In the Matter of

File No. 121-0144 NOVARTIS AG, a corporation.


The Federal Trade Commission (“Commission”), having initiated an investigation of the proposed acquisition of the voting securities of Fougera Holdings Inc. (“Fougera”) by Respondent Novartis AG, hereinafter “Proposed Respondent,” and it now appearing that Proposed Respondent is willing to enter into this Agreement Containing Consent Orders (“Consent Agreement”) to divest certain assets and providing for other relief:

IT IS HEREBY AGREED by and between Proposed Respondent, by its duly authorized officers and attorneys, and counsel for the Commission that:

1. Proposed Respondent Novartis AG is a corporation organized, existing and doing business under and by virtue of the laws of the Swiss Confederation, with its headquarters address located at Lichtstrasse 35, , , V8 CH4056, and the address of its United States subsidiary, Novartis Corporation, located at 230 Park Avenue, New York, New York 10169.

2. Fougera Holdings Inc. is a corporation organized, existing and doing business under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Delaware, with its headquarters address located at 60 Baylis Road, Melville, New York, 11747. The ultimate parent entity of Fougera is Fougera S.C.A. SICAR.

3. Proposed Respondent admits all the jurisdictional facts set forth in the draft of Complaint here attached.

4. Proposed Respondent waives:

a. any further procedural steps;

b. the requirement that the Commission’s Decision and Order and Order to Maintain Assets, both of which are attached hereto and made a part hereof, contain a statement of findings of fact and conclusions of law; Page 2 of 5

c. all rights to seek judicial review or otherwise challenge or contest the validity of the Decision and Order or the Order to Maintain Assets entered pursuant to this Consent Agreement; and

d. any claim under the Equal Access to Justice Act.

5. Because there may be interim competitive harm, the Commission may issue its Complaint and the Order to Maintain Assets in this matter at any time after it accepts the Consent Agreement for public comment.

6. Not later than thirty (30) days after the date this Consent Agreement is signed by the Proposed Respondent, Proposed Respondent shall submit an initial report, pursuant to Section 2.33 of the Commission’s Rules, 16 C.F.R. § 2.33. Proposed Respondent shall also submit subsequent reports every thirty (30) days thereafter until the Order to Maintain Assets becomes final and effective, at which time the reporting obligations contained in the Order to Maintain Assets (other than the requirement to submit an initial report pursuant to this Consent Agreement) shall control. Such reports shall be signed by the Proposed Respondent and set forth in detail the manner in which the Proposed Respondent has complied and will comply with the Order to Maintain Assets and the Decision and Order. Such reports will not become part of the public record unless and until the Consent Agreement and Decision and Order are accepted by the Commission for public comment.

7. In each report described in Paragraph 6, Proposed Respondent shall provide sufficient information and documentation to enable the Commission to determine independently whether Proposed Respondent is in compliance with this Consent Agreement and each of the Orders. All reports shall be verified by a notarized signature or sworn statement of an employee of the Proposed Respondent specifically authorized to perform this function, or self verified in the manner set forth in 28 U.S.C. §1746. Section 2.41(a) of the Commission’s Rules of Practice requires that an original and two (2) copies of all compliance reports be filed with the Commission. Each Proposed Respondent shall file an original report and one (1) copy with the Secretary of the Commission, and shall send at least one (1) copy directly to the Bureau of Competition’s Compliance Division.

8. This Consent Agreement shall not become part of the public record of the proceeding unless and until it is accepted by the Commission. If this Consent Agreement is accepted by the Commission, it, together with the draft of Complaint contemplated thereby, will be placed on the public record for a period of thirty (30) days and information in respect thereto publicly released. The Commission thereafter may either withdraw its acceptance of this Consent Agreement and so notify Proposed Respondent, in which event it will take such action as it may consider appropriate, or issue or amend its Complaint (in such form as the circumstances may require) and issue its Decision and Order, in disposition of the proceeding. Page 3 of 5

9. This Consent Agreement is for settlement purposes only and does not constitute an admission by Proposed Respondent that the law has been violated as alleged in the draft of Complaint here attached, or that the facts as alleged in the draft of Complaint, other than jurisdictional facts, are true.

10. This Consent Agreement contemplates that, if it is accepted by the Commission, the Commission may (a) issue and serve its Complaint corresponding in form and substance with the draft of Complaint here attached, (b) issue and serve its Order to Maintain Assets, and (c) make information public with respect thereto. If such acceptance is not subsequently withdrawn by the Commission pursuant to the provisions of Commission Rule 2.34, 16 C.F.R. § 2.34, the Commission may, without further notice to Proposed Respondent, issue the attached Decision and Order containing an order to divest and providing for other relief in disposition of the proceeding.

11. When final, the Decision and Order and the Order to Maintain Assets shall have the same force and effect and may be altered, modified or set aside in the same manner and within the same time provided by statute for other orders. The Decision and Order and the Order to Maintain Assets shall become final upon service. Delivery of the Complaint, the Decision and Order, and the Order to Maintain Assets to Proposed Respondent Novartis by any means provided in Commission Rule 4.4(a), 16 C.F.R. § 4.4(a) – including, but not limited to, delivery to an office within the United States of Claudia Higgins, Esq.; of Kaye Scholer LLP; or of any other lawyer or law firm listed as Counsel for Novartis AG. on this Consent Agreement – shall constitute service as to Proposed Respondent Novartis. Proposed Respondent waives any right it may have to any other manner of service. Proposed Respondent also waives any right it may otherwise have to service of any Appendices incorporated by reference into the Decision and Order, and agrees that it is bound to comply with and will comply with the Decision and Order to the same extent as if it had been served with copies of the Appendices, where Proposed Respondent is already in possession of copies of such Appendices.

12. The Complaint may be used in construing the terms of the Decision and Order and the Order to Maintain Assets, and no agreement, understanding, representation, or interpretation not contained in the Decision and Order, the Order to Maintain Assets, or the Consent Agreement may be used to limit or contradict the terms of the Decision and Order or the Order to Maintain Assets.

