Bolingbroke Deanery GGrr aappeeVViinnee AUGUST 2017 ISSUE 494

• Mission Statement The is called by God to be faithful, confident and joyful.

• Vision Statement To be a healthy, vibrant and sustainable church, transforming lives in Greater 50p

1 Bishop’s Letter

In place of a bishop’s letter this month, the Revd David Dadswell, Bishop’s Strategic Implementation Adviser and a member of Bishop Christopher’s immediate staff, introduces himself and his role in the diocese.

Dear Friends

The pea harvest has just started as I write this. Huge machinery is marching across the fields with great urgency to gather and freeze the precious crop, so it can appear fresh and tasty on our tables into the darkest winter months. Harvest is a strong image for us as Christians. We need to be out in the fields telling people about Jesus, healing people’s wounds, building lively communities where God’s kingdom of justice and love transforms lives for the better.

It was a great joy and privilege for me when Bishop Christopher invited me to join his staff as a fellow worker in the harvest. The role he has asked me to fill is all about helping the diocese at all levels to deliver on its promises, particularly through the diocese’s strategy and the learning communities. I’ve come from 20 years as an organisational consultant and bring insights and skills about structures, systems, ways of working and culture that enable what we want to happen to come into reality. So far I’ve been astounded at the variety of imaginative things going on in the diocese, at the commitment to making a difference and at the ability of Lincolnshire people to talk for ! That last feature is great for someone new to this sort of job. I’ve been getting huge amounts of information and insights into what it’s like being the Church here – the challenges, the strengths, the history and the possibilities.

Something I learned as a consultant is that you’re not the person who delivers the product. I hope that the work I will be doing with you will be useful and constructive, but it will only make sense if it helps you to be effective as an ambassador for Christ in your workplace, your community, your circle of friends, your place of education.

I look forward to meeting more of you friendly folk of greater Lincolnshire, and I ask for your prayers for the work I and my colleagues are doing to support your Christian witness.



Principal Service

Sunday 6th August Transfiguration of Our Lord (Gold or White) First Reading Daniel 7.9-10, 13-14 Psalm/Canticle Psalm 97 Second Reading 2 Peter 1.16-19 Gospel Luke 9.28-36

Sunday 13th August 9th Sunday after Trinity (Green) Continuous: Related: First Reading Genesis 237.1-4, 12-28 1 Kings 19.9-18 Psalm/Canticle Psalm 105.1-6,16-22,45b Psalm 85.8-13 [or 105.1-10] Second Reading Romans 10.5-15 Gospel Matthew 14.22-33

Sunday 20th August 10th Sunday after Trinity (Green) Continuous: Related: First Reading Genesis 45.1-15 Isaiah 56.1,6-8 Psalm/Canticle Psalm 133 Psalm 67 Second Reading Romans 11.1-2a,29-32 Gospel Matthew 15.[10-20] 21-28

Sunday 27th 11th Sunday after Trinity (Green) Continuous: Related: First Reading Exodus 1.8-2.10 Isaiah 51.1-6 Psalm/Canticle Psalm 124 Psalm 138 Second Reading Romans 12.1-8 Gospel Matthew 16.13-20

The monthly diocesan prayer diary may be downloaded from the website at (Printed hard copies are also available upon request - contact Simon Dean on 01522 50 40 50).

3 Group Registers: Funerals: Cluster Benjamin Hopper 90 years died 22.05.17 Marion Spence 93 years Spilsby died 29.06.17 Jennifer Jackson 67 years died 30.06.17 Derek John Langley 88 years died 04.07.17

Stickney Cluster Alice Mary Welbourn 93 years Stickney died 06.07.17 Carol Burrell 70 years Stickney died 12.07.17

South Ormsby Group Rebecca Marie Vines 31 years died 29.06.17

Baptisms: Spilsby Cluster Lewis Richard Atkinson Hundleby 02.07.17 Austin Elliott Tunnard Spilsby 23.07.17

Marden Hill Cluster Kalian James Hodson 09.07.17 Theo Carl Hodson Toynton St Peter 09.07.17 Ruby-Rose Alison Argent Toynton St Peter 09.07.17

Weddings: Marden Hill Cluster Ian Peter Pawson & Roseanne Helen Lenton Toynton St Peter 22.07.17

South Ormsby Group Richard John Stockdale & Nicola Jayne Garnett Tetford 07.07.17 Benjamin Edward Loyd & Holly Kristina Turner Tetford 22.07.17

Dates for the diary August 4th Home Communions 4th Lincoln Chamber Music Concert in St James, 7.30pm. Tickets available from Tongs. 5th Guild of bellringers at . 5th Charity Tombola at the Aviation Centre 5th/6th Flower Festival 4 7th Team Worship meeting, 2pm, Spilsby Vicarage 12th Fair 12th Lusby afternoon teas 13th Lusby afternoon teas 15th The Old Rectory Communion 28th Stickney Church bingo at the Youth Hall

September 1st HOP outing to Sheringham 2nd Langton concert 4th Marden Hill Cluster Meeting, 7pm Spilsby Vicarage 5th Stickford PCC 7th Partney Cluster Meeting, 7pm, 9th-10th Heritage Weekend – displays in Stickney Village Hall 9th Craft Fair in St Helen’s, Stickford 9th LCT Ride & Stride 10th Confirmations at St James, 10am 11th PCC, 2pm 11th Stickney PCC 12th Old Bolingbroke PCC meeting, 7.30pm 13th PAMG meeting, 7pm Spilsby Vicarage 15th Silent Craft Day at St James 17th West Keal Open Day, 10am-4pm 19th The Old Rectory Communion 24th PCC 30th Male Voice Choir, St James, 7.30pm

HARVEST TIME September 15th East Kirkby Harvest Festival, 7pm 17th Harvest Festival, 9.30am 17th Raithby Harvest Festival, 11.15am 17th Hundleby Harvest Festival, 3pm 18th Raithby Harvest Supper & Auction 23rd Skendleby Harvest Supper 24th Langton Harvest Festival, 11.15am 24th Skendleby Harvest Festival, 6pm 24th Stickford Harvest Festival, 6pm 25th Stickford Harvest Supper

5 End of Term – Beginning of Term

Schools have just broken up for the long school holidays but in the blink of an eye they will be back again. Life is like that and I expect it seems like that even in parts of the world like Armenia where they have a three month school break! Below you will find some ideas about making sure we are ready for each day by making sure that prayer and blessing is at the heart of all we do, for ourselves and for others. They are focused on children in school but surely it is true for each one of us.

