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Coster Kills Officers at to Re-Arrest





WIU HEAR JUDGEDecision Of Franco On Al-

-* 1 tCHKISTMAS VACATION | fonso Diyides Insurgent McEtoj Scheduled To Defiy- EARLY; PAY LACKING TO RE-ARREST HIM ReVere, Maaa, Dec. 16.— (AP) , Opinion On Imminence Of er Charge Befdre Jurors —Chrlatmaa vacation began a | week earlier thM usual .4oday Lady Astor Sorry Indicted President Of Mc- Retire To DeHherate On an schools were closed for lack King Being. Put On Throne BRITAIN MAKES of money to pay teachers. The : I U. S. Not in Empire Inatructors received two days' Kesson And Robbins Fate Of State Land Agent salary yesterday, their first pay Hendaye, France (At the Spanish PLANS TO AID sinoe Nov. 80. I Frontier), Dec. 16.— (A P )—The OruR Corporation, Dift- decision of the Spanish Insurgent Bridgeport, Dec. 16— (A P )—De- generalissimo, Francisco Franco, to IN TRADE WAR -4 fense Counsel John Keogh, nummlng closed As Ex-Convkt, restore all civil righU and proper- l!| In the conapiracy trial of Q. tlea' to former King Alfonso sharp- TENSION RISES ly divided Insurgent opinion today oy Kemp, emphaeized to the Lays Groundwork To Help Presses Pistol To R ^ t today that, the former state on the Imminence of a return to the monarchy. lan^ agent’n work made posalble con- txucUon of the Merritt Parkway BETWEEN U. S. The decree giving Alfonso "all Exporters Meet Nazis’ Ear And PuDs Triggers and expreaaed the hope that he rights that correspond to him as a would not receive a "felon’a ntripe' ciUsen of Spain” was read by Fran- an hla "reward." ' co to tbe Insurgent CouncU of Min- Barter Trade System By Fairfield, Dec. 16— (X p )—F, Don< AND GERMANY isters at Burgoa, and they adopted The aummation waa completed it 3resterday. aid .Coster, Indicted president of thi Mmultaneoualy with the atart o f the One group of Insurgents at this Increasing Guarantees. vast McKesson and Robblna D ru g mld-moming recess. With the Jury's return to the courtroom, Hints Retaliatory Measures border zone said It waa the first Orporatlon who bad been dlaclosad step toward restoring the Bourbon as an ex-convict with a criminal j| SUte'a Attorney Lorln W. WiUls be- monarchy in Spain, backed by tbe prosecyUon'a fln&l demand London. Dec. 16.— (A P )— Great record going back more than • May Be Invoked If Amer Franco. (Spanish circles in Rome, Britain laid the groundwork today il ford a conviction. where Alfonso Is living, doubted he quarter of a century, shot and kUlad The Jury reconvened at 1:43 p.m. would return soon to Spain as a for a trade war—If necessary— himself today at hla oountry mafi* to hear Judge Frank P. McElvoy'a F. Donald Ck>ater, left above, president of McKesson and Rob- ican Property Rights In result of tbe decree.) bins Drug Ckirporation, shot and killed himoelf today at his country against the totalitarian states. slon ntor here. charge before they retire to dellb- Another group, however, declared orate hla fate. mansion near Fairfield. George U etrlch, the firm's treasurer, also Backed by Prime Minister Cham- Federal authorlUea were on tha Reich Jeopardized More. that Franco took only a temporary under Indictment Is seated at the right. Between them is Samuel berla'n's new forceful attitude to- way to tbe luxurious (foster boma to After the jury had filed out for a step to still growing fears among Rich, their attorney. luncheon recess at the close of 30 ward Nazi Germany, the Export re-arrest him at tbe time. Carllsts, a separate monarchical Guarantees BUI, seen aa a possible minutes of final arguments for the group, and followers of Alfonso Fully dreaeed. Coster went Into state, John Keogh, counsel for Washington, Dec. 16— (AP) — aid to British exporters In meeting the bathroom, preasad a plaUd td that the Insurgent regime had no Germany's barter trade system, was hia right ear, and pulled the trtggw Kemp, arose to object to portions Diplomatic tension between United Intention of putUng a king back on of the summation given by State’s tbe throne. given second reading by the House First reporU Indicated that Mirt States and Oermany mounted to- of Commons. Ooster had seen her husband with Attorney Lorln W. WlUls on the Credence Olvea Reporto COSTER’S NAME COMES day with hints that retaliatory tha pistol but bad been powerieaa to grounds that they were not based In any event, aa soon os tbe deci- The measure would increase from I*’ L on evidence presented In the court. measures migbt be Invoked If £50,000,000 ($235,000,000) to £75.- restrain him. She eoUapaed aftar' sion was knowrn, widespread cre- ward. i\ IfcEvoy Defers Dectaion American property rights in the dence was given here to reports 000.000 ($352,000,000) \he total ex- Judge McEvoy deferred decision Reich are Jeopcu-dlaed further oy published yesterday from Morocco INTO WATERBURY TRIAL port guarantees which the Board ot Samuel Reich, an attorney niahed 9 on tbs objectiona until after the that Franco bad sent a mission to Trade could grant. It also contains a from the home as soon aa he be** If anti-Jewlsh and other confiscatory provision whereby material assist- heard what had happened, put bis decrees. Rome to discuss the monarchy hand to bis head, pointing with a WUlla, who started his final sum- question with the Infante Don Juan. ance could be sent to CTbino. mary at 11:40 a.m. declared that tbe This poaalbUity came to light as Veniremaii, Under Ezamina- finger as though it w m a pistoL and Alfonso's third son. R. S. Hudson, secretary of the shouted: tvideace beard spelled "one thing the renewed Its seven- Alfonso left the throne April 14, DEMAND ENDING Overseas Trade Department, de- ikms—conspiracy.” months-old quest for adequate, "He shot blmaaU! Ha iMot Mm* 19S1, during a bloodless revolt which tion, Employed As Custo- scribed the bill aa one ot the meUi- Vhooqatess Astor seur Reviewing the testimony of wrritten assurances from Germany brought about the SpaniJh republic ode “without preceoent In our his- Thomas N. Cooke and Silberman. that American citizens will not be Secreted Thna (now represented by the Barvelona- OF COMMUNIST tory" which Great Britain might be London. Dec. 16.— (A P)—Vlr- land agents Indicted with Kemp, their race or creed. The request waa Valencla govemuent against which dian Of Drag Firm’s InveoUgatora were told that throe and chatges of agreements between ao drawn as to cover the rights of required to use in fighting “unfair glnta-bom Viscountess Astor today the Franco . Insurgents ars war- foreign competition." enlivened a House of Commons de- weeka ago (footer—who formerly them and Kemp, tha state's attorney both Catholics aad Jaws. „ ring.) waa Philip Muslca, aa ax-coovt^ dadared “eonsplncy Ufderatand- Meanwhile, Joseph P. Kennedy, Boildmg In New Haven. PARTY IN PARIS AvoM Reference to Uennony bate on a bill to regulate the adop- It was reported a year ago that tion ot Brltleh efaildr«>', with unUI he made an atmoat lacrodiblo tags are never nude la” writing, ambassador to London, arrived In Membera of Parltamsnt corefuUy ebanfle In his name, hla aaooclatioiio the Uhlted States to confer w,th Franco might agree to Prince Juan, briak remark that '1 am very aor- usually by a shrug of tbe shoulder rathsr thaw AlfoBsa-Mmaelf, for .avoided direct deference to Ger- whMa Ufe—had ladtcafod $a or a wlnt" President Roosevelt. He express^ ry that the United States Tor-BBT king of Insurgent held territoiy. Waterbuiy, Dec. 16.—(A P )—The many, whose political leaders were be included In the British empire. Intention to take hia oiim Ufa aM *T1m conapiracy waa navertheleos himself In New York sreaterday as Move Of Right-Wing Parties warned by Chamberlain yesterday that hla three pistole had baas a e h ^ '' he d e cU ^ . being “not particularly optimistic Alfoneo is 52; Juan 23. name o f F. Donald Ooster. Indicted Her meaning was that she want- Most of the Bourbon and Cartlst to beware of Britain’s financial pow- secreted In the family gstoge by a TIm 1attomoya for Kemp, charged about the outlook for peace In Eu- president of McKesson A Robbins, ed the United States exempted chauffeur. monarchist leaders were said to Comes As Dahdier Seek- er In any war. from a clause of the MU which with conspiring to diare In eom- rope—but I don’t think that’s any Inc., was Injected Into the trial of miaolona received by two rea) es- reason for not trying." have agreed early in tbe war that Hudson linked tbe export drive would forbid adoption of British The Investigation Into tba' $67r U Xs brokers in connection with Kennedy left at once for Wash- Juan would be acceptable to them the Waterbury municipal fraud case ing To Get Chamber Of with rearmament when he declared children by foreign nationals. 000,000 drug firm which Oostar land deals for the 128,000,000 super- ington to report on the general The blue-sbirted Falangists, an Im- today when a venireman, under ex- that “in the world of power politics, But George Mathers, Laborlta, headed had not begun at that tip»a highway coanectlng Oonnecticiit European altuation. All other portant element of the iMurgent amination as the long Umk of pick- undoubtedly the trade of this coun- quickly took her up. —an investigation of an apparant, and New Tork, spoke of the former American envoys to major European Ing a Jury tolled forward, said he Deputies To Pass Budget try to a very large extent le de- "The noble lady has to blame $18,000,000 overstatement o f aaaeuk ' agent's “persistence" In negotiating coimtries have talked with the (Coattnned oa Pago Six) waa employed as a custodian of Mc- pendent on the question of whether George HI for that," he said. Art Gorman, an aaaiatant Fadanl attorney in New Haven, arrived at for tights of way. President in recent weeks. Kennedy Kesson A Robbins buildings In New or not the world believes we ore in Lady Astor looked him over and B haa taken an active part In seeking Haven. snapped back. “We always seem to tha front door ot tba Coator Keogh said he bs|led the jury Paris, Dec. 16 — (AP) -R ig h t- earnest about our schemes of re- would remember that “through this aid for Jewish refugees from Ger- Jaimes D. C. Murray, counsel for armament.” get back to the Germans when we only to hear the shot that anded O wing parties on which Premier Dnl- Ooeter's llto. man's poralatence, through his work many. Lieut. Gov. Frank Hayes who is one The major points of Hudson's get Into trouble, don’t w e?" HOPKINS LEADING II And patience through the years Won’t Rule Out I 'allafton of 22 on trial on charges of con- adler depends for the life of his speech defending the hill were ap- (George lU, ot the Oermaa-de- Stood la FIroat ef M Im r there has bean made possible the Sumner Welles, acting secretary spiracy to defraud the city, then government issued a united demand proved by the government opposi- Bcended House of Hanover, waa Coeter, ea he ahot himeelf, bad hla B construction of the safest and the of state, in making public tbe 1st asked the prospective Juror, Levi 8. through their newspapers today for tion, especially when he Indicated Britain's king when the American left band In hla pockaL ^ atood best and moat beautiful highway In est note delivered this week in ^ r - FOR ROPER POST Doolittle of North Haven: dissolution of the French Commun- the government was going Into the colonies won their Independence.) in front of a mirror. Aa be fired— 4U this world and I hope his reward lln, refused to rule out the question “ Do you know Mr. Ooster?” ist party. fight on a long-term basis to build with a 86 oalibre police platol— ha for this wtU not be the felon's of retaliation, which might arise "No, I wouldn’t kno him If 1 saw A total of 430 Paris and provin- lasting goodwill through tbe exten- toppled backward and fell halfwav stripe." both In the Jewish connectoln and him,” DoolitUe replied. cial papers, ranging from mildly sion of credits to those countries Into the bathtub. (Jrg*s Scmtiaiting Testimony. in the Austrian debt situation, an- conservative to the extreme right, which would appreciate assistance He urged the Jury to scrutlnim Receives Most Frequent Special Proeecutor Hugh M. Al- INCOMPETENT MEN Hie spectaclaa feS Into tha bovrt other point of difference between corn Interposed with a smUe. ”1 were said to have joined in the "ap- most. under the mirror. *Wlth extreme care" the testimony the two countries. peal to Parliament and the govern- given by Thomas N. Cooke of didn’t know they needed a custo- Dsflnes Sltnatlon Exactly U. S. Marabal Fitch, who had State Department officials made Mention As Successor To dian,” and Murray asked further: ment.” Oliver Stanley, president of the Greenwich and Samuel H. Sllber- no secret of the fact they considered 'The move came aa Daladler was MADE TVA AUDIT picked up (foorge Dietrich, another man of Stamford, real estate brok- "Tou at least have some merchan- board of trade, defined the situation indicted officer of McKeaaoo * Rob. Germany’s long delays in answering dise where you are?”, seeking to put France’s 93.883.000.- more exactly when be told Com- ara indicted with Kemp. American diplomatic notes both un- Secretary Of Cominerce. 000 franc ($2,441,000,000) budget mons: bins, was In ths party that arrived Keogh recalled that Asalstant At- satisfactory and unusual. “ Plenty,” said Doolittle. through the CHiamber of Deputies at the front door of the OoaUr home Coster was Indicted on a con- "Wo haven't declared a trade war Just at the time the shot was baasd. torney Oeneral Richard F. Corkey The United States hss sought ahead of more controversial Issues on anybody and we don't want to Agency ControDer Testifies nl asked during bis summation yester- since April to obtain Germany's aa- BUIXETIN! spiracy count In New York yester- which might endanger his shaky have a trade war with anybody. We He rushed upstairs with Dletrlidi, le; day why Cooke and Silberman would day after an Investigation disclosed found servants in a commotion be- Burance that It would assume Aus- WoehlagtoB. Dec. l$— (AP)— majority. don’t want to fight. We don't be- til take tbe stand to testify against trian debte to the United SUtea and on apparent loss of $18,000,000 in fore the bathroom door, which Preoldeat Rooeevelt sold today, He succeeded last night In get- Ueve there Is any need to fight. Before Congressional In- locked. 83 Kemp and thus “Incriminate” them- its clUzena. Aasunmees that Amer- amid talk that Harry Hop- McKesson A Robbins assets. ting chairmen of (Chamber party "We believe It Is better for bothi selves unless they were going to tell ican cltlzena In Germany would not kins might bo the new ‘ eeer^ Excused On Mutool Request groups to limit the budget debate to Germany and us to come to amicable Fitch broke tbe door In and found ln| the truth. be discriminated against because of tory er .eoamMroe. that he had Judge Ernest A. Inglis excused 66 hours, about one hour of discus- agreements as to the sharing of vestigating Committee. (foeUr dead. Mra Cotter walked "The answer to that la very sim- race or creed have been sought re- not yet mode op hU mind oa DoolitUe on the mutual request of sion for each $37,000,000 of expen- about tbe room crying: peatedly since May 9. ple. They did It and did all the other cablaet replaoeineata. Mr. state and defense. ditures, so the deputies could com- (Continued on Page tMz.) “Where’s Donald T Where’s Don- ati things they thought was necessary Past delays caused doubt In some Rooeevelt aaM be could a«t teU The examinaUon of veniremen, plete their action December 23. BULLETIN aid?" to escape the trial of their own circles whether sn early and satis- ending Its third court week today Some of the newspapers demand- Then she collapaed. ^ when cabinet appolatmento or Washington, Dec. 16— (AP) weet selves.” aa appointment to the Supreme with four Jurors sUll to be picked, ing the Communist dissolution rep- — Congreealonal Investlgstors Dietrich cried out repeatedly: “Ha Neither Cooke nor Silberman haa (Uoattaoed on Pago Six.) court might be expected. returned to its normal, slow pace resented parties which have long didn’t commit murder. Why did he been at each other's throats. In HARTFORD-EMPIRE named today that the Teanea- been put to plea as yet. this morning after having been con- aen Valley Authority loet 6810,- have to do H? Why did he do It?" siderably accelerated yesterday. Paris they included Le Figaro, Le Keogh contended that Kemp “bar- Waahlngtcm, Dec. 16 — (AP) — 171 on Ite power operations In (foster had been distraught all Lti ned to the best of his ability" for Harry Hopkins, WPA administrator Three others were examined be- Journal and Le Jour, all three in- the 6scal year ending June SO, Ai ste on tbe Parkway deala and WANT DRUG CASE and an Intimate prealdental advisor, sides DooUtUe during the first hour MADE BIG PROFIT (CoBtlanad on Page Six) end. were challenged. (Cootlnned on Page rhree.) 1988. A preliminary dnancial "shown no favors” to either of received most fr^uent mention to- statement of the Authority's loi day In capita] discussion of a suc- A third panel, comprising 100 611 Um5 3 ^ Indicted realtors. entire operaUons, submitted to Asks Independent Actloa cessor to Secretary of Commerce veniremen, was scheduled to be TREASURY BALANCE IN CONN. D IS T R ia drawn this afternoon at 2 p. m. and Washington, Dec. 18.—(A P I-T h e the TVA Investigating Commit- tifl Toward tbe end of hla argument, Daniel Roper. facials Verify Hgures tee, showed a deficit of 8748,- In accepting the reeignstion of from this opposing counsel hoped to position of the Treasury, Dec. 14: Keogh pleaded srith the Individual eomplete the Jury before Christmas. Receipts $27,602,449.81; expendi- 064 In tbe 6ve years the Au- to act Independently In reach- the conservaUve, 71-year old Roper, Pk ffT» Others examined besides Doolittle tures $22(^60.805.28; net balance $2,- thority lias Iweo seUing elec- a declaion as to Kemp’A guilt or ProaldeBt Rooeevelt gave no Indica- Showing Return Of 67.77 tricity. The report was part of FLASHES! an 357,888,880.61. Chistoms receipts for (Late Bulletins on the AP WIm ) Ipnoceace. Groups Of Crotitors And tion of Us saw choice for the poet (Ooutlaoed eu Page Sixteen.) the month $12,816,021.99. a mass of T\’A finanrlng evi- Fl Kamp, ha said, “ought not to be BonNre Aboot OtiMn dence offered the committee by There have been rumors tor ssv- P. C. On Operating Capital P® found guilty by any member of this Bondholders File Peti- E. L. Koliler, the Authority’s AUTO WORKERS STRIKE Jury to idesaa any other member of eral weeks that stUI other membera controller. Po this Jury." of tbe preeident’a offldel family Detroit, Dec. 16— (AP>—Ap- dk tions For Reorpnization. might retire or be shifted to other Waehtnirton, Dec. 18.— (AP) — proxlmately $50 unkwlzad employ- ^ K e ^ b also commented on the fact Officials of Kartford-Empire com- Washington, Dec. 16— (AP) —E. that the stats presented no rebuttal poelUoas. Poatmaster Genera, Far- Death Valley Scotty Loses ee of the Chrysler (forp. refnaad to 50 ley, Secretary of War Woodring and pany verified today figures showing L. Kohler, controller of the Tennes- go to work today In the eerpara- wltaemea. He told the Jury that in see Valley Authority, testified today vw many laataaces It would be neces- Secretary Swanson of the Nsvy the company made a return of 87.77 lion’s Highland Park plant aa a ra- Hartford, Dec. 16— (AP) — The per cent lost year on Its operating that the controller general’s office in salt of a dispute ooaeemlag the rw aensattawal McKaaaon A Robblna have been mentioned In that connec- Companion o f Many Years Washington aent “incompetent” case bobbed up here again today Uon. capital. hiring of employee with eeniorlty I o a P a g o B t e . ) men to check up on the agency. rstlngs. with a double-barreled attempt to Reports that Hc^kina would re- Department of Justice attorneys That, he told the Jongresalonol bring reorganisation proceedinga place Roper bad been current even —4«rged from his hideaway shock to submitted to tbe Monopoly Investi- committee Investigating TVA was sSAFCTy SONNETS Into tbe JuriadictioB o f Connecticut while tbe latter was denying he (A P )—Death Voley Scotty is sor- feed Slim and Betty, his morning gating C?ommlttee figures lo w in g a "one reason why I did not get ex- LOSES SKIRMISH Instead o f New Tork. would withdraw. Hopkina has been rowfully alone in the quietude of custom. Betty alone answered his net operating Income of $1,758,- cited about their reports." Trenton, N. J,, Dec. 16— (A P)— Two aeparate Involuntary pcU- attending cabinet meetings In his the desert rocks today. He has lost coU. 324.59 for the company In 1937. Kohler, a tall, grave-fsced

