“OK lake it up!!” Soloist “gives ’er the throttle” and takes oft. “Average student” John Sfurgin who ha3 just Instructors in the CAA program as the San completed his fall Civil Aeronautics course in Average student in the Cal Poly CAA pro­ Instructor Mark Crane stands in prop wash, Luis Obispo Airport, left to right: Gerry Wal­ flying at the San I.uis Obispo Airport. With ker, Earl Thomson, Mark Crane and Russ Jed- gram gets the thumbs-up signal after his first crosses his fingers, and hopes. He has seen two years of college under his belt and the pre­ eight hours of flying and is now ready for his many a receding elevator in his thousands of liminary program completed he is eligible for lund. Thomson and Walker are instructing in solo flight. hours as a flight instructor. advanced training. the advanced training as well as the primary.

Volume III. Number 114. Z 60a SAN LUIS OBISPO, Friday, January 17, 1941 BARRED Poly Royal Many Polyites attend FLIGHT ag mech convention SA C votes to keep stags plans special in Sacramento New C A A Program starts The Twelfth Annual Farm Ma­ From studentbody dance chinery Conference was held at the January 26 at Polytechnic rodeo events University of California, Davis branch, this last weekend.Among “To have, or not to have . . . girls at our dances?” That is Piping barbecued steaks, brown those who attended were Bill Brad­ Forty students is the quota for California Polytechnic the question to which the student affairs council devoted a chili beans, macaroni salad, hun­ ley, Dan Hartman, Robertson Coit, college in the Civil Aeronautics administration pilot training great deal of time and attention at the meeting last Tuesday dreds of loaves of fresh warm Paul Jones, and Mr. Paul Winner, bread,, coffee, milk, and ice cream the advisor. According to these program. It was the plan of the administration to get as many night. A spirited discussion arose when comparisons were will be the menu for the famous Poly men the conference was quite names as possible before Jan. 15 in order that the program made of the attendance at the re­ Poly Royal barbecue to be held in a success. could start on January 26. How cent Christmas formal, and the at­ conjunction with Poly Royal on The conferences included many ever it is still possible to apply for tendance at the regular dances. Saturday, April 26. These facts Interschool relation interesting and educational experi­ C A A offers free admission into the program. Ap­ Herb Fischer reported that the stu­ were revealed at the Poly Royal ments and tests, handled and collo- dent body dances at Poly could be executive committee meeting last plication blanks are available in board plans tri-school barated on by the manufacturers the office of C. E. Knott, dean of contributing factors to the social Wednesday night by the barbecue of farm implements, the agricul­ Pan-American flying education of an individual if pro­ committee headed by Charles Kick industrial education, on the second dance next month tural extension representatives, and floor of the industrial education per supervision of that education and Bob Mills. Organization details the farmer. In each case the prob­ scholarships was more strictly enforced. It was are now being undertaken by the building. This year the Interschool Rela­ lem of the farmer was presented the consensus of opinion of the en­ committee so that more than 1500 and the manufacturer presented his Under a special Pan American The qualifications for the train­ tire council that more formal and tions board has been quite active, people can be fed within an hour, College phase, there will be made ing program are: the applicant and has ironed out many of the particular piece of equipment which date dances be held. and dozens of student helpers will he thought would overcome this available during the spring ses­ must be a citizen of the United It was only natural, therefore, problems which have arisen from be needed to perform such a feat sion approximately 20 flight schol­ States and have attained his 19th the studentbodies of Poly, the J. C., problem. The agricultural exten­ that a motion “that all dances effectively. It was reported that arships to citizens of Latin Ameri­ but not his 26th birthday by Feb. and the High School. This commit­ sion representative would put be­ which are financed with student Mrs. Ruth King, manager of the can countries who are bona fide 1, 1941. If under 21 years of ago tee has planned a calendar of school fore the conference what might be (Continued on page 4) cafeteria, had once again promised students enrolled in institutions he must obtain written consent of activities of the three student- done in the future to overcome cooperation in making the barbecue these footfalls. participating in the Civilian Pilot his parents or guardian for this bodies. The purpose of a calendar training. If now enrolled in college, a success. The conference started Friday, Training Program. According to of this type is to eliminate the pos­ he must be a fully matriculated The Los I.echeros Club, in its re­ January 10, at 9:30 a. m. with a present plans, one such scholarship sibility of having conflicting dates. degree candidate and have satisfac­ port, appointed the following sub­ registration of all people attending will be awarded to a citizen of each Frat house The date of the exchange programs torily completed at least one year committees: Committee on cattle the conference. II. B. Walker from of the following countries: are also decided upon by this group of college work acceptable to the fitting contest, Carl Bates, Ed San­ the division of agricultural engin­ Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, During the past semester, the institution sponsoring training. If tos, Bob Winterbourne; Committee eering at the University of Cali­ Columbia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dom­ regular meeting date of the board not now enrolled in college, he must plans passed on dairy industry display, Bob fornia, opened the conference with inican Republic, Ecuador, Guata- has been set for the first Tuesday have satisfactorily completed two of every month, the meeting place Denby, Stanley Noble, Cliff Detlef- a speech on the present world eco­ mala, Haiti, Houduras, Mexico, Nic­ (Continued to page 4.) being alternated between the High son; Committee on milking contest, nomic situation in relation to ag- aragua, Panama, Paraguay,, Peru, by Faculty (Continued on page 4) Charles Trigg, Jim Carter, Fred ricuitu’c. E. R. Crum from the Al- Salvador, Uruguay, and Venezuela. Wardrobe; Committee on can roll­ macot Ranch at Winters, Califor­ (Continued on Page 4) Occassional rumors of plans to ing contest, Chester Bonta, Wert nia presented the problems con­ PREXVS CORNER establish social fraternities with Harms, Steve Stefani; Committee fronting a fruit grower and his housing accommodations off the Washington calls on special features, Richard Whit­ needs in the improvement of farm campus have prompted the issuance ney Leroy Leib, Bob Procsal, Dale implements. Film starring SAN DIMAS-VOORHIS UNIT of an informal statement by the Heffington. Henry House, dairy J. P. Fairbank, agricultural exten- —What do these words mean to administration regarding such ac­ Hollenberg to aid (Continued to page 4.) (Continued on Page 4) Fred Waring will most of the students of our cam­ tivities. pus. It brings to mind a sister unit The college is at present open- of California Polytechnic college. minded on the fraternity question, defense program be shown soon