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Mb3 Ch245-247.Pptx 1 Ādi (225) 2 Sabhā (72) वशपायनै उवाच 3 Āranyaka Parva - 299 chapters Ris hi VihVaishampayana said, 4 Virāta (67) vaiśampāyana uvāca 5 Udyoga (197) 6 Bhīshma (117) 7 Drona (173) The story of Mudgala 8 Karna (69) 9 Shālya (64) Āranyaka Parva 10 Sauptika (18) 11 Strī (27) Chapter 245-7 12 Shānti (353) 13 Anushāsana (154) 14 Ashvamedhika (96) 15 Āshramavāsika (47) 16 Mausala (9) 17 Mahāprasthānika (3) Swami Tadatmananda 18 Svargārohana (5) Arsha Bodha Center वन े िनवसता तषाे कयचवथ कालय IthfIn the fores tftht, for those Then, at some time, vane nivasatāṁ teṣāṁ kasyacit tvatha kālasya पाडवाना महानाम ् | यास सयवतीसत | great PdPandavas dwe lling th ere, Vyasa, the son o f StSatyava ti, pāṇḍavānāṁ mahātmanām vyāsaḥ satyavatī-sutaḥ वषाय कादशातीये ु अाजगाम महायागीे eleven years were spent the great yogi, came varṣāṇyekādaśātīyuḥ ājagāma mahā-yogī कृ ेण भरतषभ || पाडवानवलाकके || in terrible misery, O King. to see the Pandavas. kṛcchreṇa bharata-rṣabha (245.1) pāṇḍavān avalokakaḥ (245.8) तानवये कृ शापाानै ् यास उवाच See ing those emac ia te d gran dc hildren Ris hi Vyasa said, tān avekṣya kṛśānpautrān vyāsa uvāca वन े वयेन जीवत | liv ing on f ruit s and root s i n th e f orest , vane vanyena jīvataḥ महषरन कपाथु म् the great sage, filled with compassion maharṣir anukampārtham अवीापगदम् || and choked with tears said, abravīdbāṣpa-gadgadam (245.11) युधर महाबाहाे तपसा े ह पर नात OihtO mighty Yu dhis hthira, No thing i s b ett er th an t apas. yudhiṣṭhira mahābāho tapaso hi paraṁ nāsti ण ु धमभृता वर | तपसा वदत े महत ् | foremost of the virtuous, listen. With tapas, one o bta ins great ness. śṛṇu dharma-bhṛtāṁ vara tapasā vindate mahat नाततपस पु नासाय तपस कद् One who undergoes no tapas Nothing is unattainable through tapas. nātapta-tapasaḥ putra nāsādhyaṁ tapasaḥ kiñcid ावत महसखम ् || इित बयवु भारत || does not gain great happiness. Understand thus, O Yudhishthira. prāpnuvanti mahat sukham (245.12) iti budhyasva bhārata (245.16) युधर उवाच भगवदानधमाणा Yu dhis hthira said, O Lor d, concerni ng th e prac tice o f c har ity yudhiṣṭhira uvāca bhagavan dāna-dharmāṇāṁ तपसा े वा महामुन े | and tapas, O great sage , tapaso vā mahāmune क वगुण ये which is better for the next life kiṁsvid bahu-guṇaṁ pretya क वा दकरमु ुयते || and which is more difficult to perform? kiṁ vā duṣkaram ucyate (245.26) यास उवाच दाना दकरतरु Ris hi Vyasa said, More difficult than charity vyāsa uvāca dānānnaduṣkarataraṁ पथयामतृ कन | is nothing in the world. pṛthivyām asti kiñcana तय दखाजु तय ैव What is gained with great difficulty tasya duḥkhārjitasyaivaṁ परयाग सदकरु || is exceedingly hard to give away. parityāgaḥ suduṣkaraḥ (245.27,30) पा े दान वपमप अायुदाहरतीमम् Even a little ch arit y t o a d eservi ng person, Abou t thi s, th ere is pātre dānaṁ svalpam api atrāpy udāharantīmam