^ IP A G B I ^ MANCHESTER EVENINQ HERALD. MANCHESTER, OONN. FRIDivT, DECEMBER 16,1988 BIANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. FRIDAY. DECEMBER 16.1988 la which It u dailrcd to ooaduet as eonlng questions and prsoedant PAGETHREiB’ ; RESERVE PERMIT emlM. After admittlac the pell, ware considered at stake, the Board time as newspapers carrying tha astounding aUtement when he aaya tiooa to public hoaring at tho Uual. dadded to consider the requwte at ABOUTM 1NDICAH0NS WPA ORFORDSOAPCO. appeal, made no mention of It he Is imable' to reconcile TVA fi- HARTFORD- EMPI RE Emplre over patent rights and took collect "tribute In the form of roy- ctpat Building, tho Zoning Board of greater length. DEMAND ENDING nancial reporta to Congress," Wol- out a license to use Hsrtford-Em- alties" from an entire Industry. BAMOB and Appeals, meeting in regular month* Tha Board granted for one year The Emanual choir wlU rehearse WOULD RETURN MEDALS ARABS LEAD DEMONSTRATION verton said. “I’m going to find out plro machinery. "The evidence so far has clearly PUBLIC SETBACK- ^ CHANGE DECISION ly scMlofi, took the three requests the petition of Mra. John P. Lowe tomorrow night at 8 o'clock at the Tunis, Dec. 16.—(API—Arab aU about that later." MADE BI G P ROF I T Also In 1933 Ball Brothars of developed the fact that the present FUEL OILS under advisement, and win render a who aaked the right to conduct a Emanuel Lutheran church Instead GOING OUT FAST REWARDS WORKERS chlaftalns and sheiks headed dem- Wolverton said earUer he thought Muncle, Ind., obtained a license to aUte of the patent lawrn o^ers the Manchester Green School ) m decision at a later data. of tonight e OF COMMUNIST use Hartford-Bmplre equipment for M-aotn IVIOB kannal and nuTMry at Ml East GIVEN TO HIM AS HEl onatrattons at the eastern city of It would be a good idea to set up a opportunity for an individual or Friday At 8 P. M- Promptlf If tha removal permission Is die turnpike. Tabled was an appB Gromballa today on behalf of judicial tribunal to settle disputes (CktntlnMB rrnm Paga Ona.) making fruit jars and a number of corporation so Inclined to acquire PHONE «S20 granted the three, which now coa* Mr. and Mrs. Rayrmond A. S t 4- French firmness against Italian smaller manufacturera followed •3 Cash Prizes! Adm. 2!(e: Stores, Chib Petition To cation made by Forraat BucUand to between publicly-owned and private suit. l y skill, by guile or by force a posi- trol liquor dealing permits at their remodel a single dwelling at 113 Laurent of Gerard street are gueata Obsenrerf, Buiiiess Fif- out tha country after his honorable Unal Christma! Bonus Dis- PARTY IN PARIS clamor for French African terri- utilltlea tomey, told the Committee the De- tion of dominance In an Industry,” preeent locations. It was stated that Park street to accommodate two at tha Hotel Commodore, New dtsebarfe but ba’s never gotten over tory- partment considered It ’’significant" May Collect "Tribute” Senator O’Mahoney 'declared. tha result will be the erection of York city. Local Ex-^rrice Man Dis He said he would ask the TVA that the return on operating Invest- BOLAND Change Locations, Retain families. the affects of that terrible night on (OsattawB trom Poga Ona.) Paradera Riarched through the Investigating Committee to give During the progress of the Com- The Committee hoped to conclude two new buildings, with Incidental Opposed by many adjoining prop- the front tribited To An Who Ha?e p^dpal street shouting "Long live ment began a sharp climb from 16.19 the study of patents In the glass TVA power to arbitrate its disputes per cent in 1933. mittee’s study of the glass contain- OIL CO Vendi ng Ri ght s. additions to the town's grand list erty holders was a request made by mi ssed From WPA Job ‘T worked for Cbeneys many fluentlal newapapere with a nation- France, long Uve Tunisia, Tripoli with utilities. er Industry, Chairman O’Mahoney container Industry today and recess o: sonie $$0,000. The applicants for Bemlca M. Bamforth, who sought Relief Need Receding. years", he aald. "Bad tlmoa cams. wide circulation. for ue.” A number paraded before Tho Committee records showed (D.. Wyo.), contended that existing until after the Christmaa holidays. Read The Herald Atirss address changes arc. the A. and P. to change a two family bouse at 8$ PLAN TO EXTEND Now I work on the WPA and today Wo r k e d Th e r e 0?er Year Many *of the papers not only the ItaUan consulate and ItaUan “This would give double protec- that in that year Hazel-Atlas Com- patent laws create the opportunity store at 844V4 Main street, which Hudson street Into a three family Wo n d e r s Wha t “ Me r r y wa got notice we’re Md off. One represented political parties but club. tion to the public,” Wolverton eald. pany ended Its fight with Hartford- for an Individual or company to Decision waa reaervrd laat night would lease a building which would structure. Her petition was denied. week before Christ roes and we’re were edited and owned by deputies. "It would protect those who favor on the application of two different be erected for Ita use at 717-72.1 STREET OPPOSED By E. MALCOM STANNAJUl Chri stmas’* WiD Mean laid off. My countcy deeoa't eat* ' Empleyas of tha Orford Soap The appeal flayed the Communist public ownership and also protect local bualneBaea and one club to Main street if a change In permit With the announcement that U$ about me. I lova tha United States, Company, manufacturers of Boa P4uly as one which “seeka both civil mOMPETENT MEN the large body of Investors who have their liquor dealing permits can be granted, the BrlUah-Ameri- men have been laid off of local WPA I fought for her. I loat my health. and foreign war and which is only have made the present utility sys- Rod I k HtnU Un. validated for proposed new locations can club, which would make Itself PUBLIC RECORDS AmL have been given their usual tems possible.” projects, those remaining naturalljr For His Family^ What about my faniUy, what kind of - Chriatmas bonus, figured on the an agent of ^he Soviet imlon," and a new clubhouse at the Dunn estate •ee the handwriting on the wall. For a Christmas la this going to ba for accused the'Communists'of sabotag- MADE TVA AUDI T ■TVA witnesses have opposed Warraatoa Whhon Ubrary And Y Di- thamT length of service with the company Hassocks at Maple and Apruce streets, shift- According to a warrantee deed according to every ladIcaUon. the ing France’s national defense, of Wolverton’s proposal on two ing there from 989 Main street, and 'T'm going to return thoae medals ,,and the pay received. AH empl03res Week-End Special recorded by Town Clerk Samuel J. two reductions in personnel that He came hesitantly Into The with one year of service shared In formentlng strikes and "of arousing. (UimUnned fn m Page One) grounds. They contend the agency For Christmas the First National Btore now at 198 Turklngton, the Holl Investment rectors WiD Not GiTe J don't want them any more. They should have a free hand to nego- December 16, 17 and 18. have occurred here in rapid succee- Herald editorial office thta morning, mean nothing now." the distribution. The plan was French workmen against foreign North Main street which seeks to company has transferred to Arthur ilon are but a prelude of wnat le to a short, chunky ruddy-faced roan adopted by the company over 10 states." he first took office he urged a com- tiate for purchasing private sys- move to 169 North Main street 3. Gustafson et ux, property con* come. One cannot go.deeply mto the with the hacking cough of chronic Ha picked up the papers, tbs years ago. It concluded: tems. They also fear auch an Opposition to the petitions sub- 0?er Land For Project. medals. He didn’t say any more. plete audit of TVA by an outside amendment to the TVA act might I ■Isting of land and butldlngs, locat- newi despatches that are coming brwtcbltis that beUed bU outward Any person in the employ of the Most DIaaolva Conxiiunlets firm of accountants and this would Full CoHirse Broiled Live Lobster or Cash and mitted by the three organiutlons ed on Middle Turnpike east. Stamps appearance of brimming good Just looked at the city editor bUnk- company up to one year waa given a bring a new series of court battles. 1 did not develop at the hearing, but from Washington these days with- togly through hU tears. Ha shuf- “It ie up to the government to be “ready within a week." Sirloin Steak D inner...... $ ITHURSDAY Indicate a consideration of $3,800. out forming a belief that WPA is on health. fled out. cash bonus of five per cent of their take decisions according to the law Jenkins asked If Kohler had con- 1.00 The plan proposed by the Man- "You know me." he said to the yearly eamlnga. Those who have Carry FRIDAY the way out. and wUl go out fast The city editor couldn’t epeak. He to Insure the safety of the nation. ferred with representatives of the Additional Order of Above...... roc cheator Improvement Asaoctatlon to from now on. Some good authorities city editor in stilted, careful Eng- didn’t know what to say. been employed five 3rears were given United States controller general SPECIAL SATURDAY extend North School street, aeems seven and a half per cent and those Eighteen European nations have dis- aeem to feel that WPA will juat lish that bespoke many a hard tua- solved the Communist party In order about this audit. PrD-ClN^ttlMM 7> doomed, according to Mntlmenta about last out this winter, but that ela with evening achool seaslons to w*K) had 10 years’ service were giv- "After reading the volumes of expressed by the heads of the en a cash bonus of 10 per cent. All to become masters In their own So Give Yourself a Treat and “Fill Up” With Ubster it all. master the language of hla adopted US FIRM EMPLOYEES house. We muct do likewise.'’ correspondence between that office D AILY On Sale |C vt Pric* SpDciak rants if t s Whlton Memorial Library and the country. 'Tm Umberto AgoatlnaUl. employee of 1.8 years or more were and the TVA. I thought It would be or Steak. G G Manchester YJd.C.A. In many Industries thsre is defi- I Uve at 73 Waat atreet I have given a IS per cent bonus. Daladier's newspaper L’Oeuvre, hopeless," Kohler replied, referring LU NCHEO NS The plan waa to take up aa a nite Improvement, and commercial been In this country, In this town, RECEI VE SERVI CE PDB Amonnta Not Given did not print the appeal. to numerous disputes of past years. Satur- 60e 14 ^ VIT A MINS town aponaored WPA project, land Indices In trade journals show that many years. I came here from In the office of the company there Leftists condemned It aa "political As Representatives Jenkins and MANY OTHER CHOICES $1 Cod Livar owned by Memorial Ubrary, facing construction has Increased tremen- / has been posted a Hat of employes blackmail,” interpreting -It as an 35c ALKA. OVALTINC B on on North Main street, aa far as land Italy. I try hard to be a good Wolverton (R. N. J.). plied Kohler And Up Tablata, dously. raw materials and agricul- American citizen, to raise a family, Thomas Fenton Awarded showing the years of their emp!oy- open threat by the right-wing to with questions. Democratic Com- day Only SELTZER now owned by the Manchester Y.M. tural product demands have im- l a ^ e n t but nothing in the way of the withdraw their votes from the 73< C.A. This woult^ be used for a road, to work hard." mane Society Medal mittee members protested the wit- proved, and consumer products and Produces Hie Medals j^^Binount that ehch would receive. premier and wreck hla government ness should first be given a chanca Adex Give M ore...S pend Less! " way. The plana also called for cov- all sorts of commodities are chang- Heroism; Enjoy Party. VEflch emplo3re waa given cash as unless he dissolved the Communist H OTEL wouldn t be pleased with one of these beautiful, ering over the open brook that flows He was trying to get It all out In to present his direct testimony. PM 49c 59c ing hands faster, and with more one breath but coughs stopped him a j^nus. Aa a result several stores party. Chairman Donahey (D., Ohio) so Olde Homestead Inn TOft leatherette covered hassocks? Choice of several 9*^ l>B8f SBlection — through both properties, as far as profit than they have for many long Many local employeea of the Man- aV the north end have had $100 bills Before the appeal was published ruled. SHERIDA N 00c 100a______79e I the swimming pool, now closed. now and then and he had to take a chester division of the Hartford Oae SOMERS, CONNf bright colors, neatly trimmed with contraating welta. by fhopping of GRANT! months. All of this means one thing. long awallow from a medldne bot- presented today In pa3dnent for pur- Leon Blum, Socialist ex-premler, "This witness has made a most SMmrs $1 Sqaibb'e The Improvement Aaaoclatlon had It means that private Industry Is company gatheriNl In Hartford last chases. called Daladler a "priaoner of the Firmly packed to hold their true shape. A rBally g ^ COUGH T.Wat.,, 89e given much consideration to the tle. Tears kept welling up Into bis night for the annual Chrletmaa hassock at a remarkably low price. Others up to 82.49. plan. At a recent meeting there rapidly approaching the point where eyes as he spoke, shook hie voice. Total Kept Secret right" and predicted "they will be SYRUP 00a ___ It can absorb everyone who wants party given to employeea by the Just what the total amount paid exacting payment soot,.” 79« was every reason to feel that the Abruptly he broke off hla recital, firm. A feature of the celebration by the company la not known. Not $1.28 A. B. D. C. change could be made and that the to work. For the rest there will be plunged hla hand into the pocket of Attacked Conunanlsts. In Speech Capawlaa, 28s ...... lond could be secured. no WPA—Indeed there will be noth- was the award of the following serv- only has the company paid each .The premier in a speech to Par- K € € P V O U R € V € O H Lirar Oil, pt...... 89e his worn overcoat and then threw a ice pins to Manchester division em- year a bonus to their employes but i^ a a V i tondgkri ii

