Pupils of the Schools at Paris, Douai and Woolhampton Pupils at Paris

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Pupils of the Schools at Paris, Douai and Woolhampton Pupils at Paris Pupils of the Schools at Paris, Douai and Woolhampton Pupils at Paris Surname Christian Names Origin Entered Left Notes Bagshaw Thomas 1622 Paris Barlow Thomas 1714 From St Omer Berry (OSB) James Lancs 1771 1778St Gregory's Douai Berry (OSB) Thomas Lancs 1784 1785 St Gregory's Douai Beswick (OSB) Francis Lancs 1786 St Gregory's Douai Bix Nicolas 1664 Paris Blunt ? 1644 Paris Breverton ? 1632 Paris Calderbank (OSB) James 1786 1791 Dieulouard Cary Patrick Oxon 1636 1638 Paris Cary (OSB) Henry Oxon 1636 1639 Paris Coffold ? 1626 Paris Dawber (OSB) John Lancs 1786 1790 Dieulouard Dobson Henry Norfolk 1769 1771 St Germer Duckett (OSB) George (Edmund) Lancs 1759 La Celle Eastham Thomas Lancs 1751 1755 La Celle Fenwick (OSB) Francis London 1661 1664 Paris Gifford Peter 1644 Paris Goolde (OSB) Robert (Cuthbert) London 1751 1755 La Celle Gradwell William (Gregory) 1763 1768St Gregory's Douai Greenwood ? Oxon 1779 Paris Harrison (OSB) John (Augustine) Lancs 1786 1791 Dieulouard Hawkins Thomas 1779 Paris Higginson Joseph Lancs 1771 St Gregory's Douai Howard Henry Cumberland 1774 1774 Paris Howard Philip Cumberland 1761 La Celle Howard Thomas Cumberland 17181724 Paris Johnson James 1760 La Celle Langdale ? 1761 La Celle Lucy ? 1644 Paris Nelson (OSB) Richard (Placid) Lancs 1674 1678 Pontelvoey Parker (OSB) Henry Lancs 1769 1772 St Gregory's Douai Petit 1755 La Celle Pupils at Paris Surname Christian Names Origin Entered Left Notes Pope John Lancs 1771 St Gregory's Douai Richmond 1759 La Celle Rigby J 1767 1771 St Gregory's Douai Rivett Charles 1769 1771 St Germer Robinson (OSB) Maurus Yorks 1644 1652 Paris Pupils of the Schools at Douai and Woolhampton Surrrname Chrrriistttiian Name Orrriigiin Diitttcham Arrrrrriived Lefffttt Notttes Arrrchiivall Notttes Abbott Michael Hilary 1946 1950 Abel Andrew Laurence 1974 1977 Abel James Denis 1972 1976 Abrahamsson Dan Andrew 1976 1976 Abrey Joseph Fernando 1977-81 1981 1985 Abrey Stephen A. 1985-88 1988 1993 Adam Francis 1903 1905 From St Mary's WoolhampWoolhampton Adam Georges Louis 1920 1921 Adam Henri Phillipe 1920 1921 Adam John Roger 1920 1921 Adam Maxime Octave 1920 1924 Adamovich Ivan 1987 1988 Adamovich Nicholas 1987 1988 Adams Benjamin 1994-96 1996 1999 Adams Christopher John 1968 1973 Adams John Q. 1957-61 1961 1966 Adams Jonathan P. 1992-94 1994 1997 Adams Richard D. 1991-94 1994 1997 Adams Timothy J 1993 1994 Adams William Kidderminster 1856 1859 Adams Julien 1996-97 1997 1999 Adcock Julian Alexander Thomas 1982 1989 Addison Peter James 1966 1970 Adie John 1963-68 1968 1972 Adolph Christopher Justin 1979 1984 Adolph Richard Vincenti 1977 1982 Adolph William Patrick 1975 1980 Agnew George Liverpool 1888 1890 Agnew Ü Patrick Scotland 1866 1870 Aguilar Raphael San Salvador 1892 1894 Aguirre Anthony Joseph 1929 1932 Aird ? 