MARINE MAMMAL AERIAL SURVEYS IN ECLIPSE SOUND, MILNE INLET AND POND INLET, 1 AUGUST – 17 SEPTEMBER 2015 by for LGL DRAFT Report FA0059-2 15 March 2016 MARINE MAMMAL AERIAL SURVEYS IN ECLIPSE SOUND, MILNE INLET AND POND INLET, 1 AUGUST – 17 SEPTEMBER 2015 by Tannis A. Thomas, Scott Raborn, Robert E. Elliott and Valerie D. Moulton LGL Limited, environmental research associates P.O. Box 280, King City, ON L7B 1A6
[email protected] for Baffinland Iron Mines Corporation 2275 Upper Middle Road East, Suite 300 Oakville, ON L6H 0C3 LGL DRAFT Report FA0059-2 15 March 2016 Suggested format for citation: Thomas, T.A., S. Raborn, R.E. Elliott and V.D. Moulton. 2016. Marine mammal aerial surveys in Eclipse Sound, Milne Inlet and Pond Inlet, 1 August – 17 September 2015. LGL Draft Report No. FA0059-2. Prepared by LGL Limited, King City, ON for Baffinland Iron Mines Corporation, Oakville, ON. 85 p. + appendices. Page ii Disclaimer This technical report is considered a draft and is subject to review and input from the Marine Environment Working Group (MEWG) established for the Mary River Project. Page iii This page intentionally left blank. Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS Summary of Approach and Key Findings .................................................................................... xii Extensive Aerial Surveys ................................................................................................... xiii Photographic Surveys ........................................................................................................