Coster Kills Officers at to Re-Arrest
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Drug Head Who Shot Himself RIGHTS RETURN KEMP TRIAL JURY COSTER KILLS OPENS DISPUTE LISTENS TO PLEAS; ON MONARCHY OFFICERS AT WIU HEAR JUDGE Decision Of Franco On Al- -* 1 tCHKISTMAS VACATION | fonso Diyides Insurgent McEtoj Scheduled To Defiy- EARLY; PAY LACKING TO RE-ARREST HIM ReVere, Maaa, Dec. 16.— (AP) , Opinion On Imminence Of er Charge Befdre Jurors —Chrlatmaa vacation began a | week earlier thM usual .4oday Lady Astor Sorry Indicted President Of Mc- Retire To DeHherate On an schools were closed for lack King Being. Put On Throne BRITAIN MAKES of money to pay teachers. The : I U. S. Not in Empire Inatructors received two days' Kesson And Robbins Fate Of State Land Agent salary yesterday, their first pay Hendaye, France (At the Spanish PLANS TO AID sinoe Nov. 80. I Frontier), Dec. 16.— (A P )—The OruR Corporation, Dift- decision of the Spanish Insurgent Bridgeport, Dec. 16— (A P )—De- generalissimo, Francisco Franco, to IN TRADE WAR -4 fense Counsel John Keogh, nummlng restore all civil righU and proper- closed As Ex-Convkt, l!| In the conapiracy trial of Q. tlea' to former King Alfonso sharp- TENSION RISES ly divided Insurgent opinion today oy Kemp, emphaeized to the Lays Groundwork To Help Presses Pistol To R ^ t today that, the former state on the Imminence of a return to the monarchy. lan^ agent’n work made posalble con- txucUon of the Merritt Parkway BETWEEN U. S. The decree giving Alfonso "all Ear And PuDs Triggers Exporters Meet Nazis’ and expreaaed the hope that he rights that correspond to him as a would not receive a "felon’a ntripe' ciUsen of Spain” was read by Fran- an hla "reward." ' AND GERMANY co to tbe Insurgent CouncU of Min- Barter Trade System By Fairfield, Dec. 16— (X p )—F, Don< The aummation waa completed isters at Burgoa, and they adopted it 3resterday. aid .Coster, Indicted president of thi Mmultaneoualy with the atart o f the vast McKesson and Robblna D ru g mld-moming recess. With the One group of Insurgents at this Increasing Guarantees. border zone said It waa the first Orporatlon who bad been dlaclosad Jury's return to the courtroom, Hints Retaliatory Measures step toward restoring the Bourbon as an ex-convict with a criminal j| SUte'a Attorney Lorln W. WiUls be- monarchy in Spain, backed by tbe prosecyUon'a fln&l demand London. Dec. 16.— (A P )— Great record going back more than • Franco. (Spanish circles in Rome, il ford a conviction. May Be Invoked If Amer Britain laid the groundwork today where Alfonso Is living, doubted he quarter of a century, shot and kUlad The Jury reconvened at 1:43 p.m. would return soon to Spain as a for a trade war—If necessary— himself today at hla oountry mafi* to hear Judge Frank P. McElvoy'a F. Donald Ck>ater, left above, president of McKesson and Rob- ican Property Rights In result of tbe decree.) bins Drug Ckirporation, shot and killed himoelf today at his country against the totalitarian states. slon ntor here. charge before they retire to dellb- Another group, however, declared orate hla fate. mansion near Fairfield. George U etrlch, the firm's treasurer, also Backed by Prime Minister Cham- Federal authorlUea were on tha Reich Jeopardized More. that Franco took only a temporary under Indictment Is seated at the right. Between them is Samuel berla'n's new forceful attitude to- way to tbe luxurious (foster boma to After the jury had filed out for a step to still growing fears among Rich, their attorney. luncheon recess at the close of 30 ward Nazi Germany, the Export re-arrest him at tbe time. Carllsts, a separate monarchical Guarantees BUI, seen aa a possible minutes of final arguments for the group, and followers of Alfonso Fully dreaeed. Coster went Into state, John Keogh, counsel for Washington, Dec. 16— (AP) — aid to British exporters In meeting the bathroom, preasad a plaUd td that the Insurgent regime had no Germany's barter trade system, was hia right ear, and pulled the trtggw Kemp, arose to object to portions Diplomatic tension between United Intention of putUng a king back on of the summation given by State’s tbe throne. given second reading by the House First reporU Indicated that Mirt States and Oermany mounted to- of Commons. Ooster had seen her husband with Attorney Lorln W. WlUls on the Credence Olvea Reporto COSTER’S NAME COMES day with hints that retaliatory tha pistol but bad been powerieaa to grounds that they were not based In any event, aa soon os tbe deci- The measure would increase from I*’ L on evidence presented In the court. measures migbt be Invoked If £50,000,000 ($235,000,000) to £75.