SENATE-Friday, January 29, 1982 (Legislative Day of Monday, January 25, 1982) the Senate Met at 11 A.M., on the Mr
January 29, 1982 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -SENATE 497 SENATE-Friday, January 29, 1982 (Legislative day of Monday, January 25, 1982) The Senate met at 11 a.m., on the Mr. WARNER thereupon assumed the advantages. The Italian police have expiration of the recess, and was the chair as Acting President protem shown what society can do to protect itself. pore. It is an extraordinary feat to retrieve a cap called to order by the Honorable JoHN tive alive, and this spectacular success will W. WARNER, a Senator from the State be reassuring to that vast majority of of Virginia. RECOGNITION OF THE people, not only in Italy, who detest terror MAJORITY LEADER ism, its methods and its purposes. For Ital PRAYER ians, the Dozier case is only the most dra The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem matic example of the remarkable capability The Chaplain, the Reverend Rich pore. Under the previous order, the that their police have developed in this long ard C. Halverson, LL.D., D.D., offered Chair now recognizes the majority guerrilla war. the following prayer: leader. More than 2,000 terrorists have been ar Mr. BAKER. Mr. President, I thank rested in Italy within the past two years. Let us pray. the Chair. That took a lot of quiet courage on the part Sovereign Lord of history and the of the people responsible for it-not only nations, as the Senate gears up for 9 the policemen and prosecutors. but judges, months of hard work, help the Mem THE JOURNAL prison officials, jurors and witnesses, who Mr. BAKER.
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