Reserve 9656 is located in the township of Fitzroy Crossing and within that reserve is a separate area being Reserve 33542. Both are the subject of a proclamation under Part III of the Aboriginal Affairs Planning Authority Act 1972 ("AAPA Act") and are under the control and management of the Aboriginal Lands Trust ("ALT").

The Fitzroy Futures Town Plan ("FFTP") was developed by the then Department of Planning and Infrastructure in partnership with the Shire of DerbyWest Kimberley and Bunuba Inc. A copy of the FTTP is Attachment 1 to this Report. Considerable consultation was undertaken with a number of stakeholders and the wider community in development of the FTTP. The FFTP outlines strategies for future land use planning in Fitzroy Crossing aimed at achieving better social, cultural and economic outcomes for local Aboriginal communities. The FTTP provides strategies for supply of viable land for residential, commercial and industrial uses and integration of the township with town- based Aboriginal communities. Land tenure changes to Reserves 9656 and 33542 are pivotal to implementation of the FFTP.

In March 2010 the ALT recommended to the Aboriginal Affairs Planning Authority ("AAPA") that Reserves 9656 and 33542 be de-proclaimed under section 25(1) (c) AAPA Act.

The AAPA on recommendation of the ALT now seeks a declaration under that section 25(1) (c) AAPA Act that Reserves 9656 and 33542 cease to be reserved for persons of Aboriginal descent.


Reserve 9656 comprises approximately 992 hectares. Reserve 33542 is a 3.88 hectare portion within Reserve 9656.

On 17 March 1905 Reserve 9656 was set aside as public lands for the purpose of a town site under the Land Act 1898. In 1951 the reservation of the land as town site changed to reservation for natives under the Native Administration Act 1905-47. On 6 June 1973 Reserve 9656 was proclaimed under section 25 of the AAPA Act to be reserved for persons of Aboriginal descent. Pursuant to section 24 of the AAPA Act, the Governor by proclamation declared Reserve 9656 under the control and management of the ALT. Reserve 33542 is located within Reserve 9656 having been reserved for the purpose of the (former) Fitzroy Crossing School.It was created when a 3.88 hectare portion of Reserve 9656 was purportedly excised in 1975.Investigations have shown that the creation of Reserve 33542 never proceeded through the required de-proclamation process and is still subject to Part III AAPA Act.

The Junjuwa Aboriginal Community is located on a small portion of Reserve 9656. Junjuwa Community Incorporated (JCI) has bylaws proclaimed under the Aboriginal Communities Act 1979 (WA). The bylaws are no longer enforced. The de-proclamation will have no impact upon the bylaws in any event.JCI and other Bunuba constituent bodies restructured in 1999 and a new corporate body was set up in 1999 - Bunuba Inc. The membership of Bunuba Inc includes the members of JCI. Bunuba Inc was a party to the FTTP.


Currently there is no native title claim over Reserves 9656 and 33542 however the Bunuba native title claim covers land in the immediate vicinity. The State Government is currently negotiating an Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) with the Bunuba native title claimants.


The de-proclamation of Reserves 9656 and 33542 is required to enable the land planning uses and tenure changes envisaged under the FTTP to occur.Bunuba Inc. and the Bunuba native title claimants support the de-proclamation and the implementation of the FTTP.

To de-proclaim Reserves 9656 and 33542, the Governor must make a declaration under section 25(1) (c) of the AAPA Act that the land shall cease to be reserved for persons of Aboriginal descent under that Act. Once this has occurred the proclamation by which the land came under Part III will fall away.

Prior to being the subject of a proclamation under Part III AAPA Act, the land was first reserved under the relevant Land Acts. By virtue of the provisions of the Land Administration Act 1997("LAA") that prior vesting continues in as a Management Order under s 46(3) of that Act. The Management Order continues post de-proclamation. Accordingly, when the Part III protection is removed, the Management Order remains and the Reserves revert to ALT reserves for the Use and Benefit of Aboriginal Inhabitants under the LAA. Those land tenure changes required to implement the FTTP can then be made in accordance with the applicable processes under the LAA.


The AAPA asks the Minister to recommend to the Governor under section 25(2) of the AAPA Act that Reserves 9656 and shall cease to be reserved for persons of Aboriginal descent in accordance with section 25(1)(c) of that Act.




The Minister respectfully advises His Excellency the Governor:

1.Under section 25(1)(c) of the Aboriginal Affairs Planning Authority Act 1972 to make the following proclamation;

"I, the Governor, acting under section 25(1)(c) of the Aboriginal Affairs Planning Authority Act 1972 on the recommendation of the Minister for Indigenous Affairs and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council, declare that the land described in the Schedule shall cease to be reserved for persons of Aboriginal descent".


2.To approve of the publication of that proclamation in the Government Gazette.


Reserve 9656, comprising a)Lot 2 on Plan 122438 being the land described in qualified certificate of Crown land title volume 3009 folio 916; b) Lot 10 on Plan 89410 being the land described in qualified certificate of Crown land title volume 3009 folio 917; c) Lot 17 on Plan 144199 being the land described in qualified certificate of Crown land title volume 3009 folio 918; d) Lot 49 on Plan 210314 being the land described in qualified certificate of Crown land title volume 3009 folio 919; e) Lot 100 on Plan 92277 being the land described in qualified certificate of Crown land title volume 3059 folio 391; f)Lot 73 on Plan 180410 being the land described in qualified certificate of Crown land title volume 3059 folio 370, Reserve Number 33542.

2 4cccr/ c;r1.1=


A D D A- A

Note: Community Layout Plans in Fitzroy Futures Town Plan are not kept up-to-date. See www.planning.wa.gov.au for current CLP versions.



1.1 History of the Fitzroy area 1

1.2 European settlement 1 1.3 Recent history of Fitzroy Crossing 2 1.4 Lifestyle 2 1.5 Population characteristics 3 1.6 Population projections 4 1.7 Settlement pattern 5 1.8 Housing supply and density 5 1.9 Land Supply 6 1.10 Land tenure 7 1.10.1Native title considerations 7 1.11 Community services 8 1.11.1Education 8 1.11.2Health 8 1.11.3Recreation 8 1.11.4 Community facilities 8 2 THE NEED FOR THIS STUDY 9 2.1 Fitzroy Futures 2000 9 2.2 Planning issues facing the study area 9 2.3 Planning context 10 2.3.1 State context 10 2.3.2Local government planning control 11 2.4 Community consultation 11 2.4.1 Public Comment Period 12 2.5 Planning process 13 3 THE FITZROY ENVIRONMENT 14 3.1 Climate 14 3.2 Physical Features 14 3.2.1 Vegetation 14 3.2.2Topography 15 3.3 River Flooding 15 3.3.1 Other Uses for Fitzroy's Water Resource 16 3.4 Heritage Considerations 16 3.4.1 Aboriginal Heritage 16 3.4.2Built Heritage 17 4 ECONOMIC ACTIVITY AND EMPLOYMENT 18 4.1 Tourism 18 4.2 Art and Craft 18 4.3 Community Services 18 4.4 Retail and Light Industry 18 4.5 Pastoral Industry 19 4.6 Mineral Development 19 5 TRANSPORT AND INFRASTRUCTURE 20 5.1 Roads 20 5.2 Air Travel 20 5.3 Energy and Power Supply 20 5.3.1 New Power Station 20 5.3.2Services to Aboriginal communities 21 5.3.3Fitzroy Crossing Electricity Licence Area 21


5.4 Public Drinking Water Supply 21 5.4.1 Water Source 21 5.4.2Water Supply 25 5.5 Wastewater 26 5.6 Waste management 27 6 FITZROY FUTURES TOWN PLAN 28 6.1 Objectives and outlook of the plan 28 6.2 Planning Principles 28 6.3 Future Land Uses 28 6.3.1 Living Areas 29 6.3.2Human Services 30 6.3.3Commercial and Business 31 6.3.4Industrial 31 6.3.5Transport and Access 32 6.3.6Essential Services 32 6.3.7Public Drinking Water Source Protection 32 6.3.8Flood-Prone Land 33 6.3.9Heritage Sites 33 7 IMPLEMENTATION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 34 7.1 Cadastral amendments 34 7.2 Summary of Land Ownership Changes 35 7.3 Recommendations 36 7.3.1 Social Environment 36 7.3.2Natural Environment 36 7.3.3Economic Environment 37 7.3.4Sustainable Development 37 7.4 Status of this Document 37 7.5 Fitzroy Futures Working Group 37 7.6 Staging and Funding 38 8 REFERENCES 39

APPENDIX A: Proposed Land Tenure Adjustments Summary Table and Map 43

page ii FITZROY FUTURES TOWN PLAN - March 2009

List of Figures, Charts and Tables


Figure 1 Locality plan Figure 2 Existing land use and settlement pattern Figure 3 Existing land ownership Figure 4 Existing and proposed community services Figure 5a Burawa community layout plan Figure 5b Junuwa community layout plan Figure 5c Darlgunaya community layout plan Figure 5d Bungardi community layout plan Figure 5e & 5f Mindi Rardi and Kurnangki community layout plan Figure 5g Lowangbung / Marra Worra housing plan Figure 6 Environment Figure 7 Infrastructure Figure 8 Fitzroy Futures Town Plan Figure 9 Fitzroy Crossing land supply options


Chart 1 Fitzroy Crossing population figures 1971 to 2001 p3 Chart 2 Fitzroy Futures Town Planplanning process p 10


Table 1 Climate characteristics of Fitzroy Crossing and Perth p 11

Table 2 Land ownership changes P31

page iii FITZROY FUTURES TOWN PLAN - March 2009

List of Acronyms

ALT Aboriginal Lands Trust ARI Average Recurrence Interval DCD Department for Community Development DET Department of Education and Training DHW Department of Housing and Works DIA Department of Indigenous Affairs DoW Department of Water DPI Department for Planning and Infrastructure KDC Kimberley Development Commission ML Mega litre (1 million litres) SDWK Shire of Derby/West Kimberley SPP State Planning Policy WAPC Western Australian Planning Commission

page iv FITZROY FUTURES TOWN PLAN - March 2009

March 2009 Version

During the period July 2003 to November 2004 the Fitzroy Futures Town Plan was prepared by the Department for Planning and Infrastructure on behalf of the Western Australian Planning Commission in partnership with the Shire of Derby West Kimberley and Bunuba Inc.

In December 2004 the WAPC released the Fitzroy Futures Town Plan for public comment. In November 2005, following completion of the advertising period an amended version of Fitzroy Futures Town Plan was prepared.

On 24 November 2005 the Shire of Derby/West Kimberley conditionally endorsed the Fitzroy Futures Town Plan.

Since publication of the November 2005 version of the Fitzroy Futures Town Plan there have been a range of developments and infrastructure improvements commenced and completed at Fitzroy Crossing.

It is considered timely to update the Fitzroy Futures Town Plan to incorporate those changes. Additional amendments that reflect changed thinking regards development and infrastructure need have also been included in the March 2009 iteration of the Fitzroy Futures Town Plan. These include: deletion of the Forrest Road realignment, deletion of the proposed community resource centre, expansion of the Yurabi Road rural living area, addition of a Bunuba Heights Outline Development Plan and addition of an Old Fitzroy Outline Development Plan.

Other than these amendments, the March 2009 and November 2005 versions of the Fitzroy Futures Town Plan remain the same.

On 28 April 2009 the WAPC endorsed the Fitzroy Futures Town Plan.



The town of Fitzroy Crossing is located in the Shire of Derby/West Kimberley approximately 2500 km from Perth, along the Fitzroy River and adjacent to the Great Northern Highway (figure 1). By road, Fitzroy Crossing is 258 km south-east of Derby and 288 km west of Halls Creek.

1.1 History of the Fitzroy area Aboriginal people have lived in the Kimberley region for more than 30 000 years. Distinct tribal groups cover most of the region and have a close understanding of, and relationship with, the environment, which is linked intrinsically to Aboriginal culture and spirituality.

The Fitzroy Crossing area is home to Bunuba, Wangkatjungka, , Nyikina, Mangala and Walmajarri people. Aboriginal occupation of the land has established many important mythological sites which include natural features such as rivers, hills and rock formations where people, animals and characters left traces of their journey across the landscape. Other sites have been used for thousands of years for ceremonies to mark important events or for `increase' sites to `keep the land alive'.

1.2European settlement In the late 19th century, the Swan River Colony established an outpost at Derby with the aim of developing a pastoral industry. Various leases were granted to European settlers, who developed cattle and sheep stations. The post office at Fitzroy Crossing was opened as a telegraph station in 1892. A police camp was established in 1894 followed by a wayside inn (Crossing Inn) in 1897.

Fitzroy Crossing rapidly urbanised as a result of two key events: the closure of Moo la Bulla Aboriginal cattle station north of Halls Creek in 1955, when people were transported to the United Aborigines Mission inFitzroy Crossing (now Burawa), and; the equal wages decision of the 1960's, which resulted in the movement of Aboriginal people into towns from traditional lands where they were engaged in the pastoral industry. Kurnangki, Mindi Rardi and Junjuwa were established as a consequence of this population displacement.

The introduction of the pastoral award in 1968 led to large numbers of Aboriginal people having to leave pastoral stations, which were often also traditional lands. Before the introduction of the award, many Aboriginal people were able to live on their traditional lands and retain strong cultural links, often through unpaid work on the pastoral stations. The award established minimum wages for people working on pastoral stations, and most pastoralists were not prepared to support Aboriginal families on the stations. Government agencies established camps for displaced people on the fringes of major townsites. This separation has had a significant negative effect on cultural customs and lifestyle. Aboriginal people in Fitzroy Crossing have managed to retain a close association with the Fitzroy River and surrounding country. Page 1 FITZROY FUTURES TOWN PLAN - March 2009

1.3Recent history of Fitzroy Crossing Development of the Fitzroy Crossing township, until the mid-1970s had been concentrated largely around the post office settlement near the old level crossing.

During this period, the development of the new hospital proved to be the catalyst for the eventual focus away from the post office precinct, exacerbated by the lack of land suitable for development. The existing townsite was surveyed and released for purchase to accommodate the expanding number of service personnel and provide for future population growth. All facilities previously located near the hotel or post office ultimately have relocated to the new townsite, largely located outside the 100 year floodplain of the Fitzroy River.

Since that time, the townsite has continued to develop a mix of residential, recreational and commercial land uses. The community services sector has become the major source of employment, reflecting the town's role as a social / service centre for the surrounding communities and pastoral stations and mining interests. Tourism has become an increasingly important industry that has resulted in the development of tourist accommodation facilities.


Why is Fitzroy Crossing a town? While part 1 of this report can explain how Fitzroy came to exist, itis the lifestyle of the settlement that keeps people here and makes it a place with a future.

The most obvious element of the Fitzroy lifestyle is the riveran ever-present part of the town, it dictates where people can build and when in flood, it takes over the town and its people. Flooding can mean many things good fishing, no school, getting around by boat, planes dropping in, and visitors being stuck. The rain also brings relief from the summer heat, and refreshes the landscape.

On any given day, residents of Fitzroy can enjoy the landscapes that tourists travel thousands of kilometres to see. People also tend to live a life influenced by the weather the oppressive conditions of the wet, or the excellent dry season.

For most of the town's residents, the Fitzroy area has always been home and it can be family, country and culture that will keep people around.

A range of facilities is located within Fitzroy that provide for the community's recreational, education and health needs. So too, people from outlying communities also see it as a regional centre for these same services.