13. By signing this Consent Agreement, Proposed Respondent represents and warrants that it can accomplish the full relief contemplated by the attached Decision and Order (including effectuating all required divestitures, assignments, transfers) and the Order to Maintain Assets and that all parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, and successors necessary to effectuate the full relief contemplated by this Consent Agreement are: (1) within the control of the party to this Consent Agreement, or (2) will be in the control of the party to this Consent Agreement after the proposed acquisition. Page 4 of 5

14. By signing this Consent Agreement, Proposed Respondent represents and warrants that each Remedial Agreement (as defined in the Decision and Order) that has been submitted to the Commission at the time of this Consent Agreement for approval by the Commission in connection with the Commission’s determination to make the Decision and Order final comports with all of the relevant requirements of the Decision and Order and requires Proposed Respondent to divest all assets required to be divested pursuant to the relevant requirements of the Decision and Order.

15. Proposed Respondent agrees that it shall interpret each Remedial Agreement in a manner that is fully consistent with all of the relevant provisions and remedial purposes of the Decision and Order.

16. Proposed Respondent has read the draft of Complaint, the Decision and Order, and the Order to Maintain Assets contemplated hereby. Proposed Respondent understands that once the Decision and Order and the Order to Maintain Assets have been issued, it will be required to file one or more compliance reports showing that it has fully complied with the Decision and Order and the Order to Maintain Assets.

17. Proposed Respondent agrees to comply with the terms of the proposed Decision and Order and the Order to Maintain Assets from the date it signs this Consent Agreement. Proposed Respondent further understands that it may be liable for civil penalties in the amount provided by law for each violation of the Decision and Order and of the Order to Maintain Assets after they become final and effective. Page 5 of 5


By: By: Jonathon Symonds Jonathan Klarfeld Chief Financial Officer Deputy Assistant Director Novartis AG Bureau of Competition Date:


Andreas Bohrer By: ______Authorized Signatory Michael R. Moiseyev Novartis AG Assistant Director Date: Bureau of Competition

______Richard A. Feinstein Claudia Higgins, Esq. Director Kaye Scholer LLP Bureau of Competition Counsel for Novartis AG Date:

______Peter J. Levitas Deputy Director Bureau of Competition Date: Claudia R. Higgins KAYE SCHOLER LLP 202.682.3653 [email protected] The McPherson Building 901 Fifteenth Street, NW Washington, DC 20005-2327 202 .682.3500 Fax 202.414.0366 www.kayescholer.com

July 5, 2012

Federal Trade Commission 600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20580

Dear Commission:

Novartis AG ("Novartis") is today providing signatures for an Agreement Containing Consent Orders to the Federal Trade Commission. The signatures from Novartis appearing in this document are from individuals authorized to bind Novartis, as verified in the enclosed document from the Commercial Register of Canton Basel-City. On page 7 of that document, please find listed both Jonathan Symonds, Chief Financial Officer, and Andreas Bohrer, authorized signatory. Next to their names is the notation under the "signature" column stating "joint signature at two." This means that two people on this register can bind the company.

If you would like to obtain this document from its publicly available source, you will find it at the following website address: http://bs.powemet.chiwebscrvices/inetIHRGIHRG .asrnxlgetHRGPDF?chnc=2703002061 &arnc= 270&toBeModificd ~0&validOnly=0&lang=4&sort~0.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Respectfully submitted,

~ rei!: - c5' Claudia R. Higgins ~~ p~;s",c",- Counsel/or Novartis AG Loy -:::rH ')


CHIC"'''O • FR... NKF U RT • LONDON' Los ANOELES • N EW YORK' P,oLO ALTO' SH,oNOH ... , • W,oSHINGTON. DC • WEST P,oLM BE"'CH ll/ COMMERCIAL REGISTER OF CANTON BASEL-CITY , number legal status Entry Cancelled Carried , from: 1 .-III11L 1o", ir:: '""'" R,' L"""", ,rtl,AG 1 I 0",1 2 ·1 SA) (Novartis Inc.)

110 C, S~ ~ 199'99g.gg , 5 ~ 5 ~ 5 7 "442'6Q2'349.99 1'4 42'692'3 4Q .QQ 64 '968'249 ~jameAaktieR;!1;I GI-IF 29.99 8'971'868 IflAaeeftll

10 C, Purpose 10 C, Postal address 1 2 Beleili~lOfI~ Sfi UfllcFflcRFflefl, Elie ifiseosefiEioFo alOl EleFfi Goeiol Eles Kl:lflslRSFIElcls fa li~ sifiEi. Die GeseliseRafi iol eOFeoRli61, li06oflooRaflefll:lAEI IFfiFFIeleriel~iilleFfeeRle i!1O eFWeffiefl, i!1;I .eFhcFtoA I;IAEI 21;1 vOFllal:lfeA. 2 f2 BOleili~l:IfI!l SA UfllcFflCRFflefl, Elie iAseeooAEIoro el;ll EleFfi Goeiol Elor GosIOFIEIReil, der A~reFVoiFts6Rafi. ElOF EfflI:IRrI;lA!!, Eler SIlOi!iolill:lleAoRoFflie, EleF PRysih eEler el;lf veF waAEIleA GeeietoA II:IIi6 SiAEI . Die GOOOIiSSROfi haAA lio~eflseRaflefi UAEIlmmalerial 6!HerreoRto oFwoffieA, vOFYleFieA I;IAEI verllaufafl. f2 53 Boieili6uA6 aA UAlorAeRmoA, Elio ol:lf deR! Gaeiel Elor Gesl:lflEiReil eEler EmI:lRFUA!! ta Ii!! SiAEI. Die GeselissRafi kaAA SiOR auoR aA UAtorAoRmeA EleF Biolo6io, CRoA'lie, PRysill, IfifeFR!alik eEior 'JeAA'afiEiler Goeiote eotoili!!eA. Sie isl eereORli!!l, lie~efl sORsflafi "lfIElIR!maloriaI6ii1leFfeoRto 2U opwereeA, i!U yeMoFiefi I:IflEi zu >,Iel'kaufeA . 53 Zweck der Gosolischaft ist die Beteiligung an Untemehmen, die auf dem Gabiet der Gesundheit oder Ernahrung tatig sind. Die Gesellschaft kann sich auch an Unterneh- men der Biologie, Chemic, Physik, Informatik oder verwandter Gebiete beteiligen. Die Gesellschaft ist berechtigt, Liegenschaften und ImmaterialgOterrechte im In- und Ausland zu erwerben, zu belasten , zu verwerten und zu verkaufen. Bei der Verfol- gung des Gesellschaftszwecks strebl die Gesellschaft die Schaffung von nachhalli- gem Wert an.

