The Hebron Ournal Health Care
The Hebron ournal $100 J Volume 147, Issue 2 egister 12 Pages, One Section, Plus Supplements Wednesday, January 9, 2019 Serving the communities of Alexandria, Belvidere, Bruning, Byron, Carleton, Chester, Davenport, Deshler, Gilead, Hebron, Hubbell and surrounding areas www.hebronjournalregister.comR Tidbits Health Infl uenza activity widespread in state care The latest report of fl u activity in the U.S. shows infl uenza rates are continuing to increase, and “Close to fl u activity in Nebraska is at the wide-spread level. During the last week of 2018, Home” almost 31 percent of ALL the fl u The “Close to Home” campaign, tests done in Nebraska were set to launch by Thayer County positive. This is a sharp increase Health Services, encourages peo- from the previous week, and ple to stay in the home area for while there were less than 700 health care. positive fl u tests during this same Throughout the campaign, the week last year, there were 1315 hospital will advertise on radio positive tests this year. spots and online to emphasize In addition, there have been access to care. seven fl u-related deaths in the Marketing director, Kassi state, including one pediatric Hartley, developed the campaign. death within the PHS district. If Hartley is from the Sandhills. this trend continues, we could be Hospital executive director, David in for a rough fl u season. Burd, said Hartley realizes the val- With this in mind, Public ue of a critical care access facility Health Solutions is strongly en- because she grew up near one. couraging individuals and fami- “She realized the importance lies to get a fl u shot.
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