The San Dimas unit of Cal Poly, and if there is a continued growth El Rodeo pictures to be taken Tues. setting under the shadow of old of the institution with growing Alvin II. Hollenberg, head of the Mount Baldy, has one of the most Fred Waring is coming to the lack of housing facilities on the agricultural mechanics at Cal Poly “If you want your picture re­ pas, “that Tuesday, January 21 will beautiful campuses in the world. for the last nine years went to California Polytechnic campus on This branch of Cal Poly is devoted campus, may welcome soundly-es­ corded for posterity in the annual, be the last day on which pictures tablished social fraternities as Washington, D. C., to take a tem­ Wednesday, Jan. 29, when he will to the study of citriculture, ag. in­ said James Pappas, El Rodeo edi­ present more than a hundred Penn­ meeting a definite place in the stu­ porary position as director of will be taken. However, if it is spection, and all branches of citrus tor, clip out the picture schedule sylvanians in his program “Pleas­ dent welfare and activity program. emergency defense classes for out- raining or the sky is heavily over­ fruits. Degree students of San Di­ that is printed below and appear at ure Time” in the form of a moving Students considering planning of-school rural yoyth as authorized cast the pictures will be postponed mas take all their degree work on by Congress last OJtober. the appointed place and hour rea­ picture. Combining with this pic­ such organizations are being re­ sonably dressed up and the staff until the following Tuesday. See the San Luis campus. An invita­ He is being temporarily replaced ture to form a double bill will be tion to drop in and see this campus quested to work closely with the photographer will do the rest.” El Mustang for further informa­ by Eugene A. Egan, formerly with “Tobbaccoland U. S. A.” The W ar­ has been extended by the southern administration, even in their pre­ “I wish to emphasize,” said Pap­ tion in case of postponment. liminary planning. A faculty fra­ the Union High School, Tracy, Cali­ ing picture will show the Pennsyl­ branch for all the fellows who live vanians practicing for the College ternity committee has been in ex­ fornia. Egan graduated from the Picture Schedule for Tuesday, January 21, or travel to Southern California. program which they present one istence for several years, has had University of Montana in 1933 with SPEEDING—One of the most a bachelor of science degree and Who, When, Where, Listed night a week. This program is do­ a number of meetings and has 8:00 a. m. Rally Committee...... Football Field dangerous habits of the students made certain basic recommenda­ received his masters degree from nated to colleges throughout the nation. is that of driving their automobiles tions which should be understood the same institution in 1940. After 8 :20...... Yell Leaders...... Football Field at an excess rate of speed through by any group considering the es­ his arrival at Cal Poly Egan said 8:40...... Publications Committee. .Front of Ag. Ed. Bldg. The second featui’e “Tobaccoland the campus. State law requires that (Continued on page four) U. S. A.” will show the process of tablishment of a social fraternity. 9:00...... Student Court...... Front of Ag. Ed. Bldg. a speed, not exceeding 15 miles per All members of the faculty com­ manufacturing cigarettes from the hour, be maintained on our college mittee were members of, and lived 9:20...... Poly RoyalOfficers ...... Front of Ag. Ed. Bldg. auction to the finished product. campus. While this may be easily in, college fraternities, and have "Red ” Sullivan 9:40...... Poly Royal Ex. Com...... Front of Ag. Ed. Bldg. “Tobaccoland U. S. A.” is probably forgotten, it will have to be con­ approached the problem from their 10:00...... Horticulture Club...... Front of Pound the most complete picture of to­ trolled because of the danger to bacco farming and cigarette manu­ own experience, it is advised. The named yell leader 10:20...... Poultry Club...... South End of Heron both motorist and pedestrian, the committee will meet with any in­ facturing ever offered free to the administration has asked that the dividuals or group at any conven­ 1 0 :4 0 ..___Boots and Spurs... Across from Anderson Hall public. This picture will show how subject be controlled by the stu­ ient time to discuss preliminary as Baldwin retires 1 1 :0 0 ...... FFA ...... Across Street from Anderson Hall the government has helped the to­ dents or measures will be taken to steps necessary. bacco farmer improve his product Bob Sullivan has been appointed 1:00 p. m. Air Conditioning Club...... Front of Chase Hall enforce it to the full extent of the and the modern mass production law. This has been done in other head yell leader, it was announced j ;20...... Aero Club...... Front of Chase Hall plant and modern methods of pro­ CALENDAR in the student body meeting last colleges and universities through­ 1 :40...... Poly Phase...... Front of Chase Hall ducing cigarettes. Tobacco farm­ out California. When they speak week. Because Wally Baldwin ing is one of the largest forms of of drastic measures, they refer to Jan. 17:Club Meetings. Collegiate dropped out of school the vacancy 2:00...... Alpha Gamma Epsilon. . .Front of Ag. Ed. Bldg. farm ing in the world today. Club dance. was open. Ben Barr declined the 2:20...... Staff of El Mustang. . . . .Front of Ag. Ed. Bldg. the barring of all Student automo­ Henry Warren is the operator in biles from the campus. Let’s make Jan. 22: Block P Fun night. nomination. charge of the showing of the pic­ Jan 24: Student Body Assembly Sullivan announced that there 2:40...... Team...... Swimming Pool it student controlled and start for ture. The time is 7:30 p. m., Janu­ classes a little earlier or allow a with program by Young Farmers. would be a rooting section at all 3:00...... J. V. Team—Mules... Crandall Gym. ary 29th., the place is the air con­ little more time to reach your des­ Feb. 1: Student Body dance put home basketball games from now ditioning building, and the admiss- on by the Dairy Club. 3:20...... Varsity Basketball Team...... Crandall Gym. tination and maintain the required on. sion is free. speed. Page Two THE CALIFORNIA POLYTECHNIC EL MUSTANG Friday, January 17, 1941

Letters to Harpos’s bizarre...... ike talk by c l the editor . . . ike janigian CALIFORNIA STA«pPOtyT«CHmC By Harpo Barr tragedy of it. M Published W ee kly by El Mustang SORRY FELLOWS! And in no time at all I was gulp­ . .. programs California Polytechnic Students of the Journalism ('lass of California Polytechnic College My column for this week will just ing down huge gulps and blinking The inaugeration of President San Luis Obispo, California San Luis Obispo, California have to wait. Today I am not up great blinnks in an effort to main­ Roosevelt will he carried to the en­ Attention Mr. Dave Carlin: to it. Even now I am sobbing bit­ tain the dignity befitting one as tire country by NBC which for the Dear Mr. Carlin: terly. (Space here for a tear drop.) ancient as I. I think I even spoke third time is massing its facilities In the last edition of the I’d Mus­ EDITOR...... HOY BROPHY I was walking into town yester­ comfortingly to the tot. I think I for this special broadcast, begin­ tang, January 10, 1941, you brought day morning, because my thumb said, “Aw, shut up!” ning at 8:30 a. m. and continuing MANAGING EDITOR..;...... DAVID CARLIN to your readers an article about the BUSINESS MANAGER...... JOHN REAGAN was out of joint. Besides, I needed But it