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Gulags in – Jews Run Camps Used for Extermination of Christians

On June 13, 2013 ’s president Vladimir Putin said in his speech during the visit to the ’s Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center (Jews and tolerance? – LOL) that following the Bolshevik Revolution in October of 1917, Jews made up 80 to 85 percent of the first government of the Soviet Union. Jewish Telegraphic Agencyquoted Vladimir Putin with English translation of his speech said with reference to a library belonging to Rabbi Joseph I. Schneerson, the late leader of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement:

The decision to nationalize this library was made by the first Soviet government, whose composition was 80 to 85 percent Jewish.

If anyone has access to documents that prove this number to be correct, the president of Russia is him.

However, in stark contrast to reality, perhaps as an ass kissing gesture to the Jewish overmasters that controlled the Soviet Union from 1917 until 1991, or perhaps to not drive any more Jewish wreath upon himself, Vladimir Putin also said in the same speech (according to the official transcript) that during their control of the Soviet government, Jews supported the arrest and repression of all faiths. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Fact of a matter is, the Jewish Bolshevik government targeted Christians in particular for extermination, but protected fellow Jews. Jewish Bolshevik made any form of Anti-Semitism illegal and punished it by death. Accusations of anti Semitism were not investigated. Alleged usurpers were either directly executed or sent to one of the , the real extermination camps. Jewish made extermination of non Jews such an important part of their communist agenda, that the only time ’s voice was ever recorded on tape, it was when he made a speech denouncing anti-Semitism as counter-revolutionary.

Another little fact that proves that Jews in the Soviet Union did NOT arrest and repress all faiths were special privileges given to Jews by the government, which included the creation of the Jewish Autonomous Oblast – a separate homeland meant for Jews only, which exists to this day in Russia. Of course, after Jews moved in to occupy Palestine, many Jews from the Soviet Union and Europe were transported to the new Jewish state so the Jewish Autonomous Oblast experienced decline in Jewish population. Greatest Mass Murder in Human History

While exact figures will never be known, some 100 Million people, mostly Slavic Christians perished during the wide spread ethnic cleansing imposed upon Russia by the Jewish Bolsheviks during the 74 years of the Jews sponsored totalitarian . The vast number of innocent people massacred by the Jews was so great, it remains and will likely forever be the greatest mass murder in human history.

Shortly after the , some Russian patriots took to the arms and stood up to the murderous Jew, but utilizing unlimited financial resources raked in with usury worldwide, the Yids were able to crush the brave Russians and punish them severely. Enraged that some Russians had the nerve to uprise against the Jews, the Bolsheviks further punished the nation by going around and stripping peasants off their crops and food supplies, thus creating a huge famine (known as ) in which some 7 Million people died.

In late December 1917, one-quarter Jew, born to a Jewish family (his uncle was born Lev Davidovich Bronstein) Vladimir Lenin signed a decree calling for the establishment of The All-Russian Extraordinary Commission for Combating Counter-Revolution and Sabotage, also known as . While Cheka had a fancy name and purpose of so called Combating Counter-Revolution and Sabotage, what was really hiding behind the Counter-Revolution and Sabotage label was the need for extermination of anyone who in any way opposed the totalitarian submission of the Soviet Union to the Jewish demands.

Cheka quickly became the largest and exceptionally cruel enforcer of “exterminate every hint of anti Semitism and throw in as many Christians as can be” unwritten law. Because Cheka’s organizational structure changed every few years, so did the organization’s names which went from Cheka to GPU, later to NKVD, and later to KGB. Their purpose however remained vastly unchanged so systematic extermination of Christians continued by the millions each year. Shabbos Goy Serving Jews As is typical of the Jews, they controlled the system, but employed a number of properly indoctrinated Shabbos Goy who served as their pawns, doing their dirty work. It is similar to what you can see today – Kenyan is not a Jew, but serves the Jewish interests unconditionally. And so do Angela Merkel, David Cameron, François Hollande and other leaders of the Zionists Occupied Governments.

Joseph Stalin, whose real name was Iosif Vissarionovich Dzugashvili was a part Jew. He was born in present day Georgia, then part of Czarist Russia and at that time, it would have been unthinkable to give Jewish name to a non Jew. In Georgian language, Dzugash means Jew and Dzugashvili means Son of a Jew. Stalin also married women who were Jewish. Jews Behind Killings of Tens of Millions

What even Jews themselves don’t deny, is that in only 5 years of its initial operation (between 1917 and 1922), Cheka was responsible for at least 20 million deaths, which included victims of the forced collectivization, the hunger, large purges, expulsions, banishments, executions, and mass death at Gulags. Yet in their first 5 years of control over the Soviet Union, Jews were merely warming up to the much more widespread massacres which were yet to come.

