Mustang D aily California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo 50th Year, No. 25 Tuesday, October 29,1985 Pro fitness petition is circulated .'Í By Jennifer Kildee S U tf w m *r More than 300 signatures sup­ porting the conversion of the campus bowling alley into a fitness center have been gathered Î1 by a senior recreation ad­ ministration student. -%> J "» " " “ I felt that there was a need to , . 3 J voice an opinion about the fact '-Si.' " ; that the issue (of the conversion) ■■•..! -Í- • >' *' «vi hadn’t been finally confirmed and dealt with," said Laura 'C a " C Barney, instigator of the peti- I «. ■A' K s ion. s A Students who use the weight room or who participate in in­ VI-TI in i M il tramural or sports clubs were among those whosigned VIM I u \ S | | Barney’s petition, as did her fellow Recreational Spoils emplovees. The signatures were then presented to the Siudeni Senate at Its Oct. I6mef,(^ng. John Sweeney, ASl vice presi dent, said the final decision of converting the bowling alley into a fitness center rests with Presi­ »Í dent Baker. "1 don’t think it (the list of signatures) will affect the decision pro or con,” he said. Football plane crash remembered"The students dealt with that last year. The advisory board By Laura Roscnblum and two women who were accompanying student memorial fund, established by the held open forums so that stu­ Suit Writer the team back to San Luis Obispo. San Luis Obispo and Pomona campuses of dents could voice their opinions "Poly Football Team in Air Crash; 22 The Saturday Evening Post and Life Cal Poly, collected donations to aid the either way," Sweeney added. Dead” read the Oct. .10, I960 banner magazine ran four-page articles about the wives and children of the deceased. Barney said she and some headline ot a special Sunday edition of the crash. In San Luis Obispo, the only events The "Mercy Bowl,” played between other interested students sub­ Telegram-Tribune. to ever merit the publication of special Bowling Green State University and Fresno mitted a petition with "the exact It was 25 years ago today that an Sunday editions of the Telegram-Tribune State University at the Col­ same idea" last year. "At that airplane crash killed 22 people, including 16 were the Oct. 29 plane crash and the end of iseum on Nov. 23, 1961, brought in more point, it sounded like it was go­ members of the Cal Poly football team. World War II. proceeds for the memorial fund. ing to go through; it was a posi­ The had played a At Cal Poly, things were at a stand-still. A plaque in memory of the 16 football tive thing. Now it’s more nebu­ disappointing S0-6game against Bowling El Mustang (Mustang Daily) ran a special players killed in the crash is embedded in a lous,” she said. Green University in Bowling Green, Ohio Oct. 31 edition devoted to news of the large rock in Mustang Stadium, and a me­ Blarney said she believes her on that Saturday afternoon. The team tragedy. Classrooms and offices on that morial of the Mercy Bowl and a picture of work as leisure class coordinator boarded the chartered C-46 airliner at Halloween day after the crash were closed the I960 Football team are displayed in a at Recreational Sports gives her Toledo Airport that evening, even though at 10 a.m. so all students and faculty could showcase in the Physical Education Build­ a good perspective on the facili­ dense fog engulfed the surrounding air attend a special memorial service in the ing. ties the university has to offer. strip. gym. Flags were flown at half-mast. A special display at the archives on the "We provide programs for stu­ After climbing only 200 feet, the airplane Homecoming celebrations and all football fourth floor of the Kennedy Library con­ dents, but we have no place to exploded. Of the 48 passengers on board, 16 games for the I960 school year were tains the original news coverage of the program. We either cannot Cal Poly football team members were killed canceled. event. The pages that the historic tragedy schedule classes at prime times along with a student team manager, a San Aid and sympathy to friends and was captured on have turned yellow with or we can’t find the facilities,” Luis Obispo businessman, the pilot, co-pilot relatives of the victims came in all forms. A age, but the memory of the event lives on. she said. Incumbent Settle cites ‘successful term’ By Susan Harris "CMC is using two times their housing and service demands on ther train graduates of Poly," Sun wm*r allocanon for water. This jeop­ the city and students. said Settle. City Council incumbent Allen ardizes the growth of Cal Poly Independent student housing, Addressing the question of city Settle said he would like the and affects the faculty and the commonly known as a Greek and student relations. Settle said voters to recognize the "very students." said Settle. Row, is favored by Settle. the issue came up due to the lack successful work” of the current He explained that the state is "I support the annexation of of few important issues in this City Council when they go to more concerned about where to state property for additional election. vote Nov. 5. house prisoners than the growth student group housing," he said. Agendas from the City Council ALLEN K. SETTLE Although he said "there are no of Cal Poly. He stressed that students will and the Student Senate are now Occupation; City Council in issues that are very hot,” Settle "This worries me because this need the support of the City being exchanged to inform the cumbent/Cal Poly Professor outlined a few issues he said IS where I work," Settle said. Council to provide services and other group of upcoming issues Qualifications: PhD. UC would be affecting Cal Poly dur­ Due to the lack of political help with the financing. and the current status of pro­ Berkeley; member of San Luis ing the next council term. clout that San Luis Obispo "They’ll have my support," posals, Settle said. Obispo City Council since He cited the expansion of the County has, it is difficult for the Settle said. Another positive sign between 1981; president of County Area California Mens Colony, the need county to stop the expansion or An issue classified by Settle as the city and students. Settle Council of Government: for independent student housing, development of any prison. Set­ a "key thing” is the development said, is a Student Senate resolu­ member of City Housing Task the encouragement of clean in­ tle explained. of a research-oriented, clean in­ tion to foster good will in the Force; chairman of City Plann dustry and the improvement of Settle emphasized that the ex­ dustry in San Luis Obispo. community. The resolution also Ing Commission. city relations with Cal Poly as pansion of CMC directly impacts ‘T d like to see a research park asks the council to make an ef­ current issues. the campus by putting greater constructed to employ and fur­ fort when dealing with student

Punk perceptions Satellite speaker Matadors gored

