EXTENSIONS of REMARKS January 22, 1985 EXTENSIONS of REMARKS a TRIBUTE to the IMMACU­ the Modern Edifice, Which Occupies the Permanent Church

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EXTENSIONS of REMARKS January 22, 1985 EXTENSIONS of REMARKS a TRIBUTE to the IMMACU­ the Modern Edifice, Which Occupies the Permanent Church 830 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS January 22, 1985 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS A TRIBUTE TO THE IMMACU­ The modern edifice, which occupies the permanent church. In this Golden Jubliee LATE CONCEPTION CHURCH southeast corner of 44th and California Year of Immaculate Conception B.V.M. ON THEIR lOOTH ANNIVERSA­ Ave., was designed by the architectural firm Parish the dream of the courageous pio­ RY of Belli & Belli. According to "The New neers will become a reality as old and young World" the theme of the ch., from the cir­ will enter the new church to give thanks to cular baptistry in front, to the graceful God for His many and great blessings. HON. WILLIAM 0. LIPINSKI sweep of the nave towards the main altar is A HISTORY OF OUR PARISH-1964 TO 1984 to emphasize the Liturgy, and the public OF ILLINOIS Within the Church there have been IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and social nature of the Mass. The national parish of I.C. now includes changes. The Liturgy has changed. Mass is Tuesday, January 22, 1985 second and third generation Lithuanians as now celebrated in the language of the well as several hundred Lithuanian families people. The laity now takes a more active e Mr. LIPINSKI. Mr. Speaker, it is part in the celebration of the Mass; we are with great pride that I call attention who came to Chicago from Germany in 1949 and 1950. Families of Polish, Irish, Italian, no longer spectators, we are participants. to a significant event which just German, Mexican, Slovak, English, French, The sacraments have been altered to allow passed in Illinois' Fifth Congressional and Bohemian descent also belong to the us a fuller understanding of them as well a District, which I am privileged to rep­ congregation. greater participation in them. The laity has resent, and that event was the com­ Associate pastors of I.e. Church include been given an increasingly more important bined lOOth anniversary of the Immac­ Rev. Fabian P. Kireilis, Spritual Leader of role in the Church. The history of our ulate Conception Church. Council 36 of the Knights of Lithuania and parish reflects the change and growth of Rev. Robert Martinkus. the years since the Golden Jubilee. Follow­ The Immaculate Conception Parish ing is a thumbnail synopsis of that history in 1984 celebrated their 70th anniver­ "April15, 1939 was a most memorable day in my life-the day I was ordained a priest sary and Msgr. Damasus A. Mozeris by the late George Cardinal Mundelein at just completed his 30th anniversary as 1964 St. Mary of the Lake Seminary."-V. Rev. The consecration of the new altar pastor of the Immaculate Conception Msgr. D. A. Mozeris. Dec. 16. Church. This church and Monsignor On April15, Msgr. Mozeris returned to St. The first Mass in the new church Mozeris have made significant contri­ Mary of the Lake Seminary, where he and Midnight Mass on Christmas. his classmates of 25 years ago observed their butions to the people of the south side 1965 of Chicago. Silver Jubilee in the main chapel of the seminary, thanking Almighty God for the Albert Cardinal Meyer dies ... April 9. I join with the residents of the Fifth many blessings He has bestowed upon them. Archbishop J.P. Cody of New Orleans in­ Congressional District in paying trib­ Msgr. Mozeris was born on December 11, stalled as Archbishop of Chicago . ute to the Immaculate Conception 1915, to Joseph and Valeria Mozeris in August 24. Church and Monsignor Mozeris in Cicero, Illinois. He received his education in Vatican Council II closes in Rome in De­ their combined lOOth anniversary. I St. Anthony's grade school in Cicero and cember. would like to insert a detailed history Quigley Preparatory Seminary. Then, he at­ 1966 tended St. Mary of the Lake Seminary in of Monsignor Mozeris and the Immac­ The Lenten rules and regulations are re­ ulate Conception Parish into the CoN­ Mundelein for six years, remaining an addi­ tional year for post-graduate study. From laxed ... Feb. GRESSIONAL RECORD. 1940 to 1942, he attended the Catholic Uni­ Father Vito Mikolaitis leaves to become IMMACULATE CONCEPTION CHURCH versity of Washington, D.C. chaplain at the Motherhouse of the Sisters Immaculate Conception Church at 44th Msgr. Mozeris holds a Doctorate in Sacred of St. Casimir ... March. and California Ave. was organized in 1914 as Theology <S.T.D.> and a Master's degree in Father Frank Kelpsas is transferred to St. a national parish to serve 60 Lithuanian Canon Law <J.C.L.