The Ukrainian Weekly 1986

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The Ukrainian Weekly 1986 Published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal non-profit association! rainian Weekly Vol. Ш NO.51 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 21,1986 25 cents Metropolitan's Christmas message Open your hearts to Christ-Child Christ is born! Glorify Him! The birth of the eternal Son of God into time and the reality of our lives brought light and hope to those who were held captive in the darkness of sin. As the prophet Isaiah proclaims: "The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; upon those who dwelt in the land of gloom a light has shone. You have brought them abundant joy and great rejoicing...For the yoke that burdened them, the pole on their shoulders, and the rod of their task- master you have smashed," (IS. 9:1-3). Christmas card by Petro Cholodny issued by the Ukrainian Academy of Arts and Sciences in the U.S.A. Christ, the Light of the World, came on that first Christmas and as St. John the Apostle writes: "Any who did accept Marchenko's wife Ratushynska to leave for Britain him he empowered to become children of God." (JN 1:12). by Bohdan Faryina received an exit visa and that they says dissident planned to leave for Britain in a few One thousand years ago our ances- NEW YORK — Prominent Soviet days. tors accepted the Light of Christ into "tell in battle" poet Iryna Ratushynska, reported ''Until now it is only a verbal con- their lives. Those in Ukraine who sat in ,, near death before her release from firmation, said Ms. Ratushynska. the darkness of sin and idolatry accept- NEW YORK — "Anatoly Mar- prison on October, said on December "We do not yet have the documents and ed into their lives the Light of Christ. chenko fell in the battle," stated Larisa 14 that she has been given permission to they fthe Soviet authorities! promised They gave their lives to Him who invited Bogoraz, wife of the longtime political prisoner in her first formal statement leave the Soviet Union for medical us that we will receive them tomorrow." them: "Come to me, all you who are treatment in Britain. weary and find life burdensome, and I after she and the couple's 13-year-old She said that as soon as they receive son, Pavel, buried what was described In a telephone interview with The the papers they will depart for Great will refresh you. Take my yoke upon Ukrainian Weekly from her home in the your shoulders and learn from me, for 1 as the bruised and emaciated body of Britain. her husband on December 11 near the Ukrainian capital of Kiev, Ms. Ratu- Ms. Ratushynska and her husband am gentle and humble of heart. Your shynska said she hoped to return to souls will find rest, for my yoke is easy prison where he died, reported the arrived in Moscow on December 16 to Associated Press. the Soviet Union to continue her pick up visas from the British Embassy and my burden light." (MT. 11:28-30). struggle for human rights. The Baptism of Ukraine during the rule He waged this "war" for 20 years in as well as airline tickets. They were prison cells "in order to secure freedom "We can and must defend human expected to fly to London on a British of St. Volodymyr the Great marks the rights by keeping our Soviet citizen- (Continued on page 7) for others," said Ms. Bogoraz, who Airways flight on Thursday evening, traveled some 600 miles from Moscow ship," said the 32-year-old Ms. Ratu- December 18. to Chistopol with her son and seven shynska. "It will be very difficult to Ms. Ratushynska will receive medi- Deschenes probe relatives and friends to try to bring her leave the country and very difficult to cal treatment in England for heart husband's remains back with her to the return. I don't know if they will let me." problems and bronchitis, which her Soviet capital for burial. She said Soviet authorities confirmed husband recently described as serious. will recommend The 48-year-old founding member of on December 13 that she and her Afterwards, she said, she will "by all the Moscow Helsinki Monitoring husband., Ihor Herashchenko, had (Continued on page 12) OS I-type body Group was buried in a graveyard near Chistopol after a religious ceremony in a by Michael B. Bociurkiw local Russian Orthodox church. Upon her arrival at Chistopol, Ms. OTTAWA — The Deschenes Com- Bogoraz was told by prison authorities jnission looking into the presence of that Mr. Marchenko, who had been on Nazi war criminals in Canada will a hunger strike since August 4 to protest recommend the establishment of a Soviet human-rights violations, had permanent Nazi-hunting unit similar to died of heart failure. A Soviet Foreign one in the United States. It was learned Ministry spokesman, Boris Pyadyshev, here last week. told reporters that Mr. Marchenko had The recommendation will be one of died of a brain hemorrhage after "a several proposals included in the two- natural and long disease." Ms. Bogoraz