

The Troad, region around Troy showing Dardanus, Mount Ida and other sites

Map showing Leaders and where they came from

Ganymede pouring Zeus a libation, Attic red-figure calyx krater by the Eucharides Painter, c. 490–480 BC, Met Museum

Zeus and Ganymede Amasis painter c. 550-540 BC Zeus courting Ganimede c. 450 BC, Pentesilea painter. Museo Archeologico Nazionale, .

Zeus pursuing Ganymede with hoop and cockerel, c. 500 BC The eagle, Ganymede wearing his Phrygian cap, and a third figure, possibly his grieving father, Roman

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Ganymede and the eagle Roman marble copy of original of c. 325 BC Ganymede and the eagle c. 160-170 AD Prado Copy of lost drawing by Michelangelo of Ganymede and the eagle 1532, Windsor

Laomedon Refusing Payment to Poseidon and Apollo C17th attributed to Joachim von Sandrart or Girolamo Troppa

Ganymede by Rubens 1611 and Rembrandt 1635

The Trojan sea-monster fighting with Heracles. Fragment of an Campanian red-figure krater c. 360 BC

Heracles and Hesione, mosaic, mid-C3rd, from Saint-Paul-Trois-Châteaux. Musée Avignon

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Hesione abandoned by Hercules in a mural from Pompeii Fresco fragment with Heracles and Hesione

Heracles saves Hesione from a C15th miniature Heracles, with Hesione behind, about to kill Laomedon. Terracotta flask

The Dying Warrior, fallen Trojan warrior, probably Laomedon, from the east pediment of the Temple of Aphaia, Greece c. 505–500 BC Oenone holding pan pipes, Paris and Eros from a sarcophagus with the Judgement of Paris, Roman, Hadrianic period C2nd AD. Palazzo Altemps, Rome

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Atreus and Thyestes Manuscript c. 1400

Statue sometimes thought to be Atreus killing the son of Thyestes

Atreus and Thyestes Maiolica plate Urbino c. 1540-1550

Etruscan mirror with Leda

Atreus and Thyestes on mural in Zákupy Castle, Czechia, c. 1700 Restored Roman statue of Leda and the Swan possibly after Timotheus, Prado Museum

Red figure Attic loutrophoros probably showing Leda and the Swan c. 340 BC, Getty Museum

Maiolica Plate with Leda and the Swan c. 1551

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Leda and the Swan by Gustave Moreau c.1870, Paris

Leda and the Swan after Michelangelo, C16th copy National Gallery

Castor and Polydeuces on krater of c. 700 BC, British Museum Zeus and Hera with the birth of Helen and the Dioscuri, Dutch maiolica, c. 1550, Rotterdam

Restored Roman C4th AD statues of the Dioscuri as Horse Tamers in the Piazza del Quirinale, Rome Roman Horse Tamers discovered c. 1560 now on the Capitoline Hill, Rome

5 29/07/2018

• Coin fo An

The Dioscuri Roman C1st BC, Prado The Dioscuri Meissen porcelain 1788, Coin of Antiochus VII of Syria c. 135 BC with the Dioscuri British Museum

The Dioscuri abducting the daughters of Leucippus, Hamilton vase c. 420-400 BC, British Museum

The Dioscuri on C2nd BC relief with Nike Castor on Niobid krater, Louvre

Rape of the Daughters of Leucippus by Rubens, c. 1618, Alte Pinakothek

Odysseus, Menelaus Clytemnestra and Palamedes on an Etruscan mirror from Caere

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Aeacus and Telamon by Jean-Michel Moreau le Jeune.

Theseus pursuing a woman, probably Helen from an Attic red-figure bell-krater c. 440–430 BC, Louvre

Nereid from the Nereid Monument from Lycia c. 380 BC, British Museum

Pele and Thethis (Peleus and ) from an Etruscan bronze mirror c. 350-325 BC from Vulci, British Museum

Peleus and Thetis between Chiron and another Nereid from an Attic black-figure Peleus and Thetis on a Boeotian black-figure dish c. 500–475 BC, Louvre amphora c. 510 BC, Munich

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Peleus and Thetis c. 350 BC, British Museum

Peleus pursues Thetis on an Attic red-figure pyxis c. 460 BC

Peleus and Thetis on an Attic red-figured by c. 490 BC from Vulci, Bibliothèque Peleus and Thetis on red figure Attic vessel Nationale de France, Paris

Peleus and Thetis on a kylix, Berlin Peleus and Thetis from an Attic red-figure pelike c. 510 BC–500 BC

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Peleus and Thetis from an Attic red-figure pelike c. 460 BC found in Bomarzo

The Portland Vase Roman C1st BC/AD, Peleus being led by Doris to the reclining Thetis, British Museum

Peleus from the Portland Vase

The Portland Vase scenes shown flattened out

Thetis from the Portland Vase

Peleus and Thetis on a red figure pyxis by Wedding Painter, Louvre

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Sophilos Dinos showing Peleus welcoming guests including Dionysos, Hebe and Chiron Sophilos Dinos with Marriage of Peleus and Thetis c. 580 , British Museum