Licensed Optician On the ITHiiBitg Fitted. Preacriptiona Filled. ' MIH IN A4ANCHESTER Adjostnenta Made. Hca 3 1- sl.00 3 ^CO TV r i a c a GlFTSeiV 5 844 Mam Street G W boxes of your selection—11, 13 and IS-lnch rvssjL white linen squares With shadow edges, flltlre and Mteen lining: FENWICKK OIATSCTS 94KNK lavtah Mosaic designs In variety. I. ^ 3‘ 4 to 9. In Burgundy, princesa blue and F E N W IC K E Mack. Very dainty gifts for a favorite lady. J a f f ^ Jewelry Store IsiMinNissrj 9»ii2n ! ' ! A nd o pikians r MANCHESTER EVENING HERAUX MANCHESTER, GUNN. FRIDAT, DECEMBER IS, 1988 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16,1988 Mamad on tha town. R waa leamad PAGE SEVB^^ today that whan aome local men ob- was first diaooverad the shed 9 could be done to save it. There la no ■pontaneeue combustion at thin let* HOLST B BLAMED tained an Interview in New Haven ABOUT TOWN entirely enveloped in flamea. There water mipply there and tha bam hr “yardstick rates” was unimportant. TENSION RISES BIG TOBACCO SHED was no braaae blowing and the date waa considered by Mr. glonal power rates in this country Luang Blp’U Songram, war minister two days ago with W PA ondals, located outside of fire protection. LOSS ON “YARDSTICK “Actually, we are dealing with a and for this ireason were trying to tvHevss _ they wnre informed that probably amoha erent straight up, making the as being out of the question, new regulatory device,'' Olds told have rigid atandards aet for TVA. ana a strong figure In Siamese po- the reaaen that men were being die- All children of Enunaauet Luther- fire Tianble for many miles. Although It la a five bant shad the could give no cauae for the fire. FORADTODEATH DES1R0YED BY FIRE W waa stored in the three oanUr the Congressional Committee inves- liUcal life, today waa named premier COLDS, charged was to be found in the feet BETWEEN 0. S. an church school nrs raquaatad to Andrew Hanly, the auperlntondent The fire was burning at a latr RATES" UNIMPORTANT tigating the Tennessee Valley Auth- that the town has not applied for appear for rehearsal for tho Christ- bants. It was cut last summer and hour this afternoon. The lose It cov- NAMED SIAMESE PREMIEB by the regency council. Pbya Bahol Fever and of the plantation, was on Buckland the poaalblUty of It atartlng from ority. "Even if TVA losses (2,000,- projects which would keep all of the mas program tomorroer mornlag at A tobaceo ahad M by S> feat con- street when he first saw the smoke. ered by insurance. and his cabinet reotgaed yesterday C U «f or PoHoo Suiraci O. Oorteo 10 o'clock. It la Important that 000 a year, it Is worth 50 to 100 Headaches men employed. taining 43 tons of hay located on the I'hlvtng west over one of the roads Washington, Dec. 16.— (A P )—Le- Bangkok, Slam, Dec. 16— (A P )__ at the opening of parUameat. VHeiA Tablets, ^ ^ tti> morninf r«o«lv«d from Um a t- AND GERMANY they attend whether they have lead- y times that amount to the entire Salve, Hoorn Urasa •• V O tm It was this statement which Wad- Hartnuut Tobacco plantation in in the plantation towards Burnham BY SISRID ARMS land Olds, New York state public country. • m of Hartford Oouatjr oorcmar ing paru or not. Ctaildran who took I dell today declared to be totally un- If.XNittnDed (m ill Pegs Onti.) Buckland wna daatrojred by fire at street, he found the fire ao far pro l- power official, expressed the opinion Frank S. Hoaljr a flndtaf on the ac> true. part In the impreaalve Lucia faa- 1;M this afternoon. W^en the blase The Story So Far: The mean yesterday that an annual loss by The witness asserted that large Try VRab-nr-TliM” WeaSavtoI that there Mttle that utility bolding systems actually had LlalaMi oMaat on Middle turnpike, went, at tival Wednesday evening at tha Queen la the only one to reach TV A of (1,000,000 or (2,000,000 on Bread atraet, which raaulted In the factory reply to the latest note church and whose names were Inad- established a system of uniform re- could be anticipated. TOyland becauM her aoldiera death a t Arthur W. Holcomb, Jr., of vertently omitted were Phyllla Mo- topped to eat the piece, the Went Hartford, on November 14. Worry About Inveetnieats dean. John KJelleon and Theodore fairiea gave them. Meanwhile BRITAIN MAKES Concern is mminting in officlaJ f Tjambers, m hla fladlcx the ooroner hoidi Papa Ermine give. Princess FREE!! T h e l i t t l e c a m e r a t h a t Deway B. Nolat of 69 Summit circles here for the huge American Pentland Canaries Hmda a magic cookie that Investment In Germany, which totals UNTIL CHRISTMAS •treat, Brlatol criminally reeponel- Oeorge J. Holmes, Mancheetcr up- make, her .mail enough to co- m a k e s a b i g h i t . . . t h e Me for the death. PLANS TO AID 1713,000,000. The direct Investment ter his house. typewriter table given free WITH Pirn of 1234,000,000 Includes the Interests holsterer, has flM a voluntary The accident, which resulted In petition In bankruptcy in which he NOTICE CHASE OF ANY STANDARD PORTABI F TYPP the death of Holcomb, a State Col- of many large American corpora- for Christm as Chapter 11. B U L L E T C A M E R A tions having branches there. In ad- lists his liabilities at (3.034.78 and The First Shipment of Indian River Tree Ri^ned OR'cORONA^*^** CHOICE OF UNDERWOOD^ ROYAL lage atiident, occurred between 12 IN TRADE WAR his assets at (SO. Hla largest dition, American citizens hold The Ermine Kingdom. and 1 o'clock in the afternoon when creditors, all unsecured, are Ustad $380,000,000 in German bonds, and uggesttons Hulda waa so surprised when she a ear in which Holcomb was a pas- (Onnttnned from Page Itiie) as. Colonial Upholster Company; aanger was struck by a car driven (90,000,000 of American money is started down into the ermine king- loaned there on short terms. (72; Mayflower Upholster Company, Oranges and Grapefruit hy Nolat ’ markets which could enable both CANDY dom. Their steps were Just like (160: Hartford Courant, (68; Mch- ours, but they were so very tiny Holcomb was dead when the am- countries to carry on fair trade ard Irons, (SO; Waraer-BMIey, (53; bulaace arrived at the scene. An only If we fRil would It be necessary and they kept going down, down Old Colonial Company, (110, all of Into the ground. Her friend, the aguminaUon made by Deputy .MedI- ^ to put Into operation those roethod.s Hartford; H. B. House. (1,000, Has Jast Arrived! cal Examiner Dr. Edmund Z.igllo with which the government felt It ermine, hurried ahead of her. Fin- Charles Olderman, (103: Joseph ally they came to a pretty little gate tava death due to a fractured skull. | right to arm Itself. RIGHTS RETURN Tedford, (164, all of Manchester. Shipped direct to us from a friend who grows them KEM P'5, Inc. A t the Manchester police station Much of the Commotui debate pos- ..... 60c "■$5.00 woven together from tiny tree Ribbon Candy Hard Candy in Bulk and Jars roots. The ermine swung open the In Florida. Natural color, plump and full of excellent tbs driver of the car that collldeil albly waa designed to reach the ears The Young People s society o f the - ^ t b tha ona In which Holcomb ws* of Dr. HJalmar Hchacht, president of OPENS DISPUTE Popcorn Balls Salted Nnls Crystalized Ginger gate and there they were In a big juice. This fruit is far superior to the ordinary run of Concordia Lutheran church will room. Over In one comer was a Mdlng was examined He was found ! the German Reichsbank, who is In bowl tonight at 8 o'clock at tha T Chnarie8 bring Joy and sunshine to any home . , tiny fireplace and In front waa a London on an undisclosed trade mis- Florida fruit. Prices are much lower than last year. ie be under the influence of liquor M. C. A. t wooden table with tiny ctialrs The car that Nolst waa driving, sion. and no one appreciates one of these happy, care* FOR THE SMOKER Get them at our Stand on Oakland street or at our ON MONARCHY around It for the whole ermine fam- tbs coroner finds, was owned by free singers more than shut-ins. Why not plan ily. Branch at 1099 Main street, opposite the High school. WlUlam La Chance of Thomaaton. CIGARS TOBACCO (OMittnued from rage One.) to brighten some o f your friends’ homes this "But, but— ," stammered Hulda A Complete HoRie ■lace the accident Nolst has been GIANT TIGER COMPANY All the popular brandn. looking across the room because ^ I ' f ( I A I f I ) I I I [.■ . .One-half and one pound ALSO A FULL LINE OF THE BEST FRUITS M d under bonds o f f2,900, which polltlcei eet-up, long have been non- Christmas with these beautiful singers? Boxes of 25 and 50. Xmas tins. Priced right. To- "there waa Mrs. Ermine Ih a White Service, Inclading th( ■a has not been able to produce and committal, however. apron combing out the coata of ail ii BOW at the Hartford County Jail. OPENS A lO C A i STORE iViC H R I S T M A wrapped. Also 5 and 10 bacco Pouches, 39c, 50s. AND VEGETABLES Roofing • Siding - ProperUes returned to Alfonso packs. f little ermine children. HER FRIEND,THE ERMINE. HURRIED AHEAD OP HER TERMS AS LOW AS 81.00 WEEKLY |BC caas has been continued several by the decree yesterday Include the Come in now, while our stock offers a fine group $1.00. "I know.” said Mr. Ermine, Carpentry and itaMB awaiting the finding o f the V> B A R G A I N S NOW ON DISPLAY AT TTie Giant Tiger Company, which famous summer palace, Magdalena, from tfhich to select. Choose now for Day-before- jxou're surprised because Mrs. Painting. •arsoar and wlD come beford the recently leased the Bowers block, at Insurgent Santander. Krimlne Is not sick as I said. But Thera Cburt of Manchester for a on Mail) street. Is to begin opera- SHOUT TIMt Christmas delivery. PIPES PIPE SETS tbat wicked Queen about whom we PERO ORCHARDS hearing on Monday evening of next Mons tomotrow. OMir Rocky B r ia r ...... 50c Granger Tobacco and warned you has come to Toyland. the fairies and the toys who were Take your magic needle and make KEBfP'S, m e. A . A . DIO N , IN C. The space used by the company and we wanted to get you to a all standing silently and loolclng some rope. The mean Queen wants ■1 W elle 8 L T e L 684 And for those who already own canaries, nothing Pipe...... 53c back at ber. is among the largest In town. The KEMP TRIAL JURY Frank Medico ---- .$1.00 Union Leader and oafe place so fast that there was to tie up her army *or punishment. five departments to be opened arc could be more appropriate than a new bird cage. no time to tell you the whole "Where la this?” the Queen fin- Ha, ha, ha," he shouted with laugh- meats, fnilts, vegetables, bakery Yello-Bole ...... $1.00 Pipe ...... 59c story.” ally exploded. ter. unt r ue Full n.ssortment o f foods and remedies always in ; WADDELL delicatessen and groceries. The USTENS TO PLEAS; FAMOUS Briggs and Park "Queen?” said Hulda. "Who is "This is Toyland," said Santa, "What can be so funny?” asked store Is the first of a chain to be stock. Kaywoodie...... $3.50 Lane Pipe ...... $1.00 riie?” You see, Hulda had forgot- and you are welcome if you make Mrs. Ermine. opened In Connecticut. The com- WILL HEAR JUDGE ten the Queen, because she ate the DO trouble. But I must warn you "You'll see,” laughed Mr.. Er- his SAYS TO WPA ‘OUT pany opned I he first self nerve BRISTLEC < blueberry of forgetfulness. that' I have very good friends mine. Then he went over to one of Williaqia’ Shaving se ts ...... S9e “ She's a very mean Queen from among the fairies." that the sUte WPA au- store of I'Its kind In New Jersey. the walls and tapped on It, saying, The building, now owned by E. J. (OMtlnned from Page One.) kJV POPULAR a long way off,” said Mr. Ermine "Humph!" said the mean Queen. "Please, Oaks, push down some ol have given aa a reason for ...... 49c and 98c "You stay here 'til we find out what "Fairies! I bave an krmy. That is, labor layoff a claim that Holl, has been remodeled to meet Gillette Blue Blades, carton of ."•O blades...... 82.19 your fine, wiry roots and let us the needs' of the company and In ad- sary "to take Kemp's word against FULLER riie wants. I f you'll excuse me I did bave an army. And I'll cer- use them." And suddenly from tho baa not submitted Eastman Box Cameras...... ji.oo to $4.00 r il rush upstairs and see what is tainly fix them. If you'll excuse I projects for approval to keep dition to the ground fioor the com- Sllberman's word or against Cooke's wall little, white tendrils of oiUt word." FLESH Orford Candid Type Camera with happening." So he whisked off me I'D go and bunt them.” She aB a t the W PA enrollment busy here pany is using the entire basement roots began tp show. They stuck for storage and refrigeration. Their Kemp admitted on the stand re- carrying case ...... ^2.95 again. walked off without another word. out a little, then more, until there IFTS FOR A ll THE MEN wars flatly denied today by George BRUSH A Fanny Sight. In half an hour she was back E> f t WaddclL town treasurer and full page advertisement which ap- ceiving a part of Parkway commla- were big coils of them on the floor. ORDER YOUR XMAS ICE CREAM CAKE EARLY. In front of the Toyshop door he pounding on the Toyshop door and Maaaer*s agent for federal work. pears In another part of this issue slons from the two brokers but Hulda took them, threaded them denied there was "any plan or aaw a funny sight. Sants was still shouting, " I found the lazy oafs into her magic needle and spun out *tBe have •ubaitttad plenty -at of The Herald tells In detail what trying to pull the mean Queen from They're all sleeping In the woods. From f f u t a t a r . WaddeU sUted. they win handle. Their watchword agreement" to accept payments a fine, strong rope. She spun and from the brokers which he described tatuml tte snow drift into which she had Give me some rope. I'll tie them spun, and as she finished each yard | B e petnted out that over 81J)00,-1 Is "Quality." as "gifts." P L O R / S T ^tebed bead first when her horse up.” of rope the ermine family pushed aiO worth of town proje^, for] In New Jersey the stores they F R E E O F F E R •tumbled. Santa lugged and tug- ‘But I don't think we bave any aRmol aad utiUUee addiUona, baste conduct are known as King Arthur Corner Soda Shop it up the stairs and out to the mean 17 OAK STREET — PHONE 6247 ged until the mean Queen's angry rope,” said Santa. h gn asnt la aad have been ap- Btores. FOR CHRISTMAS Queen who still sat in front of the STATE THEATER BUILDING toK* finally came out of the snow Lots of Rope. Toyshop. Yards and yards of It Mwvod tw fedaiml authorities. There WANT DRUG CASE She Jump^ to her feet and shout- Then up stepped Mr. Ermine it ao fsiut for the layoff that cae be WDti Mcli p ack ef* af Ikree FvlUc came until there was almost half HOUSE'S■ ed, "Men! Clean 'em up." But she who had been listening. He had a MM at the town's doorstep. Waddell (r*e»laror prefMtlenel) Teelli IrwlMa. a mile of rope. COSTER K IL U SELF; certainly had a surprise. There very good plan but be didn't tell "Well, I declare," said the Queen. aBtnaed. IN CONN. D ISTR ia « • will flv* ye« a lare* con a t hillar wasn't one of her soldiers there the Queen. He Just said, "W e can Town officials have co-operated Tooiti fowpar o t m tub* o f fvllw Toeth •That's enough. Humph! Pretty You and I know they were all get you all the rope you want." good work." she mumbled and then Mny with the state W PA authort- OmCERS AT HOUSE ^••t» — f k f l. Fuller Toolh IrushM Shop Saturday and (OooUoued trom Page One.) sleeping in the woods along the way “ You! Humph! Fine kind of rope she started off down the road to tMs. aad records clearly prove that kav* natural unblaarkad brIiHaa . . they had marched through the irou'II get,” said the mean Queen this town has submitted enough pro- find her soldiers. She waa m ak-' TO-RE-ARREST HIM New York, and Wat»rburv Clock they l « t lengar on4 ratals Hiair 6na. woods. very ungraciously. But she sat ing a very stupid mlsUke about Jieu to keep the present number of riBtt whBO wBt. Well. I declare," said the Queen down to wait. 'The ermine whisked man on W PA here, employed for Co., Waterbury, which we'll tell you tomorrow. Similar Petition F IM a»thooo4 — • ^ **• quite crestfallen. She looked about back to his house and when he got two to three years. If all were to be fOantlDOM from Page One.) * • 6 fee S 1.9S her at Santa and Mrs. Santa, and there be shouted, "Quick, Hulda. SAVE As You Buy With Dperative. ______Today at Hartford a similar p»tl- The Diamond. Shoe Stores Tomorrow: The Queen’s mistake. WThatever reason state W PA of- mjLiiiiiL._ ka.. . . ' tton was filed at the Kederal court Ikatl Tin* Otiat — Pba*a ar VttHa 1013 M A I N S T R E E T M A N C H E S T E R •Mals may bave for laying off work- Taut Fallat Paalar TO •SAT a highballiS h & lM Juat u a t before ^ o r l he ahot him-1 York boodholrlers holding *hree .looo New of j aam. it la asserted, there Is no con- aelf. FULLER SERVICE L. C. Bennett, an emplove of the I tributing factor which can be McKeaaon A Robbins 2.%-year con- . 2 DROWNED WHEN AUTO Ward undertaking establishment | While the aervanf waa gon e.Coe-1___ vertlble debentiirea They are Anna ROaNALD JONES SNYDER’S TRIAL ter went iipetalra and fired the fatal here where the bodies were taken. Llebling. .Tack Dawaon and David I AS High Rt. MAo^befttnr Ready With Christmas Gift Suggestions Identification was made through I •hot. Cohn. Phone 4297 CRASHES GUARD RAH. DOUBLE IS NEARING END papers found in their pockets. > 'i Seymour, Dec. 16.— (A P ) — Two Special Table In The Footwear Line! men were drowned last night when MASONS’ SUPPLIES . . retcic«t their automobile crashed through a OREEN STAMPS Inclading Cement. Lime, Plaster, The Most Complete Assortment of Slippers Ever At the Usual Diamond Attractive Prices! Four Versioiis Presened For guard rail and carried them into the Christ m as shallow waters of Ward's pond In an Tile aad Sewer Tile isolated section of this town. Given With Cash Sales Jury’s Consideration In The dead were identified as Fred- G. E. WILLIS & SON, INC. Cards BARGAIN BASEMENT OPEN erick Blum, 35, of Woodbridge, and 2 Main Street ‘^ l . 8123 ^WELDON’S Alderman Shooting. James Bunnell, 51, of Bethany, by 3 for 10c A To Accommodate the Holiday Shoppers — Store Arraigned In Bargain Regalia To Make Seleetions Easy! a All Day Saturday Every Card Is Better Than Loa Angeles, Dec. 16,— (A P ) — A 5c Value! Martin (the Gimp) Snyder’s trial REA D Y TO M ORRO W A T 9 A . M. WTh T t M ^ ITEMS . . . OD attempted murder and kidnaping Prescription l-hnrmacv charges moved swiftly toward its 903 Main Street eoaclualon today, with four versions F. E. b r a y : Boys* Hi-Cut Children’s o f what happened In the Hollywood HlUa home of Pianist ,MyrI Alder- lUXURV . , JEWELER DESK SETS White and Fancy Arrow DRY CA M ERAS SH OES man the night of Oct. 13 presented 737 Main Street House Slipppers for the Jury’s consideration. Men's Duofold Underwear SH A VERS A Snyder is accused of wounding a , Z o u / ' Shirts $ 2.0 0 up Rtate Theater Building $1.98 pr. Alderman; of attempting to kill : 4 9c pr. Songstress Ruth Ettlng, now Aider- man’s bride, and hla own daughter, Union Suits Edith Snyder; of kidnaping the $4.50 Men’ s and Women’ s Women’s three of them and o t possessing a O ther 5hirts $1.15 to $1.65 gun with the numbers defaced. He By G. HOLMES Men’s ana Women's Sheepskin R U 8BERS faces maximum sentences totaling Shjrts or Drawers $2.50 Decorative Upholsterer Box Citmerav .81.00 up 113 years If convicted. By PARKER Shirk ----- S12.50-$l.-.oo In a Jargon of clipped words all Folding Cameras, M O CCASIN SLIPPERS Bathrobes $ 5.0 0 up 81.00 . $25.00 Cillellp ...... 51,5.00 his own, the former (^icago news- Men’ s TO ALL HOME LOVERS Rcniiiiglon...... $15.00 $7.65 up SLIPPERS 4 9c pr. boy who married Lhe flaxen-balred Pen and Pencil Sets Movie Cameras, $8.25 up All Sizes Miss Ettlng 18 years ago and I ...... S7.50 guided her climb to tbeatrlcal fame, Boxed U m brellas $1.50 up .81.95 - SI.5.00 Gem ...... SI2..50 Candid Cameras $2.39 up 9 8c pr. Children’s t(^d his story of the shooting yes- Children’s In Smart Jewel Ca.aes One lU ror may he exchanged Agfa Clipper ...... $1.50 29c pr. terday. Handkerchiefs 50c box up for another after ChrNtman. -\gfn 125 Cadet ,.,$1,39 Varies la Important Details O XFORDS Closing Out! RU B BERS It varied In two Important essen- Men's Shirts and Shorts Mcn’ g and Women’ s Odds and Ends of tials from the descriptions fur- Leather Sole and Rubber alstaed by 'Alderman, Misa Ettlng Boxed 35c-65c each BRUSH SETS Heel 79e pr. Women’s FaO 4 9c pr. aad Miss Snyder. Pipes Cigars B A T H SETS said Alderman waa unarmed, N eckwear 50c box up S’ SLIPPERS SH OES A N D was shot aa he opened his Children’s Whits ■S it b to plead with a Cursing, re- Boxed Scarfs $1.00 up £ Tobaccos Men’ s v3ver-waving Snydfr. The defend- Men’s O VERSH OES O XFORDS U t testified be reached for his own $1.00 pr. Solid gun when Alderman produced one Fsney Cigarettes Leather and threatened him. Hosiery 25c pr. up Alderman charged Snyder with All Brands! Wrapped! Suspenders Women's $1.00 pr. $1.00 pr. forcing him, at gunpoint, to drive to 50c to $1.00 NO NEED to have worn, tba house. Snyder declared be went notb-eateo uphoUterrd fur- Kaywoodie. YeHo Bole, A rch Support Men’s Men’s Leather •long at the pianist’s Invitation. Blture. REPLACE shabby, By PKOPHYL.ACTIC Medico, Monarch Pipes Bhi route, "the Otmr” annotmeed, Bill Folds worn, ont-of-date fab ric ha remarked to Alderman that he Pajam as $1.00 up with o «r new fabrics, aelMt- $1.50 to $3.50 SH OES $1.35 up Amity Billfolds EV ERET T understood the pianist had been a t fo r eamfort aad quality. Evening In Paris strap Style. Fitted Men’s Zipper 49c to $5.00 All Large Sizes •bowing friends a picture of Mias Yardley and Othen SLIPPERS Ettlng In a bathing suit and say- Men’s M ilitary Sets travel kits tag; $ 3.0 0 up Tobacco Pouches $1.98 - $2.98 $3.98 "Look at those bedroom eyes . . . Sweaters 49c to $1.50 50c - $5.00 $1.00 pr. $1.49 pr. Boy, when I tickle the Ivories I I ts luxurtous to bff $ 2.5 0 up Men’s Lined snd Unlined m ^ s ’em sU fsU. That's my new antla with haoey.” Uuiyt when you emn Gloves $2.00 pr. up Men’s Womsa’a W ORK SH OES When they reached the bouse, be Boys* K a Dawm Paymeot! tsstlfled. they all went Into the liv- Only gLM A Week! SH A VE SETS LIQ U ORS slip your feet into Qnlltsd velvet ellp*Ip- a C O M PA CTS RUBBERS O VERSH OES ing room and oat down. |»» with lamb 11la- 5 Sweaters $1.25 up Men’s Give Bottled in Bond $1.98 pr. a « a OivsM T * Blai such high faehion Under cross-examinstion. he said Gladstone Bags $ 9.0 0 up £ M B ! reotatool. 8 extra Whiskies Also Baw Cord Shoe his gun was given him by the door- r H awa with ararx order. sttpperst Whmt weU $1.50, $2.00, 7 9c pr. 6 9c pr. Hi^ and Low man o f a New York gambUng bouse Tie and H andkerchief $1.50 pint to $8.00 pint ons night when be won heavily. He come g{fte . . . Ladles’ Our Week o f Siqterler added that he couldn't recall putting $2.50, $3.00 Sonny Brook Old Crow Sets 75e a 41 '^S0N Co. 25c. $5.00 dtoMTaanOMI $1.00 to $ 7.5 0 K atuiai, Uthnaala, Dse. 16. — AND BARGAIN BASEMENT (-AP)— Official results of Msmel te in iD 6 "S 0 N . IN C. MiailAINSTItEBT • * - Diet slsctloos Sunday, announoud INC. • - 3,,. •>.' ;-H gava DUmal Oarmaaa 88 Liiit-*r ^ I, - t t t f . Xi i t i t t Hi pH EIGHT M A N C H E S T E R E V E N I N G HERALD . MANCHE ST E R , CONN . PR I DAY , D E C E M B E R 16,1988 M A N C H E S T E R E V E N I NG HERALD . MANCHEST E R , CONN . FR I DAT , D E C E M B E R 16,1988 V aok ^ ■: Si'itt;;--.