Remember Christian Soul That today and every day you have God to glorify. Jesus to imitate. Salvation to work out with fear and trembling. A body to use rightly. Sins to repent. Virtues to acquire. Hell to avoid. Heaven to gain. Eternity to hold in mind. Time to profit by Neighbours to serve. The world to enjoy. Creation to use rightly. Slights to endure patiently. Kindnesses to offer willingly. Justice to strive for. Temptations to overcome. Death perhaps to suffer. In all things, God's love to sustain you.

Schoolbag blessings If September brings some kind of new beginning for your family, such as a child starting nursery, school or moving up a class , it can be helpful to know that God is always with us wherever we go. The start of a new term is an opportunity to ask for God’s blessing on the places we will go and the people we will meet.

Here’s a simple way to do this: • Look in your child’s school bag. Often there is a name tag built in. You can usually take the paper slip out of the tag.

6 • Write on the back of the paper slip a simple prayer for your child, for example, ‘Dear God, please bless (child’s name) at (nursery/school) this year’, or similar words.

• Replace the card in its holder, and nobody will know the prayer is there except you, your child and God.

• If the bag doesn’t already have a tag, you can use a keyring (one of those with a plastic frame and a paper insert) and attach it to the zip.

Parents: if you take a bag or briefcase to work (or even if you just have a handbag or sports bag) why not make yourself a blessing label too? Plan for each day. Starting a new morning regime can be stressful but planning ahead for the next day is a great way to reduce morning panics and get the day off to a smooth start. So the night before, try doing a few things ahead of time. Helping your child pack their bag and laying out their outfit or school uniform can help. Make their packed lunch the night before too, if they'll have one. Saying a simple prayer each night at bedtime can help children relax and know God will be with them through everything they'll do the next day. Ask your child if there are any special things happening, whether there is anything they're excited about. If they have any worries or think there might be problems to tackle the next day, let them know they can hand their worries to God, because Jesus promised that everyone who has problems can come to him, and he'll find a way to lighten the burden. You might then like to pray with your child about those things, to say thank you for everything that's going well, and ask for God's help with the challenges. The following prayer is an example, but simply talking to God like a friend is often the easiest way to pray!

Loving God, thank you for all my friends, and my teachers/carers. Thank you that I have the chance to learn new things every day. Please bless everyone at school/nursery, and please bless me too. Help me to know that all day long, whether I'm having fun or whether I'm feeling upset, you're there for me. Amen

Raithby Village Hall

Tuesday Coffee Morning 1st August 2017 10.30am – 12 noon


St Jude’s Church, New Leake


Tuesday 1st August 10.00am

Come along and have coffee and enjoy talking with friends

Lincolnshire International Chamber Music Festival

Solem String Quartet Friday 4th August

St James Church 7.30pm

Tickets available from Tongs

St Mary, Hundleby

An enormous thank you to all who helped us raise the magnificent sum of £1650 at St Mary’s, Hundleby recent Summer Fayre.

Whist Drives

Hundleby Parish Room 3rd Tuesday each month 7.00pm

We are looking for new members. Why not come along and join us. Cost £2.50 to include tea, coffee and biscuits and raffle.

HALTON HOLEGATE 100 CLUB – JULY WINNERS Mrs M Odlin Halton Holegate Mrs B Griffin Little Steeping Mr L Steltner Little Steeping Mr D Toulson Spilsby

8 Rev’d Fran’s Bit

Make a memory If your child recently had a first day at school or nursery or playgroup, keep the photo of them that day as a reminder, and of how special the moment is. You could take one at the same time each year, and create an album – pick a background that won’t change, so you can see how they’ve grown!

Summer holidays are upon us and we aim to recharge our batteries with a little rest and relaxation – but that takes many forms. I do not find it particularly relaxing simply lying by a pool in the hot Mediterranean sunshine, but others do. For me, a stroll along a seashore is what works best – and I will certainly be doing that over the next few weeks. I hope you will be finding your own rest and relaxation too. Recharging our batteries is important, not just physically, but spiritually also. And that is where prayer comes in. Taking some daily time to spend with God, in whatever form you find helpful, is so essential as we develop our relationship with Him. The Community of St Hugh recognises this, and an open invitation is extended to all to join the Community (see the article below).

At our annual review of our Growth Plan, people in Stickney and New Leake all agreed that our biggest priority was prayer. The Community of St Hugh, which launches in September, is an ideal opportunity for a fresh commitment. Will you join us?

The Community of St Hugh

“If we want to see things changed, it starts with prayer. It starts with a new spirit of prayer, using all the traditions, ancient and modern. When it comes, it will be linked to what has gone before, but it will look different – because it is a new renewal for new times.” Archbishop Justin Welby

The Community of St Hugh is a community of prayer called to pray in, with and for the Diocese of Lincoln. As a member of the Community, you will develop a rule of life based around Worship, Service and Discipleship, establishing a pattern of prayer which suits your circumstances. The Community of St Hugh will offer an annual study day for all members, regular emails with resources for prayer and reflection and the possibility and encouragement to meet with other members to share in this work of prayer. Interested? The Community of St Hugh will be launched as a pilot project (which Bolingbroke Deanery has been invited to join) on Saturday 30 September,

9 10.00am – 12noon at Stow Minster. If you are interested in attending, please have a word with a member of the clergy so that we can book you in and arrange transport.


The Family service followed the theme of the weekend Music! Music! Music! and the service was led by Jane Parker. Reverend Joan Thornett was attending Reverend Sam Parsons first Eucharist as a priest so Father Peter preached the sermon. Each member of the congregation was given a percussion instrument of some description when they came into Church which caused some excitement and the children quite liked it as well!