Students voice their opinions about punk music and Through a aatalllte transmission. Cal Poly students The Mustang football tsam knocked the Cal State punk lifestyle. Page 2. were able to view a panel discussion with Israeli ' Northrldge Matadors Saturday In a 34-21 conference Prime Minister Shimon Peres. Page 4. victory. Page 5. i *s^v Í -f- ^ •O''- Tuesday, October 29,1986 Mustang DoHy O pinion Mus I ANC. Da ily On the street LETTERS TO THE EDITOR

What do you think of SAGA challenges all created the problem. Ical side of AIDS; It Is up to the It appears to mo that you were public to end the Ignorance which to keep Poly ‘P* clean not there that night — or If you brtnga the bigotry. when you hear the Editor — Vary aoon the Poly “ P” were, you weren’t paying much at­ Also, in the story. Mustang Daily will again bn gotting a propor face tention to what was going on mentioned the gay students' group words ‘punk rocker’? lift. No polka dota, zabra atrlpaa or around you. Next time, get facta on campus. This group has not been tollot papar maaaagaa thia tima, al­ straight. ^ called the Gay Students Union since By Mary Anne Talbott and Kevin H. Fox though tha two4ona chacka waran't TOI PHILLIPS 1963rln the future, please refer to bad. ThIa tIma tha Simulation and ua as the Gay arid Lesbian Student Advantura Qamktg Aaaoclhtlon, will Union, b <. ba painting It plain, old-faahlonad Thanka for printing such an in Bryaa “ SLO-Boy” Carry, whita. Thay will ba trying to rastora Story about AIDS structive article. physics, sophomore: I gel all the tha "P " and tha aurrbunding araa to commended by reader SCOTT MILLER images of crazed hoodlums wear­ soma aamblanca of Ita original ing leather jackets running form. Along with this rademption of Editor — I would like to con- • around subbing people. Actual­ tha “P," SAQA Is issuing a ly, I just think of normal people gratúlate Mustang Dally for having challanga, throwing down the who like punk music. the courage to print a feature article gauntlat as It warn, to saa if the on Acquired Immune Deficiency Apology is due for student body as a whole can main­ Syndrome, or AIDS (AIDS: The DON'T PUNK poster tain tha "P ” In Its, soon to ba, Epidemic, Oct. 24.) rastorad state. It fnay seam corny to The accounts and statistics in the Editor — I found a flyer taped to make such a fuss about a large slab story were both Informative and ac­ the glass doors of my work area, of coTK:rota, aspeclally when a so­ curate. and I understand that the flyers Laurel Segel, dietetics, sopho­ journ up tha hill, which Is no maan AIDS has brought with It great were posted all over campus more: A different outlet of music feat, to broadcast some special suffering and discrimination. Every •WARNING — DONT PUNK was and dressing tastes. nrressage is so fun. However, to see day more people die as a result of the message, sponsored by The that stately, majestic and clean "P” the loss of their Immune systems. Concerned Fraternity Society, and rising over Cal Poly Is a symbol of Most people equate AIDS with featuring a photo of a home the subdued yet dedicated spirit of homosexuals, and this has increas­ economics student which had ap our school. ed discrimination against gays ar>d peered in the question column oi Bull, you say? lesbians. The truth is that moré than the Mustang Dally Oct. 17 The Perhaps a bit, but the sentiment 25 percent of AIDS sufferers are young lady was named on the flyer Ijince Dohman, metalurgical Is sincere and the challenge stands straight and that their numbers are and the rest of the message on the engineering, sophomore: I look at Let's see If we can keep the "P" going to Increase dramatically in flyer was not flattering. it as a fine example of the decline clean for a change. time. The number of heterosexuals It strikes me as deplorable for an of western civilization. CHRIS ARMSTRONG with the disease today is similar to Individual to be singled out for this the number of gays with the disease kind of Intolerant attack. We all in 1982. and the disease still have our dlffererKes In style, in ap spreads among straights exponen­ pearartce, as well as In our opinions Police used force tially (researchers have found that and beflefs (Thank God!); it is the number of gay sufferers has Larry Gamino, business, gradu­ too quickly at concert frightening to realize that any one of probably stabilized arto will no us could be held up for a scathing ate student: I visualize a Editor — This letter Is addressed longer grow dramatically). Not all attack of this nature. Mohawk-style, leather jacket, to C. Kevany and his (her?) letter In AIDS patients are gay, arto not all The student deserves some kind spiked gloves, anti-social and the Oct. 22 Mustang Dally. gays have AIDS. non-conformist. I guess I parallel of apology. Were you at the Vets hall the There Is a great deal of antipathy Other students should be warned it to the 1960s, maybe the night of the Dead Kennedys show? towirds gay AIDS sufferers. One equivalent of a hippie. about the dangers of freely express Your letter to the Dally suggests young lady I spoke with said she ing their opinlona in a public format you were not. had no sympathy towards these such as the question column in the You state that, "The inclination of people, that they "got what they Mustang Daily. force for the police Is In steps — deserve." It Is a common belief M ARTHA J. STEWARD from conversation to physical force among many that AIDS Is “God’s to the use of batons," and so on. If punishment" to gays. I urge anyor>e Steve French, city and regional you were at the hall you may have who holds this Idea to wortoer how planning, professor: Green hair. noticed that the police omitted the auch a benevolent God could sub­ first step. The first time I heard ject someor>e to confinement In a Correction to article them tellirrg me I had to leave was muaty hospital bed surrounded by concerning alcohol ban when they were right up next to me shadowy drabr>ees and scents of with their batons raised. There was sickness and medicirre, arto how He Editor — The article Friday, Oct no orre hurt and no damage dorte to could make a human, a person with 18 on alcohol restriction In the city the hall before the police tried to faelings and amotions Ilka everyorre parka indicates Mark Relchel. shut down the show. The bottles else, so feebly disabled and Community Relations Officer on the and rocks were a reaction to the hopelessly deformed that the only ASI executive staff, as saying the police force. Not vice versa as you hope he has is to die. How could ordlrtarKS cornea up for review In seem to believe. The police action anyoTM be so evil? Is God exempt Julia Wauda, art, senior and March, six months after It was pas evoked the violence. There was no from His own commandment, "Thou Robin Carmic, art, junior: It's ed. situation for them to "subdue” be­ Shalt not kill?" not that big of a deal. It’s not Please note that the ordinance on fore they arrived. Acquired Immune Deficiency that bad as long as they don’t the alcohol restriction comes up in I am not saying I believe throwing Syndrome Is a horrible plague about bother you. two months, not six months It rocks and bottles was a proper which little is known. But it Is comes back to the city council for crowd response. I do believe, known that it has caused both suf­ review in Jamrary, not March, 1965 however, that the police force was fering and more discrimination ALLEN SETTLE unjustified ar>d that their actions Progress is being made on the med-