A number of community development elements build on Fitzroy's social, lifestyle, employment and education opportunities. These types of activities help to bring the community togetherdifferent backgrounds, cultures and generations, and include: ® Touring art exhibitions"art on the move" a Youth strategyprimarily for sports and after-school care; Page 2 FITZROY FUTURES TOWN PLAN March 2009

® Regional art galleryengaging people in cultural practice; and ® Garnduwa sports festival.

Many towns in WA have similar services and facilities to Fitzroy Crossing, but it is often the lifestyle and vitality of that place that will keep it strong and viable into the future.

1.5Population characteristics

The 2006 census is broadly understood to have not been successful in establishing accurate contemporary demographic profile data for the Kimberley, including Fitzroy Crossing.In light of this the Fitzroy Futures Forum Governing Committee has contracted researchers to develop an accurate demographic database for the Fitzroy Valley.Given the inadequacies of the 2006 census data and the current (March 2009) lack of alternative data is considered reasonable to use the 2001 census as the closest to reliable demographic information.

The resident population of Fitzroy Crossing at the 2001 census was 1507, although approximately 3000 people from surrounding communities in the Fitzroy Valley, with close links to the town, visit regularly.

Census counts indicate that there has been a regular and steady increase in population in the town centre since 1986. The increase between 1996 and 2001 can be explained by a slight variation in census collector district boundaries and increased accuracy in determining the population of the main settlements around town.

Chart 1 - Fitzroy Crossing Population Figures 1971 to 2001

m 2001 1,507

1 1 1996 1,147

I I 1

,..1991 1,1191 0as >- I I 1 21986 1,028 0

C - I I 0 * didn mina!pe pie 01981 428 t inciud non-Abo

1976 605

1 1971 219

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 Population Count

Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics


General population characteristics - Shire of Derby/West Kimberley General population characteristics are not available for local areas, but information on the Shire of Derby/West Kimberley from the 2001 Census is considered to provide a reasonable indication for the Fitzroy Crossing area:

® 46 per cent of the population in the shire was identified as being of indigenous origin in the 1996 Census, this figure was 55 per cent. The State percentage of indigenous people was 3.2 per cent; o The median age of the population was 29. This was a slight increase from previous census counts and is lower than the State median of 34;

® 20 per cent of the population speaks Australian indigenous languages at home, compared with the State percentage, which is less than 0.5 per cent; ® 42 per cent of the population was married, which is a decrease from 1991 (50 per cent). On a State level, 51 per cent of the population was married; The median weekly income for individuals was $200-$299, while the State median was $300-$399;

O The median weekly household income was S700-$799 for both Derby-West Kimberley and the State; o The median weekly rent was $50-$99, while the State median was $100- 3149;149;

O 40 per cent of the population was identified as being part of the labour force, and of these people, 96 per cent were employed. There was nearly a 50-50 split between full-time and part-time employment.

a The mean household size was 3.5, compared with the State mean of 2.6 people.

The demographic profile of Aboriginal people generally is characterised by:

O Annual growth rates are higher than the State's annual growth rate. o Birth rates generally are twice that of the State's average birth rate. o Birth rates among Aboriginal women aged under 25 are higher than the State average, but generally in keeping for women aged over 30.

a Mortality rates among Aboriginal people are nearly twice as high as the State average. Aboriginal people have significantly lower life expectancy than the total State population.

Applying this information to Fitzroy Crossing, it means that compared with the State average, there is a much higher proportion of people aged 0-14, and a lower proportion of people aged over 65.

1.6 Population projections Given that census counts in the past 30 years have been somewhat erratic, it is difficult to project how the population of Fitzroy Crossing might grow in the next 10-15 years. However, population projections for the Shire of Derby/West Kimberley indicate a 5-6 per cent growth rate to 2016, and a 5 per cent annual

Page 4 FITZROY FUTURES TOWN PLAN - March 2009 growth rate has been estimated for Fitzroy Crossing. This would mean an annual growth of approximately 80 people. However, these figures are a guide only, in that there is a lack of reliable historical information on which to base trends.

1.7Settlement pattern The main part of the Fitzroy Crossing township is situated on a thin rocky ridge which runs in a north-south direction, to the east of the Fitzroy River. This river and its tributaries experience regular and considerable flood events that affect parts of the settlement. To the west of Fitzroy Crossing is an area known as Plum Plain a wider floodplain that acts as an overflow catchment from the Fitzroy River.

There are several main settlement areas within the townsite Mind Rardi and Kurnangki communities to the south of the Great Northern Highway, the Fitzroy town area to the immediate north of the highway, the light industrial area to the east, and Junjuwa and Burawa communities to the north. East to the Fitzroy River is the original Fitzroy settlement, which is near Darlgunaya community, and further east is Bungardi community. On the east of the river, is the Fitzroy River Lodge, which provides a range of accommodation options for travellers. There also is a small rural-residential settlement on Yurabi Road, north of the Lodge (figure 2).

1.8Housing supply and density Approximately 70 houses make up the town housing stock, excluding the town- based Aboriginal communities. The majority are single dwellings or duplexes. A small number of rural lots are located along Yurabi Road, where houses have been constructed above the 112 m contour, as a previously accepted flood level.A considerable amount of housing is also provided within the discrete Aboriginal communities in the townsite.

There is very little private home ownership in Fitzroy Crossing. In the Shire of Derby/West Kimberley, only 26 per cent of homes are privately owned or being purchased, compared with the State figure of 68 per cent. The level of home ownership is increasing, but itstillis very low compared to the State average. There is significant demand from government and non-government organisations for access to additional staff housing, and it is understood this may be impeding the capacity of these organisations to increase services to the community in some cases.

The main consumer of town housing and land is government, either through the Government Employees' Housing Authority or the public housing part of the Department of Housing and Works, which also develops the majority of housing on Aboriginal communities throughout the State. However, there is also regular, low demand for housing and commercial land from business owners in town, who may wish to employ new staff, or explore new business opportunities.


Housing development in Fitzroy Crossing has tended to achieve a density in the order of 10 to 12.5 dwellings per hectare. This results in lots in the order of 900m2 to 1100m2. Lot sizes north of Poole Court tend to be in the larger range, while lots south of it have been developed at a slightly higher density.

In order to meet the demand for housing, the Shire of Derby/West Kimberley has supported development in the order of 20 to 25 dwellings per hectare, particularly in the area north of Poole Court, which is considered suitable for increased housing density, given the lot configuration and supporting road network.

1.9 Land Supply The State Government owns the majority of residential land, and most land in private ownership is located in the light industrial area, representing local business people who have combined commercial and residential uses. The provision of additional residential lots is constrained by limited land availability and high servicing costs.

Redevelopment of existing land within the Fitzroy Crossing township may be able to meet housing demand before development of the land known as Bunuba Heights, particularly in the area north of Poole Court.

The ultimate capacity of this land is estimated to be: 26 dwellingsassuming a development standard of R20 (20 dwellings per hectare), which could be achieved only on lots greater than 1000m2. This would in some cases require demolition of the original house. 39 dwellingsassuming a development standard of R30 (30 dwellings per hectare), which could only be achieved if 2 or more lots are amalgamated. This would require demolition of the original housing stock.

Lots south of Poole Court are of a size that would support development at a density of 20 dwellings per hectare; however the configuration of lots and connecting roads may not be conducive to a blanket zoning. Nevertheless, some lots, such as corner lots, may be suitable for grouped dwellings.

Once infill opportunities are exhausted, and LandCorp lots are taken up, all future residential land will be in Bunuba ownership. It is Bunuba's intention that development ofthisland provides economic, training and employment opportunities for Bunuba people. The land may be developed solely by Bunuba, in joint ventures with other developers, or Bunuba may sell or lease the land to other developers.

Page 6 FITZROY FUTURES TOWN PLAN - March 2009 1.10 Land tenure Settlement distribution in Fitzroy Crossing is dispersed due to historical, physical and social factors. The town incorporates six main Crown reserves vested with either the occupying Aboriginal corporation or the Aboriginal Lands Trust for the use and benefit of Aboriginal inhabitants'.Inaddition, Reserve 9656 is proclaimed under part III of the Aboriginal Affairs Planning Authority Act 1972, which means that there are entry permit requirements, and any change to the tenure requires the consent of both houses of Parliament. These are described briefly as:

Junjuwa/Burawa (Old Mission) Crown Reserve 9656, vested in the Aboriginal Lands Trust; Darlgunaya Crown Reserve 45046, vested in Darlgunaya Aboriginal Corporation; Bungardi Crown Reserve45608,vestedinMunmarul Aboriginal Corporation; Marra Worra Worra (and Parukupan) Crown Reserve 38602, vested in Marra Worra Worra Aboriginal Corporation; Kurnangki Crown Reserve 39294, vestedinKurnangki Aboriginal Corporation; and Mindi Rardi Crown Reserve 35167, vested in the Aboriginal Lands Trust.

Each of these communities is subject to individual town planning processes through the State Planning Policy 3.2Planning for Aboriginal Communities.

In addition to the number of Crown reserves supporting Aboriginal communities, there also is a range of anomalous land tenure arrangements that affect future development options for Fitzroy Crossing. For example, roads have been constructed outside reserve boundaries (figure 3).

1.10.1 Native title considerations The Native Title Act 1993 provides for the recognition and protection of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people's native title rights and interests. The Act provides a process to determine whether native title exists and protects the existing rights of governments, industry and the general public. The Act also provides ways to negotiate and enter into agreements regarding future public works and business activity on land or waters where native title rights and interests are affected.

Certain government actions, such as grants of freehold or other exclusive tenures to other parties, have been found to extinguish native title. Claims for native title cannot be made over areas where native title has been extinguished, eg land held in freehold or exclusive tenure in developed areas in Fitzroy Crossing. There has been a considerable degree of uncertainty regarding land supply in relation to the Act and this has affected many communities in regional . As an increasing number of determinations on native title are made and

Page 7 FITZROY FUTURES TOWN PLAN - March 2009 indigenous and use agreements entered into, itis likely that certainty in land supply will be restored.

To date, Fitzroy Crossing has not been the subject of a registered native title claim.

1.11 Community services Fitzroy Crossing's key community services infrastructure is shown on figure 4.

1.11.1 Education The Fitzroy Crossing District School is operated by the Department of Education and Training. The school was previously located in the Old Mission district, to the north of the town. A replacement school has been developed adjacent to the oval, at the southern extent of Reserve 9656.

1.11.2 Health Fitzroy Valley Health Services is located on a Crown reserve (8.7ha) on Fallon Road, immediately north of Great Northern Highway. Itis an integrated health service, providing a range of health services to Fitzroy Crossing and surrounding communities. The Fitzroy Valley District Hospital was opened in 1976, and is an eight-bed facility providing full accident and emergency services. The service also includes child health, school health, immunisations and communicable diseases services and various health education and promotion activities.

Medical officers also provide services to the Guwardi Ngadu Frail Aged Hostel on Forrest Road, which is a 12-bed facility. A visiting nursing service also is provided to community clinics based at Nookanbah (Yungngora) and Wangkatjungka. A number of staff houses are located on hospital land.

1.11.3 Recreation Fitzroy Crossing's leisure centre is combined with the oval and netball and basketball courts. There is a rodeo ground off Sandford Road. The Fitzroy River, its bed and foreshore areas also serve as important recreation areas.

1.11.4 Community facilities The Fitzroy Crossing community and Shire of Derby/West Kimberley have been working toward the establishment of a community resource centre for a number of years.

The initial proposal involves establishment of a family day-care centre, with further stages to include government offices; telecentre; café; Interpretive Centre; Bunuba Inc. offices; and a performance area/amphitheatre. The facility will be a valuable resource for the Fitzroy Crossing community.

It is expected that this will be collocated with existing Shire facilities. Page 8 FITZROY FUTURES TOWN PLAN - March 2009


2.1 Fitzroy Futures 2000

The Fitzroy Valley Beyond 2000 Conference was held over three days in September 2000. It was a joint venture between the local community and the Shire of Derby/West Kimberley. A number of organisations provided sponsorship to allow the event to occur.

An outcome of the conference was the establishment of the Fitzroy Valley Working Group to address three priority items for the community: ® town planning for the Fitzroy Crossing townsite and surrounds; ® a process for community consultation in relocating the power station; and ® developing a strategic plan for Fitzroy Crossing, incorporating a range of issues, including training, education and health.

As a result of the town planning agenda, Bunuba Inc. approached the Minister for Planning and Infrastructure requesting assistance to prepare a town plan for Fitzroy Crossing. In consultation with the Shire of Derby/West Kimberley, the Department for Planning and Infrastructure (DPI) prepared a draft town plan to identify opportunities for future growth and to achieve integration between the town and its Aboriginal communities.

2.2Planning issues facing the study area There are a number of land use planning issues facing Fitzroy Crossing that will benefit from a strategic land use framework, including: ® supply of land for residential, commercial and industrial uses; ® provision of a new school site and buildings; establishment of a community resource centre; ® protection of public drinking water sources; management of growth in the context of flood risk; ® integration of the township with town-based Aboriginal communities; and ® establishment of a new power station.

Much of the land in and around Fitzroy Crossing is low-lying and prone to flooding. Of the land above the floodplain that may be able to accommodate townsite expansion, the majority falls within Crown Reserve 9656. This reserve is vested to the Aboriginal Lands Trust and occupied by the Junjuwa Aboriginal Community. Bunuba Inc. has agreed in principle for future townsite development to encroach into this lease area, but detailed investigation into the tenure arrangements and procedures must be negotiated with the Aboriginal Lands Trust, the DPI/(Land Asset Management Services), Land Corp and Bunuba Inc. The preparation of a town plan provides the basis for necessary land tenure changes to support townsite expansion.


2.3Planning context

2.3.1 State context There are a number of State strategies that provide a context for land use planninginFitzroy Crossing. The State Sustainability Strategy establishes a sustainability framework containing principles, visions and goals. It seeks to ensure that sustainability is considered and incorporated into decisions and actions for the future of Western Australia at all levels, and should underpin future planning for Fitzroy Crossing.

The State Planning Strategy is a land use planning strategy for Western Australia to 2029. It provides a vision to assist strategic decision-making and a set of principles to guide the way future decisions are made about the environment, community, economy, infrastructure and regional development. It sets out the following regional vision for the Kimberley region:

'In the next three decades, the Kimberley region will become a major resource development area for minerals extraction and downstream processing and agriculture. The region will also have a significant tourism industry associated with its strong indigenous cultural heritage and the wilderness experience unique to the north-west of Australia. The centres within the region will expand and offer a wide range of services to the growing population.

Additionally, the WAPC prepares state of planning policies (SPPs) under the Planning and Development Act 2005. Once an SPP has been gazetted, it must be given 'due regard' in future planning decisions and actions. SPPs relevant to Fitzroy Crossing are: SPP 2 Environment and Natural Resources o SPP 2.7 Public Drinking Water Sources o SPP 3.2 Planning for Aboriginal Communities o SPP 4.1 State Industrial Buffer Policy Community layout plans Community layout plans are developed under State Planning Policy 3.2 Planning for Aboriginal Communities. The policy allows for these plans to be part of the State's town planning framework. The relevant Community Council, local government and the WAPC must endorse plans before they are considered final. The Town Planning for Aboriginal Communities Project is managed by DPI.