- restrain him. She eoUapaed aftar' sion was knowrn, widespread cre- ward. i\ IfcEvoy Defers Dectaion American property rights in the dence was given here to reports 000.000 ($352,000,000) \he total ex- Samuel Reich, an attorney niahed Judge McEvoy deferred decision Reich are Jeopcu-dlaed further oy published yesterday from Morocco INTO WATERBURY TRIAL port guarantees which the Board ot 9 on tbs objectiona until after the that Franco bad sent a mission to Trade could grant. It also contains a from the home as soon aa he be** If anti-Jewlsh and other confiscatory provision whereby material assist- heard what had happened, put bis decrees. Rome to discuss the monarchy hand to bis head, pointing with a WUlla, who started his final sum- question with the Infante Don Juan. ance could be sent to CTbino. mary at 11:40 a.m. declared that tbe This poaalbUity came to light as Veniremaii, Under Ezamina- finger as though it w m a pistoL and Alfonso's third son. R. S. Hudson, secretary of the shouted: tvideace beard spelled "one thing the United States renewed Its seven- Alfonso left the throne April 14, DEMAND ENDING Overseas Trade Department, de- ikms—conspiracy.” months-old quest for adequate, "He shot blmaaU! Ha iMot Mm* 19S1, during a bloodless revolt which tion, Employed As Custo- scribed the bill aa one ot the meUi- Vhooqatess Astor seur Reviewing the testimony of wrritten assurances from Germany brought about the SpaniJh republic ode “without preceoent In our his- Thomas N. Cooke and Silberman. that American citizens will not be (now represented by the Barvelona- Secreted Thna OF COMMUNIST tory" which Great Britain might be London. Dec. 16.— (A P)—Vlr- land agents Indicted with Kemp, their race or creed. The request waa Valencla govemuent against which dian Of Drag Firm’s InveoUgatora were told that throe and chatges of agreements between ao drawn as to cover the rights of required to use in fighting “unfair glnta-bom Viscountess Astor today the Franco . Insurgents ars war- foreign competition." enlivened a House of Commons de- weeka ago (footer—who formerly them and Kemp, tha state's attorney both Catholics aad Jaws. „ ring.) waa Philip Muslca, aa ax-coovt^ dadared “eonsplncy Ufderatand- Meanwhile, Joseph P. Kennedy, Boildmg In New Haven. PARTY IN PARIS AvoM Reference to Uennony bate on a bill to regulate the adop- It was reported a year ago that tion ot Brltleh efaildr«>', with unUI he made an atmoat lacrodiblo tags are never nude la” writing, ambassador to London, arrived In Membera of Parltamsnt corefuUy ebanfle In his name, hla aaooclatioiio the Uhlted States to confer w,th Franco might agree to Prince Juan, briak remark that '1 am very aor- usually by a shrug of tbe shoulder rathsr thaw AlfoBsa-Mmaelf, for .avoided direct deference to Ger- whMa Ufe—had ladtcafod $a or a wlnt" President Roosevelt. He express^ ry that the United States Tor-BBT king of Insurgent held territoiy. Waterbuiy, Dec. 16.—(A P )—The many, whose political leaders were be included In the British empire. Intention to take hia oiim Ufa aM *T1m conapiracy waa navertheleos himself In New York sreaterday as Move Of Right-Wing Parties warned by Chamberlain yesterday that hla three pistole had baas a e h ^ '' he d e cU ^ . being “not particularly optimistic Alfoneo is 52; Juan 23. name o f F. Donald Ooster. Indicted Her meaning was that she want- Most of the Bourbon and Cartlst to beware of Britain’s financial pow- secreted In the family gstoge by a TIm 1attomoya for Kemp, charged about the outlook for peace In Eu- president of McKesson A Robbins, ed the United States exempted chauffeur. monarchist leaders were said to Comes As Dahdier Seek- er In any war. from a clause of the MU which with conspiring to diare In eom- rope—but I don’t think that’s any Inc., was Injected Into the trial of miaolona received by two rea) es- reason for not trying." have agreed early in tbe war that Hudson linked tbe export drive would forbid adoption of British The Investigation Into tba' $67r U Xs brokers in connection with Kennedy left at once for Wash- Juan would be acceptable to them the Waterbury municipal fraud case ing To Get Chamber Of with rearmament when he declared children by foreign nationals. 000,000 drug firm which Oostar land deals for the 128,000,000 super- ington to report on the general The blue-sbirted Falangists, an Im- today when a venireman, under ex- that “in the world of power politics, But George Mathers, Laborlta, headed had not begun at that tip»a highway coanectlng Oonnecticiit European altuation. All other portant element of the iMurgent amination as the long Umk of pick- undoubtedly the trade of this coun- quickly took her up.