BLOOM COUNTY by Bcrkc Breathed Mustang Daily neu jv sru m OH nuce Me uvbH ' ßmtsitR mOONb imcajnmmeefo smtn-fmrs •me mcae weu.10 swfsmxonm F m m u o f B , SCMHTTSl sm m e K eeaemm w Editor Donald Munro cvm ¥3W ' tm íY ica n er secuMOT smw-oiL I— ernmOMOie. Dan Ruthsmeyer Managing Editor i n/u mr SAUSMÍN PtSHan ' Margaret Barrett Lifestyle Editor Susan Edmondson Spotlight Editor Gregg Schroeder insight Editor Kevin H. Fox Editoriai Page Editor ' V Margaret Apodaca Photo Editor Kevin Cannon Asst. Photo Editor .Al; Lisa A. Houk Sports Editor Grant Shaffer iiiustrator

Jeanne Smoler Advertising Manager AduMttotne maWftae prtnMd harWn tolWy lor IntomiMtoMl purpoM*. Sud) prtneng la noi «o M Tha Huaiaas Daily aacourafcs Niahan Havandjian Faculty Adviaer oonsmiad aa an axpraaaad or impHad andoraamani or «arllleallon ol aueli oommarelal »aniiMoa by raadar'i opjaiooa, cfitkiaaii aed com ma Jowmaiam Dèpartmanl or CaWomla Solylaclmla Slata Urtivaralty. San Luta OWapo. ment«. Lañara and praaa raiaaaca ihould Printed on campus by University Graphic Systeme PuOSahad avary day durino ma acadamic yaar m e api hoHdaya and axam partoda by ma Joun I be suboUnad le koeai 23S of ihc nabam Oapanmant Dava Oslund Qanaral Manager I Graphic Aria Salhltaa, Cal Poly. San mmiad by aludanli malonno In QrapMe Communleallona ' Lull OMapo CA «3407. Lanari ihould Laurel Tossy Publishing Manager Opbilona aaproaaad In mia papar m alenad aditorlala and articlaa ara ma vlaara ol tha wrtlar and be kepi ihonar lhaa ÌS0 wordi. muM be Nicki Duasbarg Asst. Mgr. Newspaper Production do noi naoaaaarNy lapraaani ma opinlona ol ma alali or ma vlawa ol ma JoumaUam Oapanmant. typad aad jachada aha aaSar'a ligiiaiurc Laura Ward Asst. Mgr. Sp^lal Publications Unalgnad adllorlala «aliaci ma vlawa o* ma Muatang Daily EdHorlal board and phoae aumber. Editora taaarve ihc EdNoiIal and advaiUalng oHlcaa locaiad ki QrapMe Ana Building Room 2 X Pbona 540.1143. Scott Bauder Asst. Mgr. W eb Operations righi 40 edk al leñara for knsth and Advortlamg ralaa on raouaat uyie and amir Hbcio« errera. Letters WHI noi be pobiithed arhhoui the abihor’t name. .1-1- !

Mustang DaMy Tuesday, October 29.1965

m t r c R.. ■ r IMary OWky.AUMC'J lew ITU OUR

Oregon guru Rajneesh arrested PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh was ar­ rested late Sunday trying to Hee the country by federal customs £ agents in North Carolina, a federal immigration official said. t Carl Houseman, regional director of the U.S.) Immigration and r V V |L r x i ' f Naturalization Service in Portland, said Rajneesh and a group ’ of his followers were arrested at the Charlotte-Douglass Inter­ national Airport in Charlotte. j Houseman said Rajneesh was named’ in indictments handed Computer research class down Thursday by a federal grand jury in Portland. He said the Disabled day guru was charged with conspiracy to make false statements to federal immigration oFfieers and with harbofing aliens ill^ lly ^ to b,e»tó^,,iti/ next quarter slated for intheU.S. vitDc'je . Ot,/ i ''l O l .. tp:...... ■» today in U. U. Rajneesh is the spiritual leader of s( sect that Claims up to > By Carol A. Mailman ‘‘Students will learn search 500,000 adherents, mainly in the United States, Western staff Wrttsr strategies and design,” said Europe and Australia. A class to be taught next Rockman. “ One-half of the class Displays and events will be His central Oregon commune, known as Rajneeshpuram, has 'quarter in the Robert E. Ken­ will be devoted to applying what in the University Union to­ been in turmoil for more than a month, since the guru’s top nedy Library will enable stu­ the student has learned. The day as part of Disabled aides fled to Europe. dents to tap into computer students will design and conduct Awareness Day, which is databases that hold worldwide their own bibliographic research sponsored by Disabled Stu­ information related to a specinc and they wilt retrieve informa­ dent Services. topic. tion from computer databases.” The activities, which will Hurricane Juan hits gulf states “ The’ focus of the class is to The database search will give begin at 10 a.m. and run to 3 teach students to understand students bibliographic informa­ p.m., include a variety of NEW IBERIA, La. (AP) — Hurricane Juan, a surprising how information is organized and tion on their subject mostly wheelchair sports as well the late-season storm, thrashed off-shore oil rigs with 85 mph wind retrieved in abstracts and in­ through periodical articles and chance for students and and waves up to 20 feet Monday on the Gulf of Mexico, swamp­ dexes," said llene Rockman, an books. If the materials cannot be faculty to go through« their ing boats and forcing 80 oil workers overboard, and high water associate librarian and coor­ found in the Kennedy Library daily routines in a wheelchair stranded hundreds of people on land. dinator of the class. students will be referred to the or blindfolded. • At least three people were killed, and the Coast Guard was By using the computer Interlibrary Loan office. The activities and exercises searching for three people missing on the Gulf, spokesman database search, students will “ It takes about 10 to 14 days are designed to make stu­ Keith Spangler said. In addition, one man was reported missing save time doing library research, to nil a request,” said Jean Gor­ dents and faculty, aware of on Lake Ponchartrain. ^ will be able to design a library don, section head of Interlibrary obstacles that go unnoticed computer search, will have free Loan. by all but the handicapped. access to bibliographic databases “ A student should come to us Information on disability and will receive hands-on experi­ if they have thoroughly searched prevention and exhibits of Confused Humphrey is left alone ence at a computer terminal. the Cal Poly library and cannof adaptive equipment will also The course, listed in class find what they need. We pro­ be on display in the plaza and PITTSBURG, Calif. (AP) — Marine biologists, frustrated schedules as Library 301, will be bably fill 85 percent of the re­ in Mustang Lounge. that Humphrey retreated upstream the 14 miles he had gained taught by a team of librarians quests we receive," Gordon said. On Wednesday, the SLO the day before, decided Monday to let the lost, 43-ton hump­ who are each proficient in Rockman said the library Motion Riders, San Luis back whale swim where he wants in the Sacramento River for a various subject matters such as course was was first offered last Obispo’s wheelchair basket­ while. agriculture, biology, business, winter quarter. “ The class is a ball team, will play the Cal “ We will absolutely leave him alone. There is no point to more chemistry, computer science, valuable tool, especially with the Poly Fraternity All-Stars ' at stress,” said Sheridan Stone, a biologist for the National engineering, medicine and proliferation of the microcom­ 6:30 p.m. in the Main Gym. Marine Fisheries Service, the federal agency responsible for psychology. puter," she said. endangered sea animals.