Judgement of Paris on Boccanera terracotta plaques, Etruscan Cerveteri c. 560-550 BC, Golden Apple of Discord by Jacob Jordaens 1633, Prado British Museum

Judgement of Paris on Etruscan bronze mirror C4th-C3rd BC, Louvre

Helen preparing to depart with Paris on Boccanera terracotta plaques, Etruscan Cerveteri c. 560-550 BC, British Museum

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Judgement of Paris on Etruscan bronze mirror, Museo Archeologico, Siena Parody of the Judgement of Paris on an Etruscan cista c. 325-300 BC, British Museum

Judgement of Paris on an Attic Black-Figure Neck Amphora by Swing Painter c. 540-530 BC, Metropolitan Museum Judgement of Paris from an Attic black-figure c. 520–510 BC, Louvre

Judgement of Paris on Black Figure Amphora c.575-500 BC, Lyon

Judgement of Paris Black Figure Column Krater by Lydos c. 560-540 BC, British Museum

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Judgement of Paris Black Figure Column Krater by Lydos c. 560-540 BC, British Museum Judgement of Paris from an Attic Black Figure Amphora c. 510 BC, Munich

Judgement of Paris from an Attic black-figure amphora by the Witt Painter c. 560-550 BC, Louvre Judgement of Paris from an Attic Black Figure Hydria c. 510 BC from Vulci, Munich

Hermes asking Paris to arbitrate from a Lucanian Red Figure Calyx Krater c. 380 BC

Judgement of Paris from an Etruscan Black Figure Amphora c. 530 BC, Munich

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Judgement of Paris from Red Figure Hydria c. 470 BC, British Museum Judgement of Paris from a White Ground Pyxis c. 475 BC, Metropolitan Museum

Judgement of Paris from a Roman mosaic in the Western Archaeological Zone of Kos town

Judgement of Paris from a White Ground Pyxis c. 475 BC, Metropolitan Museum

Judgement of Paris in the Mosaic of the Amores, Cástulo Spain

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Judgement of Paris from a Roman fresco at Pompeii

Judgement of Paris from mosaic C4th AD from Casariche. Archaeological Museum of Seville, Spain

Judgement of Paris on a bronze coin of Roman Emperor Maximinus I 235-238 AD Three statues of Paris, in the British Museum (Roman but remodelled in C18th), in the Metropolitan by Canova and in Copenhagen Glyptotek by Bissen

Judgement of Paris from a manuscript of c. 1495

Judgement of Paris on maiolica dish c. 1565-1571 made in Urbino, Italy, Los Angeles County Museum

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Judgement of Paris on maiolica dish by Denis Lefebvre, France c. 1630-1640, British Museum Judgement of Paris on maiolica dish made in Gubbio, Italy in 1524, British Museum

Judgement of Paris by Botticelli c. 1485-1488, Galleria Cini, Venice

Judgement of Paris on maiolica late C19th after Raimondi, Metropolitan Museum

Judgement of Paris by Cranach c.1528, Judgement of Paris by Watteau c. the Metropolitan Museum 1720, Louvre

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Judgement of Paris by Kauffman c. 1781, Puerto Rico Venus and Cupid introducing Paris to Helen by Kauffman 1790, the Hermitage

Judgement of Paris by Mengs c. 1757, the Hermitage Judgement of Paris by Blake 1811, British Museum

Judgement of Paris by Claude c. 1745-1746, National Gallery Washington DC Judgement of Paris by Flaxman 1804

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Judgement of Paris by Giordano c. 1681-1683, the Hermitage Judgement of Paris by Wtewael c.1590-1638, National Gallery

Judgement of Paris by Rubens c. 1606 sketch Judgement of Paris by Rubens c. 1606, Prado

Judgement of Paris by Rubens 1625, National Gallery Judgement of Paris by Rubens c. 1636, National Gallery

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Judgement of Paris by Rubens c. 1638-1639, Prado Judgement of Paris by Renoir 1908-1910, Hiroshima

Judgement of Paris Panel-relief Judgement of Paris Probably Master I. P. Salzburg, Capodimonte, Capitoline Passau or Regensburg Bavaria Museum c. 1530, Victoria and Albert Museum

Judgement of Paris Mandore Signed Boissart 1640 Paris Pearwood, Victoria and Albert Museum

Paris and Helen (possibly) and ship on krater of c. 700 BC, British Museum

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Paris and Helen Red Figure vessel C4th BC

Paris and Helen (possibly) on krater of c. 700 BC, British Museum

The Rape of Helen by Primaticcio c. 1530–1539, Bowes Museum

Helen of Troy by de Morgan Helen and Paris by Reni 1631, Louvre Helen and Paris by David 1788, Louvre 1898, London

Thetis dipping Achilles in the River Styx by Banks 1789, Victoria and Albert Museum Thetis tries to burn away Achilles' mortal nature and gives him into the care of Chiron c. 1800 by Probst, Fine Arts Museums San Francisco

