cllr. Lewis agreed to follow this up.  Land at the railway – fencing. A second quotation had been received but it seemed unlikely that a third quote could be obtained. Members agreed to accept just two quotes and asked the Clerk to clarify what was included in the second quote from Timberworks. If everything is included Members agreed to accept that quote. Cllr. Lewis referred to the key held by the workers in the signal box that is due to close at the end of the year. The Clerk was asked to contact Network Rail to ask what arrangements they had planned for future access.  Land at the railway - Lectern. The lectern had recently been damaged by strong winds. Members recalled that Signs Express had carried out work on the lectern earlier this year. The Clerk was asked to request Signs Express to revisit the site and report on what further work is required.  Speed awareness cameras. A second police speed check to be arranged.


 Flag pole. The Clerk reported that, as agreed with the Chairman, an 8m flag pole and one Commonwealth flag have been ordered from J W Plant.  Lighting in Greenwood Lane. No progress reported. The Clerk had drafted a ‘flyer’ for Westfield Park residents for circulation with the next community news. The draft had been agreed and Cllr. Critcher had arranged printing. He submitted a bill in the sum of £13.50. Approved.

Cllr. Chedzoy reported that the railings at the bottom of the footpath leading down from the recreation area to Rhydlafar Drive near the new Spar shop had been damaged. The Clerk was asked to report this to Cardiff Council and request that they be repaired or replaced as soon as possible.

307.12.06 – Planning a) Cardiff LDP / North West Cardiff Group

Cllr. Lewis referred to amended plans and further information that had been submitted by Redrow in relation to the Plasdwr scheme. She referred to some of her concerns including: the absence of any Rapid Transport System; a traffic management system for Crofft-Y-Genau Road; additional bus gates; and the reference to ‘active traffic management’. It was agreed that the Council should make representations to these amended plans and Cllr. Lewis agreed to prepare a draft. The Clerk confirmed that Amanda Sutcliffe (Case Officer) had agreed to accept a late submission from the Community Council.

Cllr. Hughes referred to the Council’s suggested Reg.123 list and said he was hoping to arrange a meeting with Simon Gilbert at Cardiff Council. b) Redrow / Plasdwr proposals

The Clerk confirmed that he had sent a letter to Wayne Rees of Redrow asking for details of the communities’ consultation arrangements. He had followed the letter up with both ‘phone calls and e- mails but to date had received no response. Members expressed disappointment. c) Museum Development

No further information as to progress had been received. d) Other Planning Applications

The Clerk gave details of the following planning applications:

New: 16/02552/DCH - The Cottage, Crofft-y-Genau Road: Discharge of Condition 3 (method statement: traffic management and wheel washing) of 15/01132/DCH 16/02704/MJR – Great House Farm: D of C 4 (Drainage and permeability testing) of 13/00435/DCO. 16/02766/DCH – Cawdor, 3, Greenwood Lane: Wrought iron railings around remainder of flat roof. 16/02762/MNR – Museum: Installation of hatch in Victorian ceiling above the dining room.

Decided / Withdrawn: 16/02704/MJR – Great House Farm: D of C 4 (Drainage, etc.) Withdrawn by applicant.

307.12.07 – Environmental Matters


a) Highways / Lighting / Traffic Concerns

The Clerk referred to the weekly roads report that he had begun receiving from Cardiff Council. He considered they were quite useful and would circulate them to Members. He noted that the level crossing was to be closed on two occasions over the Christmas / New Year period. The Clerk reported that Cardiff Council had advised that the potholes in Crofft-Y-Genau Road had been repaired but a resident (Ryan Williams) has said that the potholes opposite Quarry Cottages are still there. The Clerk confirmed he was chasing this up.

Cllr. Hughes reported that Cardiff Council had carried out some repairs to Grand Avenue, but it is still bad in many places.

The Clerk confirmed that he had asked Cardiff Council to provide a grit bin at Caer Efail and was awaiting their response.

The Chairman reported that a drain on Michaelston Road near the Cattery was sinking causing a potential hazard. The Clerk was asked to report this to Cardiff Highways and request urgent action.

Cllr. Griffiths reported that the lamp half-way down the footpath between Drive and Greenwood Lane was not working. The Clerk was asked to report this to Street Lighting. b) Street Cleansing / Litter

Cllr. Lewis reported an instance of fly-tipping next to New House Farm on St Bride’s Road. The Clerk was asked to report this to the Environmental / Waste Department of Cardiff Council. c) Village Walkabout

The Clerk had circulated a response from Cardiff Council regarding the issue with waste bins, etc. on Crofft-Y-Genau Road where pavements are narrow, but it was not considered to be at all helpful. d) Council’s land at the railway line

(Discussed above under Community Projects.) e) Other environmental issues

Members discussed the land outside the flats on Castle Hill. Chris Hyde had confirmed that it was not part of the Plymouth Estate. Members decided to arrange for any broken surface areas in the lay-by to be repaired and then paint yellow lines, etc. to try and deter parking in that area. The Clerk was asked to contact relevant organisations to get this done.