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ACROSS PnoV POS^ V0R«0 ‘ TuMclaY.CX:«qliper29,1965 MustonigDaHy Israeli leader speaks to Poly »world by satellite By Mary Aaac Talbott welcome the support of the staff WtH«r United Nations Security Council. Israeli Prime Minister Shimon “ There is no replacement for Peres spoke Sunday to people in direct negotiations," he said. 19 cities of the U n it^ States Israel would also like to have during a live satellite telecast better relations with Egypt and fromfNew York and Jerusalem. Syria. Peres said he didn’t think Shimon answered questions on Syrian King Hussein was too immigration for Russian Jews, a weak to make peace with Israel. United Nations ‘ declaration de- “Wky pass a judgment he is OPuncing Zionism, peace in ' the weak? 1 think he needs peace as Middle East and the Israeli badly as we do,” he said. “You economy. Questions from the aaaat be ready to compromise.” audience at Cal Poly were not Ahhoath the Israeli economy telephoned to Peres because the luflkrs Bom high unemployment telecast ended early due to m d U |B inflation, Peres said technical problems and th^ prime Im il can accommodate Ihe Jew- minister's fatigue. lab people who wish to im­ Answering qqestions from a' migrate. guest panel and listeners, Peres “More than the country builds said he is working with President the immigrants, the immigrants • TOMANMaaONMHMaiiQOMy Reagan and President Francois build the country," he said. Mitterand of France to get the laraaN Prtnw Mlnlatar thlmofi Parat apoka to paopla aerata tha UnHad Stataa via aataUHa Sunday. There - is optimism in the Soviet Union to allow immigra­Vlawara of uw Uva talacaat Inehtdad an audlanoa In Chumaah AudHodum. economy because there is op­ tion for the almost 3 million Jew­ timism in the people. “ And what ish people living there. “ That to it." from their side," he said. religious discrimination towards is the economy but the spirit of was the issue closest to my Peres said there is a possibility Peres also denounced a 10- the Jewish people. Discrimina- the people?” heart," he said. that Russian Jews will be allow­ year-old United Nations resolu­ ' tion against Jewish life and “ They need us, we need them. ed to immigrate to Israel if the tion which equated Zionism with Israel as a Jewish state still goes The telecast was sponsored They belong to us, we belong to Soviet Union accepts a French racism. on today, he said. nationally by the American them. I see it in the center of our offer of direct transporution to “Whoever is anti-Zionist is Israel is hoping for peace, Zionist Federation^ The Cal Poly emotional and political activity. I Israel. really a racist," Peres said. The Peres said. Israel is willing^ to telecast was sponsored by found both presidents Reagan “ It is a demand and a proposal Zionist movement is an attempt work on an agreement with Jor­ Haverim and the Multi-Cultural and Mitterand totally committed on our side without a response to end years of racial and dan and Palestine, and would Center. Response plan to be tested STEP INTO Wednesday Cal Poly will uke part in an exercise Wednesday that will test the ability of thé university to respond to an SUCCESS accident at the Diablo Can­ yon Nuclear Power Plant. Aside from testing the campus-wide public address system, all operations of the university will proceed as normal. Members of the ad­ ministrative «taft assigned to the campus Emergency Operations Center will simu­ late responses to the scenario being used for the annual county-wide exercise. Richard C. Brug, director of public safety, said that * the time of the emergency exer­ cise will not be announced. Cal Poly will join other ci­ ty, county and governmental agencies in the exercise.

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Your 7888, San Francisco, California 94120 i m e open ip;30 • »:30 m acy^ california NOWILOCATIONB NI im il Equal OpfMirtumty Emplovvr Go Furthor..,FmMier Poly stabs Matadors in conference game Ay Tin Robinson Muuang running game that is SVM iat M Hi * 0*Hy back to full strength, embarrass­ Saturday evening the Cal Poly ed the Western Football Con­ football team wctu_ against a ference’s leading rushing defense^ team which had a proverbial chip Northridge, 4-3, which allovsed on its shoulder. It was an advan­ only 88 yards a game prior to tage that showed up on paper Saturday’s contest, had not met only, and a Mustang team, play­ a offensive line with the caliber ing ibe kind of football Vince of Eoiy’s- Loaabardi would have been proud •’They hadn’t been tested. of, completely dominated Nor- They had a false sense of securi­ •thridge, 34-21. ty and they really sseren't as What kind of football would good as their stats,” said Sand­ Lombardi be proud of? The kind erson. “ The basic difference was of football that a guy like Sal our offensive line kept their of­ Cesario played. Poly’s Cesario, fense off the field,” said Sand­ who is living up to his pre-season erson. all-American billing, pounded the The Matadors had also not met Matador defensive line senseless. a runningback like Jim deed He paved the way for a total of this season, d eed , who is play­ 418 yards* on offense and the ing with a broken hand, gained Mustangs’ second impressive well over 100 yards for the se­ win in a row. setting their record cond straight week. at 3*4 on the season. The game was never really ” Sal (Cesario) is absolutely close, but did contain 6ne costly '.i* ■ ■ T.'tiW- ' j - dominant,” said Jim Sanderson, miscue. Mustang quarterback head coach of the Mustangs. Robert Perez, who played other­ “ Sal is particularly good at pinn­ wise flawless football, fumbled at ing people. He’s got the size at the Mustang 26-yard line. The 6’S”, 265 pounds, and the fumble resulted in a brief glim­ strength, speed and tremendous mer of hope, known as Mike athletic ability — and is probably Doan's fieldgoal for the Maia-- 'I t one of the best offensive linemen DARYL SHOTTl (••MDaly dors, but it was the only charity , Poly nmnlt>gboch Jim Otood ruolwo pool • ^ ' ki Rii oorNor game agalmt St. 