did no good. He just went for approximately two hours . . . music war with A. S. C. A. P. the exercise. At any rate I walked. on sobbing plaintively. He wouldn’t A 27-piece symphonic orchestra will E ditor...... Wally Ilughling You stated that the Society of Somewhere along Santa Rosa even look at me. (Maybe he’d seen back-up Alec Templeton for the News E ditor...... Bruce Broemser Composers, Authors, and Pub­ street between something and me before and knew better.) His next four weeks while the program Feature E ditor...... A1 Smith lishers has put the finger on many something, I passed a small boy world had come to an end. His ice­ makes its headquarters in New Circulation M anager...... Mike Janigian of the nation’s most popular musi­ sitting on a curb. (No, this isn’t cream cone had gone to the gutter. York City . . . Gene Krupa steps Reporters: Bob Blank, John Carricaburu, Wallace Hughling, Don Mc- cal renditions, and has affected all a Community Chest appeal—but The zip had been taken from his into the role of a guest star when Nees, Ed Santos, John Shea, Ralph Stein, 1 'hill Vaughn, Cy Perkins, of the commercial users such as that’s a thought, too!) existence, not to mention the ice­ he appears on the Fitch Bandwagon Peter Weber Bob Himmelman, Bob Sullivan, Walter Dougherty, Aniaro radio stations, restaurants, hotels, Now there is nothing unusual cream. It was all very sad. Sunday for a half hour of music in Pereira, Bill Norris,, Wes Rankin, Bob Mills, and Mike Janigian. and even “juke boxes.” We don’t about a little boy sitting on a curb. About then a great wave of gen­ a pleasing manner, and tells of his Advisors: Mr.- Kennedy and Mr. Preuss. mind you slamming A. S. C. A. P., 1 do it myself, but this little boy erosity overcame me. I dug down life . . . Jim Thorpe, the famed In­ but why pick on “swing” in the was tragic. He was crying, not in my pocket and gallantly offered dian athlete of a short time back same breath ? shrieking to high heaven as the a dime. “That’s all right fella,” I will be the guest of Bill Stern on REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY Progress ,the American style of baby next door to me down home said, “Here get another.” the latter’s Sports News Reel of National Advertising Service, Inc. progress, has brought to us new does every morning at three, but Very slowly he extended a grimy the Air heard on Sunday at 6:45 College Publishers Representative songs year after year. Swing got sobbing quietly and painfully. His hand and, sniffling, accepted the p. m. . . . Eddie Cantor along with 4 2 0 Madison A v e. New Y ork N.Y. coin. Then a heart-warming smile CHICAGO • BOSTON • 10S ANGELES • SAN FRANCISCO its start in the last few years, be­ chubby face was red and contorted Robert Sherwood, Alfred Lunt, cause players in the various bands —something to stir the heart of brightened his face. “Chee,” he Lynn Fontaine, and Nelson Eddy just let their musical ears wander a surrealist. beamed, “It never fails! That makes will be present at the President’s OUT OF POLY ON A RAIL The reason for his feelings was thirty cents in twenty minutes!” Inauguration Ball this evening. and out came thousands of fast, ***** That’s what we said, out of Poly on a rail! This is the “swingy” creations that gave each there before him in the gutter. Yes . . . people player a solo part. There may not there before him was a fast melt­ So my column will have to wait. Ann Sothern takes Tier place op­ probable fate of the person or persons that have been walking I am in no mood to write it. I have be any words that can best de­ ing ice-cream cone. Life’s Little posite Charlie McCarthy when the out of the cafe protected from the recent rains by someone scribe swing as everybody knows Tragedy Numberr 4455693. lost all faith in humanity. Imagine, There was no reason why that a racketeer at five! No wonder my Chase and Sanborn program takes else’s rain coat. The administration will expell and it is very what swing is, and has his or her the air via NBC on Sunday . . . H. definition of it. It is in the blood scene should have stirred me. I hair is almost greying. I don’t likely the students will punish the offenders when caught have seen other little boys crying. think that the Phantom would even V. Kalterborn’s year-end survey of of Young America, and will fall into world conditions was read to the During the last week not one but three coats have been the annals of history just like the There are millions of them around stoop as low as that. our home—in the neighborhood, So good-by for now friends, and House of Representatives by Sol taken by others than the owners from the racks in the cafe­ “Gay Nineties” songs have done Bloom and as a result it was im­ soon enough. that is, and they are always bawl­ don’t be fooled by crying five-year- teria. It seems hard to believe that any one could be so want­ ing. Usually I comment, “Good. olds. They’re heartless. I hope some printed on the Congressional rec­ You or nobody else should con­ ord for posterity. ing in dignity and honor that they would stoop to such a vic­ demn swing as “trashy music” even Now maybe the little pest will go good deed will be done to bring if it did originate in dives of our home and leave me alone with this back my faith in humanity, such as ious practice here at Poly. We have always prided ourselves Negro quarters in our great Amer­ comic book.” “Doc” Eaton giving me a good in the honesty that is characteristic of the Poly men and it is ican cities. Writers all over the But the sobs of this particular grade for a change, II. I*. David­ neither just or right that we should allow any individual or country contribute to swing, and boy just sort of chiseled away at son Jr., letting me sing “Charlie many of our famous swing selec­ my stoney heart until I felt like Was a Sailor with the ‘Collegians,,” small minority to injure this quality. tions have been originated by Ne­ sitting down beside him and letting or not have “Howie” crawl down President McPhee has made it plain that conviction of gros. my hair down, too. Imagine how my throat during a basketball he must have felt. A whole ice­ game, or something like that. stealing means dismissal from school and the students in the We will probably have a respite ***** from swing, but not for long, be­ cream cone so near yet so far. The past have shown little tolerance for a person guilty of the cause the bringing back of great disreputable act of thievery. American music will soon get on The moral of this bit of manuscript is, “lie who borrow our “modern ear for music” and new swing under jurisdiction other heptadajive » » things unknown to owner shall not only lose standing of Poly­ than A. S. C. A. P. will soon pre­ where the . . . man but may exchange hair for tar and feather job.” So if vail again. Swing may be on its By Boogie Polk way out, but after this music “war” daylights meet . . . you are the one that picked up one of the missing coats by is over there wil be a big boom in Well, here we are again with mistake why not just put it back in the cafe or in a prominent swing. We had two tankers on the house some chatter on discs, past and present. I say past because most of place and then you may quit worrying about consequences. Let’s not condemn swing any which we grabbed in a hurry and the old waxings are so far superior —The Editor. more than saying it might add a then I gave the hogger a highball few grey hairs to the oldsters and to the new ones that there is hardly cause a few corns on the feet, but and we left