Cllr. Griffiths reported that BT/Openreach are frequently back and forth doing works in St Fagans Drive. The Clerk was asked to contact them and request that the entire cabling and ducting system in St Fagans Drive be reviewed.

307.12.08 – National History Museum / St Fagans Castle

Members agreed to defer the planned meeting with officers from the Museum. The Clerk was asked to invite Bethan and her colleagues to a meeting after 9th January to be held in the Village Hall.


307.12.09 – One Voice Wales

Cllr. Hughes reported that the quarterly publication ‘The Voice’ has been discontinued and all information from OVW will now be distributed by e-mail as and when necessary. He reported that he had recently met the Chairman to discuss options to achieve Company status that needs to be taken forward, and he was due to attend a meeting of the NEC in Llandrindod Wells on Friday. 307.12.10 – Correspondence and other communications

The Clerk reported on the following:  Cardiff West Neighbourhood Partnership – Weekly updates.  10/11/16 – CC (FOI response) Re S106 monies from Parc Rhydlafar.  10/11/16 – Primary Care – Defibrillators for the community  11/11/16 – Planning Aid Wales: Planning Network for T&CCs  15/11/16 – Natural Resources Wales: Reporting environmental incidents. (posters)  16/11/16 – CC: 2017/18 Budget consultation.  16/11/16 – LDBCW: Electoral Reviews: Policy & Practice publication.  17/11/16 – Liz Morgan (SF Bridge Club) – Thanks for grant towards computerised scoring system.  18/11/16 – CC – Draft letter to Cardiff Council re Charter.  22/11/16 – Lisvane CC – Getting S106 monies. Cllr. Hughes commented on how that Council had successfully pressed for money to be allocated to projects proposed by the Community Council. He expressed the view that St Fagans should be able to do likewise.  24/11/16 – OVW / Auditor General: Consultation on proposed changes to the Accounts & Audit Regs.  26/11/16 – : Landfill Disposals Tax (Wales) Bill. To replace Landfill Tax from 01/04/2018.  19/11/16 – OVW / Sustain Wales: Warm Wales conference – 7th December Swalec Stadium  02/12/16 – SLCC: 2017 Practitioners’ Conference 23rd / 24th February in Kenilworth.

307.12.11 – Finance a) Requests for Financial Assistance.

The Clerk reported that no new requests had been received. b) Monthly Report / Payment Approvals

The Clerk had circulated the monthly finance report (as annexed hereto), which was approved by the Council. He advised that the following items were now due for payment: HMR&C Income tax 3rd ¼ 235.10 Agrisgj Ltd. Printing flyers 13.50 Cllr. J. Hughes Expenses November 117.14 Cllr. F. Lewis Keys for Village Hall 80.00 Cooke & Arkwright Ground rent 3rd ¼ 125.00 (SO)

Members approved these payments and signed the cheques accordingly. c) Statistics

The schedule of Members’ attendance and web site statistics was noted. d) Budget for 2017/18 5

The Clerk had circulated a draft schedule showing the out-turn for 2015/16, the budget for 2016/17 together with a projection of the likely out-turn, and an initial outline for a budget for 2017/18. He explained that there was a degree of uncertainty due to the various projects currently on-going. He confirmed that the budget and precept for 2017/18 had to be agreed in January in order to meet the requirements of Cardiff Council. e) Clerk’s working hours

The Clerk had circulated a report detailing the hours that he had worked during the period 1st April to 30th September 2016, compared with the previous year. The report showed that he had again exceeded his contractual hours and set out the reasons therefore. The Clerk advised that his working hours had been set in 2005, since when the workload had increased significantly and he set out, for comparison, the arrangements in the other five Cardiff community councils. He asked Members to consider an increase in his contracted hours from an average of 8 to 10 each week that would equate to 37.5 hours per month after leave and statutory holidays. Cllr. Lewis questioned whether that was sufficient and proposed an increase to 40 hours per month, net of leave, etc.

After a brief discussion, Members agreed: to pay the Clerk for the additional 101 hours worked between April and September 2016; to increase his contractual hours to an average of 40 per month, net of leave, etc. with effect from 1st December; and to continue to receive six-monthly reports of the actual hours worked. The Clerk expressed his appreciation.

307.12.12 – Date & Time of Next Meeting

The Clerk advised that the next Meeting of the Council would be held on Monday 9th January 2017. Cllr. Chedzoy gave her apologies as she will be away.


There being no further matters to discuss the Chairman thanked everyone for their attendance and the meeting closed at 8.28 pm.

Confirmed as a correct record…...……………………..Chairman …...………….Date