From Rig-Veda to Upanishads
McMASTER UNIVERSITY LIBRARY THE AMERICAN LECTURES ON THE HISTORY OF RELIGIONS. I. Buddhism.—The History and Literature of Bud dhism. By T. W. Rhys-Davids, LL.D., Ph.D. II. Primitive Religions.—The Religions of Primitive Peoples. By D. G. Brinton, A.M., M.D., LL.D., Sc.D. III. Israel.—Jewish Religions. Life after the Exile. By Rev. T. K. Cheyne, M.A., D.D. IV. Israel.—Religion of Israel to the Exile. By Karl Budde, D.D. V. Ancient Egyptians.—The Religion of the Ancient Egyptians. By G. Steindorff, Ph.D. VI. Religion in Japan.—The Development of Re ligion in Japan. By George W. Knox, D.D. VII. The Veda.—The Religion of the Veda. By Maurice Bloomfdjld, Ph.D., LL.D. In activepreparation : VIII. Islam.—The Religion of Islam. By Iguaz Goldziher, Ph.D., Litt.D. G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS NEW YORK AND LONDON AMERICAN LECTURES ON THE HISTORY OF RELIGIONS SERIES— SEVENTH 1906-1907 THE RELIGION OFTHE VEDA THE ANCIENT RELIGION OF INDIA (From Rig-Veda to Upanishads) BY MAURICE BLOOMFIELD, Ph.D., LL.D. Professor of Sanskrit and Comparative Philology in Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS NEW YORK AND LONDON Zbe "ftntcfcerbocher press 1908 Copyright, 1008 BY G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS TEbe lttUcfterbocfter ©re»g, new Jtort PREFACE. THIS volume reproduces with some little ampli fication six lectures on the Religion of the Veda given before various learned institutions of America during the fall and winter of 1906-07. The period of time and the amount of literature embraced in the term Vedic are large ; moreover any discussion of this religion that deserves the name must also include a glance at the prehistoric periods which preceded the religion of the Veda.
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