Uat. Ho waa unconacloua when ad' muted to the hoapital. ^0 inst anhy The automobile waa almoat com' ’ pletely demoUahed, ao groat waa the * 0 - 1^ Impact, and the debria blocked T h e W h o l e T o w n Is iOLLED IN CRASH traffic on the highway for a conald* arable period. T a l k i n g A b o u t t he Great Toy V a l u es a t f # - la i^ Almost Beyond ITALIAN JEWS ORDERED rtkl fcVi-' Identity When Alto Rams TO EXCHANGE HOLDINGS m One I hto Retr Of Tnck. Far N etagle Rome. Dec. 18.— (A P )—^The Ita l- Daltv* ian Cabinet today ordered Jewa to vealUacford, Dm . 1«.— (A P) — exchange all tbeir land and bulldinga ion exceeding a fixed value for bonds Two n n w«r« killed liuiUnUy early The bearing four per cent Interest. Gifts for Everyone, at Every Price I •atltl* today when their automobile craah* The order carried out provisions g>W •r all or ooi •d Into the rear of a truck on the of decrees adopted Nov. 10 forbid- r..' 1^: ICertdea highway here. ding Jews to own land with a tax* Fun for A ll! G a m es! Thrills! Cheese from 100,000 Gifts at Wards! S C The dead were Identifled ae Nino able Income exceeding 8,000 lire I. All (about }200) A year and buildings i ./wy •peelsi .'J. Ron carl of New Haven and \>7. YouVg to find Ih t right gift at W ards, im eausa W ords •anred ' Charlea W. Arvla of Weat Haven. whose taxable Income exceeds 30,- 000 lire (about $1,040.1 offer o ver 100,000 different items . . . In nil styles, six es Full A third man In the machine, A government corporation will be lea iBc P ta n k Perrottl, Jr., 3h. of Wodd- an d colorti If you d on’t see e x actly w h a t you w an t en created to take over Jewlah prop- Giro 8 Skoriif Far Vow Lavolla tt G iM - 99a Mon bridge, waa erltically Injured and erty and operate It pending re-sale our counters, you can e asily buy through o iir Catalo g Uabors waa taken to Heriden noepital. as conditions permit. Gift-Wrapped t Printed Gowns The two dead men weie mangled O rd er Service. Just select the gifts you w a n t from our Fnbl r ^ - ^ ^ 7 Jalloa almoet beyond identity and police STRIKE HEAD JARED W ardt Spot o l o t ^ — Rayon SaUnl J big Catalo g or our speefof Chriitm at Catalog. We w rite York. I ware unable to learn who they were Joo 39^ MKM ^JuntU almoet two houra after the ac- Valenclennee, France, Dec. 18.— Gift news at this low price I £sg3 vo ur order and m ail it for yo u, sa vin g you postage an d CIRCV cident occurred. Famous No-Tara Ply abort! and Strap back style, floral prints. ^•Otrlorly (A P)—Jule Bouaslngeiilt, northern mercarired ihirts. each in a cel- ' 'I‘9 8 I o - m oney-order or C. O . D. fees Tbo lietit. Richard Barry of the Wall- metal workers union representative louhane holiday oackagel Womrn's 3 Pc. Pajamas . . I.ig •••am* ingford police wboae men were atili who gave the order Nov 22 which *se* YOUR OWN POST OFFICE ta r lyp Inveetlgatlng the craah early today started a stay-in strike of more 1 •dvartl Paid he believed Perrottl waa driving than 2.1,000 workers, waa sentenced MANCHESTER, CONNECTICUT XvonlDi the automobile. The truck waa tivlay to one month In Jail for labor Co l ^ a, ■operated by William J. Anderenn. agitation. n-y I FJ |41, of Ware, Ifaaa. °'’^r ... *• ®rte» ct* T^ose »8 tg «oV m Offers To The People Of Manchester •or/ 1 f AH Three Hurled Out AfXJITTTED IN PIX)T ^ The truck waa proceeding aouth ^ ■du/ts I *®*onj. Anno ^oa the highway, Barry aald, when W aahlngton, Dec. Ifl - (AP) «owS***« ^•'^Sfy/aal Bcnt 01 fthe automobile, traveling at a high Former Brig. Gen. Alexander E. Bor’s a ^ratc of apeed, ermahed InU the rear. Williams and two army gooda deal- THIS EXTRA SERVICE iTr'-i All thrae man In the amaller vehicle ers hava been acquitted of chargee ragarde ,Crere hurled out. of plotting the disappearance of • ^“^Mrlooilw tkut mi During The CSiristmas Holiday Season Of 1938 N o M ao H as Enough T i t I Talhrod Loeod Tetmmod Perrottl auffered a poaalble frac- Congrcnainnal committee witneaa In . 1^8 toraat, tured akuU and other Injurlea and IP.")!. A Jury of 11 men and one wo- 0 amuaan waa taken to Meriden hoapital where R"M. ”unfn **** Pwce l Poat Rgegi ving W i ndows wi n be open f rom 2:00 Gift Tie Event Gift Slips! nj»n returned the verdict late yes- mao wi hla name waa placed on the danger terday. Slaolt Rayon Satin JOO bean of For those who to give thei r gi fts to fr iends ont -of - town an ear ly d i qwt ch to insure posi t ive Al W a rdi Law PMeat Fowuj_ end rapo 4 » " amor ii nmmtmm0Kmc0K0 «er lwS^efor e cm^^^ COR ea r l y de. Qualitv rajront in brand-new Slimming, 4 gora alternating ."•'•'-iwCS!""*"''"*’*./ alactlon bias slips with extra strong ''■• ^ / L o w * ">•"> adef*'* patterns I Every tie Hoed to re- adgmeni sist -Arnnkling. Hand-tsilored. •carnal Sheath-lika fit! 32-44. •V V '‘■ -■ ' • r"'f. e t laaat th TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS MAILING SERVICE NEXT SUNDAY of the Diamond and Watch | I I? V n i T M I T O n P n r a t f w a a a n r v m n n ______" J IF Y O U M U S T WA I T MA I L O N L Y IP Y O U W I SH T O A I D I N E F n C T E N T wearing SPEC I AL DEL I VER I ES F OR i N H A N D L I N G A N D DE L I VE RY OP MAH a >lE2 uniformi Such « „ MONDAY , D E C E M B E R 26 , 1938 \ ADDR ESS Y O U R PARCE LS LEG I BLY W/ i yyj- ing tha < Values A t WIOR*S | ‘••by Wuo/A Basel lag add Blent b» S h , , Ilkilk*: • " *" the dispatch and final del ivery of your Chr ist- mere or ma s ^Mt i ngs , be they letters, cards or gi fts, wr i te street and address legibly or box numbe r if S t f W / your fr iends receive thei r mai l through a poat office box. "omoer , u t h ^ i e«f | xoat ol I ^ '"ehee rub- ly aoBM So many incomplete addresses come through the mai ls at Chr i stmas t ime, that it reaul res tha Pe thtu bla • Con f e r But h r o r waH l M ‘* l ?d r ^ " « ««> nnreeSn i xed (De^Sr t ^ t a l ) 9T.S0 forwarding addr em as to preclude absolutely any chance of pre-Chr i stmas del ivery, that It b^ Po n te to Choota From ! A Uat or o hwves us at this t ime to wa rn ail i^t rons that onl y the latest and nearest correct addresses should P n ttit a i G ittI A Saving I AvVi jora, etc be placed on mai l mat ter dest ined for del ivery be fora Chr i stmas Day . Gift ShirtN 3-pe. Gift ^ ts natorlal for tiger' A ll Pto-Shrunk Spaalally B ond on tha 1.30 »*lo,01 pM of i POr# aad of t •SECURELY RACK AND WRAP ALL PARCELS •heoitor All taty es( Use st rong paper and heavy twine Fast color pattams (all newl) cowhide leather belt •rot thoy •van % • • •, whitaa .. . . plain bluei—> snd Dlrlold buckle. Packed in •ctuaJi tliah properly W thay ra all at Wards low price. •mart bakelite aih tray. one real / T- Cr tSPECIAL PACKING Aoriatan / $4A00 a To th ^Mtolg '•0*C(■*» Oiftpf, ^^PRttity/ win win •eptf/ Uat of I 'j* '■ ffearele Cenlrel Eloolrld* Train •FRAGILE ARTICLES G i f t laaC nlgl ® “*S*** securely ^e ked and crated or boxed, and not ice ahould befgiven mar, 189 DIAMOND PAII^ $49*50 7 0 ( **»ej2 e In dot i f$l W lA Trmmhrmar 398 the post office clerk who accepts such parcels as to the nature of the contents. ' e**s Two beowlffultv swlched linft. En- BOTH U N n il win mak togeswat ring wHh 3 diomemh, IVore/, E2' ^ Lariat, big gun, everything real » Lr. V P - : . , of hla Cl weddlsg bond wIlli 5 diomesdt. Solid yellow gold. Streamlined! Electric h e a d - cowboya usel Long pants—no iPERISHABLE ARTICLES oualy hi regular onea neadtdundtrihtm l light! iteversiblc motor I Pow- $> Spatial Gift BomI Alao W hite Gold. erful oilleaa bearing motor 1 against l he^ ' i ^e l l “S l Jp r i ! r ^np i “".1 •" • By • " means send b Cellopluuie Gift Package! Men^s Gift Sets B*«dya. : f 'or aonal po these parcels *SPEC I AL DE L I VERY ” to avoid any, even the sl ightest delay in transportat ion. '"Oote'" O ooo tr.t , I M e n ’s P a j a m a s V'-vat/J'®' " / C ' “'n loo . Mb;. Joba, for Sutpandaeo, C a rton PUldo. 1? , •tripo, advocate 95 Inch Doctor and • C r f e V t ^ ' M f c b •ADDRESSES fulu^yplt.ln Judge G Baby Doll A Speelai Value! J29 Clipon or action-back suspen- ^nd ’ •I’Siiryi. -- ’• NurM'i Kll AH**" kT* ^*1** — should be compl ete wi th house nufuher and name of street, poat Wa, oonventi $1.98 V o U •ingla grip garters. All Only ol Words S S r e t u r n ADDR ESS I N T H E UPPE R L E F T Oood-looklng pattema in fine band polished trimmings. nation a cotton broadcloth; contrasting tlon of L E CT E D ® ” ' '® ’* O N Y O U R L E T I ^ S ^ repp trim. Ready for giving! s 149 98c A9e Waterbu Solid yellow Slender weddlrrg EngogeineiM rfito elect Ba bond el lolid So aweet and prettyl Haa big Lota of fun! Everything (or geld engage- In rick yellow a clple, or west ring te« with ye l l ow go l d h i tieepina eyes, real laaheal tick dolly I You can really hear wiri i i n l ec t ed gold ret with 1 Crleal Dainty organdy dreail •USE AIR MAIL FOR SPEED In glvlni t fine dlnweada through the stethoicopel 0 d i ornondv Hrw diontondr. F I RST IN ARR I VA I , — F I RST DE L I VE RE D — F I RST O P E N E D — F I RST AN SW E R E D . ^ aent. St a t ^™**^* ' rate is 6 cents for each ounce or fract ion thereof on the ma inl and of the Uni ted w Howei H al and ] up Streamlined Straamlinad $29.50 $ 1 0. $39.50 1 ciftL?:*’®' Baldwin Pedal High Scorn U d K r i SSd ' i ^ t o . i . ' ” ” "''- «< • <« m e . other Sets in Yellow or While Solid Gold; Also Plnlinum, Bike In their Marble Game ment If N 119 From $19.95 to H.'iO.OO. Chaoeo from Wool or Rayon t of econ- • USE SPECIAL DELIVERY AIR MAI L Dnmf...mdFhafLnnJI sendee n 89c M en ’s M n fflo rs Weaiea't C rk* Por tota from 1 to 31 It’a well C I T V - A N Y W H E B E - I , th. m U M . t .1 Uni ted SU t w . and the kej’i tl value! There'e skill In arary Men^s Gloves Ifl ^ A Handtama G ft > balanced aturdilv made! All shot I Non-warping board it 12x r i l . s t amps wi fi M u r e del ivery on Chr i stmas Day If mai led at the proper Shoe Skates tnlnlatra New 1939 Hamilton Watches ■teel framcl Rubber tires! W ardt Thrift P rito — tio 7J 22 in.I 7 B a rb ita l t ime. Simcial -Del ivery senr iM means Immed i a t e Del ivery Service. Use ei ther a special de l l vm A WaJeooM Gift' JOO '/•en d '"'""- Gladstone Baff 'i ll least wh s t amp or legal postage equivalent to the aame . ' ueuvery Q98 eratlon In Beautiful Designs Pulr *"7 «*>“ will ap. Whito aikt Soft, good quality capeskin Fn5* **i* 1^**2?! *oo Made of shark-grained split ment of Blackboard special last for women d girls I cowhidt. Has a pocket and afairu M A IL E A RLY .. M A IL LBGIBLY - M A IL H EA VILY general Worth $1 50 fold on center divider I K! * H i , "Skip it M A IL O FTEN \ s V ' ' ' 'S 9 I fi 7 " . / •> . '• 9afi. to the < iP 98c 98c I f l? . " f f l . . r >»?» M, nch«t . , . 0 », . . poM . me . OjfB mend th A l l altogeth' Blackboard li waaonite (aame American made feather tipped, S E s " A R R j v i N j'l[ m ” T O A T ’ ’ A®- V ea uatd in achoolil) 7 charts, Wui T e Becau' weighted darts I Sturdy 17^ in. bly Mdressed.*^*’ POS I T I VELY B E DEL I VERED , If correct ly and led* .V , chalk, traaerl 39^xl$!4 iiv aq. board it cork covered I Oij/i tha Adji ^ V \ a ' V, I ••Ptbu tleut a Gari ^ J NDAY^CHMSTT i l l AS^nAY^^ CONN ECT I CUT POST OF F I CE O N Oln* not bees v ••*w. Chriftmoi L G I NTO M A N C H ^ O T BE CAUS E T H E R E W I L L B E N O TRA I N - MA I L SERV I CE COM - •omebod Small a *V »/' Tree Wofw SapeM aodl A ll W a a» - H,«re comfort! fy- Wagon tkossY Pig-Gem n Copatkin I OQ'g rr Ornaments PARCEI . bat- It needs The largest aaaortment ol gayly *2? s-ployaea of the Manchester, Conaecticut, CeJi, 4 handy pothatt 298 *rln • I ovelj lb. dry Por. Just right for tota up to 15il HMvieat (33 or.) alt wool la hr, »ni». pradoua Sutlofi $e erfiored tree ornaments In town iSrt y IS^ wd rid, . Mem- Chtirim. ud . 8** ^ w far a Httla money goat In 4-A. longth _ •”er •^loth . .U at the LOWEST priceal Big enough to ride in ___light colorful new plaids I Smart 11pair? top of t enough to pull I Rubber tireal at Wardal Unliatd slipon ityls sporta back! Boy^Sitoa at2.B9 Smart, black fabricoid covar 0///1te. Thomas J. Quish, Postmaster --a maa’s faverital over basswood frame. Rich ray- Include rubber iootresta aeeepted Wi l l i am 8 . McCann , Aaaiatant Pbatmaster on lining. Full 21-inclk leather toe atrapsl Sturdy I Baldwin' I Qirome Piotod $2 VoIm I 'm i Ernest P. Brown, Supt . of Mai ls Harold Agard, SupL of St aUon “A** Aute Fon. Bueh w a Streamlined ; Doof Edge Griilg H um l o o t e d ;9-Slicg Ventilatasl Pyiax Handy 500-Shot meat 7 J wri-T # / *r-v'Srt Rubber Ilred m. o xx- . CLER I CAL F ORCE M krof Fender Guard DgfiMbl ’ E l e c t r i c Baking Elactric King for him Speedy Scooter Nel l ie L Fay, PhUi p Shaw, Thomas F. Mor iar ty, Pn u k B. Ggidee r l o o t t a r Didi Whlppor A ir Rifie fact tha SSSSSSt i**!-*- 79c bam am va'i'r 98c 8 9c 159 95c J98 1 9 8 to begin 89c For i^ar ... #iimm,tag A gift to plaaae any car-ownerl 149 CARR I E R F ORCE roar view *>ljad gpots” | Rw t •E ^ST O O F m I appoints A dandy I Unusually wall made I H e a V y, cb ro m e^lataa b « . • 4( ■ Ueader chrooM pUted stem. . . Heavy ttael (rante, parking than or- Ch y k w J . Royers. Loui s F. Com t , CCla^ren^ce O. Andowm , Joacpl i P. McVe igh, Jamea L. Rogen . oroof . , > theft proof | •oHriubber b lo b sl Mirror poliibed chrome platsk Nrw low prieal Famous heat- Tbit gadget will do much to Think bow baplappyitTlmakabiail lavoeabli •-•*«}« e e tii Approved •taialeaa steel bracK el • AgractknlgMI •tra a m lin a d _____heedl Aid in traf. Doors turn toast. Walnut CRED I T T E RM S C A N B E A R R A N G E D ■taadi For chlldrea up to 131 hy Uadatwrltera’ Leb.1 Eruaat P. J. C^ i i L T h o m ^ . B o u m ^ , O ^ e r E. Morgaa , P. W . Rob« tM(»! I fic and parkiBc. A lastii« gifti proof glass casserole with a ease kitchen mixing! Whip* Shoots 500 shots withont rg- dlat, brown enamal base. fine chromiain plated frame I cream, mayonaaiae. eggs. loadiatl Walantefialahed stock. ; 1 •ey,iyi KmbenShTa WW, Brookt, Edward Saater, Joaaph 6. w TwaroaHoViina;6 aad^ Pp ln. ^l MAvignona.^'iiKrwi^ R U R A L CARR I E R SERV I CE SPECIAL DELIVERY SERVICE [atthew W ior Herber t E. McCaua AatJMBy J. 0*Brigfat CUSTODIAL SERVICE MONTGOMERY Martha J. ’. B h l a l a ; Waltar C Sadth CalaL. THIS J'™ ' monpa y until xj MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN. FRIDAY, DECEMSiSR 16, IMS WANCHEiiBii EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTKR. CONN. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16,1986 tlea tr^m which It win eoma shtfU doubU in anyone’s fwfivl as to tha JbmrlffBtrr oftanar, mnra wldaly and with entirely lofty purpoaa of the Com- I SERIAL ST ORV grafttar suddennau than tha dirao- mittee for the Celebration o f the Uos eft tha wind In tha Saptambar Prealdenfa Birthday and th^ n tu r COPYRIOHr, ISM SttEtting %Fral& NBA s B R v i e s . m e . So you think they burrleaaa. Whatber from aaatam separation oft tho Birthday move- S K I'S T H E L I M IT »UMLUUU61) 8 > THK EAXJ> PJUNTINO OOMPAITT, ntO. Europa, tha Fraaeo-Spanlah bordar ment from politics, , it should of BY A DELAIDE H U MPHRIES 11 StlM l] ItrM t tha North African littoral or from **have everything?** UuMliMtcr, Coaa. course be dissipated by the naming TBOMA* rBKUUSON aoBM u yat unauspectad comar o f this noble American and his ManacBr Vaaadal Oetobar U 1111 tha naw war wiU spring Into actual aeneroua promise to "swing Hud- CAST OF CHARACTERS found bis beloved daughter, wrbom being, ona cannot evan guaaa. son County solidly behind the 8AIXT BLAIR — heroine. She he managed to spoil aa outrageous- Pabllalitl------STary BraamK Cxeapt H ere are " d iffere n t " lay*£. andrn^i. Boildai»»..dafa Catarad at tba Taatarday Tunlala seemed, for a Tight Infantile Paralysis’ eam- Id everything that popularitv ly as evsryons else, was not seri- could wUi her, except ....« OflOSloa at Manohaaiar, Oena. aa moment, to be the moat Ukely spot ously hurt was almost beyond aaead Claaa tiall Uattar. DAN REYNOLDS — hare. He boundi. gift suggestions for the outbreak. Today tba acana It hfsn’t yet been announeed •UKSCRIPTION BATES Blight have bad SaOy bat while "Well, well!" be said in his big Oaa Taar by Mall ...... ehifte, aa there comas from Paris whether M Copone la to head the ha WM Mag on sMa booming v'Kj^ that matched the Par Moatb by Mall ...... '.....I (* a story to the affect that Grand Alcatras Oommittae. They My. COREY PORTER wm king of rest o f him, for Sam Blair wras Kagla Copy ...... I .01 tha aoolal whlrL So . . . But go Dallaarad Oaa Taar ...... It.oa Duke Vladimir Cyrllovltch, known howevsr, that Al isn’t quite so big man in more vrsys than one. I on with tba story. "you came off lucky, as usual, MEMBER OP THE ASSOCIATED as Csar Vladimir n to all Ruasian popular with tha boys on tho little • honey. Just a few scratches, sh? PRESS monarcblats, la to go to Berlin on Island M Frank is with the booH- Tba Aaaoeiatad Praii la aaaloaivaly la a fit of anger, Sel- Pretty badly shaken up. You must aatltlad ta the oaa e> rapabileatlea Sunday. gana and strong-arm guys In Jer- deahee down the moontaln. stay quiet a few days though, the a( all naara diapatebaa eradi'ad to It Tha belief In connection with thla sey Qty. And be certainly can’t plnagea headlong toward a wlrr doctor says. Then I’ll bundle you ay adt otbarwiaa oraditad la tbta feooe.^ The last thing she remem- off home—and no more of thu scar- papar and alia tba leeal apira pab> vM t li that thare hava already been control nearly aa many votes. Uahad barata. bere U Dan’s cry itogfng in her ing your old Dad half out of his $29-75 All rlsbta * of rapnuieauoaa aO half oomplatad nagotlatlons be- senses!" apaelal diapatebaa barain ara alto ra> tween the White Ruaalane and Hit- "Daddy, there’s something you'll Watch hla fftoe glow with satlafactioa aartad. PSYCHIATRI8T PRESENT CHAPTER VI SOLID MAPLE OCCASIONAL GROUP ler with a view to an Invaaloo of have to do for me,” Sally said. She whan you preaant him with this big, Poll tanriea eltaat of N. E A. Sarr. When Dr. F. Donald Coster—who When Sally neat opened her reached out for bis hand, wanting eomfortabla oc^iswell lounga chair. IV» laa laa the Soviet Ukraine by a White now turns out to be another person eyes she was in a small room, to bold iL She must make him eee brand new in boucle type mohair frieze A Ruaalan expeditionary force aup- this aa she did. $9.95 covers which are aa durable ea they are Manbar Amartcaa Kawipaptr Pab* end an ex-convlct. but who has been a narrow white bed. She could Itabara Aaaoctailoa. ported by German aviation, through "I expect you have only to name attractive. Choice of colors, if you chooaa hear the bells of Baker Library early. Ukrainian territory in Rumania jat tbs bead of the much involved Tower, whose toll steeple kept It.” Her father smiled on her H apw rMlectlona of • Merry ChristmasI Pnbllahata Rapraaantatltta: Tba fondly. TTio yU use this mirror in the hell, over Jalloa Malbawa dpaelal Asaney—N'** and Poland. McKesson and Robbins concern for guard over the campus, peallns Terk. Cbieaao. Datrelt and Beaten. out their college tunes, summoning mantel, buffet, dreemr or deek. It'e an Thla la a rathar fantastic sound- a number of years—entered tba li- the students to clsssss. She etlll Early American design with deeply MEMBER ADDIT BUREAU OP brary of bis Fairfield home to sub- Sally waa not sure whether what ing scheme from the White Russian must be at the housepsrty. But moulded octagonal frame with wrought cxrculatiu.vs. mit to arrest, he came into the she wanted waa in hlr power o. not. iron ring for hanging. Mahogany or angle but tha uaa o f German alr- the houseparty was over. This For Sally was learning tha bitter Tba Barald Prlatlna Coatpany laa. mapla flnlaheo. planea in it would seem to be con- room, so a newspaper report says, wraa not the colorful, colonial room lesson that there are some things aaaanat no SaaneW raapontibillty o f the fraternity dorm. tor lyposraphiMl arrora appaarlng In siderably more logical—stnce the on the arm of a physician. that even love esnnot meet. "It's Hampers Hassocks aSTartltamanta la tba Manebaatar The earoe report Mye that sever- Her head throbbed with a dull shout Dan Reynolds," she explained. Smokers EraalBB Barald. Dvhole enterprise would be directly heavy acha; aha felt too weary to "The boy who brought me hera." al physicians have been In attend- eye where she was. Then one Telephone Sets Magazine Carriers in line with Hitler’s Ukrainian She repeated what the nurse had '$3.50 up $1.25 up FRH>AT, OSCEMBiat 1ft aspirations—than their uae In Spain ance on Coster. There may not be hand seeking her burning temple, told her. “We must do sometWng the ellghtast significance in the cir- encountering bandages. remem- for him. Daddy." $3.95 up , where German’s interest has never See ear large showing In Fineet that can be