John Hobson read the lesson and then instead of a talk Margaret Cook led the congregation in singing ‘Old McDonald had a band’ and ‘Thank you Lord for this new day’ with the congregation joining in with the instruments. Smiles were very broad and some people realised they had more rhythm than they thought. Father Peter taught the congregation a song “Praise the Lord in the rhythm of your music” and encouraged everyone to move and sing as he explained that Saint Augustine considered that singing was like praying twice.

Jane then led the prayers and prayed for previous organists of the Church; Miss Whittlsey, June Richardson and Frank Riley and for the builder of the organ, William Hill. An enjoyable times was had by all.

The next Family service will be on August 6th at 10.00 when the theme will be Walls.


EVERY SATURDAY, 10am – 12 noon

Come and have a chat!


The sound of music and the scent of flowers filled St James Church during the first weekend in July.

Many flower arrangers spent the Thursday arranging beautiful displays of flowers to represent different genre of music; Calypso, ballet, Country and Western, heavy metal, light opera and much more. It was so much more than expected and many people commented on the high standard of arrangements. Pat Bourn and Cinnie Cuppleditch dedicated their display in the West porch “in memory of everyone lost in recent tragic events”.

The celebrations for the renovation of the William Hill organ commenced on Friday, June 30th when Colin Walsh, Organist Laureate at gave a recital to over eighty people. He reminded the audience that William Hill had built organs in Westminster Abbey, Peterborough Cathedral, King's College Chapel Cambridge and many other important Churches. On Saturday Greg Ward played his electric organ; Mr Morton from , Mr McCrystal from Burgh, Mr Quinn form Alford and Mr Eke from played the Hill organ; Burgh handbell ringers and Gunby choir sang at lunch time and the Elizabethan Singers from Alford sang in the afternoon.

Zero Degree Chorus,a four part ladies acapello group from Louth gave a wonderful concert in the evening and the audience participation was enjoyed by all.

Thank you to the visiting Morris Dancers who gave an unexpected performance outside the church.

The Family service continued with a musical theme at 10.00 on Sunday morning (see separate report) and after the service Greg played once again

11 followed by Gary Cole playing the trumpet and Rosa Smith and her friend playing ukuleles. Jenny Williams and Lisa Taylor played the organ and the day finished with the bellringers ringing the Church bells and an Evensong at 4.00 led by the Greenwood Quire of dressed in 19th century costumes.

Grateful thanks to the welcomers, people selling raffle tickets, people helping in the kitchen, people who baked cakes, people who donated time and money to the weekend, musicians and singers and to the wonderful flower arrangers. This weekend was to promote the William Hill organ and it was felt that if we made some money for Church funds it would be a bonus. The amount raised was £2243.54. THANK YOU SO MUCH. IT IS VERY MUCH APPRECIATED.

BBC Radio Lincolnshire’s ‘Pirate Gold’ treasure hunt also paid a visit to the flower festival as their second clue led the 2 pirates to St James’ church.

St Andrew’s Church, Little Steeping


8th August 22nd August ALL WELCOME

SPILSBY U3A Will meet at East Kirkby Airfield on Wednesday 9th August

Members have the benefit of a discounted entry

Basic admission price £5.50 payable on the day Guided tour £2.50 payable on the day Opening hours 9.30am to 5pm (last entry 4.00pm) but people can turn up when they like within the open hours!

Although payment should be made on the day, members should please book in advance through:- David Stonehouse 01790 754774


July Winner:

"Love me, Love my Dog" Congratulations - Lynne Burton

Just for laughs: "No - it's "man's" best friend!" - Richard Jones

“We're Chums just Chums" - Brian Pinnion

"Primordial man's best friend" - Victoria Smith

"Obviously an electric connection" - Anne Spengler


Please send your captions, th by 14 July to

‘Caption Competition’ The

Vicarage, Church Street, Spilsby, Lincs. PE23 5EF or email to [email protected]


Saturday 5th & Sunday 6th August

10am – 5pm

Songs of Praise 5pm on Sunday


Some of the residents of Eresby Hall have had trips out as the Hall had the Trust's mini-bus for a week. Residents from a number of homes met up at East Kirkby Aviation Heritage Centre and ,although it was rather cold they also enjoyed a visit to Gibralter Point to see the new visitor's centre there. They especially enjoyed the large scones!

Four residents attended a musical afternoon at the Church in Barton on Humber. Some time ago a group of musicians came to the home to play live music and recorded the residents playing percussion instruments. The group was sponsored by the Arts Trust and the St John's Trust. They went round to a number of homes and the music was recorded and then other instruments were added to the recording. The residents in the homes were also filmed. A group of residents from all the homes then went to Barton and heard their music being played while they watched the film. Some of the residents were thrilled to see themselves on film and eventually a recording will be available to each home so all the residents will see it.

Eresby residents also had an extra surprise as Graham took the wrong turning coming home and they ended up having to go over the Humber Bridge which was a bonus even though he had to argue at the toll that it was only a mini-bus carrying 6 people and the cost was £1.50 rather than £4.50!

Residents are also preparing for their Summer Fair. The craft group coloured in little canvas bags and enjoyed it so much the shelf in the Factory Shop was cleared and they managed to make twelve. These will be sold at the Fair.

STOP PRESS! CONGRATULATIONS Eresby Hall are the overall winners for the Trust in Bloom competition 2017. The comment from the judge was Wow! Kerb appeal with masses of colour and well thought out flower beds and pots; excellent vegetable patch and hanging baskets; all parts of the garden well maintained and inviting. Lots of evidence of involvement from residents as well as families and staff. Well done to everyone who worked so hard to achieve this.

14 Marden Hill Group May Lottery Winners 1st No. 46 R Riggall 2nd No. 27 G Richmond 3rd No. 24 Ian Cooper

Toynton All Saints May Lottery Winners 1st No. 11 D Plemming 2nd No. 33 G Britton 3rd No. 44 E Moss

Please note that the reminder letters for the Marden Hill Cluster Lottery have now been posted out. The next draw of the new year for them is 1st August so please get your stakes in as soon as possible. As usual, many thanks to you all for your continued support with our ongoing fundraising. Alf Tunnicliffe Lottery Organiser.