During 2003, community Layout Plans for Kurnangki, Junjuwa, Darlgunaya and Bungardi were prepared. The, then, Department of Housing and Works contractedthepreparationofthose CLPs underthe TownReserves Regularisation Program whose main aim is to normalise essential service provision and maintenance to town-based Aboriginal communities. This contract included expansion of the original study areas to encompass other Bunuba settlement areas, including Bungardi and Burawa.

Page 10 FITZROY FUTURES TOWN PLAN - March 2009 It is important to realise that this normalisation can have a significant financial impact on Aboriginal communities and can be seen as a threat or erosion to the collective self-determination of residents. The end result can be better services and infrastructure, but there are serious implications involved in, for example, gazetting roads and adding individual water and power meters.

It is understood that Bunuba Inc.'s intention is to decrease residential density at Junjuwa in order to reduce the number of family groups living in close proximity from six to three, and expand living areas at Darlgunaya, the Old Mission (Burawa) and Bungardi. Bunuba Inc.'s intention is for the community layout plans to assist with land tenure transfer from the Aboriginal Lands Trust to Bunuba Inc., and for Bunuba Inc. to derive economic benefit from utilising its landholdings.

It is important to note that the land uses described in the community layout plans have been derived in consultation with the communities, and that any changes to the land uses proposed in these communities may occur only through the amendment process set out in the plans (figures 5a5g).

Not all these plans have been through the formal endorsement phase, which includes the community council, local government and WAPC endorsement.

2.3.2Local government planning control There is no operative town planning scheme or local interim development order applicable to the Fitzroy Crossing townsite.

2.4 Community consultation In developing the Fitzroy Futures Town Plan, consultation has occurred with a number of stakeholders and the wider community. A workshop was held in Fitzroy Crossing in November 2002, attended by landowners, local government, local business people, community leaders and government representatives.

Following the workshop, the Department of Housing and Works contracted preparation of community layout plans for the town-based communities of Kurnangki, Junjuwa, Parukupan, Darlgunaya and Bungardi. The community layout plans provided communities time to determine how they wanted their respective areas to develop.

In preparing the Fitzroy Futures Town Plan, the study team has been mindful to respect the community layout plan process for the individual communities in and around Fitzroy townsite, and allow suitable time to develop a future vision that supports the aspirations and culture of the communities. This has also allowed the various stakeholders time to appreciate the issues surrounding the wider planning process, and the need for plans to develop that respond to localised decision- making through Community Councils.


2.4.1 Public Comment Period The draft Fitzroy Futures Town Plan was released for public comment on 24 March 2005 until 24 June 2005.

The release of the plan was publicised in local newspapers via press release. A copy of the plan and a covering letter offering further information andbriefing was sent to 90 people.

Reports and posters and information on how to make comment were at available at the following places: Fitzroy Crossing Bunuba Office, Marra Worra Worra, Fitzroy Crossing school, Shire of Derby/West Kimberley and tourist bureau. Derby ShireofDerby/WestKimberley,Kimberley Development Commission PerthDepartment for Planning and Infrastructure.

People could make submissions in writing, by e-mail, verbally or by fax. The public comment sheet provided for project team members to record verbal comments on the plan.

During August 2005, members of the project team went to visit various people and businesses in Fitzroy Crossing to see if people had anything to say about the plan. Indications were that most people in town were aware of the plan and provided positive comments and suggestions.

Fourteen organisations or individuals made comment on the draft Fitzroy Futures Town Plan. In addition to the comments received, some other matters arose following the public comment period:

Change of timing for new Fitzroy Crossing School (DET) Update on proposal to pipe water from the Fitzroy River aquifer (DPC) Discussions regarding road funding (SDWK / MRWA) Investigations into further floodplain mapping and development setbacks from the river (DOW) Investigations into infill potential in the existing residential area (SDWK / DPI) Department of Water created to manage the State's drinking water supplies.

A meeting of study stakeholders was held in Fitzroy Crossing on 24 August 2005. Representatives of the various organisations considered the submissions and agreed on how the plan would deal with them. Those present represented Bunuba Inc., Shire of Derby/West Kimberley, Department for Planning and Infrastructure, Marra Worra Worra and Main Roads WA.


2.5Planning process The following figure provides an overview of the activities contributing to the draft Fitzroy Futures Town Plan, and the steps required for finalisation of the process. At the November 2002 workshop, it was agreed that the plan would require formal agreement from Bunuba Inc. and the Shire of Derby/West Kimberley before it was released for a formal public comment period.

Chart 2 - Fitzroy Futures Town Plan - planning process

Fitzroy Valley Beyond 2000 Conference (September 2000) town planning identified as a priority

Draft town plan prepared by DPI in consultation with Shire of Derby West Kimberley (2001/02)

Draft town plan presented to a stakeholder workshop in Fitzroy Crossing (November 2002) attended by members of the working group, shire councillors and staff, and key community and government stakeholdersidentified amendments to the plan, and made suggestions about how to progress the planning process tL WAPC funding of Fitzroy Futures Town Plan Project (July 2003)

Community Layout Plans for Kurnangki, Junjuwa, Parukupan, Darlgunaya and Bungardi commissioned by DHW (2003). Key aspects to be incorporatedU into town plan Fitzroy Futures Activity Coordination Meeting (Oct 2003), attended by government stakeholders and service delivery agencies to bring various aspects of government together and ensure coordination, particularly since many of these initiatives required land tenure changes and negotiations _u_ Draft town plan (consultation draft 1) submitted to Bunuba Inc., Shire of Derby/West Kimberley and WAPC for endorsement to advertise, and distributed to the community for consideration (July 2004)

Revised plan (consultation draft no 2) circulated to key stakeholders for endorsement to advertise (Oct 2004)

Release draft plan for public comment period (January/February 2005)

Analyse public comments and effect changes to plan (July Aug 2005)

Adoption of final plan


3.1 Climate Climatic characteristics affect personal comfort levels and influence the nature of activities and visitation patterns in Fitzroy Crossing. They also affect suitability of housing and buildingdesign and provisionof landscaping, shade and vegetation.

The climate of Fitzroy Crossing is semi-arid to arid monsoonal, with two distinct seasons 'the wet' from December to March and the dry' from April to November. Maximum temperatures exceed 30 degrees Celsius for 316 days of the year and exceed 40 degrees for 74 days.

TABLE 1- CLIMATE CHARACTERISTICS OF FITZROY CROSSING AND PERTH Mean Mean Days with Mean No Mean daily daily temp over of days annual maximum minimu 300 (C) with temp rainfall temp (C) m temp over 400 (mm) (C) (C) Perth Region 23.3 13.3 58 2.2 569.4

Fitzroy Crossing 35.6 19.1 316.2 73.9 541.2 *

* most of this rainfall can occur in 1-2 months

Source: Bureau of Meteorology, Perth.

Average annual rainfall is 538 mm, with almost all falling in the wet season. Evaporation rates are high and exceed annual rainfall. The highest temperatures are experienced just before the onset of the wet season when humidity also rises markedly.

3.2Physical Features Figure 6 illustrates the key physical features of the Fitzroy Crossing area, which is described in greater detail below.

3.2.1Vegetation For most of the year, there is little rain around Fitzroy Crossing and the natural vegetation has had to adapt to a semi-desert environment. Eucalyptus species are found in the area around the Fitzroy River and fringing main creeks, and can grow to a height of 12-15 m, supporting a variety of other species and smaller trees. These areas are characterised by perennial grasses.

This is characterised by grassland with scattered trees and scrubs. North of Fitzroy, the floodplain vegetation gives way to sparse spinifex communities.

Inrecent years Rubber vine(Cryptostegia grandiflora and Cryptostegia madagascariensis) has invaded the banks of the Fitzroy River. This is affecting the local flora and choking native vegetation. Rubber vine is a declared plant in the

Page 14 FITZROY FUTURES TOWN PLAN - March 2009 State, which means that the movement of plants and their seeds is prohibited, and there are aims to eradicate it through pesticides and management of movement through infested areas.

3.2.2Topography Fitzroy Crossing is located in the low-lying Fitzroy Plains where floodplains are up to 22 km wide. Rivers are seasonal with strong flows during the wet. Soils primarily are grey and cracking brown clay. The main area of town is developed on a large rocky ridge elevated above the Fitzroy River floodplain. Plum Plain, west of the township provides a natural barrier to development due to its low-lying nature and reactive soils. This reactive, 'black soil' is not suitable for building.

Fitzroy Crossing is located on the Grant Formation comprising interbedded sandstone and minor siltstone. It is an extensive but low-yielding aquifer, which is unconfined and fractured and groundwater flows through fractures and joints. Those areas free of fractures and joints mostly are impermeable. Recharge is via river flows and direct rainfall infiltration from Brooking Creek and the Fitzroy River.

3.3River Flooding The Fitzroy catchment is extensive, covering 91,900km2 of which 46,100km2 is located upstream of Fitzroy Crossing. The Hann and Adcock rivers and numerous other tributaries feed it. The Margaret River joins the Fitzroy from the east 15 km upstream of the town. With heavy rainfall, high volumes of water over a short period result in inundation of excessive tracts of land in and around town and other parts of the catchment. Flood impacts are magnified when the Margaret and Fitzroy rivers rise concurrently.

Fitzroy Crossing islikely to experience flood events every one to three years where water is just below the 1in 100 year level. The flood event in 2002 recorded the highest ever flood levelsmore than 300 mm greater than previous events.

In response to the 2002 floods, the Department of Environment and Conservation (DOE) developed the Fitzroy River 100 year ARI Floodplain Management Strategy (2003) to ensure adequate consideration of risk in developments on land prone to flooding. The strategy requires finished floor levels of residential buildings to be 50 cm above the 100year ARI flood level. Residential development proposed within the floodplain requires referral of the development application to the DOE for advice.

Development in flood-prone areas raises issues with the ability to ensure a safe environment for residents and creates increased property maintenance and infrastructurerepairissues.Aboriginal people have been livingwiththe floodplains and flood issues for thousands of years; however, where significant permanent residential development is proposed near areas known for flooding, there is a need to ensure that people and property are protected as much as possible.


The Department of Water (DOW), in conjunction with the Bureau of Meteorology, installed a flood warning network for the Fitzroy River in 1997. This provides early warning for flood prone towns and communities along the mainstream river including Fitzroy Crossing.

3.3.1 Other Uses for Fitzroy's Water Resource The Government has established an expert panel to independently review the feasibility of transporting water from the Kimberley region to Perth. This process provides an opportunity for all concepts on taking water from the Kimberley to Perth to be evaluated through a single mechanism at the same time. The review is expected to include a public process involving a series of community presentations to outline the findings of the evaluation process. The expert panel is expected to report on its findings to the Western Australian Government by 31 March 2006.

3.4Heritage Considerations The Fitzroy Crossing area is rich with Aboriginal and European heritage. Two State acts of Parliament provide protection for heritage areas, both naturally occurring and constructed.

3.4.1 Aboriginal Heritage The Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972 provides for the identification and protection of Aboriginal sites throughout Western Australia. There are thousands of registered sites in the Kimberley region, particularly in areas that have been disturbed through urban or mining development. Itis estimated that there is a similar number of sites in more remote or less travelled areas.

The Act requires that management or research on Aboriginal sites be subject to permission under section 18 from the Aboriginal Cultural Materials Committee, an advisory body to the Minister for Indigenous Affairs.Permission usuallyis conditional on the approval and involvement of the Aboriginal custodians of the site and on the input of a professional heritage conservator.

Sometimes Aboriginal sites also are popular recreation or tourism sites. For example, gorges or other waterholes may contain cultural material or burial sites, and art sites are tourist attractions in their own right.This may lead to site damage by traffic and pedestrian impact, loss of vegetation, pollution, graffiti or litter.In such cases, management may be required.

The involvement of Aboriginal people in the management of their heritage is very important. There is a need for sensitivity in the treatment of cultural material, which often can be ensured only by the involvement of a heritage consultant. Development of vacant land generally requires clearance under the Act.

Several sites within the Fitzroy township are registered under the Act (figure 6). However itis important to note that there may be several other sites in Fitzroy capable of registration under the Act, which may not have formal registration. Page 16 FITZROY FUTURES TOWN PLAN - March 2009

Regardless of their status in terms of registration, these sites have the same level of protection under the Act.

The community layout plans also identify areas of cultural significance, and prohibit development in these areas. These sites may go on to be registered formally, but in being identified through the planning process, have achieved an added degree of protection.

3.4.2Built Heritage In accordance with provisions of the Heritage of Western Australia Act 1990, the Shire of Derby/West Kimberley has prepared a draft municipal inventory, which details sites and buildings with heritage value, although not necessarily registered by the Heritage Council of Western Australia.

The inventory lists the following places in Fitzroy as having heritage value and some kind of protection through local planning processes: Old Fitzroy Crossing Police Station Precinct; Fitzroy Crossing Backpackers' Hostel (former post office); site of previous Australian Inland Mission Hospital; Crossing Inn; Low-level river crossing; Fitzroy Crossing Bridge; Second School, Burawa (former Mission site); and Fitzroy Crossing Pioneer Cemetery.



Regional trends and indicators for each local government in the State are prepared by responsible state agencies from time to time. Figures quoted in this section refer to the whole shire, but provide an indication of activity in and around Fitzroy Crossing.

4.1 Tourism Tourism is a significant and growing industry throughout the Kimberley region. Fitzroy Crossing's location along the Great Northern Highway, and in close proximity to iconic natural areas such as Geikie Gorge, Windjana Gorge National Park and , indicates that tourism will continue to grow.

Attractions within the town include the Fitzroy River, the Old Fitzroy townsite, including the former police station, lock-up, police officers house, and the old post office. Visitors also seek the opportunity to view and buy local art and craft though a number of established outlets. A range of accommodation options is provided through the Fitzroy River Lodge, the Crossing Inn and the Tarunda Caravan Park.

A number of successful tourism enterprises, including Darnukgu Boat Tours, are operated out of Fitzroy Crossing. Strong demand for indigenous cultural tourism in the Kimberley creates further opportunitiesfor theFitzroy community to participate in this industry.

The vast majority of tourists to the Fitzroy area are self-drive tourists, particularly with caravans, and there is a need to tailor the tourism market to their needs. At present there is no formal rest area / tourist information bay at the entrance of Fitzroy Crossing, and there would be some benefit in identifying an area that could be developed for this purpose.

4.2Art and Craft A number of Fitzroy residents receive income from art and craft activities and Fitzroy artists increasingly are achieving and being recognised for their talents on a world stage. The economic benefit of these activities has not been measured.

4.3 Community Services A significant number of people are employed in community servicing positions in the Fitzroy Crossing area. This includes education and health-related professions, Shireof Derby/West Kimberley staff and a range ofAboriginal-specific employment eitherforresidentswithinthetownsiteorservingoutlying communities. 4.4Retail and Light Industry Existing commercial activity is concentrated on either side of the southern section of Forrest Road and to a lesser extent, from the roadhouses on either side of the Page 18 FITZROY FUTURES TOWN PLAN - March 2009

Great Northern Highway. Fitzroy Crossing has a supermarket and shopping area on Forrest Road, and the light industrial area provides a mix of goods and services.

4.5Pastoral Industry Pastoral activity around Fitzroy is focused on , Gogo, Jubilee, Leopold Downs and Fossil Downs stations. Some of these stations are managed by Aboriginal corporations, which raise export quality cattle. These are exported from Broome via ship. Agricultural production in the shire in 2001/02 was valued at $35.9 million, which is a significant increase from previous years. The industry has been experiencing regular growth since 1995/96, although it represents only 0.8 per cent of the State's agricultural production by value.

