Precambrian bedrock geology of the Pond Inlet–Mary River area, northern Baffin Island, Nunavut D.R. Skipton1, B.M. Saumur2, M.R. St-Onge2, N. Wodicka2, E.R. Bros2,3, A. Morin4, P. Brouillette4, O.M. Weller5 and S.T. Johnston3 1Natural Resources Canada, Geological Survey of Canada (Central), Ottawa, Ontario,
[email protected] 2Natural Resources Canada, Geological Survey of Canada (Central), Ottawa, Ontario 3Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta 4Natural Resources Canada, Geological Survey of Canada (Quebec), Québec, Quebec 5Department of Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom This work is part of the Geo-mapping for Energy and Minerals (GEM-2) Program on Baffin Island and is being led by the Geological Sur- vey of Canada (GSC) in collaboration with the Nunavut Arctic College, the Government of Nunavut Department of Economic Develop- ment and Transportation, the University of Alberta and the University of Cambridge. The study area comprises four 1:250 000 scale National Topographic System map areas south of Pond Inlet (NTS 37E–G,38B). The objective of this work is to complete the regional bed- rock mapping of northern Baffin Island and develop a new, modern, geoscience knowledge base for the region. Skipton, D.R., Saumur, B.M., St-Onge, M.R., Wodicka, N., Bros, E.R., Morin, A., Brouillette, P., Weller, O.M. and Johnston, S.T. 2017: Precambrian bedrock geology of the Pond Inlet–Mary River area, northern Baffin Island, Nunavut; in Summary of Activities 2017, Can- ada-Nunavut Geoscience Office, p. 49–68. Abstract This paper presents the field observations and initial interpretations stemming from six weeks of regional bedrock mapping during the summer of 2017 in the Pond Inlet–Mary River area (NTS 37G, 38B) of northern Baffin Island, Nunavut.