>. Christina parish . May. Families who lived in the Brighton Park On June 29, 1942, Msgr. Mozeris was as­ Father Joseph Gilbert is transferred to District on the south side of Chicago. signed to the Metropolitan Tribunal as Holy Cross Parish ... May. On Sept. 10, 1914, Archbishop James E. Notary, with residence at Holy Name Cathe­ We welcome Father Leonard Vaisvilas and Quigley appointed Rev. Anthony M. Briszko dral. Nine years later, on April 11, 1951, he Father Peter Paurazas ... May. to establish the new parish. Since his ordi­ was named Vice-Officialis of the Metropoli­ Work begins in the conversion of the old nation in 1911, Father Briszko had been an tan Tribunal of the Archdiocese of Chicago. church into the parish hall ... August. assistant at the nearby Lithuanian Parish of On November 3, 1953, he was named Papal The new church is dedicated by Archbish­ Holy Cross at 46th and Wood Str. Chamberlain, with the title of the very Rev­ op Cody ... Oct. 2. In July 1949, Father Briszko was named a erend Monsignor. The Shrine of the Immaculate Conception Papal Chamberlain with the title Very Rev­ On November 5, 1953, His Eminence in the new church is blessed ... December. erend Monsignor in recognition of his work Samuel Cardinal Stritch appointed Monsi­ 1967 in establishing the Lithuanian College in gnor Damasus A Mozeris as the new pastor. The Parish Lay Advisory Board is formed Rome. He died on Sept. 2, 1953 at the age of The 37 year old Monsignor, after ten years ... Feb. 69. in Chancery Office work, took to his new Project Renewal begins . March. Very Rev. Msgr. Damasus A. Mozeris, vice task with great enthusiasm and zeal. A call goes out to the men in the parish to officialis of the Archdiocesan Metropolitan Recognizing the need for more classrooins become commentators and lectors . April. Tribunal, was appointed pastor of Immacu­ to accommodate the ever increasing number Archbishop J.P. Cody is nominated to the late Conception parish on Nov. 5, 1953. of school children, he began the construc­ college of Cardinals . June. Under his leadership, a new school and tion of a two story addition to the school. The finance committee is formed . church were built. The new structure consisted of a kindergar­ July. At the time of the parish's golden jubilee, ten, parish hall, principal's office and five The entire Mass, including the Eucharist which was celebrated on Oct. 18, 1964, 1,600 classrooins. The cornerstone was blessed by Prayer, is celebrated in English ... Oct. families belonged to Immaculate Concep­ Monsignor Ignatius Albavicius, pastor of St. tion parish and 790 children were enrolled Anthony Church in Cicero, on October 31, 1968 in the school. On Christmas Day 1964, pa­ 1954. Cardinal Stritch dedicated the new ad­ The Advisory Board decides to hold the rishioners worshipped for the first time in dition on October 16, 1955. Included in the first Family Fun Festival ... Jan. the new edifice. The offical ceremony of $275,000 building program was the renova­ The first Family Fun Festival is held . dedication, scheduled for April 1965, was tion of the old school. Feb. 23, 24, 25. postponed due to the death of Cardinal The remodeling and redecoration of the The net profit from the first Fainily Fun Meyer. church, convent and rectory completed, in Festival is $10,800.52 ... March. On Oct. 2, 1966, Archbishop John P. Cody January of 1962, Monsignor Mozeris initiat­ The new funeral liturgy is announced ... blessed Immaculate Conception Church. ed the campaign for the building of a new, July. e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the floor. January 22, 1985 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 831 Bishop Abramowicz is welcomed to Five 1975 The independent retail grocer exem­ Holy Martyrs Parish ... July 21. The Catholic Television Network is born plifies the small business entrepre­ The Green Stamp Drive to Purchase a ... Jan. neur, the backbone of the American new station wagon for our Sisters begins ... The air-conditioning in the church is in free enterprise system. Usually operat­ Sept. operation . June. Weekly meetings for our senior citizens The class of 1965 under the leadership of ing one store, independent grocers begin ... Dec. Barbara Pavilonis paints the mural "Bright tailor their businesses · to serve the 1969 On" on a wall next to McDonald's on needs of the community where they School Board is formed ... Jan. Archer Ave .... July. are located. Independent retail grocers The Green Stamp Drive ends with enough Justa Kudirka retires as our organist. deliver the highest quality product at stamps and cash to buy the Sisters not only 1976 the least expense-unsurpassed by any the station wagon but also the plates . Changes in the Sacrament of Penance are other food distribution network in the Jan. implemented. world. The Men's Club begins to furnish the Mis­ Father Thomas Kasputis is assigned to Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues in salettes for our Church ... Feb. our parish. The first School Board is elected by our Father John Plankis is reassigned to Our the House to join me in honoring the parishioners .
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