Partney Fair

th Saturday 12 August 11am – 4pm

The Glebe Field

(behind Partney Rectory) “Just Magic”

(Walkabout Magician & Balloon Modelling)

Craft Fair Craft Demonstrations Competitions Fun Dog Show Entertainment LIVES Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust Barbecue Teas Various Stalls Vintage Tractors & Engines Games


Second Sunday at 6 Sunday 13th August

Little Steeping Village Hall

15 Holiday Time?

For some August is holiday time but not for everyone. It is also a busy time for fund raising with Cream Teas in the South Ormsby Group and with the Flower Festival plus in the Partney cluster there is the Partney Fair with fun for all the family. All these events plus all the ones that go on throughout the year are vital to keep our churches going and let us not forget the opportunity for fellowship with one another.

Equally as important though is the upkeep of our spiritual life and maintaining and developing that. Without prayer and spending time with the lord we would end up spiritually “bankrupt”. It is vital that we build on the opportunity we have if we are not only to maintain our faith but to develop and seek out new ways to share it with those in all our communities.

Last month I mentioned in my article that I hoped that some of you may feel called to join me in times of prayer set aside to specifically listen to God so that we can help discern the way forward. Starting on 11 September in Tetford each Monday and Thursday there will be a time of Prayer at 12:00 noon in St Mary’s church. From the 12 September in Partney each Tuesday there will be a time of Prayer at 12:00 noon in St Nicholas Church and 13 September in Skendleby each Wednesday there will be a time of Prayer at 12:00 noon in St Peter & St Paul’s Church. This will be for approximately half an hour so that it can be easily fitted into the day. Please do see if you can come to at least one of these times as this is important for the life of your local church. If you would like to be involved but cannot physically come to a prayer time please do get in touch and I will make sure that you can still be involved from your home. No one need be left out that wants to be involved.

After all the hard work fund raising in August and if you are fortunate enough to have a holiday have a wonderful time. When you come to September please do think about what the future holds for you and your parish and see if you can make time in your busy diaries to come along and take time out to offer prayers and listen to God. Blessings Teresa.

Forward Planning Monday & Thursday St Mary, Tetford 12:00 11 September onwards Tuesday St Nicholas, Partney 12:00 12 September onwards Wednesday St. Peter & St Paul, 12:00 13 September onwards Skendleby

16 T A B L E T O P & B A K E S A L E

at Holy Trinity Church Raithby 10am to 12.30pm on Saturday 19th August. Come and join us at our historic church for coffee and cake and a chance to browse. For further details please call Cazzy on 01790 754485 or Julia 01790 754145.

Pam, Stephen together with Ladies of Hundleby W.I. invite you to a


Saturday, 19th August 10 -12 noon

at 122, Main Road, Hundleby

All Welcome

St Helen’s Church, Stickford

Sunday 20 August

2pm to 4pm

Everyone Welcome

SPILSBY GOOD NEIGHBOUR SCHEME Doing things good neighbours do…

If you need help or know of someone who would appreciate support please contact: Telephone 07716 127186 or email [email protected] Simply leave your name, address and ‘phone number with brief details of the help required and we will get back to you.

17 "A long journey from Brighton for Viviene”

A press release was circulated in November of last year highlighting the launch of a new Charity under the appropriate name "Matthew Sloan Windmill Days" There is an interesting story behind the charity and what has happened since. This is John and Viviene Sloan's story aptly named "A long journey from Brighton for Viviene (and) hubby John.

It all began a long time ago, decades in fact, when the Sloan family, including Granny and Granddad went to Brighton for a day trip. It was perfect and lots of laughter pursued throughout the day, especially the sight of two year old Matthew chasing grandad along the sand, with his treasured Windmill. A beautiful memory!

Sadly, not long after that memorable day, young Matthew was diagnosed with leukaemia. To his parents and the rest of the family, such devastating news! The next four years were extremely hard and difficult with many visits to Great Ormond Street Hospital for check - ups and stay ins. There were of course happy days with the family, but nothing can compensate, knowing your child is so seriously ill.

Poor Matthew lost his fight with leukaemia at the tender age of six years and two months. Words cannot describe the feeling. Thankfully leukaemia is much more understood today and survival rates have soared. There are though lots of young people still battling with this horrible illness.

Many years have passed since Viviene and John experienced that period of such sadness and it will never be forgotten. They now however are moving on and Viviene in particular, is achieving her ambition. Moving from the south, the couple set up home a few years ago in Hundleby near Spilsby, quickly establishing themselves, and making lots of friends. The time was now right for Viv, as she is known affectionately, to put her longstanding wish to fruition. The "Matthew Sloan Windmill Days Charity" is up and running. A Charity formed to give children under 12 from Lincolnshire, with leukaemia a "Windmill Day"

The aim is to organise trips to local attractions, for not only the child but the parents and siblings. Quite a number of attractions have been earmarked and those joining Viv and John will be guaranteed a memorable fun day. Of course with any charity donations are vital as are volunteers. Anything donated will be greatly appreciated. For more information contact Viv by text or phone on 07505 846664 or email:[email protected] Please - please support this local worthwhile cause. 18 More Newhome thoughts on Computers.

