The Ukrainian Weekly 1988, No.13 ІізЬесІ by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal поП"profіГа550СІа1іоп| ШrainianWeekl Y Vol. LVI No. 13 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 27, 1988 25 cents Australian Parliament passes motion Legislators mark Millennium supporting Ukrainian Helsinki Group Pysanka hits Washington by Malta Kolomayets Ukraine and discouraging the official MELBOURNE, Australia - In whom she has been associated in WASHINGTON - Citing the participation of the United States in any October 1986, the Australian Fede monitoring the Helsinki Accords. recently passed Senate Resolution 235 official Millennium ceremonies in the ration of Ukrainian Organizations sent The motion, which was passed una denouncing the Soviet government's Soviet Union, Sen. Dennis DeConcini a draft motion expressing support for nimously, deplored the deaths of Ukrai suppression of religious freedom in (Continued on page 16) the Ukrainian Helsinki Group (UHG) nian Helsinki monitors at the infamous on the 10th anniversary of its founding, Perm Camp 36-1 and called on the to several Australian politicians in each Soviet government to release the still major party. That initiative has only imprisoned or exiled monitors and now come to fruition. Happily, it "allow them to return to their home coincided with the visit to Australia of lands, or if they wish, emigrate to the Oksana Meshko, a founding member of countries of their choice." the UHG. In 1983 an Australian Senate motion On Thursday, March 17, Oksana in defense of the group was proposed Meshko, 83, watched from the by Sen. Brian Harradine (Tas.) and also Visitors' Gallery as Member of passed unanimously. Parliament Philip Ruddock (Liberal, In his introductory speech, Mr.
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