S WITCH OFF . .THROTTLE CLOSED . GAS ON . • ■ CONTACT ! ! I “OK lake it up!!” Soloist “gives ’er the throttle” and takes oft. “Average student” John Sfurgin who ha3 just Instructors in the CAA program as the San completed his fall Civil Aeronautics course in Average student in the Cal Poly CAA pro­ Instructor Mark Crane stands in prop wash, Luis Obispo Airport, left to right: Gerry Wal­ flying at the San I.uis Obispo Airport. With ker, Earl Thomson, Mark Crane and Russ Jed- gram gets the thumbs-up signal after his first crosses his fingers, and hopes. He has seen two years of college under his belt and the pre­ eight hours of flying and is now ready for his many a receding elevator in his thousands of liminary program completed he is eligible for lund. Thomson and Walker are instructing in solo flight. hours as a flight instructor. advanced training. the advanced training as well as the primary. Volume III. Number 114. Z 60a SAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIFORNIA Friday, January 17, 1941 BARRED Poly Royal Many Polyites attend FLIGHT ag mech convention SA C votes to keep stags plans special in Sacramento New C A A Program starts The Twelfth Annual Farm Ma­ From studentbody dance chinery Conference was held at the January 26 at Polytechnic rodeo events University of California, Davis branch, this last weekend.Among “To have, or not to have . girls at our dances?” That is Piping barbecued steaks, brown those who attended were Bill Brad­ Forty students is the quota for California Polytechnic the question to which the student affairs council devoted a chili beans, macaroni salad, hun­ ley, Dan Hartman, Robertson Coit, college in the Civil Aeronautics administration pilot training great deal of time and attention at the meeting last Tuesday dreds of loaves of fresh warm Paul Jones, and Mr. Paul Winner, bread,, coffee, milk, and ice cream the advisor. According to these program. It was the plan of the administration to get as many night. A spirited discussion arose when comparisons were will be the menu for the famous Poly men the conference was quite names as possible before Jan. 15 in order that the program made of the attendance at the re­ Poly Royal barbecue to be held in a success. could start on January 26. How cent Christmas formal, and the at­ conjunction with Poly Royal on The conferences included many ever it is still possible to apply for tendance at the regular dances. Saturday, April 26. These facts Interschool relation interesting and educational experi­ C A A offers free admission into the program. Ap­ Herb Fischer reported that the stu­ were revealed at the Poly Royal ments and tests, handled and collo- dent body dances at Poly could be executive committee meeting last plication blanks are available in board plans tri-school barated on by the manufacturers the office of C. E. Knott, dean of contributing factors to the social Wednesday night by the barbecue of farm implements, the agricul­ Pan-American flying education of an individual if pro­ committee headed by Charles Kick industrial education, on the second dance next month tural extension representatives, and floor of the industrial education per supervision of that education and Bob Mills. Organization details the farmer. In each case the prob­ scholarships was more strictly enforced. It was are now being undertaken by the building. This year the Interschool Rela­ lem of the farmer was presented the consensus of opinion of the en­ committee so that more than 1500 and the manufacturer presented his Under a special Pan American The qualifications for the train­ tire council that more formal and tions board has been quite active, people can be fed within an hour, College phase, there will be made ing program are: the applicant and has ironed out many of the particular piece of equipment which date dances be held. and dozens of student helpers will he thought would overcome this available during the spring ses­ must be a citizen of the United It was only natural, therefore, problems which have arisen from be needed to perform such a feat sion approximately 20 flight schol­ States and have attained his 19th the studentbodies of Poly, the J. C., problem. The agricultural exten­ that a motion “that all dances effectively. It was reported that arships to citizens of Latin Ameri­ but not his 26th birthday by Feb. and the High School. This commit­ sion representative would put be­ which are financed with student Mrs. Ruth King, manager of the can countries who are bona fide 1, 1941. If under 21 years of ago tee has planned a calendar of school fore the conference what might be (Continued on page 4) cafeteria, had once again promised students enrolled in institutions he must obtain written consent of activities of the three student- done in the future to overcome cooperation in making the barbecue these