This month I thought I would talk a bit about some of the features of Windows 10. First off we should start with the 'Start menu'. This is now a very adjustable piece of software. Which means that if you don't like what you see you can change some bits. For me the most obvious are the tiles. Those big square boxes on the right. Most of these just seem to be there to advertise Bing and other Microsoft products. You do not have to put up with this though as you can get rid of them by 'unpining' them. To do this, find one you don't like. Maybe 'Candy Crush' or 'Microsoft Store'; point at it and right click to get the menu; top of the list is unpin; left click and it's gone. If you want it back or to add your own this is simple too. Go to the start menu on the left; find the app/programme you want; left click hold and drag it to the right. It should then be there as a quick launch/find 'Tile'. You will also see that there are other options in the menu. The next is resize. This does as it says. Have a play with it you can't do any harm. The default setting is second in the size list. Next in the list is 'More'. This gives more options. No surprise there. Top of this list is 'Turn Live Tile off/on'. Live tiles are ones that are connected to the internet. So when you click on it, say the weather, it goes to the internet and gets today's weather rather than some random point in the past. Useful for the weather but you might not want this if it is an advert that keeps changing your tile. Pin to the taskbar means put it along the bottom. These can be unpined in the same way as tiles. Uninstall at the bottom of the tile menu list will do just that. It will remove the programme from the computer. This also works on the left hand side of the start menu and is a useful way for you to go through your computer and remove programmes that you no longer need or that you did not want in the first place. You would think that would be enough for a start menu, but you would be wrong. You can resize it, both up and down and side to side just like any other window. Just bring your mouse to the right side or top; when you get the double arrows, left click and hold it, then drag. Lastly you can jump to anywhere in the menu by clicking on one of the alphabet letters, this brings up the whole alphabet, click where you want and jump there. Hope all of that is helpful to some of you and thank you for the kind words I have had about these articles.




Vibrant colours and acres of fabric took over St Luke’s Stickney recently during the Quintessentially Quilting Exhibition. Over 80 quilted items were on display, ranging from a tiny lavender sachet to a Super King size bed quilt, with bags, boxes, a curtain and even a patchwork

20 cake adding to the event. And Humpty Dumpty made a special appearance. It was a steep learning curve – we would definitely do things differently next time – but what a fantastic event. Over the weekend, approximately 200 people visited the exhibition, from as far afield as Lincoln, Washingborough and Nettleham – many of them were quilters, but some were certainly not.

All went away inspired, thanks to the beautiful quilts, the demonstrations of how to do it, and the wisdom of Wendy & Lawrie from Camelot Crafts in , where many of the exhibitors (myself included) were taught. Thoughts are already turning to next year – can we really do it? Watch this space!

The oldest computer can be traced back to Adam and Eve.

Surprise! Surprise!

It was an Apple.

But with extremely limited memory.

Just 1 byte.

Then everything crashed.

21 Stickney Church of England Primary School

On Tuesday, 18th July 2017 the children of Stickney Church of England Primary School celebrated the Year 6 Leavers’ Service. This took place on the school field and was well attended by staff, pupils and family members. The service was led by Revd. Fran Jefferies. Below are some photographs of the pupils taking part in the service.

This photograph shows three Year 6 children carrying the school banner and the church cross.

This was a proud moment for one Year 6 pupil, who was presented with the Citizenship Cup 2017 by Mrs Linda Wooding.

This is a group of Keystage 1 pupils performing their song, ‘Count on Me’.

These four Year 6 pupils were sharing their

school memories.

22 Raithby Village Hall presents

A Caribbean Evening

with Reggae music and a party atmosphere

Saturday 9th September at 7.30

3 course meal with a Caribbean theme Drinks available from the bar

Tickets £11 to include a welcome cocktail

Contact Barbara on 01790 754453, Sindy on 07780 220913 or Carrie on 01790 752933

Langton Concerts

Saturday 2 September 2017 - 6.30 pm Langton Church, PE23 4PU

Piers Adams (recorder) and David Wright (harpsichord) of the world renowned instrumental group Red Priest play “Wild Men of the Baroque” The programme will include music by Andrea Falconieri, Dario Castello, Arcangello Corelli, G F Handel, Marco Uccellini, Jacob can Eyck, Jean-Henri d’Anglebert, Giovanni Antonio Pandolfi Mealli, Joseph- Nicolas-Pancrage Royer, Claude Debussy, Hans Martin Linde, Gyorgy Ligeti, Astor Piazzolla, Heinrich Biber

Followed by drinks and canapés in the candlelit church

Suggested donations (£15 in advance or £16.50 on the door) to "Langton with PCC" c/o Langton Cottage, Langton, Spilsby PE23 4PU

BACS payment available - please ask for details

01790 753649 / 01790 753561 [email protected]

Red Priest, founded in 1997, is named after the flame-haired priest and composer Antonio Vivaldi. It is the only early music group in the world to have been compared to the Rolling Stones, Jackson Pollock, the Marx Brothers, Spike Jones and Cirque du Soleil. Red Priest has a ‘red-hot wicked sense of humour’ and ‘breaks all rules with a rock-chamber concert approach to early music’ and has given hundreds of sell-out concerts worldwide.


Message for Spilsby Surgery Participation Group (PPG) In June 2017 there were 105 appointments at the Spilsby Surgery "LOST" because 95 patients failed to turn up and had not cancelled. Five of those patients had two Did Not Attend (DNA) each. DATE FOR THE DIARY: The Annual General Meeting will be held on Wednesday 11 October 2017 at 19:00 at Spilsby Surgery. Everyone welcome. We are always looking for patients of the Surgery to join the PPG Committee and we can be contacted through the Surgery. Minutes of the PPG Meetings can be found on the Surgery Website under the PPG section.


St Helen West Keal Open Day

th Sunday 17 September 10am – 4pm followed by a short evensong service

Quizzes for children and adults; bellringing - try your hand; music; crafts; gift day; Refreshments

All welcome

Skendleby Old School

Afternoon Tea

Speaker ~ Mark Walsh

‘My Music Hall Career’

At Skendleby Hall (by kind permission of David and Ruth Lowe)

th Thursday 5 October 2.00pm Tickets ~ £12-50

Contact: PeterWhite ~ 01754 890321 Mo Jarvis ~ 01754 890623



East Keal, East Kirkby, , , Hareby, , , Lusby, Old Bolingbroke, , Toynton St. Peter, West Keal


6th August West Keal 9.30am Holy Communion Trinity 8 Old Bolingbroke 11.15am Holy Communion Toynton All Saints 11.15am Morning Prayer East Kirkby 3.00pm Holy Communion

13th August East Keal 9.30am Holy Communion Trinity 9 Hagworthingham 11.15am Morning Prayer Toynton St Peter 3.00pm Evening Prayer