10 C, Remarks ef Dale of the acts 1 2 Mittoill:lA60A OA dio Ahliefl8re: BficnicR , eEleF AaoR EFFflessoA Eles VeF\\aIlI;lA!jsFales , 29.02 .1996 Ell:lrOR oiAgeseRriel:leAeA Brief. 2 05.03.1996 2 Vinkulierung : Die Obertragbarkeit der Namenaktion isl nach Massgabe der Slatuten be- schrank\, 5 15.10.1996 20 ROckzahlung von 61'054'680 Namenaklien zu CHF --.50. Beachtung der gesetzlichen 7 21 .04.1999 Vorschriften gemass Art. 734 OR durch offenUiche Urkunde vom 20.06.2002 feslge- f2 11.10.2000 stellt. 14 22.03.2001 23 Vernichtung von 22'680'000 eigenen Namenaktien zu CHF - .50. Beachtung der gesetz- lichen Vorschriften gemass Art. 734 OR durch OffenUiche Urkunde vom 26.05.2003 fest- 20 21.03.2002 gestell\. 23 04.03.2003 29 Vernichtung von 24'260'000 eigenen Namenaktien zu CHF - .50. Beachtung der gesetz- 29 24.02.2004 lichen Vorschrifton gemass Art. 734 OR durch OffenUiche Urkunde vom 14.05.2004 fest- geston!. 33 01 .03.2005 36 28.02.2006 38 28.02.2006

Basel, 05.07.2012 19:01 Continuation on the following page COMMERC IAL REGISTER OF CANTON BASEL-CITY

ICH-Z70.3.002.061-2 INovartis AG IB asel 2

All entries 1'0 33 po;;- eigenen Namenaktien 1 z~ c:H~. ~ .50: Art. 734 OR durch Offentliche Urkunde vom ;,,,t.,:F II- MOM" 138 von 10'200'000 eigenen Namenaktien zu CHF --.50. 54 "'he,,'. Art. 734 OR durch OffentJiche Urkunde vom 1 He,t· 56 ," ''""'" 61 1 140 Bei dem mit Eintrag vom 10.04.2006 im SHAB Nr. 74 vom 18.04.2006, S. 6, Ii i 0' 00 0"'0 Heynen, Bruno, von Bellach und Ausserberg. in Sololhum, handell es sich ; , 68 Person wie bairn Eintrag vom 19.11.2004 und Publikation im SHAB Nr. 230 vom 25.11.2004, S. 5. Infolgedessen wird die !elZle Ein\ragung gestrichen und die ers!e Ein- tragung muliert. '6 Kapitalherabsetzung: Vemichtung von 85'348'000 eigenen Namenaktien zu CHF 0.50. Beachtung dar gesetzlichen Vorschriflen gemass Art. 734 OR wird mit tlffentlicher Ur- kunde vom 15,05.2008 festgestellt. 154 Bei der Kapitalherabselzung vom 24.02.2009 werden 6'000'000 eigene ; CHF 0.50 vemichtet; die Beachtung der geselzlichen Vorschriftan von Art, 734 OR wird mit tlffentlicher Urkunde vom 18.05.2009 festgestellt. 168 Bei der Kapitalherabselzung vom 23.02.2012 werden 39'430'000 eigene Namenaktien zu CHF 0.50 vemichtet. Der Herabsetzungsbetrag diant der Aufhebung der fOr eigene Aktien gebildeten Reserve. Die Beachtung der geselzlichen Vorschriften von Art. 734 OR wird mit tlffentlicher Ur1

