Appendix F: Agency, Operator, and Organization Comments Received
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LONG BRIDGE PROJECT 111Connecting North ond South Through our Notion'sCopitol Appendix F: Agency, Operator, and Organization Comments Received Federal Agency Comments United States Environmental Protection Agency ........................................................................ F-1 United States Department of the Interior ................................................................................... F-5 Federal Aviation Administration ........................................................................................... F-10 National Capital Planning Commission .................................................................................. F-11 National Marine Fisheries Service ......................................................................................... F-14 State, Local, and Regional Agency Comments District Councilmember Silverman ........................................................................................ F-18 District Department of Energy and Environment ................................................................... F-19 DC Water ............................................................................................................................. F-21 Northern Virginia Transportation Commission ...................................................................... F-25 Potomac and Rappahannock Transportation Commission ..................................................... F-27 Virginia Railway Express ....................................................................................................... F-29 Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority ................................................................. F-30 City of Alexandria ................................................................................................................. F-32 Arlington County Board ........................................................................................................ F-34 North Carolina Department of Transportation ...................................................................... F-36 LONG BRIDGE PROJECT 111Connecting North ond South Through our Notion'sCopitol Operator Comments Amtrak ................................................................................................................................. F-38 CSX Transportation .............................................................................................................. F-42 Other Organization Comments Alexandria Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee ........................................................... F-52 Audubon Naturalist Society ....................................................................................................... F-53 Committee of 100 of the Federal City ....................................................................................... F-55 Crystal City Civic Association ...................................................................................................... F-58 Friends of Long Bridge Park ....................................................................................................... F-60 Friends of Mount Vernon Trail ................................................................................................... F-62 Greater Washington Partnership ............................................................................................... F-63 National Ferry Corporation ........................................................................................................ F-65 Regional Transportation Alliance (North Carolina) ................................................................... F-68 Southern Environmental Law Center ......................................................................................... F-69 Washington Area Bicyclist Association ...................................................................................... F-73 Washington Marina Company ................................................................................................... F-74 Virginians for High Speed Rail ............................................................................................................ F-79 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY REGION Ill 1650 Arch Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103-2029 October 25, 2019 Anna Chamberlin Neighborhood Planning Manage and Sustainability Division District Department of Transportation 55 M Street SE, Suite 400 Washington DC 20003 David Valenstein Railroad Policy and Development Federal Rail Administration 1200 New Jersey Ave SE Washington, DC 20590 Re: Draft Environmental Impact Statement and Draft Section 4(F) Evaluation, Long Bridge Project. District of Columbia and Arlington VA, CEQ #20190221 Dear Ms. Chamberlain and Mr. Valenstein: In accordance with the National Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969, Section 309 of the Clean Air Act and the Council on Environmental Quality regulations implementing NEPA ( 40 CFR 1500-1508), the U.S. Environmental protection Agency (EPA) has reviewed the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) and the District Department of Transportation (DDOT) Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for the Long Bridge Project. The proposed project would provide needed additional long-tenn railroad capacity to address planning year 2040 and improve the reliability of railroad service through the Long Bridge Corridor from Arlington, Virginia and L'Enfant (LE) Interlocking near 10th Street in the District of Columbia. The purpose and need of the Proposed Action are to provide additional rail capacity and to improve the reliability of railroad service through the Long Bridge Corridor. Currently, there is insufficient capacity, resiliency, and redundancy to accommodate the projected demand in future railroad services. The Proposed Action is needed to address these issues and to ensure the Long Bridge Corridor continues to serve as a critical link connecting the local, regional, and national transportation network. We appreciate the thoroughness of the document's alternatives discussion and the coordination done by FRA with resource agencies including the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS). We suggest that the final EIS (FElS) provide more detail on the coordination, including future coordination, with NMFS. It is noted in the DEIS that impact to submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) is likely from a t.Jft Printed ,m 100% reeycledlrecyc/able pllper with 100% post-consumer fiber am/ pmceu chlori11e free. Customer Service Hotline: J-800-438-2474 F-1 new structure crossing the Potomac River. SAV has important function as aquatic habitat and in water quality. EPA recommends consideration of mitigation for the potential loss of SAV resource. As design plans advance, EPA recommends FRA investigate opportunities for the placement of green infrastructure best management practices (BMPs) in the study area to further capture stormwater runoff from entering the Potomac River. Please see more detail in our attached technical comments. We ask that you consider our comments in this letter and enclosure in preparation of the FEIS. We would also welcome the opportunity to discuss any of these comments. Please feel free to contact me at (215) 814-3322 or [email protected] or Ralph Spagnolo at (215) 814-2718, spagnolo.ralph( with any comments or questions. Sincerely, Barbara Rudnick NEPA Program Coordinator Office of Communities, Tribes & Environmental Assessment F-2 Enclosure Detailed Comments for Draft Environmental Impact Statement Long Bridge Project EPA has the following recommendations for consideration in the development of the final EIS: Natural Ecological Systems (Section 5. 4. 1) Terrestrial vegetation (Section The preferred Action Alternative A will have permanent impacts to 3.7 acres of narrow strips of vegetation along the linear footprint of the proposed bridge. It is recommended that impacts to this vegetation be minimized and if permanent impacts result, we encourage consideration of compensatory mitigation for the loss of resource. SA V ( The DEIS states that there is potential permanent impact a total of 2,650 square feet of SAV from the pier construction and shading from the new deck, and some additional impact from the pedestrian walkway, based on the latest aerial survey performed by the Virginia Institute for Marine Science in 2017 (VIMS). If these impacts cannot be avoided, we recommend that compensating for the permanent loss be considered by FRA. Additionally, if there is a possibility of indirect impacts to SAV beds downstream in the Potomac River, resulting from scour and deposition from the installation of crossing piers, EPA suggests addressing minimization of these potential impacts in the FEIS. As VIMS has not performed a complete SAV survey since 2017, it may be prudent and beneficial to perform multi-year field surveys of the existing SAV beds prior to construction to update available information on the SAV resource condition and coverage in the local area. EPA would appreciate an opportunity to contribute and participate in the SAV field survey planning and implementation. Rare, Threatened and Endangered Species ( EPA appreciates continued coordination with the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) as the project proceeds forward, including consultation to determine recommendations on time-of-year restrictions and minimization techniques to migrating fish species. We suggest that the FEIS explain what measures will be implemented to minimize the impacts