The Abingdonian
THE ABINGDONIAN SEPTEMBER 1966 THE STAFF (SEPTEMBER 1966) Headmaster: J. M. COBBAN, TO, DL, MA, JP MA Cambridge (late Scholar of Jesus College); MA Oxford (pembroke College); Sandys Student, Thirlwall Medallist and Gladstone prizeman of the University of Cambridge. Formerly Classical Sixth Form Master, Dulwieh College; and Lieutenant-Colonel, Intelligenee Corps Assistant Masters D. O. WILLIS, MA, Iate SCholar of Pembroke College, Oxford (History) (Second Master) H. M. GRAY, MA, late SCholar of Jesus College, Oxford (Chemistry) C. E. T. MOORE, TO, MA, Hertford Colle~e, Oxford (Geography) S C. PARKER, TO, MA, Edinburgh UniversIty (Lanfine Bursar) (Languages) 1"'. J. SBWRY, BSC, Southampton University (Chemistry) (Careers) L C. J. GRIFFIN, MA, Jesus College, Oxford (Classics) R. G. MORTIMER, MA, Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge (Languages) J. TALBOT, BSC, Birmingham University (Biology) K. M. D. HOLLOWAY, MA, Wadham College, Oxford (English) A. A. HILLARY, MA, late Exhibitioner of Jesus College, Cambridge (History) K. G. HAsNIP, MA, Caius College, Cam.bridge (Languages) W. G. POTTER, MA, Pembroke College, Oxford (Biology) C. D. B. MmLTON, BSe (Beon), ARCM, LRAM, London University (Economics) R. H. BAKER, MA, Queen's College, Oxford (physics) A. R. TAMMADGE, MA, RN (retd), Emmanuel College, Cambridge (Mathematics) T. G. K. FAIRHEAD, BA, Downing College, Cambridge, and the Chelsea College of Art (Art) C. J. W. OWEN, MA, late Exhibitioner of New College, Oxford (Bnglish) H. T. RANDOLPH, MA, Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge (Classics) M. R. MORELLE, MA, Jesus College, Oxford (Chemistry) P. B. BILLINOTON, BA, ARCO, Hull University (Musie) J. G. CuLLEN, MA, FRCO, ARCM, Organ Scholar of Christ's College, Cambridge (Director of Music) REV.
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