The Coming Colony: Practical Notes on Western Australia
03^ ONE SHILLING AND SIXPENCE. THE COMING COLONY. —"•xxaKSBex**1- PRACTICAL NOTES PHILIP MENNELL, F.R.G.S. LONDON: HUTCHINSON & Co., PATERNOSTERSQUARE. -1 i 48151 THE UNION BANK OF AUSTRALIA, Ltd. ESTABLISHED1837. INCORPORATED1880. PAID-UP CAPITAL £1,500,000 EESERVEFUNDS 1,000.000 RESERVELIABILITY OF PROPRIETORS 3,000,000 TOTAL GAPITAL AND RESERVE FUNDS £5.500,000 Head Offloe—1,BANK BUILDINGS, LOTHBURY, LONDON, E.G. Bivettatg. RICHARDJAS. A8HT0N, Esa. Sir R. G. W. HERBERT,K.C.B. ARTHURP. BLAKE,Esq. WILLIAM0. GILCHKIST,Esa CHAS.E. BRIGHT,Esa.. C.M.G. JOHN S. HILL, Esq. FREDERICKG. DALGETY,Esq. The Rt. Hon.Loud HILLINGDON. Major FREDERICKFANNING. SIR CHARLESNICHOLSON, Bart. ARTHURFLOWER, Esq. HENRY P. STURGIS,Esq. STrmSteaS. THE RIGHTHON. LORD HILLINGDON. THE HON. PASCOEC. GLYN. ARTHURFLOWER, Esq. Hankers. THEBANK OF ENGLAND,and Messrs.GLYN, MILLS, CURRIE & CO #tanaser—WILLIAMRICHMOND MEWBURN, Esq. gsteuitant^tauaser—WILLIAM EDWARD CARBERY, Esa. ^enretart)—JOHNH. J. SELFE, Esq. The Bank has numerous Branches throughout the Colonies of VICTORIA, NEW SOUTH WALES, QUEENSLAND, SOUTH AUSTRALIA, TASMANIA,NEW ZEALAND and FIJI. In WESTERN AUSTRALIA its Branchesare— PERTH. ALBANY (King George'sSotran>). BROOMEHILL. GERALDTON(Champion Bay). FREMANTLE. ROEBOURNEROEBOURNE11 North West BUNBURY. COSSACK / Coast. YORK. Letters of Credit and Bills of Exchange upon the Branches are issued by the Head Office,and may also be obtainedfrom the Bank's Agents throughoutEngland, Scotland, and Ireland. _ Telegraphic Remittancesare made to the Colonies. Bills on the Colonies are purchasedor sent for collection. Deposits received in London at rates of Interest, and for periods, which may be ascertainedon application. Banking Business of every description transacted with the Colonies.
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