7 Cents RED BANK REGISTER HR COPY VOLUME LXXIII, NO. 40. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, APRIL 5, 1951 SECTION ONE—PAGES 1 TO 16. Colorful Indian Receives $3,500 Celebrate 30th Anniversary Lord, Woodhead To Visit Vatican Embury Methodist Accident Award Answer Lowry On Trip Abroad Scene to Feature FREEHOLD—Donald Conley of MT. EPHRAIM—Rev. M. Augus- To Begin School Mountain Hill rd., MWdletown LITTLE SILVER—Berating tho tine Crine, pastor of the Sacred Kiwanis Show township, was awarded $3,500 last "planning board issue" raised in re- Heart Catholic church and brother week in a suit in the County court cent weeks by their opponent, Jo- f Postmaster Fred Crine of Red For World Living against John L. Fleming of Middle- seph F. Lord and George R, Wood- Bank, is accompanying Msgr. Aug- 'Bottoms Up for '51' head this week opened their cam- ustine T. Mozier, chancellor of the Native of Korea town village. Diocese of Camden, on a trip to The action resulted from an paign for the Republican nomina- To Be Presented Next tions for councllmen. Europe. They sailed Friday on the Is First Speaker automobile accident Dec. V, 1950, He do France and were given bon when Mr. Conley was hurt while Running as a team with the en- Thursday and Friday dorsement of this borough's Regu- voyage wishes and farewells by a In 4-Week Course riding as a passenger in a car group of relatives. driven by Mr. Fleming. The acci- lar Republican committee, they LITTLE SILVER—Harold Hons; A colorful Indian scene entitled seek to succeed Councilmen E.
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