The Frisco Employes' Magazine, July 1930

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The Frisco Employes' Magazine, July 1930 Watch This Page Next Month and Every Month Thereafter INAUGURATING THE INTRODUCTION OF NEW POLICIES IN JEWELRY OPERATION. Policy 1. A Year's Maintenance Service With Every Purchase \Ire agree to maintain service and repair for ONE ENTIRE YEAR AFTER PURCHASE, any merchandise purchased of us; this includes anything that might happen to your watch, as well as diamonds, silverware, clocks, and all other jewelry and mer- chandise. Regardless of what the damage is-how serious it is- or how often it occurs. Regardless of its cause-whether due to a hidden defect in the merchandise, to an accident, or to neglect. And this service is offered WITHOUT ANY COST WHATSO- EVER to the purchaser. Policy 2. Ten Days' Free Trial Any article you select will be shipped to you, and you have TEN DAYS' FREE TRIAL. After this time, if you are not satisfied, return the merchandise and your money will be cheerfully re- funded. Policy 3. Quality Tested Merchandise WHICH MEANS THAT ALL JEWELRY AND MERCHAN- DISE has undergone rigid tests to insure high quality, service- ability and perfect style. Policy 4. Certified Values Which means that our prices have been checked and compared and we certify that they are the lowest current prices offered for merchandise of this quality. Policy 5. Confidence Inspiring Payment Plan A PURCHASE AND CHARGE PLAN THAT PERMITS YOU TO MAKE A SMALL DOWN PAYMENT WITH THE PURCHASE AND TAKE TWELVE MONTHS TO PAY IN DIGNIFIED AND LIBERAL-BUY DIRECT BY MAIL AND SAVE. Diamond Jewelry Company 306 South Main Street Tulsa. Oklahoma Pngc 1 W. HORACE WILLIAMS CO., INC. ENGINEEIPS AND GENERAL CONTRACTORS ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD Specializing in Design and/or Construction of Dock II Wharves, Piers, Breakwaters, Dams, and Jetties, Bridges, Railways, Highways, Industrial Plants. All classes of Building Construction, Building Foundations. Maintaining an Engineering Department for Ccnsul tation, Investigation, Reports, Surveys, Designs. -0 TERhR1NAX.S at PENSACOLA, FLORIDA, WARRlOR 'RIVER BRIDGE and 0th- Important Worka for FbLhrcr BFILT BY THIS COMPANY 1 Magnus Company INCORPORATEQ JOURNAL BEARINGS and BRONZE ENGINE CASTINGS NEW YORK CHICAGO COALING STATIONS of REINFORCED CONCRETE - - on the FRISCO RAILROAD at - - Neodesha, Kan. Chaffee, Mo. Carbon Hill, Ala. Save QUICKER the Waste COAL1,NG AND . Means .... Save FASTER the Profit SERVICE I 1 Automatic Electric Skip Hoist Equipment and Reinforced Concrete Structures Save Labor ... Save Time ... Save Maintenance OGLECONSTRUCTION CO. 28 EAST JACKSONBLVD. :: CHICAGO THE FRISCO EMPLOYES' MAGAZINE ROOMS 737-738 FRISCO BUILDING .. ST. LOUIS WM. L. HUGGINS. Jr.. Ediior MARTHA C. MOORE. Associoie Editor C. E. STAPLES. Spcciol Representative WM. McMILLAN. Adocriising Monoqer Vol. VII JULY. 1930 No. 10 Permission is given to reprint with or without credit, in part or in full, any article appearing in this Magazine Contents of This Issue Pages Frisco Veterans Mect June 2-3.............................................................................................................. 4-9 Sitlcliglits on the Veterans' Rcuniou 1-11 Olticst Pc~~sioncra Civil War Vctcran .............. ...............................................................................I2 Hammersmith \Vorks 20 Ycars Witlior~tAccide~it ...................................... ~.............. 13 Sellator Wilflcy Praiscs Spirit of Frisco Miorkcrs ........................................................................... 14 1.o~Rowid Trip Passe~i~erFares Annou~icctl..................... .... .............................................................15 Nc\\.s of the Frisco Cluhs ........................................................................................................................16-10 Frisco Trains 96.4 Per Cent on Time During h4ag ............................................................................20 Twcnty Ncw Loconiotivcs I<cccivctl During June ................................................................................22 Car Damage Decreases 28.7 Per Cent First Five Months ............................................................... 23 Ft. Scott Employcs Organize Polo Team ................. .................................................. .......24 Frisco Stores 'l'liousa~~lsof Cars for Wheat CI-op................................ .. ..........................................25 For Meritorious Service ..............................................................................................................................26 1.oconiotivc Fuel Performance Rccortls 28-29 I'c~isio~ilioll ................................................................................................................................................30-31 I3amcmakers .......................................................................... .................................................................... 