1847 ?Student for London DistrictDistric Akkari Jamil 1990 1992 Pupils of the Schools at Douai and Woolhampton Akkermans Dennis Roy 1968-71 1971 1977 Akkermans Paul 1983-84 1984 1987 Akkermans Peter 1983 1988 Akkermans Stephen Guy 1977-79 1979 1984 Albert David Edward Peter 1954-57 1957 1962 Albert Timothy J. 1956-60 1960 1965 Alborough Michael John Albert 1977 1981 Alcazar Nigel Christopher 1968 1969 Aldridge Jason J. 1985-87 1987 1992 Aldridge Nigel Anthony 1981 1988 Alford James 1908 1910 Alford John 1913 1913 Alford Ralph Robert 1952 1957 Allan George Stodart 1927 1929 Allan John Arthur Briscoe 1924 1929 Allan Ü Robert Scarborough 1888 1896 One school list has him start in 1890 Allan Ü Thomas 1871 1878 Allanson Christopher Edward J.J 1952 1957 Allanson David John James 1953 1958 Allanson Ü Peter 1824 ? Allard Dominique 1950 1950 Allen Adrian John 1961-66 1966 1971 Allen Christopher James 1959 1964 Allen David Justin 1962-68 1968 1972 Allen Dudley Patrick 1958-62 Allen Mark G. 1985 1990 Allen Patrick William 1961 1966 Allison Harold Stoke-on-Trent 1897 1900 Allison Michael Douglas 1971 1976 Allison Patrick James 1974 1978 Allport William Gerard 1934 1940 Allwright Anthony Charles 1958 1961 Allwright Graham Durbin 1943 1945 Alvarez De Aldecoa Gonzalo 1991 1992 Alwell Russell James 1979 1984 Pupils of the Schools at Douai and Woolhampton Ambrose George 1914 1917 Ambrose Robert 1914 1917 Amor Alexis Guy Luce 1986 1991 Amphlett Paul Anthony 1960 1965 Anderson Alastair John Scott 1971-76 1976 1979 Anderson Cecil Robert 1923 1929 Anderson Duncan 1976 1977 Anderson Edmund Joseph 1921 1925 Anderson Ernest 1877 1879 Anderson James 1954 1959 Anderson Michael Anthony 1921 1926 Anderson William Edgar Manderville 1924 1924 Anderson Ü John Knaresborough 1838 1844 Andres-Luna Carlos 1990 1991 Andrew Amand 1846 1847 One list has surname Andries Andrew John 1948-50 1950 1955 Andrews Bernard Claude 1923 1923 Andrews Francis Putney 1895 1902 Andrews John William David 1935 1939 Andrews Joseph 1886 1887 Andrews Nicholas W.M. 1985 1990 Andrews Patrick 1988 1991 Angara Juan Edgardo 1989 1991 Angeli Reginald 1910 1910 Anison Matthew Ike S. 1985 1990 Annesley Patrick Robert Ian 1970 1972 Ansell (OSB) Thomas (Ceolfrid) Pulborough 1889 1894 Anstis Anthony Paul 1956 1960 Antelme Alexander John 1982 1987 Antelme Charles K. 1984 1989 Antelme Leopold J. 1940 1946 Antelme Mark Celicourt 1986 1991 Anyaegbunam Christopher Ikemefuna 1973 1975 Anyaegbunam Francis Nwabuwanne 1976 1978 Anyaegbunam William Izuchukwa 1974 1976 Pupils of the Schools at Douai and Woolhampton Appleton Albert Rotherham 1897 1905 Appleton Charles Manchester 1844 1849 Appleton James Liverpool 1847 1853 Appleton John Liverpool 1851 1855Died at Douai on Feast of St Benedict Appleton Thomas Liverpool 1843 1850 Appleton Wilfrid Rotherham 1897 1899 Appleton (OSB) James (Francis) Preston 1820 1826 Prior; Cathedral Prior of NorwichN Apthorpe-Webb Hugh J 1915 1923 Apthorpe-Webb James Bernard 1917 1924 Apthorpe-Webb Noel Joseph 1923 1930 Arathoon Anthony de Marie 1932 1938 Arathoon John Robert 1930 1933 Arathoon Michael Gregory 1931 1936 Arblaster Benedict 1997 1999 Arblaster Dominic Andrew 1989 1990 Arblaster John 1998 1999 Arblaster Paul E. 1987 1989 Arblaster Sebastian Francis Pascal 1992 1994 Arbuthnott John 1909 1912 Arenas Fernando 1988 1989 Arlidge Matthew 1980 1985 Arnould Claude Louis 1916 1916 Arregui Castello Diego 1997-98 Arrigo Joseph Thomas 1919 1924 Arrigo Tancred Joseph 1919 1922 Arrowsmith Benjamin David 1990 1995 Arscott James Maxwell 1974 1978 Arscott Nigel David 1969 1974 Arscott Peter John 1967 1971 Arthur James 1992-94 1994 1997 Arthur Nicholas 1995 1998 Arumugam Anthony 1988 1990 Ascoli Anthony Victor David 1954-56 Ashby Hugh Anthony 1939 