'a. QIaad galnad in Div II football.” Cal Poly would allow . Cesario, along with the i n yordo ogolnot Motllwldgo Satufdoy le Muotano« to a 34*21 vtetory. See FO O TBALL, page 6 SECOND EDITION ELECT GRAND RON REOPENING \ NEW, FASTER, MORE DPNIN EFFICIENT EQUIPMENT TO BETTER MEET YOUR MAYOR COPYING NEEDS A BatlacsDauui aaA^hrk Le*Acr... Ron'.s record of at hlevemcitt and service i.s nimialclied. Il is ,i reflection of his lose of ttninliy and coininunity. Ron was Ihe ('harler Pre.sideitl ami ort!anr of Cointnerce. Ihe ID7.S Lnis 20% OFF Obispo Citizen of Ihe Year. Ihe IDTli Li Fiesta Kl Preshlente. He has In'ett a Cil\ Coniu ilntatt for Ihe ALL FULL SERVICE, WRILE-U-WAIT past eight years. Vice Mayor for four years. Ht* is a nteinlier of Ihe .Area .Vtency on Aging and the Zone H COFYIRQ Flood Control Disirki. He is the^lesigmitetl City Ijtii.son to the Cal I'oK sindeni iHHly. A s M ajm r, I m w i l l . . . ARD BIRDinO SERVICES I J Restore the right to public input at all times. i j Reinstate fiscal responsilrilily Iry esliildishing pritirilies; NEW. LARGER. EXPANDED I. Protection of life and prtrpt'rty' t. Public health and safvty FACILITIES AND 1 Recreation and iR'aiilifkalHui SERVICES INCLUDE: 1 ^ Continue to prated tmr environiut'nt aiul re.Htmrces im hiding Ihe de\vh>|)nienl of a long range water .supply program. •EnLARQEMCriTS Retain Ihe downtown character and vitality while expambng Ihe city's rel.iil and «*i omHnic kise .md •REDUCTIOnS providing economic opportunity for our young people. •FULL BiriDiriQ SERVICES (VELO » Ij I Provide leadership in the devekipmeiil of a pc'rfoniuHg arts center that meets Ihe cultural needs of aH citizens and Is fiscally viable. SPIRAL) IJ He supports new zoning for student housinx. •OVER 35 DirrEREnr PAPER TYPES (STYLES »COLORS) • TRAnSPAREnCIES (CLEAR ARD OPEN, RESPONSIBLE COLOR) LEADERSHIP L O C A T E D : DOWNSTAIRS IN THE UNIVERSITY UNION D U N IN y for [gfe H O U R S : MON-THURS 7:45-9;00 VOTE M4iM’tete*i rM4*r MAYOR FRI 7:4S8:00 S.S. tm I4 U , am I ,CASMM SAT 12-4 SUN 12-9 Tuesday. October 29,1988 Mustang Dalty

romped for SS and 78 yards, game, passed for 129 yards, The Mustang offense, which appears clearer each week. They respectively. while completing 10 of 18 passes had only one turnover, answered have now shut down, in convinc­ FOOTBALL They alM added further to the and no interceptions. one of two question marks that ing fashion, two of the con­ furstration of the CSUN defense "He didn’t have a great gaqie, existed before the game. The ference’s best passers. Nor­ Ftm i pagsS when it caitae to blocking. It all but he had a good completion other question mark was the thridge quarterback, Chris The Musungs then made the added up to an offense that percentage and a touchdown defense, but it is fast improving Parker, one of the WFC’s leading Matadors pay for their gift as moved at will, and it was the will pau. We expect that from game after game. "I think our passers, did throw for 234 yards, Sinclair Miles went coast to of Perez that moved the Robert (Perez), but with his abil- defense b playing as well as we but I had two passes pickbd off coast for a 100-yard kickoff can expect them to play at thb andj threw only one touchdown return. Sinclair, a S'10” junior time,” said Sanderson. from San Luis Obispo, had over "The basic difference was our The Mustangs ,> mayi-i aot iridge, a team that lives 163 yards in three returns and dominate the codfkredai'D'^n by the pass, mostly died intercepted a pass. The return offensive lirie kept their offense d e f ^ . . rday. , The Matadors also not only put a severe clamp on fact thartne maigin for'frrof m came -iato the game with a chip any Northridge comeback at­ o ff the field"— Jirh Sanderson drttjiiit.*sfel»gti^ yiry‘"tight on their shoulder. The chip was tempts, it gave the Mustang ' tnb year« said Sanderson, ■ ' < that the Maudors hadn’t lost to special teams their first big play ^ Mustangs down the Held. ities his fi|nres could be Yet th«'outlook on the defenseCal Poly at home since 1979. of the season. Perez didn't have a great day phenomenal," said Saqderson. <■ fjC - ■ I . tf: The only other problem the ** with the statistics,'I but then . C'T - U t r . Mustangs had was a pleasant again he didn’t have to — Perez COMPATIBLE just handed off, and allowed the one. and that was deciding which ••• owvi»(m«i of the fullbacks to play. Joey destructive force of the offensive • tXPMtSlONtiOTt ^ñtONOOMrMictfOxXTOII H|.Mtt MONO MOMnOD Kolina and Paulo Pueliu, who line take its course. Perez, who has started at nowoni*8129S have played like interchangeable CwnpirterFre (aOMWOZes blocks of granite this season. quarterback since the UC Davis U P M .#M « F=ll_rs.4 O R N /\T O N .^l_ BUIV1P CONTEST HURLEY'S PHARMACY HALLOWEEN SPECIAL S K I C L U B Mak*up Artist K/1EETING TONIGHT Oct. 29 4:00 Frankenstein 10% discount wtooupon on eN Sean Daly /XC3. ENG. lee (NE>^R FIRE STATION) Oct. 30 4:00Clown Halloween makeup. Full stock of all Items to use... (Bon Nye products teatured) • original and design your own costume. CS8 C0XD L All this aiKl much more... come see this live demo. No chargel