32-33 The Twilight Hour....................................................................................................................................... 34 A Page of Frisco Children.......................... .... ..........................................................................................35 Official Photograph of Eighth Annual Veterans' Rcunio~i...................................................... 36-37 Flashes of Merriment .................................................................................................................................38 Frisco Mechanic........................................................................................................................................ 39-43 FI-isco Family News ..................................................................................................................................44-72 THE FRISCO EMPLOYES' MAGAZINE MEMBER Page 4 FRISCO VETERANS MEET JUNE 2-31 I OR the eighth time in as rich won the prize; Mr. IV. G, many years Springfield, Mo., One Thousand "Old TimersnJ Wolf was second and P. J. Hej F "capital City of Frisco Fr iscO Lines A [tend l~urn,third. " Lines," again- -played host to 1,000 The same race for men undc veteran employes of Frisco Lines Eighth Annual Reunion 180 pounds was won by Mr. Frau and their wives and children, on A. Eeyer, Jr.. with Mr. C. I June 2 and 3, when the annual at Springfield Pender, second and Mr. C. H. HI rennion of the Frisco System bart, third. Veteran Employes' Association was USII:L~ well organized way by the Cen- There were four veterans entere held. tral Uoarding & Supply Company un- in the 50-yard dash for men over 5 As usual Springfield was a good der the direction of Mr. Chas. E. years. This race was won by Mr. 11 host, and as usual, the veterans were Gray. The 'eterans were of the E. Helton, with Mr. Robert Hollanc good visitors. Springfield seemed to opinion that they had never tasted second, Mr. Tom Hasler, third, an say to the boys of twenty years and such delicious meat. Directly at the Mr. A. Bringleson, fourth. more service, "If you don't see what end of the bread line was a table re- Then came the race for girls ovc you want, ask for it," and the old- 12 years, which was won by Mia timers made themselves at home from To All Frisco Veterans: Freda Fraker, with M-iss Nao~niPeal son, second. the time the morning trains unloaded It was n ~rratter of vcrjr yreul re- them the morning of June 2, until the gret to rrtc that prcssi~g b~isirwss Miss Virginia Donaldson won ti midnight trains of the next day piclied forced rne to br: absent frorrr the race lor girls nnder 12, with Miss Vil them up for the return journey south, ei$rth annctol reuilioir of tlrc firisco ginia Conley, second, and Miss Don north, east and west. Vctcran LIrnploycs' Associtrtiorr in thy Lewis, third. Colonial hotel was registration Sprirtgtjcld lost morrtll. Of all the Mr. Ed. Dwyer won the race lo quarters as usual, and with the effi- ntcctiirgs otb our rnilrond dvriwg the boys under 12, with Mr. James Act01 is cient help from the general office yrtrr, there ~ro'rrcI would r-nt1rt.r at- second. terrd. grot orrly for the 1)Icirs1rre of girls who sat at long tables in the The egg race, always an lnterestin ~rrectirrg III~gre,.tirrg thc lorrg-tiwc event on the program, was of unusue lobby with typewriters and pencils, scrvice IIIPII ZJ~Ohove dorrc so m~ck the vets and their families got to build 111) this roilrond of otirs, but interest this year. Real eggs wer through the registration ceremonies in for thr ii~spirotiorr I rcccive frow used, instead of china ones, and smal record time, and were ready to em- C~VI~vctcrorr prr~cr~tthat hc is doi~rg teaspoons instead of tablespqon bark to the picnic grounds at Doling a11 ir~ his pozucr to frtrthcr the irr- helped to hold the egg firm. Its Park promptly. General Secretary tcrcsts of Frisco Lirrcs. Pvcrr tlrouglr Martha Moore of the illagazirrc stal John McCormack cried "all aboard" at he is rctircd frorrr nctiw drrty. won first prize, with Mrs. Marti1 l'rr~r~itIIIC to r.rlcrrd IIIJ cnir(/~~rtrr- ICelirt, second, hIrs. J. T. Pearson 10 o'clock and special street cars and latiorrs to tlrosc thirty-tq'o ortcmrr many automobiles were on hand to eirrp1o)lc.s zi'lro bcccir~rc clrnrter vrrrlr- third, and Mrs. T. F. Wright, fourth take the visitors to the park. Ocrs of tlrc "Old-7'irrrcrs Cltrb," trrr The gentlemen and ladies' race, 11 The day was made for an ollt-of- orgtrrrizntiort 7,hicIr rrqttires forty which the participants held hand! door aflair, and in the warn] sunshine yc1rr.v of Frisro scrvict. for ~rrrrrrl~rr- was won by Niss Helen Lipe and Ilr of
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