काले द यधरु | इितहास परातनु म् | O Yu dhis hthira, gitthihttiiven at the right time an ancittient story a btbout MdMudga la. kāle dattaṁ yudhiṣṭhira itihāsaṁ purātanam मनसा सवश ेन ीहाणपरयागादे ् with a pure heart, By giving away a single measure of corn, manasā suviśuddhena vrīhi-droṇa-parityāgād ेयानतफल तमृ ् || यफल ाप मुल || it gives limitless fruits in the next life. he obtained such (limitless) fruits. pretyānanta-phalaṁ smṛtam (245.33) yat phalaṁ prāpa mudgalaḥ (245.34) शलाछवे धृ मा ा त त शाव धम Liv ing on g leaned corn, pi ous, HiHearing a btthtibout that pious śiloñcha-vṛttir dharmātmā taṁ tu śuśrāva dharmiṣṭhaṁ मुल सशतत | मुल सशततम ् | andfid firm i n vows was MdMudga la, MdMudga laoffif firm vows, mudgalaḥ saṁśita-vrataḥ mudgalaṁ saṁśita-vratam अासीाजकु ेे दवाु सा नपृ दवासास् living in Kurukshetra, O King, the naked rishi Durvasa āsīdrājan kuru-kṣetre durvāsā nṛpa dig-vāsās सयवागनसूयक || तमथायाजगाम ह || truthful and free of malice. then went to meet him. satya-vāg-anasūyakaḥ (246.3) tam athābhyājagāma ha (246.11) बािनयत वषमे ् अभगयाथ त वम् Disp lay ing hi s unusual d ress hihaving approach hded MdMudga la, bibhrac cāniyataṁ veṣam abhigamyātha taṁ vipram उ इव पाडव | उवाच मिनसमु | like a crazy person, O Yu dhis hthira, the grea t sage Durvasa said, unmatta iva pāṇḍava uvāca muni-sattamaḥ वकच पषा वाचाे अाथनमनाु bare-headed, uttering various insults, “f“To get some food vikacaḥ paruṣā vāco annārthinam anuprāptaṁ याहरववधा मुिन || व मा मिनसमु || the sage Durvasa ... have I come, O sage.” vyāharan vividhā muniḥ (246.12) viddhi māṁ muni-sattama (246.13) तततद रसवत् न चाय मानस कद् Then, MdMudgal l’a’s fhfdfresh food NtlditbfNo mental disturbance of MdMudga la tatas tad-annaṁ rasavat na cāsya mānasaṁ kiñcid स एव धयावत | वकार दश े मुिन | that crazy Durvasa, stitric ken w ithhith hunger, did Durvasa observe. sa eva kṣudhayānvitaḥ vikāraṁ dadṛśe muniḥ बुभुज े कृ मु शसवय श स enjoyed completely. Only the pure-hearted Mudgala’s bubhuje kṛtsnam unmattaḥ śuddha-sattvasya śuddhaṁ sa ादा ै च मुल || दश े िनमल मन || Mudgala gave it to him. taintless mind did he see. prādāt tasmai ca mudgalaḥ (246.16) dadṛśe nirmalaṁ manaḥ (246.22) तमवाचु तत ीत इयेव वदततय Then bei ng pl eased , While such was b ei ng said tam uvāca tataḥ prītaḥ ity evaṁ vadatas tasya स मुिनमलु तदा | तदा दवाु ससा े मनु े | the sage Durvasa said to MdMudgal a, bthby the rihiishi Durvasa, sa munir mudgalaṁ tadā tadā durvāsaso muneḥ वसमा े नात लाके े ऽन् देवदताू े वमानने “There is no one like you in the world a divine messenger on a celestial vehicle tvat-samo nāsti loke 'smin deva-dūto vimānena दाता मासयवजत || मुल युपथत || who can give without resentment.” appeared before Mudgala. dātā mātsarya-varjitaḥ (246.23) mudgalaṁ pratyupasthitaḥ (246.30) उवाच चनै वष तमवे वादनमषरृ ् The divi ne messenger said t o MdMudga la, MdMudga la, bibeing a ddressed