por- PLACE TO BEGIN cumstance that the one who accom- brancs came back to Sally. She "Of course we’ll do something for blue, orchid. Ivory, green, $6.75 $2.95 to $12 appeared to be wrorth the coat. yperienced again that swift Table and chair in ma- ehased. First lot all gone Very smart etylee In ma. AnnouBoamdot o f tba appoint panied him on thla particular occa- a lad like that," her father said. and black juid white. Mahogany, maple or wal* pie or mahogany. Tba Anyhow, this appaarancs of the downward flight, that terrific We’ll see to his doctor bills, all his hogany or maple. . new lot received today. nut finishes. Uscfnl gift. RMut of tbs msnbars o f tba Ootrar* monarchist Rusalana on tha scene sion. when he wras making bis first plunge forward, the giddy eensa- expenses. He must have the best man’ s ideal g if t tion of helpless skidding. Again Bor’s mlUtsiy staff la customarily adds ona more factor to the al- seml-ptihile appearance since the of everything!" Nothing was too ene bearti Dan’a voles calling her good for s young man who had done rsftsrdad by tbs paopla of Connac* ready tneradlbla jumhla o f contend- troubles of his company became name. what this lad bad done for bis girl. tkut as a mattsr of trary mild ln> ing foroea wrangling and aquab- generally Known, wraa a psychia- She stirred and gave a little tarsst, sUgbtly flatrorad wltb trist. On the other hand there may ^ a n and a nursa, in stiffly "1 don’t mean just that," Sally Kemp*s Complete Electrical Appliance Department Offers bling and aharpanlng knives in Bhi- said. It was difficult to explain. SBusamsBt A nuabar of gaatla- be. •torched whits uniform, bent over rope. Maybe they are aa likely aa her. She did not know what they could mso who may or may not hava A psychiatrist la not often the any othar group to prova tha tinder "And how are you feeling now?" do for Dan, ahs who bad token away bssB of soma assistance to tba G ot- In which the war spark will finally kind of specialist srhoee support in her pleasant, efficient voice In- the one thing be loved, her father $14-75 am or in obtaining nomlnaUon or moment of unusual strain a sick quired. from hU deep debt of gratitude. Potmig^^ntpoa/ flame. "W e must find some way to help slsetlon raoelvs craceful acknowl- man la most likely to wrant to have How did I get here?" Sally Ten ehenees to one they haven't an at- him afterwards You oee. Daddy," sdfment of tbeir sarvtoas, or at !n attendance: he would be more eomitered with another question Give her a lowboy cedar chest. . a beau- tractive tier table like this In their home. Where was Dan? Had he carried her dark eyes, turned to bar father, tiful piece of furniture end a practical It will give distinguished service where- of this least tbair friendship. In the Bonn IL OUCE’S EXPERIMENT likely to want to have at band a her the rest of the way down that were filled wdth a new.pain, "Dan atorage cheat comblnedi It’s ettraetlvo ever it la pieced, bolding lamp, flowers, may never be able to ski again.” o f the prlvllece o f busring and It is possible that an Interesting physlcUn accuetomed to dealing • Ip ^ ry ravine? Oh, what a lit- enough to uae In any room o f books and art objecta. Placrust >U U U /I£. NEW 1939 wearing more or lass resplendent with tendencies to physical col- tle Idiot she had been, trying to "That Is Indeed a very aad thing," your future home . . llvtay shaped mahogany or walnut ve- experiment Invented and carried her father returned soberly. “But room, dining room, hall or be^ uniforms two or three times dur- lapse. But If by any chance a per- •how off, trying to give vent to neered tops; Grand Rapids out by Benito Mussolini has been M r Injured pride and anger. Now we’ll fix It somehovi^ It may not room. Mahogany veneered. made. ing tba Oovenior*s term, and of bo- brought to a euccissful conclusion. son submitting to arrest were to he would think she needed les- be as bad as you think, my dear. P H IL C O You forget I said this boy U to have lag addressed by a military title, There has never been anything m foresee difficulty in explaining cer- •OM. not only In tho art of skiing, more or less frequently, for tba tain actions on any other basis than but In good common sensei the very best care, the finest doc- European history quite like this tors. And after that—wall, we’ll rast of tbeir Uvea. Thera Is usual- one o f mental trresponslblltty, per- • hospital." the nurse agitation In Italy for the selture nf replied, ^ e r cool band on Sally’e manage, somehow, to see that the Autamafle ly some curiosity to sea who tba parta of France and an entire Im- hapa as good a time aa any to sat for^ ea d cautioned her to lie quiet. right thing Is done by him." "WJ FusIi^ uHm Tuninf thus blessed persons may be. portant French colony. In a coun- the stage for that kind of defense "You bod a bad tumbla, my dear. "Oh. Daddy!” It was all Sally But you’re going to be as good could aay just then. She clung to But bidden In tba rather long try where the press Is wholly sub- might be the moment of the very yUlLCO ITF tr>aMw Ust of oompllmentary colonels, ma- beginning of the case. aa now In a week or eo." her father’! hand more tightly. She servient to the ruler, wrhere the 'A week!’’ Sally protested faint- might have known she oould count jors, etc., created solely by guber- crowd mav never lift its voice In All of which, o f course. Is merely ly- on him. natorial selection (there are a cou- any political demand except such speculative and Induced by a minor "You’re lucky to get off with But would Dan allow It? Would stfis-.is’WErS but very unusual incident that.’’ The nurse's tone was grim. Dan accept help from the father of v a n e o a io a u . ple of Jobs established by statute as the n.ler wishes it to make, and and of real Importance to the mlll- the girl who had caused hie acci- where the parliament te a mere There wraa no reply to this. dent ? A girl for whom he had no tary establishment which do not sounding board for the dictator, She tnlght have been kUled. Sal- time. In whom he had refused to be- W--SH $ 3 9 . 9 5 properly figure In this rosterl Is Ueve’’ rnT " wm Watom . . . •afMEmrTtnN there arose In all three quarters ly aaw. once more, the barbed- one real plum. It Is the position of Overnight News wire fence rushing up at her. She (To Be Oonttnoed) this sudden end belligerent demsnd. closed her eyes a moment. Choose From 41 Philcos.. .$9.95 to $375.00 Assistant Adjutant-general. It pays It was unrebuked. It kept on for After a while she opened them gd,ft00 a year. many days. Of Connecticut gain. “ la anyone walUng to see FIRE DAMAGE ftft(MJ>00 To this Job Governor-elect Bald- mo?" There was only one person But never once. In any way, did win wlU appoint, according to the By .ASSUCIAreU PME8S Sally wanted to see. Uttleton. N. H.. Dec. 10— (A P ) — II Dues permit it tha very slightest Town and county officers today In- list of staff selections given out The nurse shook her head. BENDK open sign of official approval. No "Thero’o a wire from j-our father. vestigated the cause of a disastrous last night. Major Kenneth F. O a - New Haven -Samuel Day, 92. of one can accuse the Italian govern- He’ll be here sometime today, fire which destroyed four buaineu Home Laundry roer, 169tb Infantry, C. N. O. Madison, died In Grace hosiltal of though Doctor Barnes, talking long buildinge and a borne last night, ment of having made even the In doing so Oovemor-alect Bald- a fractured skull suffered ,Vov. 20 distance, as.surcd him It was not causing damage estimated by Police smallest suggestion that It would when he was struck by an automo- necessary.’’ Chief Dan Gardner at $3(M),(X)0. win makes good on one Implication Washes, Rinses like to have a slice of Mediterra- bile near his home. The driver of Sally’s eyes, behind closed lids, of his campaign declarations. Obvi- the car was EdwarJl Clcosantl, also Cof f ee Tabl e $4. 95 D. Bookcase ...... $5.50 nean France or Tunlala or both. misted with tears of weak grati- ously ha sets himself resolutely of Madison. tude. Dear . Daddy, she always Damp Dries Now out oomea Foreign Minister R Lamp Table ...... $4.75 against the practice of paying per- Hartford -John J Ckirson. direc- could count on him. Always he E. Shelf T a b le ...... $4.95 Georges Bonnet of Francf with an tor of the Federal Bureau of Old sonal poUtieal adherents with good had come when needed, alw-ays C Butterfly Table...... $4.75 Automatically open declaration before a commit- Age Insurance, said In a radio ad- ho got her everything that money P. Book Trouirh Table. .$4.65 jobs, for Major Cramer was not an tee of the Chamber of Deputiea that dress that tho next saaslon of C3on- could purchaae. advocate of the nomination of gross would probably consider an ’’My face . . . ?” Sally asked, Smartly Styled . . . Beautiful Hand Robbed Finish. France will never consent to yield 1. PUT DRY CLOTHES Judge Baldwin by the RepubUcan amendment of the Social Security after another long moment. Her in Inch o f her territory to Italy, in dry cylinder. convention. He opposed that nomi- Act to e.xtend old age Insurance to pretty face that bod caused so and any attempt to make good any groups not now Included. Including man\- masculine hearts to pound Refurnishing a bedroom for Christ- nation and worked for the nomina- A C ush m a n Be dro o m such claim cannot do otherwise farm laborers, servants, seamen, more quickly. Would she look the mas . . either as a gift *^^e-H om e’* LAMPS How to Make a Big 2. S E T TW O con- tion of Bin Pape, the crusading bank employes and the like. same when these bulky bandages Mahe Merry With Music than lead to armed conflict." This Week Only or in preparation for holiday guests? trols .. add SOI Waterbury editor. So Governor- Greenwich — George McKeever. were removed?’’ for C h rist m as Despite everything alee that haa Watkins Bedrooms are priced from and bluing. elect Baldi^’in manifests lofty prin- 57, died of a heart attack In bis au- "Just a few acratchea," tho nurse $59.75 up for 8 pieces. The quaint GALORE happened of late, no one will doubt tomobile outsidee^AW the M io V,aAGreenwich eV U M lV |l UUhoe-0 * Informed —vher s eoothlngly. • "There A i i C 1 C Hit o n Xmas Morning ciple, or at least a forgiving spirit. OPEN SA T URD A Y that this declaration Is meant, tt pltal after a visit to hU wife who be even a scar. Thanks to the 3 Pieces $1^53*80 Coloniai group sketched is from Cush- GIVE 8. REMOVE CLEAN In giving this Job to his late oppo- is 111 of pneumonia. He wa* an au young man who got you hero In Is definite, unequivocal—and final. man Gaiieries and costs only $158.80 CLOTHES damp dry. nent. tomoblle dealer here. time for Doctor Barnes to take the U N TIL 9 P. M . for the three pieces. Topically Cush- And that, exactly that, may turn stitches.’’ MUSICAL toady for tho Uno. However, the very many person- New Haven—Labor’s Non-Parti- man, it has the rich, high*lighted iv ' -r-l) ' al and political friends of Judge out to be the result of Mussolini's san League and the Workers' alli- ance of Connecticut will sponsor a "What young man?" Sally asked. golden amber coloring of all Cushman Baldwin a-ould probably be easier experiment. He wranted very much creations and is stuniUy built for long, GIFTS to know whether France would or state-wide "emergency conference" There could only be one. But she •V In their minds about this appoint- hero next Wednesday night to dis- wanted to hear hie name. She lasting use. would not fight. He could have W ATKINS Harmonicas ment If It also carried out the spirit cuss recent WPA layoffs In the wanted just to hear someone say • ROTHSRS t N C state. $169.50 of economy and genuine public found out by marching trtoopa It Ocarinas "Young Rejmolde." tho nurse service which we all expect Is to be somewhere onto French soil. That W ATKINS -v ;, Two Yean To Pay! would have been fine If It turned •said "You know—the ski cham- Guitars the kejTiotea of the Baldwin ad- .'EW PAYMENTS MADE pion. It seems ho was right be- BROTHERS WATKINS WILL CLOSE CBRITMASS EVE AT 5 80 M. ministration. Those of them at out that France wouldn’t fight but hind j>ou. He managed, by some Banjos least who are familiar with the op- on the other band It might have spectocular leap or turn to save FADA RADIOS WITHOUT DISORDERS j’ou from being whirled Into a eration of the state government turned out to be catastrophic if Violins fence. And then, though he was had entertained the expecutlon Frs.nce should fight. It might even Berlin, Dec. 16.— (A P I—The first bsdly hurt himself ..." Dmms *350 Electrical Appliance Suggestions have meant the end of the sprout- that when It came to the appoint- of the four installment days on "Dan hurt?" SaUy tried to sit ing "new Roman empire" and up. her eyes wide open now. The Ukuleles' For Um bftginaftg or ad- ment of an Assistant Adjutant- w'hlch German Jews must pay As new as the gorgeous roses we deliver with it ^ rt iee—i I ejliwmiWMiie Only Speed Queen Offers Toasters Waffle Irons general Judge Baldwin would say. Rome's latest Caesar. But he test- $400,(WO,000 tribute for the slaying nurse’s strong bands gently held vaaeed papfl . . Uiis gmart ^SjeCWmeii aenrtwtar her back. Music Stand wfle e t e ee« ftpee/lW Ma fin e fea tu rm i $2.95 Up "Skip it. ’ and In his first message ed France In a brand new waj’. of Ernst vom Rath. Paris legation $5.95 Up secretary, was a drab, matter-of- "Not too badly.” she reassured eonaola piano ia moat prae- a w «4 iw it e ef OPUiU WAUi» to the General Assembly recom- This way Benito has discovered her. ‘!One leg banged up a Stand Cases w h s « * a mm baa fact affair enUrely Ucklng In drama. the day before Christmas! •owv4N4«en)~ mend the abolishment of the office what he wanted to know—and ne bit , UeaL Correctly aealad. brO- m Uemi aaebte mmi. Telechron Clocks Berlin banks had comparatively Accordions ew^Ledw Sr iw , Silex altogether. hasn’t run even a shadow of a risk. little to do with yestorday'a ftl(W,- "How bad? You must toll me. plsaso." Dan hurt. Dan who had Uant action and aoptrb $3.50 Up Because the job of assistant to jHe can at any moment, now. utter- OOO.OtW as the Jewrs hmd taken pains Piano Accordions te st eft eftpasdgeem. Coffeemakers hoped to mak^ the Olympics, who aa. Soe and hoar this $9.95 tho Adjutant-general is. In Connec- i"popular outcry"— to arrange all detoila so the pay- Cemele aeweeft Im ee i t e m $2.95 Up ments would strike no anaga was such a beauUfuL swift thing Bngles ^nita^»ete VeYftdSr Automatic Irons Ideal radio for aay room tieuL a sheer superfiulty. created i “ P * single wxird There were no special guards at on his smooth long aids. Hurt be- boantifol moaleal instra- 6 W ay Floor Lamps W. m M jwm mIm wWm in the home. Pine tone, not beca’uee of any need but to give In a good many wa>-» this chap any of the Finance M lnlstiye o f- cause of her foolishness, her head- Saxophones $4.95 Up strong vanity. B E N G A L nont . . then order yonra Heating Pads very aelective. Attractive Mussolini is pretty smart. fices where the fines were payable, somebody an easy, decorative and "It looks like It may be a frac- Trumpets $9.95 case. comfortable berth, entirely poHU- nor were there any signs of dle- for Christmas doUvary. $3.95 Up turbance. ture," the nurse admitted. She OTHER FADALETTE8 eal. D U A L - O V E N R A N G E Record-Players Electric Com GUARANTEE Jews and GentUea paying fine*, did not divulge Information about 8 Yean To Pay! $39.95 in wide range of color com- Connecticut needs an Assistant ta-xea or other bills approached tell- patients as a rule. But the fever- New Imported Table Ponper $4.95 Universal ish Intensity o f this girl’s bright Portable binationa . . . Adjutant-general about as much as No doubt there will be much ri- ers’ windows with no attempts be- (No Crank) eyes, the agonized pleading In them Phonographs I______I I v T m u ij______i;ieanersCleaners $59.50 | $14.95 to $30.95 [ it needs a twenty-foot gold-and- valry throughout the country this ing made by officials to separate N e w C o v e ra ll T o p > N e w Stre a m lin in g ] Other New Pianos Lamps $4.95 to $10 $14.95 to $30.95 the Jews from the (SenUlee. proved the exception. “I’m afraid predoue-stone peacock feather on year among persone appreclaUve of he won’t walk—or aW—In some Victor Records recognition as dtlzens of rectitude, top of the Capitol dome. We have time. But the miracle Is known- - The Bengal you order for Chriotmaa will be Sheet Music ability and Standing-^ their com- with that leg—be managed to half 8** T a b l e L a m p s accepted at Its face value Governor ELECTED PROTESTANT deUvered the day before . . and with It gooe $175 find up A Kodak or Mo^eCamera from Kemp^s Will Make a Big Hit! munities. as county chairmen In the carry, half drag you on down the $ - * Aod Bfimy Otber Itssis, Baldwin’s pledge to put an end to mountain, get you on tho rescue a box of freoh eut rod rooee, bearing your card! 1 5 9 95 organization for the celebraUon of $L00 and up such wastage In the state's govem- PRIMATE OF IRELAND toboggan, and bring you hero. That Bengal la a practical gift, ao tlie roses are in- Yhis 18S9 Bengal coats » N A : . N A i f Bieot. There could be no finer place the President’s Birthday for the >-oung man should bav' a medal for cluded for eentlmentol reeaons. only ftlftSM* with your for him to begin. And. despite the benefit of victims of Infantile bravery!" old Stove! It’s an amaa- I A D V I k I s 1 D I univex Belfast, Northern Ireland, Dec. Ift. 4.nd Sally hal called him a cow- « fhet that the appointments have paralysis. The national director of tag value ta style, econo- — (API—The Most Rev. John A. F. ard! She had told him ha wraa afraid And when you give her this Bengal you are my of operatloa and pries. the movement. George V. RUey, has Gregg, archbishop o( Dublin, yester- hew announced, it U not too late c f the real things o f life, that he giving her the latest dual-oven craatloB. Caioek Easy terms arranged token an action which should sure- day wraa elected Protestant pnmate would run away at the foot of the S‘'‘' - to begin right at that point The these hew streamUna features with our aketeh: MOVIE CAMERA ly convince anyone?that such a po- of all Ireland, or bead of the CSiurch mountain. appolntmenta are not yet either Ir- of Ireland, which is similar to the New coverall top Uda; new, lower man- sition U a guarantee of the posses- rtvocahle or autboritaUve- Church of England. She buried her head In the pillow. tel; new eomblnatlen condiment set, eleetrte sion of special qualities of ultra re- -i -i The new prlmato who Is ftft yaars She could not bear to face what ohe flood light and mlnuU mlndar; aaw etrsam- $ spectability and o f the esteem in old. succeeds the Most Rev. Charles 9.95 NEW TINDER BOX bad done. It would be a long time, lined door handlas and gas eoclm. AH this In ______THE*E3 ae gneseworii in the which such appointees are held. Frederick D’Arcy, who died at. his the nurse said, before - Dan could -- Kodak. BvaiyocMM. Not a toy, bat a real amvla caj theft The oft-repeatad prediction riist Armagh home last Fab. X. addition tp tha regular eupsrlor Beogal fSa- He has approved the appointment sM. Maybe he never could akl "$1252 by these camezM takes real pietores. Easy to aso, A aaw World War will aocn beeoma again. Maybe she—SaUy who loved turea: Oven hast control; buUt-ta Lornn oU s^og th« the easy wey. At compact for convenient of Frank Hague, mayor of Jersey rain BREAKS DROUGHT burner; and a dual oven that with oil Z~_ * Kodak fee ereiy QMm» oe VOar Ck,tm. a raaUty would aaam to ha acaroaly him with an her heart, with every KEMP’S City, as chalnnan o f the rrrmmlttee Loa Angeiea. Dao. Xft—(AP)-1-A MOnfuI braath—had done thla to aad gas at tha asaw Uma if requirsd! INCORPORATED Other Argus Cameras $4,751 each opA to doubt Bat tba tndlcatad for Hudson County, N. J. tuavy rainstorm today hroha a m - d valy p aclaae d farteh o U d ay. Coma ia aad aaa t h ^ T ^ I eft tta h s m a jiy o r the direo- H there were eny lingering day drought, loogest ta soathere Hsr fbtlisr got there lato~ ^ t W ATKINS 768 Main S t Telephone 5680 $15 and $25 UNIVEX PROJECTOBS OatUornla’B hlstoiy. A ften ooo.. Hla .relleft wtWMi he ROTHCRS I N C Manchester te* $14.1 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1«, 198§ UAN(HIESTER EVENING HERALD, MANf^IESTER, CONN. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1«, 1988 fagbthxrtm^: DETROIT DEALING TOPS ROYAL BLUES WHIP ROCKVILLE TAKES LEAD "High. A t Meriden Tonight FALCONS BY 44-18 P o w lir i(4 BUIUa NTBSEBY In Quest O f Loop Victory A d d e d Specials T o Th e Biggest Sales Eve nt I k e T W n E n r S ^ MAJOR LEAGUE BIDS TO IN YMCA COURT LEAGUE (Y Alleyn) •