C, Qualified facts R,f Official publication " 5 '6 F'tIsieA: Sio GssellssRaft ileerAiFl'lFl'lI iFl'l Z!:IsoFl'lFl'leARoAg mil der KopiloleFReRI:IAg lIeFl'l 1 SHAB 16.19.1996 Ahti/eA "01'1 CI-IF 19'989'S:l:S'229. I:IRd POSSiliOR ileA GI-IF 4'389'126'622. der 'CIBA OSICY AC', iA Bosol, sewie AI(ti"OA IIOA GI-I F 4'383'629'77 4. I:IRd PaosilieA "'OA CI-IF 461 '399'699. der 'SaRdoi! AC', iR Basol, gOFl'lt:lss FI:IsiOA511erlrog o'eFl'l 96.93.1996 !:lAd F'tIsioAsi3i1aAi!OA ",er 31.12.1996 i!!:IFfI Preis 1101'1 iAsgesoFl'lt GI-IF 9'632'738'791. ,WOIIOA CI-IF 1'442'S92'349. 01'1 elos AhtieAhol3ital aAgar06RAot wordeR I:IRd 'IIofilr die AhtioAare elor "OIBA GEIGY AG" 27'313'989 NaFl'leROI(lioR i!1:I OI-lF 29. I:IAd 3'994'848 IARoi3erehtieA i!1:I GI-IF 20. emalteR I:IRd elio AiltiOA9ro der "SaRdoi! AG" ....36'739'269 NaFl'lORahtioA i!1:I CI-IF :l:Q. 'tIAEI 4'Q77'Q:l:Q IRRaeoral(tieA i!1:I GI-IF :l:9, emal 34 Fusion: Obemahme der Aktiven und Passiven der "Novartis Biosciences AG", in Basol (CH-, gemass Fusklnsvertrag vom 09.06,2005 und Bilanz p~r 01.01.2005. Aktiven von CHF 156'043.83 und Passivon (Fremdkapital) von CHF 4'321.80 gehen auf die Obemehmonde Gesellschaft Ober. Da die Obernehmende Ge- sellschaft samtliche Aktien der Obertragenden Gesellschaft halt, findet weder eine Kapi- lalemtlhung noch eine Aktienzuteilung statt. 3' Fusion: Obemahme der Aktivon und Passiven der "Novartis Nutrition AG' , in Bern (CH-03S.3.000.299-4), gomass Fusionsvertrag vom 09.06.2005 und Bilanz per 01.01.200S. Aktiven von CHF 18'344'683.03 und Passiven (Fremdkapital) von CHF 18'224'683.03 gehen auf die Obemehmende Gesellschaft Ober. Da die Obernehmende Gesellschaft samtliche Aktien der Obertragenden Gesellschafl hall, findet wedor eine Kapitalerhohung noch eine Aktienzuteilung statt. 61 Fusion: Obemahme der Aktiven und Passiven der Alcon, Inc., in HOnenberg (CH-, gemass Fusionsvertrag yom 14.12.2010 und Bilanz per 31 .1 2.2010. Aktiven von CHF 4'823'000'000.00 und Passiven (Fremdkapital) von CHF 320'000'000.00 gohon auf die Obemehmende Gesellschaft Ober. Die Aktionare der Obertragenden Gesellschafl erhallen 164'680'542 Aktien zu CHF 0.50, darun- ter S6'680'542 eigene Aktien, und eine Ausgleichszahlung im Wert von USD 8.20 pro Aktie. Das Aktienkapital wird aus dem mit Ermachtigungsbeschluss vom 08.04.2011 zum Zwecke der Abgeltung der Aktionare der Obertragenden Gesellschaft eingefOhrten und infolge Ausschtlpfung des Erhtlhungsbetrages gleichentags wieder aus den Sialu- ten geslrichenen genehmigten Aktienkapital urn CHF 54'000'000.00 erhOht.

I" Ic, IB""h offioe, I" Ic, IB""" offioe,

Vis Ref No journal Date SOGC Date SOGC Page l id Vis Ref No journal Date SOGC Date SOGC Page l id BS 1 1113 01.03.1996 50 12.03.1996 1422 BS 35 7427 22,12.2005 253 29.12.2005 7/317078

Basel, 05,07.2012 19:01 Continuation on the following page COMMERCIAL REGISTER OF CANTON BASEL-CITY