4.6Mineral Development Three key minerals are mined in the Fitzroy area zinc, lead and diamonds.

Zinc and lead have been mined at Cadjebut, 80 km south-east of Fitzroy Crossing, since 1988. Western Metals previously operated zinc mines on the Lennard Shelf, but the operation is now owned by Canadian-based company Teck Cominco, which purchased the mines after Western Metals went into receivership in October 2003.

In May 2004, Teck Cominco reached an agreement with Noranda to invest $26 million in mine exploration. This deal, combined with rising world zinc prices, means that the mines could be reopened in the future. The mines previously had provided 400 jobs for Kimberley residents, as well as training opportunities for young people.

The Pillara Mine and Processing Plant reached capacity in1999, having producing more than 270 000 tonnes of zinc and more than 88 000 tonnes of lead. The company has since closed its Cadjebut plant, and has centralised operations at Pillara. Metals are trucked from Kapok and Goongewa mines. Expansion of the Pilllara plant has increased its capacity to 2.4 million tonnes of ore annually, trucked to the Derby and exported to smelters in Thailand, Korea and Japan. In 2001/02, this activity was valued at $173.4 million, which represents 96 per cent of the State's total lead production by value.

In July 2004, Blina Diamonds was launched as a subsidiary of the Kimberley Diamond Co NL. The purpose of this operation isto explore the Ellendale diamond field, which is 140 km east of Derby. More than 100 000 carats of diamonds have been produced from the Ellendale deposit since operations commenced in 2002. Current production has been increased to 120 000 carats per annum, and development of additional areas can increase this to 400 000 carats per annum within the next two to three years. Part of this development includes an economic agreement with the traditional owners of the area.



Key transport items and infrastructure are shown at figure 7, and are described in greater detail below.

In examining infrastructure provision in Fitzroy Crossing,itisdifficult to get a complete picture of essential service provision, demand and projections. This is because some key services are managed or operated by either the State government, private sector or a combination of the two. One organisation may operate the source, another the mains and another the distribution network. For example, water source identification and protection is a critical issue for Fitzroy and there is a need to identify the source, drawdown, demand and future of drinking water for all residents.

5.1 Roads Fitzroy Crossing is located on either side of Great Northern Highway, with the majority of the town and its services located to the north. Many roads within the town, including the main access road to Geikie Gorge, do not correlate with existing road reserves and a considerable number are subject to flooding and areas cut off from the town.

Under the Town Reserves Regularisation Program, Itis possible in time that a number of roads within the Aboriginal communities may be identified formally and gazetted as local government roads.

5.2Air Travel Fitzroy Crossing airport accommodates services from Broome, Derby, Halls Creek and various charter activity. The airport is located on Crown Reserve 20668.

The airstrip is 1300 m long and 19 m wide and is sealed to provide 24-hour access, including lighting for Royal Flying Doctor Service needs. This includes automatic pilot activated lighting.

During the wet season, Fitzroy Crossing can become isolated due to floodwaters closing sections of the Great Northern Highway. As such, the airport is a very important component of the town's infrastructure. Within Fitzroy Crossing, there is no all-weather legal access to the airport, and this is an important emergency response matter that requires resolution.

5.3Energy and Power Supply

5.3.1 New Power Station The new power station has been built on a site 200m south of Great Northern Highway and to the west of Fitzroy Crossing, adjacent to Mindi Rardi. The new facility commenced operation in 2007.


5.3.2Services to Aboriginal communities In addition to Fitzroy townsite, the Western Power facility provides power to the following Aboriginal communities: Joy Springs Go-Go Junjuwa Karnparrmi Marra Worra Worra Darlgunaya

Gillarong ® Kurnangki Bayulu Windmill Reserve

Western Power suppliesonly high-voltage power tothese communities. Communities are bulk metered and the distribution network (low voltage) and infrastructure are managed through the Remote Area Essential Services Program.

5.3.3Fitzroy Crossing Electricity Licence Area The Fitzroy Crossing Electricity Licence Area issued by the Economic Regulation Authority is shown on maps 7a and 7b.

The electricity licence area includes all of the town inclusive of the land between Yurabi Road and the Fitzroy River and a corridor along Great Northern Highway encompassing Bayulu, Gogo homestead, Gillarong, Karnparrmi and Joy Springs. Burawa, Bungardi and parts of Darlgunaya are not within the Fitzroy Crossing Electricity Licence Area.

5.4Public Drinking Water Supply

5.4.1 Water Source The Fitzroy Crossing Water Reserve drinking water source protection plan is shown on maps 7a and 7b.

A Priority 1 water source protection area has been identified north of Fallon Road within Crown reserves9656(Aboriginal Lands Trust) and35090(Minister for Water Resources). Priority 1 areas are defined to ensure that drinking water is protected and there is no degradation of the water source. Land development generally is not permitted within Priority 1 areas. The Priority 1 area contains bores to supply the town's drinking water with four production bores, one of which is a stand-by bore. The Water Corporation is licensed to draw250ML annually from this source. Production bores range from about30-60m deep and the depth to the water table is20-23m. Water Quality The Water Corporation conducts water testing on Fitzroy's drinking water bores. This has revealed that: There has been no noticeable change in groundwater salinity in recent years, indicating that the current level of abstraction has had no impact on groundwater quality.


® Fitzroy's groundwater quality before treatment is generally within the guideline limits for iron, aluminium and turbidity, but has exceeded these limits on isolated occasions. ® Fitzroy's water supply contains traces of the pesticide dieldrin, but at concentrations below the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. Although the use of dieldrin has ceased, and is no longer registered for use, it is likely to be present due to construction works in the area, and its historic use to control termite infestations. Dieldrinis a persistent chemical and may continue to be leached from soils for some time.

Possible threats to water quality include the use of septic tanks in areas to the north of the borefields,fuel storage facilitiesat the airport and use of fertilisers/pesticide on the nearby oval. The existing power station also presents a possible threat to water supply, and there is evidence of fuel spillage in the power compound.

The Department of Environment and Conservation has prepared a Drinking Water Source Protection Assessment to reflect readily available information on the water catchment in Fitzroy. A detailed planning document that proposes priority protection areas, significant amendments to the existing Priority1 area extending into Crown Reserve 9656 to a line north of the 2/89 Bore, can be progressed once matters associated with surrounding land use are further defined through the town planning process. The draft assessment recommends that Wellhead Protection Zones of 500 m radius from production bores in Priority 1 areas, and 300 m in Priority 2 or 3 areas should be established.

Large-scale development proposals within the water reserve that could affect water quality should be referred to the Department of Environment and Conservation. A water reserve is not necessarily a land title and may not involve ownership in the sense that a Crown Reserve does. Water Availability Annual production has ranged from 150 ML and 213 ML between 1996/97 and 2001/02. The groundwater production for 2001/02 was 85 per cent of the licensed allocation. Depending on the future growth of the town, the current allocation may need to be reviewed in the future.

Additional to the public bores, some town-based communities, the school and the hospital are serviced by private bores located outside the water reserve. Further investigations are required to determine future water supply options, particularly if the other water users are to be considered as part of the water supply equation in the future.

5.4.2Water Supply The Fitzroy Crossing Operating Area for Potable Water Supply Services Licence issued by the Economic Regulation Authority is shown on maps 7a and 7b.

Page 25 FITZROY FUTURES TOWN PLAN - March 2009 The water supply licence area is a relatively small extent, limited to the central town, Kurnangki and Mindi Rardi. The following parts of Fitzroy Crossing are not within the water supply service area; Junjuwa, Burawa, Bungardi, Darlgunaya, Old Fitzroy, Old Mission, the Airport, the Lodge, Lowanbung and the Yurabi Road rural lifestyle area.

The Water Corporation manages the current water supply scheme for Fitzroy Crossing. The existing water scheme consists of four production bores and two tanks, one of which is an elevated tank with a 200 m3 capacity.

The Corporation is licensed to extract 250 000 kL a year and current extraction is approximately 200 000 kL a year.

A one-kilometrebufferfromproductionboresforchemical storage is recommended for downwind evacuation, and the Corporation recommends a special control area of 100 m within which building development cannot occur. The Corporation has planning in place to extend the existing borefield, which would increase the capacity of the scheme. The present borefield has sufficient capacity for the foreseeable future; however, some preliminary investigation work has been done on sourcing from Plum Plain as an alternative source, if required.

A Fitzroy Crossing Alternative Sources Investigation was conducted, which revealed three options for alternative sources of water: 1)extending the existing borefield to the north; 2) abstraction from bores on Jubilee Downs Station; or 3)abstraction from bores near the Fitzroy River.

Option 1 was preferred, as it is believed that the existing source will be able to cater for future demands, and options 2 and 3 would involve intensive site investigation to validate the sources. It also is believed that bores with reasonable yields are difficult to find in the area.

While option 1 may be preferred, any extension to the north of the existing bores would encroach into Reserve 9656, which would require negotiation and agreement with the landowner and landholder.

The Corporation has noted that water consumption rates for Fitzroy Crossing are almost twice that of average usage, which may point either to issues with water distribution networks or behavioural issues in terms of leaving taps on. It is possible that these matters will be alleviated through normalisation of services through the Town Reserves Regularisation Program or through an education program should the high usage be a result of behavioural patterns.

5.5Wastewater The Fitzroy Crossing Operating Area for Sewerage Services Licence issued by the Economic Regulation Authority is shown on maps 7a and 7b.


The sewerage services licence area includes much of the extent of the township, but does not include the following; Burawa, Bungardi, Darlgunaya, Old Fitzroy and the Yurabi Road rural lifestyle area.

A deep sewerage system operated by Water Corporation covers the majority of the town, with the exception of Junjuwa community. Sewerage ponds are located approximately 500 m from the Great Northern Highway to the south-east of Fitzroy, on the eastern side of the river. Treated wastewater discharges into the Fitzroy River. The wastewater treatment plant is licensed for a maximum inflow of 700 kL a day. This is equivalent to approximately 3000 people (at 220 litres/per person/per day/).

The wastewater treatment plant consists of three treatment ponds (primary, secondary and tertiary/polishing) then overflow into a 0.3 ha evaporation/effluent holding pond. Currently the corporation is upgrading the evaporation/effluent holding pond to 1.0 ha.

Besides the recurrent minor sewer pumps replacement, there is no other major project planned for the next few years. However, proposals to develop in areas that may be flood-prone need to be evaluated carefully and this kind of development should be dependent on the provision of deep sewerage.

5.6Waste management The town solid waste disposal site is located west of Plum Plain on Mangkurla Road, approximately three kilometres from Fitzroy Crossing.Thisfacilityis managed by the Shire of Derby/West Kimberley and can provide a facility for commercial and industrial waste on a user-pays basis. The facility is licensed by the Department of Environment and Conservation.



The Fitzroy Futures Town Plan focuses on providing for the needs of the Fitzroy community into the future, recognising the significant physical constraints for development in Fitzroy Crossing, and the tenure and ownership of land in and around the town.

The plan has drawn on the community layout plan process, and the needs outlined in this report.

6.1Objectives and outlook of the plan The objective is to prepare a strategic town plan for Fitzroy Crossing to provide a framework and context for future growth, and support progression of a number of key community service initiatives. As such, the key objectives of the Fitzroy Futures Town Plan are to: develop a planning framework to bring together the different settlements in and around the town; and provide a basis for future land ownership arrangements and land tenure rationalisation.

The plan has an outlook of 10-15 years, but should be reviewed every five years to monitor progress of implementation. Such review also would provide for updates in terms of governance, land ownership and general context.

6.2Planning Principles In achieving the objectives of the plan, it has been important to address the issues facing Fitzroy Crossing, while being sensitive to local needs. As such, the following principles have guided the development of the plan: support lifestyle, cultural and social needs of the community; focus future growth on land not subject to flood impacts; promote environmental protection and sustainable settlements; provide opportunities for economic growth within the community; and acknowledge infrastructure limitations and deficiencies.

6.3Future Land Uses At this stage, it is not proposed that the Fitzroy Futures Town Plan be converted to a statutory town planning scheme, although this could be an option in the future. However, the land uses may be suitable for conversion to a scheme if the Shire of Derby/West Kimberley and the Fitzroy community consider this an appropriate way of managing land use (figure 8).

Beyond Fitzroy Crossing, this scheme could provide land use planning control for the entire shire. Preparation of a local planning strategy for Derby and the rest of the shire also would be required.


6.3.1 Living Areas Living areas refer to areas where people live, and may include land designated as residential, rural living or other special usesites for temporary or hostel accommodation. Figure 9 shows the location of future living areas, with a short description of the development potential of this land.

6.3. /. 1 Residential Land New residential areas are shown within the existing townsite nearthe intersection of Fallon Road and Flynn Drive and on the southern part of Flynn Drive near the hospital. In the longer term, some residential land has been identified to the west of the hospital, which would depend on the extension of Fallon Road to meet the Great Northern Highway. This road already is reserved, but has not yet been constructed.

As outlined in section 1.8, an overall density of 20-30 dwellings per hectare is considered appropriate. However, the majority of the town is developed at a density of approximately 12.5 dwellings per hectare. The proposed residential density would result in residential lots that are 250- 300 m2 smaller than currently exist. This is an important issue forlocal residents and should be understood fully before implementation.

It may be that prevailing lot sizes remain at 12.5 (700 m2minimum) dwellings per hectare with various land parcels identified for grouped dwellings, such as duplexes or villas at a density of 20-30 dwellings per hectare. Community Land Several new residential areas are shown within the Junjuwa, Burawa, Darlgunaya, Bungardi and Kurnangki communities. No new housing sites are shown at Mindi Rardi, as there is limited scopefor expansion, and it is possible that housing demand could be met through redevelopment of existing housing stock.

Expansion of residential areas at Bungardi, Burawa and Darlgunayais proposed in order to provide housing options for three family groups that have expressed a desire to move away from Junjuwa. Increased residentialpopulations at Bungardi and Darlgunaya need to be managed in ordertoensuredevelopmentmeetsfloodplain management requirements, and thatresidentshave emergency management plans in place when flood events occur.

Future housing areas have been designed to achieve R10 standard or lower. This results in lot sizes of about 1000 m2, which is on the highside, but will provide suitable distance between houses.

Page 29 FITZROY FUTURES TOWN PLAN - March 2009 Rural Living Areas The plan shows an extension of the rural living lots on Yurabi and Russ roads. As these this land is not within the sewerage services licence area any lots created would require on-site wastewater disposal. The Country Sewerage Policy requires a minimum lot size of 2000 m2 in the case of land with on-site wastewater disposal.In addition, development on this landwill need to comply with the minimum finishedfloorlevel requirements outlinedintheFitzroyRiver 100 year ARI Floodplain Management Strategy.

There is a proposal to provide for rural living opportunities in the draft Darlgunaya and Bungardi community layout plans. Temporary Accommodation The plan makes provision for temporary accommodation, including a site for schoolchildren and carers, which is immediately south of the proposed school site. This could cater for a range of accommodation associated with the school and/or the adjacent recreation complex.