20th August Old Bolingbroke 11.15am Morning Prayer Trinity 10 Toynton All Saints 11.15am Holy Communion West Keal 11.15am Morning Prayer East Kirkby 3.00pm Evening Prayer Hagworthingham 6.00pm Holy Communion

27th August East Keal 9.30am Morning Prayer Trinity 11 Toynton St Peter 3.00pm Holy Communion



Ashby by Partney, , , Dalby, Langton w Sutterby, Partney, Sausthorpe, , Skendleby


6th August Partney 11.15am Family Service Trinity 8 Partney 11.45am Holy Communion Scremby 3.00pm Holy Communion

th 13 August Aswardby 9.30am Morning Prayer Trinity 9 Skendleby 11.15am Holy Communion

20th August Candlesby 9.30am Holy Communion Trinity 10 Dalby 9.30am Holy Communion Sausthorpe 11.15am Family Service Partney 6.00pm Evening Prayer

th 27 August Langton 11.15am Holy Communion Trinity 11 Skendleby 6.00pm Evening Prayer

Time of Prayer

Every Tuesday, 12 noon at St Nicholas, Partney

Every Wednesday, 12 noon at St Peter & St Paul, Skendleby



Eastville, Midville, New Leake, Stickford, Stickney


6th August Stickford 11.15am Cluster Communion Trinity 8

13th August Stickney 9.30am Morning Worship Stickford 11.15am Holy Communion Trinity 9 New Leake 3.00pm Evening Worship

20th August Stickney 11.15am All Age Worship Trinity 10

27th August Stickney 9.30am Holy Communion Stickford 11.15am Morning Worship Trinity 11 New Leake 3.00pm Holy Communion

Morning Prayers every Thursday morning at 9.00am at St Luke's, Stickney followed by a coffee morning

Tuesday 15th August

3.00pm Holy Communion at the Old Rectory Care Home



Bag Enderby, , , , , Harrington, Haugh, Ketsby, Maidenwell, , Ruckland, , Somersby, South Ormsby, Tetford & Worlaby.


6th August Tetford 9.30am Holy Communion Trinity 8

13th August 8.00am Holy Communion Trinity 9 Harrrington 9.30am Holy Communion

20th August South Ormsby 9.30am Holy Communion Trinity 10

27th August Somersby 9.30am Holy Communion Trinity 11

Morning Prayers every Wednesday at 10.00am at St Philip’s Church Hall, Brinkhill

Time of Prayer

Every Monday and Thursday 12 noon St Mary’s Tetford



St James Spilsby, St Mary Hundleby, Holy Trinity Raithby, All Saints Great Steeping, and the three St Andrew’s: Halton Holegate, Little Steeping &

AUGUST 2017 PATTERNS OF WORSHIP Sunday 6th August - F amily Service – Walls

6th August Spilsby 8.00am Eucharist Hundleby 9.30am Eucharist Trinity 8 Spilsby 10.00am Family Service Halton Holegate 6.00pm Evening Prayer Raithby 6.00pm Eucharist

8th August Firsby 10.30am Eucharist

13th August Spilsby 9.30am Eucharist Hundleby 9.30am Morning Prayer Trinity 9 Halton Holegate 11.15am Morning Prayer Great Steeping 3.00pm Eucharist Little Steeping 6.00pm 2nd Sunday @ 6

20th August Spilsby 9.30am Eucharist Hundleby 9.30am Eucharist Trinity 10 Raithby 11.15am Morning Prayer Firsby 3.00pm Evening Prayer Halton Holegate 6.00pm Healing service

27th August Spilsby 9.30am Eucharist Hundleby 9.30am Morning Prayer Trinity 11 Little Steeping 9.30am Eucharist Halton Holegate 11.15am Eucharist Great Steeping 3.00pm Evening Prayer

Daily Prayer: 8.00am Daily at St James Spilsby Wednesday: 10.30am St James Eucharist


GRAPEVINE MAGAZINE All copy for next month’s issue to be with the Editor

th by the 14 of the month. The Vicarage, Church Street, Spilsby, Lincs. PE23 5EF

Tel: 01790 752526 (Mon-Fri 1pm-5pm)

Email: [email protected]

Grape Vine Advertising Prices per year

1 1 1 /8 page - £40 /4 page - £60 /2 page - £90 Full page - £160

Clothing/blankets etc. for the Salvation Army

Could anyone with un-needed warm clothing (sweaters, coats, socks, shoes etc .) blankets, sleeping bags etc. please contact me as I am collecting on a regular basis for the Salvation Army to help with homeless people in

Skegness, Lincoln and Boston. There are more than you might think.

All donations would be much appreciated. I will collect. Please call Richard Walter on 01507 480632

Feet Treats Promoting Healthy Comfortable Cushioned Feet

 Hard skin and Callus removal  Cracked Heels  Nail cutting and filing  Corn removal  Verucca treatment  Diabetic advice  In-growing toe nails Please contact Celia on: 0744 389 2827 or email me at [email protected] S.A.C. Dip Registered Foot Health Practitioner. Regn. No. s265649 31


FORTHCOMING PRODUCTIONS Please call Gary on 01790-753770 or mobile 07711-008868 AUGUST

rd th 3 – 5 Dirty Rotten Scoundrel  Carpets and underlay supplied presented by the students and fitted of Louth Playgoers Summer Workshop.  Cloud Nine Cirrus underlay Based on the popular 1988 only £4-50sqm MGM film, this hysterical comedy features a  Carpet Gripper. Door Bars. delightful jazzy score by David Yazbek.

th Free no obligation quotations and 12 Once Upon a Time – Louth advice Playgoers Summer Concert Over 40 years experience Box Office 01507 600350

Now booking on line


Local Builder/Decorator

Over 30 years experience in the building trade Massage Therapist

Tel: 07500 946611

 Full Body Massage/Deep Tissue All aspects of Property Maintenance undertaken Massage  Back, neck & shoulders massage

 Head, neck & arm massage NO JOB TOO SMALL!  Seated Acupressure chair massage

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Lincs Email: [email protected] PE23 5LD The Lodge, Partney.Spilsby, Lincs PE23 4PF