IN JUNIOR TUSSLE Evergreen* (Z) Victors over Bristol and East t.Stanlalaus hall, which has a gym- GAIN ADDED STRENGTH Late Spud Briiipt 30-21 A, MorreU . . . . 81 81 72—’J34 Hartford by fourteen points each nasium that’s so small it may cut NOVA, FARR JOUST J. Faulkner . . . 70 64 68— 202 and Rockville by twenty-three down Manchester’s effectiveness. J. Cheney ...... 76 70 77— 222 points, Manchester H',Ch’s cage ' The Clarkemen perform best on a Shamrocks Also Notch 2ik1 E. Wlleon . . . . . 123 117 109—348 gladiators Journey to Meriden to- Everybody's Market Triumpli Over Texacos la TONIGHT FOR SHOT [ huge surface like the local Armory Tifert Land Pinky Higgins Sports Roundup night In quest of their fourth suc- j and the Saints’ court may serve to THE MONEY YOU SAVE HERE ON FOODS Victory By Dowmng Mo- 348 «32 326 1006 cessive triumph of the 1938-39 cam- ! make things plenty tough for Man- From Red Sox For Anker By SID FBDBB NohM (2) paign. The triple titllsts are heavily chester In Its attempt to gain its New York. Dec, 16— (A P I— The at HEAVY u m m V. Griswold . . . 82 75 91-248 favored to continue their unbeaten second CC7L triumph In as many hawks; Speedboys And L. Fortin...... 86 march and any other outcome win Spectacular Bees and Pirates may still do busi- 92 69— 247 starts. And Wade; Figore Bees ness on a trade, even though the D. Jensen ...... 79 91 81— ’251 be a decided upset. Cole, Gavello, Brown, Squatrlto baseball^meetlngs are over... .latest Maroons Win. B. Nleberdlng .. 80 73 92— 248 Meriden, home of many a C(JIL, and Murphy will open the proceed- I Is A1 Todd to Boston for Ray Muel St Jolm sW N toa ; gj,. state and New England champion ings for the Red and White and the Did Best Trading In Na- ler, with other ivory tossed In ... 837 334 333 994 In the past but a weak rival In the reserves will also see acUon with ! the Cubs Insist they’ll start the last couple of years, shouldn’t prove Hlllnski. Davis, Wilson, Murdock, The Royal Blues, an decked out season with Phil CavarrctU back on RockvHle’s entry In the YMCA Yorite To Gain First Vic- too formidable an obstacle for the and Murray making up the quintet. PRE-HOLIDAYnWMC’MDiaDt . . . . ______tional; The Setnp. In new uniforms, once again proved POPULAR MARKET Senior League moved Into undis- fiying Clarkemen to hurdle, but Old ____ SALE hrst base Instead of Rip Onllins___ The preliminary Is set for 7:30 REMEMBER! ALL ADVERTISED SPECIALS IN IVEDNESDAY S '-APER CONTINUE TOR lOMOBROW AlJlni their superiority In the East Side puted possession of Arst place In the H. Henry ...... 69 62 76—207: .Man Upset lurks around the comer but how about that thremendous M. Alexander .. 79 71 75— 22b | o’clock to be followed Immediately IIh.v. S.. as. I.R p.,. Uv.. .. h„. p,..,y L ^ A ^ E PRf^I Rec's Thursday Junior League last circuit standings last night with an lory In U. S. Orer Promis- at every cage tilt and Coach Frank by the main attraction. A large fol- .239 batting average Phil had last night by trouncing the Falcons. 44 B. Lawrence ... 74 50 7’2—19« AND SELF SERVE GROCERIES n.v O A n J ! T A L B O T Impressive 30 to 21 triumph over Barnikow’s charges may put up a lowing of local fans Is expected to y e a r? .... the Cubs, Incidentally, to 18, for their second triumph In T. Faulkner . . . . 92 106 103—301 Tew York, Dec, 16.— (A P )— The the Mason Texacos: The rivals were much suffer fight than expected. make the trip and lend vocal support 855 MAIN STREET were willing to give the Cardinals as many starts. ’The Shamrocks ing Coast Youngster. RUBINOW BUILDING Just about everything but Wrigley tied at 18-all with only three min- The game will be played at St. to the Clarkemen. Op e n To n ig h t A g a in T i l l 9 P .M . Phone In! A v o id the Rush! bMeball men have left this old trad- kept pace with the Blues with a utes to play snd then Rockville put 814 389 326 929 Store Field And Cabby Hartnett for John- ing post after three rloto\is days 34-11 victory over the Mohawks, on a dazxiing shooting barrage that "WHERE THRIFTY SHOPPERS SHOP** ny Mire, Ducky Medwlck, Enos Shrniw dtirlng which the conversation went while the Speedboys and Maroons produced a decisive margin. New York. Dec. 16— (A P )— The B. D y b o e ...... 94 78 79— 251 Diol 5 7 2 1! It*$ Insuronce A g o in s t Dis a ppointm e nt If Yo u Do! SUiiKhter and—or Don Padgett. .. . came back frtm last week’s set- Kellner and Lusa featured for the round and round, and In calm re- most significant heavyweight fight F. Burkhardt 68 89 62-217 hut Branch Rickey said strictly no- backs to beat the Cougars and victors and Vtttner and DlMlnlco of the apathetic Indoor season will HOCKEY dlce---- for which St. Louis fans H. MorreU 80 78 87— '245 WRESTLING trospect today It looks like the De- Heights respectively. went beat for the losers. 'The go on In Madlaon Square Garden to- O. Glee ... should hand Branch a vote of thanks 91 103 98 -292 troit Tigers dkl more good for them- SmachettI was the outstanding Elagles, defending champions, night between Lou Nova, a promis- National League By ASSOCI.ATED PRESS selvesives thanman any otheroiner clubciuD. , now that the neqRed oox-iigersSox-Ttgers point getter for the Blues but Ane champions, trounced Highland Park ing yoi.ingater from Alameda, Calif., 881 348 328 1005 New York Rangers 1 New York WEEK-END SPECIALS In landing thIrd-baseman Pinky ! •» settled, look for Brooklyn and team play was the main factor and In the opener by 36-18 In returning and Tommy Farr, a dv^deiing Americans 1 (tie). Hartford. Conn.—Gus Sonnenberg, nlgglna, a proven star. In yester-1 Detroit to do some taikimr... unH clever ball - handling and passing to their top-notch form of a year ancient of 24 from Totliy^andy, Boston 1 Montreal 0. 214, Boston, defeated Bull Curry, ea. day’s major trade with the Boston ' maybe acting. was too much for th-> Falcons. A r- ago. Server of the Eagles were Wales. ’The prize Is the doubtful EVA TANODAT EHPKOVES Chicago 4 Toronto 4 (tie) 204, HarUord. Curry disqualified for Sunkist Lemons Red Sox, the Tigers Anally managed ' nold. Server and Parclak were the outstanding on offense and Murray pleasure of fighting Joe Loula for Intematlonal-American League hitting referee. to board up their blino spot, a pro-, One explanation Is the Dodgers oiily members of the losing team to starred for the Highlanders. the heavyweight title eometlme next Cleveland 2 Hershey 1. (Tamden, N. J.—Ernie Diia«(8^a»l. nounced weakness at third base. made 354 by trading Fred Frank- score from the Aoor. So far the In the other game. St. Johns year. Hollywood, Dec. 16 — (A P ) — .American .Association Omaha, Neb., drew with Fresh ' or Smoked Now all Manager Del Baker has to house to the Bees for Joe Stripp. Royal Blues look like the class of trounced Bolton by the lopsided ’The only obstacle between to- condition of Eva Tanguay, 60-year- St. Paul 2 Tulsa 1. Thesz, 205, France, 90 mlnuk old actress who has been critically worry about la where to plav Rudy seems they'll only have to spend six the league.__ count of 50-4 as every man on the nlght'B victor and the stiff left Jab TONIGHT’S SCHEDULE North Bergen. N. J.—B tb ^ r Mc- York. bucks to bring Stripp from nia winning team contributed to the of the champion la . ’The 111 for a week, was reported today Globe Turnips American .Association Coy, 227, New York, plnnecl Chief 'The second game brought the by her physician. Dr. Wesdell Stan*. No BeoeBt To Sox Florida home to the spring training Speedboys and the Cougars together scoring. In the Arst three games of unpredictable one beat Farr last Minneapolis at S t Louis. Chewacki, 242, Oklahoma, 18:53. winter and If Tommy wins and gets Neither the Boston Red Sox, who camp—but It takes 60 to get Fred with the former team pulling out an the league. SumislaskI of the SaInLs another shot at Louis, there will be Bnlahed second In the junior loop, down from Pennsylvania___ haw.-.. easy victory 34 to 11. ’The Speed- has compiled the Impressive foul shooting record of 13 out of 14 plenty of hollering from Baer. But nor Cleveland, which staggered in Joe Trlner, the Illinois boxing com- boya, paced by GtnoIA, showed a re- Ib. tries. L^yld was the only Bolton there haa been something less than third ahead of Detroit, appears to missioner, Is In town trying to In- versal of form after losing their player able to score. a universal demand for another Firm Cabbase have beneBtted materially from terest Mike Jacobs In putting on a Aral gsme last week and now look ^ x scores; Loiila-Baer fight. what small trading was done, so couple of Indoor shows In Chicago like a real contender for league Eagles (86) It la a sad commentary on U. 8. trolt must automatically become8 the t l u before the season's over. ...M ike honors. Farris was the o«ly Cougar P. B. F. boxing that two years of beating the Fancy, Mellow, Ripe Bananas dioloe to chaae the Yankees to the may try to pair Henry Armstrong player to score more than once 2 Server, rf . . . . 0-0 bushes for a white hope has pro- PORTRAIT wire next year. ’They won’t, of with Davey Day or with from the Aoor. pound 4c 0 Southerglll, rf 0-0 duced only Nova. He is pretty fair Ib. course, catch tha Yankees. Bob Pastor there after New Year's The third game was the real bat- 0 Derrick, If ... 1-2 but the fortune that awaits the man Fancy Bleached Celery Cleveland acquired the veteran ---- Dixie college coaches are falling tle of the evening with the Sham- who eventually beats Louis should 2 R. Anderson, If 1-1 taui Outdelder, Ben Chapmsui. The Red all over each other to look over Lou rocks ekelng out a win over the 0 Yost, c ...... have attracted an army of good SHOUIUERS 2 bunch 5c 2-3 Sox got three falr-to-mlddllng pitch- Rosa, a fast 200-pound tackle on the .'VInhawks by the low score of 14 to 0 Pareiack, c .. voung heavywelghta. OF A LUCKY MAN 0-0 ara in Elden Auker and Jake Wade Richmond Academy team In Augus- 13. Both teams displayed an air 4 Judd, r g ...... 1 0-0 Nova la a handsome young fellow pound 3c from Detroit and Denny Oalehouse *“ • Oa...... still stringing with the tight defense with very little offense 1 Fralaer, r g ...... 1 0-0 whose most convincing eastern win from Cleveland. The Sox were in underdog, this corner likes Lou shown by either teams. McConville 1 Hemingway, Ig . . . 1 0-0 was againid Gunnar Barlund, a Atwood Tre e-Ripened Grape fruit desperate need of mound replace- Nova to trip Tommy Farr tonight, and Mahoney each scored three victory dimmed by Barlund’s defeat each 2c ments, since old Lefty Grove Anally despite those 7-5 odds... .although hoops apiece to score 13 of the 10 16 4-6 36 at the hands of the Inept Roscoe has pitched hla arm away. Chapman Highland Park (18) Toles. Lk)u still has plenty to learn about 14 points. Packards defensive game Fancy Gre en String Beans M adds temperament to Cleveland, a defense—especially against anybody stood ouL The scoring was well B F. T. Nova’s chief stock In trade Is a quart 5c dub which already owned more than tossing left books—his own right divided for the Mohswka 0 Robinson, r f ...... 1 0-0 2 good short right. He slso has a its shars. hand shots should turn the trick. ... In the Anal game the Maroons dis- 2 A. Anderson. If ... 0 0-0 0 fair left but that shouldn’t bother Fancy New Cro p Sweet Pototoes In' giving up Auker and Wade, De- played some fancy shooting to best 0 J, Murray, I f ...... 2 4-6 8 Farr, aa Tommy took the Loula Jah. pound 3c troit haa gambled mightily that Fred Toledo of the American Associa- the Heights 45 to 34. Butler was 2 Adams, c ...... 0 0-0 0 Lou is fairly fast, smart and strictly Hutchlnaon, Its expensive young tion, and San Antonio. Oklahoma the real point getter for the Ma- 1 Backus, r g ...... 4 0-0 8 boxer. pitching prise from S ettle, will live city and ’Hilsa from the Texas roons, tallying 16 paints In all. 0 Sander.son, rg . . . . 0 0-0 0 The bookmakers do not think this Rath's Pure Lard up to his price tag. The Tigers gave League will all train down In the Brown and Aceto also helped In the 3 Roaelle, Ig ...... 0 0-0 Is enough. They have made Farr pound package 8c two seasoned players, Jo-Jo White scoring for the v/lnnlng team. Ls- the favorite and five will get you lower Rio Grande fruit belt valley seven If Nova wins. This Is Nova’s and ’Tony Piet, and a lot of owner In Texas---- and several Texas loop Jcskl was the outstanding player for 8 74-6 18 Rath's Score at half 21-7 Eagles. Referee, 26th fight. He makes It against a lb. Sausages Walter Briggs’ automobile money outAta have their eye on the Texas the Heights, garnering 15 points for pdund 25c his team Buaky and Yankowskl. man who has 74 recorded bouts, un- for the 19-year-old, who won 2S valley circuit for farm clubs___ con- counted battles In the boxing stalls and lost 7 last year. They cannot grats to Hnr))er Gault, Rock Hill Tonight the other Junior League a, /sn. KIRK ROAST 14 Roth's Spiced Ham of England and Wales, plus the FANCY large con 23c count too strongly on Archie Mc- (3 C.) Herald sports cd - Mr. Stork win awing Into action at 5.00 sliarp ! p ' *' '* " r F. p;Unful but enlightening experience Ksln. the southpaw they got from with the East Sides meeting the , o rf s Just droppe