ICH·270.3.002 .061-2 INovartis AG IBasel 3 All entries Vis R,f Nojoumal Dale SOGe Date SOGe Page lid Vis R,f Nojoumal Dale SOGe Date SOGe Page l id BS 2 1214 07.03.1996 55 19.03.1996 1564 BS 36 2031 22.03.2006 61 28.03.2006 5/330656 BS 3 1904 19.04.1996 84 01 .05.1996 2487 BS 37 2445 10.04.2006 74 18.04.2006 6' 333536 BS 4 3182 05.07.1996 140 22.07.1996 4386 BS 38 3439 01.06.2006 109 08.06.2006 6/3407466 BS 5 6560 20.12.1996 6 13.01 .1997 183 BS 39 6463 23.10.2006 209 27.10.2006 5/361104 BS 6 1381 11.03.1997 57 25.03.1997 2021 BS 40 B 6576 27.10.2006 B 213 02.11.2006 5/361790 BS 7 1868 27.04.1999 85 04.05.1999 2920 BS 41 7515 12.12.2006 245 18.12.2006 71 368529€ BS 8 5418 29.11.1999 237 06.12.1999 8242 BS 42 1429 07.03.2007 50 13.03.2007 61 383628€ BS 9 5717 14.12.1999 248 21 .1 2.1999 8638 BS 43 6913 10.12.2007 243 14.12.2007 7/424673 BS 10 2773 09.06.2000 117 19.06.2000 4115 BS 44 835 13.02.2008 34 19.02.2008 5/4345794 BS 11 5085 24.10.2000 212 31.10.2000 7405 BS 45 1400 13.03.2008 55 19.03.2008 5 / 439345 BS 12 5501 15.11.2000 228 22.11.2000 7932 BS 46 2920 26.05.2008 103 30.05.2008 7 / 449980 BS 13 536 25.01.2001 22 01.02.2001 789 BS 47 3163 03.06.2008 109 09.06.2008 6/4513190 BS 14 2512 07.05.2001 90 10.05.2001 3527 BS 48 3267 09.06.2008 113 13.06.2008 5/452190 BS 15 2730 16.05.2001 99 23.05.2001 3890 BS 49 4319 04.08.2008 152 08.08.2008 5/460593- BS 16 576 28.01.2002 23 04.02.2002 6/324378 BS 50 6997 12.12.2008 246 18.12.2008 9/478912 BS 17 1015 22.02.2002 42 01 .03.2002 6/364742 BS 51 757 05.02.2009 28 11 .02.2009 8/487329 BS 18 2618 24.05.2002 103 31.05.2002 6/491456 BS 52 1870 31.03.2009 66 06.04.2009 9/495909 BS 19 2722 31 .05.2002 108 07.06.2002 6/501686 BS 53 2262 21.04.2009 79 27.04.2009 8/498939< BS 20 3448 08.07.2002 132 11.07.2002 5/554800 BS 54 3319 03.06.2009 108 09.06.2009 5/505701 BS 21 5155 02.10.2002 195 09.10.2002 5 /677572 BS 55 1415 23.02.2010 41 01.03.2010 7/551802 BS 22 6366 05.12.2002 241 12.12.2002 5/768682 BS 56 2701 22.04.2010 81 28.04.2010 7/560660 BS 23 3614 18.06.2003 118 24.06.2003 6/1049774 BS 57 2819 27.04.2010 84 03.05.2010 8/561306 BS 24 5979 20.10.2003 206 27.10.2003 6/1231646 BS 58 2928 03.05.2010 88 07.05.2010 7/562328 BS 25 6914 03.12.2003 238 10.12.2003 6/2022076 BS 59 4642 20.07.2010 142 26.07.2010 6/574348 BS 26 912 16.02.2004 36 23.02.2004 5 12136150 BS 60 1789 11.03.2011 53 16.03.2011 607811 BS 27 1799 02.04.2004 70 13.04.2004 512208616 BS 61 2378 08.04.2011 73 13.04.2011 612050 BS 28 B 1894 08.04.2004 B 74 19.04.2004 612218220 BS 62 2978 12.05.2011 95 17.05.2011 616431 BS 29 2707 02.06.2004 108 08.06.2004 612296820 BS 63 5286 15.09.2011 182 20.09.2011 634168 BS 30 2849 08.06.2004 112 14.06.2004 6/2307782 BS 64 5873 20.10.2011 207 25.10.2011 638936 BS 31 5214 01.10.2004 195 07.10.2004 512482 670 BS 65 6493 21.11 .2011 229 24.11.2011 643023 BS 32 6199 19.11.2004 230 25.11.2004 512559388 BS 66 442 23.01.2012 18 26.01.2012 652095 BS 33 3797 16.06.2005 118 21.06.2005 5/2891098 BS 67 1243 02.03.2012 47 07.03.2012 658336 BS 34 4121 30.06.2005 129 06.07.2005 9/2919072 BS 68 2513 04.05.2012 90 09.05.2012 667147 In Mo C, Personal Data Function Signature 1 2m Walter, Dr. Ralf, ·/aA ZlOfD3ah lORd ZQrieh, iA TRalwil lI'Iall'lBer af tRe Beard siRfjla SifjRatlOre ef direeters 1 3 TralOhaAdBQra Pater Eisele, iR MaRRaleA ...... 2 7 Krauer, blr. AlelE, yeA Basel, iA RieheR j3residaRt af IRa Baard jaiAI SifjAature at twa af direetars + delefjata ....af the Beard af direa 2 60 RlOdlaff, l-IaAs Ji!r!l, aeutseRe; StaetseR!lehi!ri!leF. iR l-IermaAsa Yiee"residsAt af Ihe jeiAt SifjAallOre at tv/a Beard ef direeters 2 8m Sihle;, Pre!. blr. l-IelfAul, esteFfeiehiseher Staets6R!leherifjer, iA Yiaa"resideAt af Iha jeiAt SifjRalura at tv/a Pi!Rsehaeh afA 'A'i!FIhersee (A) Beard ef direeters 2 7m Vasella. Dr. blaAiel L., ,aA Pasehis\s, iR BiRRiR!leR delefjala af tRa Beard jeiRt SifjRaturs at twa af diraelers 2 5 Waltar, Dr. Ralf, yaR Zurcash lORa ZQrish, iA TReI/,il II'ISIl'lBar af IRa Baare jaiRI SifjRalura allYoa sf direetars 2 10m BMaeher, blr. Urs, 'JaR TRal. iA BerR jaiRI SifjAature all\\'a 2 5 Bali!ar, blr. MaRiR, yaR Arlesheill'l, iR BiARiA!lSR jaiRI Si!lAature all\\e 2 10m Brau, blr. Ra~lI'IeRd, ~eA 9Berefj!J, iA Bsltll'liRfjeA jaiRI sigAalura all\\e 2 44 MaRsaF, JaRR, \leR ,b'PJleR2all, iR Ri9R9f1 jeiRt sigRalure at 1Yo'EI 2 5 Me~s r , RaiL!)'. , yaR WaRieR AG, iA Basel jeiAt SifjAatlOra at tv/a 2 5 Milller, Dr. l-IaAs bllrieR. yaR WiAlaFlhur, iA l-IafstelteA S9 2 8 9j3j3i1Esfer, Dr. IJlrish, yeA Ball'l lOAd SiegersReUSeR, iA --jeiRI SifjRstura at twa Basel, 05.07.2012 19:01 Contlnuallon on the follOWing page COMM ERC IAL REGISTER OF CANTON B ASEL-CITY

ICH· ·2 IN oval1is AG IB asel 4

All entries '0 Mo C, Personal Data Function Signature 2 5 RWI3/3FBSRI, Peter, yeA Sasel, iA Aessh BL jslRI Si€lRatloire at twa 2 5 Sidler, Qr. Peler, "'SA bU28FA, if! AlissRwil JSIAI e1gA811;1Fe allwe 2 59 Viefllititlsr, JiirgOR, ElSl;ltseABr StaatsaRget:llirigBf, if! BSalltsFI jeiRI SigRBtUFe al twa 3 4m .....SaRwe~eFi66lu.l TrElURsRsg8sslissRaft Geel"efS & LyotIrBfl8 AG , iR ...... 4 S=!=G bSBI38f6 & bybf8RS AG, if! Basal ...... 5 • 8 AfigsAi, Prer. Or. Ollilie, VBA LldgSA8, if! ZQriaJ:l R'l8R'1S8r af IRa beBrs wilAsl:lt SigAiAg FigRts af Elir8stars 5 8m 8Felolel, Birgit, Elelollsslla SlaatsaAgel'lerige, if! BolliA (0) A'l9A'1eer af Ille eeaFEI WilAOlollsigAiAg rigRls af Elir8slefs 5 53 BloIfsllRardt, Pret. Or. Paler, ISA 8asel, iF! P\:IlIy A'lsA'leer sf IRe BeaFEI wilRBloI1 SigAlA€! rigRls af airaslars 5 8 CassaRi, Qr. Kaspar I,l., ~aR BlJlssA'hillolAa ZallikaR, IR VililtaR fflaffleer af IRa eear!! wilRSlol1 sigAiR!! rigRts af aireslars 5 18 Qssrig, Qr. t-IaRs VlriElR , YSR "'ppaAzel!, IR ZloIffliksR ffleffleer sf IRa eear!! wilRSlollsigRiR!j rigRls af airesiars 5 27 FreRRsr, Waller C., yeR t-Ierisalol , iR RieReR fflsfflesr sllRa eeara will'lelollsigRiR!j FigRls af sireslars 5 10 CeRillal'd, Rseelt b., yeR OFffleAI Qesslols, iR Cilly ffleffleer ef II'Is baeH:! wilRalol1 SigAiRg FigRts sf sirsslsrs 5 Landolt, Pierre, YOO Aarau, in La Tour-de·Peilz msmber of the board wllhout signing rights of directors 5 8m lipl'HlRer, IlaiRi, laR GF6bS, iA DbeMil BL ffleffleer ef lI=Ie bears wilRSlolt sigAiR!! rigRls af airaslars 5 8 Rtlller, Pref. 9r. Williaffl J., Barger ser USA, iR SaR FroAoisaa fflefflber sf lI=Ie bear!! wilRololt SigAiR!! rigRis !YSAl af siresla,s 5 10 WaR!!er, Dr. JesR, ISR BerA, iA PoIloIri e. Beffl fflsffleer ef IRS bSsl'd wilRSlolt SigAIR!! rigRts sf sirsslsrs 5 8m Jeli!:er, AleltaRsrs, ISR Bessll;IA!! LeA!lRslol AC , iR ZI;I!I fflefflber ef lI'Ie beal'd Ksllel!IiYtlRlefSeRrifi ZI;I HleieR. ef sireslefS AiGhI als VafVIal!I;IAgsFal 5 37m 9tfplsjR, 9r. IRgrls, ,eA Boeel, iA t-Ielsle~eA SO seerelapt (etll af II'Is jail'll sigAoll;lre ollwo