~ painting ~ ~ wallpapering ~ ~ tiling ~

07432 563722 01205 480434 [email protected]

Any size jobs considered

Free no obligation quote

BTEC Level 2 Painting and Decorating

TRACEY SMEDLEY Counsellor Advanced Diploma in Counselling and Theories Mobile: 07978 837769



Halton Holegate Let your cat stay in the comfort of its own familiar surroundings Church of England when you are away from home. Primary School “The Cat Lady” will visit your home daily while you are away and attend to your cat’s needs. Halton Holegate is a good (Ofsted 2014) school with a friendly, family Less stressful for your cat and cheaper for you than cattery fees atmosphere, encouraging children to reach their full potential. Phone Sally, “The Cat Lady”, on 07793 551380 or 01790 754000 We are proud of our whole school to discuss your cat’s requirements. community and invite you to make an

appointment to look round and have a BED & BREAKFAST chat.

near to Spilsby Head teacher – Andrew Leeman

Own entrance and own sitting room Fridge, microwave Contact: Station Road, Halton Holegate, TV, Free Wi-fi Spilsby, Lincs PE23 5PB Tea/coffee facilities 01790 752 575 Use of garden [email protected] Contact Jean or visit our website: Tel: 01790 752500 Mob: 07786 450165

Jacky & Simon welcome you to




Tel: 01790 754970

Mobile: 07958 650927

KBM Foot Health “Beautiful are the feet…”

Kate O’Flynn MCFHP MAFHP Foot Health Practioner 01790 763794 0748 4800110




Ray Ford

Carpentry & Joinery Bespoke/Heritage

Mob: 07776 288639

Tel: 01790 754006

9 Winston Road, Spilsby, Lincs. PE23 5HJ

Eresby Hall is situated in Spilsby providing residential care for older people offering high quality long and short-term care and flexible day care in a homely environment. Our tea room is open: Thursdays 10am–11.30pm Sundays 2pm–4pm Please contact Donella Savage on 01790 752495 for more information. Registered charity no 1048355

Horncastle McTimoney Chiropractic Clinic Chiropractic, Ultrasound, Remedial Therapy + Massage Treatments for:

Back Pain

Neck Pain

Joint Pain

Sports Injuries

Daytime, evening and weekend appointments available

Lesley Rolfe DC, BSc, MMCA, MRCoC

Established 25 years

Tel: 01507 527 085

37 High St, LN9 5HP

General Chiropractic Council Registered No 00029


The Compleat

Gardener Ltd PAUL

We are professional, qualified gardeners working for domestic EVERARD and commercial clients REGISTERED PLUMBING AND throughout the area. HEATING CONTRACTOR

We have established an enviable THE BUNGALOW, TOYNTON FENSIDE, reputation for our work and can SPILSBY, LINCS., PE23 5DB offer you a quality service backed Telephone/Fax: 01790 753101 by garden design expertise Mobile: 07774 661017

Email: [email protected] We are also able to provide a total lawn-care package to give Est. 1973 – Time served City & Guilds you the emerald green lawn you Tradesman serving the area for forty have always wanted. years.

For further information and a free FOR ALL TYPES OF PLUMBING AND estimate – without obligation, HEATING REPAIRS AND HEATING please call CONTACT PAUL FOR FREE QUOTATIONS AND INFORMATION Mark Fort on 01790754479


Domestic-Commercial -Agriculture 24Hr Electrician All Electrical work undertaken Check us out on, Facebook or

For a friendly and reliable service Call Blake on 07534262216-07496837860

Or Email us at [email protected]


Peter Atkin NHS and Private Eye Examinations Includes Digital Retinal Imaging Dip TCFCP (NCFE Approved) Budget to top designer frames Mobile Foot-care Practitioner Single Vision spectacles from £19.95 complete Treatment and advice relating Bifocals and Varifocals to: Corns, Calluses, Bunions, from £59.95 complete Hard skin, Verrucae, Ingrown Repairs and on site glazing for a fast nails, Fungal/Hard nails, Nail cut service & file, Diabetic foot recognition, Foot massage and General foot- care advice 3-4 Market Place Horncastle Contact me on: LN9 5HD 01205 481427 or Tel: 01507 526527 07960 460746 [email protected]




Visiting Chiropody/Podiatry PRIVATE HIRE

Service Book our historic village hall for your by Health & Social Care Professions Registered Practitioner. private function or for a meeting, H.C.P.C Reg No 5859 lecture, or regular classes.

Practitioner has 35+ years experience as a Full kitchen facilities, crockery and Chiropodist/Podiatrist in:- glassware with seating and tables for * NHS, up to 50-60 people. * Industrial * Private Practice * Care Homes Disabled facilities and with all types of client base including:- * Learning disabilities & challenging Our rate is just £7.50 per hour, with behaviour special weekend rates for weddings * Diabetes and reduced rates for regular * High Risk Patients bookings.

Receipts recognised by most major Health Insurers. Contact Hall Manager Sindy Prince on 07780 220913 Prices & availability on application. Tel; - 01507 527551 or email [email protected]



(BOSTON) Your local suppliers of Domestic Heating Oil & Farm Diesel ------Family owned and run for over 30 years. ------Prompt delivery Competitive prices Friendly service ------Contact us on

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White Cottage, Mill Lane, , Spilsby. PE23 4AJ

Tel: 01790 763791 Mobile: 07814 444533 42

R & P Planning a wedding, a party or just a family get together? Decorating Services All Painting and Decorating Looking for a venue? work undertaken. Over 10 years experience. Look no further For advice or quotation Ring Rob – Office 01790 756877 TOYNTON VILLAGE HALL Or Mobile 07950 244219

 available for hire NNeeiill HHeeyyeess EElleeccttrriiccaall  up to 120 catered for  excellent kitchen facilities NICEIC Approved Registered Company  fully heated. Friendly, Reliable and Professional service.

All work fully insured and guaranteed.

