
Complete List of Contents

Volume 1

Publisher’s Note ix Black Codes ...... 69 Introduction xi Black Colleges and Universities . . . . . 70 Complete List of Contents ...... xv ...... 73 List of Contributors �������������������������������������������xxi ...... 76 Black Is Beautiful Movement 77 Abolition 1 77 Abortion Rights ...... 3 Black Middle Class/Black Accommodationism 7 Relations ...... 79 ACT UP ...... 7 81 Adarand Constructors v. Peña ...... 10 Black-on-black Violence 85 Affirmative Action 11 86 African American-American Indian Relations 17 Movement 88 African American Baptist Church . . . . . 20 Blackness and Whiteness: Legal Definitions 89 African American Women ...... 22 90 25 Body of Liberties ...... 92 Aid to Families with Dependent Children 25 Bolling v. Sharpe 94 AIDS Conspiracy Theory ...... 27 Bracero Program ...... 95 AIDS Crisis 28 Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters . . . 97 Alexander v. Holmes County Board Brown v. Board of Education 98 of Education ���������������������������������������������������� 31 John Brown’s Raid ...... 100 All African People’s Revolutionary Party . . 31 Buchanan v. Warley ...... 103 AME Church ...... 32 Busing and Integration ...... 104 AME Zion Churches ...... 34 Censuses, U.S. 108 American Anti-Slavery Society ...... 35 Charleston Church Shooting 111 American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) . . 37 Charleston Race Riots 112 American Council on Race Relations . . . 39 César Chávez ...... 112 with Act 40 ...... 114 American Indian Movement (AIM) . . . . 42 Church Burnings ...... 118 Amistad Slave Revolt ...... 44 Citizens’ Councils ...... 119 Anti-Semitism in America 47 Civil Disobedience ...... 120 Antislavery Laws of 1777 and 1807 48 Civil Liberties ...... 124 Atlanta Compromise ...... 50 Civil Rights 128 Attica Prison Uprising 53 ...... 132 Bakke Case ...... 56 ...... 133 Banking Practices ...... 57 ...... 134 Baseball ...... 59 ...... 136 Batson v. Kentucky ...... 61 ...... 138 Biracialism 62 Civil Rights Acts of 1866-1875 ...... 139 Black Cabinet ...... 64 Civil Rights Cases ...... 140 ...... 65 ...... 141 xvi Complete List of Contents

Civil Rights Restoration Act 146 Entitlement Programs 242 Civil War and 148 Environmental ...... 245 Class Theories of Racial/Ethnic Relations 150 Equal Educational Opportunity . . . . . 246 Clinton Massacre ...... 153 Equal Employment Opportunity Act 250 Clinton’s Initiative on Race 154 Equal Employment Opportunity Colegrove v. Green ...... 155 Commission ...... 251 Coleman Report 156 Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) . . . . 252 Colfax Massacre ...... 157 Equality ...... 254 Colin Kaepernick Taking a Knee 157 Equality of Opportunity ...... 255 College Admissions ...... 159 Fair Employment Practices Committee . . 256 College Entrance Examinations . . . . . 160 Fair Housing Act ...... 257 Color of Law 164 Ferguson/Shooting of Michael Brown 260 Colored Women’s League ...... 164 Fifteenth Amendment ...... 262 Commission on Civil Rights, U.S. . . . . 165 Flint Water Crisis ...... 263 ...... 167 Fourteenth Amendment ...... 264 Compromise of 1877 ...... 169 Free African Society 266 Confiscation Acts of 1861 and 1862 . . . . 170 Free Blacks 269 Congress of Racial Equality 171 Free-Soil Party 270 Congressional Black Caucus ...... 172 Freedmen’s Bureau ...... 270 Conservative Theorists ...... 173 ...... 273 Constitutional Racism 176 274 Cooper v. Aaron ...... 177 Betty Friedan ...... 275 Council of Federated Organizations 178 Fugitive Slave Laws ...... 277 Crime and Race/Ethnicity ...... 179 Fullilove v. Klutznick ...... 277 Criminal Justice Reform ...... 183 Gallaudet University Protests 278 Critical Race Theory ...... 184 Mohandas K. Gandhi ...... 280 Culture of Poverty 186 Gentrification ...... 281 Daughters of Bilitis ...... 188 Gideon v. Wainwright ...... 281 Desegregation of the Defense Industry . . 191 Grandfather Clauses ...... 283 Desegregation of Public Schools . . . . . 194 Great Migration ...... 283 Detroit Riot ...... 197 Green v. County School Board of Rights Movement 199 New Kent County 286 202 Greensboro Sit-ins 287 Discrimination: Behaviors ...... 205 Griffin v. Breckenridge ...... 288 Discrimination: Racial and Ethnic . . . . 206 Griggs v. Duke Power Company 289 Disfranchisement Laws in . . . 211 Grovey v. Townsend ...... 290 Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell ...... 214 Grutter v. Bollinger ...... 291 Drugs and Racial/Ethnic Relations . . . . 216 Guinn v. 292 Ebonics ...... 219 Haitians and Haitian Refugees ...... 293 Economics and Race ...... 220 Harper v. Virginia Board of Elections 295 Edmonson v. Leesville Concrete Company . . . 225 296 Education and African Americans . . . . 226 Heart of Atlanta Motel v. United States 296 Education for All Handicapped Hernández v. ...... 297 Children Act of 1975 230 Homelessness ...... 298 Education and Racial/Ethnic Relations . . 231 Housing ...... 301 Election of ...... 235 Hypersegregation ...... 306 Proclamation ...... 237 “” Speech 307 Employment among African Americans 239 Ideological Racism ...... 310 Complete List of Contents  xvii