town. But we did not any comparison from the stand SAFE DRIVING APPEAL ISSUED just let it take its natural course make Oceano by 2:00 because we point of the true swing lover. alinng with the rest of our Ameri­ had to stop four miles out of town At this point I would like to re­ “Safe driving may save a fellow student’s life,” was the tract my statement of last week, can ways. to cool off a hot box on our last theme of the remarks made to the student body by officers Respectfully, wherein I stated that the Mound pickup.” That is not a verbal ac­ PAUL MARTIN Bill Himmelman and Phil York at the assembly held last Robert Sullivan. City Blue Blowers cut the corniest count of a good stew but merely music ever. “Down Beat” says Guy NBC Conductor Friday. Paul Martin, whose real name is a railroad brakeman’s version of Lombardo does and I’ll have to The official speed limit on the Cal Poly campus is 15 agree with him. Mart P. Grauenhorst, and his or­ his last trip. chestra are featured on NBC coast miles per hour. The cooperation of everyone operating a car According to Barrelhouse Dan, Radio Quiz Railroad lingo is one of the most the best records of last year are to coast from San Francisco. To ob­ on the campus is needed in order to retain the privilege of colorful of all trade dialects. It is as follows: tain effects for his orchestra, Mar­ tin and Tony Freeman invented the operating automobiles on the campus. For, in the words of 1. What well-known stage not universal but varies on differ­ Duke Ellington: “Concerto for actress, shown here, is cur­ electric guitar heard on his pro­ student prexy, Himmelman, “barriers will be placed at the ent lines. In my opinion the South- Cootie.” This record has the mar­ rently starring in the radio velous work of Cootie Williams on grams. ern Pacific employees do not use entrances of all Cal Poly roads if a serious accident takes serial, “Wo­ the trumpet in the typical solid man of Cour­ as much slang as is used on other place.” age?” Ellington manner. Frankly, it By the way, have you heard the It behooves all people operating cars on the campus to 2. Lily Pons railroads. Some of the common knocks me on my ear. Collegian’s rendition of “Gin Mill” ? is married to terms are listed here. Benny Goodman: “Royal Garden Hal Greinetz’ alto sax solo romps take into consideration the rights of others. The Polytechnic which C B S Hogger—The engineer. Blues” is really something to yell along so righteously that it marks campus is not so large that a safe slow speed will not get maestro? Shack—A brakeman. about. What a terrific groove the this, along with “One O’clock 3. What pro­ Snake—A switchman. group hits on the last two choruses! drivers anywhere on the campus in plenty of time.—David gram stars un­ Jump,” as one of the most out­ Skipper— A conductor. Williams’ trumpet is magnificient, standing numbers they play. Carlin. known per­ the rhythm section jumps right out sonalities, yet Deadhead—An employee travel­ Erskine Hawkins (the Twentieth has as many ing on a pass, or an empty passen­ of the studio and into the hall. But you haven’t lived yet until you hear Century Gabriel) is on a delux disc listeners as do ger car. of “Gin Mill Special.” The excel­ the big - name Hotbox—An over-warm bearing Benny’s side of “The Man I Love” shows? with Jimmy Maxwell’s trumpet solo lent register trumpet work of STYLES BY SHEA ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ which heats up a journal box. Hawkins against the solid back­ 4. The maes- Reefer—Refrigerator car. stealing the disc along with Helen „ . _ tro of “Your ground of the sax section makes was shown for winter. Flimsy—Train order. These are Forrest’s vocal (the kind that Hit Parade” orchestra is makes you cry in your beer). this number one of the best. The “cream of Poly’s crop” turn­ Some fellows are still wearing the brother of what noted written on tissue paper. ed out en masse last Friday night “water-length” slacks. The ones radio bandmaster of a differ­ Hot shot—A fast freight or pas­ for the Collegiate Club dance. which hit them about at the ankles. ent name? senger. Mingling thruough the crowd were The windbreaker ski-jackets with 5. Which two famous radio Drag—A slow freight. several superbly dressed men. Roy the matching pork-pie and rain­ news commentators, heard 15 Highball—Proceed signal. Brophy looked very sporty with minutes apart, are natives of Washout—Stop signal. coat are still as popular as ever. the little town of Aurora, In­ that maroon hand-tied bow tie. Loud golf sweaters of plaid de­ diana? Big hook—Wrecking crane. There were many new out­ sign, are now coming into style Dog house, hack or crummy— fits and the tastes of Poly men again. (Answers below) The caboose. seem definitely on the upward Through a reliable source, I’ve trend. learned that turquoise tweed will •SfACQ 1 Maddalena’s Turning from the dance to new lead this spring and summer. A jauxia pue inn 0 ump'a g SEE ideas in dress, we find the trend matching turquoise suit is plenty JHoos puouitaH jo jaqjojq si Wilson’s Flower Service in wearing pork-pies is to turn the good-looking. AvouaeM lanoH anaje -m y '£ Izjauepjsoji aapuy Z j General and U. S. brim up and fasten to the crown The girls are crazy about the with a large safety pin. Quite a euoias I :SH3MSNV S A M ’S Guild Recaps tweed suits the fellows have been Shop 1001 Higuera St. novel idea which doesn’t look bad wearing, especially the lighter col­ For Those Good at all. A new coat is gaining favor San Luis Obispo ore (beige and grey) with flecks Flowers for Every Sam-burgers and Foot among many. It looks as though of brown, black, red, orange, etc. 3 Rubber Foot-Wear it has been made on one of those Occasion also the follows are going in for Vigneau Jewelry Long Dogs - and Fubber Goods jiffy-looms the girls use in making those hand-knitted socks. Phone 622 j Auto-Iite Batteries shawls. The popular shade is San Luis Obispo, Calif. Also Serving The latest in shave lotion is a 1110 Garden Breakfasts and Dinners Wheel Alignment creamy beige and most coat colorc bottle of that spicy men’s perfumed 867 Monterey San Luis Obispo 1057 Monterey St. l Brake Service are now getting away from the after-shave lotion. The scent lasts Telephone 593-J Next to Chevrolet Garage dark “Army” looking beibe that for almost two days. 1 TIRES

PHILCO RADIOS Sec the new From $11.95 and up Quality Phone 236 Service CORDSHACKET Sold on Easy Payments $5.00 Latest Decca Phonograph Established 1902 Records Radio Service Strongs Cleaning Daniels & 782 HIGUERA STREET Wickenclen’s Works FOR ROUGH RIDER CORDS AND TROUSERS II. M. FRIESEN, Prop. INTERWOVEN SOCKS - ARROW SHIRTS Men’s Outfitters from Head to Foot Bovee 659 Higuera Street 837 Monterey St. San Luis Obispo 998 IIIGUERA I’h. 1335 San Luis Obispo, Calf. COOPER’S JOCKEY SHORTS Friday, January 117, 1941 THE CALIFORNIA POLYTECHNIC EL MUSTANG Page Three