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kj. (allaa Noiwoglan Duck Huntar) Uka WOW man, I wlah you kVELBPECIALIBTS SPECIAL THANKS Wa apaoMIte In aaving you money I CHIYOZURU 12-apaad Man'a louring Join «M IM l kM «tM POLY ' could totally gat my ckia . .. blka,900.f696300. pignad. N.D. Kldnappar, ______- to Karan, Tracy (Zata, Tau Alpha) LOaiOON RT from S ^ B Y W E Y RT 9999 and aN tha Qraaka who oama to PARIB non atop 9099 AUKLAND 9919 community aarvloa notworh mooting. FRANKFURT from 9949 RK) 9799 fSS...... Adopt a grandparent Wa dMoount aN travel arrangomonta. Irv MENS to SPEED BIKE USED BUT RUNS f' Sanlor Sarvicaa offara you tha chanca to SamLutfIn tamoMowal Travel Chib LA-frvInwSB 5270 FINE. 960 OBO 941-9639 ROMANS 3:^5 maka aomaona happy. Find out how you Student CommurUty Sorvlooa HoNMMr *392 9099B32117 JOIN U8 FOP FP A Y m TU f8 11AM can maka tha diffaranca. Stop by tha Ao- UNIVEGA MOUNTAIN BIKE. MTN RACK. X^ . EVEWYOMt le WEtOOMei thrltloa Planning Canlar or call 946-2476. 8TACIE ^ U Tech. SoaMd BB 9300 941-6466. l'M SO EXCITED TO BE Y(XJR SIGMA K 2 RT Air liokaM to Hawaii 12f14 return Studant Community Sarvicaa BIB S » . OET READY FOR LOTS OF 12120 9246aa LMa 641S137 ALFRED JENKINS: You’ra a llfth of a SURPRI8ESI LOVE, CYNDI FUN ON o a ^ ry old. Only 31.536J)00 aaconda to gol Equinox, haia wa comal Gat paychad TÀU BÈTA FI------S i^ lS o , upl Gat drunk tha night balorat P.S. OobiallbaT COME FINO OUT WHATS OOINO ONI 91(^9300 WaaklyAJp MaMng droulpral Chevy MonM (Mito 73good ahapa, Ex- $KI CLUB MEETS ^ 2», AO«NQ1S3 ' ToAitdyPanda, » MTOTUE86PMSCIN206 No quotaal SIncaroly Mtaraalad mah traawaaltl 9l360fOBO 4394942 8PM TUE8. JACKSON HOLE, UTAHiNFO Nor loniBar a taan, though noKtt, But ThaBataPlbdgaClaaaof aaS-addraaaad anvaiopa: Sucoaaa, P.O. IT'S TOTAL EXCiTEMtNIU don't gat maan, . - SIGMA (Ml Box 470CEG. Woodalock. H. 00066 SUPER CHERRY 09 Ford Rancharo 30K tOCMTYO^eSPLSIMMNIEM " YOU STILL HAVE FUNI11 Invitao all Graaka to ■ on 361C, AT, P9 PB. NEW Int Dunlopa. SPEAKES: MIchMt Sima • FncHtc Qaof- Happy B-day, Panda- “GO plA io' Glaa-pala and much, much moral cianca Inc. at Wad maating Oct 30 at 7:30 Goah, you'ra ao OLDI11 at tha avant ol tha aaaoon 93200IBO Rich avaa 5464739 In ENGR13.RM1ia Andy, you ara tha boat triand anyone on Nov. 2 could avar hava. I lova you. HAPPY BIR- 8WEIE____ M t m ^ THDAYII Te Suiy FMW’a big-bm $ $ $ $ $ $ 1976 Chevy Luv PU wicab. 91290/BO Call Our naw advtaor, Dr.[)r. CaSniCaan« PanalbaFt -FROM THE H^THNEW HOUSES Open your ayaa'll Piaoa your aign In an Dean 541-6532 In avaa ol tha Arch. Engr. DapL will apaak open apaca next timo. Ba on a foodaarvar, boat diah, atockroom HAPPY B-OAY TERRI That waa way uncoollll Capa or cleanup craw. ALL poaHlona $3.46 or a It Tuaaday'a maating. Ba auia to '• higher with a quarterly Inoanliva program, coma to maat and walcoma har. LOVE FROM CAMARILLO TothaSAEpMdgaà- 72 PLYMOUTH SCAMP .PB,PS>C, FM- free food and great paopM. Tha houra ara AM caaa, mna graatl 960g/BO 5439140 Tuaa., OcL 29, TMIpm. QJUta rm103 HELLO VELVETIII Thanka for Tuaaday nightl Lat'a do It cool with achoM. Qtr braaka off. Coma WINtaiLOO Thanka lor babtg auch a good Mand. again aomatima (real aoont) Join tha Mam at Slannar Gian. Apply !■Aln•rlcan walding aoolaty Logo You'ra tha graataatl -< Alpha Chi Omega pledgee 7anv6pm daily at 1060 Foothill In (MMla- 75 OATSUN 2S0Z. Gold, P77, akina. SOM SC ContaaL CaN 543-1OaSJim or ÙHFORQETÀBLE rla on rebuilt ang., covr. 93600 OBO 549 • 848007-Llaa Dua 11/9 ______• HEYPARTYANIMALSIll Rowdy Romantic -, , - 3791. Sarlouainquirlaa only. ' COME TO SIGNATURE'S BAR Dinner dancing fun Crutaaahip hiring Information Women’s Waterpolo ON.SOUTH HIGUERA HALLOWEEN Exciting laaMva awaaoma *. Phono 707-77910M tor detalla MEETINQ TUE8. OCT. 29 PE 219 AT NIGHTII NO AGE LIMIT Siam. 700 PM. ALL WOMEN WELCOME Gammam BaM FaH Formal PALS VOLUNTEERS Coming Soon-.. DESIGN A LAY-OUT POSITION OPEN AT WELL-ESTABLISHED CABINET MFG. FEMALE ROOMMATE: Own bdrm 9 bath, NEEDED PLANT FOR CAREER44INDED ARCH OR fumlahad. 9230fmo util Indu'd. 5490393 DRAFT STUDENT. EXCELLENT PAY. 015496206 Eapaclally malaa and anyone willing to PAID VACATION. MED A DEN'FAL AIDS VIRUS TESTINQ-Fiaa, Anortymoua. drtva to Ataacadaro. Wa hava lota ol kida COVERAGE. RESUME REQUESTED. (You ara glvan a ragiairaHon ^ m ap- who could banafit from you Irtandahip. CALL BETWEEN 10am A 12pm. M-F, ASK MALE ROOMMATE NEEDED TO SHARER Prayer la EffacU va In our MASTER BEDROOM IN COED HOUSP polntmant rtaadad-WEONESOAYS 1-4pm, ’ Cad AFC 546-2176 . Economy” Fraa ChrtatMn ScMnoa FOR KRIS OR LYNDELL1-2392960 SLO.Co Haalth Dapt. 1941 Johnaon. Ava. Ksihy 6116006 POOL. JACUZZI, . MICROWAVE. lecture Tuaa. ova. Spin. Oct. 29, at FIrat 9200IMONTH, ASK FOR GARY 5490036 (Ad piacad by your Studant Haalth Ctr) STUDENT COMMUNITY SERVICES \ Church of ChrlatSclantlat OPBNWQ: ATTN Saa tha nawaat atylaa ol Vuamata, 1326 Garden, SLO. All ara walooma F(NI WORK-STUDY STUDENTI AN EX- CiriNQ JOB IN CLASBIFtLED ADB AT COMINQ80ON RayBana, Buccia, Skl-Optlca, Styla-Eyoa, YOUCANBEASTARII