Popoom strung altamately with doubled for a 10 lb. tuiheyt osriy Amortesa stmospben would red cranberries is pretty on a tree Chestnut Stuffing make s fins gift or an equally fine too, and the children love to make (For Five-Pound Chicken) addition to s collection of choice them. A neighbor sends in this sug- 1 cup diced chestnuts New Hampshire Trees gestion. dilns. Twelve famous Currier snd 9 cups cubed breed Ives prints hsvs recenUy been re- 1-3 cup butter, melted Tbe Suprecne Gift Jewelry For produced on fine chins service 1-4 teeepoon emit pistes in thslr orlglnsl fuU eolor- Are Arriving In Town EMMr “Him" Or "Her" 1-4 teeepoon oel4wy salt ing. A g ift that expresses 1 teaspoon minced pereley your sentiment In the 1-3 teaspoon poultry aeasoning Be sura to ask to see these bar- OirlstBiss trses from New Hsm p-lsgent to make special sfforts to gat most beautiful of aU 3 tablespoons hot cream. sure sre starting to come out in trees. ways and at Matthew gains snd don't forget to mention Roast cbestnuts until the abells “Judy" when this column helps you not in large numbers.Deslera in Man-1 Regular customers of tbs agent Wloris, 989 Main street, crack. Remove and mash kernels or shop. This Uttle poem thia week Chester snd In other parts of Hart- ^ being supplied with aU iii- do ask to see their ex- cut into tbln slices. Add to rest of seems to sum up tbs shining coun- ford Oountv who haw in n u * number. Trucks coming into quisite bridal sets, com- ingredients and stuff fowl. ^ra^uniy, who nsvs In past years i night snd early thUi mom- plete selection of men tenances Tvs glimpsed along Main Hampshire, I ing a&ded to the supply of trees and women’s watches, In street, snd so goodbye: OPENING Silent As A Candle Now Aad option that there would ' having been brought*^ from Novs the latest designs to fit your price Always CHRISTMAS STABS By lues Culver Corbin shlpmimts otU of the I Scotls At the different loU where limit. Also beautiful bracelets, because there Isn't n o ^ e rn states o f New England. | trees were being offered for sale tbs studded with glowing atones. In gold a single moving The stars are everywhere tonight— They bloom on tinselled trees. Fc|^ng n>>8^ be » shortage number on hand is far lesa than last .JE iF SERVIl $6 and up; Dainty compacts g l and part In the freezing they asked the New Hampshire year's. RKET f.‘,hat It has a durable binding firm- up; Ladies’ rings of Infinite variety system of ths Ser- In crowded avenues and shops hello THKRE;— And window holly-wreaths. AS THE WISE MEN OF OLD ly stitched; that the wool la soft, Commuiilty Oiru For The Fkmlly and design 96 and up and many ve! Electrolux re- 1007 / W A I N STREET first quality, long fibered and even- Then, of course, there other gifts priced unusually low frigerators to wear On Christmas packages designed gift giving at Ch.iitmaa ha.« en- To daxsle and surprise, duxad througb Uie cvntmlcu. "Lots ly woven. are the time-honored for Christmas. Credit terms can be or become noisy. gifts that will be en- arranged as low aa $1 a week. Now and until the In every grown-up's glad salute, Of ua" still havi> "lots to do" selfct- In little children's eyes iBg just the gift to wirpi-lse some- Another Uiird BeD Ringer Value thusiastically recelv- end of this year T u rk e y C h a f f e r that Is practical id by the average there Is s 10 ' per O Christmas stars shine out to- SATURDAY one dear, or choosing a game or TaMiels Oust Buttons On Bridal and u.seful for family. A radio- cent reduction on’ all 1938 nwdela night toy to bring Jov to some less for- Gowns OUR GENT1.EMEN BIRDS — — — — — — — mm ^ US • M V V V mm Christmas g I v- phonograph comblna- ^ Tassels sre filling the role of but- too. Have a look at their ramark- Till men go silver-shod A MESSAGE TO THE PUBLIC AT 8 A. M. tunate child and afeeklng remem- Ing. Ask for tlon, for instance. " tons on many a-'new winter <»a- able efficiency at the Manchester From door to friendly door, and Stately asd dlstingulalied are these M__ l_ • m -ft ft ^ ^ _ brances for those sick and shiif-ln. fine fellows—-stout and cultured gen- Far away fields may look greener, men’s socks Or a movie camera and projec- tume. ’Their latest efforts apply to Division of the Hartford Gas Oo. point either rayon or tor; a sturdy bridge table with a They will be happy to show you The way to peace—snd God! tlemeu— but they’ve one weaknees— hut 3TOU can do all your shopping a glamorous bridal gown o f heavy a soft heart. economically, speedily and convcn- part wool. In a leather top; a set of reference satin brocade having a cloque pat- where you can save many dollars pleasing aaaort- books, Including a dictionary; a In operating costa aa well as the They know youll want to provide lently right here on our own Main tern and cilt on straight lines fall- your folks with genuine holiday cheer street, and round about Manches- ment of designs table or floor lamp with a special ing Into a train. Neck and aleevea many conveniences that save you . , 2ftc a pr. This Is reflector that makes It perfect for time and work. Give Mother one WHY ABUSE A OOIUR and they cant resist the opportunity ter, so let’s keep our Christmas were fastened with tiny white sUk to help you do the providing. So we’ll ' I ' Ward’s beat for Christmas. ■drit alive at home and try MAN- reading; an easy chair for a spe- tassels. This was a Schiaparelli WHEN OUR P R i c r r ar e have them wearing their full regalia CHESTER FIRST. Here are a few qiiailly hose and you’ll want to pick cial comer; a set of monogram- model, finished off with a veil fall- 50 fAlR? up aevernl pairs at this low price. of tender Uyers of firm, delicate meat more values I found today that are med bath towels; lovely table lin- ing from an embroidered aatln bon- Cows Of Amerles - . — white tie u d tails to dress up your priced especially for Christmas ens; unique candleaticka or vases. net. have been unusually generoiu in ***unal Christmas spread—but at eyery£ y prices. ■hoppers. Just ask for them aa you Many New Mofflere This SewMm their yield of milk during th|a year TWO MORE CHARACTERS them here. For “Him" HerVa A Buy You'D Want To Novelties For Christmee and have made good butter nbt only SWIFT'S GOLDEN WEST Our Business Has Been Built Upon Quality and Price The C. E. House See Too! such as candy apples, chocolate plentiful but cheap. The nation- O ur M e al D ep artm en t * Son, Inc., Is Let Santa bring comfy Santa Clauses and delicious Chrlst- wide sale which started December IN m C K FLAMnNW” F O W L lb. \ overflo\vlng with i bedroom slippers for Uttle ross candy, all homemade and very 8 makes good butter so lor/ In price 23 w ill give you o p ack a g e tots. In blue and red, snd that you can afford to use It with- gift suggestions! reaaonsble at The Lovejoy Candy A starving mob o f the French PIGS' H E A D S for men. Ask to ' also soft, anug bunny slip- Shop. See them. out skimping, and remember dur- lb. 121 We Earnestly Solicit Your Cooperation and Patronage Revolution, s valuable necklace, an see the cashmere pers that always make a ing cold months, children need ex- of Bacon Free w ith o hit with the wee ones tra quantities of butter which is old castle and m charming sriatoc- K R A U T lb. 8c IfM ter And More EUgIble U riling mufriers $1 and up Be Among The Fortunate And racy all combine to make thrilling, from 90c to 11.20 at ’The Ask To See rich In vitamin A —the vitamin that (In yoar coatainer. Sc.) is possible with a Waterman Hen aa well aa the •The Black Flamingo" which Sock The New Thrift Center Of Manchester C. E. House A Hon, Inc. the lovely che- protects agalnat colds. d o llar p urchase or over. and Pencil set. and they are such fashionable white and Buskin, the High school dra- The Management ’They'll be pleased to show nille bedspreads, NAnVE FBE8H MARKETS. a convenience and make a splendid silk Initialed ones, or the pais- matic club, will present tonight at PIGS* FEET. them to you. In any color, that Cblistmas present. There are many leys, striped wools and many New Hhapes In Vases As Olfta 8:15 in High school auditorium. SPARE RIBS, lb. . 19c Ib...... 8c others, you’ll find "his" choice. are being given Thst Add A Graoeful Touch FRESH varied colors at Donnelly’s, from Chlldm Enjoy Helping Miss Marguerite Barry, daughter FANCY SHEFFIELD EVAP. CHOICE LEGS OF " GOLD MEDAL 93M for both men and women. away FREE with to your rooma. Crescents, new vase of Mr. and Mrs. John Barry of BACON, Ib ...... 2 5 c Christmas Seals serve two pur- with dinner festivities for Christ- the purchase of bookends and many unusual small ROASTING cmCKENB Knighton street, will fill the role of PORK 5-1 Pounds ATernge, poses. They decorate holiday mall mas so let them polish the fruits a high grade In- fiower holders artistidally arranged It is the woman of the family and vegetables, make vegetable the fair Charlotte De Luasac. SAUSAGE, Ib. . . . . 2 3 c ponftd ...... tall can wbo often has to remind friend and they help fight tuberculoala. nerapring mat- with handpainted roses, ragged Fred Keisb, son of Mr. and M rs 3 5 c candle holders and decorate the tress priced from husband to send his check, large or cornflowers and bridal popples, etc., Fred E. Kelsh of 40 Clinton street, ______Lamb «» 24 ^ Ib. bag table. ’This saves mother and stim- small, for the Christmas Seals. We 922.60 a t Benson designed by Mrs. Homewood, at will portray the part of the schem- FLOUR Homemade Candy Or Stalled ulates home Interests. Did you aver MILK Furniture Co. Kemp’s, 36c and up. heard of one wife In Minnesota Frolta try cutting small strips of colored ing Bourlen, an evil, gold-loving who pasted a few Christmas Seals KLEIN 'S FO O D ST O RE make just about the paper and letting the kiddles make bully who contrivea to despoil not THE PERFECT SHORTENING! In response to a request from Famous Prints ReprodneSl 161 C E N T E R S T R E E T oa her husband's breakfast eggs aa paper chains for tree decorations? only the fleeing aristocrats but also OPEN SUNDAYS DIAL 8388 BONELESS F O R ^ U O S ^ W a gentle reminder. She got a laugh, (weetest Christmas M rs E. F,. This recipe may be Handsome Mrvice plates with an ;lfts you can Imag- his fellow thieves. MAXWELL HOUSE aa did the man, for It w-orked. .ne. The holiday sea- M tay Thanks For Your Thought- son Is one of dates, 3 Ib. can social, stuffed and Spring Lamb fnlneM Ib. can otherwLse. You can CRISCO will bo your re- buy pitted dates ward If you give a COFFEE ready for your moat Imaginative DRIP OR PERCOLATOR RIB OR LOIN SELECT Christmas Gift Cer- stuffing. tificate for a per- manent, especially if It Is from The More Suggeatlons Than You Oin SAFE OWL—GROUND—REGULAR 25c POUND Ib. Piuk Sahuou Beauty Nook where Count Ob Both Hands The Manchester Public Market Lamb Chops they specialize In displayed In The Dewey- g i e tall many types of Rlchman Gift W’Indow lb. box waves to suit each AS ALW AYS QUALITY WITH ECONOMY. today for everyone, aiicli Black Pepper AaiVIK Indlvhiuul Call 8011. < coiffures a prominent makeup ex- quality writing paper from flOc; Spiced Genuine Ham, 12 oz. cans...... 25c CHOICE CUTS OF g c Ig. 18 pert in the film capital launches a goodlooking leather blU folds |1 practical compromise between the and up and key cases 60c snd up; Evaporated Milk, Royal Scarletor Armors, 4 tall can s...... 23c two—a true ‘’Comproml.se Cut." as well as numerous delightful NATIVE PORK CUTS Lamb Legs, extra fancy, 0% g* ^g:s. Local Strictly FVesh, extra larg:e (27 oz. to dozen) 43c dozen Y Leaving the ends at the back no\^ltles II and up. Juat the kind CRANBERRY Small Native Fresh Hams, m of gifts all of iia like to And Christ- Ib...... ZO C Cheese. Old and Snappy (the kind Dad likes) lb...... 38c RIB ROAST very long as Hollj-wood stare like Whole or Half, Ib...... a DC I>amb Fores, Boned and Rolled ft C RINSO it, he lifts a mass of hair on top of mas mom. See them Native Fresh Shoulders, if you wish, Ib...... IDC Sag:e Clieese, nice and tasty, lb...... 35c FLOUR the head and up and away from SAUCE 1 g c Ig. pkg. forehead and ears, parting it to epd A "different" pudding you mav In a V point In the center back. Native Spare Ribs, ~ I Peaches, halves or sliced. Royal Scarlet Fancy, 2 larg:. cans 29c | CROSS RIB J 5 Ib. bag want to try; Try Our Home Made Sausage Meat, From MIRACALE MAID ’Then he arranges rather thick ring- Chrlstniaa Plum Ihidding lets on top, being particularly care- Ib...... 2Uc Native Pork, 0% P (Courtesy Hhe Dewcy-Rlrhman Co.| Pigs’ Hocks Pigs* Feet FYuit Cocktail, Royal Scarlet Superb, larg:e8t c a n s ...... 23c BURT OLNEY GOLDEN BANT ful not bo mar the V. (Serves 6) Ib...... 25c As a result, the stars who have 1 envelope plain, unflavored gel- Native Pigs’ Liver Pigs’ Heads Freshly Ground Hamburg, A ^ TOP SIRLOIN adopted the new coiffure are eating Apricots, Natural Whole Royal Scarlet, lb. cans, 2 f o r ____19c ^ can atine “ Lean Fresh Bacon for a I^oaf, Ib...... a DC Baking Powder their cake and having It, too. It lets 1-2 cup cold water Chuck Beef Ground, Peas, Sweet and Tender, g:ood Honest Brand, them retain the softly flattering ef- 1 cup nillk fect of a long bol>—always a pretty No. 2 can s...... 2 for 25c TOP and BOTTOM 3-1 square chocolate or 3 table- PRIME MILK FED VEAL Ib...... z v e frame for the throat and sure to LARGE NO. 2 CAN FANCY CUT STRING CORN sfMKma cocoa Boneless Rolled Veal to Roast, Ixiwer Round Ground, 4ft p String: Beans, Cut Refug:ee or Cut Wax, Royal Scarlet, soften the otherwise hard line of 1-2 cup .seeded raisins the average jaw—yet It ha.s enough lb...... 29c Ib...... 35c ROUND ROAST PICKLED 1- 4 cup currants A Blend of Beef, Veal and Pork, 4ft f No. 2 cans ...... 2 for 23c Ib. of the upswept ahoiit It to make 2- 3 cup pa.steurlzed dales Breast of Veal for Stuffing, ft p them feel iip-to-the-mlnute for a Loaf. Ib...... ZDC Mandarin Orang:es, Whole ^gmiento, 8 oz. can, 3 for 25c, ^ X Y D O L 1-2 Clip granulated sugar Ib...... IDC 1-4 te'as|Mron salt Veal Neck for Pot Pie, ft p 16 oz. c a n s ...... 2 for 25e HERRING If You .Are Not .\c«|UiUnted With 1-4 cup nuts, choppeil BEANS St^lO KESH GROUND SOMETHING NEW! The Yarn And (lift Shop 1-4 teaspoon vanllKx Ib...... 15c Prunes, New Crop, , medium size, Rayal Scarlet, FANCY SIRLOIN 1 7 « large box do stop In and ask to .see the kid- 2 r g g w h i t e s . Veal Shanks BONELESS AND SKINLESS NATIVE 2 lb. pkg:...... 15c LARGE 14-OUNCE FINE dies knitting bags which mdude Hut milk with chopped fnilt In Bologna Casings Real Pork Salt FRESH SHOULDERS, 4 to 5 Pounds Each. ^ ____ t -PORTERHOUSE needles and wool for 50c al.so the top of double boiler. When cooked No Waste, 0% m Hamburger HEINZ attractive stuffed dolls and cute asto r vacuum pa c k e d slightly, add cocoa or chocolate, EXTRA FANCY PRIME BEEF Ib...... 2 5 c Kraft’s Xmas Box, nice for a gift, consists of jar Roquefort KETCHUP DOG FOOD lamps for children. .Nice embroi- which has been melted and mixed STEAKS dery sets too as well as an In.spinng with part of the sugar and a little ON SALE Cheese, jar Pimento Cheese, jar Pineapple Cheese, Kay KETCHUP selection of unusual gifts. Noth e milk to make a smooth paste. Soft- Boneless Rolled Chuck for Oven SATURDAY POULTRY SALE bottle COFFEE the adorable doll house m the win- en gelatine In cold water. Add to Fresh Cut Up Fowl, for a nice ^ # f t Spread, 8 oz. Miracle Whip, pkg:. Velveeta, Yellow Ameri- dow. Yes. It 1s for sale. Open eve- or Pot Roast, lb...... MmwC 3 5 0 * 1 ^ e large bottle hot rhoiol.ate mixture and stir un- chicken soup, e a c h ...... O^C can, Old Eng:lish and Swiss Cheese in fancy red box, value 310*. nings until Clirlslma.H til gelatine Is dis.solved. Add sugar Tender Chickens for Frying A Q KRA ______2 1 « “> can and sail and stir thoroughly. Re- SEA FOOD SPECIALS ...... Sale Price $1.49 r \ "Tiny Itoinoiiilirance’’ move from lire Cool. When mlxtvire or Roasting, each ...... 7 0 C Noticoil some wool Chowder Clams, p, LEAN LIBBY'S^ ROSEDALETANC^^ARn!^^ HAKTLl begins to thicken, fold in nuts, va- Home Dressed Large Chickens to Roast, MUSTARD PRIME flowers to pin on ii nill.'v and lastly the egg whites 2 quarts ...... ^^C5 to 7 pounds each, 4ft 4ft Sug:ar, Confectioner’s, Powdered or llg:ht and dark brown, SUGAR Iress in pretty shades tiealen very stiff Turn Into mold Fresh .Mackerel, « p Ib...... 3 3 c 2 pkg:s...... 15c LIGHT or DARK . ■nd they were fra- that has been rln.seii In cold water lb...... 15c Mjf ^ SOUP MEAT rantlv perfumed, ml and decorateil with whole nut meats Medium Size Chickens for Roasting, about Walnut Meats, Fancy Diamonds in bulk, Vi lb ...... 29c BROWN OR XXXX boX Chuck Roast largest can oxed tor giving and. and raisins If desired. (Iilll. When A Fresh Shipment of Stewing O A 4 pounds each, dftffft only 3.V AIM. tho.se | tirpi, uniiviM on serving dish nnd Oysters, p in t ...... Almrnid Meats, sweet and bitter, V4 lb ...... 19c PEARS Ib...... 2 9 c cm lcal pins 'o we.ir i gamtsh uttli holly. Serve with Fresh Scallops. p 1 g c '»>. are q ;itr new. of the \eh. le McTav-i "hipis'-l cream or hard sauce, Young Fowl, 4 to 5 pounds each, 4 ft A Cocoanut, Baker’s Shredded in bulk, nice and moist, 1 lb. .. ,21c j [NATURAL WHOLE l.sh kin, sure La please a S.'ot. h pint...... 25c for cutting up, Ib...... 2 I r C Romford’s Baking: Powder, larg:e cans...... 1 9 ^ friend. "Clothc.slir.c par,lies.’’ strips RIB END of matei-.al t’-.at nan over vour Frame .Vnd Picture For Christmas Peerless Pastry Flour, 5 lb. bag: 25c, 24Va lb. h a g ...... 75(6 cans clothesline to |i .leei‘ cour nicest The Fallot Studio has re- A T O U R V E G E T A B LE D EP A R T M E N T Sipricots 2 largest garinenta, ’ are news. Tht y come in __ ' ived a new shipment Fresh HAMS a pantie shape yell.iw bag that VlVeV’’ 'f lovi'Iy frames to com- Our Stores Coffee, Supreme Quality with utmost economy, PORK LOINS majte a lusdul gi^. tor vci-n- little. plement any photograph Fancy Table Grapes, m Fancy Greenings for Cooking, 'Oil may have now or 2lba...... |9C 4 l b s . ground as desired...... 2 lli^ 37c BURT OLNEVS FANCY, SWE 1 g c Ib. Shine On, Shine On Christ mas Tn-e! have had taken for Juicy Florida Oranges, O A 19c 1 9 « «a g x —TEXACO and it will if you u^e the ve-y new- t'hrl.stmas, tn ao many Fresh'Broccoli Canliflower Avocados Salada Red Label Tea, M Ib. pkg:. 2 1 ,1/2 lb. pkg:...... 39c est thing ir ChriMmus lii,'!itiiig different shapes and aizea extra large, dox...... JLwC French Endive, Tangerines, extra large, FRESH CALI Wonder Stars’ and they are won- from 40c up. ’They are lb. Yellow Eye Beans in bulk, fancy, 2 lbs...... 15c N o. 2 can PORK s. A. E. 10—20—30—40 qt cans derful made of natural . rystal vcr> g.»)d values. Call 5808. dozen ...... a IC Fresh Green Beans, 29e 2 2 0 . glass points to form stars, in col- N. B. C. Cocoanut Cookies, about 60 cookies in box, pkg...... 15c PEAS McIntosh .Apples, extra fancy, or*. Some are Cear and others 2 q u a r t s ...... _. _ HAMS have a aatln finish and th. y will al- Fruit Cake After Bipeoing 4 lb s ...... Long Green Cncum^ra 19c Xmas Fancy Sweets, Sunshine Cookies in bulk, 1 lb...... 21c FOR ROASTING! Sanaaga Lin k f ways retain their color and bril- Fruit cakes take Fresh Mushrooms Fancy Spinach Tootsie R<^8, 25 rolls in pkg:...... i 9c liancy. Ask to see them at R. S. on a richer fla.- California Carrots Well Bleadiied Celery SU N SH IN E BIN GS pkg. 14c Potterton’s. at t:.. Cer’ vor after ripen- Chocolates, Fancy A ssort^, hand d lpp ^, 1 lb. b o x ...... 29c 1 5« '*>• 2 S e Ib. ing awhile. K RISPY CR A C KERS MmpUelty Chirr For "t liilleritus” Whether you are T R Y O U R H O M E M A D E B A K ER Y G O O DS Campbell’s Soup, except mushaoom or chicken, 3 cans ...... 25c pkg. 13c TEA ">• If your rooms seem to jufler preparing them HOMEMADE from "chronic • lutten' is," try for your own use Home Baked Beans, I Dr. Jackson’s Health Meal, larg:e pkg:...... 45c | M A RTIN I'S making a mental picture of how or for holiday Cream Puffs, 2 pkgs. 25c you would like them to look and gifts, it's a good quart ...... each 5c then remove all the articles which i<1®a to bake them well In advance Filled Coffee Cakes, Coffee Rings, sugar frosted, Beechnut Tcunato Juice, small cans, 3 for 23c, large 50 oz. . 23c Fresh Fruit and Vegetables seem unnecessary t<' the picture! 1°^ holiday season. If they are to each ...... Sausage Meat EXTRAP Y ' T O A FANCY, C« A IkTi-fmr U. mS. NO. I. 15c each. 2 f o r ...... Honor B ra d Frosted Peas, smaU pkg. 19c, Umas, 12 oz. pkg. 25c Store them temporarih. If you do ' '‘ "'I decorated^44«’84 aiffjwallow themLaen i 25c not want to definitely discard them. to ripen first, and froat just before Fancy Layer Cakes Home Made RoUa Real Danish Pastry Silver Pohsh, GoHiam’s or Wright’s, ja r ...... 23c You may want to change the "feel! using or packaging. Bakery Department Ing" of your rooms another time. Pepc Spaghetti Dinners, large pkg...... 25c I T T — , . I M A IN E P O T A T O ES peck 29c Remember that simplicity, but not Books Prove Very Popular Olfta Large Coffee necessarily austerity, means rest- For Christinas We are booking orders for Fa ncy H olid ay Po ulfry. Cut Rite W ax Paper, large 125 foot ro lls ...... * I 9c ful atmosphere. and Marlow’s book de- Camay Soap, 3 ban 18c, Cannon Face Cloth Ic, all four . . . . 19c partment la brim fu ll' Le av e your order for your X m as T u rk e y now an d you Sugar Buns 1®! IW u*A ’ I S W EET P O T A T O ES 4 lbs. 17c Blaaket Boyiag Points of every type of book d o z e n l i f e I W otch For O u r H olid oy Su p er Sp ecials! " PAvrv «nn« - Guest lyory Soap, 2 bars 9c, large Ivory F lakes...... 21c It is never economy to buy a you esn think of such w ill be ossured o f fbe rig b f siz e. shoddy blanket, even at the cheap- as the big Uttle books Cu p Cak es dozen 18c | ------est price. Good quality wlU more for kiddies 10c, inter- (STATLER SPECIALS) j than make up the money difference eetlng drawing and Pbone Service U n fil 8 :3 0 P. M. 4 Lin es A f Y o u r In satlefactory service, long li/s, ooiorlng books 10c and Crullers and Jelly Doughnuts, beauty and wanatb. B « sura Free Statler Towel Holder with purchase of 3 i^ls towels 25c W and the best types Service. D ial 513 7. Free D elivery. «C books tor fTowln|^b^ and i^rls Statkr ToUet T is i^ 1000 sheet rolls...... 3 rolls 17e FLO RID A O RA N GES rAGBBDrrBEN MANCHESTER EVEmNQ HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN. FRroAY, DECEMBER 16.1988 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16,1988 court stenographer here, would PAGE SEVENTBBIf ^DSTEB’S NAME COMES abare duties when tbs trial actual dchs or' a 1000 agrs wheat farm aa a the fsatlvlUes that the Emanuel money making bobby. Ttae comity ■ UNITED CHOntS TO SMC decorated for the Christmas season he said, that the flames srsrs pre- ly starta. Manchester Church enjoyi during the Chriatmas I ARMY AND NAVY aU B • and a hugh tree, taatsfuUy decorat- ’The eighth seat In the jury box Mr. and Mrs. Ansaldi agent sends books la which to keep ceded by an explosion. The fire was their children to attend tbeir res- season which bad Its formal opening ed by the Ladles Auxiliary, stands ST. MARGARETS CIRCLE pective parties. waa filled yesterday with the aC' records and see whether or not the OVER 100 MEN DROPPED discovered shorUy bsforo 3:00 a. m. i INTO WATERBURY TRIAL project la paying. If it ia’nt paying last Wednesday evon i^ wlith L the In the alcove between the main hall lection of the first woman juror aC' Date Book ■ AT CHRISTMAS SERVICE Lawrence Murphy, plant manager, The members also voted to COJ- PUPILS OF GREEN S d O a Married For 50 Years the project la visited and advice St. Lucia Feat. A large audience Is TO HOLD XMAS PARTY and the lounge room. Those who tribute five dollars to Father Tim- cepted thus far, Mrs. cidith K. anticipated. told police he knew of no explosive TO ENTERTAIN KIDDIES (OMtaoed fm n Fac« Om ) TMlgkt given along with the bookleU, etc. are planning to bring Children are mins Christmas charity fund. Maynard, 44-year old Guilford Total Of 70 Voices To Be aaked to b* at the club not later material In the bulKUng. TO HOID ENIERTAHHBin housewife, and ahortly afterward Dec. IS-rSock and Buskin play, In other words. It gives the future FROM LOCAL WPA ROLLS Program; BxiNet At Lou t » 0 C tM tai flnrtBf th# e#rty stage# of today's farmers o f the nation a good foun- Heard At Emanuel Luther- than 1:15 o'clock. It was announced a new group ol ’The Black Flamingo," at* High Chapel Choir: Tomorrow Afternoon At The To Hold Christmas Party For umlim iDcIdded J a r^ Linsley, a re- School hall. dation for a sticcessful farming RESCUE PARTIES nGHT pnispectlve Jurymen would be nec- career. ous projects. There was no expla- an On Sunday Evening. “ Slumber My Dove.* Them At K. Of C. Gnb On To PreMBt P rofru u Ob ...» tired farmer of Naugatuck. essary. Next Week Clubhouse On Msin Street. OPPONENT OF MUFTI Secondly the club can get in No Explanation Gven As nation given. "Deck the HaUa." Thursday Afternoon. dxy An6 ThonAiy Of NtH Draning Roar Advaneed Only n of Panel Remain. Dec. 18—Carol service by chapel The Emanuel and Chapel Choirs, a and eenlor choire at Emanuel Lu~ touch with the sUte college and Totals Nearly ISO "While Shepherds Watched." Two hundred and fifty children PACKING HOUSE FIRE GALES TO SAVE TARS Week; To QIto SImK tkea, Before the morning roll call Judge The original panel of 200 venire- total ot 70 voices will present thrir Emanuel (Jholr; men was exhausted early this week theran church, 7 p. furm bureaus when any questions will gather at the Army and Navy KHIED IN JERUSALEM A t the last meeting o f St. Mar- Xnglis announced that the drawing come up from outsiders on their 118 Workers Are Inform- The reduction In the number of annual carol service at the Emanuel "Lullaby on Christmas Eve." Pupils o f the ®f the third panel of veniremen and of a second panel of 100 pre Also, traditional------Christmast carol W PA workers in Manchester during Laitheran church, Sunday evening at club tomorrow afternoon for the ah' CALLED -SUSPICIOUS” garet's Circle, Daughters of Isa- Juneau, Alaska. Dec. 16.— (A P )— Orote candlelight service, 8. M. E. church poultry or dairy or gardening, etc., “Christmas Bella." school wUl prsssBt UmAt would be sd%^nced from 3 p, m. to senled Wednesday, only 32 re- the week has now reached a total 7 o’clock "Song of Mary." nual ChrUtmaa ptuty. Tbla affair bella, It was voted to hold a Christ- R ^ u # parUes, fighUng wintry mained at adjournment yesterday at 7:30. problems. The addrcN of the Man- two o’clock, rutting the trial session ed Their Services Were of 148, as 30 men who were em- The program will conslet o f carols "Shepherds’ Story." Jerusalem, Dee. 16.— (A P )— Sheik mas party for the chUdrsn of mem- gales and raging seas, raced Christmas programs lx ths due to the speeding up of the pro- Dec. 21 — Fifth annual High chester 4-H club Is the T.M.C.A. and hat become a fixture at the club and to a half day. ployed on a atate highway clearance from different lands some o f whieh Combined Choirs: New York. Dec. 16.— (A P )— Fire Mahmoud El Ansari, curator of the bara, at the K. of C. clubrooms on against time today to reach 18 sur- auditorium on Tussdsy safi ceedings. Thirty-four veniremen school concert and carol sing at a few days after ws receive your for the past fifteen years a regular descrlbeo by firemen aa "susplcloug" Hroeecutor Alcorn asked the questions, you will receive all avail- project were given their discharge are old favontsa and soma that wUl “• NlghUngals.” entertainment for the kiddles has mosquo of Omar and lifelong oppon- Tuursday afternoon, Dsosmbsr 33. vivors of the stranded motorahip day of next week for thsir p____ court if next week’s sessions of the a record for the., trial, were ques- High school hall, three choruses and Ended; Every Projeet In cards on Monday. They were in- be news to the audience. In origin deatroyed a three-story Patterson, marooned on the beach members o f ths OommuBttx tioned during the session. orchestra. able InformaUon that can be had on "Beside Thy Cradle.” Intersatsd the ex-erevtes Men. The ent o f the exiled Grand Mufti of AD children are aaked to bring a trial would begin Monday or Tues- that particular subject. formed It was the intention to have This service Is a eontlnuatloD of "SUU Grows the Evening.” party will start promptly at 1:80 brick plant o f the strike-harassed near Cape Fairweather. , and friands. day and Judge Inglla said there D«c. 28 — U. H. 8. • Middletown their work end the Friday night Armour Packing Company In Brook- Jerusalem, was shot to death yester- 10 cent gift for the exchange of The shipwrecked sailors sent word cage game at State Armory. H. MIDFORD. Town Affected. o’clock and will be under the eupsr- On Tuesday. Dsosmbsr $0. at 1 would be no Monday session because before, but because of Inability to lyn yneterday. day while walking on a street bi New presents. Mrs. Oeorgs H. WUllama to the Coast Guard cutter Halda, p.m. the pupiu la the Uadorgartea This Month vision o f Arthur McCann who heads Jerusalem. of the opposition of defense counsel. get to the different places where the the committee. The plant waa one of 60 packing waa appointed chairman of the com- standing by the wreckago of their grades oas through Hoar wfll HOSPITAL NOTES Dec. 31 — Legion’s New Tear’s THANK YOU concerns picketed since the United His assassin, described In first re- craft, last night by means of an Im- Raymond W. Smith. Hartford Eve bnl at State Armory. RepresentaUves of the W PA from men were employed. It was not pos- For over six weeks the Board ol mittee. Offer a program o f rodtaaeaa county Superior court stenographer Editor, Manchester Herald, sible to give them the notice then. Meat Workers (CIO) called out 1,- ports aa an Arab, escaped. flashlight signal system songs, and s h ^ pixys, Also Country Oub’s New Tear’s Dear Sir: Governors, assisted by others Ui the The members voted to hold their who acteil .is stenographer for the the Hartford office called at every They were allowed to work Monday. 000 meat packers Monday in a elty- Sheik Mahmoud recently had been that all were weak from exposure Admitted yesterday: Thomas Bur- Eve dance at club. I just read your editorial. "Labor club, have labored to arrange the own Cniriatmaa party at their next Pupiu la gndss fivo thfoogh special grand jviry whose chargc.s project in Manchester late yesterday 87 Secured Joba details. It U quite a task to select wlde strike. active In reviving an Arab party op- regular meeting, De^mber 37. Mrs. and sore feet and that they had gess. South Windsor, Raymond Hall, Also. Knigbts of Columbus, New Groups’ War," In the issue of Nov- posed t9 the Grand Mufti, Haj Amin enough food to last two mors days. Mlxys led to the arrests of the defendants, to leave slips with 118 men Inform- In addition to the 148 that have ANDERSON & NOREN over 300 presents, arrange for Ice Refusing to esUmate the loss. BMher Dorman Is chairman of the on Thurod. y. Doeambar 33, at T;80 Wapping, Frank Wrxesleii, Willi Tear’s Eve party at Rainbow, Bol- came to the courthou.se today to ember 14, and was impressed with ing them their joba had ended. Rffendi Al Husseini, who from exile Two of their members ere sick p.in. mantle. ton. iU clarity, grasp of baste issues In- been laid off, there had been a de- MEATS - GROCERIES - FRUITS and VEGETABLES cream, oranges and candy and then Deputy Fire Chief George McAleer committee. There wUI be a tree. take up stenographic work at the So fast did the representatives crease Of 37 others, who had secured aelect a Santa Claus. In Syria has been credited with lead- gifts and games, followed by a light they reported. Two others of the Dl.scharged today: Miss Agnes Comtag Events volved, and raUonal conclusions. reported the fire to police as "sua- trial here. work that it was not until after the private employment. Phone 4076 Free Delivery 361 Center S t The interior o f the club bas been ership of the Arab revolt against luncheon. The committees extend a crew perished when the veteran Kelly, 92 North School street. Mrs. Jan. 27—Mid-year graduation at The decision of the ILOWU, adopt- plclqua" after a patrolman told him. Alcorn said Smith had been men had finished their day's work It waa expected by some that British rule la Pa.estlns. cordial Invitation to m am bm and Alaskan whaling ship went aground Many children, many cares; at Bertha Ayer. 20 Madison street, Manchester High school. ed last month, to stay out of the ' ROYAL SCARLET STORE early Monday morning. brought In so as to acclimate him- that they learned that every local there would be a further reduction children, no feUclty.—Bovee. Helen Tolnak, 30 William street, CIO was commented upon editorial- self to the courtroom In prepara- project had been affected. Neither made to the rolls when the 30 men Wlllla.n Lewie. Fssex street, Mrs. ly by more than 300 newspapers the tion for the time when the t.aking the local sponaor agent or bla as- who were employed on the stats TURKEYS AND CHICKENS FOR CHRISTMAS. George Meusel and Infant son, 46 St. country over. May I be permitted to of testimony will he started. It olstant knew of the icbange; nor U^bway clearance project were al- John street. say that yours was among the finest Again for Chriatmas we will feature Handy’s Fancy was understood that Smith and OPEN FORUM was It known tn advance by any of lowed to go, but action waa not ex- Miss Florence Kccles, the regular Census; Sixty patients. expressions of joumalisUc comment Colorado Turkeys. These turkeys are the most satis- on this significant labor event? the employes of the W PA In Man- pected before December 24, The sud- 4-H CXI