6.3.2Human Services School Site A new school site has been identified to the south of Crown Reserve 9656. The approximate size of the new facility is 10 ha, in keeping with Department of Education and Training's requirements. Community resource centre

The establishment of a community resource centre is broadly supported as itis expected that it would provide a number of opportunities for economic development, including tourism enterprises and art and craft sales.It is considered most appropriate for such a centre to co-locate with existing similar facilities in Fitzroy Crossing. Recreation The relocation of the school adjacent to the recreation centre provides a number of opportunities for consolidating and strengthening this area as a community hub. As such, it is proposed that should funding become available for a swimming pool, this be located to the east of the school site and immediately north of the oval. Art Centre A site adjacent to the Karrayilli Adult Education centre has been designated "community purposes" for the potential use as an art centre. Though thereis sufficient space to accommodate thisuse,land acquisition and relocation of a water pipeline will be required prior to development taking place.


6.3.3Commercial and Business Fitzroy's commercial and business areas are centred mainly on Forrest Road, with the main shopping area and caravan park to the west and a number of service commercial uses in the light industrial area to the east.

There is growing demand for additional commercial land and current and future supply is very limited. In its present form, the plan makes no provision for additional commercial land; however, it may be possible in the future to reallocate land in the light industrial for commercial or business purposes. It also may be the case that Bunuba Inc. can supply such land depending on future land demand, and some commercial lots have been shown along Forrest Road. The average size of these lots is approximately 2700 m2. Tourism The plan provides for two key tourism lots with frontage to Great Northern Highway. One of these lots has previously had an approval in place to develop as a motel and this lot has been retained with this designation. Development of the other tourism area, to the west of the hospital depends on the construction of Fallon Road to the highway.

There also is a need to identify a suitable place to establish a tourist information bay / rest area for self-drive tourists who travel to the Fitzroy area during winter months. A possible site may be adjacent to Lot281 Emmanuel Way. Land is currently vested with the Shire of Derby/West Kimberley for "rest-stop" purposes. Horticulture / Plantation and Rural Enterprise Large areas of land have been shown as horticulture / plantation and rural enterprise, in land north of Russ Road, between Junjuwa and Bungardi. While it may be possible to explore additional land uses in this area, these will need to be examined closely due to potentialflood risk (including fast-flowing floodwaters), servicing costs, water supply and environmental impacts. Development of these areas would be subject to a range of additional approvals from environmental agencies.

6.3.4Industrial Fitzroy's existing light industrial area is located to the east of Forrest Road. Although designated as light industry, the area supports a residential population through caretakers' dwellings, as well as providing a number of service commercial / business uses. If this plan were to be converted to a statutory town planning scheme, there would need to be careful examination of the existing land uses in this area to ensure that the end zoning was compatible with retail and residential uses. The uses are considered valid in Fitzroy due not only to lifestyle considerations, but also because of the limited availability of commercial land in the townsite. There also may be infill opportunities in this part of town.


Another option for future industrial land may be released by Bunuba Inc. further north on Forrest Road, which is shown on the Junjuwa community layout plan with average lot sizes of 4000 m2. Future commercial/business activities and light industries could be established, thus utilising a significant segment of the existing road, should a suitable all-weather road be constructed.

The creation of a new light industrial area south of Junjuwa also will allow for the relocation of the Junjuwa workshop compound, which will free up more land for community uses, including a green walkway to the new school.

Further investigation is required to determine the demand for land that could be used for general industry uses, that are not compatible for caretakers' or retail activities.

6.3.5Transport and Access When the plan was advertised a realignment of Forrest Road was proposed. The Forrest Road realignment is a long-term project. It is unlikely to attract funding beyond the Shire of Derby/West Kimberley; and is not provided for in the shire's Principal Activity Plan (earliest funding opportunity would be 2014).

During the public comment period Main Roads WA provided preliminary costings to construct the various elements of the road. The estimated prices ranged from $3.4 to $5.8 million, which included an upgrade to Scrivener Road.

The Forrest Road realignment proposal has been deleted from the March 2009 version of the Fitzroy Futures Town Plan as key stakeholders no longer consider that the proposal is viable or essential.

6.3.6Essential Services The new power station site has a 200 m buffer, which is a nominal distance suggested by Western Power. I

The existing sewage ponds are located more than 500 m from the nearest residences at Parukupan, which isin keeping with the State's nominal 500m buffer zone for these facilities.

6.3.7Public Drinking Water Source Protection The Fitzroy Crossing Water Reserve drinking water source protection plan is respected in the plan.

Land use implications are involved in protecting Fitzroy's drinking water, but generally, a range of urban land use is compatible with such areas,


provided that the uses are managed appropriately.Thisincludes residential and light industrial landif deep sewerage isprovided. In addition, the assessment recommends a 500 m buffer from production bores in the Priority 1 area.

6.3.8Flood-Prone Land Much of the land in and around Fitzroy Crossing is flood-prone and subject to regular inundation from the nearby Fitzroy River. Generally, the plan has concentrated development in areas identified safe for a 1in 100 year ARI flood. Any development proposed in areas subject to flooding will be subject to the requirements set out in the Fitzroy River 100 year ARI Floodplain Management Strategy. Emergency Management Responses Itis important to note that a flood risk exists beyond the 100 year ARI. Emergency Management Planning complements building requirements tomitigateagainsttheresidualflood risk. Localemergency management arrangements (Emergency Management Plans) form an important part of a comprehensive approach tonatural hazard mitigation. Itis also important to note that emergency management arrangements must be regularly reviewed as the population increases and changes and the level of risk therefore changes.

Existing emergency management arrangements in the Fitzroy Crossing area are currently set up to respond to an event.

The Fire and Emergency Services Authority's aim is to commence a process to develop appropriate emergency management arrangements throughtheShireofDerby/WestKimberley,Local Emergency Management Committee, and the community (including Aboriginal Communities) to develop community capacity to prevent, prepare for, respond to and recover from emergencies.

This would result in emergency management arrangements that have beenestablishedthroughacollaborativeprocess,includinga community development and education process.

6.3.9Heritage Sites The plan shows several heritage sites. These are sites of Aboriginal cultural significance and mostly are registered under theAboriginal Heritage Act 1972 and no development should be permitted on, or adjacent to, these sites.



7.1Cadastral amendments A number of cadastral amendments will be required to implement the Fitzroy Futures Town Plan, each with varying degrees of complexity and sensitivity. It is intended that this plan, once finalised, will form the basis for numerous land tenure changes. However, a number of distinct and separate processes need to occur to bring about such change. Influences on these processes include: existing ownership, eg Crown reserve, Crown reserve proclaimed under part III of the Aboriginal Affairs Planning Authority Act 1972; freehold land; unallocated Crown land; proposed ownership and management of the land; obtaining clearances required under the Native Title Act 1993; processes involved eg. consent of both houses of Parliament for land proclaimed under part III of the Aboriginal Affairs Planning Authority Act 1972;

® sequencing of actionssome events dependent on others; and collaboration -the broad land use principles set out in this plan require high-level negotiation and collaboration to determine the detail of land ownership.

Further negotiation is required to effect the proposed land tenure changes to the satisfaction of all parties.The key players in terms of achieving land tenure change are Bunuba Inc., Darlgunaya, Shire of Derby/West Kimberley, Aboriginal Lands Trust and the State Land Services. These parties will need to work closely and collaboratively to implement the Fitzroy Futures Town Plan. The Department of Indigenous Affairs has committed to providing resources to undertake the land tenure changes needed to implement the Fitzroy Futures Town Plan.

These changes will need high-level support, probably at Cabinet level. This will ensure that the various government agencies with an interest in these changes have the necessary direction and approval to proceed with the works required.

It is recommended that a budget be allocated over two years to progress the changes endorsed by this plan. This would involve dedicated staff within the implementation bodies. The (2005) estimated cost of implementation is $400,000 over 2 years, after which time the remainder of items to be implemented will be proceeding through the system as per normal. This recommendation will form the basis of the Cabinet submission.

A summary and map of the proposed land tenure adjustments are provided in Appendix A.


7.2 Summary of Land Ownership Changes The following land ownership changes have been grouped in four parcels according to geographic areas. These relate to a primary Aboriginal landholding or interest and provide for land to be added to and subtracted from the main portion to rationalise and create tenures for existing and proposed land use (Appendix A).

Table 2: Land ownership chances Primary Purpose of changes Land to be added Land to be landholding subtracted

Junjuwa ® provide legal road a current school site ® proposed Priority (Reserve 9656) access (Forrest, existing a unallocated Crown 1 drinking water and proposed, airport) land at GNH / Fallon protection area ® identify sites for Rd a land for community resource a Crown Reserve 53090 proposed centre and new school (current water reserve, Burawa a swap land surrendered not required for future landholding for water protection for reserve) unallocated Crown land

Burawa a create landholding and a northern portion of None (Reserve 9656) identifiable community Reserve 9656 area for Burawa (Old a eastern portion of Mission area) Darlgunaya Reserve ® part of pastoral lease to north of Old Mission, but south of Brooking Channel

Darlgunaya a rationalise road a unallocated Crown a proposed roads (Reserve alignments land around Old Fitzroy 45046) a acquire unallocated a Monument site Crown land and reserved land for business and community purposes

Bungardi a give land to none ® proposed roads (Reserve Darlgunaya 45608) a create a legal road

The legal and technical description of these land changes will be subject to detailed description and investigations, particularly in terms of end ownership and/or management responsibility.

For the purposes of this plan, it is considered adequate to seek endorsement of the primary land matters, with a detailed and legal description of the existing and proposed land parcels to be subject tofurther endorsement and development by the appropriate organisations.


7.3Recommendations A number of actions are required to achieve the objectives of the plan. Each of these recommendations requires one or more lead agency or organisation to actiontheitem,alongwithotheragencies.Followingarethekey recommendations from the Fitzroy Futures Town Plan (lead agencies for each action have been marked in bold):

7.3.1 Social Environment The Fitzroy Futures Town Plan recognises and supports the following actions that are under way: o progress land requirements for new school and determine end use for existing school site (DET,landowners); progress adoption of community layout plans for Junjuwa, Burawa, Bungardi, Darlgunaya, Kurnangki and Parukupan(Community Councils, SDWK, WAPC).

New Actions Required Priority o seek Cabinet endorsement of, and funding for the land tenureHigh changes proposed in the Fitzroy Futures Town Plan(DPI/ALT, landowners); and establish a project team to progress the land tenure changes necessary to implement the Fitzroy Futures Town Plan(DPI/ALT, landowners). progress future land supply through the Townsite DevelopmentMedium Program to meet projected demand(LandCorp/SDWK,WAPC,toLow DPI); and undertake a local housing study to ascertain the future demand, type and styles of housing required by people in Fitzroy Crossing (DHW/KDC, SDWK).

7.3.2Natural Environment The Fitzroy Futures Town Plan recognises and supports the following actions that are under way: progress protection of Fitzroy Crossing's drinking water source(DoW).

New Actions Required Priority seek formal registration of Aboriginal heritage sites in the FitzroyMedium area(DIA);and to Low finalise draft Municipal Heritage Inventory(SDWK).


7.3.3Economic Environment The Fitzroy Futures Town Plan recognises and supports the following actions that are under way: investigate opportunities for economic development as part of the new community resource centre (KDC, landowners).

New Actions Required Priority allocate and release land for future commercial and industrialHigh activities (landowners). undertake an analysis of the economic benefit of the art andMedium craftIndustryinthe Kimberley,includingFitzroyCrossing'sto Low contribution. (KDC, SDWK, art centres).

7.3.4Sustainable Development The Fitzroy Futures Town Plan recognises and supports the following actions that are under way: progress normalisation of essential service provision to town-based Aboriginal communities (DHW, Water Corporation, Western Power); establish a new power station for Fitzroy Crossing (Western Power); and progress implementation of the proposed Water Source Protection Plan for Fitzroy Crossing (DoE).

New Actions Required Priority investigate an appropriate implementation body for the FitzroyHigh Futures Town Plan (WAPC/SDWK); and review the Fitzroy Futures Town Plan every five years (WAPC, SDWK). investigate means of reducing water consumption throughMedium education programs (Water Corporation, DoW). to Low

7.4Status of this Document The Shire of Derby/West Kimberley is the main implementation authority for this plan. Possible means of achieving the plan are: policy-based document,used as a basis for decision-making, with powers available under the existing Interim Development Order; or statutory planning document conversion of this plan to a town planning scheme under the Town Planning and Development Act 1928 (as amended).

In order to finalise the plan, it will be necessary to gain the endorsement of Bunuba Inc., the Shire of Derby/West Kimberley and the WAPC, which could provide a strategic basis for decision-making in the absence of statutory controls.

7.5Fitzroy Futures Working Group The Fitzroy Futures Working Group was formed following the Fitzroy Futures Forum in2000. The key purpose of the working group was to implement the recommendations from the forum, although it is understood the group has met Page 37 FITZROY FUTURES TOWN PLAN - March 2009 infrequently since the original forum. It is recommended that the working group be invigorated, to act as the over arching group responsible for overseeing the plan. This group also could provide strategic direction and prioritise the recommendations in this plan and pursue funding for particular projects.

It also may be possible to review membership of the working group to ensure adequate representation of key stakeholders and capacity to manage the key recommendations.

The working group also should receive support from the key implementation organisations to assist in achieving the recommendations.

7.6Staging and Funding This plan has an outlook of 10-15 years and it is not possible for all the land use recommendations to occur in a short time. However, it is clear that some actions rely on others before implementation.

The first priority in implementation is to effect land tenure changes. This will provide a sound basisfor achieving other key recommendations. Other mechanisms for achieving recommendations are: ® working with State government agencies to secure funding through State budgetary cycle; ® prioritising funding within the Shire of Derby/West Kimberley's budgetary cycle; ® participating in annual Regional Housing and Infrastructure Plans, funded by the Commonwealth and DHW, and delivered by DHW's Aboriginal Housing and Infrastructure Unit; and ® apply for project specific funding that may be available from time to time under various programs, including: o Commonwealth Natural Disaster Mitigation Program; o Commonwealth Regional Flood Mitigation Program; o Aboriginal Lands Trust Land Management Grants; o Roads to Recovery; o Department of Local Government and Regional Development; and o Kimberley Development Commission

Funding of individual projects is the keystone of achieving the community's vision for Fitzroy Crossing. However, in an increasingly competitive funding environment, itislikely that the Fitzroy Futures Working Group and other implementation organisations will need to band together to gain priority to guide the future of Fitzroy Crossing.



e Airplan (Airport Planning Pty Ltd) (1986) Derby / Fitzroy Crossing Airport Study, Report to the Shire of Derby/West Kimberley.

e Department of Environment and Conservation (2003) Fitzroy River 100 year AR1 Floodplain Management Strategy, DoE, Perth.

® Department of Planning and Urban Development (1994) Projections of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Population 1991-2006, Department of Planning and Urban Development, Perth.

O Fitzroy Valley Futures Working Group (2000) Fitzroy Valley Beyond 2000 Conference Report, Marra Worra Worra Aboriginal Corporation, Fitzroy Crossing, WA.

® Government of Western Australia (2003) State Sustainability Strategy, Department of the Premier and Cabinet, Perth.

® Government of Western Australia(2003) State Planning Policy No 2 Environment and Natural Resources, State Law Publisher, Perth.

e Government of Western Australia (2003) State Planning Policy No 2.7 Public Drinking Water Sources, State Law Publisher, Perth.

® Government of Western Australia (2000) State Planning Policy No 3.2 Planning for Aboriginal Communities, State Law Publisher, Perth.

® Government of Western Australia (1997) State Planning Policy No 4.1 State Industrial Buffer Policy, State Law Publisher, Perth.