BEHIND THE PLAYS . . . 15Y WALLY HUGHLING Mustangs host to Sta. Barbaran five The sports page of El Mustang regrets to inform its readers that Les Vanoncini is unable to carry on the position of Sports Editor. Les has done a fine job of keeping us in­ formed with the athletic activities on our campus and will be La Verne- J.V .’s down local Independent Gammills vs. greatly missed by the staff. The position of sports editor was suddenly handed to me newspapermen by and its going to be a big job trying to fill Vanoncini’s place. Poly quint green and gold varsity We will try to have up to the minute sporting news and pic­ one-sided score tures. As pictures cost quite a bit, we are unable to have as split two Tomorrow night the Mustangs will tangle with the Gam- many as we would like because we are handicapped finan­ The Poly J. V’s. won their first mills Clothiers from Santa Barbara. The Gammills are now game of the city league by a lop­ leading the league at Santa Barbara and are one of the fastest cially the staff of the sport page is composed of reporters The California Polytechnic bas­ sided score of 74 to 43. It was sim­ from the journalism class but any outside contributions will ketball squad looked like they had ply too much speed deployed by the teams that the local casabeteers will encounter this season. the clicking combination last week fast breaking junior varsity as they The visiting team is composed of be appreciated. when they held the Clowns from rung up a 33 to 18 lead at the half. players who have played together There is going to be a lot of athletic activities in the com­ New York to a 37-36 victory. The Amaro Pereira had a hot night and ing weeks of great interest to the students. Our policy is to comedians had little time to do any­ rang up 26 points although he Capt. Deuel since they were freshmen in high thing but play straight basketball. played only half of the game. Pe­ school and work together with give a weekly review of the sports events of the week for The following night they looked like reira was rebounding and. tipping smooth precision. They play a tight those students who are unable to attend these contests but they were headed for top honors them in from both sides of the issues call for man-to-man defense that is hard are interested. We will strive to give important facts concern­ when they defeated the La Verne basket. to crack. quintet 44-35. The bottom dropped They have been playing for the ing the activities of our athletes in both the major and minor The whole outfit played an amaz­ horsehiders out of the bucket Saturday night ing fast game of basketball and the Gammills for the last five years sports. at the local high school gym when Jay Vees were dropping field goals and the number of games that they Minor sports occupy the interest and time of a large num­ the visiting La Verne team defeated from all angles of the court. have lost can be counted on one the Mustangs 58-46. The first meeting of hand. This season they have played ber of our student body. Sports such as swimming, boxing, Jay Vees Poly’s 1941 squad was held last 12 games and have lost only one, With the season one-third over Mikuriya, f ...... 14 fencing, weight lifting and are as important in build­ the Poly five have only one win out Tuesday afternoon, January 14. and in that game they were barely Foccaci, f ...... 11 Captain Deuel told of the team’s up school spirit and uniting the students on our campus as of seven starts to their credit. Ac­ nosed out. They have a hard sched­ Pereira, f ...... 26 prospects and elaborated on the im­ ule to play and play some of the cording to O’Daniels, “the Poly bas­ Vanderling. c ...... 4 are the major sports and should be given their just place in ketball squad seems to be in just portant fundamentals of the game, classiest teams on the coast. Anderson, g ...... 4 and gave an idea of the games our school life. about the same sort of slump that Katayama, g ...... 6 The Clothiers have played the the football squad was early in the scheduled. Mendonsa, g ...... 9 twice before. In season, but the football team pulled The first game of the year will Total ...... 74 the first game the Gammills de­ out of it for a season record of six be with Santa Barbara State on feated the Mustangs by a large Mustang Record wins and three losses, which was Telegram-Tribune February 28, with a return game score and last year beat them by Sport shorts good considering the toughest Smart, f ...... 4 here on March 7. Other games will 12 points. Fellows, f ...... 0 be with Taft J. C., Bakersfield J. teams were played last.” The Cal Poly roster will be weak Name FG FT 1»F *Pts. O’Daniels expressed hope that Bubar, f ...... 8 C., Santa Maria J. C. San Dimas, Head Coach Howie O’Daniels has Gentry, c ...... 10 La Verne, and Pomona. A game at one forward spot as Blanton . 25 9 11 59 the basketball squad would do the will not play any more for Poly. Blanton ...... not announced the 1941 footballl Gibbons, g ...... 2 with San Francisco State, during 1.3 5 16 33 same and wind up the season with Picton Bradbeer, g ...... 3 Poly Royal, is being scheduled and Paul has decided to join the Air . 13 7 10 33 schedule as yet, but many lucrative a consistent record of victories Trillius .... . Black, g ...... 14 other games are being set up. Corps and his absence will be a ser­ 7 3 17 engagements are in the offing. In from now on. Woolcott ... 5 McKee, g ...... 2 Returning men from last year’s ious detriment to the Mustangs. 3 12 17 First La Verne game Arthur ...... 7 a statement to your correspondent Total ...... 43 squad are Milich, Bonta, Carlson, Muikuriya will probably get the . 5 5 7 15 In the first game of the La Behan ...... O’Daniels stated “nothing definite Crawford, Shea, Trigg, Arthur, the starting call from Coach O’Daniels. 3 2 13 Verne series, Paul Blanton, big ag­ Katayam a .... . 5 had been assured but negotiations two Ikedas, Soroka, Pereira, and The rest of the squad is in tip-top 1 0 11 gressive forward, found his shoot­ Mendonsa .... . 5 Sohrakoff. A few of the newcomers condition and are “raring to go.” 3 4 9 10 with several big name schools are ing eye and tallied 16 points, 12 of Vandling . . . . are Van Austin, Makimoto, G. Ray­ The probable lineup for Cal Poly 0 1 8 under way.” The Polytechnic ath­ these being in the last half. By Mustang fisters Focacci ...... 4 mond, Miller, and Suzuki. will be at forwards, Trillius and 3 1 7 letic staff has been corresponding halftime the Mustangs were lead­ Mikuriya .. .. 2 Les Vanoncini, letterman from Murkuriya; center, Woolcott; 1 5 6 with the university of Nevada, who ing 17-11. Pereira ...... 3 on card at Pismo last year and assistant to Captain guards, Picton and Arthur. 0 5 6 is always a strong contender for Wallace of the visitors paced his A nderson...... 1 Deuel this year, wants all players The Mustangs will enter the Alexander ... , . 0 0 3 0 the Rocky Mountain conference ti­ teammates with 10 points. game with a grim determination to tle; Willamette University in Ore­ to come out and make Poly’s sea­ * Up to and including second La Lineups and scores: First game, bring up their win total for the gon; Whittier College of the South­ right arena son the best it has ever had. Verne frame. Friday night. season and this game should be a ern Intercollegiate conference; and thriller. the always powerful California Poly Varsity FG FT PF Pts. The Mustang battlers opened Ramblers. If and when these games Blanton, f ...... 7 2 4 16 their 1941 season when Dave Ris- NYA SPORTS . . . are procured we can rest assured Focacci, f ...... 0 0 0 0 ling. Poly’s reigning 155-pound fa­ sporting week . . . that football at our institution will Trillius, f ...... 1 2 0 4 vorite, fought to a draw with Les By Cy Perkins 3 0 3 The N. Y. A. basketball team take a back seat to no one on the Mikuriya, f ...... 0 Robertson, rangy Fresno Negro. Mules lose 0 1 2 with two of its regulars on the side­ West Coast. Pereiria, f ...... 1 They fought an exciting four round Lou Nova reestablished himself be­ 0 1 2 lines scored a 52-31 victory over the An extensive spring training Vandling, c ... .. 