dth thus, uvāca cainaṁ vipra-rṣiṁ tam evaṁ vādinam ṛṣir वमान कमभजतम ् | देवदतमू ुवाच ह | “By your acti ons, you have acqu ired thi s cel esti al vehi cl e. said to th e di vi ne messenger, vimānaṁ karmabhir jitam deva-dūtam uvāca ha समुपाराहे सस वगे वगसख क च Climb aboard! “What happiness is in heaven samupāroha saṁsiddhiṁ svarge svarga-sukhaṁ kiṁ ca ााऽसे परमा मनु े || दाषाे े वा देवदतकू क|| You have achieved supreme perfection, O sage.” and what defects, O messenger?” prāpto 'si paramāṁ mune (246.32) doṣovā deva-dūtaka (246.33,34) देवदतू उवाच न पपास े न लािनर् The divi ne messenger said , In heaven, there is no h unger or thi rst , nor d ecay, deva-dūta uvāca na kṣut-pipāse na glānir न शीताणभये तथा | nor ffldhtfear of cold or heat, na śītoṣṇa-bhayaṁ tathā बीभसमशभ वाप nor anything disgusting or unclean, bībhatsam aśubhaṁ vāpi राेगा वा त के चन || nor any kind of illness. rogā vā tatra kecana (247.9,10) ईश स मनु े लाके एतवगसख व O MdMudga la, suchldh worlds O MdMudga la, the happ iness of heaven īdṛśaḥ sa mune lokaḥ etat svarga-sukhaṁ vipra वकमफलहते क | लाकाे नानावधातथा | are acquired as a result of one’s actions. ifis foun did in many ce les tiltial real ms. svakarma-phala-hetukaḥ lokā nānā-vidhāstathā दापाु परमा सर् गुणा वगय ााते े This supreme attainment is gained with difficulty, I have told you the qualities of heaven, duṣprāpā paramā siddhir guṇāḥ svargasya proktāste अगया कामगाेचरै || दाषानपे िनबाधे मे || unobtainable to those driven by desire. now learn the defects from me. agamyā kāma-gocaraiḥ (247.12, 24) doṣān api nibodha me (247.27) कृ तय कमणत सखयामनकाना The resu lts of past acti ons For those w ith m in ds fill ed with h eavenl y h appi ness, kṛtasya karmaṇas tatra sukha-vyāpta-manaskānāṁ भुयते यफल दव | पतन य मलु | are enjdihjoyed in heaven. getting re born el sewh ere, O MdMudga la, bhujyate yat phalaṁ divi patanaṁ yac ca mudgala न चाययते कम असताषे परतापाे Further actions cannot be done brings discontent and regret na cānyat kriyate karma asantoṣaḥ parītāpo मूलछेदेन भुयते || ा दतरा य || while the past results are being enjoyed. after having seen the glories of heaven. mūla-cchedena bhujyate (247.28) dṛṣṭvā dīptatarāḥ śriyaḥ (247.29,30) मुल उवाच पतन तहखु MdMudgal asaid, Fa lling from h eaven b ri ngs great suff eri ng, mudgala uvāca patanaṁ tan mahad duḥkhaṁ परताप सदाण | andtd severe regret. paritāpaḥ sudāruṇaḥ वगभाजवतीह Those who enjoy heaven will fall, returning here. svarga-bhājaś cyavantīha तावग न कामये || Therefore I do not desire heaven. tasmātsvargaṁ na kāmaye (247.39) य गवा न शाेचत इयुा स मिनवाु Where th ey d o not suff er, HiHaving spo ken thus, MdMudga la yatra gatvā na śocanti ity uktvā sa munir vākyaṁ न यथत चलत वा | देवदतू वसृय तम ् | flditfeel distress, or t ravel lfth further, tkltook leave o fthdiif the divine messenger.
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