® Pederson, Howard and Woorunmurra, Banjo (1995) Jandamarra and the Bunuba Resistance, Magabala Books Aboriginal Corporation; Broome.

o Taylor,Russell and Burrell, William (1987) Draft Fitzroy Crossing Town Planning Scheme No. 3 Background Report and Draft Scheme Text, Russell Taylor and William Burrell.

® Western Australian Planning Commission (1997) State Planning Strategy, WAPC, Perth.

® WesternAustralianPlanningCommission(2000) WesternAustralia Tomorrow Populations Projections for the Statistical Divisions, Planning Regions and Local Government Areas of Western Australia, WAPC, Perth.



Fitzroy Futures Town Plan Land Tenure Adjustments

Page 40 FITZROY FUTURES TOWN PLAN (March 2009) FITZROY FUTURESParcel TOWNNo PLAN - LAND TENURE ADJUSTMENTS - SUMMARY TABLE Title Definition Title Purpose Current Use Management Current Area(ha) Proposed Purpose Proposed Tenure Initiating Party Negotiating Parties 1 CR 35090 [Lot 103] Water Supply Vacant Land Minister (WR) Order 0.87 Residential Freehold Bunuba Bunuba Bunuba / DoE / Crown [DPI) 432 UCL and part Nil Vacant Landland Crown 0.032.335.31 to LotBusinessResidential/Commercial 22 / Commercial - add Freehold BunubaDAC DACBunuba BunubaDAC / Crown / Crown (DPI) (DPI) 765 CRRoadCR35090 9656 UBAIRoadNil WaterVacant Supply land (bore) SDWKALTCrown 15.330.321.68 SchoolPriority 1 Water Protection ' ReCrown ReserveReserve;Mot DET DOEDET BunubaDET(DPI) / Crown / DoE (DPI) / ALT / Crown 98 CR Freehold33542 (Lot 67) JCIUBAI SchoolHousingFitzroy Crossing JCIALT 0.095.44 UBAI (Housing)(Community Use) Crown Reserve 9656 reel t:, JCIBunuba JCIBunuba(DPI) / Bunuba / ALT // ALTDET // CrownCrown 1110 UCLFreehold (Lot 76) NilGROH road)VacantHousing land (part CrownGROH 0.0911.5 UBAI (Housing) Crown Reserve 9656 Bunuba Bunuba(DPI) / ALT / CrownGEHA (DPI)/ Crown 1214 CR CR9656 45609 PurposesForeshoreUBAI VacantVacant land land SDWKALT 0.213.23 UBAISchool (residential) Crown Reserve 450469656 2 DACBunuba DAC(DPI)Bunuba / SDWK / ALT / /Crown DE / Crown (DPI) 1615 CR 2677145609 PurposesForeshore MonumentVacant land SDWK 0.621.19 UBAI (business(residential) com) Crown Reserve 45046 DAC DAC / SDWK / Crown (DPI) 191817 UCLRoad and portion Russ Nil Vacant land Crown 0.350.031.53 UBAI (business(horticulture)(community) corn) CrownCrown Reserve Reserve 45046 45046 DAC DAC / Crown (DPI) 222120 UCLCR 26771 and leases Nil Vacant land CrownCrown 1.021.24 UBAI (rural(business living) com) Crown Reserve 45046 DAC DAC / Crown (DPI) 252423 CR1142800 ortiononion45608 and of Russ H176256 Road UBAINil Vacant land MACCrown 5.340.742.721.08 UBAI (rural(residential) o.enoen living) sace Crown Reserve 45046 DACDAC DAC / CrownMAC / (DPI)DOLA 2726 3114/573CR Pastoral45046 Lease EnterrisePastoralUBAI Vacant land BSSDAC 23.948.01 UBAI Crown Reserve Burawa Burawa BurawaBurawa / DAC / /BSS Crown / Crown / Crown / Crown (DPI) (DPI) 302928 UCLCR 965612475 NilUBAIStock Route RoadVacant (Russ) land CrownALT 115.4217.966.91 UBAIRoadUBAI SDWKCrown Reserve (Burawa) DACBurawa DACCrownBurawa(DPI) / SDWK(DPI) / Bunuba / Crown / ALT (DPI) / 32 Pastoral Lease Pastoral Road None 1.69 Road Attachment A SDWK Fitzroy Futures Town Plan Land Tenure Adjustments Page 1 of 2 SDWK SDWK / BSS / Crown (DPI) FITZROY FUTURES TOWN PLAN (March 2009) Parcel No. Title Definition Title Purpose Current Use Management CurrentOrder Area(ha) Proposed Purpose Proposed Tenure Initiating Party Negotiating Parties 333534 CRUCL 4504645608 UBAINilEnterprise Vacant land MACCrown 1.092.810.79 Road SDWK MACBunuba SDWKMAC / Crown/ SDWK DPI / Crown DPI 373638 CR 45046 UBAI VacantRoad land DAC 0.320.171.76 Road SDWK DAC DAC / SDWK // CrownCrown DPIDPI 4039 CR CR9656 45046 UBAI Road(Powerline)Public (Scrivener] Utility ALTDAC 2.291.41 Road SDWK BunubaDAC BunubaDAC / DPISDWK / ALT / CrownSDWK DPI/ Crown ALTDACCRBSS - Aboriginal - - Crown -Brooking Darlgunaya Reserve Lands Springs TrustAboriginal Station Corporation SDWKMACJCIGROH Junjuwa - Munmarl-Shire- Government Communityof Derby/WestAboriginal Regional Inc. Corporation Kimberley Office Housing ManagementDPIDoEDET - - Department Department Services) for of EnvironmentPlanningEducation and and Infrastructure Training (Land Asset WRUBA1UCL - Water Use - Unallocated andResources Benefit Crown of Aboriginal land Inhabitants 3.2. ExistingRoad1.Notes: To revertname school toto CR9656besite changed to be if leasedthe - siteBunuba to is thenot to DETrequired provide by Bunuba for name water Inc.to source shire touses initate in the renaming future process.

Attachment A Fitzroy Futures Town Plan Land Tenure Adjustments Page 2 of 2 4 4 .1", 'stY: 4,tz ,- " ' P r


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Were rI Desartheal and Prdeofico Endorient 5 Cebspner . Desadmeni kthoirity, Prolecron Environmental lee Csms of 12008 A th Slatcda's Cultural AboriPnal Cotbenalem, a maul Eon Commission of Department body, moon-creates an natve c0.0.2 ilny =Pon 2004 Jul 15th endorsed ovemment Local Planning 1,* govammear bon 1.rideraner, mar& may incorporated conrrorbrg 2004 Februa 24th endorsed Commune Australian Or Orflanbarobvesponsblo sere. on works caloho to prior slaw in are derma= IL.0110004x,r1 approvats canton, 2004 Februa date Ran Western relevant all that ma to developer dihu b reporo01 Po Is - approval rkvehoprocrd connects nor do, CLP Thiv riOTE area living - No.1 plan layout community Junjuwa 2009) (March plan town futures Fitzroy '..",-. ' ''''''r I -.. 1 .' 1 Amended --4qii,'. I...3..1r®-,- C 'Of-` 1 i 1 `,1 72,- / ' ...-1' I 2008 April endorsed WAPC I r...... '... ti -... I i / vemment ' ^ 2004 Ju 15 endorsed Local , / -.... J, I ' 1 ? I ....,...... I ' t'C)'!C/)- 7 i i --..... ,t- neighis 2004 February4 endorsed Community ' - r 'Jr' I : 1 -, ' -- ;:-.1 IBunube '- 1 / 2054 Plan , i I,' rebruary date .7,17.17 ' f , 1 -... ra ' j I b / i / 1-- 32.-V-31144,rtli,1-3_,V1! ',-.1"Tirattlild' I I 1 //I '1 1 1 , / 1 ,...... \ ! 1, 1 -".1 / 1 t ' i I ..z, I ...1. i , :.....( - I.- I iii 1,....: - -6, i' I' 1 ?-,, 1 / ,..'. ./ ( .. / --*-' I ''.. 1 ?, ' I / -.1 I 4 ..__ -' tree ' ' t *) ' I l 4_ -- .,I '3 - -:... )/ - 1 1 Lf ',.. , ,= -I , P. ti. marker survey o i / / 1I---/"---,.:, / -..L' ..., - a s , 1 fence ' ---(1 -.)''''''':..: / / II. , t 1 C ,, area go no -- --- I I, . 1 1------l----- *.seh ',.. ...: I ' t, .77 1 1 r -- r ,' tit k ' %1 I ' .1 i 1 1 1 ., :,,.. I i , , ,1 edge of bottom -1 1 1 ... . ir", 1/ -.....1 I /1 ....-..,_) '',0 ,J. -...-,...... or hoe edge 1 : ( / ...a. ,.,,,' lif levee ,,,..../ ' / ....., "z:..- '-- I I ...1 contour --r,o.... `. ,..;;,...J.,.. 1 / --- ,.. q contour 1 , - ,--__.7--2,--.7 2-,---1 r g" ,,,. flood interval : ; r / 1 recurrence average I , 1( ji P...... v. t /,. , '-' ::- \I 0 cv --1.. /I/ year 100 I ' -,, 1 , --- .°- ' ... " flooding interval 'i, 114 --Ii-7.'-xJ;,2"1'.----:2'7.''''',-- \ recurrence average 9. C.,- ' I \ 1 I \ 17 Fne drainage

\ bore t- -o ------L, (L1.5Z-q ye p water future -,,, Is. OVAL " I 'f,r:!-, .* 1 ^ tlsv bcin i I pe p water 1 / -- Pçfjn 'II 13 \ PE3 \ cable Telstra .A. . pipe sever -. - - - cliy future -..; - -)--7 -'td. 11-, - I pipe sourer ' / ' i''' ,-- Ii //1%"-- c., .. I bakery , 'I \ I3 ''.- .,,, l' ..., ' '------I.- - - cable electrical rane".,,,,., '---"-T------' 1 2 pati pant , --, .1.- .:?-1 201 , ::1 00 101 I 1_21_1 1 \ 0..,-, II- " and layout future z.ebr-i, I% -1-3,41 4 --1 .;;- area 1 - 4, cxr, amendment 1 - - cadastre suggested - --:_-'.',.-... 1 l'''l --14111 VA22-1 i cadastre existing 1 6 90 s_TFET___,,,, . , __,_,.,,,4.:, III .._.i4, L34 i...,..,; 1 bidding existing 10,....j,-,-, ,L_L_____r_.---:__ 3 1 ,,1© TJ r \.( 1 j_ 33 I 3ir , r.t.1,,,... I 1 ' I V 37 , l'A;r2u ' P7n7;r1r-Vr7 I I ...:-...r- ; LJk track L.-i- (E3 I, 1--77-7 ca, .053 nu Features , )31

1232211a1C71 142517,10313 -7,791 -7411IP5" road future ...co.11,....-,... -47 53 a2. MI road ' M * ria '31- 49.- al laEl I' ---I-" ._.-- Ein I IJIS21 reserve road M ni, ,caongg;fg, recreation srre,a foreshore + /LI, mi--fici t_n serve I rural

, recreation . / space open ' ru:Eit±10.66,_ 64 1.------r l' 4641 :. 1-1,.' I --1---1 bush / space open , fl , 1 71 72 ' 1 I , 1 \ ,,,-;\ plantation 1: --__r_...... / 1 .-1.j / horticulture &,i7,74)-i-._ 4.---;-- L ,...... ci I i, Marty public -1 ,/ it industry light possible 4:7-...... community

. '------1 , , r\ \ 7 es cortrrrrerciat 1 -7,-...f - / / 1,-..... i r / 84 /6. 9" ....' 9,3 4 --/-r3,,,,-113,TE.....6r... i / 1 /1. ----/ residential future 91 ----../ / e --4., /2- / / owls res.'s:emu 1/, ; ,,,,,,,t'-:' 92 96 , --- / / ter..., / tholso Is Oar doveaverel Co should - it. residential exisOng cleleetverlent solo 19149918n '1"-l--... ii ...... Oin'as / /// ...._, -17°-,,,..... ,,, , / ,,, I - a, , areas use Land ' I ,r--...... ,,,Nza__...., , / i 711 --1--.....,. 4 Legend I I / ,,97...ii,II----... 101-71 / too /4 A__ ey I / d&Sectember2003 that Were Knott ----. clelalcupp991195.clorAsscansescled 05 , ll / / ,1,-...... _, -9-8-1 ' 000720l.2.9 106 Actwnly Leeilnkreetan Auctralan I/ swcl / / / 103 Weclem 9e by sel ultmt.w. Base t. 1 113 / ,/--....,... / II .1/ Sleety Hann 314118 by et( sJpg as Pan Ccrure-19,Layend Drain -11,7,-/----)) // Jurema tem &seed C1P /ti 10 ii l;swtryii tC1.21,1u99...1655-41.9997, " / ett.Useannaloa46Fiarcietses_tpsre. Z.P , // - KIMBERLEY WEST DERBY Merelt2999 WA Perth CorretsccA / Penne" WeskertAustaran tea beheld es / I OF SHIRE 11' to-- ;- -1'3 I- - le; Inkatvlure, and rg fs -11-2-1 1 EcwW., Dab 13ecSpallal and 1199 ..** / 4/ P, &del, Peace by Pectuad / metres PS, 192 E0 421 40 29 0 CROSSIAG FITZROY f f/ .7'1'1'17

