District of Baltimore Official
OFFICIAL: A ll assignments DISTRICT OF BALTIMORE DEGREES: Of June 11, '52. become effective a t noon AGE:(in parentheses) be- June 20, 1952 . 1952 - 1953 Assignments tween 6/1/52 & 5/31/53. * - Community Council District Council By right of office: By appointment of Superior-General: Emilian James Edewald James, 1949 Giles Vincent,1951 Erminus Joseph Edwin Anselm, 1946 Erminus Stanislaus Galdus Paul, 1946 1952 M ajestic 5-3498 THE PROVINCIALATE Box 7188, Elkins Park, Pa. Emilian James, MA, LL.D '45 (47) Visitor Denis Edward,PhD, LL.D (82) Inspector Druon Francis,M.L.(37) Provincial Secretary Laurel 447 HOLY FAMILY COMMUNITY Ammendale Normal In s titu te Beltsville P.O., Md. *Edewald James,MA,LL.D '4 7 (48) Director *Elias Jeremy, '4 8 (74) Sub-Director Elwarn Michael,AB (64) A uxiliary D irector *Dathus Michael (74) Fabius Ambrose(67) Galbert Benilde,ML (36) Denis Ambrose,AB (49) Fidelis Julian,AB (68) Galbert Lucian,ScD (73) Eadbert (80) Flavian Ambrose,AB (30) Gerardian,MA (71) Emilian of Jesus,PhD (50) F lorentian David,AB (66) Godfrey Patrick,AB (41) *Ephrem Faber,MA (77) Florus Alphonsus,AB(53) Gregorian,AB (28) Eugene Andrew,AB (50) Francis Borgia,MA(77) Melanius Cyril,AB (84) Eugene of Jesus,AB (61) Fronus Joachim,AB (81) Laurel 447 THE NOVITIATE Ammendale Normal In s titu te B e ltsv ille P, 0. ,Md* Erminus Joseph,AB'42 (48) D irector Eugene Ignatius,MA,BLS ,46 (52) Sub-Director Elzear Alfred,MA,LL.D (79) Laurel 447 THE JUNIORATE Ammendale Normal In stitu te Beltsville P.O.,Md.
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