5 23 Besher, 9r. KSRras, 'leA Basal, iR Be!lffliRgeA jail'll sillAall;lre ollv/e 5 24 Boelffler, Slo!eils, yeR Wals Zt-I, iA ReiAasl=l Bl - jail'll sillAoll;lre allv/e 5 8 BfBElley, 9r. Clsl;Ise CleRseA, BQrger eer US,e." iR ,e.,lpReFe!la jaiRI sillAaltlre allv/e !Geo~ia USA) 5 8 gel;leze, PieR'e, fi'BAzl:isiselo!er SlaalsaAgeR!!riger, iR Basel jeiAI sigAall;lre allv/e 5 15 Eeerle, lel;lis, yeR EiRsleoelA 1;11'10 ZQFieR, iR Basel jeiRlsillAoll;lre allv/e 5 35 GPdeb, 9r. Pl=lilip, brilissRer SlaalsaRgel=ll:iriger, iR IRzlil'lgel'l (9) jeil'll sillAoll;lre ollv/e 5 21 GIJFIler, t-IoAS Beal, 'leA 8asel, iA bl;lpsiAgeA jeiAI sigAoll;lro allv/e 5 13 t-IaffifflaAA , gr. t-IeiFti!, oel:llsGher SlaalsaAgeRl:iriger, ill M!!Io!IiA jail'll sigAoltlre ollv/e 5 23 t-IariAg, 9r. Weffler, sel:llssl=ler SlaalsaAgel=leriger, iA bilrF6el=l (g) jeiAI sigRoll;lra allv/e 5 35 t-Iei!%: , Peler, ~·eR Basel, iA Basel jeiAI sigAoltlra allv/e 5 24 t-IeArioR , gr. MaltiR, 'leA 8asel, iA Basel jail'll sigAall;lre at Iv/e 5 13 Iffll=laf, t-IaiAz P .. YSA FraieA". iI, iA RieReR jaiAlsigAallolre at Iv/a 5 8 Jeal'lRel, RalaRs. yaA Tra I ers, iR GeAEvie JeiAI sigRallOre at MS 5 37 Kal;lffflsAR, Dr. MaJ!, \aA ZilriaR, iA Rielo!eR jail'll sigRsllOre silviO 5 13 KiRale r. Dr. t-IeRs . , eA BalligeA, 11'1 SissasR jell'll sigRallOra allv/a 5 48 b'Epla!!eAier, 9r, (;raAlilais, '101'1 bes GeASYOYs Sl:lr CeffreRs, iA jeiAI sigRall:lrs allv/o t-IofslolioR SO 5 13 Maeer, CRristapR, 101'1 ZQrioo, iA BO~ffliRgeR jeiRI sigRatl;lro at twa 5 52 Maffis, Clive, britisslo!er SlaalsaRgelo!!!riger, iR RieReA joiRISigRstl:lre allwa 5 3. Meslasi. t-IeiAz, yeA 8asal, ill t-IaJsla~eA SO jeiRlsigRall;lre al twa 5 8 Pya!!. 9ayis EJ., tlMisol=lsr SlaalsaRgel=lilFigar, iR BsUmiRgoR joiAlsigAall;lre allwa 5 6 Reiet:leFisleiFl, Kall=laFiFla , 'o'eR PFa!leIR, ift 8asel jsiRlsigRaltlre al twa 5 8 SaFflO, Dr. WalfgaRg, leR RieRoR , iR Riel=leR jeiAlsigRall:lre al twa 5 13 Sfflslaers, Wsller, belgis~er SlaatSBAgeRl:iriger, iA E~iAgel"l jSiAI sigAal!:JFe allwa 5 8 Syfrig, 8PdAe, '/SA t-Is.w, IA ~.4l;ltleAi!: jsiAI SigAStl;lFO 01 MO

Basel, 05.07.2012 19.01 Continuation on the follOWln9 page COMM ERC IAL REGISTER OF CANTON BASEL-CITY