a u«»t mis


0n Q/oui*



How to pleooe your friendo end speuo your budget? It’o oooy

GREEN STAMPS Linen Story Books .. .25c-50c if you give Borbixon Tailored Lingerie. Here are two atalnlng exam- A King Is B om ...... 25c ples that will give no hint of your thrift but will reflect your good taste and your thoughtfulness in selecting Just what ahe wanted. ^ Given with Cash Sales All Day Saturday The Plump Pig...... 50c

Adolphus and Delicis . . . .50c Fine Chenille Beautiful Madeline Brandis Books. .50c

Sport Stories for B o y s .. .50c

Nancy Drew Books...... 50c Bath M a t an d O i l Silk U m b re llas Children’s Classics, 50c-$1.00 All colora In floral pat- Snip, Snap and S n u r... .$1.00 Lid C o v e r Sets tema. 1# liba, amart han-

dlea. $1.98 Ferdinand ...... $1.00

Others to $4.98. Adult Fiction____ $1.39-$2.50 set $1.98 24”x36” Bathroom Rugs to Match .. .$2.69 Outdoor

24”x48” Bathroom Rugs to Match .. .$.3.29 C a n n o n T o w e l Sets Blue, Matee. Green, Peach, Orchid, Red, and Baby'Shop Black. Fashions

That Are Smart and Warm for the Younger Set 20”x40” Cannon $1.00

Others Sl..^ to $.3.89 3-Plece Double>Brea8ted Wool BABY Beautiful patterna In all colora. T u rkish To wels

New Cannon BLA N KETS Sn o w C lo t h S K I S U I T S Beacon crib blankets. Size SHOP HALE’S HOSIERY DEPT. FOR YOUR

Sheepskin lined coat, contrasting color piping 36"x50" in pink and blue with blue $ on collar and flaps of pockets. Buttons or zipper nursery patterns and 2" rayollte 4 1.00 P a n try Sets on Jacket. Ski pants fully lined with Kasha and binding. Ribbon tied. Good quality Cannon towela with Talon zipper anklets. checkered bordera In deep blue, rold, deep arecn $7.98 CHRISTA \ AS Four Cannon diah towela red and black. and two dIah clotha to match. Boxed In bright red box with acalloped edge. $1:75 Beautiful $1.00

A ll W o o l S K I S U I T S w ith zipper hoods. Ski pants fully lined with OTHER BLANKETS H OSIERY New Patterns! 70”x92” Lace Kasha. Sizea 8 to 14. $1.00 to $4.98 First Quality Ringlen Hosiary in Sheer Chiffons, Semi- C h e n ille Be dspreads

Other Ski SulU At flO.OS. Chiffons, Service Weight. $5.98 On Colored Ground.sIs T A BLE

One of the prettleat pat- tema wo have aeen. l.oada Baby 4-Piece Knit

of tufting In Bolld colora with CLO T H S N O -M EN D H OSIERY $ 1 .0 0 New Shipment of S K I P A N T S floral patterna. $7.98 Special!

Fully lined and zipper anklets. Sizes 8 to 18. LEG G IN G With Suspenders. A Complete G O R D O N H OSIERY 85c

Range of $2.98 $2.98 SETS Colors in All typea of lace In alx different patterna . l>arger alzea, 14 to 20, In all colora: Navy, Brown, Sweater, legglns, hat and mit- Large .alre. Oreen-and Wine. tens. All wo^. Sizes: Infanta to LIO N BRA N D H OSIERY 79c

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Wiss M .K . M . H OSIERY


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Practical ahcars that aave time and money— Toy land glvca a tailored look to garmenta.


.Automatic Doll Coaches,

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Kenwood R o ller C a le n d a rs Roller Coaster 72x84 Arondac

Wasrons i$2.98-$7.50 Gold rinlah

72x84 S ta n d a rd ...... $10.95 $1.00 SHOULDERETTE Children’s Play 72x90 Fam ou.s...... $13.95 C O ST U M E and BED JACKETS .Wagrons $1.00-$1.49

Beautiful paatel ahadea in JE W ELRY Small, Medium and Large. Light Drums...... 25c-39c Blue, Pink, Orchid and White. Rroeehea - CUps - Neddaeoa and Braeeieto Musical Top . .2^-50c

GIFTS $1.19 to $1.98 Ma^etic Fish

$ X »00 Pond ...... 25c Clothes Hampers, in fine woven flbre with pyrolln covert". In colora Framed Pictures. $1.49-$2.98 In mat gold frames. float noeeivod A New Bhipmeat Turnover Target ______S3.49, $4.50, $5.98 o f Oranlaa l eather Game...... 50c

Electric Kitchen Clocks in Detecto Bath Scales...... $2.98 Reversible Chinese 3tar In. colors uith chrome trim. colors...... $2.98, .$3.50, $4.95 H A N D B A GS An pure linen, hand embroid-

Reel Goatokin or Buffalo leath- ered. Some with lace edgee. An Checkers . .. 50c Bissell Carpet er in top handle or envelope white or colored embroidered: Christmas Candles .29c each etyles. aleo ettractlve prlnte. In red metal candleatlckji. C O A T S Drum M ajor Mechan> Sweepers .. $3.93. $6.95 wUl make aa appreclatad Xmaa leal T o y ...... $1.00 gin. In Navy, Qreen. and Wine Colored Candles and Table Wearever Tea Kettles Plalda; alao aolld Navy. Green and c CKh Wlna, In wool Shetland. Mechanical Bridge $1.95-$2.95 25 " • $ 3 . 0 0 t o $ 3 . 7 5 decorations...... 10c to $1.00 Toy...... $1.00 •auwt New Wool BeveralMa

Wearever Table of Giftwear . .25c and 50c $4.95 Wood Burning JACKETS Drip-O-Lators ... $2.75-$2.95 TOILET ARTICLES $10-98 With Detachable Hoods Outfits...... $1.00 Boztd Oreea, Royal, Red

and PERFUMES Indian and Cowboy

W RITIN G Play Saits $1.75-^98 '^'^Uliame’ Shaving S e t ...... fifie $8-98

DOUBLE GREEN Wrialey Shavlag B ow l...... SSe S-W 2KW to S..OO, and EVERT PAPER

sod Ejwihie Next Week. Store Catex Maaleore Se* ...sae-gLga AH white or colored edge In Op*« Every Evcehig Next Week. Bath Powders ...... gi.g# note or letter size. 24 sheets and riM ty of FREE ParUag Space la the STAMPS Given with Cash emrelopaa. Coospact ...... g|.M

of the Store for^Hale’a and Houae’e J.W . H A U

Sales m Day SATURDAY

Manchistir Comm* Oo«y/IWeani . o