
May 19, 2014

Kurdistan PM Nechirvan Barzani is in London

Erbil: PM Nechirvan Barzani starts on Sunday a visit to Britain on a formal invitation. The delegation will meet during his visit with a number of ministers and British officials, to discuss relations between the and Britain and ways of strengthening them, as well as discussing a number of important issues related to trade and energy. Ekurd.net

May 20, 2014

Kurdistan PM Nechirvan Barzani meets Britain’s Hague

London: Kurdistan Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani and his accompanying delegation on Monday met with British Foreign Secretary William Hague to discuss bilateral relations and current political issues. krg.org

May 21, 2014

Kurdistan president asks Nechirvan Barzani and his deputy Qubad Talabani to form a new government

Erbil: President of Kurdistan Region, Masoud Barzani, asked on Tuesday both Nechirvan Barzani and Talabani Qubad to form the new Regional government. ninanews.com

Parliamentary claims to cancel anti-terrorism law in Kurdistan

Erbil: A group of MPs of Kurdistan Parliament have submitted on Wednesday, a bill to Presidency of the Parliament to cancel anti- terrorism law in Kurdistan region, No. 3 of 2003, claiming to include it within the work program of the parliament sessions for next the period. shafaaq.com

Masoud Barzani to visit France and Italy

Erbil: Kurdistan Region President Masoud Barzani will visit France and Italy in the coming days. The President will meet French President François Hollande in Paris and Pope Francis in the Vatican. Krp.org

Supporters blame KDP for weak result in parliament polls

Erbil: The supporters of Masoud Barzani's Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) are blaming KDP for the unexpected weak result the party achieved in the parliament election on April 30. Kurdpress.ir

University graduates accuse KRG of Injustice

Erbil: University graduates demonstrated on Tuesday against the Kurdistan Regional Government’s (KRG) policies regarding employing individuals according to favoritism. Many graduates who come from Garmyan/ Kalar, 254 km from Erbil, capital city of the Kurdistan region, demanded the government not to employ people based on nepotism and to only hire graduates through a legal recruitment process. Knnc.net

KNN Kurdish journalist shot at by unidentified gunman

Sulaimaniyah: A KNN correspondent in Chamchamal, 139 km from Sulaimaniyah, was shot by an unidentified gunman. knnc.net

May 22, 2014

Masoud Barzani reveals his wealth for the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) Commission

Erbil: President of the Kurdistan Region, Masoud Barzani, has revealed his wealth for the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) Commission of Integrity by filling out the commission’s form. basnews.com | Ekurd.net

Kurdistan signs memorandum of understanding for joint cooperation with UK

Erbil: The spokesman for the Kurdistan Regional Government KRG, Safeen Dizayee announced that a memorandum of understanding for joint cooperation and coordination between the Kurdistan government and the British government was signed during the visit by Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani to Britain. krg.org

Kurdistan and UN implement service projects in Syrian refugee Dumez camp Duhok: Duhok province in Kurdistan Region announced on Thursday, signing two contracts with two organizations belonging to the United Nations for the implementation of a number of service projects in Dumez camp, which includes thousands of Syrian refugees. Shafaaq.com

May 23, 2014

US State Department worried about oil export from Iraqi Kurdistan

Washington: US. State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki has said that the shipment of oil from Iraqi Kurdistan region to world market via Turkey without the approval of Baghdad is a matter of concern for the States. Firatnews.com

Kurdish security, Asayish forces, arrest terrorist who plotted to blow up al- Hakim Hussainia Mosque in Sulaimaniyah

Sulaimaniyah: Asayish Directorate in the City of Sulaimaniyah announced the arrest of a terrorist who plotted Friday to blow up al- Hakim Hussainia Mosque in the City during Jummu'ah (Friday Prayer). Pukmedia.com

May 24, 2014

Qubad Talabani: PUK will have Candidate for Iraqi Presidency Post

Sulaimaniyah: Iraqi President's son and Kurdistan Region’s newly-appointed Deputy Prime Minister Qubad Talabani, has revealed that the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) has a candidate for the Iraqi presidency post. basnews.com

May 25, 2014

Kurdish Alliance: Kurdistan Region’s sale of oil region is a result of cutting salaries of its staff

Baghdad: Kurdish Alliance said on Sunday, that the move of Kurdistan Region to sell its oil to the international markets is a result of cutting the salaries of the staffs of the region by the federal government. shafaaq.com

Iran builds 70 military posts across Iraqi Kurdistan Region border

Sulaimaniyah: Iranian military forces have revealed that the Iranian Government will close down a number of borders between the Kurdistan Region of and Iran. Basnews.com


May 19, 2014

Foreign investment in Kurdistan tops $39b; more investor friendly law expected

Erbil: Overseas investments in the Kurdistan Region have topped $39 billion, and the investment law is being amended to make it more attractive to foreign investors.rudaw.net

May 21, 2014

Nechirvan Barzani discusses in London to open an air route with Kurdistan London: Prime Minister of Kurdistan region, Nechirvan Barzani met, in the last day of his visit to the United Kingdom, with the British Minister of Transport and State for International Cooperation. ninanews.com

May 25, 2014

Kurdistan’s population is over 5 million people

Erbil: The Statistics Bureau of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) revealed that by the end of 2014 the population of th e Kurdistan Region will reach 5,330,000 people. In an interview with the Anadolu Agency, the chairman of the Statistics Bureau of the KRG Sirwan Mohammed expressed doubts regarding the accuracy of the statistics released by the federal government of Iraq, which claim that the Kurdistan Region has a population less than five million people. Mohammed stressed that the population of Kurdistan is approximately 5,200,000 people based on the numbers that they found in 2009. He expects the number is to reach 5,330,000 by the end of 2014 with 49% female and 51% male. He pointed out that the yearly growth rate of the populations in all provinces of Kurdistan is 2.7%, thus 130,150 and Duhok Province has the biggest growth rate followed by Erbil and Sulaimaniyah. Mohammed also mentioned that the percentage of poverty in the Kurdistan Region is 3.3% and the unemployment rate is 6.5%. basnews.com