ICH·27D.3.002 .061 ·2 INovartis AG IBasel ,

All entries '0 Mo C. Personal Oala Function Signature 5 30 Tatlte" gr, Peler, yeA DtiAg9F1I:1AS Thai, iF! EttiRgBR jeiAI sigAah:lre at Iwe 5 8 WagAierB I SaRiel S., ~'eA RI:IByfBS tlREI Fey IlAS GelegA),. iA jeil'll sigAah:lr9 at lYle BiAAiFlgBA 5 10 va .. WaRBIjFg. Pref. gr. \,V-aller P., veA Aa~\oIrg. il'! Riel'leR jail'll SigA8tl:lF9 alIY19 5 25 ¥eFt\9, BFiaR ~,laR , "'SA ,6,jlsltUleR, iF! BiFlAiFlgeA jeiAI SigA8tl:lF9 alIY18 , 10 8\::19Rli, ,4,Rila, 'o'eR Ve~aR'l . iF! Basel jeiAI sigAat\:lre at lYle , Cheetham, Malcolm B .. britischer StaatsangehOriger, in joint signature at two MOnchenstein , Eichhorn, Felix, von Basel, in 8asel joint signature at two , Lindenberger, Guido, von Fehren , in Emmetten joint signature at two , 8 ~jete. F~eA?Eli9 , Jr:aAi!Eisissl:ler SIaaisaAgeA9riger, iA Besel jeiAlsigAah:IFe all"e 7 8m >"Iasalla, Dr. DaAlel 6., ~eA PeseAia\a, iA BiAAiAgeA presiaaAI eJ IAe beara jeiAlsigAaluFO al Me aJ aireelars , aalegala ....af IA e eeara ef aires 8 60 clel:zer, AlalleRllre, ~eR BaseluRa LeRgRau AC, iR Zug ffieffiber ef IAe baara ·ltilllel::ll SigRiRg figilis ef direalere 8 16m Gaarge, Williaftl W., Biirger aer 1:113,0. , iR MiRReapelis (M~II:ISAj ffieffiber af IAe boora ", ililsul 5igRiRg rigAIs ef aireslare 8 Z inkamagel, Prof. Dr. Rolf M. , von Riehen, in Zumikon member of the bOard without signing rights 01 directors 8 3. SiAler, Pref. gf. I lelftll::lt, esleffeiehiseAer SlaalsaRgei=lerigar, iR liaepreeiaeA\ af IAe leiRI eigRslufe al!we PMsellaeA effi WEiflAersee (,A.) legata ef IAe beara al aire5lefS 8 ,Om \lasella, Dr, DaAiel b , '/eR PeseAiaya, iF! Riseh presieleAI ef ~e beaM leiAlsigAatUFB at twa eJ elireeters + elelegale ...eJ tile baarel af elirae 8 27 Lippl::IAer, l-I eiRi, '/aA GFaeS, iA DeefV/il BL ftleftlber af IAa Dears jeiAI sigAalura allYia af airaelers 8 43 B,el::lel, Birgit, ael::llSSAa SlaalsaRgeAarige, iA l-IaRRs",sr (0) AleAlber ef IAe bearel willlel:llsigAiAg rig Ills ar airealare 8 13 AlkiA, Dr. JellA, brilisooer SlaalsBAgel9iiriger, iA Oielwiller (F) jeiAlsigAall:lre allwa 8 3. BrliAelli, Rele, ",eA ;;!;tiriol9 URII KFieAS, iR Basel jeiAlsigAall:lre al ""0 8 52 EbeliRg, Tlg effies, elal:llSOOef Sle8Is8F1gel9i!riger, iFi Muri bai Bam jeiFl! sigRBlure al ""e 8 15 Karabelas, Or, Afgeris JerF" Burger eler USA, iR AFiesAeiftl ieiFl! sigFlell:lFe ellwe 8 24 ~&}a l her, ~jerAlaFl, efilisooer SlaalsaFigell9figer, iR Basel iaiR! sigRall:lre 01 w.a 8 13m Wilw.er, Rete, yeR LiFlaaA, iFi ;;!;l:Ig iaiR! sigRall::lre 01 w. a • PricawatamouseCoopars AG, in Basel auditor 10 44 B~Fla eAer, gr. 61rs, ... aA Tl9al , iA RiaAeA jeiRt sigRalura al twa 10 5. Brel:l, Or. RayAlUAd, 'JaR OtIaragg, iA Ba"R'liAgeA jaiAI sigAaluro al """a 10 23 Meier, I-Iersl J" del:llsMar SlaelseFlgelgeriger, iA RielgeA jaiRI sigFialtire al """a 10 18 PiergaliiAl, Alfred geAaFiAI AI , BEirger der I:ISA, iR Jersay City (IJSA) jeiRI sigFlatl::lre at lYle 10 Schutz, Wolfdietrich, deulscher StaatsangehOrigar, in Basel joint signature at two 10 30 IIJissle', Dieler, oeulseher StaatsaAgei9!!riger, iR BlaueR jeiRI sigFlall::lra allYla 11 3. Miller, Gearge L., Berger der USA, iR OeefV/il BL jeiRI sigAall::lra al twe 13 31 Beller, HeiAi!!, 'JaR Casseu il:1-I , iR Rie""eFi jeiRI sigRall::lre allwe 13 66 Oiel:z, Dr. Jarg, oel:llseher SlfIatsaRgelli;iriger, iF! Allsa"""il jeiRI eigRall::lre a! lYle 13 Ruppracht, Pelar, von Basel, in Aesch BL joint signature at two 13 ,. WeRi!el, !}f, Gileer'. llel::llSSAef SlaalsaAgeMfiger, iR l>i:esRaool il:M jeiAI sigAalura allv/e 13 23 Wilt\/er, Rela, \leA LiAaeA, iFi QielikaA jei~1 sigAall::lre allv/a 15 22 BtiFgiR, ~lia , \la~ Basal, iR Basel jaiAI sigAall:lFe allv/a 16 53 Geerge, WilliaAl W ., Biirger oer YSA, iFi MiAFIeapelis (M~j USA) Ale Alber af IAe beaM jeiFllsigFialuFe al twe eillireeiers 16 25 Fre)" JellaARes, ",eA Siafa, iA Basel jeiRI6igAaiuro allwa 16 48 I-IGiR,l(uFl, \leA KaisleA I:IAO RieAeR, iA DeefWil BL jeiAI sigRall:lre at !we 16 44 SelliliiAger, EIWiA , 'JeA Basel, iA DeefWil Bic jeiRI sigRall::lre allv.e