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Thetis dipping Achilles into the Styx by Rubens c. 1630-1635, Rotterdam

Thetis handing Achilles over to Chiron by Creti c. 1725,

'The Education of Achilles by Chiron' fresco from Herculaneum C1st AD, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, Naples

Achilles riding Chiron c. 500-480 BC, British Museum Chiron and Achilles c. 500 BC, Palermo

Achilles and Chiron from a Chiron, Peleus and infant Achilles from ‘The Golden Torch’ by Winifred Hutchinson 1914 sarcophagus c. 225 BC, Baths of Diocletian Chiron and Achilles by Sargent c. 1922-1925,

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The Education of Achilles by Barry c. 1772, Yale Center for British Art The Education of Achilles by Delacroix c. 1862, Getty Center

Thetis and Achilles with Chiron and the daughters of Lycomedes, Musée barrois Thetis entrusting Achilles to Chiron by Batoni 1770, The Hermitage

Achilles and the daughters of Lycomedes late Roman mosaic from La Olmeda, Spain

Achilles and the daughters of Lycomedes Roman sarcophagus, Louvre

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Heracles trying to abduct Auge bronze Corinth c. 330-300 BC, British Museum Achilles with the daughters of Lycomedes by de Bray 1664, National Museum Warsaw

Heracles and Telephos Roman copy Heracles and Telephos suckled by a deer from C1st AD of Greek original C4th BC Herculaneum C1st AD, Naples from Tivoli, Louvre Iphigenia in Aulis on Volute Krater c. 360 BC from Apulia, Italy, British Museum

Sacrifice of Iphigenia from Sacrifice of Iphigenia a Roman mosaic in C1st AD from Pompeii, Catalonia Naples

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Sacrifice of Iphigenia on bronze panel C18th, Rome

Sacrifice of Iphigenia by Tiepolo 1747-1750, Hamburger Kunsthalle

Sacrifice of Iphigenia by Tiepolo c. 1760, Sacrifice of Iphigenia by Tiepolo 1770, Venice Sacrifice of Iphigenia by Tiepolo 1757, Viacenza Schloss Weimar

The Anger of Achilles by David 1819, Fort Worth, Texas

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Heinrich Schliemann 1868 Sophia Schliemann wearing jewellery found at Troy 1873

Priam’s Treasure now in the Pushkin Hittite Drinking Cup from Troy c. 1200 BC excavated by Schliemann, British Museum Museum Moscow Priam’s Treasure from the Published Record

Owl Vessel from Troy 3000-2000 BC excavated by Schliemann, British Museum

Gold Cup from Troy c. 2000 BC excavated by Schliemann, Pushkin Museum Moscow

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Gold Bottle from Troy c. 2000 BC excavated by Schliemann, Pushkin Museum Moscow

Spindle-whorl from Tory 3000-2000 BC excavated by Schliemann, British Museum

Gold Bracelet from Troy c. 2000 BC excavated by Schliemann, Pushkin Museum Moscow

Gold Jewellery from Troy c. 2000 BC excavated by Schliemann, Pushkin Museum Moscow

Gold Cup from Troy c. 2000 BC excavated by Schliemann, Pushkin Museum Moscow

Gold Earrings from Troy c. 2000 BC excavated by Schliemann, Pushkin Museum Moscow

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Gold Pendant Earring from Troy c. 2000 BC excavated by Schliemann, Pushkin Museum Moscow

Gold Earrings from Troy c. 2000 BC excavated by Schliemann, Pushkin Museum Moscow

Bronze Warrior from Troy C7th-5th BC Gold Pins from Troy c. 2000 BC excavated by Schliemann, Pushkin Museum Moscow

Eastern bastion of Troy VI with Dorpfeld 1932

Successive Layers of Troy according to Dorpfeld

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Walls of Troy VI c 1300 BC

Pottery shards from Schliemann’s Mycenaean stirrup jar c. excavations at 1350 BC, Louvre Mycenae, British Museum

Mycenaean stirrup- Idol from Mycenae vase 1400-1200 BC, Museum of Fine Arts Rennes

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Mycenean figurines c. 1400 BC, British Museum

Mycenean bowl c. 1200 BC, British Museum

Copper and Bronze items recovered from Uluburun ship wreck, Bodrum Uluburun Shipwreck from C14th BC model ship, Bodrum

The Lion Gate at Mycenae built c. 1300-1250 BC

Approach to the Lion gate at Mycenae by Edward Dodwell 1810

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Interior of the Treasury of Atreus at Mycenae 1834

Grave stele from 5th grave at Mycenae showing warrior in chariot attacking foot soldier

Gold objects from the 4th grave shaft at Gold Mask and Seal from Mycenae excavated by Schliemann Schliemann’s excavations at Mycenae

Gold ring with inset Lapis Lazuli from the Aigina Treasure c. 1600 BC, British Museum

Gold jewellery from the Aigina Treasure c. 1600 BC, British Museum