Indian Civil Rights Act of 1968 310 Jones v. Alfred H. Mayer Company . . . . . 343 Individual Racism ...... 311 Judicial Review ...... 344 Inequality ...... 312 Jury Selection ...... 349 313 Kansas-Nebraska Act ...... 351 Integration 317 Kerner Report 352 Intelligence and Race 321 Keyes v. Denver School District No. 1 . . . . . 353 Internal Colonialism ...... 326 King, Martin Luther, Jr. 354 Internalized Racism 329 Martin Luther King Jr. Assassination 359 Interracial and Interethnic Marriage . . . 331 Rodney King Case 361 Japanese Internment Camps ...... 334 Know-Nothing Party 364 Jewish-African American Relations 338 Ku Klux Klan ...... 364 341 Ku Klux Klan Acts 368

Volume 2

Complete List of Contents ...... ix Miscegenation Laws 419 List of Contributors ��������������������������������������������xv Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party 420 421 Labor Movement ...... 369 424 Lau v. Nichols 373 Moose Lodge No. 107 v. Irvis ...... 427 Lawrence v. Texas ...... 374 Morrill Land Grant Act of 1890 . . . . . 428 LGBT Rights 376 Moynihan Report ...... 428 Liberator, The ...... 380 Multiracial Movement 429 Lincoln-Douglas Debates ...... 383 Naïveté Explanation of Racism 433 Literacy Tests ...... 385 ...... 434 Little Rock School Desegregation . . . . 385 National Advisory Commission Los Angeles Riots of 1992 386 on Civil Disorders ...... 437 Lynchings ...... 389 National Association for the Advancement of Assassination ...... 391 Colored People 438 on Washington ...... 394 National Association for the Marshall, Thurgood ...... 395 Advancement of Colored People Mattachine Society ...... 399 Legal Defense and Educational Fund 442 McCleskey v. Kemp 401 National Association of Colored Women . . 443 Me Too Movement ...... 402 National Black Women’s Political Miami Riots of 1980 403 Leadership Caucus 443 Military and Racial/Ethnic Relations . . . 405 National Coalition of Blacks for Military Desegregation ...... 407 Reparations in America ...... 444 Milk, Harvey ...... 408 National Council of Colored People 444 Milliken v. Bradley 410 National Council of Negro Women . . . . 446 ...... 411 National Organization for Women (NOW) . 447 Million Woman March ...... 413 449 Minority and Majority Groups ...... 414 Negro Conventions ...... 450 Miranda v. Arizona ...... 417 City Slave Revolt ...... 451 xviii Complete List of Contents

