1990 Brochure

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1990 Brochure RESIDENTIAL ENGLISH LANGUAGE COURSES THE SCHOOLS AND SURROUNDII{GS ELSTREE SCHOOL Vacatir-rnal Studies Courses have been running for lor 1990 our Courses are at five Schools near Elstree School is a splendid, large eighteenth 19 years and we have tried in this time to develop a \ervbury. Cheam Schr.rol. Douai School, The Nlary century country house, attractivel,v set in ,i0 acres programme to provide an enjoyable balance Hrre School, Elstree School and Hau.treys. Neri,'bun of grounds u'ith large playing fields, gardens and befwccn 'vacaticrn' and 'study'. Here is our is in a pleasant part of southcrn England amid thc n'oods. It has a modern wcll-equipped gymnasium. programme for Summer 1990. hills of the Berkshire Douns in a rural area well A planncd maximum of 75 students will be hroun for race-horse training. Ncrvbury rs a small accepted, RECOGNISED BY THE BRITISH COUNCIL market toii'n 70km. west of London and 15km. \racational Studies is 'Rccognised as Efficient by the HAS/TREYS south of 0xford. Our five School buildings are British (louncil' and is a member of ARELS-FELCO Hau'treys is an impressive mid-nineteenth century among the finest in the area. (The Association for Recogniscd English Language stately home owned by the Marquess of Ailesburv, Teaching Establishments in Britain) - a CHEAI'I SCHOOL set in 55 acres of grounds $ith playing fields, profcssional body, membership of u'hich is granted Cheam School is an elegant late-nineteenth century gardens, rvoodland and open spaces. The classrooms only after thorough inspection and J-yearly nransjon u'ith impressive interior designing on a are contained u,ithin the main building. A planned re-inspections. grand scale. A particular feature is the sunkcn niaximum of 85 students u'ill be acccpted. formal garden. There is an excellent multi-purpose WHAT WE TRY TO DO All Schools have suimming poolr tennis/basketball/ sports hall/gvmnasium. The Schrxrl's large grounds Vacrtronal Studies tries to crcate a totally r,olleyball courts; football fieldsr sports hall: include several playing fields, launs and urxrds. A international Course with students from as many recreation rooms: colour TV and bathrooms. planned maximum of 95 students ll'ill be accepted different countries as possible. We avoid accepting a on cach Course. CHOICE OF COURSE large number of students from any particular The Courses at Douai, IIary Hare, Elstree and country. In this way we try to ensure that English is DOUAI SCHOOL l{awtreys ale of 4 u'eek' duration. At Cheam, there the main medium of communication among the dates from the mid-nineteenth Douai School are nvo courses erch of -l rveeks' duration. Dates students. By using English not just as a school famous centun'. It is beautifullv set. next to the are: subject. but as a living language, ue hope our l)ouai Abbel', in 80 acres of its oun grounds and Cheam (First Course) studrnts uill realise better its importtnce and value, uoodlands $jth e\tensi\e plafing tields u'hich adjoin 5 Julv 26 Jul.v 1990 \\ hcn children must use English to make friends, Elstree School. It has a large rndoor suimming pool, Douai - the element of self-motivation greatly increases 'multi-gvm'. a gvnnasium and a A planned 8July- 5August1990 thr ir' fluenn'. marimum of 65 studcnts uill be rcceptcd. Mary Hare 'l'his practical trse of English is I I tl August lc)90 emphasis on the THE l.tARY HARE SCHOOL Jull' - comhined \i'ith a full sports, social and excursion The NIary Hare School is a largc mid-nineteenth Hstree 'English programme helping children to learn century manor house. There are formal gardens and l5 luly - 12 August 1990 internationally.....' ertensive grounds rvhich include several large Hawtreys playing fields, a range of tennis courts, a lttJuly 15 August 1990 RESIDENCE - Cheam (Second Course) I'he Courses are all fully resrdential. The children gymnasium and a large indoor suimming pool. A planned mmrmum 105 students uill bc tccepted. 27 Julv 17 August 1990 sleep, eat and receive cl'lsses in thc Schools. of - THE STUDENTS \\'e accept boys and girls aged I I tu 16 - neer- beginners, intermediate and more advanced students. Ve also accept a small number of students rt 17 - nornrally onlv if they havc been *ith us betirre. Ileginners are not accepted. The Courses are sports-orientated and encourage grxrd social development in a community situation. bnti:n Lounol :ln0 ls ll mrmDer 0t .{KtL\-tLLLU nltl..f.,: l: ll. ll'lPiq:)lrs llrlu rmong the finest in the 'lrel. (The Association for Recognised English Langulge statell home ouned b1' the \ltrquess of Ailesbun. uith plaving fields. 