Naod pna or two roommataa to ahara two 19S4-96 Gargolla and Oaklaya at THE SEA BARN THE MUSTANG DAILY-GOOD COM­ bedroom apt (920019166 month). Pod, Perform at ABI SpaaMI EvanM MUNICATION SKILL, FLEXIBLE M Avila Beach. Wa offer caah diacounta, THURBOAY NIGHT AMATEUR HOUR barbaqua, aunaat view, carport, five Palomar Reunion . Bupar aalactlorta, and a fraa laaah with SCHEDULE A MUST. CALL JEANNE OR minute waNt to Poly. 5439009. Rant to PETE9491149DAYS. DOITNOWI ' atart winter quarter. Thia S a tu i^ l ovary pair aold. Chock ua out! Far Mfa. oaB ErBi 0499219 Ca9Mr.F.94lS383 TO MY ROOMMATE P.B. ' Part-tima-Thuro. daNvar Eaay Ad In SLO. Work around cMao achoduM. Earn an R(X)M TO SHARE: WALKÌN0 0«ÍrANÓ¿ HAVE I GOT A BET FOR YOU. I BET I 9190. (XTNTACT: BOB 5449003 CAN ATTEND MORE CLASSES THAN ava. of 999/hr. Maka application at 1339 BLACK HISTORY YOU THIS WEEK. THAT'S REAL COM- Marah St. SLO PETITIONI YiXi'RE THE GREATEST- 4D: ANaa HuntMy'a wallet R(X>MMATE NEEDED MONTH D.W.R. CaN BonnM In Loa Oaoa SECRET ARIESTORAFTSPERSONS To ahara 2 bedroom houaa in Shall VarrdanBargha Conotruction naada FT Beach. Need-flrat artd laat 9aour:no *Mtl *THEME CONTEST* FOUND: BLUE AND WHITE DODGER 7739725 Av.lOOl *' Wow Groups 4 & 114 SATIN JACKET LOST AT THE HEALTH aacy'a and draftaparaono. Contact QIno SUBMIT A THBMB PON BLACK HWTORY CENTER PLEASE (UU.L 546-1211. Aak BanattI: 1-2394244, M-F 2-4:30pm MONTH NO LATBI THAN NSW. IB In tha forPurtky. R(X)MMATE NEEDED BY NOV. latl AIro Amartcan Studant U n l^ SMIbox LAST YEARS 98 WALK TO POLY-OWN ROOM IN HOUSE. *229(A.S.I. OfNoaaL You oan auSmN mora PARTY NOV 2 ■ LOST. REWARD rACO BELL FUN ROOMIES 9246fmo(MN 5449791. than ona thama. Wamimair to Ineluda CALL JOE OR DARREN 5443662 R yauVa i on your antry your Aama and talaphona * a WHERE'S OUANO Lavi loan iaokat, vakiabM charm bracalal I al 291 lor contact ahouM you win. at TortUla Fiala 19-1996 Daaparalafy In iNaaa,BLO WALKTO^ALYSnaadadtoaharalg- •• • 9 9 aaarchl 9439246 matr. bdrm. wfoWn bathroom on AASU maata avan Mon. aiSOSiSO In tha CarpantarSt. 9200M>o. each 9439070 MuittcuNuml Canlar U.U. Bird WoodaMok'a hiring for good FT help. ALPHA OMICROM FI Apply In paraon. 1019 Court St, IFCwatomaa you to tha GREEK SYSTEM Downtown SLO 9190199 For two, MBR on 27 Aerea Congralulatlonal In SLO, 7mL eaN aftarOp^. Jo 941-0000 . BLOOD DRIVE INK SPOT BCm t N PRfNTINO leei leeeoie eoifipwifve pnoee PHI KAPPA PSI FratomNy In oooparatlon BETATHETAPI , 943-7991 9419234 COLUMBIA PORTABLE COMPUTER. with tha Sludartt HaaNh AdHaoiy Council 20VK«MAM — IVP I A 9m J OOaviDSs^vfV« ------*- I «—— IVM — ADORABLE STUDIO IN RmOENTUU. wm ba aponaoitng tha TrLCounSaa Bank Naod muaN for yoyr baah? Dooa your than 10 houra. AakMg 9^00. SETTINa NEW PfUNT, CARPET. CABI­ BLOOO DRIVE on Thuiaday, Oet 31 horn Invitet Vou To An ckib or organization want the firwal CaN Jkn 937-9300 NETS, UTILITIBS PD. 941-6170. 3 bNia to 9amto2pmlnChumaahAudNarlum. Wo antartaIrNnoni around? Call tha KCPR Poly. 9466*110. BOOSTERS for your next danoa or parly. oncourago avaryona to ghra blood DISK DISK DISK bacauaa whan you gkra Mood, you ghra 0099^49640. ALL 9V4SSDDBASF9ia06 Avail. now-SLO Naw Condo-2bdrm, 2 Ilia. For mora Inlomwtion ploaoa call tha 9WD600BASF91AB6 Trl-Countlao Blood Bank at 941-4290 bath. Haa own hottub, ' waah-dryar, BOX OF 10 microwava. CaN Taraaa 541-0620. ------GREEK EL CORRAL BOOKSTORE Cedar Creak Village. Juat opened - 4 Attn: South CrmnN Studanta. Feat typing IBM PC AND (X7MPAO USED 640K apaoaa, 2fam, 2m«la. Naw fumlahad rBUMPS! aarvloa In Plamo Boach. Term papara 5 SYSTEMS W/PRtNTERS. Syalama Include qnita. For Info caH 5469686 PARTY profocta. Raaaonabla raiao. Cortaha'a of- aH aooaaaortaa. 30 day warranty. Call SKI CLUB MEETINQ - Film of National floa aupply 7739951 or 4690724 avaa. DATA-WEST. 94991 tS , 4 Bump Coniaat Ag-Eng 123 Bpm Tuaa 29, C U ^O M 1 BEOfKX>M DUPLEX NEW AT THE SPIRITI CARPET, LINOLEUM, L CABJNETS. Final paymant lor Utah. BE THEREI COMPUT-rr 5449420. High quality MÒBILE HOME FOR SALEI 1 BED. 1 BA S Word Prooaaalno. term papara. ai«d Now 99,000, Waa 99.700fBO CM« 5434462 BLOCKS TO T POLY. UTILITIES PD. THURSDAY - 9696IMO. 541-5170. profaoalonal Raaumaa. Wo know how REFRIGERATOR KENMORE 3.4 cu ft • COLLEGE REPUBLiCANB CLUB to maka you look good In prtntl aafa axtartor 9109 Call Tony MESTINO: OCT 29 TUESDAY ^ O V . 7th-9pm. Don't FALL 9ohlr>dl Call .Suaia tor your 5469209 aftar 6pm Hdiaa 9660 9 Dapo. 4396096 NIot largaer Coma and moat looal offloa eandWa garage, m a ^ extrae. ^ ^oodftfid funi * typing naada 929-7006. Rottwallar Pup AKCfOPA Champ Lina. Fvuaaada gdfa halp Chrta Jaapatian Pick of Hilar. Mala 9760.543-7SN0. Bahaal lai dia maaMBy handtaappad. CDfTINO a TYPINO. Sr. Prolocta. paper? VIchIa, Tiger Siraam Piaoa 941-9969. Large room lor rant only 9262.S0 par AB mMwa waManw, wNh an apan bar Uaad Nordica aki boote 94S. -moitth Ind. utH. Near fN>ly. Beautiful far Bwèa aver 21. Fratamlly or Saroilly FOR A U YOUR TYPINO N fK)B O A U Oonnia A-Z rental oaotar 432 Higuera houaa-Female only. 541-9402 GUYS a DOLLS wWb B » largeetlemeul wbie a beg al BONNIE. AFTER 9PM.