Mustang D aily California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo 50th Year, No. 25 Tuesday, October 29,1985 Pro fitness petition is circulated .'Í By Jennifer Kildee S U tf w m *r More than 300 signatures sup­ porting the conversion of the campus bowling alley into a fitness center have been gathered Î1 by a senior recreation ad­ ministration student. -%> J "» " " “ I felt that there was a need to , . 3 J voice an opinion about the fact '-Si.' " ; that the issue (of the conversion) ■■•..! -Í- • >' *' «vi hadn’t been finally confirmed and dealt with," said Laura 'C a " C Barney, instigator of the peti- I «. ■A' K s ion. s A Students who use the weight room or who participate in in­ VI-TI in i M il tramural sports or sports clubs were among those whosigned VIM I u \ S | | Barney’s petition, as did her fellow Recreational Spoils emplovees. The signatures were then presented to the Siudeni Senate at Its Oct. I6mef,(^ng. John Sweeney, ASl vice presi dent, said the final decision of converting the bowling alley into a fitness center rests with Presi­ »Í dent Baker. "1 don’t think it (the list of signatures) will affect the decision pro or con,” he said. Football plane crash remembered"The students dealt with that last year. The advisory board By Laura Roscnblum and two women who were accompanying student memorial fund, established by the held open forums so that stu­ Suit Writer the team back to San Luis Obispo. San Luis Obispo and Pomona campuses of dents could voice their opinions "Poly Football Team in Air Crash; 22 The Saturday Evening Post and Life Cal Poly, collected donations to aid the either way," Sweeney added. Dead” read the Oct. .10, I960 banner magazine ran four-page articles about the wives and children of the deceased. Barney said she and some headline ot a special Sunday edition of the crash. In San Luis Obispo, the only events The "Mercy Bowl,” played between other interested students sub­ Telegram-Tribune. to ever merit the publication of special Bowling Green State University and Fresno mitted a petition with "the exact It was 25 years ago today that an Sunday editions of the Telegram-Tribune State University at the Los Angeles Col­ same idea" last year. "At that airplane crash killed 22 people, including 16 were the Oct. 29 plane crash and the end of iseum on Nov. 23, 1961, brought in more point, it sounded like it was go­ members of the Cal Poly football team. World War II. proceeds for the memorial fund. ing to go through; it was a posi­ The Cal Poly Mustangs had played a At Cal Poly, things were at a stand-still. A plaque in memory of the 16 football tive thing. Now it’s more nebu­ disappointing S0-6game against Bowling El Mustang (Mustang Daily) ran a special players killed in the crash is embedded in a lous,” she said. Green University in Bowling Green, Ohio Oct. 31 edition devoted to news of the large rock in Mustang Stadium, and a me­ Blarney said she believes her on that Saturday afternoon. The team tragedy. Classrooms and offices on that morial of the Mercy Bowl and a picture of work as leisure class coordinator boarded the chartered C-46 airliner at Halloween day after the crash were closed the I960 Football team are displayed in a at Recreational Sports gives her Toledo Airport that evening, even though at 10 a.m. so all students and faculty could showcase in the Physical Education Build­ a good perspective on the facili­ dense fog engulfed the surrounding air attend a special memorial service in the ing. ties the university has to offer. strip. gym. Flags were flown at half-mast. A special display at the archives on the "We provide programs for stu­ After climbing only 200 feet, the airplane Homecoming celebrations and all football fourth floor of the Kennedy Library con­ dents, but we have no place to exploded. Of the 48 passengers on board, 16 games for the I960 school year were tains the original news coverage of the program. We either cannot Cal Poly football team members were killed canceled. event. The pages that the historic tragedy schedule classes at prime times along with a student team manager, a San Aid and sympathy to friends and was captured on have turned yellow with or we can’t find the facilities,” Luis Obispo businessman, the pilot, co-pilot relatives of the victims came in all forms. A age, but the memory of the event lives on. she said. Incumbent Settle cites ‘successful term’ By Susan Harris "CMC is using two times their housing and service demands on ther train graduates of Poly," Sun wm*r allocanon for water. This jeop­ the city and students. said Settle. City Council incumbent Allen ardizes the growth