1 semi-windup at the Pismo Beach fore a most critical New York 1 4 13 to S.L.OJ.C. Hornets in the first City League campaign is planned by the Mus­ Picton, c ...... 6 arena. fight mob as he pounded out a one­ 0 1 0 game on Tuesday evening to re­ tang camp, and hopes for a great Katayama, g .. .. 0 One week from tonight Wally sided victory over Jersey’s Pat .. 0 0 0 0 main in a tie for first place with season are high. Anderson,, g . .. Kienitz, “Natie” Schustan, and Comiskey. Willie Hoppe is still 3 1 by 39-36 score Genardini’s, who also won Tuesday Arthur, g ...... 0 1 “Andy” Anderson will wear the fighting an uphill battel with the Beban, g ...... 0 1 3 1 night, Deke’s and Poly Jayvees. green and gold into the beach sta­ pneumonia bugaboo which has The Mules, who played the pre­ Mendonsa, g . . .. 1 0 0 2 played havoc with so many sports Pat Aherne’s first line of offense, Japanese basketball team dium ring against selected op­ liminary game last Thursday night, ponents. luminaries in the past. Santa were beaten with a very small mar­ namely Chuck Smith, Bob Mat­ T o ta ls ...... 17 10 17 44 Clara’s high riding Bronchos look thews and George Forsythe, con­ trumps Arroyan’s squad Ardee Leonard has been ailing gin, 39-36, by the San Luis J. C. La Verne FG FT PF Pts. but will be in shape for future to be the best bet in Pacific Coast tributed most of the scoring for the . . 2 2 2 6 It was a close game all the way Last Sunday the Cal Poly Jap­ Cottle, f ...... bouts. Paul Miller and Johnny Car- basketball circles. Humboldt State through and the score was almost victors with 18, 14, and 13 points Weeks, f ...... 0 1 0 1 anese basketball team traveled to riacuburu are rounding into shape. college traveling hoopsters ran into even until the J. C. got a slight respectively. Leading scorer for the Moore, f ...... 2 2 0 6 unforseen trouble in their Mexico Hornets was Roy Sherwin with 12 Santa Maria, where they beat an Incidentally Carricaburu is display­ lead and were able to hold it. Wallace, f ...... 5 0 3 10 ing some of the fine form that won City jaunt; reason — guarantees points. Arroyo Grande team by a decisive Newcomer,, c . .. .. 3 0 1 6 Elmo Canclini and Sohrakoff him the Polytechnic lightweight were not posted and the Staters were the outstanding players for At half time the Resident unit score of 30 to 24. This was one of Wilkinsen, c . .. .. 0 1 0 1 the many games that are to be glove title last spring. encountered the old money prob­ the Mules. They did some good ball boys were leading by a 25-13 score Deal, g ...... 0 1 0 1 played in the South Central Japan­ Cy Perkins won’t be in fighting lem, they are now on their way playing considering the small and then the N. Y. A.er’s went Deinis, g ...... 0 1 2 1 ese league, recently organized, and condition until the first of Febru­ back to the Redwood Empire. amount of practice they have had ahead to win the game by the 52*-31 Haines, g ...... 1 1 4 3 which includes teams from Santa ary after which he plans a cam­ Oddities: A sure winner in the this season. margin. This marked the first time Hanawalt, g ... . . 0 0 2 0 paign. recent $10„000 handicap at Santa this season that the N. Y. A. team Maria, San Luis Obispo, Arroyo In the assembly last Friday, Grande, Guadalupe, Lompoc, and a Anita fell in the home stretch. The Howie O’Daniels made a plea for has scored over fifty points in one T o ta ls ...... 13 9 14 35 horse turned to look at the crowd. more material for the Mules and game. few others. Second game Jockey Ralph Neves, disgustedly from the turn out for practice Mon­ During Christmas vacation, the In the second game played Sat- Boost for A .A . Stagg Seven wins against two defeats slapped the grandstanding philies’ day night we see that his plea did southern members of the team urday night La Verne turned the is the record of the N. Y. A. team face. Stanford’s biggest football not go unheeded. with the wins being registered played an exhibition game with a tables and walked off the floor at “Pop” Warner of San Jose State Berkeley squad, and lost out in the names do not receive help from the It is rather early in the season against Templeton, San Luis Obis­ half-time leading Poly 36-17. New­ comes along with a new boost for institution. The wow boys must love last few minutes of the contest, to start making any predictions as po J. C., Chaffey J. C., W hittman- comer of the visitors was high his friend and fellow-coach, A. A. the game. Did iyou know that Ken­ played in the Chapman College to the future outcome of games the Melin’s, Bakersfield N. Y. A., and score man for La Verne with 19 Stagg, recently. ny Washington and were gym. points. Katayama, clever Poly Mules will play with the town Genardini’s. W hittman-Melin’s and Sez Warner: “I believe that film stars? Both appeared in all leagues, but we believe that after the Hornets are opponents defeated The positions on the squad are guard playing his first year, was Coach Stagg’s College of the Pa­ Negro productions. Notre Dame’s still wide open and all Japanese about the only Poly man who could a little more practice you can ex­ in City League competition. Chaf­ cific team shows the best planned great distance runner Greg Rice pect to see some real ball playing. fey J. C. and Ventura J. C. hold basketball players are urged to hit the hoop that night, chalking offensive of any team that I have suffers from a chronic stomach ail­ come out and support an up-and- up 11 points to his credit. The Mules meet the “Telegram” the only defeats against the local seen this season . . . If Stagg had ment. As the 1941 indoor track town team Thursday night and are N. Y. A. squad. coming squad. Lineup and scores of the second as good material as the coast con­ season made its debut in the Bos­ game Saturday night. looking forward to this game with Lineup and scores: ference teams he would do a much ton Garden it marked the first time high hopes of making it a victory. N. Y. A. FG FT Total Mustangs FG FT PF Pts better job than most of the confer­ in nearly a decade that Glen Cun­ Forsyth, f ...... 5 3 13 Armstrong-Zivic Blanton, f ...... 3 3 2 9 ence coaches.” ningham former king of the milers Thomas, f ...... 0 0 0 Mikuriya, f . .... 0 0 1 0 “Pop” also says that it’s the ma­ didn’t compete. Cunningham is now St. Marys of Texas team has some­ Smith, f ...... ___ 8 2 18 broadcast tonight over Pereira, f ...... 1 0 3 2 terial more than Shaughnessy that a physical director at C. C. N. Y. thing new in the way of patriotism. Millar, f ...... ___ 1 0 0 K G O at 7:00 p.m. Trillius, f ...... 2 1 2 5 won games for Stanford. The Chicago White Sox renewed His ends will wear red jerseys, the Ergas, c ...... 0 0 0 Focacci, f ...... 1 0 0 2 Thornton Lee’s contract. The for­ line wil wear blue jjerseys, and the Vandling, c ...... 1 2 2 4 mer Poly southpaw had a great backs wil wear white jerseys with Matthews, c ...... 5 4 14 Weews, f ...... 0 0 0 0 Tonight on stations KGO, KFBK, Beban, g ...... 1 1 2 4 year with the purity legs. red, white, and blue stars: tch, tch, Samuelson, g . .,...... 1 0 2 Cottle, f ...... 3 0 3 6 and KERN, the Adam Hat twins, Arthur, g ...... 1 1 4 3 Coach Mose Sims of the nomadic he’ll have them in pink pants next, Wallace, g ...... ___ 1 1 3 Moore, f ...... 1 3 1 5 fall. Johnson, g ...... 0 0 0 Sam Taub and Bill Stern, will bring Mendonsa, f ...... 1 1 0 3 0 2 3 Newcomer ...... 8 3 3 19 to listeners a blow-by-blow descrip­ Picton, f ...... 1 Katayama, g 5 1 1 11 W ilkinson...... 1 0 0 2 21 10 52 tion of the Henry Armstrong- . .... Anderson, g . ... . 1 0 0 2 Deal, g ...... 