7 Cents RED BANK REGISTER HR COPY VOLUME LXXIII, NO. 40. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, APRIL 5, 1951 SECTION ONE—PAGES 1 TO 16. Colorful Indian Receives $3,500 Celebrate 30th Anniversary Lord, Woodhead To Visit Vatican Embury Methodist Accident Award Answer Lowry On Trip Abroad Scene to Feature FREEHOLD—Donald Conley of MT. EPHRAIM—Rev. M. Augus- To Begin School Mountain Hill rd., MWdletown LITTLE SILVER—Berating tho tine Crine, pastor of the Sacred Kiwanis Show township, was awarded $3,500 last "planning board issue" raised in re- Heart Catholic church and brother week in a suit in the County court cent weeks by their opponent, Jo- f Postmaster Fred Crine of Red For World Living against John L. Fleming of Middle- seph F. Lord and George R, Wood- Bank, is accompanying Msgr. Aug- 'Bottoms Up for '51' head this week opened their cam- ustine T. Mozier, chancellor of the Native of Korea town village. Diocese of Camden, on a trip to The action resulted from an paign for the Republican nomina- To Be Presented Next tions for councllmen. Europe. They sailed Friday on the Is First Speaker automobile accident Dec. V, 1950, He do France and were given bon when Mr. Conley was hurt while Running as a team with the en- Thursday and Friday dorsement of this borough's Regu- voyage wishes and farewells by a In 4-Week Course riding as a passenger in a car group of relatives. driven by Mr. Fleming. The acci- lar Republican committee, they LITTLE SILVER—Harold Hons; A colorful Indian scene entitled seek to succeed Councilmen E. Al- The clergymen will visit the Vat- "Totem Tom-Tom," In which mem- dent happened on Locust Point rd., ican in Rome, Italy, where they of Korea will speak at Embury where the car which Mr. Fleming laire Cornwcll and Howard Ungcr- Methodist church Sunday night bers of the Red Bank Kiwanis club er. Mr. Cornwell and Mr. Ungcrer will have sn audience with the •will play Indian "braves," will fea- was driving left the road and 'ope, and will visit other European when the first of four classes in struck a tree. Two other passen- declined to seek re-election. a School for World Living is held. ture the first act of "Bottoms Up In a joint statement, Mr. Lord countries before their return June for '51," to be staged next Thurs- gers In the car at the time were also injured. and Mr. Woodhead asked for the day and Friday nights starting at voters' support in order to continue Among the group who were at 8:15 o'clock In the River Street The suit was settled as it was to keep, "taxes down and services the steamship pier in New York school auditorium. starting on trial and the settlement up" through a harmonious council. were the father ot the priest, Mich- Joftn Toland, director, announces was approved by Judge Lloyd be- Their opponent, Lewis R. Lowry, ael J. Crlno of Vantlerburg; his that the "braves" will include Ed- cause the plaintiff was less than 21 has asked for G.O.P. support on four brothers, Harry and Joseph ward Carroll, Fred. King, John years of age. the platform that professional plan Crine of Vanderburg, Fred Crine Probert, Henry Hagerman, Harold Mr. Conley was confined to Rlv- ning is needed In tho borough. of Red Bank and Charles Crine of Kerr, Max Pokus, William Kelly, erview hospital for five days and The Lord-Woodhoad statement: lolt's Neck; also Mrs. Fred Crine William Sims, Kenneth Walker, Jr., to his home several weeks there- The LeoW auxiliary ef the Fair Heven fire company celebrated its 30th anniversary Thurs- "Statements have been made in tho anil children, Francis and Fred, Herbert Kottler, William Salladin after. campaign for Little Silver council- Jr., and Mrs, Charles Crine and and Jack Fowler. .Others in the He had enlisted in the Navy Jan. day night at a dinner in the Willowbrook. In the front row are six of the charter memberi, left men to tho effect that the borough daughter Margaret Ann. lavish scene are J. Spann Jelfers, 8, and the case was advanced on to right, Mrs, John P. Muvihill, Mrs. Alida Daviion, Mrs. Agnes Allaire, Mrs. Etta Smith, Miss Beth council of Little Silver is. opposed Michael Cardncr and Edmund application to the court for triel to a planning board. * Delatush, "totem poles;" Mrs. Wil- during his flrst ten-day leave after Scowcroft and Mrs. Hattie Smith. Officers of the organisation in the back row, left to right, are "Though we do not think this Grange to Stage liam Salladin, Mrs. William Sims, boot training. His father, Law- Mn. Jamss Farley, Mrs. Robert Matthews, Mrs. Loiter England, Mrs. Edith Croiier, Mrs. Harry should be an issue, we wish to clar- Mrs, Edward Carroll, Mrs. Edward rence R. Conley, was also a plaintiff