B 83


A 7

B 83


sseler Straße Getting here – B. Braun AGKa

Melgershausen By car Hannover If you are coming from the north, A7

B 83 g r We rge follow the A7 freeway, then take the zenbe war Plant C Sch Melsungen exit and follow the signs e raße Straß t r e S ler Dortmund rshäus to Stadtmitte (Melsungen City Center). e ge A44 l ss Me Ka Plant G Once you have reached the Sankt- Melsungen exit

Georg-Straße intersection, you should Plant E Melsungen go around the city center on the left exit Erfurt

(e.g. Plants C, G, E) or right (e.g. Plants eg A4

W er er A5 B, D, P, W) depending on your destina- A7

tion. If you are coming from the south, Schwarzenberg A5 A66 ße Hesslar follow the A7 freeway, then take the ßstra Schlo

Schwarzenbe Malsfeld exit and follow the signs for e straß ß lo rg Industriegebiet Pfieffewiesen (Pfieffe- ch er Coming from the A7 S We g Plant A Plant M Plant H wiesen industrial area). After about ten via Melsungen exit Kulturfabrik

C Span arl-Bra ger minutes you will reach the Buschberg un-Straße Weg

Sankt-Georg-Str. complex (Plant W) and Pfieffewiesen e B 253 traß B 253 er S BKK B. Braun (Plant P). For all other B. Braun desti- Frizlar

A 7 raße st nations, follow the B83 until you reach f

Melsungen hnho a B ee Melsungen city limits. l





e B 83 ß a Melsungen By train tr S train station er

From the Kassel-Wilhelmshöhe ICE rnberg Nü train station you can reach Melsungen in approx. 20 minutes by taking an RB ger Straße ber llee n ia r d ü To train (regional train). Once you have N

arrived, it is best to take a taxi a (phone: +49 (0)56 61-12 20). Fuld Plant D Stadtwald Plant S ße tra S

By plane ershäuser Elf

Beuern From Frankfurt Airport you can reach Nürn Melsungen by car in roughly 1.5 hours berger Stadtwaldpark St r by taking the A5 and A7 freeways aße (177 km). The train will take you to the Kassel-Wilhelmshöhe ICE train B 83 station in roughly the same time. Other airports that can be used are Paderborn

(109 km) and Hannover (203 km). S pangenber ger Straße

Nürnberger Straße Plant C | Schwarzenberger Weg 77 B 487 Plant G | Schwarzenberger Weg 53 + 57 Fulda raße triest Pfieffewiesen Indus

Plant E | Schwarzenberger Weg 21 f sho el rz we ch S m A Central Laboratory Plant A | Carl-Braun-Straße 1 Buschberg B 83 Plant P Plant M | Carl-Braun-Straße 15 LIFE Nutrition Plant H | Spangerweg 17 Plant W BKK B. Braun | Grüne Straße 1 LIFE Hilgershausen Plant S | Stadtwaldpark, -Allee Plant D | Nürnberger Straße 55 Straße Visitor Center Plant P | Pfieffewiesen Nürnberger K 20 GPS N: 51,1035°, O: 9,5484° Coming from the L.I.F.E. | Am Schwerzelshof A7 via Malsfeld exit B 83 A 7 LIFE Nutrition | Am Schwerzelshof Central Laboratory | Am Schwerzelshof Plant W | Am Buschberg GPS N: 51,1041°, O: 9,5466° Elfershausen Lind enstr aße


B 83