1 1 2 3 In San Luis Its Hornets FG FT Total Fritzie Zivic 15-round title fight Hanawalt, g ...... 0 0 1 0 It. Sherwin, f . .____ 5 2 12 in the Madison Square Garden. The BAY’S E. C. Loomis & Sons T otals...... 18 10 19 46 Deikes, g ...... 2 0 1 4 I). Sherwin, f . .____ 2 2 6 fight will go on the air at 7:00 La Verne FG FT PF Pts. Haines, g ...... 1 4 2 6 For Better Feeds Lang, c ...... 1 7 p. m. Wallace, f ...... 5 3 2 13 Total 22 14 15 58 Flora, c ...... 0 2 Armstrong- mauled his way to Complete Food 147 High St. San Lula Obispo Porter, g ...... 0 0 three championships in one year— Market Rodriguez, g ...... 2 0 4 featherweight, lightweight and wel­ terweight. It took the wily Zivic Pep Creamery Sells for Less 13 5 31 to lift the welter crown in one of 785 Higuera Tasty Coffee Shop 1940’s spectacular upsets in a fight Marsh and Broad St. St. Peter: “How did you get up Over 200 Good Things to Eat and Drink 895 Higuera that pitted Armstrong’s dynamic SAN LUIS OBISPO Featuring a here? ” punching ability against the ring 6 SCOOP GLUTTON MILK SHAKES 15c Latest Arrival: “Flul.” lore in Zivic’s head. 30c Daily Merchants Lunch and Complete 35c Dinner COMPLETE MEN’S AND Evenings CLOTHIERS GENARDINI’S MEN’S WEAR Also BETWEEN THE BANKS BOYS’ WEAR Reasonable Fountain PHONE 1362 SAN LUIS OBISPO 779 HIGUERA ST. Service Page Four THE CALIFORNIA POLYTECHNIC EL MUSTANG Friday, January 17, 1041 SAC votes to keep stags Poly Royal plans Polyites attend ag.-meeh. special rodeo events Coast Guard THE PHANTOM . from student body dance Wanted ! ! ! convention in Sacramento (Continued from page 1.) (Continued on page 4) (Continued from page 1.) funds and held on tho campus shall be date affairs . . .no individual be More students participating representative, said these commit­ - ion service of the Umvc: of officer speaks■ to admitted with >ut a date” was pass­ in the photograph contest for To my good friend,, Hob Himmcl- tees would have definite plans by California, presented th<» dm > man, If I were you, Bob, old boy, ed. It was; definitely decided al -. (lie Annual . . . Remember one that the commencement danse next month. by the farm ers and ma r ifaut n (v:» •jtirJWc «?f©up I would not leave town for the free Yearbook to the winner of would he a formal dance, thus f >r the contest who has the most A detailed report on the cost of and the agriculture evl ision :g\*- weekend, and leave your old friend, all time setting a standard for fu­ sponsoring a state-wide Poly Royal vice in the eolhiborathui oi l !v‘ .s i ’ feu ion* *-t D. T. A I ;ms of “Duke” Phillips home. It was told pictures or snapshots in the An­ < ast Guard told ture classes to follow; heretofore queen contest was submitted by fur the improvement. < f ia m n.1; to the Phantom, that he was trying this particular dance was some­ nual. . . SO HURRY ’.«• of Poly hoys last Tuos- Henry Warren. The matter was laid ihvou. h the improve to take your little Lorraine out. All times formal and sometimes infor­ Here are a few suggestions to rf r u n ■ he s ibi' 1 s roqui e 1 as a I can say is to get wise to the mal. help you to pick or choose aside until the next meeting, when equipment. llawy C ) *: * a: i ’ o ;uV! e L* tile competitive ex­ a definite decision is to be made. “Duke,” Bobbie. In the absence of Robert Mills, from. First of all we want un­ the Pacific G jaao Go. . , ny, ire* r ina ; n f ;r ert o. ing the Coast Bob Blank, Poly Royal publicity student treasurer, John Carrica- usual snaps of students caught sente 1 the j roblcm of fo Guard Academy. f‘■v/ of them l:n -w director, is in charge of the cent st, Ask Fred Parker and his side- buru explained the December fi­ unaware of the picture be in;; \ . ' t c.mtran e v.u be vend the!.' and he asked that an immediate coming packed in t err • r » s ■ *re ul- kick, about the little brown book nancial report with some detail, taken Then views of the _■ 1.1. Physical <[ ladfitations re- decision be reached so that defi­ that they were writing in down at pointing out funds which may have Campus, artistic pictures that are a he'g ' 1 of bet we m 5 nite arrangements could be begun. In the afternoon session, Dr. L. feet 6 Inches an 1 ■ : feet 5 inches; Oceano Saturday night. Seems that to economize before the end of the are of interest, or any picture General Superintendent Bill A. Crawford, economist from the eyeinght 20-20; ag e 17 to 22 years they had to mark down all of the year and other important informa­ or snap that might be of use happenings of that evening. tion. Bradley announced that the next Berkeley Bank for Cooperatives, of age . Scholastic requirements in- to Annual. elude two years John Bucher submitted his resig meeting of the executive committee presented the agricultural outlook of algebra, one Photography Editor year of geometry, one-half year of Dick Charlton, of Whittier,, has nation as chairman of the roads Harlan Hindley would be on Wednesday, January for 1941. In his discussion he men­ trigonometry, one year of chemis­ been seen with a new cutie, that committee due to press of other af­ Chase Hall 15 21. tioned that the present day pros­ try, three years of English, and one has just moved in town from Taft, fairs. President Bill Himmelman perity boom is created by the war year of physics. The applicant must (is it in California?). Dick the then appointed Clifford Brown in Pan-American flying also be a graduate of high school. lover sure gets around in the charge of that important commit­ New CAA program starts scare and that it is a false condition tee, saying as he did so “that a therefore, advising the farmers to The examination itself covers only world. scholarship offered free mathematics and English, each be­ great deal must be done by your .January 26 at Polytechnic (Continued from page 1.) be careful of their credits and ac­ (Continued from page 1.) counts. W. W. Robbins from the ing worth thirty-three and one- Taking four girls to the dance (Brown’s) group in a short time . . division of botany of the Univer­ third percent; the other thirty- tonight, is Bob Radnich’s idea of I trust that under your leadership Any student of this institution full years or more of accredited sity of California, stated that the ihree and one-third percent is given a joke. From all reports Bob asked this can be done in an efficient who is a citizen of one of the above manner.” college work acceptable to the in­ majority of noxious weeds are alien for adaptability. four gals in the vicinity of Oceano countries and who can meet tho stitution sponsoring training. He and that through the proper con­ 14. Adams said that out of 1700 and Pismo to go to the dance with Herbert Fischer, president of the regular CAA requirements is must successfully pass a physical eligible. trol methods and proper equipment taking the examination last year, him tonight, but if Bob forgets to local chapter of the Young Far­ examination for a student pilot they can eventually be eradicated. 