Genrikh Yagoda, a Jew who implemented Stalin’s collectivization orders and who along with his deputies established and managed the extermination camps system is credited with personally executing at least 10 Million people. However after a few years of being the chief Soviet henchmen, no longer viewed favorably, mostly because of his support for and had him demoted, and later executed. His post of chief henchman was replaced in 1936 by an incredibly ruthless Shabbos Goy with a Jewess for wife by the name of Nikolai Yezhov, nicknamed the “bloodthirsty dwarf.”

Nikolai Yetzov was responsible for the . Author Robert Conquest who’s considered the foremost authority on the Great Purge estimated in his book that the death toll during the 1937 to 1938 Great Purge was around 10 Million. Of 8 Million who were taken into the Gulags during that time, only about 10 % survived. Many Jews quickly jumped on the bashing and discrediting bandwagon after the release of The Great Terror, trying to make it look as though Robert Conquest overestimated the death toll, however after the fall of communism, several Soviet scholars including Edvard Radzinsky and Dmitri Volkogonov published prominent exposés of a number of mass killings during Stalin and based on the documents they were able to obtain, way more than 10 Million people were killed by the Jews during the Great Purge. Keep in mind that that’s 10+ Million killed between 1937 and 1938 alone. The Gulags

Gulags were secret extermination camps established and managed by the Jews. They were used predominantly as a means of extermination of the “enemies of the nation“. Anyone seen unfavorable by the Jews was declared an enemy of the nation and was either executed on the spot or sent to a Gulag. Some actual criminals were also sometimes sent to the Gulags, but they were merely treated as criminals which compared to those who transgressed against the Jews, was like being on vacation in a ski resort.

Jews and their Shabbos Goy specifically employed and carefully selected to subject enemies of the nation to exceptionally cruet torture did things to the prisoners that none of us could possibly even fathom. Because Gulags were very secretive and few made it out of there alive, actual scale of atrocities may never be known. However to give you some idea of just what Gulag prisoners were subjected to, author Danzig Baldaev released a book titled “Drawings from the Gulag” which contains exactly what its title suggests.

Danzig Baldaev was not a prisoner in Gulag, he was a prison guard. He alleges that his book is a result of both his own experiences and a lifetime of research. While his drawings are nowhere near as accurate as the description in the authority literature on the Gulags – a book title The Gulag Archipelago (Архипелаг ГУЛАГ) by who was a prisoner in a Gulag himself – they provide an easy to understand visual interpretation of life in the infamous prison camps.

The drawings document such acts as drowning the enemies of the nation to death in a bucket of feces. Forcing the enemies of the nation to stand facing corner for days without rest, food or water until their feet swelled and they fainted, after which they were beaten and forced into the corner again. Forcing the enemies of the nation to sit on a roost in a desecrated church for days until someone fell off from exhaustion to receive beatings with a hose around their neck. Subjecting women to forced labor until their vaginas prolapsed. Beating and torturing prisoners senseless to make them confess to whatever the interrogators wanted them to confess to – and that’s all just a beginning.

It is also notable to mention that after the eruption of World War II, millions of Gulag prisoners were forced by the Jewish Bolsheviks to go fight against the Germans. They had Jews behind their lines waiting to shoot anyone who would fail to fight and then there also was the threat of them returning to the Gulag which was the most hellish place in the entire world so each would rather die on a battlefield than go back. That is a primary reason why Russians fought Germans so ferociously, even though Germans came to Russia as liberators, not conquerors.

As Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn wrote in Part V of The Gulag Archipelago:

For twenty years, the religion was being persecuted and the churches closed. The Germans came and began re-opening churches. In Rostov-on-Don the inauguration became a huge jubilation, that attracted lots of people. But of course they should have damned the Germans for that, eh?

Jews prosecuted Christians en masse and burned down hundreds of Christian churches. That is also why they employed the mockery with the roost in desecrated churches. After temporary liberation of parts of Russia by the Germans in WWII, people were spared senseless prosecution and mass executions by the Jewish Bolsheviks and had their churches reopened. But battered by the Jews as they were, and scared of them shitless because millions of their sons and daughters have been killed or taken to the Gulags, the threat of the Jew lashing back at them with even more savagery was a huge drawback.

It is really kind of funny that to this day, the Jews continue feeding us with their lies about the alleged Nazi extermination camps that never existed, yet in Russia they ran extermination camps we know existed, in which they’d killed more people than in any other event in history, but people are hardly told about it. And if they are, it is never clearly communicated that it was the Jews who were behind the Gulags and that it was the white Christians who were their primary targets set for extermination. It’s time for the world to know the truth about the greatest mass murderers of all time who to this day have not slowed down with the millions of innocent civilians they ethnically cleanse each year. Denial of Slavic genocide perpetrated by the Jews in the former Soviet Union is the denial of the greatest mass murder ever perpetrated in the history of mankind.