.0W I.WWV4,1111.16.11.4. ....If 0.. .. Water at Depart/6st and Fratedne Ernclarara Ceraner al 11,..wtmer Aelearly PrOted,1 ronnerre/ En Into Coen ` lteurals Cuiurai Alassonal Concervatert at acne En- 9 Ion Comm reprwerestve cane at Depatnert bad, lye easel cammunly 441211os.. Plannlryg carpeted geremmee, ecal 6er wee anti minim such 1W for CS r4pws Orgensetere cntW sores phys canwerwrg resent +en en Australian a. aria p clew e we clearances and kelp as acorn come. Western / 1 mew,r al that i0en... de00W WO* en respon.61 hoe R nun ,1111,6 Introit c9telop-ers eon:Elute net dews CO 111 NOTE Legend A AustralianWestern futureexisting residential resldenbal exLstIngtrack budding , Community endorsedLocalPlan dale vamment endorsed 29Februa Februa4 November 2005 2004 2004 Dez /000001/ (04N171+7,0 ay) 6\V Planning Commission0)V"" commervalbusiness! rj amendmentsuggestedexisting cadastre cadastre area Amended APC endorsed A 12006 Februa 2009 , community 0 Z) 171.sr 00 00 lee ODA plantationhorticulture! Lotfuture no layout and Mew.)Produced erd try CiesSosiel tic4mIlkgret) Dela CM.% Math, '9 Nabs recreaLonopen space / Ei-27 po pd. futureelectrical cable Lrume_MVM,MOTC&F_DetscoleFESc2)Pro,MOtescreryslennrejoec#FtemACommun,enCepa* tehM mi el thlY,MOTIAM1ILIPlannrigNMkr Pam/peed WA Fetrum InAsstmin 2403 lyingrural waterdecimal ppe cable 101,1. I, 004CenentrAyMP-TcrEetteL&M &Caved Fines Lartur IreFisseloy Dilryseys Pim as stcylee by Oral enterpriserural bornfuture water pipe 4,0,?7.8 Pal 4 Co / 101#4Acrommetc4G12453907AuefCm lmn aeon. nLso 2Sony Odd aumled date roppled Jaw 2004by Shcht M Vento Arohney, ha Wee' protectedsignikantorgrriciblure rural living and contourintervalaverage100 year flood recurrence rr A,/ I n rE- recroabontoreshoreindgenous site pea fencecontour lr 0 ., drainage setback50 m development /1...... 1§12 11 . - 0 .... road reserveroad 0 treesurvey marker ii...:6....4-1 I/0 / ill i'L...."7:....0\4 li >, : 1) \ future road / i..... / /ti1 ,,,.. p 9 ,81,--..-.1,, 4t..,,,,, 15,/ '. 18 ---- T., -- --6....,_ -) r6;:n77., commencer)consents,itNOTE Is the ThisremencbTty wants, physical CIF does keno:nand of eves the not en developer eVeconstitute clamour, Orgutisseans lemma tl are-loom ihat Acommit% pt. tit appre,e1pm forto tetcynnt / 1 '...... / 7 "8 7 /.) .4f/ - .,'U 20....19 rj 1 / COMMCommittee,Eterromentcomemety&Mimeos & mune&mayinclude EmolumentErntramental nacre tendowner We Pteredon representalNe and Department borer (Peartrnote ot WaLf & COnEernbal. Abuncrnal Order:Iron Authority °comment Oi goremment, korptatsd Camel Ilatemds cl O //....---..- .....-1 Pi' C? 'PI' II/ /:______WITT \ .- 6 \\ \ .. rj.....b.)...61" Ai -, 30 IkAohenX _4746.:j...,--, WA.- 21 .1 T''' 31 assommodstenponces 1 VA- 75 :-. 16)5.1f1-.:Cill water \ 0 As 71 1 3 .., 1-'7-69'1133.:As, PA: \A`d \ f /.2, - IkOS$t5.+ 25 wA X X 24 \* 23 A. / ti F JA. A Cresano tong°F0'"I'.-2"---. 5 km, BUSS raeda avowalcmool PS Ja 0 `\\ It,000014 mlbocde sterne teeome Hire; gO no Sr SHIRE OF rrrwoe ono Darlgunaya(OldFitzroy futures town plan (March Fitzroy) 2009) community layout plan No.1 - living area - Amendment 1 (20 February 2009) EST KIMBERLEY DERBY rii;FcliTj; Figure 5c Plan date Tihr 74T 4r 0 0 WesternPlannina'Aqustralian WAPCCommunityLocal endorsed endorsed emmont endorsed 4 November 2005 24Feb= Fobrua 2004Apd 2008 2004 fawn. now trtt Mowri . Eft t."' Commission yr Amendment 1 March 2009 cry oT I Qla RDA .44 06.0 LIS,C1(11 MataprofPranced and Try GaoSpaul °mat Yaw. Dale 5.10,, Mock mem e9 I 1..0,01 lohsjoelatanth07C1P41.1.81/1111LTIltrotodiocararojiaerstalparehotot°CoorrtanonCowan.. NI Panay Marne. WA 144.°320OItelt4 of to M.o. Attalla/an Planam Intraattocon 61,41ContrranroCU, elarenthaneonatud Wed PlalAu% 11 don DMzuxibd Hams SRN./ py AncensenciadcumANImbnLandarto attornaltnzcor 401 wdmmi.Aulwy, mint aupptod by asOf Erdal.WM*. 030 PSAI 12 \ Land use areas Kol° Mart SantryLegend 4161 May 8:04 0 futurewesting residential residential 0 o 00) Q) plantationhorbctriture/community openpudic space/ubIty bush ruralrecreationopen space/ livingrural FON° Are foreshoreindigenousprotectedsignificant and site -...... ___. .4444, .4.444 4.444 .4,...".....7."/ -2,112te gums accormcdatcnZ 4, 4 i recreation ,..zz ...... \ \**. is 15,4,44" 18 .7,,,.=1.on .1..-the . i drainage sls.ZZfr...,tvn '''''' ...... 44.4'1--- ccoo"'...... 1-,r cI 1 I ...4".\ on ,t, 20 \ \ ....,1" II \ 1 1 1 I1 ti \ 7..,\\ \'.% \ ------' \ 28 \* - road reserve ', 54 7-...1,....----1-- 1 33 1 1 \ 1 ; 1' A \ /25 ); 21 \..... ,.....", future road 1 '7, ' 1 1 I \\3 \CI!' \ \\..7-A7 .....** 7,-- \ .1\,..".. \ \ ,\ ,..\\!g, \ le \ \,...,44.- 15 y \ ' i1 A \ \ Features i bore 1 I It 1I I I / 29 \ .7"' \ \.,...7". 22 \\''. \ ,,,,4---- \\7,3%. track 1 1 \ 23 ..7% ' - :.....-_ _- --- drainage line 1 I 1 31 I It / \ \\I \ .7 , sAos.., existing building average100 year reCUrrenCe 1 32 I \ \ - rEj suggestedexisting cadastre contourInterval flood A .....-----I I 1 I I I I I I .7.'" \ 7.7 ,.i7-- \ L7-1' tartiiinore''''' layout and " ------,0--7 ndgo contour lino or levee t1 II I 1 - -- 1j ------_-0, ,--,">'' \ 04 futureelectrical electives! cable ...... flab, fencebottom of rata° --- _A----- I wp,..2,Lo .- 4- -.-----1 -- NOTE Th. ELP oleos net ettentto11 cl.vettentat opera eal FlRneY cnnasnvG watercab, pipe - ...- . D...... , ...-...... lochorromonongcotton%It It he mallets rospottrablay womb mayphystetinetts Indutta&mos of tot noctootonand tkookoaor dearanota kcal to otwaroont,ammo aro thatIn *co koopetatad peer e sac Oroontsahont torponsblt reamott SHIRE OF DERBY - 0 1,narekvm"'sunray marker ------Emb000nentcommonly owed Woe Noma... body Dopotenota ot Cot era Aestottals WEST KIMBERLEY BungardiFitzroy future town community plan (March 2009) layout plan No.1 - Hying area stare water p,pe tree ten) to ear nil. t1.0 CamComore.. Enybyment Protect= and Ospafanont of Eronforonntal 1 Comm..° Aeoflanal PIVOthOrt 00055 y, Dom.*. of Watt. ir I c ; ( Figure 5d I ' / -Vr,- AustralianWestern LocalCommundyPlan dale ovemmont endorsed endorsed DecemberHlier41lleip,o1711;i57 1997 November1997 1097 /.... vi ..1 I xc .....-/ /1/ / / onus ,3,11 y , , uacv CommissionPlanning WAPC endorsed 21 Octthor 2003 I1 / ' ulvnrar / ' / / 50,V1 '''''' Amendment 12 February 20072006 ..., ...-"" \ 0 ' i / , / / .1 // // e. evnet ne 07.0 ' .5 , / / -r'r ...." , 1 / Praiced by Neal Mop" 5eclebe, en10.050-el OCR Branch 1," ," ...55"...'.... 15 \ ". 5, If 0 llop bp // enDepeOnent Wu) be 116. he Fonany Weare ard...Tam IVrattrecin, Fleenny PON WA 141.5112509 5"...... - , , 5 , '555. 5... .56 - 1 ZVI:alto:warm:twosCorolcslo. ps0F11-70 * / / ,7 . 5-6 'IM buras_ipelArchrOKAP_IAd_Rork,.MON etbn / / /I .55 \ , CU &nod her.115.1 Rol 0 a.1 Co-eavly \ , 5, GmL.p.Aps..,...kdbysicu extra. Lod Konblen sold ny ble %Yoko .411:151y, , // / / 7 \ \ /LOA.PA 21.2003 ...," 4 13 I \ 4, '55. C..11 Neeled by Sochi. ... . //i, .556 Knee,.kocalsold Mem Stee? below/ 20:6 (..... 17 . 55... .51--..., Legend 65. X I \ PSG 8 \ 1 '3.' , ' '' \ , c; / ,...., I / // 55,5, exIstIng reedendal 1 .. , o` ....-- \ \ .7,... -'7'*?/ -1. 12 . Mum residential I ...- , .."...... --- 21 , .". \ \ \ / -..1 ,.. --...,.., ''.... community 1 . cr...,/n...... %_,7 N ) /1/ airy . . , ',...... 1 ... t/1, \ , r, , tF "----'\ , 8--- \ b \ .1 X , / recreationopen space / t X '(.___,) .....-"". -,. \ .5 ...... , \.) ...... -.....'1. , , '1 \ NV . .c road reserve . , -- , -- j ...._ \ ..., / ....- ,, 1\ , , 11 mad \ ( Is r ).--- \ , \ \--- X X - I existing burldlng (.(: / \ 22 N,...,,,,i 72 existng cadastre I Lands \ , ' \\ \ C-1).'"... \ / L.J3--,1.----, future layout and TrustMonLot a,50 no \ \ I ..- ,r- e..., ,,, ...... "( ' ''' 10 --. , '\ --a-- 01ectrla cable 19 , 1 ' ,...... - , , , , , X \ SOWC7 Web tau ,-"*"...... , ....-----...... \ \ \ .1 , , 23 \ pp 1 V \ :1 ...- , ` , \'t .... TL., water pipe /\ \ ,...-- , I 1 1 1 1 .. mishap /*--...... \ ... bore \ I \ 1 ....''' \ 20 _...- ...... `'...... -.'" .1 1 ...- ...... ,'" ...L. --'.t , .4,s55-, . ,10...... - contourridge lino or levee fA L., . --,,------, "1 \- "5-, .._...... 1 \ \ 1 Laved 11.1 41.1. nobottom go area of ndge b o 57 nee 1 c \ 'i \ ,-....r...... \ \ \ \ 0 ..,....4017VV657.1111 \\ ...... L.'''' X ..., fence 1 N,\ N. \ ... 9 \\ ,.. C. X / be A oral or mast \ .., FITZROY C110551/1G \ e..K ,54 \ tree \ \ -.\ ...., a . go N \ ....555 . ,...... NOTE "III3 CLP l'ez ,1 cn It, Nke screen/ Landscaping wthrwarsnui.dod.ccamorcan1:4112111,11 6 phoh-al noon., weeks kenos lard:4w bel laa won b lei dew devebner end clearucabOa. ace al 11.na oar OrperLakea re.penakee io own poworr., Inotooled r,11 amo,nal al relnont Ice ea % ".5 1 'So .5 \ 1,5 SF:ICE C F .ate NINolo: numbers dorlo0 Iron comma*Eborareneal could, W. Me nyeneriam bee.1 ka C41.5.1 Melensla a .a. .-. DERBY - \NEST IsiMBERLEY Power house moleaing. COM16(1 Ernormental 5 Commie.. 1,110,Jol Avitcoty, DtpaAren1 DK... al \ N . P Waders alert et Caesurae & Amy \',. i. FitzroyMindi Rardi/lumbers community layout planInuolloolly No.futures 1 - livingtown plan area (March 2009) 4. Emplerrent Pro.c. end Deparrner. 0 Warr \ .N-S. '5.5,0,...,1" ''',2.[ )11 11.i, Figure 5e t NOTE ma cLP adz n-4 dratrute d telopmerd cope 41 ts the resdAhly clad d,,aer to c^xp e that ar m or Western Plan date February 2004 =ads, app ad, Ifeer and coroners are a poop tor e Commune,/ endorsed 24 February 2004 nt-c-a larded c odes rode erga-stasdpeadde Australian statrat,rtayrra-i- Irdfda ref, locatdateattrat, edrpaacd Planning Local government endorsed15 July 2004 odd fatty card made ire rear:re-4a tea., Dreartmel En ave-0.-1 a Co-r-Tvarrn, Crt-arates. Commission WAPC endorsed 8 Apnl 2008 Code dee Sr adw-tal Prateaar Aultaly Dpareneat of Amended Car-rdaa L ErVatrna d Prdcaan ad Dapart-di etVrrder

0 50 00 7.0 F7 103

00500 Fraidd ty Paha Idavr34dra ItanalardCeaSphalCed0rardt6 53ceratardlaPrrrjeAddratdastre ca beheld tIcIacauti Added Para] Crammartrant Fct Alad 203 ZiAtecroacfarr_cdrardaafte.FtervA 1.6-es_ddvarTICLP_Yanagd A3-5I _tUredagn Wart-el hanKfr-dr;re063C-aartr-ty Laded P macaw 000/ Srlt lidnesShadre act Str-e ctIrea IT-Seded Eard derratea acaTadhytataaat 6-datan Lard hartarnaton Aartd4A 55268-5TOT Aradvatcradr6a144Ideity6-11-4 Kett Para Stray date Fchreare 3333 A //' '110.rexT,

Mind! nerd! I / \ A. AT' 4

, _

h- fin

1r" o .' rabbitry`, #r., LarrVCTiVa; 11.11, o, .,71 '',,'\14 scot' \ \ Me \ a. 4ra owe \s.4. rad , lance --...r,

.418 "s 6A. Legend rde, /5- t7 5 Land use areas A\ 14 / 46 MMCCat. A."13 a existing residential ;11, \

future residential \\'%,./" el/ 1A\ \ ``)' CZ7 visitor camping

busmess/ ,' commercial \*2 community \ possible Gght 5 1 C"..7/ industry 1 6 rzu.