of Cal Poly Independent student housing, Addressing the question of city Settle said he would like the and affects the faculty and the commonly known as a Greek and student relations. Settle said voters to recognize the "very students." said Settle. Row, is favored by Settle. the issue came up due to the lack successful work” of the current He explained that the state is "I support the annexation of of few important issues in this City Council when they go to more concerned about where to state property for additional election. vote Nov. 5. house prisoners than the growth student group housing," he said. Agendas from the City Council ALLEN K. SETTLE Although he said "there are no of Cal Poly. He stressed that students will and the Student Senate are now Occupation; City Council in issues that are very hot,” Settle "This worries me because this need the support of the City being exchanged to inform the cumbent/Cal Poly Professor outlined a few issues he said IS where I work," Settle said. Council to provide services and other group of upcoming issues Qualifications: PhD. UC would be affecting Cal Poly dur­ Due to the lack of political help with the financing. and the current status of pro­ Berkeley; member of San Luis ing the next council term. clout that San Luis Obispo "They’ll have my support," posals, Settle said. Obispo City Council since He cited the expansion of the County has, it is difficult for the Settle said. Another positive sign between 1981; president of County Area California Mens Colony, the need county to stop the expansion or An issue classified by Settle as the city and students. Settle Council of Government: for independent student housing, development of any prison. Set­ a "key thing” is the development said, is a Student Senate resolu­ member of City Housing Task the encouragement of clean in­ tle explained. of a research-oriented, clean in­ tion to foster good will in the Force; chairman of City Plann dustry and the improvement of Settle emphasized that the ex­ dustry in San Luis Obispo. community. The resolution also Ing Commission. city relations with Cal Poly as pansion of CMC directly impacts ‘T d like to see a research park asks the council to make an ef­ current issues. the campus by putting greater constructed to employ and fur­ fort when dealing with student Punk perceptions Satellite speaker Matadors gored Students voice their opinions about punk music and Through a aatalllte transmission. Cal Poly students The Mustang football tsam knocked the Cal State punk lifestyle. Page 2. were able to view a panel discussion with Israeli ' Northrldge Matadors Saturday In a 34-21 conference Prime Minister Shimon Peres. Page 4. victory. Page 5. i *s^v Í -f- ^ •O''- Tuesday, October 29,1986 Mustang DoHy O pinion Mus I ANC. Da ily On the street LETTERS TO THE EDITOR What do you think of SAGA challenges all created the problem. Ical side of AIDS; It Is up to the It appears to mo that you were public to end the Ignorance which to keep Poly ‘P* clean not there that night — or If you brtnga the bigotry. when you hear the Editor — Vary aoon the Poly “ P” were, you weren’t paying much at­ Also, in the story. Mustang Daily will again bn gotting a propor face tention to what was going on mentioned the gay students' group words ‘punk rocker’? lift. No polka dota, zabra atrlpaa or around you. Next time, get facta on campus. This group has not been tollot papar maaaagaa thia tima, al­ straight. ^ called the Gay Students Union since By Mary Anne Talbott and Kevin H. Fox though tha two4ona chacka waran't TOI PHILLIPS 1963rln the future, please refer to bad. ThIa tIma tha Simulation and ua as the Gay arid Lesbian Student Advantura Qamktg Aaaoclhtlon, will Union, b <. ba painting It plain, old-faahlonad Thanka for printing such an in Bryaa “ SLO-Boy” Carry, whita. Thay will ba trying to rastora Story about AIDS structive article. physics, sophomore: I gel all the tha "P " and tha aurrbunding araa to commended by reader SCOTT MILLER images of crazed hoodlums wear­ soma aamblanca of Ita original ing leather jackets running form. Along with this rademption of Editor — I would like to con- • around subbing people. Actual­ tha “P," SAQA Is issuing a ly, I just think of normal people gratúlate Mustang Dally for having challanga, throwing down the who like punk music. the courage to print a feature article gauntlat as It warn, to saa if the on Acquired Immune Deficiency Apology is due for student body as a whole can main­ Syndrome, or AIDS (AIDS: The DON'T PUNK poster tain tha "P ” In Its, soon to ba, Epidemic, Oct.
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