ify our stand. Trie present mayor Oberlandor, Mrs. Kenneth Walker, in the judgment award. Varonaau, Miss Melissa Littla and Mn. Carl Jakubscy. and council have abolished the pre- Waltz Quadrille Jr., Mrs. Ralph Belknap, Miss Kay vious borough planning instrument Moynaghan, "Indian maidens;" The successful plaintiff In the accident was represented by. Law- —the advisory committee. At tho MARLBORO—Liberty grange la Mrs. Harold Kerr and Mrs. Max Startt Training present time, Councilmen Satter staging a waltz quadrille tomorrow Fokus, "tepee dancers," and John rence A. Carton, Jr., of the Atlan- tic Highlands law firm of Roberts, County Demos to Open Office and Stephens arc drawing up an night at the Cavalcade of Progress Ebrier, "taboo." Also starring are ordinance to create a municipal at tho convention hall, Asbury John B. Myers, Jr., as Pocahontas Pillsbury, Carton and Sorenson, and the defendant and his insurance planning- board. It is our under- Park. The women will wear old and Dorothy Toland and Michael standing that the ordinance will be fashioned dresses and the men will Penta In an Indian dance. carrier were represented by J. Vic- Here in May to Drum for Nov. tor Carton of the Asbury Park law presented at tho next meeting. be tn swallowtails. Mrs. Fred E, Additional features of the first firm of Durand, Ivins and Carton. In what Is intended to be a solid- "We bellevo that the present Boycc will be pianist. act are "Mamma," with Joseph council has done an excellent job A plastic showing in charge of ified front for Democratic candi- Harold Hong : Holiday, assisted by J. Beverly An- Local Men Enter dates, the Monmouth County Dem- in keeping taxes down and services tho homo economics committee, of derson. Ross E. King, one of the ocratic club will open a headquar up. We ask the support of tho vot- which Mrs. Elizabeth Van Maiden Each class will begin at 8:30' hits of the flrst two Kiwanis shows, Not Guilty Pleas ters May 1 in the Carlton theater ers of Little Silver In the Apr. 17 Is chairman, will feature the lec- o'clock with a box supper. Tha will present a monologue written Pharmacy Opens primary election so that, through turer's program to bo presented at FREEHOLD — Four Red Bank building. church will provide coffee, mills by himself entitled, "A Borderline It was from that building thai harmony, this borough will con tho meeting next Monday night. for children and ice cream. At • Case." Another scene in the flrst men entered pleas of not guilty tinue to enjoy efficient local govern- Mr. and Mrs, William Clayton will when arraigned Friday before Mayor Katharine Elkus White o'clock, a service featuring favor* act la called "Cuppa Coffee," with At Little Silver waged her successful campaign ment," be In charge of refreshments. te Gospel songs will be held. The): Robert Burnside as a gentleman Judge John C. Giordano on a va- Technicolor slides were shown by LITTLE SILVER—Another step riety of charges. last November. Taking a page guest speaker will take over at and Joseph Holiday as a bum. An- in the fast-moving progress of the from her book, the organization Mr! and Mrs. Harold Holmes of 6:30 o'clock. At 7:10 o'clock, a film, other blackout is 1'Danclng," with borough took place today with the Harold Handley, 25, of 121 West hopes to whip lip enthusiasm which Hoimdel, grange members, at last will be shown. J. Spann Jeffers and Max Pokus. opening of its first drug store, the Bergen pi., will be tried Apr. S3 will shower success on their county Cornwell Heads week's meeting. Trips to Florida In describing the school, Re/. In another scene, "Please, Sir," Mr. H. T. Young pharmacy, in the new for assault with Intent to rob and ticket, headed by Mayor Solomon and Canada were pictured. Thirty- James W. Marshall, plstor, said'it' and Mrs.Samuel Ltbovsky co-star Maimone Brothers' shopping cen- assault and battery on Cpl. Wal- Lautman of Deal, senate aspirant. eight members of Liberty grange will answer such questions as: •with Robert Burnside. ter at the corner of Prospect ave. ter Green, Fort Monmouth, at Red Plans for the campaign were Cancer Drive two from Allenwood grange and What about the world we are liv- Bank, Feb. 1. one guest were present. Raymond Ticket* for this Kiwanis club and Markham pi. outlined Thursday night when the E. Allaire Cornwell, Red Bank ing in?" "Is there any hope of production' are being sold at the Joseph Scarplno, 68, of Wall st., club met in the local borough hall. Wenzel, master, opened the meet- peace?" "What Is the church doing The opening completed the occu- attorney and resident of Little Sil- ing.
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