1943 Ashby John Durham 1937 1940 Pupils of the Schools at Douai and Woolhampton Ashdown John William Durham 1920 1923 Ashdown Julian Charles 1954 1958 Ashdown Michael John 1949 1951 Ashforth Peter Francis 1963 1967 Ashman Francis Robin 1941 1942 Ashman Michael John 1941 1942 Ashmole Timothy Robert 1974-1976 1976 1981 Ashton Julian Paul 1972 1975 Ashurst John Liverpool 1887 1890 Ashurst Joseph Denis 1958 1961 Ashworth Alfred Whitfield 1908 1912 Ashworth Henry 1913 1913 Ashworth Leo 1908 1913 Aspinall Ü William Burnley 1892 1896 Aspinwall (OSB) Francis (Raymund) Ormskirk 1889 1894 Astle William 1962 1963 Astley Mark 1977 1982 Atherford Craig 1987 1989 Atherton John Wigan 1847 1849 Atherton (OSB) James (Gilbert) 1873 1878 Athey John C. 1980 1985 Atkins Joseph Atherstone 1868 1874 Atkins William 1873 1874 Atkinson ? Northumberland 1837 1838 From Ampleforth. Studied philosophy. Atkinson Anthony Richard 1990 1993 Atkinson Rowen M.E. 1984 1991 Atkinson Ü Bartholomew Manchester 1892 1894 Atkinson Ü Henry Manchester 1899 1901 Atkinson Ü James Liverpool 1838 1841 Atlass Henri Maurice 1953 1954 Attard-Manche Jeremy Paul 1973 1978 Attia Amir Adel 1988 1993 Aubrey Julian M. 1983 1988 Aubrey Peter Anthony 1954 1960 Aubrey Roger John 1952 1957 Pupils of the Schools at Douai and Woolhampton Aulner Paul 1994 1995 Aung Albert 1959 1964 Aung Francis Anthony 1957 1961 Austin Anthony John 1961 1964 Austin Joseph Gerard 1978-80 1980 1983 Aylward Justin Philip 1964-69 1969 1974 Aylward Laura 1993-95 1995 1999 Aylward Tom 1996-99 Ayres Cecil John 1928 1931 Backwith Christopher Anthony 1990-92 1992 1997 Bacon Raymond 1913 1914 Bade John Patrick 1960-61 Badger George 1869 1871 Badger Jonathan Michael 1975 1980 Badger Julian Charles 1978 1981 Badger Justin Adrian A. 1979 1982 Badley Duncan Nigil 1970 1975 Baggs Arthur 1875 1881 Bagley Alphonsus 1885 1888 Bagnall Bernard 1946 1948 Bagnall Peter D. 1945 1947 Bagshawe Ü John 1913 1920 Bahoshy Laith 1990 1993 Bailey ? India 1828 ? Bailey Alfred 1838 1841 Bailey Guy Benjamin 1977 1982 Bailey James 1983 1988 Bailey Paul 1962 1966 Bailey Peter John 1958 1962 Bailey Ü George Cheltenham 1862 1868 Bailey (IC) John Wigan 1845 1848 Rosminian Bailley Eugene Douai 1869 1872 Baillie Frederick Exeter 1834 1834 Baillie William Exeter 1838 1842 Bailly Louis Antwerp 1838 1840 Pupils of the Schools at Douai and Woolhampton Baines Edward Birmingham 1863 1864 Baines Hughendon 1915 1917 Baines Richard Rock Ferry 1887 1889 Baines Sylvester Cyril 1919 1921 Baines Ü William Rock Ferry 1887 1893 Baines (OSB) Roger (Leo) 1876 1882 Wilfrid in register Bains David Malcolm 1959 1961 Bairstow James E. 1992 1997 Bairstow Timothy Martin 1990 1995 Baker Adrian John 1988 1993 Baker Alexander 1996-98 Baker Catherine 1996-99 Baker Christopher David 1986 1991 Baker Frederick Joseph 1929 1932 Baker Harriet 1998-99 Baker John Chepstow 1837 1839 Baker John Charles 1955-56 Baker Jonathan George 1970 1973 Baker Julian Mark 1976-78 1978 1983 Baker Matthew James 1976 1976 1981 Baker Moses 1874 1875 Baker Philip Morton 1951-55 1955 1957 Baker Quentin Paul 1978-80 1980 1985 Baker-Gabb Powell 1874 1875 Balding Mark 1979-81 1981 1986 Balding Timothy James 1982 1984 Balhetchet William Aubrey 1947 1954 Ballance Jonathan 1964 1967 Ballance Michael Nicholas Francis 1963 1968 Ballantine David Ian R.
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