footfalls. participating in the Civilian Pilot his parents or guardian for this bodies. The purpose of a calendar training. If now enrolled in college, a success. The conference started Friday, Training Program. According to of this type is to eliminate the pos­ he must be a fully matriculated The Los I.echeros Club, in its re­ January 10, at 9:30 a. m. with a present plans, one such scholarship sibility of having conflicting dates. degree candidate and have satisfac­ port, appointed the following sub­ registration of all people attending will be awarded to a citizen of each Frat house The date of the exchange programs torily completed at least one year committees: Committee on cattle the conference. II. B. Walker from of the following countries: are also decided upon by this group of college work acceptable to the fitting contest, Carl Bates, Ed San­ the division of agricultural engin­ Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, During the past semester, the institution sponsoring training. If tos, Bob Winterbourne; Committee eering at the University of Cali­ Columbia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dom­ regular meeting date of the board not now enrolled in college, he must plans passed on dairy industry display, Bob fornia, opened the conference with inican Republic, Ecuador, Guata- has been set for the first Tuesday have satisfactorily completed two of every month, the meeting place Denby, Stanley Noble, Cliff Detlef- a speech on the present world eco­ mala, Haiti, Houduras, Mexico, Nic­ (Continued to page 4.) being alternated between the High son; Committee on milking contest, nomic situation in relation to ag- aragua, Panama, Paraguay,, Peru, by Faculty (Continued on page 4) Charles Trigg, Jim Carter, Fred ricuitu’c. E. R. Crum from the Al- Salvador, Uruguay, and Venezuela. Wardrobe; Committee on can roll­ macot Ranch at Winters, Califor­ (Continued on Page 4) Occassional rumors of plans to ing contest, Chester Bonta, Wert nia presented the problems con­ PREXVS CORNER establish social fraternities with Harms, Steve Stefani; Committee fronting a fruit grower and his housing accommodations off the Washington calls on special features, Richard Whit­ needs in the improvement of farm campus have prompted the issuance ney Leroy Leib, Bob Procsal, Dale implements. Film starring SAN DIMAS-VOORHIS UNIT of an informal statement by the Heffington. Henry House, dairy J. P. Fairbank, agricultural exten- —What do these words mean to administration regarding such ac­ Hollenberg to aid (Continued to page 4.) (Continued on Page 4) Fred Waring will most of the students of our cam­ tivities. pus. It brings to mind a sister unit The college is at present open- of California Polytechnic college. minded on the fraternity question, defense program be shown soon The San Dimas unit of Cal Poly, and if there is a continued growth El Rodeo pictures to be taken Tues. setting under the shadow of old of the institution with growing Alvin II. Hollenberg, head of the Mount Baldy, has one of the most Fred Waring is coming to the lack of housing facilities on the agricultural mechanics at Cal Poly “If you want your picture re­ pas, “that Tuesday, January 21 will beautiful campuses in the world. for the last nine years went to California Polytechnic campus on This branch of Cal Poly is devoted campus, may welcome soundly-es­ corded for posterity in the annual, be the last day on which pictures tablished social fraternities as Washington, D. C., to take a tem­ Wednesday, Jan. 29, when he will to the study of citriculture, ag. in­ said James Pappas, El Rodeo edi­ present more than a hundred Penn­ meeting a definite place in the stu­ porary position as director of will be taken. However, if it is spection, and all branches of citrus tor, clip out the picture schedule sylvanians in his program “Pleas­ dent welfare and activity program. emergency defense classes for out- raining or the sky is heavily over­ fruits. Degree students of San Di­ that is printed below and appear at ure Time” in the form of a moving Students considering planning of-school rural yoyth as authorized cast the pictures will be postponed mas take all their degree work on by Congress last OJtober. the appointed place and hour rea­ picture. Combining with this pic­ such organizations are being re­ sonably dressed up and the staff until the following Tuesday. See the San Luis campus. An invita­ He is being temporarily replaced ture to form a double bill will be tion to drop in and see this campus quested to work closely with the photographer will do the rest.” El Mustang for further informa­ by Eugene A. Egan, formerly with “Tobbaccoland U. S. A.” The W ar­ has been extended by the southern administration, even in their pre­ “I wish to emphasize,” said Pap­ tion in case of postponment.
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