Without any further ado, below is an extensive gallery of drawings from the book by Danzig Baldaev titled “Drawings from the Gulag”. I accompanying each drawing with brief text explaining what the drawing is about:

Gulag Guards Set Dogs on Disobedient Inmate

Gulag Prisoners Used by Jews as Cannon Fodders in World War II

Gulag Escapees Often Resorted to Cannibalism to Survive in Harsh Russian Tundra

Humiliation of Christian Women by Jewish Bolsheviks in Gulags Some Gulag Prisoners Self Mutilated Themselves to Avoid Hard Labor

Lay Down! Get Up! Lay Down! Get Up! Lay Down! I’ll Teach You All to Love Our Jewish Regime!

Starved Gulag Inmates Scavenge Kitchen Waste

UFU (Physical Elimination Command) of NKVD Had a Mission to exterminate Gulag Prisoners En Masse

Gulag Prisoner Carried on a Stick Like Slain Game

Gulag Guards Took No Action to Prevent Fights Between Groups of Prisoners

Women Subjected to Hard Slave Labor in Sub Freezing Temperature in the Gulags Gulag Prisoners Paraded Before Prison Guards

Gulag Guards Sold Captured German, Polish and Baltic Women to Convicted Felons to Be Gang Raped as Sex Slaves

Jews Forced Imprisoned Christians to Sit on a Roost Inside a Desecrated Church for Days and Subjected Anyone Who Fell to Unspeakable Beatings

Strappado Was Another Popular Method to Extract Confessions form Enemies of the State in the Gulags

Plastic Bag Suffocation Combined wiht Beatings Was a Popular Method to Extract “Confessions” from Enemies of the State

Chained Enemy of the State Was Forced to Defecate Into His Own Food Bowl

Enemy of the State Being Drowned to Death in a Barrel of Feces Not Even Children Were Spared the Bloodthirst of the Jew

The NKVD Kept Entire Soviet Union in Fear by Employing a Thick Web of Snitches

Jews Gave NKVD Orders to Arrest 12 Men, So They Had to Find Someone to Arrest to Fulfill the Quota

After Entire Day of Slave Labor in Brutal Cold, All Gulag Inmates Could Hope for Was a Bit of Bread and Salt Soup

Hundreds of Victims of the Gulags Being Thrown in Pits Used as Mass Graves

To Spare Themselves from Grave Digging, Jewish Bolsheviks Buried Dead Inmates by Throwing Them in Freezing Rivers and Arctic Ocean Through Ice Holes

In Gulags, Jewish Bolsheviks Killed Tens of Millions with Hunger, Diseases and Slave Labor, Others Were Executed As Part of Torture, Christian Women Were Given to Convicted Criminals to Gang Rape at Will, Many Were So Brutalized, They Ate Soil to Commit Suicide

Brutal Beatings of Gulag Inmates by NKVD Jew Servants

Interrogated Enemies of the State Were Forced to Stand on Their Feet for Days Without Rest, Food, Water and Sleep. When Victims Fell Down Unconscious, They Were Beaten and Forced to Stand Again

Slavic Christian Subjected to Medieval Torture by NKVD Officers Is Being Dragged Back to His Cell

Overworked Women Suffered Vaginal Prolapses as a Result of Strain and Starvation in ITLs. Weakened and Ill Ones Were Finished Off by Deprivation of Food

Mass Execution of Enemies of the People by NKVD – These Mass Murders Began in 1920s in USLON (Solovetsk Special Camps Command), the Predecessor of Gulag, Creation of the Jew

While Building Gulags for Themselves, Enemies of the State Slept in Pits, Barely a Quarter Lasted Until Spring During Sub Freezing Temperatures, New Arrivals Were Watered with Fire Hoses from Watch Towers

Administrators of Ispravitelno-Trudovoi Lager (ITL) or Corrective Labor Camp Pick Their Sex Slaves from Among Family Members of Arrested Enemies of the Nation

Known for Thier Inbred Homosexuality, Jewish Bolsheviks Often Sodomized Inmates in Gulags by Inserting Large Objects Up Thier Anuses

Jewish Bolsheviks Carried Out Mass Executions of Christians, Murdering them by Tens of Million

Convicted Felons Were Allowed to Murdering Enemies of the Nation with Electrocution, Stabbing, Hanging, Decapitation, Insertion of Crowbar Into Anus, etc.

Prosecutor General Ordered NKVD Staff to Use Brutal Torture with Pump, Soldering Iron, Bottle Shoved Into Vagina or Anus, Rats Placed in the Heated Bucket, etc.

Jewish Henchman Chaps at the Skull of “Enemy of the Nation” Jewish Bolsheviks Valued Convicted Felons More than Devout Christians and Allowed Them to Wager Lives of Enemies of the State

Gulag Inmate Whose Life Was Lost in Card Game Is Being Pissed On Before Being Left to Freeze to Death

Tortured Gulag Inmate Confesses to Being an English, French, American, Japanese, Italian, German and Whatever Other Spy Jewish Bolsheviks Needed Him to Confess To

Gulag Prisoner Who Went on Hunger Strike Is Being Force Fed Through His Nostril