New York Times Co. v. Sullivan ...... 454 Restrictive Covenants ...... 548 Newberry v. United States ...... 455 Reverse Racism ...... 549 Niagara Movement ...... 456 Reynolds v. Sims 549 Nineteenth Amendment ...... 459 Richmond v. J. A. Croson Company 550 Nixon v. Herndon ...... 462 Roe v. Wade ...... 551 ...... 462 Roosevelt Coalition ...... 554 North Star, The 465 Rosie the Riveter ...... 554 Obergefell v. Hodges ...... 468 Runyon v. McCrary ...... 555 Occupation of Wounded Knee 470 Scott v. Sandford 556 Ole Miss Desegregation 472 Scottsboro Trials ...... 558 One-drop Rule ...... 475 The Second Sex 561 Operation Wetback ...... 475 Segregation ...... 561 477 Segregation on the Frontier ...... 563 Pan-Africanism ...... 477 Segregation vs. Integration ...... 566 Pasadena City Board of Self-segregation ...... 569 Education v. Spangler 478 Selma-Montgomery March ...... 570 Passing 478 ...... 571 Pennsylvania Society for the Separatism 573 Abolition of Slavery ...... 479 Set-asides 573 Plessy v. Ferguson ...... 482 Sexual Fears and Racism ...... 574 Police Brutality ...... 485 Sharecropping 576 Police Shootings of Black Citizens . . . . 490 Shaw v. Reno ...... 577 Poll Tax ...... 492 Shelby County v. Holder ...... 578 Poverty and Race ...... 492 Shelley v. Kraemer ...... 579 President’s Committee on Civil Rights 496 Shooting of Trayvon Martin ...... 580 Proposition 209 ...... 497 O. J. Simpson Trial ...... 582 Proslavery Argument ...... 498 Slave Codes ...... 585 Psychology of Racism ...... 501 Slave Rebellions 588 Quotas ...... 505 Slavery and Race Relations ...... 588 Race as a Concept 506 Slavery and the Justice System ...... 592 Race Relations Cycle ...... 510 Slavery: History ...... 596 Race Riots of 1866 514 Slavery: North American beginnings 602 Race Riots of 1943 517 Smith v. Allwright ...... 604 Race Riots of the Twentieth Century 520 Social Identity Theory ...... 606 Racial and Ethnic Demographics: Trends . . 522 Southern Christian Leadership Conference 610 Racism as an Ideology 524 Southern Conference for Human Welfare 613 Racism: Changing Nature of ...... 527 Sports ...... 613 Racism: History of the Concept . . . . . 529 Steinem, Gloria 618 Rainbow Coalition ...... 534 Stereotype ...... 620 R.A.V. v. City of St. Paul 535 Stonewall Uprising ...... 621 Reconstruction ...... 536 Student Nonviolent Coordinating Redemption Period 539 Committee ...... 623 Redistricting 539 Summit Meeting of National Negro ...... 542 Leaders ...... 624 Reitman v. Mulkey 543 Supreme Court and Ethnic Removal of Confederate Statues Representation 625 and Monuments ...... 544 Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Reparations ...... 546 Board of Education ...... 626 Complete List of Contents  xix

Sweatt v. Painter 627 United Steelworkers of America v. Weber 653 Symbolic Racism ...... 628 Universal Negro Improvement Association . 654 Talented Tenth ...... 629 Voting Rights ...... 657 Thirteenth Amendment ...... 630 Voting Rights Act of 1965 659 Thomas/Hill Hearings ...... 631 Washington v. Davis 661 Three-fifths Compromise 633 Watts Riot ...... 662 Title IX of the Education Weber v. Kaiser Aluminum and Chemical Amendments of 1972 ...... 633 Corporation 664 Tokenism ...... 636 Webster v. Reproductive Health Services 665 Tolerance ...... 636 Welfare Reform: Impact on Transgender Rights ...... 637 Racial/Ethnic Relations ...... 666 Triple Oppression 639 White Privilege ...... 670 Trump Administration Family ...... 671 Separation Policy 640 Wilson-Willie Debate ...... 673 Turner’s Slave Insurrection 642 Wisconsin v. Mitchell ...... 674 Tuskegee Airmen ...... 645 Women’s March 675 Underclass Theories ...... 646 Women’s Rights ...... 676 ...... 647 Zoning 681 “Unite the Right” Rally ...... 650 United Mexican American Bibliography �����������������������������������������������������683 Students (UMAS) ...... 651 Notable Civil Rights Figures �����������������������������705 United States v. Cruikshank ...... 652 Time Line ���������������������������������������������������������717 United States v. Reese ...... 653 Index �����������������������������������������������������������������731