Bindex Smith
Index References to figures are given in italic type. Abchazia, 367 agalma, 111, 277, 523, 585 Abdalonymus, 495 Agatharchos, 183, 278, 433 Achilles, 406, 460 agency theory, 581–5 on Attic pottery, 47, 51, 54–5, 466 François Vase, 585–90 on Black Sea pottery, 362 Myron’s Diskobolos, 591–4 on François Vase, 586–7 Euphronios krater, 590–591 on Parthenon Frieze, 160 Aglaophon, 434, 453 on Siphnian Treasury, 406–7 Agora of Athens, 34, 36–7, 36, Achilles Painter, 54–5, 492 113, 267 Achradina, 388 monuments, 435, 448 Acropolis of Athens, 33, 33–4, 141, Pausanias on, 580 141–2, 429, 662 see also agora; Stoa Poikile; Periklean building program, 155, 432 Hephaisteion pottery, 57, 271, 503, 565 agoras, 33–4, 35, 148–9, 346, 375, statues, 109, 112, 113, 129, 347, 425 380–381, 476, 580 see also Erechtheion; New Acropolis dining, 529–30 Museum Sagalassos, 348 acrolith, 28, 377, 379, 383, 385–6, South Italy and Sicily, 392 392, 394 agriculture, 354–5 acroteria, 139, 146–7, 164–6, 168–9 Agrippa, 607 Adikia, 444, 445–6, 454, 469 Aiane, 102 Aegean Sea, 25–7, COPYRIGHTED26 Aigina, MATERIAL44, 58, 90, 99, 459 Aeneas/Aeneid, 406, 601, 604–5 Temple of Aphaia, 139–40, 156, 157, Aeolis, 87, 90–91, 96 158, 165, 464 ‘Aeolian’ capital, 138, 332 Aeolian order, 138 Africans, 464–8 Ajax, 47, 51, 406, 571, 615 A Companion to Greek Art, First Edition. Edited by Tyler Jo Smith and Dimitris Plantzos. © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2018 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
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