reportedly told a friend, For East European community re- however, that she saw bruises on his action see story on page 3. body. "The coffin was opened before the part report to be handed to the govern- burial and she said she could see that ment this month by Quebec Superior there were bruises on him," the friend Court Justice Jules Deschenes, the head said. of the one-man inquiry. Ludmilla Thorne of Freedom House, Other key recommendations will a New York-based human-rights orga- include negotiating extradition treaties nization, said on December 16 that she with Israel and the Soviet Union, and learned Ms. Bogoraz had actually seen (Continued on page 12) (Continued on page 5) Iryna Ratushynska 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1986 No. 51 A GLIMPSE OF SOVIET REALITY Estonians fear new development will intensify Russification process Soviet religious persecution: obstacle by Bohdan Faryma POPULATION COMPARISONS tp improved VaticanXKremlin relations Second of two parts 4 by Bohdan Nahaylo Foreign Minister Gromyko in February Plans'to build a new harbor and mine Population — all Estonia 1985 and reportedly raised the question 1939 Second of two parts. offering prospects of increased trade of the Ukrainian Catholics, Metropoli- and thousands of new jobs would be ЦІШ The 4-million-strong Ukrainian Cai- tan Filaret, who heads the Moscow more than welcome in other parts of the 19821 tholic Church was officially "liqui- Patriarchate's Commission for Chris- world, but not in Estonia. tian Unity and Relations With Other dated" by the Soviet authorities in 1946 The Estonians fear that the plans to Percentage of Estonians with the help of the Moscow Patriar- Churches, gave an authoritative state - build an international oil harbor at chate. This was accomplished at a stage- ment to L'Unita in which, among other Muuga and a phosphorus mine near 1939f!fHS things, he conveyed the Moscow Pa- managed "synod" held that year in Lviv Toolse, once carried out, will decisively 19821 during which some of the terrorized triarchate's disquiet about the Vatican's contribute to the Russification of remnants of its clergy were forced to reassertion of its concern for the Ukrai- their once independent country. nian Catholic Church. proclaim their church's "voluntary "'The big harbors, mines and the Population—Tallinn (capital) reunion" with the Russian Orthodox excessive large manpower needed in the Church. The current situation big industries play the most important ^939 ПЗЯ?ШУ Nevertheless, for 40 years the Ukrai- role" in the process of "total assimila- 1982 1 nian Uniate Church has managed to Since then the Vatican has continued tion of Estonia into Russia," a group of survive in the underground, and outside to speak out in defense of Baltic Catho- Estonian scholars said in a letter sent of the USSR this church has numerous lics and Ukrainian Uniates. For ex- recently to colleagues in the West. Percentage of Estonians ample, the statement delivered at the congregations. The Vatican has never "Russification," according to a study recognized the canonical validity of opening of the Helsinki Review Confe- rencein Vienna by the Holy See's repre- by the Joint Baltic American National what transpired at the Synod" of Lviv Committee (JBANC), a Baltic Ameri- and under John Paul II has frequently sentative, Archbishop Achille Sil- can umbrella organization, "can be spoken out in defense of the rights of the vestrini, contained strong criticism of considered a process within Sovietiza- Ukrainian Uniates. those states "where believers are sub- tion, the production of a new culture ; Significantly, one of Pope John Paul jected to administrative obstacles and using the Russian culture as a founda- Ill's first "acts after his accession to the prohibitions because of their religious tion. Courtesy of the New York City Tribw throne of St. Peter, was to send a letter convictions." non-Russians and therefore deals only on March 19, 1979, to the exiled leader the statement also made what was "Whereas Sovietization, the creation of the ideal 'Soviet' man, is the goal and with independent and unique cultures of the Ukrainian Catholic Church, obviously an implicit reference to the within the Soviet Union." case of the Ukrainian Catholic Church, encompasses all people within the Patriarch and Cardinal Josyf Slipyj. The scientists said that the first step This document is still regularly criti- for it pointed out that it is "no less Soviet Union, including Russians," possible to keep silent about a painful continues the JBANC report, "Russifi- towards the Russification of Estonia is cized in Soviet publications and ex- (Continued on page 9) emplifies the difficulties for Moscow of situation that has persisted for 40 years cation aims to create Russians out of having the pope attend the millennial without respite: there are religious celebrations in 1988.
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