Newspoll: Western Australian State Voting Intention and Leaders’ Ratings Introduction ................................................................................ 3 Table 1. Political Issues Trends. Western Australia State Voting Intention and Leaders’ Ratings. Satisfaction with Premier. ......................................... 4 Table 2 Political Issues Trends. Western Australia State Voting Intention and Leaders’ Ratings. Better Premier. ...................................................... 8 Table 3. Political Issues Trends. Western Australia State Voting Intention and Leaders’ Ratings. Satisfaction with Leader of the Opposition ................... 12 Table 4. Political Issues Trends. Western Australia State Voting Intention and Leaders’ Ratings. Voting Intention. .................................................. 17 Fact Sheet 13. January 2014. 2014 Except to the extent of the uses permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means including information storage and retrieval systems, without the prior written consent from the Librarian, Western Australian Parliamentary Library, other than by Members of the Western Australian Parliament in the course of their official duties. Western Australian Parliamentary Library Parliament House Harvest Terrace Perth WA 6000
[email protected] ISSN 1 921243 69 4 January 2014 WA Parliamentary Library. Scope Note 13, January 2014 Introduction Scope Notes is a series of fact sheets based on questions frequently asked of the Parliamentary Library. This Scope Note includes data from the Western Australian State Voting Intention and Leaders’ Ratings polls published by Newspoll. It includes data relating to Western Australians’ Satisfaction with Premier; Better Premier; Satisfaction with Leader of the Opposition; and Voting Intentions. Newspoll results are published in table format in The Australian. The data is also made available on the Newspoll website -