For charges and to book call 01790 754020 or 01790 752249

or find us on Facebook For all your electrical needs, phone me on: 01790 753213 or 07894 290355


ICB Fencing & R H BUILDING Groundworks

All types of fencing work undertaken SERVICES

Ian Blackamore Carpentry & Joiner, Brickwork, 07932 057580 Block Paving, Flooring, 01790 756952 Tiling, Fencing & Roofing.

Time served apprenticeship

For a Free Quotation -

Tel: 01790 754382

Mobile 07949539591

Email [email protected] Post & Rail, Picket, Close Board & Stock Fencing, Equine fencing and Roy Harness. ménages. All types of timber gates The Briars, supplied & fitted. Hall Lane, West Keal, SPILSBY Manor Farm House, Main Road, LINCS PE23 4BJ East Keal, Spilsby, Lincs PE23 4AS


Family run independent company providing a personal memorial as a lasting tribute to a loved one in everlasting granite, slate, marble and stone

Visit our showroom: 110 Horncastle Road, Boston PE21 9HY Call us for a brochure: 01205 362652 or visit our website at:

Julia’s “Happy Feet” Foot Health Practitioner Dip.FH. MCFHP. MAFHP Free Initial Consultation Routine Foot Care Finger & Toe Nail Trimmings Health Advice Ingrown Toe Nails Diabetic Foot care Athlete’s Foot Vascular & Neuro Assessment Cracked Heels Corn Removal Callus Reduction

Providing care in the comfort of your own home Book for appointments with Julia Moore Tel: 01790 753161 07900 914897



Manor Care Home is a converted country house on the edge of the . Constantly upgrading, we are able to offer the following:-

 Residential care & Dementia  Friendly, caring staff  Respite and holiday care  Day care  Hairdressing and Chiropody service  Aromatherapy

 Local library facilities  Weekly craft afternoons  Good home cooking with special diets catered for

 Single, double and bed sitting rooms available  Fortnightly church service

For further information, or to call in for a coffee and an informal chat, contact The Manager on 01790 763381 email: [email protected] Visitors always welcome Our Philosophy is: “To treat each resident as an individual; to care for with respect, privacy and dignity. To carry out tasks for that resident in the manner that, if able, they would do so for themselves”

MNM Pest Management

NPTA Accredited Technician

Problem with wasps, ants or flies moles, rats and mice?

Prompt, affordable, service, covering the Coast and Wolds in

Agricultural, Commercial and Domestic Premises

Contact your local Technician, Mick Dales (RPPT) on: 01754 890637 or 07904 170033

Please call for any help and advice


Quality Fine

Foods Meats

Product displays Our own chef

second to none prepared ready meals

Finest quality meats Creative cuisine for

from local farms dinner parties

Award -winning pies Personal service

& sausages & advice

Tel: 01790 754543 Market Street, Spilsby Lincs PE23 5JT



The local online radio station

If you are organising a local event in 2017 and you would like

the online radio station to broadcast from your venue please

log on to and email [email protected]


For personal, caring and sympathetic service.

Family business established over 100 years.




Choice of Prepayment Plans – Private Chapels of Rest – 24 Hour Service.

16 St. John Street, Wainfleet, Telephone: 01754 880334

4 Church Street, Spilsby, Telephone 01790 754700

And 1, Sea Road, , Telephone 01754 873035


GM Electrical

Registered Domestic


For all domestic electrical work.

From the simplest of repairs to complete re-wires.

Highlights Multimedia Call Graham on 01754 830654

or 0791 7058230 Family Films & Videos to DVD Part P Qualified, Fully Insured. Indoor & Outdoor Sound System

(on site engineer/operator/announcer available) For a friendly & professional Wedding and Social DVD Production service.

Video & Sound Media Production, Presentation and Technical Services.

Harold Houldershaw

01205 481364

[email protected]




TEL 01205 350737






IN OUR EXTENSIVE SHOWROOM WE HAVE ON DISPLAY  over 100 fridges and freezers

 over 40 washing machines and dryers  over 40 cookers and over 40 ovens and hobs.

 vacuum cleaners  microwave ovens

 cooker hoods

 all colours of kettle and toaster  food mixers and fryers

 table lamps and light fittings




 lots of different sorts of lamps including pearl light bulbs, fluorescent

tubes and fittings  salt for water softeners

 cooker hood filters and

 spares for washing machines  plus lots of unusual bits and pieces






The Team Vicar & The Rt. Rev. Christopher Lowson Curate to South Ormsby Group Tel: 01522 50 40 90 or 01522 534701 The Rev’d Teresa McLaughlin Office: Edward King House, Minster Yard, Woodside, Aswardby Road, Lincoln LN2 1PU Harrington, Spilsby, Lincs. PE23 4NL email: [email protected] Tel: 01790 753158 email: [email protected]

Assistant Curate Archdeacon of Lincoln The Rev’d Jean Coates The Venerable Gavin Kirk Contact via The Vicarage, Spilsby 01522 504039 email: [email protected] [email protected]

Deanery Synod The Rural Dean of Bolingbroke Joint Chairmen: The Rev’d Canon Peter Coates The Rural Dean and Lay Chair The Vicarage, Church Street, Mr. Bill Rose Spilsby, Lincs. PE23 5EF Tel: 01790 752526 email: [email protected] Bolingbroke Deanery Administrator Jane Howsam The Vicarage, Church Street, Spilsby, Lincs. PE23 5EF Tel: 01790 752526 Bolingbroke Deanery Group email: [email protected] Team Ministry Mon-Fri 1pm-5pm Marden Hill, Partney, Spilsby & Stickney Clusters Retired Clergy Team Rector The Rev’d. Joan Thornett The Rev’d Canon Peter Coates 93 Boston Road, Spilsby, PE23 5HH (address as above). Tel: 01790 754151 email: [email protected]

Team Vicar Readers The Rev’d Fran Jeffries Mr. Frank Richardson The Rectory, Horbling Lane, 8 Ashby Meadows, Stickney, Boston, Lincs. PE22 8DQ Spilsby, Lincs. PE23 5DN Tel: 01205 481183 Tel: 01790 753510 email: [email protected] also Community Chaplain

Mr Paul McLaughlin

Tel: 01790 753158