331 were accepted for physical ex­ show up. Well, what about the four mers of America, submitted the The selection of the flight schol­ certificate, with a commercial CPT Robbins’ discussion ended the con­ amination and 131 were accepted pretty little damsels, Bobbie? constitution of that organization to arship winner for each country will the council; it was accepted and a rating, administered by a desig­ ference for Friday. into the school. Over 50 percent of nated Civil Aeronautics medical ex­ be made in the Washing-ton office charter granted. after the institutions now partici­ Saturday morning Roy Bainer them should receive a commission, Orin Focacci, of basketball fame, aminer. President Himmelman then re­ pating in the program have sub­ and O. C. French of the division of he added. was at the dance Friday night and The application blank requires ported that petitions had been sub­ mitted from all those eligible and agricultural engineering, Univer­ The school was established in Mildred Klack just had to be intro­ such usual questions as name, age, mitted to the S. A. C. from the stu­ interested. After selection of ap­ sity of California, presented their 1790 by Alexander Hamilton in duced to him. What have you got school address, place of birth, mar­ dent body at large requesting that plicants has been made, institutions discussion on the calibration of New London, Connecticut, for the ried or single, and the number of that gets them, “Foo”? a change in laundries be made im­ will be notified. seeding equipment. professional education of young children. In addition it inquires of mediately. Himmelman reported According to Bill “Buck” Brad­ men for officers in the United the applicant the amount of study He must agree, if selected, to States Coast Guard. The four year We saw something good on H. D. that he had consulted President complete the ground and flight Davidson. Seems Harpo Barr, cut McPhee, and that a change would he has had in civil air regulations, ley the most impressing fact of the course of instruction is basically in air navagation, and meteorology, course unless disqualified by the whole conference was that these science and engineering. There are in on Mr. and Mrs. II. P. Davidson, be made in the laundry about the college, the flight operator or the but instead of dancing with Mrs. first of February. The council then and his preference for a flying conferences-enable the government, three, three months’ cruises on a career in the Army, Navy, airlines, Civil Aeronautics Administration Coast Guard Cutter manned by the Davidson, which would be proper, signed a proclamation of grievances previous to its conclusion. the farmers, and the manufacturers he chose Davy. What have you got against the present setup, and flight instruction, or other non­ to collaborate on ideas which make cadets themselves. All cadets take Davidson, looks? made tentative arrangements to se­ schedule commercial flying. for better farming equipment, and the same course for competitive cure better, more rapid, and more Flight training is given by in­ Luis Obispo. further advancement of agricul­ grades. . Frank Mendonsa, “god’s gift to satisfactory laundry service. structors and planes at a local air­ “I believe that the training pro­ ture. That eternal Polyite, Paul To become a commissioned offi­ San Luis, and to Howie’s basket­ port. At the end of training period gram is one of the grandest things Jones, put in a plug for Poly in cer in the Coast Guard Air Service, ball team,” really knows his way Interschool relation plan the person who has successfully that I have ever had,” said Ken­ mentioning that our campus is bet­ one must be a graduate of the Aca ­ around San Luis and all parts north completed the training program re­ neth Holmes, who took the train­ ter than Davis’ for our own par­ demy and have three years of ser­ dance next month ceives a private pilots certificate. ing program this summer. ticular purpose. vice in the Coast Guard. and south. We see that Frankie is (Continued from Page 1) carrying the torch for Louie Kal- In the primary program there are three 65 horse power Lus- ler, from last year fame, her name J. C., and Poly. conibes, one 65 horsepower Cub, a we would like to know. Down at T he present calendar as corrected Oceano Saturday night, they were 65 and a 50 horsepower Aeronca. at the last meeting as follows: The instructors are Jerry Walker, the best looking couple on the floor. JANUARY This bookTOBACCOLAND*U*S*A * Some rating ah------what Frank? Mark ( rane, and Earl Thompson. 17, Collegiate Club dance; 24, In the flying program the students Collegiate Club dance; 25, J. C. will make a cross country trip to gives thousands of smokers like yourself “If ail the co-eds in the world dance. that didn’t neck were gathered in FEBRUARY: Santa Maria, from there to Paso the facts about tobacco and... one room, what would we do with C>, Occidental Women’s Glee Club; Robles, and then return to San her?” The answer is—ask Harpo, 7, Collegiate Club dance; 11, Col­ he knows everything. legiate Club dance; 15, J. C. dance; 22, Poly Student Body dance; 28. SCOOP—Bud Rankin took thi Collegiate Club dance. Obispo Theater long way back to school last week. MARCH: STARTS SUNDAY, JAN. 19th Bud must have gone through Las 7, Collegiate Club dance; 14, Col­ Vegas, and all points north. Seems legiate Club dance; 15, .J. C. dance; he left , Sunday and 21, Collegiate Club dance; 29, Poly arrived in San Luis sometime Tues­ Student Body dance. day morning. The boys would like APRIL: in M-G-M’s laugh sensation MILDER , BETTER TASTE to know if you are married. Come 8, Poly Home Concert; 19, J. C. on Bud let the news out. dance; 25, Poly Royal; 2d, Poly Royal. T o the keen interest of the Washington calls MAY: 9, Collegiate Club dance; Id, Col­ Wed-Thur-Fri-Sat. thousands of men and women who Hollenberg to aid defense legiate Club dance; 17, J. C. (Continued from Tage 1) Prom; 23, Collegiate Club dance; ROMANCE I visit our Chesterfield factories, we The next regular meeting will be SONGS I owe the idea of publishing the book, “I wish to express my gratitude held in February at Poly. FUN I at the fine cooperation every one “TOBACCOLAND, U. S. A.” It is a has given me on the campus.” comprehensive picture story about Will direct program Where Friends Meet Following his arrival in Wash­ the growing, curing and processing ington for a meeting January 2, ELMER’S o f tobacco, telling you why Chester­ Holllenberg was assigned to di­ fields are MILDER, COOLER-SMOKING rect the program in one of the four and national geographical regions. It TOWER CAFE BETTER-TASTING. is expected that he will be in charge of the Pacific region, consisting of We are proud of the hundreds of letters the eleven western states, but this from smokers like yourself who have seen "TOBAC­ has not been definitely decided. COLAND, U. S. A. ” Many have asked us to The local faculty member will be GREEN BROS. on leave from California Polytech­ copies to their friends. We would take pleasure nic during the period of his service in sending you a copy—just mail your request to 871 MONTEREY ST. in the national program, tentatively Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co., 630 Fifth Avenue, scheduled until July 1, 1911, pend­ CROSBY SQUARE SHOES ing further congressional action. New York, N. Y. His family will remain here, and BETTER CLOTHES Hollenberg expects to resume func­ tions as head of agricultural mech­ anics work at the college when the defense training program has been completed.

Phone 301 SchwafelV Shoe Shop FIRST CLASS WORK Copt. JOHN M.MILLER,America's Best Materials Used <% U enState No. 1 autogiro pilot and pioneer One block N. of Postoffice COMPANY, LTD. of the world's only wingless mail 1023 Marsh, San Luis Obispo plane route between Camden, N. J. and the Philadelphia Post Office, is shown here enjoying We Have a Limited Number Chesterfield's new interesting CAL POLY T SHIRTS of the 1941 book "TOBACCOLAND, U. S. A. 49c CUTTER CALENDARS Come in and get one for your room Penneys Carpenter’s REXALL DRUG STORE San Luis Obispo Wineman Hotel U. S. Postal Station Building No. 1 Copyright 1911, Liccett A M yers T obacco Co.