Basel,05.07.201219:01 Continuation on the following page COMMERCIAL REGISTER OF CANTON BASEL-CITY

1CH-27D .3.002.061-2 INoval1Js AG IBasel , All entries '0 Mo C, Personal Data Function Signature 16 58 Wal#ler, JSF1j. "'OA GllorBAlleldeA, iA ,A,9FaIl jeiAleigAall:lFB allwa 17 30 KOFAieIIBr, Dr. Peter, 'SA OBBfYlil BL, iF! OlleFwil8b jeiAI &igABII:IFB at w,

28 63m Brokaleky Gsiger, Gr. JQFgeA, elet:ltse~er StaatsaAg8Reriger, iA jeifilsigAatt:lFe at two bi!rFa6~ (GE) - jeiRI sigAalt:lFe al \we 30 35 Wililfr, DaRial , yaA EFSifalel, iA G'tiBeAelan 31 Evans, Susan genannt Sue, britische Staatsangehorige, in Mutlenz joint signature at two 31 62 ele Weerel, Dr. Pater, RieelerleAelissMr SlaalsaAgeMrigar, 11'1 jeiAlsigAalt:lre al \lA's HefstetteR SO 31 55 MaAi!c, AAja, elB!;Ilse~e SlaalsaAgel'li!rigs, iA HegeAelerf jBiAlsigAalt:lre al \IA'a 31 35 Oyer, Dr. Ywe, elet:llsooer SlaalsaAga~i!rigsr, iA All (DE) jeiAlsigAatt:lre al twa 31 PlOss, Michel, von Bam unci Murgenthal, in Therwil toint signature at two 32 40m HeYAeA, Bfl:IAa, yeA 8ellasA !;IAeI ,&'!;ISSefBafg. iA Salat~l

37 51m Matti, MBflilla, '161'1 SeaReA , iA 2;ellillsA jeifilsigAalllFe al \Io"B 37 63m WeFl eA , Gr. Thalfla5, ",eR 2;Qria~ , iA ,",asM Bb - jeiAlsigAalllFe al twe 3. 62m ",eA PlaAla, Gr. AAelress, yeA Basell:lAeI Sllsall, 11'1 Celegi"l) fI'IelflBer ef tRe Beard wiUlel:l1 SigAiAg figllis al Elireel9rs 3. 5. Well91:leF, Gr. ;R91f195, leA ;:!;'tiriaR, iA EFleRB991l 2;101 jeiAI sigA911lre al \IA'B 40 51m He/AeA, Bfl:IAe, 'leA BellaaR t:lAeI ,6,t:lSSeFBsrg, iR SslatRl:lrR seereta.,,' (al:ll af tRa jeiAI 5igAslt:lre al tv.a

41 Lehner, Dr. Ulrich, deutscher StaatsangehOriger, in DOsseldorf (0) vice president of the joint signature at two board of directors - jeiAt sigAall:lre al twa 42 58m B9~elta , GaBriela, yeA Besel, ifl BiRAiAgefi 42 44 jeiAI sigAall:lre allwa 42 50 ;akei, Qr. ~jaeki G., yeA 'A',sseeReA, fA RRe iAfelelaA jeiAt sigAall:lre all'we 42 Wipni, Daniel, von Erstfeld, in Oubendorf joint signature at two 44 Yang, Marjorie M" britische Staatsangehorige, in Hongkong (HK) member of the board without signing rights of directors 44 Harbin, Alisa, amerikanische SlaalsangehOrige, in Reinach Bl joint signature at two 44 48 .,Iagaf, Peler, Aieelefl~AelissAer StaatsaAgaRi!rigef, iA BiAAiRgeA jeiAI sigAall:lre al !wa

Basel,05.07,201219:01 Continuation on the following page COMMERCIAL REGISTER OF CANTON BASEL-CITY

ICH- INovartis AG Ieasel 7

All entries 10 Mo C, Personal Data Function Signature 44 57m Jimenez, Jesef'll!, aR'lerille~iSSRer Slaats8R!lallsFig9r, in R.eiRa6R jeiRI sigAahlF9 at twe Bb Mager, Knut, deutscher 5taatsangehoriger. in Basel joint signature at two ••44 Pral Mora, Luis, spanischer 5taatsangehOriger, in Basel joint signature at two 44 Senn, Felix, von Glarus, in Zofingen joint signature at two 45 Bums, Paul David, amerikanischer StaatsangehOriger, in Basel joint signature at two 47 Fudge, Ann, amerikanische StaalsangehOrige, in Chestnut Hill member of the board without signing rights (MA, US) of directors '6 56 Keml'lf, AAeFeas CRal'lee, 'teA Basel, in Basel jaiAt signature allwe Snook, Christopher David, britischer StaatsangehOriger, in Basel Joint signature at two •• 51 Heynen, Bruno, von Benach und Ausseroerg, in Solothurn joint signature at two 51 62m Melti, MeA ilIa, '!eR SaeAe~, iA ZellilmA geFf sesretary (eut af tRe jeiAt sigAaluFe allwe "-

Basel,05.07.201219:01 Only the company record (extract) issued and certified by the Commer­ cial Regislery and the text published in the Swiss Commercial Gazette are binding.

The information above is given with no commitment and is in no way legally binding. Claudia Higgins KAYE SCHOLER LLP 202.682.3653 c h i99 i n [email protected] The McPherson Building 901 Fifteenth Street, NW Washington, DC 20005-2327 202.682.3500 Fax 202.3580 www.kayeschoJer.com July 6,2012

Federal Trade Commission 600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20580

Re: Acquisition ofFougera Holdings Inc. by Novartis AG Transaction Identification Number: 2012-0837

Dear Commission:

I write to confirm that the letter I submitted on July 5, 2012 regarding the signatures from Novartis AG that appear on the Agreement Containing Consent Orders, as well as the pages from the Commercial Register of Canton Basel-City which were attached to that letter, may be made public by the Commission.

Respectfully submitted

~'£ Ih - . Claudia R. Higgins ~~ ~i:s$~",," CounselJor Novar/is AG ~ qtl- )