4 public utility Cf3 \'11,


32/ 30 \ open space/ busk /5, vvu.' /1 \ open space/ .s.1..,;

PO or di. road

future road

petiestnan access

Features track

T:1 wasting building wasting cadastre

Abongural Lands Trust lease drainage Gne itrrturneolayout and L -12 1 100 year average recurrence 0 fuel purnp mtervel flooding boundary

06T-64145-0 erecIncel cable screen I future eleclncal tundscapmg cable contour Se Her pe P00 edge line or levee Telstra cable FrrznoycnossmCD'

xxx,ex no go area

water pipe syxr fence and mar sza future water pipe 0 survey marker

bore tree

Fitzroy futures town plan (March 2009) Kurnangki community layout plan No.1 - living area NOTE:This plan doss rot consisute devekpment approval It is the responsEllly of the developer In anon that 0 relevant cortholo approvals, licenses and clearances are in claw price to coo corn:wadi:9 physithl wadks on arc Organ:smiths rdpscloicle for such matters rnayincludo landoovid, local govemrdnh Incorporated commonly osoncT, naive tie reprthertathe body, Departsthrit of Enviroornant8Consolvation, AbodiginalWaal MaterEats Comm:nee, EthironmenolProledion Authody, Depart-nen!of Consumer a Emothyment Prdedion and Daps:owl d Water


05 55 76 moos

ProiredblP rovititring 2cdoth, a id GeoS,,abol Oda Brandt, tmF.xnrgwdIr drastncturs d the thediim Addron Plariclog Cannon Perth, WA LUNE:5)09 rid a5Pai:Ifithiar5 ipanyartld 255 Base rifthrado aygraii try She Vice. Lthd Infognabonaulholly GlEall-M07 2 Asiosortn_did s 'edby Sirdoir firip Poo, SoAsyS4 Seel ZOOS Plan oclionstion coop' ad by the Depadonsal si houarg

Locarron 315 Reserve 38632


existmg residential

luture residential

community purpose

foreshore recreation

open space

pubic utrtty

road road reserve

o'0 existing house

protected SD CS; existing trees


pos,er pole

e telephone box

exating cadastre

future layout


water pipe

- telecom

sewer pipe


fence community layout plan boundary


outcrop ---- edge toe . -bottom at edge 100 yearARt (awrage recurrence interval) flood contour 50 m development setback

Fitzroy futures town plan (March 2009) Parukupan outline development plan rthrdthea o 75 2/ 7A ` Ira 125 ROA DroadmerdMinnaProdund end by PecronOcoSpnal Ilepprep Dacron, Parana sd nhadrrna,metres Omen Rats ...DroAn77450InettipatarchtrPODPilsranJentesZ.TroAdthannlrysturingposcricany1Conmemon. Panh. WA March 2003bee hlcl the WaParn Aunatan Martino '..., Ir*-Zi. . . i- .... 1,. 0121170)77AnnanBanODP damnhionann Land 2 Inn Inronnton Remyaped Pus,11. Town Plan /..._j r--.-7,.... 7---_ , 1---..1 / /1 Ir...., / 3179 ptti 1 *---...s... /1 if LandLegend use areas r---y.,...../../rim/r...".8°.4°4'...1^Z.---1 1 7-. "1"-^- / P ...... / I., ,, 1 1 I 1 1 1 Il'-ii, / 4.1.1sm 1 1 i **,...,. ./ 1 1 1"..... futureexisting residential residential \-. -7---.4"4 / I..,.... commercialbusiness / /14., .., fr.._ / t...-L 7---) --t , IA met." /15531 z "s77 1*" publiccommunity Why .11 / 1 / I I ".4.-...1 4 ----is,"7-s-7-- I si /"'ll/ I '-'19 1-1""--&writ!Lot 1234 isrpts T openIndustry space/bush / C4-- 1 e / 11-'7 A.,,t1 -"<;94,e, .ill / 1 I I-/ II / recreationopenbush trailsspace / -I ill 1 "/4,3$5.1NIt -"--.° "spe..., / c protectedsignificant and /...11 1 -.4, 1 / 7 / // / / / / \ I:indigenous Ig roen site -,,,,,,----/...... ; /*-'4 1 r 1 I 7)--... I ,/ I/ i7 , I-- .....--/-/ 1 drainage 1 1 1 1-1-9,75,7 ., ,// : roadWater reserve reserve \ i t L ,-4, I 7/ , ...... futureroad road 1 Features 1 I ----- 1 1 ---- II 1-.....-1...... - owing cadastre futureamendmentsuggested layout cadastre area I I 100 year III \ \ floodingrecurrenceaverage boundary interval 1 It I conmespeirsomores.It1107E Ls the r approvals. DIMremand:tiny plan pleptal does Innen of eon not the andmain constitute developer &smote Orponalats development boron even responsible that place .1 approval relevantprim to for FitzroyBunuba future town Heights plan (March outline 2009) development plan GAWP.Conan,Eminentcornerneesuch nutten &Entacronental 000005, EMP411111irnry include ratA landommr IdaProtection roposentalve kcal and novennent. Department body. Deponent inomporaled of Warec of a Camervatron Protection Authoity. Deponent el Abomdmal WWI lesterlats Figure 5h plan development outline Missiotx, Old 2009) (March plan town futures Fitzroy



youth bBur-)

12 net

. / c'co 13 16 k N. tree 12 17 A l!Th o / survey "/ , " 18 marker 0 4 // fence _t* boundary - area ..-- .0 landmark ) 10 ridge of bottom levee or fine edge contour ---' contour flood interval CY 1, PSI! ", recurrence average 8 lads year 100 boundary flooding Interval 23 recurrenceaverage year 100

bore pipe water future

ppe water

. 22 cable electracal future -- 21 20 en cable electrical 1 Pcnt4;Fole

and olayoutblare

a \ area amendment `, cadastre suggested car:Intro exishng

buildng egsting

track Features

road future road

reserve road

drainage recreation foreshore recreation space/ open space/bush open

plantation horticulture/ community f I I residential future

residential oasttrag

areas use Land rents listel-pyree esnieOP, ohm Legend olcprt itch tare a tre0" 2002 enter to data Sung Were Kort Enclatmore-rib/ dotal Aumoronntrled 2 2007 GL243 Aetherity1041ratm tend Australon hytteltietat mipo 4-temxten rot bun Oro. Five) the ter DPI by - premed pm o"wrIct

100 ESI 20 40 20 1

GOA 7.14.,

41.1r Jltly In ,V:111,1i Wale d DepartmeM and Protedion Eros's:Front & Con.," of Dopitnent Authority, Ptoteseon Environmental Certurone, 140lesials coca AhotiOnst Conservation, & Environment lon Comm Pspartment IsolA repreesrlaSvo Ore native card, mamma:Sy Planning troop:sated governmentMeal landeumen mayo.:Ale matters such tot Ampule:Me tomrens Oro mega. waft phystal corronondrup Australian are 1,4 prior pace in etarartem and key., appresaeo meson; Western chant a7 4har insure to cle,sepos nits resemble, the e II do This rlOTE: Rare GACCOI. r I erVICELI 011 r. 1,p cemetery o 2 50 H 750 MappingPtoducel wx1GeoSpatwi by Pfo,atAappng use Br211:11 Salon, mkt,: SHIRE OF kAlwes_lpsWanUWErmarne75.fi56C.7115070.onDeprart1411t Wu! I of IntforPea MalanPbaung WA MaraAuerann end Inkrutvcarta, 2009 Planniv DERBY- WEST KIMBERLEY nAodb,Oops0nonoIotAs0uAtornWAPro-EwwwanCR4JklaA794.1 WS,. vegAlltkon (Mud) dal, the perrnAmon a( DU PA 73-Z0,1 trattd on Worms05n prowled Pre-EuropeanLegend vegetation (Beard) savannagrasslands, woodland high grass on savanna,grassland,stnngybarksandstone, annual short etcbtoodwood bunchgrasses grass restionaceaeSouth-west)septand,eneapogon (mainly anstela cyperacene funsacea inetc the spp.sparsehummock acacia shrubstriockashrub grassland spp steppe, with Aboriginal heritage indigenoussignificant andshe protected Flooding 100 year ARI (avorago flood extentrecurrence100resonancecontour year ot floodingARI interval)interval) (average Proposed water source 50m development setback protection area boundary dnnkingpnontyl water protection _ proposal Fitzroy Crossingexistmgwater cadastre reserve boundary FitzroyEnvironment futures town plan (March 2009) future layout Figure 6 ntany on: ag valNinn Buwara existingprivatebeingtown power normalised) water school (Internal supply, site (private reticulation bore north reticulation of system) Burawa term sewer (via private pimp station) Bungardl privatelobetown normalised)power water (Internal supply, reticulationbores at Juniuwa Darigunaya septicbungardl systems (private In reticulationplace system) beenprivatebeing(Inlernallawn northpower normalised) water reticulation of supply, (privateprivatetotown be powernormaised) water reticulation (internal supply, system) reticulationat Old Fitz BungoN1 SHIRE OF Junjuwe townsystem)(privateScrivener sower reticulation Road (via septic systems In place DERBY-WEST KIMBERLEY cross private pimp station)I Ne.Dog) Rest of Fitzroy Crossing town powerWestern Power Bunuba Heights Old Fitzroy town townsewerWater waterWater Corporation Corporation 0 250 mans 000 750 Yutabl Road onDenamnevrtyMappingFranked Dealt of andby tan ProladMapONGooSpalal WoRananPlanual andDataAuagnian PNalannl.n. Danko,Branch, Planning septicprivate system waterpower supply (generators)n place (own bores) TD7ogNalltclialline_tpsWarch200011Nraslii07n_Mar00idgnr2Prolodstounttif_pdanNoNpacplanicyCOnianaSkin,Fdli, data suppled WA March lg Dopailment 2000 G1.240-2037.2AtinraranRasaal Land inlomviann InfannatipalYinkm Lad Inirimaton suppled Authority, by Anst to Wotan alt, ti Mena Wens Werra LegendnaspoctivoFut. lnyoul comm.* Aria amnia layout han plan: Ind Hardt protectiondrinkingpublic use water area source PUMP egOn X I I townbeing walepowenormalised) (private (Internal reticulation reticulation system) communitylicencewater supply area layout crpit00443aveinliank 1It town sewe (via private pump station Lowanbung plan boundary Mt 1403FL 137.3 / itil B,,,v,72 ,.., i Kenenfl beingtown power normalised) (internal reticulation privatesewer line sewer Imo FALLON IVO -*--("' , ROAD Ovatetown water wastewater (private disposal, refutation own system) pond water math electricalwater pipe cables rusxosrrr andSee seweragemap 7b for services electricity IICOMO licence area Deco road centre line FitzroyInfrastructure futures town plan (March 2009) futureexisting layout cadestre Figure 7a PAIMW anSalg ,,rtjo LiZAITELT 0,111Vi, D01D,C4TEMI.CE

(4,wiari'o"7, ...... ;;43/. toes ,/ oy Springs A, ..... 0 ko, ,,,. \ :tt, 15.1. DERBY-WEST KIMBERLEY SHIRE OF songs pool, 1 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 MiappkgProduced and by GooSpalid Prof.' !awing Bala Sagan, &arab, kkenalies Coarrilsgbni,on()apartment WallagojeablnounaY.SlannintffiaaPIP.laY al the tor Pert, PlanningWoman WA May hatraignand 2000 Inframaduro. Planning %Aura0CIlpfllWCInGL240.2007.2Augraldan jpalMatch2007Jnliasajigabiaar09.00n land Inlannaten Avthoiity, Gogo oGirip Lend public use _I:'] LgngTesrices Elelectricitywater pipelicence area roadelectrical centre cables line futureexisting layout cadastre FitzroyInfrastructure futures town plan (March 2009) watercourse Figure 7b IINOTE 4 fho This felnantaty Fran dots ohne nal dortkpar mastauta lo craneal.,.00:0 0 app oval Cat all Wand CorralFootorwraconruntyouchcorm.*coo\ artsraaltara et physical courx4n4aaancoaals,Emonnaental max:ada ma keno. taetan:ob.:ow 0009 Prolodonrantelonlativo and Oc4,11.40.: dearancoa 404 /n/nor:y akenannent tody ara respontqo DeanrhortDepannarl n pa. 1...... ,44i poor forof to & Cowan., Ahna&n.1 Cunnal /-44.44 \ Coon., & bseksmmt nni.,,,m and Innatraan of Wane 4: s '-` \ Bu if- 1 \\N, \ '(4 ,...,-,-; -..-12,-T.- )--% \"::-- I,. 7 \ \ \ wam \-:-..L , .,.7e., , 1 /0 /0 s, ." .% A n /,... 1.' --0 , I C "..."---- ,,, \ 1 , t I 1 ....., Bungardl \I 11 n ) , ^ ,-,,"' ') . / I ' ,.."-.,c-"Ofs 21.....,.., 1--ci \ I ,.. iii,lunjuwa RI'',,I 87 / / / / Dartgunaya / / / ITCL 015, p,-- ,V Bunuba heights /0 //I /Ir ..., ...___ i.. y i )2 4" rr'' .... 6) : .:At4 on an", 1/ ft ..----,-._- ...... ). --: _._2-- '------_ 1 :::-; E II rata S ''° -77 ,-14:: \ II; as 4, 04# `...... IN Mindl Bard' 411.4: I Legend - Land use areas - , existing resafenbal rural pedestrianroad access Marra Worm Werra 44 dying , Kumangkl t , 444 visitorfuture restdonbalcamping enterpriseruralpossible Features °wimp cadastra , =,, I, Fp* fi-_, tei 1 O ) rolo, , ^' / ` 1c)btirgrsclial orhortculture rural Ming amendmentsuggested cadestre area .:,-- ,I,) Louanbung ...-s< ' publiccommunity ual ty sIgnIfIcantindmenousprotected and she TrustAbongmal lease Lands AL, nom 4 crta Ste 11..3 ..,. ), ,,,, -,-... , ",,,I /'IVY &pi tounsm dramagorecreationforeshore ----- dressagefuture layout Imo .. ,../"4'''' i (// / / /43,T,TvalProd.& by Fo4d GoSx:21 4 \ono& Du &mil.Soca., 0....1S0 No 4,10 OP TA tArk al ig" water reserve setback50 m development ,----"'*------e' .,. -, c,..-ism,conapartronna& t133 nom, Kw oraar4Inastranfuna IN) Wes NnAushful Parrog WA Ala.AM openrig industry space /bush openundevelopeddrainage space / recurrenceaverage100 year interval ,------'-''' V -.). `'41 \ 14 , wuoxaronnaLW ODPfoasts_lp4441451,4144FtaTowilanVP,4.d..41,f_PnaanOnaon'Ittny& dannufOatt000,013.1K0Ougadari km_stsreo.omfrom Rana Fultationn the Man War4m FitzroyFitzroy futures townfutures plan (March town 2009) plan recreationopen space/ / road reserve \ floodlng boundary , -'- IhX, G124423042AnatraLln Lana ktfonabon authray, Figure 8a does .400000100 0100 densispar to enure anal as r art Western nrtses and deranass see In peace sle. Cagweafnes respara I Australian lendensnen Iona, nem:sent 'evaporated Planning ' s repmstntne/abdy, Depart:eel of A7xtee31 Ceaufal Keees0 Commission Protetian &tarty, Deseret-ellof Rolneate and Deaatnenf of Watat

4'01 GQA Burawa 050 lee C0n m221

Prod reed tyPee,x1MapeoSe-n tap -0 and GasSea:11D2s Paste, Depa0-4r4 tels-cog d Masseensfs - trs'a cf keWease, fl,stfCan Penn/ 0,11..^.),P^.."1,A Mandl 2,s0 7..tPrareas-440ere.dpaepfitue,1 Sets...Jas. tenthOZOCP_E--seajfe: Mate03 den OCP &reed Iran Ftros Futre Tenn Pan Brae mf-flas, by the Aesaar an Land Infamnt on Assts.:1, C1249-20-07 2

(-- ..---- ( / ,\ ------"--1----1 /

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)., , --,_,,,.....1 ,,---J I v kr-ir-L --1/11 Junjuwa \ ier - \ t rci--r, -r 'i \ )


t.s1 i Land use areas

existing residential 01000 --...... ,.... i t.... ---... o., future residential -...) --1 L visitor camping Bunuba Heights commercialcial / ,1 I I / ,../-1-7-.3.S..,-"-- community I / 1 r-t:2-7-7-7-All-r7-r / public utility / ....--21-----:-,-- 4144 I / / 1.7-7-r- rt t 7-1 z - 4 --:`, - , tourism I / 1 I-'1 1---71r.6";.iii / . horticulture / plantation I / -CDdfizr.,...../j, ° I: 6 1- ii 1 I/ r ---v..7 possible / y i ligbl industry // Ift .::-_.% --:-",,, I5-_--c-\ ----- ,, open space /bush ir , i. II-th.1 11 ;': recreation 11 M r bush trails o.of rural tj 11 enterprise 1 significant and 1 protected 1 indigenous site

foreshore recreation


water reserve drainage/ 7 undeveloped open space

road reserve


pedestrian access

Features existing cadastre

suggested cadastre amendment area

Aboriginal Lands Trust lease

----- future layout 4 Marra Worra Worra drainage line

50 m development setback -n Kurnanillikklegki 100 year co average C recurrence interval C13 * School c Instructed but no spatial or tenure floodog boundary Oo da,a available at lime of map production. /r / Fitzroy futures town plan (March 2009) Fitzroy futures town plan