'leaching Establishments in Britrin) - a CHEA}I SCHOOL set in 55 acres of grounds professional body, membership of rvhich is granted Cheam School is an elegant late-nineteenth century gardcns, woodland and open spaces. The classrooms huilding. A planned only after thorough inspection and -l-yearly mansion u'ith impressive interior designing on a rre contained rithin the main rc-inspections. grand scale. A partrcLrlar feature is the sunken niaximum of 85 students u'ill be accepted. form'.rl garden. There is an cxcellent multi-purpose WHAT IllE TRY TO DO All Schools have su,rmming pool: tennis/basketball/ spolts hall/gmntsium. The School's large grounds Vrcational Studies tries to create a totally volleyball courts: football fieldsl sports hall: include severul plaving fields, huns and *'oods. A international Course with students from rs many recrertion roomsi colour fi and bathrooms. planned mtximum of 95 studcnts uill be accepted different countries as possible. We avoid accepting I on each Course. CHOICE OF COURSE large number of students from any particular The Courses at Douai, Mary Hare, Elstree and country. In this uay \r'e try to ensure that English is SCHOOL there DOUAI Hattre.vs are of '1 u'eeks' duration. At Cheam, thc main medium of communication lmong the Douai Schrxrl dates from the mid-nineteenth are n\() courses each of J rveeks' duration. Dates students. By using English not as a school iust centun. lt is beautifully set, next to the flmous are: living langulgc. ue hope our sLrblect, but as a Douai Abbel', in 80 tcres of its oun grounds and Cheam (Firsl Course) students u'ill lealise better its importance and I'rlue'. rvoodllnds $ith extcnsive plaving fields rvhich adioin 5 Julv 26 July 1990 use English to mlke friends. \\hen children must Elstree School. It has a large indoor su'imming ptxrl. Douai - the element of self-motivation greatly increases 'multi-q-vm a gJ'rnnasium and a . A planned tl lrl'v 5 August 1990 i;' ilucnct. ihL murmum of 65 students uill bc accepted, Mary Hare- 'Ihis UAugust1990 emphasis 0n the practical rrse of English is rHE }IARY HARE SCHOOL IIJulr'- comhined [ith a full sports. social and excursion 1'hc i\{ary Hare School is a largc mid-nineteenth Iilstree 'English julv 12 August 1990 programme helping children to letrn century manor house. There are formal gardens and 15 - internationally.....' ertensive grounds u'hich include several large Ha$trel's 15 1990 plaving fields, a range of tennis courts, a IttJuly August RESIDENCE -(Second a large indoor su'imming pool. A Cheam Course) The Courses are all fully residential. The children llmnasium tnd plmned marinum 105 students u'ill be accepted. 27 Jull' 17 August 1990 slerp, eat rnd receive classes in the Schools. of - THE STUDENTS \\'c accept bovs and girls aged 1 l to 16 - near- beginners, intermediate and ntore advanced studcnts. We also accept a small number of students tt 17 - normally onlv if they have bcen u'ith us hefirre. Ileginners are not acceptcd. The Courses are sports-orientated and encourage guod sotial dcvelopment in r conrntunily situation. Douai Part of Mary Hare - The Manor House f,lstree Cheam Hastreys THE TEACHING RESIDETTIA1 ACCOililODAIION A staff of qualified, professional teachers, At all Schools the children sleep in dormitories. The experienced in the teaching of English as a foreign girls are in one part of the house, the boys in language give 4 classes, each of 45 minutes, every another. Bed linen is provided by us. day except Sunday and the weekly excursion day. In A TYPICAL DAY addition, there is a supervised 30 minute study 0t1.30 BreaKast period each afternoon. Classes are graded according 09.00 First class to age and ability in English. Students are placed 09.45 Break first in an 'assessment group', then in ufiat we 09.55 Second class consider to be the correct teaching group. Class 10.40 Break placements are constantly reviewed and students 11.10 Third class may be moved to more or less advanced classes, 11.55 Break according to their performance. The teacher:student Berin gives Amaya (Spain) a helping hand iith 12.05 Fourth class ratio is approximately l:lJ. Maximum class size is tennis at Hawtreys 12.50 Break 16. Ve provide all bools and teaching materials. TENXIS LESSO]{S (0ptional Exra) 13.00 Lunch The teaching is by 'direct method'. Both oral and Children may play tennis at any time, but we can 13.45 Supervised Study rvritten English are taught and there is an emphasis arrange professional lessons, if required. These are Break on convefsation practice. 14.15 available for beginners or near-beginners only. 8 14.45 Organised sports and games one-hour lessons are given in groups of no more 18.00 Evening meal than four and must be requested in advance on the 19.00 Games, films, etc. Application Form. If tennis lessons are taken, a 21.00 Hot chocolate and biscuits tennis racquet must be brought.
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