NTSB Accident Report
TRANSPORTATION SAFETII! BOARD AIRCRAFT ACCIDENT l$EPOfiT,, . !!;, , I,_ .: I ‘/ AlR FLORIIDA, INC. -: BOEING 737-222, N62AF ‘, .- COLLISION WITH 14TH STRFET BRIIDGE, -c ,+ . NEAR WASHINGTON NATIONAL AIRPO!iT .I . - WASHINGTON, I).C. JANUARY 13,1982 .---.--NTSB-AAR-82-8 --.__.._- _ ,c. I i e __- ’ ‘““‘Y’ED STATES GOVERNMENT I / f -4 . -~~sB-qjAR-82-8 1 PB82-910408 & . Ti t le and Subt i t le Aircraft -4ccident Report-- S.Report Date Air Florida, Inc., Boeing 737-222, N62AF, Collision August lo-, 1982 with 14th Street Bridge, Near Washington National 6.Performing Organization Airport, Washington, D.C., January 13. 1982. Code 7. Author(s) 8.Performing Organization Report No. I I I q. Performing Organization Name and Address 1 lO.Work Unit No. 3453-B I National Transportation Safety Board 11 .Contract or Grant No. Bureau of Accident Investigation H I Washington, D.C. 20594 / 13.Type of Report and 1 Period Covered 12.Sponsoring Agency Name and Address Aircraft Accident Report January 13, 1982 NATIONAL TRANSPORTATION SAFETY BOARD Washington, D. C. 20594 14.Sponsoring Agency Code . lY.Supplementary Notes 16.Abstract On January 13, 1982, Air Florida Flight 90, a Boeing 737-222 (N62AF), was a scheduled- flight to Fort Lauderdale, Florida, from Washington National Airport, Washington, D.C. There were 74 passengers, including 3 infants, and 5 crewmembers on board. The flight’s scheduled departure time was delayed about 1 hour 45 minutes due to a moderate to heavy snowfall which necessitated the temporary closing of the airport. Following takeoff from runway 36, which was made with snow and/or ice adhering to the aircraft, the aircraft at 1601 e.s.t.
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