ANNUAL REPORT Sommaire p. 4 Editorial p. 6 CGE's activities Higher Education Institutions' Digital Strategies and the CGE's Digital Accreditation 18 May 2017 Symposium "Promoting Campus Diversity" Symposium p. 1O Thematic forlder Incubators of higher education and research institutions and their impact on the economic development of territories CGE accreditations and continuing vocational training: challenges and perspectives p. 15 Activity report of the commission International relations p. 16 CGE’s observatory on Higher Education 2O17 mobility survey 2O17 insertion survey The Conférence des grandes écoles p. 24 The Grandes écoles : major players in higher education and research The CGE at a glance CGE Organisational Chart Executive Committee Strategic Orientation Committee (COS) Board Secretariat CGE's member school CGE members companies and organisations Conception, illustrations et mise en pages vir ule Valérie Latchague Causse
[email protected] 06 81 69 14 99 vir ule Crédits photos © Christian Jacquet © Fotolia Editorial Anne-Lucie Wack President – Conférence des grandes écoles A Pioneering Vision for Higher Education During the 2O16-2O17 term, the CGE multiplied and intensified its meetings with the candidates' campaigns and with representatives, companies, associations and foundations, as well as other socio-economic partners, to develop its pioneering vision for higher education, based on a pragmatic approach with specific ideas and on one major goal: making young people successful1. These suggestions were revealed on 29 September 2O16 at the Palais du Luxembourg in Paris and extensively reported by the press. They served as guidelines for more intense discussions on a national and regional level, thanks to regional conference presidents in the French regions of Bretagne, Pays de la Loire, Aquitaine, Hauts-de-France, Provence-Alpes- Côte-d'Azur, Occitanie, Rhône-Alpes, etc.