#<3O6B0 .Uve Bend, Orb* I 79 CHEVY LUV RUffi (ÜtEA?. • 2000 Bill JANE'BNOTPIAINI OBO. 491GB07. AM/FM CASS. LOS OSOS - ON BAY : NOV 7^9.14,15,16 IB449S70 FOR TYPINO CALL 94993194 Lovahr 3 bdrm, 2 bath. Slapa from IMorro Bay. Sparklaa w*ww carpet 9 paint 9660. RAR WOROPROCE8B9IO AND TYPINO 346 Blnacarih 7724294. (Rona)- Laaar ptInMr, pholoeopMr. CAL POLY By appLMort-BaL Barri Bpm, 6412991 O aiyl Orandy: I Nttio alelar. Your THE B CR »E BHOP 401-0409 Word pro- For Bala: 19B0 SuaiM QB460B, 13/XX) MOffO BBy fVMflRW * NIOV d QQim, wfyp THEATRE fouunanim mSaa, aaoallant oondWor«, rune greall BlgtNIovaayou, c aaaing,typlw9 Campua daBvary.______fenced yard. Near goN couraa 9 b ^ . For mete Irtfo, caKRmold avaa. 941-BM1 Muat aaa lo appiaelala. 9729. kwhidoa AUBBATSar CAPS TYPtNOI Suaarvon campua pMkupf HONDA'S'S2 (»WSO'S FAST 9497B46 utHItloa 7797902 UU. CbaJitSM M ioa^ rampali la Blgma Nu on your ohariortl daBvar. 491-4421 Wa hopa lo got lofolhar ooonlll lYPINO-oneampua PUfDalCaNDMno VESPA: 1991 160 ec. RabuNt origino, Lova Gamma PM Bata______atratfX. body, mna groat 9600 Mark, ámrGuaoiIt Houaa haa own bath 9 GREAT JOB YOU AWIBOME LAMBDA 6439B36 khchan.X. mlvata antranoa, formad yard, Call 546-1421 TYPINGSRP’a JS IM PAPERB, ETC. aludlofaioraga araa. Near golf oouraa 9 CHIBKATERtll HELEN 9 4 3 « ^ NEAR CAMPUB . LOVE GAMMA FMI BETA Boy. 9400 mckidoa utmtiaa. 772-7902 For reservations TYPM40 BY THE EXC0TION YAMAHA CHAPPY MOPED. 90 OC. looo Hoy OhouBo Oraakal Cara to loin Gat H dona right lha firol Mma, from alart than400mLS236 4969366 uain MM VMlafBMonOot 31? Ifi flntelL ^IDE FR K anyham M Ban LuM OMapo N wIK ba a ghoolof a Bood dma. CaBJanM4S1-177Bor49S-13B1X437 AMD wMhaa aaaryoM a 1990 KAWB 290LTO 19K mlloa. Ì your Cal Paly ID. BahaBulaa groat $399OSO 94477B7 i iha uu Info Daak, UMbw . HAPPY HALLOIMSNII Word prooaaabia ^ Juno. Bonior paa- BUYSfGAHOUBE? MoM, raaumaai ate. 941-3109 ~ sioSfBRSS IWANT For a free Hat of aH tha affordabia 79 VESPA FOOD SCOOTER ioOO houaao and oondoa for aale In SLO WOROPROCEBSINO, Br. Pro)aela, GREAT SHAPE WHITE 941-9279 iSxSs& sr Roooaroh, ThooM. ChoopI 0490B33 cab Stavi Malaon FIS Inc. 9439370 8 TuMCkJv. Octobar 29.1985 Mustang DaHy Calendar Notables •Ta«4ay, Ort. 29 — The Slu- Auditorium from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. composed of coUege-age students deni Planning Commission will Thé drive is sponsored by the who have encountered, or are hold a meeting at 8:30 p.m. in the Student Health Advisory Coun­ currently dealing with the iuues Kudos to the following: University Union. Room 216. cil. of deadi, dying or bereavmneot □Jamm R. Huteldusun — this graphic communication pro- C — A candidate’s forum, during — aM w « a the part « f a family dessor has been awarded a ^am Ram she National Endowment •Wednesday. Oct. 89 — Paul which the seven candidates runn­ member or a friend. Oonadons far R a thna. A maaRtr a f Rm O R M R faculty since 1971, he Adalgin will review "The Peter ing for seats on the Sag Luis for the walk-a-thon ihould be will ase Rw aumrd so hRp Mm pmparc a technical manual on the Principle," by Laurence J. Peter Obispo City Council and die two made' to Walt Lambert, ouor- I af typographic pmaoipirs M word processing. at noon in the Staff Dining..candidates running for mayor dinator of Greek Affairs, ext. aaRk — Cal M R seams placed second at the 1983 RiHim. The presentation is part will speak, begins at 11 a.m. in 2476. ' CotleM* Dairy CaMe Judging Contest recently. The of the Robert E. Kennedy the University Union Plaza. ~ Hui O Hawaii Chtb will M H learn fed short of Era gdaoe In oampetition after finishing in a outreach pr^ram, Books at its second meeting at t p.m. la Read ham vsMh R a U ahawiti' of Wssoansin after the six breed High Noon. •Saturday. Nov. 2 — "Who Science North,. Room 213. For — Students for Social Re­ Will Speak for the ChildrenT" is further information contact Col- Oaama nRm sac tamdls a f she uasaons dass to break ties and sponsibility will sponsor a can­ the title of the Fall Syaapoaium een or 9m ron at 543-3628. Wiioaasiuurns aiuaidad Shi teamchaaspionship. dlelight révisai for World Peace '83 to >be held in Chsunash In she iudivsdaal amndiugs her the contest held as part of the to be held in the University Auditorium from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. 1983 World Dsdry Expo in Madison, Wls., Matt Nunes, a senior Union Pla/a at 7:.t0 p.m. Registration at the door will •Monday, Nnv. 4 — Informa­ dairy science student, warn the high individual award and Sue begin at 8 a.m. The program is tion on the Peace Corps will be Durrer, a sophomore dairy scienoemuRmt, finished fourth. •Thursday. Oct. 31 — Ken co-sponsored by the ASI available in the University Union Dclflno of the California Children's Center and the Tri- Plaza from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Department of Forestry will Counties Association for the Monday, Tuesday and Wednes­ discuss “ California Department Education of Young Children. day. Patient waits for heart of Forestry's Role in Natural /' Resource Management in •Sunday, Nov. 3 — About 300 •Tuesday, Nov. 5 — Relocation SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — lion as doctors searched for a California" in Science Nbrth. sorority members are expected to of over 10,000 Navajo and 400 Richard Dallara, hoping a donor human heart to transplant. RsHsm2I.

4th Annual Maloney's Gym igluH C u«». Halloween Party Î SP® ***^ Gorier ot Higuera and Santa Ro: Friday Nov. 1st7PM-11PM Fantaatic Soma _ EACMSAlON I t t i S a a U lta M erocHNOCNUr ax.o.iM»ies OWNED AND OKtATED The arlaiual famiiy hairruMcrx. ^ COtlRRM CRRtRgf ♦************♦♦*♦*♦*♦♦*♦♦♦****♦**♦**♦♦

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